A horse with a red mane summary. Victor Petrovich Astafiev horse with a pink mane

“A horse with a pink mane” is Astafyev’s story about how a boy deceived his grandmother, and what happened to him. The events take place in a taiga village on the banks of the Yenisei in the 1960s. The story is told in the first person: an adult man who recalls a history of deceit from his childhood. Only by apologizing to his grandmother, on the advice of his grandfather, the boy received the coveted horse.

The main theme of the story is growing up, the formation of a person's personality. The author shows how an insignificant episode of life can completely change the worldview.

Viktor Astafiev's story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" conveys unusual examples of how a person's character develops, how a child's personality is formed. The boy admits his guilt, and the punishment for him is an unpleasant feeling of shame and humiliation, which he wants to get rid of as soon as possible and never experience it again. The story teaches mercy and kindness, love and repentance.

Read the summary of Astafiev's pink-maned horse

3 The author of the story "The Horse with a Pink Mane" in the role of an orphaned boy lives with his grandmother. Neighbors live next to them - the Levontia family. This is an ordinary family of muddlers, whose members are alien to peace and quiet. On the example of the fence, it is immediately clear that they are not serious about the matter.

The head of the family, Levonty, is a former sailor and a drinker. When he received money, his wife ran around the village and distributed debts. The boy was very fond of visiting them, because he immediately became the object of general attention among onlookers. But the grandmother ordered not to go to the neighbors, not to overeat them.

One day the children decided to go to the forest for berries. The author's grandmother promised to buy a gingerbread in the form of a horse for a basket of berries. The horse is the personification of a man of labor, and the whole plot of the story is tied around him. He himself was white, and his mane, hooves, eyes and tail were pink. With such a gingerbread, the boy became the center of attention of everyone around: you can ask the guys anything for the right to bite off a piece of this horse.

When the boy picked up the berries, the local mischievous Sanka took it “weakly”, and all the berries had to be distributed to the guys. Then, until the evening, they frolic and mischievous. They caught a fish in the river and killed it. They knocked down a swallow with a stone so that she died. They ran into a cave in which the evil spirit lived. Only in the evening the boy remembered the empty box that his grandmother gave for berries.

Sanka offered to fill the box with grass, and sprinkle strawberries on top. The author liked the idea, ion did just that. Grandmother did not notice anything, she was even delighted, saying that she would sell it that way. Rejoiced, the boy told Sanka about this. The cunning kid demanded kalach for his silence. The author wore kalachi until Sanka was full.

Before going to sleep, the boy thought about cheating and stealing. He decided not to sleep at all, but to wait until his grandmother wakes up and tell her everything. But the dream took its toll. When the author woke up, the grandmother was gone.

He spent the whole day on the river with Sanka. They caught fish, fried it, but the thought of deceit did not go out of their heads. The boy constantly thought about how his grandmother would punish him. Sometimes the thoughts were simply monstrous: maybe the boat on which the grandmother sailed would capsize and she would drown. But, remembering the drowned mother, the boy drove such thoughts from himself. Sanka offered to portray himself as lost in order to cause grief and tears for his grandmother. But the author firmly decided not to listen to his comrade anymore.

Grandma returned in the evening. The author ran away from her and played until dark. I did not want to return home, I thought to spend the night with friends. But Aunt Fenya took the boy by the hand. He lay down in the closet. Aunt Fenya was talking to her grandmother about something. Then she left, and it became quiet. The author guessed that his deception was revealed.

The boy lay and remembered the day when his mother drowned. Grandmother did not leave the shore, she called her, hoping for some kind of mercy from the river. Only on the sixth day she was taken home. And there she lay on the floor and moaned loudly. Later, the boy learned that the boat on which his mother was sailing was full of grandmas and their goods. She rolled over under the weight. The mother hit her head on the pier and got caught on the scythe. For a long time they could not find her until her hair was torn.

In the morning the boy saw his grandmother, who was telling his grandfather, who returned at night, about his trip. A box with strawberries, which the orphan was picking, was immediately bought by some lady. A neighbor came, and the grandmother began to tell her the same story with deceit, lamenting and lamenting over what would grow out of a little liar. She told many that morning about her grandson's misdeed.

The boy lay still in the pantry, immersed in his thoughts about deceit. He wanted to collapse from shame, and even die. Grandpa came. He stroked his grandson, and he burst into tears. Grandfather advised to sincerely ask for forgiveness.

The boy entered the hut, but from tears he could not say anything to his grandmother, except for some incoherent words that remotely resembled apologies. The woman sent her grandson to wash and seated him at the table for breakfast. Grandfather was there for support. The boy realized that it was necessary to tie up with cheating, and also to have his own opinion. Sometimes listening to others, sometimes doing wrong, you can end up in prison in adulthood.

Sobbing, the boy sat at the table with his head bowed. And when he looked up, he saw a gingerbread in front of him - a white horse with a pink mane. The boy closed his eyes and opened them again, not believing that this was all real.

A picture or drawing of a horse with a pink mane

Other retellings for the reader's diary

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Once a grandmother came from the neighbors and ordered her grandson and children to go to the forest for strawberries. For this, she promised to bring a gingerbread from the city in the form of a white horse with a pink mane, tail and hooves.

The boy loved to listen to the horse beating his belly; I could not compare the feeling with anything when you think that you have lost - and you find your treasure. Such a delicacy was the dream of any kid: for a piece of sweet, children were ready to share anything.

A neighbor, Levonty, a father of many children, sawed firewood in the forest, sold it - and from that his entire large family lived. When he received money, he threw a feast, distributed debts, and a few days later forced his wife Vasenya to ask for a loan.

The neighbor's house was in the open. No windows, no architraves, no fence. Levontiy also did not have a bathhouse. The Levontievskys washed over people.

Each family had "their" song. Neighbors loved to sing about the "little monkey." When their children were full, did not fight and did not exterminate anything, a discordant choir was heard from the broken windows throughout the village, Vasenya wept plaintively, pitying the “animal”. Uncle sang bass. From this, the family changed in plain sight, became more friendly and united.

The main goal of our hero was to sneak into the neighbor's house on his uncle's payday to sing with everyone. Grandmother was strict and knew all thoughts in advance, so she did not allow me to go from house to house, to look into someone's mouth. When the kid managed to slip away, there was a real holiday.

Levonty asked if the boy remembered his dead mother, and shed tears. Late in the evening on such a day, Levontiy asked the same question: “What is life?” - and everyone scattered in all directions. The uncle smashed windows, broke tables, scattered sweets. In the morning I glassed the windows with fragments, repaired the broken ones, and gloomy went to work.

With the Levontievsky guys, the boy went into the forest to earn money for a gingerbread with his labor. They fought, fought, teased and cried until they found strawberries. Having collected half of the tuesque, the boy bet that he would eat what he had collected. The hungry Levontiev horde quickly ate the berries, leaving the boy with a few bent ones with greenery.

The children ran to the river, splashed, tore the piper to pieces, knocked out the yellow belly. Sanka wandered into the cave, scared everyone with brownies and snakes. I thought up to deceive my grandmother by pushing herbs under the strawberries.

In the evening, Sanka demanded rolls in exchange for silence about the case with the strawberries he had eaten.

Grandfather lived for the time of garden work in a small estate at the mouth of the Mana River.

Grandma left early in the morning. The kid was fishing. Sanka dragged ruffs, minnows and fir-trees. The boy saw a boat with his grandmother. He ran to his aunt, walked until dark. Aunt Fenya dragged him home by the hand. Pushed into the closet.

The boy could not sleep, recalled how his mother drowned, how his grandmother suffered, how she took him into care. Grandfather arrived at night. He covered the child with a sheepskin coat.

In the morning, the “general” (as grandfather called grandmother) was angry. The grandmother grumbled, the boy repented. He opened his eyes full of tears: in front of him lay a gingerbread horse with a pink mane.

My grandmother sent me to the hillside for strawberries, along with the neighborhood kids. She promised: if I pick up a full tuesok, she will sell my berries along with hers and buy me a “horse gingerbread”. Gingerbread in the form of a horse with a mane, tail and hooves covered with pink icing ensured the honor and respect of the boys of the whole village and was their cherished dream.

I went to the hillside together with the children of our neighbor Levontiy, who worked in logging. Approximately once every fifteen days, “Levontiy received money, and then in the neighboring house, where there were only children and nothing more, a feast began with a mountain,” and Levontiy’s wife ran around the village and repaid her debts. On such days, I made my way to the neighbors by all means. Grandma didn't let me. “There is nothing to eat these proletarians,” she said. Levontius welcomed me willingly and pitied me like an orphan. The money earned by the neighbor quickly ran out, and aunt Vasya again ran around the village, borrowed money.

The Levontiev family lived in poverty. There was no household around their hut, they even washed with their neighbors. Every spring they surrounded the house with a miserable tyn, and every autumn it went to kindling. To grandmother's reproaches, Levontiy, a former sailor, answered that he "loves the settlement."

With the Levontievsky "eagles" I went to the top, to earn money for a horse with a pink mane. I had already taken a few glasses of strawberries when the Levontievsky guys started a fight - the elder noticed that the rest were picking berries not in dishes, but in their mouths. As a result, all the prey was scattered and eaten, and the guys decided to go down to the Fokinsky River. It was then that they noticed that I still had strawberries. Levontievsky Sanka knocked me out to eat it “weakly”, after which I, along with the others, went to the river.

The fact that my dishes are empty, I remembered only in the evening. It was embarrassing and scary to return home with an empty cupboard, “my grandmother, Katerina Petrovna, is not Vasya’s aunt, you won’t get rid of her with lies, tears and various excuses.” Sanka taught me: to push herbs into the tues, and sprinkle a handful of berries on top. This is the trick I brought home.

My grandmother praised me for a long time, but she didn’t pour the berries - she decided to take them to the city right in the tueska for sale. On the street, I told everything to Sanka, and he demanded a kalach from me - as payment for silence. I didn’t get off with one roll, I dragged it until Sanka ate. I didn’t sleep at night, I was tormented - and I deceived my grandmother, and stole kalachi. Finally, I decided to get up in the morning and confess everything.

When I woke up, I found that I overslept - my grandmother had already left for the city. I regretted that my grandfather's zaimka was so far from the village. Grandpa's is good, quiet, and he wouldn't let me offend. Having nothing to do, I went fishing with Sanka. After a while I saw a big boat coming out from behind the cape. My grandmother was sitting in it and shaking her fist at me.

I returned home only in the evening and immediately darted into the pantry, where a temporary “bed of rugs and an old saddle” was “arranged”. Curled up, I felt sorry for myself and thought about my mother. Like her grandmother, she went to the city to sell berries. One day, the overloaded boat capsized and my mother drowned. “She was pulled under a floating boom,” where she caught on a scythe. I remembered how my grandmother suffered until the river let my mother go.

When I woke up in the morning, I discovered that grandfather had returned from the lodge. He came to me and told me to ask my grandmother for forgiveness. Having shamed and denounced her enough, my grandmother sat me down for breakfast, and after that she told everyone, “what the little one had done to her.”

But my grandmother brought me a horse. Since then, many years have passed, "grandfather is no longer alive, there is no grandmother, and my life is declining, but I still can't forget my grandmother's gingerbread - that marvelous horse with a pink mane."

Viktor Astafiev's story "The Horse with the Pink Mane" is autobiographical. The author wrote about an episode of his childhood, which he still remembers, how, in order to get a gingerbread in the form of a horse with a pink mane, he deceived his grandmother, and the neighbor boy Sanka suggested this to him. The story is written on behalf of the boy Vitya.

Summary of the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane”

Vitya with the Levontievsky children goes to the ridge for strawberries. Grandmother Katerina Petrovna promised the boy that she would sell him a tuesok with strawberries and bring a gingerbread in the form of a horse with a pink mane. The boy collected almost more than half of the tueska. But the neighbor Sanka provoked him to pour all the berries on the grass, and the Levontiev "horde" ate everything.

Then the guys spent the whole day at the river, and when the day was going down, they had nothing to return home with. The cunning Sanka taught Vitya to push grass into the tuyesok and sprinkle with a handful of berries. Fearing his grandmother, he did just that. Although he knew that retribution was inevitable.

Grandmother took berries to the city to the market, suspecting nothing, the fraud was revealed only during the sale. When Katerina Petrovna sailed from the city, the next day she gave her grandson a dressing down in the form of telling everyone she met what a swindler he was and what would grow out of him.

Vitya already repented, fortunately, that day the grandfather returned from the castle, who felt sorry for his grandson, and he told him that there was nothing to do, he had to ask his grandmother for forgiveness. Grandmother forgave, and saved the gingerbread for her grandson.

Brief retelling of the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane”

Plan for a brief retelling of “The Horse with a Pink Mane”:

Let's now consider each point in more detail..

The story begins with the fact that the grandmother came from the neighbors, their guys were going to go for strawberries to the ridge. And she ordered her grandson to go with them, for this she would bring him a gingerbread. This is the dream of all village boys, its owner is worthy of respect and honor.

Further, the author talks about neighbors: Uncle Levontia, his wife Vasena and a bunch of their kids. Uncle Levonty was engaged in logging. On the day of payday, they had a feast in the house, and the wife of Uncle Levonty Vasenya went to distribute debts, including to grandmother Katerina, and with an insignificant amount of debt of 7 or 10 rubles. For Viti, it was the goal of life to get into the house of Uncle Levontiy on the day of his salary, to listen to a song about “little lick”, Levontiy felt sorry for the grandson of Katerina Petrovna, like an orphan, and always put him at the table. The feast always ended with a debauchery of Levontius, and his wife again began to go to borrow from her neighbors until the next payday.

With the Levontievsky guys, Vitya went to pick strawberries. On the way to the ridge, the children indulge, misbehave, for example, they wandered into someone's garden, and there was nothing there but a batun, so they picked it. On the ridge, the Levontievsky guys started a quarrel and ate all the strawberries that they had collected. Sanka was the most harmful and evil instigator, he called Vitya a greedy man and took it “weakly”, he poured out all his strawberries, which the Levontievsky instantly swept away.

The rest of the day the children ran along the river, and in the evening the same Sanka advised Vitya to deceive his grandmother and push the grass into the basket and fall asleep on top of the berries. So he did, and the grandmother did not notice anything, even praised him. Then the boy boasted to Sanka about what he had done, and he said that he would tell his granny everything, and Vitya stole rolls from his grandmother for him.

At night, the boy could not sleep for a long time, he was already terribly remorseful about his deed and wanted to confess everything to his grandmother himself, but did not disturb her sleep, and early in the morning she sailed in a boat to the city to sell berries to the market.

The next day, tormented by a heavy premonition about what will happen when the grandmother returns from the city, because the deception will still be revealed, Vitya goes fishing with Sanka and his guys. Sanka again offers Vitya a “plan” - to run away from home and hide. Vitya has already protested to this.

In the evening, the granny returned from the city and, seeing the boat, the boy took to his heels. He thought to spend the night with his cousin Kesha, but his mother, Aunt Fenya, fed him, questioned him, and took him home herself.

That night the boy spent in the pantry in the hallway, there was arranged a bed of rugs. In the morning he saw that he was covered with his grandfather's sheepskin coat, which he was very happy about, because the grandfather always stood up for his grandson. This time, too, the grandmother was seriously angry, because it was only at the bazaar that her grandson's fraud was discovered. To everyone whom Katerina Petrovna met that day, she told about her grandson's swindle.

The grandmother forgave her grandson after he asked her for forgiveness, but she brought him the gingerbread with the horse anyway.

What is the story “The Horse with the Pink Mane” about?

The content of the story is very instructive. Through it, the reader sees how a little boy is deeply worried about the deceit into which he is drawn by a neighbor boy from a dysfunctional family who tries to dominate everyone with his authority. Vitya understands how much his grandmother, who often scolds him, albeit for the cause, loves him immensely. That is why she brought a gingerbread to her grandson, despite his deceit. Because she understood where the “legs grow from”, the school of the neighborhood kids.

The story raises three moral issues:

  • honesty;
  • Debt;
  • Kindness.

Another lesson the reader can learn from the story is not to be afraid to ask for forgiveness and always tell the truth, even if it is very embarrassing and hard.

In his essay “The Horse with a Pink Mane”, the author touched upon the theme of childhood, the very period when even strawberries seem especially tasty, when you really want to gain authority among other guys and at the same time you don’t want to upset your family and friends.

Astafiev's story Horse with a pink mane

In Astafiev's story "The Horse with a Pink Mane", the main character is an orphan boy who lives with his grandparents. One day, a grandmother asked her grandson to pick strawberries, which she would sell, and with the proceeds she would buy such a treasured sweet gingerbread. Not just a gingerbread, but a gingerbread in the form of a horse with a pink mane. With such a gingerbread, you will definitely become a favorite in the yard, and even earn the respect of the neighbor's guys.

The boy happily goes into the forest, already looking forward to eating the gingerbread, but everything went awry. The boys around the yard, with whom he played all the time, began to ask him for berries, calling him greedy. In addition, they constantly distract him with games, and meanwhile, the evening is already coming and the boy does not have time to pick up a basket of berries. But in order to get what he wants, he deceives. Instead of berries, he fills the basket with grass and only throws berries on top.

Such an act haunts him and he wants to confess everything in the morning, but does not have time. Grandmother had already left for the city, and when she returned, she told all the neighbors how her grandson had let her down. The child did not dare to meet his grandmother for a long time, but the torment of experiences does not give him rest and he is only glad to receive punishment from his grandmother. Having met with the grandmother and received a reprimand from her, the child asks for forgiveness, and the grandmother, in order for the boy to remember the lesson forever, also gave a sweet horse. Something, but such a lesson and grandmother's love, the child will forever remember, just as grandmother's gingerbread will always remember.

The work teaches us to be responsible, shows our mistakes. Here we see how bad it is to deceive, how unpleasant it becomes from hurting your loved ones. In addition, the author urges not to make mistakes in his work, and if you have made some kind of mistake in life, you need to admit it and be sure to correct it. Only by realizing the mistake and admitting it, you will not repeat this again, which means you will not hurt your family and friends.

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