Business children's development center. How to open an early childhood development center. Where to start developing courses for children: finding a teacher, buying furniture and paperwork

All kids are very energetic: some love to draw, others to dance or even perform on stage. For this reason, a complex of children's clubs and studios, united under one roof, can become a very profitable business.

You should have not only the desire to earn money, but also to spend a lot of time with the kids. Experience working with children will not be superfluous. But even if desired, not everyone knows how to open kids club because there are still many nuances that need to be studied in detail.

We form training programs

School for early childhood development must necessarily be based on training programs. Of course you can go the easy way and choose ready-made and proven training programs for famous teachers. But in order for your child Center had its own characteristics and differences, it is better to use your new pedagogical methods. And with qualified teachers, classes in your center will have their own flavor. Of course, if you are new to this field, you can start with the following list of typical activities:

  • preschool preparatory classes;
  • drawing;
  • foreign language;
  • developing circles;
  • dance studio;
  • music class;
  • psychologist consultation;
  • speech pathologist lessons.


How to open a kids club? First you need to officially register it. For registration it is better to choose the option non-profit organization, as this will allow you to receive significant tax benefits. Everybody knows that get a seat in municipal institution it is very difficult for your baby today, so the issue of opening a kindergarten at home becomes relevant. In this case, it is necessary to obtain a license by collecting a certain package of documents.

But if you do not plan to create an enterprise for preschool education, then licensing is not prerequisite. Then your home organization can provide developmental and educational services. It can be sports or casual. gaming club. This system is chosen by most start-up entrepreneurs. They run a kids' club without a license, sometimes disguising their babysitting businesses as a developmental center. It is a perfectly acceptable option, and in the future you will gradually be able to expand the range of services and register another legal entity.

Setting up a children's center

When decorating a room, of course, it will not do without manifestation creativity. But, turning on rational thinking, you will understand that the development center needs not only toys, books and paper with paints, but also furniture, office equipment, carpeting and much more. Simply put, you need to completely think over the interior of the premises.

Keep in mind that children's furniture is not a cheap pleasure. Yes, tables and chairs. High Quality for preschoolers are offered in very few stores, and their price is too high. A good way out of the situation is to order children's furniture, which will save a lot and get an individual product.

This option is not very suitable for purchasing materials for classes, since cheap Chinese goods are harmful to children's health. It is better to pay attention to wooden toys of foreign and domestic manufacturers. Wooden products, as a rule, are always of high quality, which will allow the toys to please the little ones much longer.

When calculating the materials that will be needed for the lessons, take into account the already planned classes so as not to buy a lot and not make unnecessary expenses. Purchase only the essentials for the first time. Useful advice: Laminate all materials made of cardboard. So their service life will be increased, and the pranks of the little ones will not harm them.

We buy office equipment

In your children's center, office equipment will be a good assistant in your work:

  • for printing educational material - a copier, and preferably a color printer;
  • personal computer or laptop;
  • for watching cartoons and training lessons - TV.

When decorating the interior, make sure that there is sufficient lighting and ventilation in the rooms where children stay, but there are no objects that can cause injury to the child. From sewers to electrical wiring, everything needs to be checked. A plus for the premises will be the presence of an air conditioner that controls the temperature, as children are very sensitive to temperature changes and can easily catch a cold.

To create coziness, it is not necessary to decorate the walls of the center perfect renovation, children's drawings are well suited for this: a possible failed repair is not visible, and the children are glad that their work is on public display. And this is also a good advertisement for newly coming parents who will definitely want to give their little ones into your professional hands.

Hiring teachers

At first, you can occupy the post of caretaker yourself, but everything is clear with the cleaning lady and the administrator - they are certainly needed. But finding qualified teachers and educators is a more serious task. The professional suitability of some of the candidates is often lame, which makes the search especially difficult. And remember, not all teachers strive to teach children, some come only for a salary. During the first few classes, it is better for you to personally attend them, because the whole image of the children's center depends on how everything starts.

Opening a developing club or, more simply, a private kindergarten is quite a profitable business in our time. Very often you can hear from young parents about the problem of lack of places in public kindergartens. Therefore, the option of opening a private developmental center for kids can be a great business idea. Do you want to know how to open a children's development center from scratch? What will be needed for this?

Before you open a development center for children, you must decide what is most important for you, the profit from this business or the successful upbringing of kids. If you want to build Kindergarten solely for the sake of profit, then it is worth abandoning this idea and choosing something else. After all, this option of earning, unfortunately, cannot be attributed to. Therefore, not every experienced entrepreneur, not to mention beginners, will be able to realize this idea. To succeed in this business, you need, first of all, desire, love for children and educational skills.

How to start a children's development center business?

Before you start, you need to draw up a detailed business plan for a children's development center, this is necessary in order to calculate the amount of costs, the level of competition and the payback period.

Competition. In every field of activity, there is a certain level of competition for services and goods. It is very important to determine how large the demand is, and it is worth starting from this factor.

Business setup costs

Most aspiring entrepreneurs are wondering how to open a children's playroom from scratch. I will tell you that it is unrealistic to start such a business without material investments. If there is no money to develop your business, look for sponsors.

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The first steps to open a children's development center:


In order to legally engage in this type of activity, you must comply with the necessary state standards. This applies to both documentation and safety.

First of all, you need to decide on the substantive form: individual entrepreneur or LLC. Next, it's worth getting everything Required documents and permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service and the fire inspection.

The premises of the entertainment center must comply with all safety standards.

It is best to entrust the preparation and execution of documents to an experienced lawyer. He will do it much faster, and you will save time and effort and will be able to deal with more important organizational issues.


It is very important to choose both a good location for an entertainment facility and an advantageous interior design. Parents, as a rule, pay close attention to the interior and comfort of the kindergarten. Children should have plenty of space to play and a comfortable seating area.

The staff of the children's educational institution

Children's center management scheme

Particular attention should be paid to the competent selection of educators. The teacher must be wise, love children, have the appropriate pedagogical education and work experience.

You should not trust the upbringing of children to an inexperienced person, this will have a bad effect on the reputation of your center. It is best to select staff yourself, because you will personally bear all responsibility for the education and care of children.

Training program

Children's education

How is a kindergarten different from a learning center? First of all, the fact that in the center your child will receive the necessary preparation for school, and will not just play with peers. Educators in the form of games, teach children to read and count, help each child develop his creative talents.

Game development club is profitable business, though not fast-paced. If you enjoy teaching toddlers, you find with them mutual language something that prevents turning a hobby into a job and a full-fledged way of earning.

Actually, it's enough. You can read about other, no less promising options for earning money in our next articles.

Every year there are more and more children, as the state stimulates the birth rate. And every mother wants happiness for her child. She wants her baby to develop, improve his abilities and gain new skills. It is for this reason that parents send their children to child development centers. Such institutions are gaining more and more popularity every year, as they are an excellent alternative to classic kindergartens. More and more entrepreneurs are thinking about how to open a children's development center from scratch.

The specifics of the children's development center

Before opening a children's development center, a businessman must decide on the format of the future educational institution. In order to make a profit, an entrepreneur must come up with a learning concept. Its correct development will attract wealthy clients who are ready to give good money for the future of children.

When creating a children's development center, it is necessary to consider:

  • the age of children at which the work of the development center will be oriented;
  • the principle of group formation;
  • the main direction of development of children;
  • programs and methods on the basis of which the work of the institution will be carried out;
  • period of stay of children in the center;
  • the presence / absence of individual lessons;
  • opportunities for psychocorrectional work with children.

Then the entrepreneur must conduct an analysis of potential customers. The definition of needs will depend further development center. The wider the range of services, the more potential visitors.

The list of functions of the children's development center may include:

  • preparation for school;
  • art classes;
  • teaching English;
  • developing classes;
  • dance lessons;
  • music lessons;
  • aerobics;
  • psychological consultations;
  • speech therapy lessons.

Choice of form of ownership and OKVED codes

Having decided to open a children's center, an entrepreneur must choose the form of ownership. For the type of business, you can open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. But we should not forget that the law "On Education" applies to the cent. The operation of a business cannot be carried out without a license. Having issued an IP without a license, the entrepreneur will not be able to hire teachers at the center. To carry out work, they must also have the status of an individual entrepreneur. For this reason, obtaining a license is mandatory.

Opening an IP is easier. But in the documents, the full name of the entrepreneur with the prefix IP will appear as the official name of the center. But this does not prevent a businessman from giving the institution any name in promotional materials.

Having chosen the form of ownership, the entrepreneur must decide on the OKVED codes. The following codes apply to the company:

  • 85.32 - babysitting;
  • 92.51 - club activities;
  • 93.05 - personal services.

Portfolio of documents

First of all, an entrepreneur must obtain a license, but only if he himself does not have a pedagogical education. Here you will need to provide the following documents:

  • a contract for the lease of premises or documents confirming its ownership;
  • SES permission;
  • fire service permit;
  • registration certificate;
  • educational program;
  • scroll teaching materials and study guides;
  • information about the teaching staff;
  • LLC charter.

A package of documents must be submitted for consideration to the education committee, which is responsible for issuing such licenses.

It is more expedient to obtain a license when the institution has already begun to generate a stable income. Before starting licensing, it is desirable to form an LLC. Until this moment, an entrepreneur can carry out activities as an individual entrepreneur and open a children's Entertainment Center. It does not require teachers special education, but will generate less income.

Choosing a location

The premises must comply with certain standards

Requirements for the premises:

  • detached non-residential premises;
  • availability of all necessary communications;
  • a fire alarm must be installed;
  • the room should have high-quality wire, good lighting and ventilation.

If the room needs repairs, then it must be carried out in accordance with the standards approved by SanPiN.

The list of requirements includes:

  • There should be a dressing room in the room, a place for a game room should be allocated. The latter can also be used for training.
  • The child development center should have a bathroom.
  • Walls should be painted or covered with moisture-resistant wallpaper.
  • Ceilings should be whitewashed or covered with water-based paint.
  • Floors must be free of defects, level and non-slip. In many children's centers, the floors are covered with special coatings.
  • Sockets and switches should be located at a level that the child cannot reach.

After repair, the premises must be approved by Rospotrebnadzor. There should be nothing superfluous in the room. Remove all objects that can cause injury to the child.

If you plan to open a children's development center in a city with a small population, then it should be located in a building located on the main streets. The establishment can be located in mall. To get started, a room with an area of ​​\u200b\u200b50 squares is suitable.

If the establishment opens in big city, then the entrepreneur must take into account the presence of a number of competitors and the proximity of potential customers. Preference should be given to the choice of premises in the city center or to place the center in residential areas. Do not forget that grandmothers and mothers prefer to take their children to establishments that are within walking distance.

You should not place an elite children's center in the usual "working" area. Paying customers will not be found here.

Necessary equipment

The equipment is purchased depending on the list of services that the institution plans to provide. The center will require:

  • game room furniture;
  • expendable materials;
  • toys;
  • Office equipment.

All equipment, play and development materials must be certified. The certificate must confirm their quality and safety for visitors to the center.

To save money, consumables should be purchased in bulk.

Children's training center staff

Children's center staff must have the necessary qualifications

Recruitment is carried out depending on the services provided. For the normal functioning of the center, the staff of the institution must include:

  • administrator;
  • cleaning lady
  • two educators;
  • English teachers;
  • teacher of fine arts;
  • dance teacher;
  • aerobics teacher;
  • speech therapist;
  • psychologist.

Teachers and educators should have the appropriate education.

When hiring employees, an entrepreneur should not be afraid to ask questions. Not every person with a pedagogical education can find contact with children.

If an institution is positioned as a developing center, then it must produce results. Parents are often interested in the success of their children, so the owner of a children's development center must develop a system for evaluating the success of pupils.


Potential customers need to be interested. Even before the opening of the center, an active advertising campaign should be launched. To attract visitors, you should:

  • During the repair of the premises, it is worth making an announcement about the imminent opening of the center.
  • The opening of the institution should be bright and memorable. You can arrange a holiday for children. The entrance should be decorated with bright balls.
  • You can invite potential customers through women's forums. There will definitely be people who want to visit the institution.
  • You can leave business cards in the nearest offices and shopping centers.
  • It is necessary to put up flyers not far from playgrounds.
  • Placing a bright sign at the entrance will attract potential customers.
  • The entrepreneur must create an organization website and a group in in social networks. On the pages you can talk about the events of the center, new pedagogical programs. The feedback section will allow customers to share their impressions. The center must provide high quality services so that people start leaving positive feedback.

Business costs and payback

The business plan must include the calculation of capital investments

To open a children's development center, an entrepreneur will need at least 600 thousand rubles.

The cost of opening a children's development center (average):

Table. Capital investments

The average payback period for a children's development center is 24 ... 30 months. The average monthly profit is about 200 thousand rubles. Net profit is at the level of 60 thousand rubles per month.

For additional profit, experts advise organizing various children's events at the center. An entrepreneur can organize the sale of educational toys, books, art supplies and accessories.

In the evening, one of the rooms can be rented out to a private psychologist.

Master classes with a teacher can be held not only for children, but also for the parents of pupils. This helps to increase the payback rate of the children's development center.

From young parents you can often hear that it is becoming more and more difficult to arrange your baby: not all mothers are ready to quit their jobs and sit all day with their child - and even if so, the baby still needs communication.

That is why over the past couple of years, along with municipal kindergartens, many private kindergartens and child development centers have also opened. All of them offer approximately the same services, but differ significantly in the level of teaching, the program used and the methodology for teaching kids. Children's centers, for example, set the bar higher and try to help parents make their babies more educated, successful and well-rounded.

Another thing is how much it costs to open a children's center. Initial investments for opening start from 500 thousand rubles and average about 3 million. Thus, the payback reaches 3-5 years. It seems long, but you and I understand that the children's center is not so much a lucrative business, but an opportunity to engage in useful, good and social important matter Well, at the same time decently earn.

Before we start

How to open a children's development center? Basically, about the same as private kindergarten, but with a couple of interesting "buts". On the one hand, it will be necessary to pay more attention to the teaching methods, staff and arrangement of the club. On the other hand, you can not keep the children full day, but invite them to certain time, close for the summer or work with children of a certain age - for example, to start collecting groups only for children 2-3 years old. also make sense Additional services: individual sessions and thematic circles in English/music/and everything is better at once, which will help to increase the customer base and get more profit.

By the way, thanks to this flexibility, the opening of a children's development or play center - great idea business for enterprising mothers. However, you need to understand that this area is quite specific and it is not so easy to open a development center. If you have never worked with children before, then you definitely need to take a person with a wealth of experience in administrative and pedagogical activities or turn to franchise offers.

Speaking of franchises. Their number is also recent times is growing rapidly, and each parent company, in addition to various degrees of fame, differs in the format of the children's center and the training program. But on the other hand, turning to franchise offers, you will receive a clear algorithm of actions, an excellent business plan and the right to work under famous brand some "Baby Club" or Sun School, which means, obviously good reputation and competitive advantage in front of other children's centers.

Main risks: large investments, difficulties with registration and selection of personnel, high social responsibility.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a children's development center”


A children's development center can also be opened closer to office and business life, so that it would be more convenient for parents to take their children, and in residential areas that have not yet been captured by competitors. But in general, the following can be said about the room: size matters. For starters, you can get by with 100 sq. m, however, we all know that the more the better - the future children's center should fit a room for classes, a game room, a dining room, a bedroom, a bathroom with a toilet, as well as a reception room and an office for staff. AT ideal world, the premises must be owned or have the possibility of renting with a subsequent purchase.

To choose a room, it is best to call a good specialist with you, because children are entitled to the best and firefighters with a sanitary and epidemiological service know about this. In general, in the same ideal world, firefighters and SES representatives should become yours. best friends and consultants who will help with the arrangement of bedrooms and dining rooms and will give advice on which fire alarms are best to choose.


First, imagine that you are furnishing a nice apartment with game rooms. Bright walls, natural furniture, swings and slides, curtains and flower pots - so that everything is in best light, to develop a design project, it is better to contact a special company. Secondly, it's time to remember that you are opening a children's development center. A whole separate article can be devoted to the choice of educational methods, so we will limit ourselves to the fact that it is better to order manuals and toys together with specialists - the same toys should not only be beautiful, but also safe, durable and with quality certificates.


The staff is what will become the pride, light and hope of the children's development center you opened. You can even say that the success of your business largely depends on the staff: firstly, we are still expected to effective learning, and secondly, if the children themselves want to stay longer, tell mom and dad how wonderful everything is, and they will spread the news about it to their friends and relatives, who are also potential customers - this is wine.

Any staff, no matter how much experience they have, at first needs close attention: probation mandatory for everyone. Minimum set:
1. an educator with a specialized education who would inspire trust and respect among parents,
2. A methodologist who must have experience working with children in a public kindergarten, be well versed in existing methods and assess the child's abilities,
3. psychologist - better in age and with experience working with children and
4. household worker - perhaps an aged lady, but who would treat our kindergarten as if it were her own household, would be economical and could work with an irregular schedule.

Documents and licenses

But on this point it is worth dwelling in more detail. In any case, we will have to go through the standard procedure for legalizing activities, but there are two ways to do this: register a children's center as a non-state educational institution or as a home kindergarten.

In the first case, in order to open a children's center, it is necessary to register with the justice authorities as a NOU - this takes about a month. To do this, you need to put the institution on tax records and obtain a license for educational activities from the Department of Education. Accordingly, for a license, you will need a copy of the charter, a lease agreement or a certificate of ownership, the conclusions of firefighters and SES, with whom you should have made friends, as well as a certificate of the availability of the material and technical base for the implementation educational activities, educational program, information about teachers, staffing, information about the number of pupils, etc.

If the title does not use the word "educational" or "educational", but say that you are opening, for example, game center, a child care center or a child development center, you can try to imagine yourself a kindergarten at home. To do this, it is enough to get by with the usual IP, and arrange the staff for positions with the duties of a nanny. For such a children's center, a license and an accounting department are no longer needed - you choose a simplified system and outsource everything. Yes, and the requirements are softer: for example, a fine from the SES will cost 3,000 rubles for an individual entrepreneur, and an average of 30,000 for an NOU. fire safety you won’t bring it, and even if you bring it, it can violate Article 17. Housing Code. That's why the best option will be the use of a cottage, which is quite enough for the occupation of 40-50 people.


Your main and very first clients are parents with children from neighboring houses. Therefore, the first goal of your marketing campaign is the surrounding courtyards. And here, as they say, all means are good: announcements on the porches, flyers, invitations to the opening with free ice cream, competitions for kids and parents with gifts ... in general, go for it.

Whether you are opening a children's development center in a small city or in the center of a large one, the second stage is to make yourself known as much as possible. more busy and solvent moms and dads. To do this, you can connect both outdoor advertising and radio advertising. Separately, it is also worth mentioning about the site - it should be colorful, with good optimization and visual prices. It is very good if through the site you can sign up for trial classes, additional circles or, for example, watch children live.


Opening a children's development center is an interesting and promising business idea, which is especially relevant in large cities and will certainly be of interest not only to enterprising mothers. However, children still deserve the best, which means that this business will require a lot of investment, a lot of effort and the help of specialists at all stages, from choosing a methodology to buying toys. The staff in your business will play an even greater role than beautiful desks and flowers on the windowsills, so it will take a long time to look for it, and pay well. In general, the sphere is quite sensitive and even with social responsibility, so if you have never worked with children before, you definitely need to take a person with rich experience in administrative and pedagogical activities, turn to franchise offers ... well, or just score and open a children's shop.

Modern parents pay special attention to the development and upbringing of children. In this regard, in our country, in addition to kindergartens and schools, many educational and entertainment institutions have appeared. We will talk about how to open a children's development center from scratch in this article.

Types of development centers

Why open a children's development center? First of all, you should choose a direction of activity. There is no specific model of such organizations, since such an occupation is creative process. Some development centers offer support for children literally from birth until the moment they go to school. In other institutions, there is a narrower specialization. They develop the child in only one direction - drawing, sports, music, and so on. There are also centers that prepare children for school.

After that, the following actions should be taken:

  • Develop a business concept;
  • Register officially a children's center and obtain all the necessary permits for its activities;
  • Find and rent suitable premises;
  • Purchase the necessary equipment;
  • Hire staff;
  • Organize an advertising campaign.

It should be noted that developing centers for children differ significantly from ordinary kindergartens. Firstly, they offer a wide range of various training programs. Secondly, the development of children is carried out by qualified employees who do everything to satisfy the desires and needs of customers.

Activity registration

If the name of the institution does not contain the word "educational" or "teaching", you can open a kids club without a license. Under the current legislation of our country, this is quite realistic, which cannot be said about opening a private kindergarten. Therefore, entrepreneurs who are engaged in babysitting arrange a children's development center as a business. In fact, it can be an ordinary kindergarten, so when choosing a preschool educational institution for your baby, pay special attention to this.

Interested in how to open a children's development center legally? Everything is very simple. You need to register as individual entrepreneur and become registered with the tax office at the place of residence. If you plan to hire staff in the future, it is advisable to immediately register a legal entity.

During registration, you need to choose the OKVED codes correctly:

  • 85.32 - provision of social services to children;
  • 95.51 - opening children's institution club type;
  • 93.05 - provision of personal services.

Before opening a children's club or development center, you should inform Rospotrebnadzor about the start of work. After that, you can expect guests with checks. The condition of the premises should be checked by SES employees and the fire inspectorate. If everything is in order, they will issue you the necessary permits and you can start your business.

Choice of premises and equipment

The premises for the development center should be chosen depending on the direction of activity. If you want to prepare children for school, you will need separate classes for classes. In principle, you can rent a room in one of the municipal kindergartens. This will allow you to avoid problems with regulatory authorities, since such premises comply with all established requirements. Pay attention to the fact that there is nothing superfluous in the room, which can lead to injuries. Every classroom should have good lighting and ventilation. You should also check the wiring, heating and sewerage.

The room should be divided into several separate zones:

  • Reception;
  • Staff room;
  • Classes for classes;
  • Playroom.

In addition, it is necessary to equip two toilets - one for children, and the second for adults. If the children stay in the center long time, you need to separately equip the area for daytime sleep.

What do you need to open a children's development center?

  • Furniture. Buying ready-made children's furniture is a thankless task. In addition, such pleasure will cost you a round sum. In stores, high-quality furniture at affordable prices is extremely rare, so it is best to make it to order. This will allow you to save a lot and get exactly what you need;
  • Consumables for classes and toys. You should not save on this. Choose quality baby products, not Chinese consumer goods. In this case, the toys will last a long time;
  • Educational materials. At first, you can buy textbooks, notebooks, cards, etc. only if necessary, depending on what kind of classes you are going to conduct. To make cardboard aids last longer, they need to be laminated;
  • When developing a business plan for how to open a children's development center, do not forget to include an expense item for the purchase of office equipment in it.

For work you will need:

  • Xerox;
  • Printer for printing educational materials;
  • TV for watching cartoons and various educational programs.

The walls in the room can be decorated with children's drawings of your previous pupils. They will be an excellent advertisement for parents who will bring their children to the center.

Children's development center staff


Before you open a children's development center, you need to select qualified staff. The success of your business largely depends on this. Regardless of the format of the institution, the following specialists should be on staff:

  • educators;
  • Psychologist;
  • Methodist;
  • Administrator;
  • Accountant;
  • Economic worker.

Methodists and educators receive an average of 20-25 thousand rubles. The administrator is paid 13-14 thousand rubles. The salary of a housekeeper and cleaner varies between 8,000 and 10,000 rubles. These are averages wages. Naturally, they vary and directly depend on the region of the country.


So, you have firmly decided that I want to open a children's development center. In order for such a business to bring good profit, you need to choose the right range of services.

For this you need:

  • Decide on the age of the children who will be trained at the center. As a rule, such institutions are intended for kids from 1 to 6 years old. All students should be divided into groups according to their age;
  • Try to develop your own training program. Of course, this will require special professional knowledge. Don't miss this important point, because in the future it can become your competitive advantage;
  • Create a detailed class schedule.

Customer acquisition

At the start, a children's club will need extensive advertising:

  • Bright sign;
  • Banners;
  • Road signs;
  • Billboards;

Also, do not forget to place advertisements in the media and the Internet. Another effective method- this is the placement of information on social networks and on thematic forums. When you have your own client base and the club starts to become popular, you will not have to spend a lot of money on advertising. At first, you need to make detailed plan advertising campaign and allocate funds for it on a monthly basis.

Financial investments

Now let's talk about expenses. To quickly draw up documents, it is advisable to seek help from a specialized company. It will cost you 20-30 thousand rubles. At least 300 thousand rubles will have to be spent on equipment.

Also, when drawing up a business plan for a children's development center, fixed costs should be taken into account:

  • Premises rental - 65 thousand rubles;
  • Nutrition for children - 2.5 thousand rubles daily;
  • Staff salary - 75-100 thousand rubles;
  • Security - 10 thousand rubles.

Do not forget about the variable costs for the purchase of stationery, dishes and other things. In addition, money will be needed for advertising and customer acquisition. When the business begins to develop, you can create your own website on the Internet, where customers can familiarize themselves with the proposed list of services.

Profitability and business relevance

We figured out how much it costs to open a children's development center. Now it's time to talk about profit. In the first year of work, you should not expect large incomes. During this time, you can only find clients and declare a business within your locality.

Modern parents pay special attention to the individual development of children. Since they are constantly busy with career and personal growth, there is no free time for raising a child. In this regard, the business at the opening of developing centers is quite a promising and relevant area of ​​activity. Families with a good income are willing to pay decent money for vocational training and proper child care.

If you want to understand whether it is profitable to open a children's development center, you must first understand the sources of income:

  1. Developmental classes;
  2. Preparatory group for preschoolers;
  3. Learning foreign languages;
  4. Drawing;
  5. Dancing;
  6. Music.

In addition, it is possible to offer clients the organization of various children's parties, birthdays, as well as concerts and various competitions. Expanding the range of services will allow you to earn additional income.

On average, from one client, the children's center receives 7-10 thousand rubles net profit with full board or 2-4 thousand rubles when attending certain classes. Net income for 1 month is 50-70 thousand rubles. It's quite profitable. Such a project can be implemented in any region of our country.

Profitability and payback periods

The payback period of an institution is 1–2 years, depending on its format. To bring closer the moment of reaching net income, find out on the basis of the development center. Equipment for it can be purchased from specialized companies that are engaged in. Inexpensive toys are best purchased in bulk from domestic manufacturers. Another option for additional income is master classes for parents and children, which can be held 1-2 times a week. Some development centers also offer services child psychologist and a speech therapist.

At the stage of formation, the profitability of the business will not exceed 12–15%. Over time, to increase the number of customers, you can open branches throughout the city or in small settlements. You can also rent a larger room in order to be near the development center. The most important thing is to choose the right assortment so that parents who bring their children to classes can buy everything they need there.

  • It is advisable to open a children's club in new areas of the city, where there are usually problems with free places in kindergartens;
  • If you are not sure that you can independently organize such a business from scratch, you can buy ready business a child development center or purchase a franchise to work under the guidance of professionals;
  • Find some "zest" for your center that will attract customers. For example, you can organize monthly holidays with funny contests and clowns;
  • Keep in mind that this business is seasonal. There is a lull in the children's centers all summer, as parents send their children on vacation. During this period, it is better to take a break from work or organize a summer camp for children.

If you love children, this will bring you great profits. A person who puts his whole soul into his work will surely achieve positive results.

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