The most important pony. What is the name of my little pony everyone

My Little Pony is a children's cartoon produced by the animation studio Hasbro, part of the franchise of the same name, owned by the same company. The first episode of the first season of the show aired on October 10, 2010.

In the animated series, whose title was officially translated into Russian as "Friendship is a miracle", the action takes place in the fictional country of Equestria. Basically, Equestria is inhabited by intelligent ponies, as well as other fantastic creatures (griffins and dragons) and ordinary animals (rabbits, dogs, cats, and others).

The world of Equestria is full of magic, and almost no one in the country of ponies can do without it. For example, it is with the help of magic that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna control the time of day, raising the Sun or Moon at the right time.

All characters" May Little Ponies ”in total, there are more than a hundred, but most of them are secondary and they appear in the cartoon only from time to time. Basically, the plot is built around 6 main characters.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle)

We can say that it was with this pony that the action of the entire animated series began.

Twilight Sparkle (in the official Russian adaptation - Twilight Sparkle) is a lilac-colored unicorn pony with purple eyes. Twilight's tail and mane are made up of three colors: navy blue, purple, and hot pink. Her cutie mark is a pink six-pointed star surrounded by five smaller white stars.

At the very beginning of the series, Twilight Sparkle is shown to the viewer as a pony who loves to learn and that's it. free time spends for books, preferring them to communication and walks with friends. However, everything changes when Princess Celestia asks Twilight to travel to Ponyville to supervise preparations for the festival.

Rarity (Rarity)

Of all the My Little Pony characters, Rarity can be called the most fashionable and elegant. Like Twilight Sparkle, she is a unicorn, but that's where the similarities between them end.

Rarity is a white pony whose mane and tail are dark purple and whose eyes are bright blue. From English, her name literally translates as "rarity", which fully characterizes this pony: Rarity loves everything unusual, knowing a lot about true beauty. Her cutie mark is 3 blue crystals.


Pony Fluttershy is a light yellow pegasus. Her mane and tail are soft pink, and her eyes are turquoise. This pony's cutie mark is 3 pink butterflies.

Fluttershy was the most shy and shy of all the My Little Pony characters before meeting Twilight Sparkle and the others. In the first episode of the animated series, she spoke in a quiet unintelligible voice and could not even pronounce her name, but after meeting new friends, she became more confident in herself.

Pony Fluttershy loves animals and strives to constantly take care of them. She is able to communicate with them and understand, and also has an innate talent - a special look allows ponies to control animals.

In her forest house, Fluttershy sheltered a large number of different representatives of the fauna, but her favorite pet is a white rabbit named Angel.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash)

One of the fastest among all the My Little Pony characters is Rainbow Dash. She is a light blue pegasus with lilac eyes, and her mane and tail are colored in the colors of the rainbow. The pony's cutie mark is also related to this - a rainbow-colored lightning bolt from a white cloud.

Rainbow Dash is the complete opposite of Fluttershy: bold, self-confident and daring. Sometimes Rainbow can be a little rude, which causes her to have conflicts with friends, but in reality she is very kind and always ready to help.

Rainbow Dash's main duty is to monitor the weather in Ponyville, clearing the sky of clouds. When meeting Twilight Sparkle for the first time, Rainbow Dash says that she can disperse all the clouds in 10 seconds, which is the fastest result among all the ponies in the city.

Pinkie Pie

In addition to pegasi and unicorns, Equestria is also inhabited by ordinary ponies, which are most similar to real horses. One of them is Pinkie Pie (Pinkamina Diana Pie). This pony is a pale pink with a mane and tail of a brighter shade. Her eyes are light blue and her cutie mark is 3 balloons.

Most of all, this pony loves sweets and parties. She works at a local bakery where she helps Mr. and Mrs. Cake bake cupcakes and cakes. Cooking is her main talent. Pinky also loves music and knows how to play many musical instruments.

Pinkie Pie is very cheerful and cheerful, which sometimes goes to the extreme. There is practically nothing that could make her sad, but sometimes, due to increased emotionality, her joy can abruptly change to sadness, bordering on depression.

Apple Jack

Applejack is an orange green-eyed pony with a wheat-colored mane and tail. Her distinguishing mark is 3 red apples.

Applejack from My Little Pony lives and works on the Sweet Apple family farm, where, in addition to her, Applejack's brother Big McIntosh, Apple Bloom's younger sister, and Granny Smith also work.

Applejack is a reliable and hardworking pony, but she can be overly stubborn at times. In almost every episode of the animated series, Epjack demonstrates her honesty and straightforwardness - qualities for which all her friends appreciate her.

My Little Pony full list of characters

My little pony pony list

main characters

Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle (commonly called just Twilight), Applejack and Fluttershy. There are six of them , they are the main characters of the series, so it is with them that it is best to start the collection. And it is desirable to supplement with princesses Celestia and Luna (only it’s very difficult to find them in the mini-version!).


sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle; Twilight Sparkle).

Twilight Sparkle, or just Sparkle ( Twilight Sparkle; Twilight Sparkle) - a unicorn, and from episode 13 of the 3rd season -, light purple body color, mane and tail are blue, have purple and pink stripes.

Twilight is Princess Celestia's best student. Loves science, magic, reads books

sparkle embodies element of magic.

The distinguishing mark is a dark pink six-pointed star, which covers a white six-pointed star with five white stars around.


applejack (applejack).

applejack (applejack) - orange earth pony with green eyes and a yellow mane, there are freckles. Very kind, attentive and reliable horse, you can rely on it.

On Applejack's head is a cowboy hat. Her extended Apple family lives at Apple Alley Farm ( Sweet Apple Acres) on the outskirts of Ponyville and is mainly engaged in growing apples, selling them and baking delicious apple sweets.

Applejack embodies element of honesty.

The distinguishing mark is three red apples.

Rainbow, Rainbow Dash

rainbow dash (Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash.

rainbow dash (Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash is a sky blue pegasus with hot pink eyes and a rainbow colored mane and tail.

Rainbow - the pony is very brave and bold, her job is to disperse the clouds, she flies very fast. He dreams of joining the famous team of the best flyers in Equestria - Wonderbolts.

rainbow embodies fidelity element.

A distinctive sign is a red-yellow-blue lightning under a small cloud.


Rarity (Rarity)- Rarity.

Rarity (Rarity)- Rarity is a unicorn fashion designer who works at her own boutique Carousel. Violet beautifully styled mane and white body. She likes to sew, she likes cleanliness and order.

Rarity embodies element of generosity.

The distinguishing mark is three blue crystals.

Lotus Blossom is a blue pony with a pink tail and mane and a white headband.

Aloe - on the contrary, pink with blue mane and tail. Same headband white color, white neck decoration, just like Lotus Blossom. Icon - lotus flower.

Apple Sprout

Among the Pony soft toys you can find the Apple Sprout toy: My Little Pony So Soft Newborn Apple Sprout. She is on sale and in Russia.

Baby pony Apple Sprout is very affectionate and kind. The toy can talk, sings 3 songs, laughs. Pony height: 22 cm. Bottle height: 7.5 cm.

Full list of characters
My little pony. My Little Pony

Applejack - Applejack
Pinkie Pie - Pinkie Pie
Fluttershy - Fluttershy
Rainbow Dash
Rarity - Rarity
Twilight Sparkle - Sparkle
Apple Bloom - Apple Bloom
Scootaloo - Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle - Sweetie Belle
Big McIntosh - Big McIntosh
Granny Smith - Granny Smith
Cheerilee - Cheerilee
Silver Spoon - Silver Spoon
Snails - Snails
Snips - Snips
Twist - Twist
Hoity Toity
Photo Finish
Derpy Hooves
Lightning Dust
Flam and Flim, brothers
Soarin - Soarin
Babs Seed
Diamond Tiara - Tiara

Princess Cadance - Princess Cadance
Princess Celestia - Princess Celestia
Princess Luna - Princess Luna
King Sombra - King Sombra
Shining Armor

Mr. and Mrs. Cake are the owners of Sugarcube, Pinkie Pie's employers. Mr. and Mrs. Cake are the owners of Sugarcube Corner and Pinkie Pie's employers and landlords, as they rent the loft above the shop to her.

See the description of the pony on the list above at the beginning of the article. For descriptions and pictures of the ponies listed below, see the catalog under the article.

Caramel - Caramel, middle name - Chance-A-Lot. ATTENTION! Chance-A-Lot is actually a pony Caramel, just in some series is under this name. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Mr. Carrot Cake - Mr. Carrot Cake
Mrs. Cup Cake - Mrs. Carrot Cake
Filthy Rich
Ms. Harshwhinny
Mayor Mare - Mayor of Ponyville
Ms. Peachbottom
Sapphire Shores
Daring Do
Pegasus royal guards - Princess Celestia and Luna's guards, Pegasus
Spitfire - captain of the Wonderbolts (acrobats)
Fancy Pants - important unicorn, sign - three crowns
Joe - confectioner, sign - donut
Prince Blueblood - Prince Blue Blood
The Great and Powerful Trixie - Trixie
Unicorn royal guards - unicorn guards
Featherweight - schoolboy, pegasus
Pipsqueak, short for just Pip
Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are twin foals Mr. and Mrs. Cake "s, Pegasus boy, unicorn girl
Aunt Orange - aunt Orange (orange), sign - three slices of orange
Uncle Orange - Uncle Orange
Pinkie's dad - Pinkie's dad
Clyde - Clyde
Pinkie's mom - Pinkie's mom
Sue - Sue
Granny Smith "s father - Granny Smith's dad
Granny Smith "s mother - Granny Smith's mother
Pokey Oaks is one of three songs from The Best Night Ever
Sew'n Sow
Stinkin' Rich

Apple family.

apple bumpkin
Apple Cider
Apple Cinnamon
Apple Cobbler
Apple Dumpling
Apple Fritter
Apple Leaves
apple pie
apple rose
Apple Split
Apple Strudel
apple tarty
Apple Top

Apple Bud
Apple Crumble
Apple Flora
Apple Mint
Apple Squash

Auntie Applesauce
Barber Groomsby
candy apples
Caramel Apple
Curly Cobbler
Golden Delicious
Half Baked Apple
Happy trails
Hayseed Turnip Truck
Marmalade Jalapeno Popette
Peach Sweet
pink lady
Prairie Tune
Red Delicious
Magnet Bolt
Red Gala

Golden Delicious, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony.

Violet Fritter
Twilight's dad - Sparkle's father
night light
Twilight "s mom - Sparkle's mom
Twilight Velvet
Rarity "s dad - Rarity's father
Magnum - Magnum
Rarity "s mom - Rarity's mom
Pearl - Pearl (pearl)
Pinkie's sister - Pinkie's sister
Blinkie Pie
Inkie Pie
Liberty Belle
red june
Sweet Tooth
All Aboard
Apple bottom
Apple Bread
Apple Munchies
apple slice
Apricot Bow
Beauty Brass
Bell Perin
Belle Star
Berry Dreams
Berry Frost
Berry Ice
Berry Punch
big wig
Bill Neigh
Black stone
Blue Bonnet
blue harvest
bottle cap
Mr. Breezy
Brindle Young
Bruce Mane
Burnt Oak
candy mane
Candy Twirl
Charcoal Bakes
Charlie Coal
Chelsea Porcelain
Cherry Berry
Cherry Fizzy
Cherry Jubilee
Cherry Strudel
Cherry Spices
Chilly Puddle
classy clover
clip clop
Creme Brulee

Pony Daisy - Daisy.

Dainty Dove
Dosie Dough
Elphaba Trot
Emerald Beacon
Evening Star
Film Reel
forest spirit
Frederic Horseshoepin
Fuzzy Slippers
G. Raff
Ginger Gold
golden harvest
Grape Crush
Mr. Greenhooves
Flash Pony
hairy tipper
Hard Knocks
Harpo Parish Nadermane
Harry Trotter
Hay Fever
The Headless Horse
high style
Dr. Hooves
Horse, M.D.
Horte Cuisine
Hugh Jelly
Ice Drop
Jeff "The Dude" Letrotski
Jesus Pezuna
Jim Beam
John Bull
Knit Knot
Lemon Chiffon
Lilac Links
lily valley
Linked Hearts
Little Po
Lotus Blossom
lucky clover
Lyrica Lilac
Mane Goodall
Mango Juice
Maroon Carrot
Meadow Song
midnight fun
Mint Swirl
Morton Saltworthy
Nurse Coldheart
Nurse Redheart
Nurse Sweetheart
Nurse Tenderheart
Oakey Doke
Octavia Melody
The Olden Pony
Oregon Trail
paisley pastel
Pampered Pearl
Peachey Cream
picture perfect
Pine Breeze
pipe down
Pish Posh
Pitch perfect
Play Write
Post haste
Powder Rouge
Pretty Vision
Tan coat blond mane green suit pony
purple haze
purple wave
Raggedy Doctor
reflective rock
Regal Candent
Regal Candent
Rick Shaw
Royal Riff
Salt Lick
Sandy Soles
screw loose
Sheriff Silverstar
snappy scoop
Soigne Folio
spring water
Squeaky clean
Strawberry Cream
Sun Streak
Sunset Bliss
Swan Dive
Sweetie Drops
Swift Justice
Theodore Donald "Donny" Kerabatsos
Tourist Trap
tree sap
tropical spring
Twilight Sky
Uncle Wing
Vanilla Sweets
Wacky Hair Day and Spray
Mr. Waddle
Bowling Pony
wildwood flower
William Wright
Winter Withers
Yooess Dee
Yooess Dee
Mr. Zippy
Amber Waves
Arctic Lily
Autumn Gem
Berry Splash
Check Mate
chocolate haze
Crystal Arrow
Dandy Brush
Fleur de Verre
golden glitter
honey tone
honey comb
long jump
night knight
purple polish
Rapid Rush
Rose Quartz
Sapphire Rose
sugar glass
Sunshine Splash
Mosely Orange
winnow wind
Glass Slipper
Opal Bloom
fire streak
high winds
Lightning Streak
misty fly
Silver Lining
wave chill
Crescent Pony
crescent moon
April Showers
Blue October / Blueberry Muffin
Blue Skies
Blueberry Cloud
bluebird happiness
Bon Voyage
Candy Floss
Cappuccino / Luke
Chocolate Blueberry
Cinnamon Swirl
cloud break
Cloud Kicker
Cloud Showers
Crafty Crate
Cream Tangerine
deep blue
Diamond Rose
Dizzy Twister
Dollar / Cashier / Money Shot
Dumb Bell
Dust Devil
electric blue
Endless Clouds
Flash bulb
Golden Delicious
Golden Glory
Graceful Falls
Grape Soda
Great Scott
green gem
Jack Hammer
juicy fruit
Lavender Skies
Lightning Bolt
Lime Jelly
Lucy Packard
Merry May
midnight strike
milky way
Nana Knits
Northern Lights
Opal Water
orange blossom
orange box
Peppermint Crunch
pink cloud

Rainbow Wishes, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony.

Prism Strider

Pumpkin Tart
Q. T. Prism
rain dance
Rainbow Drop
Rainbow Wishes
Silver Script
snow flight
Special Delivery
Spring Skies
star hunter
Starsong/Sugar Apple
Strawberry Sunrise

Sunny Ray, episode 3 2012, My Little Pony, her coat color changing from pink to yellow. The color changes from pink to yellow, the sign is three suns. She's got a lot of ideas, she's smart. Sunny Rays "has a lot of bright ideas to share." Her cutie mark is three suns.


Sunny Rays
The Tenth Doctor / Doctor Whooves #3
tiger lily
Tin tailor
Tracy Flash/Shutterfly
Under D. Weather / Tropical Storm
Vanilla Skies
wild fire
Cadet #2
wild flower
Wish Wishes
Yo-Yo / Gumdrop
Allie Way
Amethyst Star
Apple Polish
Apple Stars
Banana Fluff
Black Marble
Blue Belle
Brass Blare
bright ideas
Chocolate Sun
chocolate tail

Diamond Rose, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony. Likes to give gifts to friends. Diamond Rose loves to get special gifts for each of her friends when she goes on vacation!

cold front
comet tail
Crystal Clear
Diamond Mint
DJ Pon-3
Doctor Stable
Earl Gray
Flank Sinatra
Fleur Dis Lee
fly wishes
Gold Slipper
Holly Dash
Hors D'oeuvre
The Inquisitor
jet set
Lemon Hearts
Lemon Gem
Lyra Heartstrings
Marey Fetlock
Maxie / Madmax
Monochrome Sunset
Neon lights

Breezie, Episode 3 2012, My Little Pony. His cutie mark is a four-bladed fan. The sign is a fan with 4 blades.

Noble Laureate
North Pole
Ocean Breeze
Orchid Dew
Perry Pierce
Doctor Whoof-3
Pokey Pierce
Quick Fix
Raty / Polly
Rhythm / Night Shade
Rosewood Brook
Rosie Tyler
Royal Ribbon
sea ​​spray
sea ​​swirl
south field
spring fresh
star bright
Star Dream / Sky Dream
Strawberry Lime
sweet dreams
Top Notch
Upper Crust
Vance Van Vendington
Violet Velvet
Written Script
Amethyst Beat
Apple Bytes
bee bop
Berry Pinch
blueberry cake
brown sugar
Caramel Coffee
Checkered Flag
Chip Mint
Cotton Cloudy
Cotton top
Cream Puff
Cyan Skies
Dinky Doo
little pony
Ginger Snap
Grace Lightning
green daze
High Score
Honey Drop
Hot Wheels
Key lime
Lemon Daze

Lemon Scratch

Lickety Split
Lily Dache
Mango Dash
Nursery Rhyme
Peach Petal
Peach Pie
Pina Colada
Pinkie Feather
Princess Erroria
Purpletastic / Purpleskies
Rainy Feather

Piña Colada, pony Pina Colada, pale pink, green eyes. Piña Colada has a pale pink coat color, a pink mane and green eyes.

Shady Daze
Shining Star
Sugar Plum
Sun Glimmer
Sunny Daze
sweet pop
sweet tarts
Tootsie Flute
Tornado Bolt
Teacher's Pet
Truffle Shuffle
Crafty Crate
crescent moon
green gem
Jack Hammer
Lyra Heartstrings
star hunter
The Tenth Doctor / Doctor Whooves
Tin tailor
Meadow Song
Twilight Sky

Princess Erroria, vanilla color, purple mane-tail. Princess Erroria is a female filly with a vanilla coat, wisteria mane and tail, and blue irises, and appears on the show as four different kinds of pony, including as an alicorn in the episode Lesson Zero.

Horte Cuisine

Lucy Packard
Red Gala
Swan Dive
Liberty Belle
Princess Erroria
red june
Tornado Bolt
Prince Blue Dream
Chancellor Puddinghead
smart cookies
Commander Hurricane
Ditzy Doo
Private Pansy
Princess Golden Dream
Clover the Clever
Princess Platinum
Star Swirl the Bearded
Unicorn King
Apple Brioches

Tornado Bolt, Tornado Bolt. Light gray pony girl, pegasus.

Apple Brown Betty

Apple Cinnamon Crisp
Apple Tart
Babs Seed's big sis
baked apples
Calamity Mane
Crystal Queen
granny pie
Mr. Kingpin
Nana Pinkie
Wild Bull Hickok

My little pony list, pictures and descriptions

Transparent series Soarin - Soarin

Peachy Sweet, episode 1 2013, My Little Pony, her sign is pie. Her cutie mark is a pie.

Chance-A-Lot, Episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. ATTENTION! Chance-e-lot is actually a pony Caramel, just in some series it is under this name. He is called Chance-A-Lot in some merchandise.

Magnet Bolt Episode 1 2013 My Little Pony

Sassaflash, 1 episode 2013, My Little Pony, pegasus, sign - two lightning bolts. Sassaflash is a female Pegasus pony with a pale turquoise coat, vanilla mane and tail, carrot orange eyes, and a cutie mark of two lightning bolts.

Twilight Sky, Episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. Twilight Sky Over Canterlot. The nature of magic and how it may be fueled by hope, dreams, friendship and love is broached several times.

Cherry Spices II Episode 1 2013 My Little Pony

Merry May, Episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. Sign - three suns, Pegasus. Merry May is a female Pegasus pony with a spring bud coat, plum mane and tail with a lavender pink streak, amaranth pink eyes, and a cutie mark of three suns.

Mosely Orange Episode 1 2013 My Little Pony

Roseluck, Episode 1 2013, My Little Pony. The icon is a rose. Roseluck is a yellow colored background pony. Roseluck has a two-tone pink tail, moderate green eyes, and her cutie mark is a rose.

Minuette, 1 episode 2013, My Little Pony. Unicorn girl, blue-blue, sign - hourglass. Minuette is a female unicorn pony with a Maya blue coat, periwinkle mane and tail with a pigmented blue streak, steel blue eyes, and a cutie mark of an hourglass.

Braeburn - Earth pony, Applejack's cousin, Granny Smith's taste.

Braeburn is an Earth pony from Appleloosa and is Applejack, Big McIntosh, and Apple Bloom's cousin, and Granny Smith's grandson.

Caramel is a supporting earth pony (not the main character). Light brown, with brown tail and mane.

Caramel is a background male Earth pony in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. He has a light brown coat with a darker brown mane.

Filfi Rich - earth pony, Tiara's father. The name - filthy rich - means that he is very rich.

Filthy Rich is an Earth pony and Diamond Tiara"s father. His name is based on the phrase Filthy rich, referring to someone very wealthy.

Miss Harshwinnie is the overseer of the games in Equestria.

Ms. Harshwhinny appears in the episode Games Ponies Play. She is the real Equestria games inspector and was originally confused with Ms. Peachbottom.

Mayor Mare, she is the mayor of the city of Ponyville, an earth pony. Often makes different speeches in the cartoon.

Mayor Mare, the mayor of Ponyville, is a tan Earth pony. She is frequently depicted giving speeches.

Miss Peachbottom, appears in an episode of Games Ponies Play.

Pony Sapphire Shores. The name is translated as sapphire shores.

Daring Do is the main character in the Daring Do book series. name means daring, bold, active.

Daring Do is the main character of the Daring Do book series.

Derpy Hooves - gray pegasus, cross-eyed pony.

Derpy Hooves is a gray Pegasus pony whose name was given by the show's internet following due to her having a cross-eyed "derpy" expression in the first episode.

Royal guards - a group of white and dark gray pegasi, unicorns, earth ponies, in golden guard attire, guard Princess Celestia and Luna.

The royal guards are a group of white and dark gray Pegasus, unicorn, and Earth pony stallions clad in gold-colored armor, who serve Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

Great and Powerful Trixie. Trixie, great and powerful.

Fancy Pants, one of the most important ponies in Canterlot: his surroundings often change their minds and agree with
fancy pants. Unicorn, the horn is very long. Icon - three crowns with precious stones.

Joe (Joe) - unicorn pony, confectioner. His sign is a donut.

Prince Blueblood - Prince Blue Blood. Unicorn lives in Canterlot. Represents the English nobility, nobility. Sign - two 4-pointed stars, yellow over blue.

Unicorn royal guards - unicorns-guards.

Featherweight is a school-age Pegasus colt and a friend of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Pony schoolboy, pegasus. Featherweight (translation - featherweight) refers to his thinness, this is the name of the lightest weight in boxing.

Pipsqueak - Pipsqueak. Briefly - just Pip (Pip), a young earth pony. Dressed as a pirate at Luna's party. The name means that he is smaller than other ponies. Pipsqueak or pip is a young Earth pony from Trottingham. Looks like Pip Charles Dickens.

Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake are twin foals Mr. and Mrs. Cake "s. Here is Pound Cake. He is a pegasus boy.

And here is Pumpkin Cake, the second twin. She's a unicorn girl.

Aunt Orange - Aunt Orange (orange), sign - three slices of orange.

  • My little Pony - Roseluck
  • Alien mini ponies
  • My little Pony 3 pony sets list
  • Crystal and metal ponies
  • Mini pony, 1 series 2013, 4 figures
  • New My Little Pony ponies
  • My little Pony Episode 3 2013 - Neon Ponies
  • Pony - Rainbow and Princess Cadance figures
  • My Little Pony: Crystal Lulamoon
  • My Little Pony wedding. Bridesmaid pony
  • Babysitting (Cake Family Babysitting), My Little Pony

Among the children's premieres of autumn.

If your voice is there too, or if your child has already put you in front of the need to go to the movies, we advise you to familiarize yourself with a short list of facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle", and you do not need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a movie franchise with a rich history, the following will come in handy. Briefly, to the point and with 100% effect on the part of the child - “mom, do you know who it is ?!”.

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each unique, amazing and diverse in its own way. As you may have already noticed, everyone here is called “ponies”, but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasi and alicorns. Yes, these are those with a horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are the recognized elite and always-forever princesses. No, no one has seen the alicorn boys yet.

Now you have to sprinkle names (and even in two translations!), But you don’t need to memorize them - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own favorite. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the inner world of a child.

Also, ponies have special insignia - that is, pictures on the croup - they get in the process of growing up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character, diligent and kind, loves to study, order and clear planning. Suffering from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, at times skeptical and cynical. Sparkle has a cutie mark with a star, because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical land called Equestria (you don’t have to remember the name). Her “element of harmony” (a mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season, an alicorn, which automatically raises her to a host of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings put to them.


In a word, fashionista. A unicorn fashion designer whose business is as beautiful as it is amazing (because ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The distinction is crystals, she simply adores them, after all, these are the best friends of girls ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, magnificent and unceremonious, a Pegasus who made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she is still impudent), loves adventure books, stupid jokes and dreams of flying in big sports, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just a "cutie", a timid, shy animal lover. A Pegasus that is afraid of flying, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, Fluttershy has a core inside. With all the external introversion and naivety, sometimes she is very surprising.

The insignia is butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Excuse me, pony.

Pinkie Pie

A pony whose calling is parties, fun and all the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, or rather, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her unbreakable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party organizer, embodies joy and laughter, the insignia is balloons. Weehu!


No, this is not the name of alcohol, but real name pony. There should be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we'll just say that it's unrealistically cool. And strong.

You can exhale, the main characters are over. Let's just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special "friendship magic" with the help of the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also single hardworking girls in their 20s. No, there are also male characters in the series. Sometimes.

Ponies are much older than you think

These big-eyed bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also there, just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that worked (rare).


This is what ponies look like from the 80s. Those are still chubby. Nevertheless, many of the external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Armors" exist

This is how fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is a “fandom”. And yes, there are a lot of grown men among them. They will come to cinemas with the children and you. Fear not - the "bronies" are extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

And more globally: the “fandom” of the pony is able to compete with similar communities in Star Wars or Harry Potter. Yes, dear, before us is a real cult.

Ponies make the world a better place

Follows from the previous point. "My little pony" steadily pulls people out of depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and further down the list. In general, life changes dramatically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very safe in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of the child's personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposite opinions that they kill children. You, of course, decide who to listen to. But we are in solidarity with psychologists and consider the series to be very good. All in the name of friendship magic!

They are very poorly localized here.

With us, they talk like flat cardboard boxes. Just "My little pony» We were extremely unlucky with localization, especially with the translation of names - you yourself could already notice this. The debate about whether Twilight or Twilight is called main character will rage for decades to come.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more fortunate - at least dubbing did not cause nausea in early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there

Do not ponies alone this universe is alive. A variety of dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every turn, and in the film there will be even more of this goodness. At the same time, some animals are reasonable, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder what is the relationship between the upright talking cat from the movie and the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

Especially good here mythological creatures, both from our legends, like griffins and manticores, and self-invented. Yes, Discord, we're talking about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. In the film, we will see mermaid ponies - a great addition, don't you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But that's it, don't worry about it.

The series is much more dramatic than you think.

And you may well like it. At least the storylines are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, affecting the plot only in so far as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very mature things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deceit and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is also impressive. At the same time, in the plots, everything always goes according to plan and not according to patterns, there are secrets that are carefully transferred from season to season, "chips", twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really interesting to watch for adults too.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that My little pony has a lot of delicious things hidden in it. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all kinds of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you can not remember this point: the feature film was oriented to the children's audience. But there is a chance that some of this joy will be left to parents.

Here's Aria Cadance, a dramatic moment from the Season 2 finale, with a werewolf villain pretending to be a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy a kind of "children's" series.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic(abbreviated as MLP:FiM) is a 2010 animated series about little ponies living in the fantasy fantasy land of Equestria and their various adventures. Corresponds to the fourth generation (G4) of pony toys (created by Hasbro), before it there were a couple of franchise animated series filmed in the 80s. Formally, all series are a kind of addition to the main products (that is, toys for children), but only MLP: FiM has become interesting for adults as it is, in many respects - thanks to cute (albeit uncomplicated) animation, bright, memorable characters, original productions of series , as well as winrar voice acting. We can say that this is a very successful remake of the old series.

The series was created by animator Lauren Faust based on her own drawings - redesigned and stylized from old characters from the first generation of Ponies. Faust posted her drawings on DeviantArt, where Hasbro spotted her. Also involved in the project is Rob Renzetti, creator of the animated series My Life as a Teenage Robot. Cartoon technology - two-dimensional Flash animation. At the moment, the network has 26 episodes in English, which make up the first season, as well as Russian subtitles. In the fall of 2011, the show of the second season began.


Main characters

From left to right:
Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy.
Above: Rainbow Dash

  • Pinkie Pie- an eccentric, eccentric (sometimes to the point of insanity), but super-cheerful, cheerful and very energetic earth pony. She knows how to bake muffins and other confectionery products, which she does (however, most of the sweets are immediately eaten by her right on the spot). He likes to have parties and write songs.
  • Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)- Pegasus pony, one of the least feminine ponies among the whole six. In fact, it is a local incarnation of Sonic. He flies very fast, (he knows how to switch to supersonic), loves speed, likes to flaunt his talents in front of an audience or challenge someone, does not tolerate something boring. Likes to snore while others work. Like most pegasi, he is engaged in weather control: i.e. clears the sky from clouds, or vice versa, drives them together.
  • Rarity- unicorn fashion designer, owns a boutique and sews clothes. Fashion, glamour, grace, a sense of style and the ability to be beautiful - all this is about her. In such matters, she is scrupulous to the point of boring, which is expressed in most cases by the fear of getting dirty (and as a result, the rejection of hard work), allowing the slightest mess in her boutique, or even the fear of being caught in the rain, which will ruin her hair.
  • Twilight Sparkle- the main character of the series, a unicorn magician. Thorough, thoughtful, punctual. She leads a rather reclusive life, studying books on magic and in general, she only lacks glasses to become a nerd. As a result, a normal full-fledged life with all its attributes, which her friends offer her, often turns out to be a curiosity for her. Lives with his assistant - a small dragon (baby dragon), Spike, studies the Magic of Friendship, for which, apparently, he receives a scholarship or something.
  • AppleJack (AppleJack)- an earth pony, a farmer and a cowgirl (if this word can be applied to a pony at all). The most down-to-earth pony of all six, the most pragmatic and, in most cases, sensible. Almost does not have cockroaches in her head - as a result, she is hardworking, reliable and knows what she is doing. A little rude. Together with the extensive Apple family, he owns farmlands where apples are grown. In addition to actually working on the farm, he sells apples and is not afraid of dirty work. The only one of the six who wears a headdress - a cowboy hat, which she almost never parted with. Oh yeah, he speaks with a Texan accent.
  • Fluttershy- a very quiet, shy and timid Pegasus pony. He is engaged in taking care of wild animals. In ordinary life - extremely soft and shy. He rarely speaks, and if he does, it is very quiet, barely audible. However, to her, as to no one else, the saying about a still whirlpool is applicable. And this is no accident.
  • Spike- as already noted, the dragon, Twilight's assistant, to whom he treats like an older sister. By nature, he is straightforward, ironic (sometimes to the point of sarcasm), a little foppish. He likes to sleep, although he always tries to conscientiously fulfill his duties, which include cleaning the house, searching for the right books in the library, sending correspondence, and so on. He has a deep sympathy for Rarity, for which he is ready to go to the ends of the earth. In case of any trouble, he almost always manages to get out of the water dry, it is not known whether due to his natural resourcefulness, or damn luck.

Minor Heroes

  • Princess Luna- Celestia's younger sister, also an alicorn. According to the myth, one day she did not like the fact that during her reign all the subjects rested in a deep sleep, while her sister was in the center of attention every day. Here her evil alter ego, Nightmare Moon, manifested itself. Nightmare Moon tried to overthrow Celestia, but was unsuccessful, for which she was exiled to the moon for a period of 1000 years forever. In the first season, he appears only in the pilot episode, in the second - in the Luna Eclipsed series. I must say, created and cherished (for all her time of absence) by many of the armor, the image of a quiet nerd in this series was thoroughly destroyed, partly by the eccentric behavior of the princess, partly by her CANTERLOT ROYAL CAPS VOICE.
  • Trixie (Trixie)- a unicorn pony who also studies magic, like Twilight, but on a very casual level. She arrived in Ponyville to show everyone her magical abilities (or rather, the abilities of a magician), and also boast of her coolness. Appears in only one episode of the first season.
  • Mark Detectors (Cutie Mark Crusaders)- a trio of funny young ponies - Applebloom (Applebloom), Scootaloo (Scootaloo) and Sweetie Belle (Sweetie Belle) - who, unlike their peers, still do not have marks of fate, which makes them very upset. Having united, they called themselves Markseekers and began to look for their vocation wherever possible, sometimes delivering to others (and sometimes to themselves) non-illusory problems. They often quarrel and argue among themselves.
  • Big Macintosh- Applejack's older brother, a large and strong pony. His catchphrase "E-eyup" (i.e. "A-agams"), pronounced slowly, with a drawl on the first syllable, perfectly emphasizes his equanimity.
  • Zecora (Zecora)- a zebra living in Ponyville - or rather not in itself, but in the nearby part of the Everfree Forest. She speaks in allegories, brews potions and other magical things, which is clearly opposed to Twilight with her scientific approach to the study of magic. Initially, she was considered almost a universal evil in Ponyville, because of her mystical mystery, but in reality she turned out to be friendly and loyal. He speaks with an African accent.
  • The Wonderbolts- a group of pegasi performing all sorts of tricks in the air, similar to those that take place at an air show. Wonderbolts are present at many celebrations and, in combination, are idols for Rainbow Dash.
  • Discord is a sentient product of chaotic chromosome replication, a local adaptation of the Joker. The main villain of the two opening episodes of the second season. It is a creature with the head of a pony, the limbs of a horse, dragon, griffin and lion, and the tail of a dragon; locally - "drakonakis". According to the plot, he ruled Equestria until the appearance of Celestia and Luna, keeping the country in constant chaos and unrest. Subsequently, he was overthrown and turned into a concrete statue. Discord is not stupid and quite prudent, despite the outward frivolity. He has a passion for eccentric antics and mocking speeches, as well as for all sorts of jokes that seem funny to him.

Some interesting facts

  • Form of government in Equestria - absolute monarchy. All power belongs to one pony, more precisely, an alicorn - Princess Celestia (although everything is much more interesting than it seems at first glance). In the fan community, there are quite a few theories regarding this very power in general, and Celestia in particular. Not all of them are consistent with universal Love and Mutual Understanding.
  • Discord openly denounces Celestia regarding her attitude towards her enemies and possibly her methods of retaining power: "After all, I don't turn ponies to stone!"
  • In addition to, in fact, the board, Celestia is in charge of the change of day (after the exile of Nightmare Moon to the moon - and nights too) and it is to her that Twilight is accountable for the execution of her work - the study of the Magic of Friendship.
  • Celestia is the only owner of adult body proportions, as well as "ethereal" mane and tail. Luna, although similar to her sister, is slightly smaller than Celestia and differs from her in her "normal" tail and mane. Nightmare Moon, in turn, is much more like Celestia in body proportions, and in addition, her tail and mane are also "ethereal".
  • The palace in Canterlot is the second residence of the princesses. The first, for unknown reasons, was abandoned. Its ruins are in the depths of the Everfree Forest.
  • The ending of the opening episodes of the second season is very similar to the final scene from the movie "Star Wars" (Episode IV - A New Hope).
  • Ponies are zoomorphic, that is, they walk on four legs, but live in an anthropomorphic environment. Some of the things that require hands, ponies do with their mouths, for example (writing), or with their tails (for example, unwinding a lasso), some with their hooves. They sometimes assume bipedal anthropomorphic postures, but do not walk in this way. Unicorns also have telekinesis.
  • The vast majority of the characters in the series are female.
  • In the series itself, there are a lot of references to various films, cartoons or games.

In the cartoons "My Little Ponies: Friendship is Magic!" and "Equestria Girls" there are a lot of minor and even background characters, who practically do not lag behind the main characters in their popularity.

The ruling elite of the country of Equestria is very loved by many fans of the series, because these alicorn ponies are real princesses with their royal paraphernalia and unique responsibilities. The main princess Celestia is depicted as a tall white alicorn with large wings and a horn, and her long mane shimmers with delicate shades of pastel colors. Celestia has a younger sister - Princess Luna, who at the beginning of the story about little ponies is the main negative character. Princess Luna, in her angry incarnation, turns into Nightmare Moon (Moon Pony) - her body turns black, and her head is crowned with an ominous helmet. In her normal, kind incarnation, Princess Luna's body is dark blue, and her mane shimmers with many stars. Since peace reigned between the sisters again, Celestia is responsible for the movement of the sun across the sky, and Princess Luna rules the night. Another Princess of Equestria, in whose possessions the Crystal Empire is located, is Princess Cadance. According to the plot, she marries Shining Armor, the brother of the main character Twilight Sparkle. Before the wedding, a great misfortune happens to her - the dark and terrible Queen Chrysalis moves into the body of Cadance, who almost manages to seize power over Equestria.

Among the magicians of Equestria, the witch Zecora stands out - this is an unusual zebra pony that lives in the Evergreen Forest. Zecora is very wise, always ready to help with a spell, potion or advice. Another sorceress named Trixie lost in a magical confrontation with Twilight Sparkle: it turned out that Trixie is just a braggart, and her magic is more like tricks.

In the cartoon "Girls of Equestria" there is another negative heroine - Sunset Shimmer, who can turn into an evil demon. To stop Sunset's evil plan, Twilight Sparkle travels to the human world and meets all the little ponies in human form there.

No less popular than princesses are pony babies, students elementary school. An earth pony named Apple Bloom (Apple Jack's sister), along with the unicorn Sweetie Belle (Rarity's sister) and the Pegasus pony Scootaloo, organize the Mark Seekers team. Together, these ponies try to find their purpose and earn the coveted cutie marks. The Mark Seekers have a couple of detractors - the arrogant and arrogant ponies Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

Not all characters in the world of My Little Ponies are horses, pegasi, or unicorns. The most famous of these characters is the dragon Spike. He plays the role of Twilight Sparkles' assistant and dreams of winning Rarity's heart. But while he is still a small and not at all scary dragon, whom Twilight and others perceive as a younger brother. Of the other non-pony heroes, it is worth remembering the negative character Discord, the lord of chaos, who looks like a mixture of several animals. Thanks to the efforts of Fluttershy and all the other ponies, he switches to the light side. Among the popular characters of "My Little Ponies" there are those who are almost never seen in cartoons, but they still enjoy the love of millions of fans. This, in particular, is a gray Pegasus pony named Derpy, who is easily distinguished by her eyes looking in different directions. Also very popular are DJ Pon-3 (Vinyl Scratch), Octavia Melody, Lyra Heartstrings and many other ponies.

« Names don't translate...»

"I didn't say anything," March Hare interrupted hurriedly.
“No, I did,” said Mad Hatter.
"I didn't think so," said March Hare. - I deny everything!
“He denies everything,” King said, “don’t put it on the record!”
“Well then, then, Dormouth said.

« Names are not translated»

“Girl,” said Big Bad Wolf, “where are you going?”
"I'm going to my Grandmother," said Little Red Riding Hood, "bringing her pies."

« Names are not translated!»

Hello Mr Filsey! — I prefer "Mr. Rich."

Names are not translated - this rule is often given as an argument on the forums; it, indignantly, is used by the authors of reviews for the next "Little Red Riding Hood"; even on TV you can hear it along with a joke about the name Serpen (August). Hundreds of comments to "" in one way or another touched upon the issue of translation of names. As a rule, the answer to this question was unambiguous " don't translate". And it’s not without reason that such a reaction!

“You are a Moon Pony, Moon Pony!”

Unfortunately, there are more and more cases of reproaching translators (not only the series " Friendship is the miracle”) for such “adaptations”. For example, one of the characters toy stories”, an astronaut, in the original bears the name Buzz Lightyear. The name is a reference to the real astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the surname is a space-themed word (light year). Both versions of the Russian translation, Svetik and Lighter, are unsuccessful in their own way. The first has nothing to do with space, rather reminiscent of Tsvetik from Dunno's adventures. The second one also points not to space, but to a lighter. Animated series " Kim Possible"for some reason turned into" Kim Five-S-Plus". The lost play on words with a parody of a famous spy movie has been replaced by an association - not even with a rating! - with sweets from the school cafeteria.

« Names are not translated»

- a search for this phrase will not give any links to textbooks for translators. Only forums, magazines and discussions in which “everyone knows that names are not translated”, “this is the rule”, “this is taught in school”.

What is the rule, where did it come from? Where can you read it?

The names in the passport are not translated - this is done for the convenience of both those crossing the border themselves and civil servants. This also applies to the situation with Augustus-Serpen (besides, this is August, which is Serpen, named after Augustus, who is Octavian). For a literary text, the following rule is more likely to apply: names are not translated ... poor quality". The viewers of the first season were shocked not by the very fact of the translation of the name of the Moon Pony - Moon Pony, but by such a construction of the phrase, the translation of two characters as one and the loss of the play on words. By the way, to choose an adequate replacement for the double pun Mare(sea) - Mare(horse), night mare(mare of darkness) - nightmare(nightmare) really very difficult.

In the second season, there was a different trend, which at first was perceived with enthusiasm by many. Wonderbolts, Rapid Fire, Fleetfoot, Cloud Chaser... The first sign of the fallacy of this approach was Siterniptrag (Hayseed Turnip Truck). They will not say anything to the Russian audience and the names Jet Set, Upper Crust and Fancy Pants(they tried to keep the joke here - rather unsuccessfully). And with the rich Filsey Richam, as the bronies put it, the translators were "do-wunderbolt".

The authors of the Russian version listened to numerous requests regarding the names of the characters. But in the end, the result can be described as a series about outfits from the first season: at first I like it, and then it comes to absurdity. In addition to the mentioned Siterniptrag in the series, for example, there are princess platinum and wise clover. Let them beat Clover the Clever didn’t work out (and it’s a pity), but who would be worse from Platinum and clover?

A kind of textbook for translators can serve as a book " word alive and dead» ( by the famous translator and editor Nora Gal. The book is built as a review of examples of successful and unsuccessful work with the language and is especially directed against the immoderate and unjustified use of clerical style and foreign borrowings. Nora Gal analyzes many translation, writing and simply speech errors and outlines some general principles due to which the literary text sounds lively and expressive, reads fascinatingly and inspires the reader's trust (based on Wikipedia). A separate chapter is just devoted to the names of the heroes of works of art (

The following quote from Nora Gal's book shows how an honest senator was treated:

« But, I think, the case is not trifling and therefore more distressing. Twain's novel was retranslated, almost a pamphlet, where the American electoral system, parliamentary customs, the Senate and senators were sharply and viciously ridiculed. In the sea of ​​venality and demagogy, Twain erected one island - a senator named Noble. But not every Russian reader knows that Noble in English means noble, honest. Could this senator be baptized in such a way that it sounds like English and yet the meaning shines through? Why not at least - a senator named Chesten! After all, there are surnames Chester, Chesterton, Chesterfield.»

Back to the character Filthy Rich and consider the translation of his name in more detail. Literally, this expression means " dirty rich", on which the joke is based:" Mr. Filthy? – I prefer Mr. Rich". Of course, in a literal translation, the joke will be lost - as well as without a translation at all. Why not pick up Russian analogues of the expression "filthy rich"? For example, "money bag". "Mr. Sack" is already more like a joke. “Money” is not very suitable for the role of a name, so you can beat the types of money. For example, dinero is very similar in structure to the well-known surname DiCaprio (or De Niro). And here is the new dialogue between Granny Smith and Mr. Sack Di Nero: Mr Sack? – I prefer “Mr. Di Nero”».

However, the word " Bag", to put it mildly, sounds very strange as a name. But there are other expressions that characterize wealth: “rowing money with a shovel”, “money bag”.

« Mr La Pato? – I prefer “Mr Grabby”» (Grabby La Pato)

« Mr. Tolstoy... - I prefer "Mr. Rich"» (Moneybag Rich - real name is saved here)

Or in a more concise way:
« Mr. Tolsto... - I prefer "Mr. Sam"» (Tolsto Sam)

Pay attention to the declensions: the male surname does not decline to “o” (Di Nero), nor does the female surname to the consonant (Smith), but the absence of the declension of the male surname to the consonant and the female to “a” is a mistake. Therefore, for example, Princess Celestia had to announce the wedding Shining BUT Armora(cf.: Mark Twain) and princesses Mi Amory Cadenz S . There really is such a rule (, although on forums dedicated to translating from Japanese, users sometimes pass as a rule a ban on declension of surnames to “a” (for example, Akira Kurosawa). Apparently, this "rule" is just as justified as the ban on the translation of names.

Let's look at other names. Terrifying rumor Siterniptraga should not, of course, be translated literally: " Hay and Beet Truck» (« Hayseed Turnip Truck"). But it was possible to confine oneself to a simple name that sounds quite English - and at the same time in Russian! - reddis.

What about the names of the main characters? So far, out of six, only one and a half have been translated (yes, rainbow dash, like Moon Pony, also caused "delight" among the audience). At the same time, the name Twilight Sparkle pleasant enough to hear: in our world, a horse might well be called Sparkle.

applejack. This name in the original is related not only to apples directly, which, by the way, is played up in a teaser appletiny. Bronies found an excellent analogy in Russian: Anisovka. Both meanings are present in the name (although methodologists and psychologists may not like them).

Fluttershy. Based on the name, this pony is very timid, which is why she trembles. In Russian, there is an idiom for this case too: it trembles like an aspen leaf. aspen!

At first glance, how can you translate Fluttershy's name like that? But further in the series there are two whole teasers: flutterguy(which indicates her new voice) and Klutzershy(sad sack). In the first case, Spike can name Osinka club, in the second, Pegasi-athletes laugh at the slow-moving Kerosene. Here's what a train conversation would sound like:

- And what about the tree? Are you talking about the apple tree? - No, I'm talking about Osinka. ... - She's not a tree, Dashie! “And I would like to become a tree!”

Not only the names of the characters help to maintain the atmosphere of the series: almost every name hides a joke, a play on words - often, as noted in the Petition, related to horses ( Manehattan, Fillydelphia, canterlot). Without the translation of some titles, the series will also lose its colors. Here, as an example, " Dodge JunkEshon”, the town where AJ is leaving. As suggested by the armor, the town can be given a name Adventurer's Shelter or cunning. It's obvious that something is wrong there!

Pegasus team name The Wonderbolts" is a reference to the American aerobatic team « Thunderbirds". And even if it didn’t work out in the Russian version, “ Wonder Lightning" is still closer and clearer to the viewer than " Wonderbolts". Fleetfoot, one of the members of the group, also remained as it is - and after all, the name speaks of her speed. The appearance and decisive (as it turns out later) character of the captain is reflected in the name Spitfire. To translate or not is a moot point: on the one hand, “ Spitfire"- a famous military aircraft; on the other hand, you can give her a surname The fire(by analogy with O'Henry or O'Neill), however, not so seriously perceived by ear.

« Names are not translated?»

Let us recall here one more "lightning" - meaning the hero of the cartoon " Bolt". The bright meaning of the name was perfectly conveyed by replacing just one letter: in the Russian version, the dog's name is Volt. stay it Bolt- associations would come to mind, for example, with a construction site or a workshop (and this is at best).

There is a character with an adapted name, which "techie" associations just do not interfere with: Gadget from the Rescuers (" Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers"). Name " gadget” at the time of this translation would have sounded incomprehensible. And now it will be more suitable for a computer geek, and not for an inventor.

Disney animated series, which hit our screens in the early nineties, are generally very successful in terms of both translation and adaptation. Who is not familiar Black Cloak with his catchphrase " and come on from the screw!» Neither Darkwing Duck, nor Darkwing Duck are not both a good name and a recognizable way. The name of its pilot is also adapted very well: the viewer can imagine the trajectories along which he flies Zigzag McQuack(orig. Launchpad McQuack).

The very first example was the dialogue from " alice» Carroll. The translator Demurova wrote a separate article about “ Alice", in which, in particular, attention is paid to names (" On the translation of Carroll's fairy tales”, Without going into details, we note that hatter, Mouse Sonya, Tweedledee and Tweedledee, Jabberwock With Bandersnatch would lose a part of themselves if their names were translated "on the forehead" or not translated at all.

With rare exceptions, all the names and titles in the series about ponies are "talking". Therefore, the question of whether to translate or not is irrelevant. Rather, it is worth asking how translate (more precisely adapt). If we ignore each name separately, then you can answer it like this: thoroughly, thoughtfully, qualitatively.

Among the children's premieres of autumn.

If your voice is there too, or if your child has already put you in front of the need to go to the movies, we advise you to familiarize yourself with a short list of facts useful for watching this cartoon. True, according to the first reviews, the plot of the cartoon does not depend on the series "Friendship is a miracle", and you do not need to watch the latter for a normal understanding of what is happening. But since this is still not an original cartoon, but a movie franchise with a rich history, the following will come in handy. Briefly, to the point and with 100% effect on the part of the child - “mom, do you know who it is ?!”.

They are so different, but still together

The main characters are six friendly young ponies, each unique, amazing and diverse in its own way. As you may have already noticed, everyone here is called “ponies”, but inside these magical horses are divided into ponies, unicorns, pegasi and alicorns. Yes, these are those with a horn and wings at the same time. Alicorns are the recognized elite and always-forever princesses. No, no one has seen the alicorn boys yet.

Now you have to sprinkle names (and even in two translations!), But you don’t need to memorize them - just take these characters for granted. By the way, your daughter probably has her own favorite. And this is a great way to learn a little more about the inner world of a child.

Also, ponies have special insignia - that is, pictures on the croup - they get in the process of growing up, and these are damn important symbols.

Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle). The main character, diligent and kind, loves to study, order and clear planning. Suffering from an overly corrosive conscience and anxiety, at times skeptical and cynical. Sparkle has a cutie mark with a star, because she is a mega-super-cool magician, one of the best in her magical land called Equestria (you don’t have to remember the name). Her “element of harmony” (a mega-super weapon based on the friendship of all heroines) is, in fact, magic.

Oh yes. First, Sparkle is a unicorn, and from the finale of the third season, an alicorn, which automatically raises her to a host of princesses. She was made the Princess of Friendship by the most important pony in the world - Celestia (also a princess, of course!), And this is an exceptional case, in fact, ponies are born with a set of horns and wings put to them.


In a word, fashionista. A unicorn fashion designer whose business is as beautiful as it is amazing (because ponies almost never wear clothes!). Rarity is still a treasure, her character is spoiled and pampered, but she is very generous, and she embodies generosity.

The distinction is crystals, she simply adores them, after all, these are the best friends of girls ©.

Rainbow Dash (Rainbow Dash)

She is speed. She is the most athletic, magnificent and unceremonious, a Pegasus who made flying the meaning of life. Rainbow is overly self-confident (read - she is still impudent), loves adventure books, stupid jokes and dreams of flying in big sports, but always stays with friends.

Represents loyalty. You already guessed about the insignia.


Just a "cutie", a timid, shy animal lover. A Pegasus that is afraid of flying, afraid of dragons, afraid of everything. However, Fluttershy has a core inside. With all the external introversion and naivety, sometimes she is very surprising.

The insignia is butterflies, she is the personification of universal kindness and all the brightest and best that is in people. Excuse me, pony.

Pinkie Pie

A pony whose calling is parties, fun and all the rest of the positive. She herself is a walking, or rather, jumping positive, demolishing everything in her path with her unbreakable optimism.

Pinky is a professional party organizer, embodies joy and laughter, the insignia is balloons. Weehu!


No, this is not the name of alcohol, but the real name of the pony. There should be something about an apple farm, hard work, perseverance, physical strength and again an apple farm, but we'll just say that it's unrealistically cool. And strong.

You can exhale, the main characters are over. Let's just add that they all live in a town called Ponyville, regularly save the world, use a special "friendship magic" with the help of the aforementioned "elements of harmony", and are also single hardworking girls in their 20s. No, there are also male characters in the series. Sometimes.

Ponies are much older than you think

These big-eyed bright horses appeared in 2010, but during your childhood they were also there, just different. And only for girls 6-10 years old. Lauren Faust is the legendary author of a reboot that worked (rare).


This is what ponies look like from the 80s. Those are still chubby. Nevertheless, many of the external and internal features of the heroines of the old series migrated to the new one.

"Armors" exist

This is how fans of the series call themselves, that is, it is a “fandom”. And yes, there are a lot of grown men among them. They will come to cinemas with the children and you. Fear not - the "bronies" are extremely peaceful creatures and try to honor the covenants of friendship promoted in the series.

And more globally: the “fandom” of the pony is able to compete with similar communities in Star Wars or Harry Potter. Yes, dear, before us is a real cult.

Ponies make the world a better place

Follows from the previous point. "My little pony" consistently pulls people out of depression, helps to find friends and love in reality and further down the list. In general, life changes dramatically - we have already talked about one such case.

By the way, according to the majority of child psychologists, everything is very safe in ponies, they are recommended for the competent development of the child's personality. Of course, sometimes there are radically opposite opinions that they kill children. You, of course, decide who to listen to. But we are in solidarity with psychologists and consider the series to be very good. All in the name of friendship magic!

They are very poorly localized here.

With us, they talk like flat cardboard boxes. It's just that "My little pony" was extremely unlucky with our localization, especially with the translation of names - you yourself could already notice this. The debate about whether Sparkle or Twilight is the name of the main character will rage for decades to come.


By the way, according to the first reviews, the film was a little more fortunate - at least dubbing did not cause nausea in early domestic viewers, on the contrary.

There are other animals there

Do not ponies alone this universe is alive. A variety of dragons, cats, donkeys, dogs and other animals are found there at every turn, and in the film there will be even more of this goodness. At the same time, some animals are reasonable, like the ponies themselves, and some are not, just pets. I wonder what is the relationship between the upright talking cat from the movie and the cat Opal, Rarity's favorite?

It is especially good here with mythological creatures, both from our legends, like griffins and manticores, and self-invented. Yes, Discord, we're talking about you too.

The ponies themselves are also constantly divided into crystal, werewolf ponies, and the writers still know which ones. In the film, we will see mermaid ponies - a great addition, don't you think? By the way, there is also another world where the same heroines appear as people. But this is quite already, do not hammer your head.

The series is much more dramatic than you think.

And you may well like it. At least the storylines are episodes 1-2 and 25-26 of each of the seven seasons. Everything in between is autonomous, daily routine adventures in the name of friendship, affecting the plot only in so far as. But what a range of topics! Especially in the later seasons, extremely important and very mature things are discussed. About fame and fashion, deceit and business, power and crime, the importance of being yourself and so on.

The coverage of genres and locations is also impressive. At the same time, in the plots, everything always goes according to plan and not according to patterns, there are secrets that are carefully transferred from season to season, "chips", twisted and inventive scenarios. In general, the series really interesting to watch for adults too.

More precisely, especially for adults, because it is for this category of viewers that My little pony has a lot of delicious things hidden in it. Subtle hints and cunning references, your own Doctor Who, all kinds of Easter eggs and topical irony. However, you can not remember this point: the feature film was oriented to the children's audience. But there is a chance that some of this joy will be left to parents.

Here's Aria Cadance, a dramatic moment from the Season 2 finale, with a werewolf villain pretending to be a princess. Just listen, watch and enjoy a kind of "children's" series.

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