What do you need to open a betting shop. Collection of necessary documents and registration

* Calculations use average data for Russia

In Russia gambling For several years now, they have been outlawed, and they can only be held in specially designated gambling zones. Keeping your own casino in the past decade was one of the most profitable types of business, and now it is an almost hopeless area. But the law of 2006 did not prohibit the activity in the cities of another type of companies that also earn on gambling. These are bookmakers, which, although they have certain requirements for conducting their business, are not thrown out of the settlements.

In this activity, the main risk is the emergence of new restrictions from the legislation. And although the latest version of the law, which was adopted in July 2014, has some easing, it is still worth initially relying on the fact that bookmakers can be outlawed or forced to leave the city. Therefore, from the very beginning, you need to have at least a permanent lawyer who can advise the entrepreneur and support the business legally. However, the same editorial made legal the association of bookmakers, which can now organize self-regulatory organizations. Such organizations are non-profit, but membership in them for new players is actually the only way to start doing such a business. The fact is that a license to conduct betting activities is issued to a company only if the size of its net assets is at least 300 million rubles. This is not a typo, this is the amount that an office that accepts bets and is engaged in sweepstakes should have.

At this point it is worth dwelling in more detail. From the provisions of the law follows the need to have an authorized capital equal to the above amount. It is clear that a novice entrepreneur cannot have so much money, so it may seem that the road to this business is closed to small entrepreneurs. However, no one obliges you to open your own company, and you can join an existing bookmaker as a partner. Self-regulatory organizations of bookmakers can help to join their already existing association, to solve some issues. Since an SRO can be formed only if it includes at least 10 participants, it turns out that not 300 million are required from each, but “only” 30. But 10 participants is the minimum that should consist of SRO, that is, with an increase in its members, the cost of the entrance fee is gradually reduced. At the same time, it is probably not entirely correct to call these 30 million an entrance fee, because the entrepreneur does not give these funds away, but has them and can invest them in his business. Now, if an SRO has 1,000 members, then the amount of the authorized capital of each of them is reduced to 300,000. At the same time, one should not forget that an SRO interested in attracting new members may require much smaller amounts of authorized capital from them (if it has its own large funds). Already from this it becomes clear that a small bookmaker's office can be opened for little money (relatively little, of course). But we must not forget that the SRO also sets its own requirements for new participants and, quite likely, will require a real entry fee. Yes, and you will have to work, most likely, under a false name. At the moment, the number of large bookmakers that organize associations is small, but their number is constantly growing.

The very registration and licensing of activities is carried out in the local tax authority. Activity code - (OKPD 2) 92.13 Betting services. A legal entity is being formalized, which is necessary both for the state and for a self-regulatory organization. It is clear that first a business entity is registered, which subsequently submits documents for licensing. If you plan to work via the Internet (and this is a very profitable direction, and it is worth developing), then after obtaining a license, you need to contact the Center for Accounting for Interactive Rate Transfers (TsUPIS), which is a non-bank credit institution. Under the new law, players can no longer directly transfer funds to the bookmaker, which, in case of a win, credits funds to its client's account through any bank. Now they are doing it special offices, which will automatically deduct tax on winnings. But TsUPIS is now actively organized by SROs themselves, while receiving a special license from Central Bank RF. If you want to join an SRO, you should immediately pay attention to whether it has its own TsUPIS or at least established agreements with a third-party company. At the same time, you need to find out the conditions for cooperation with TsUPIS, because no one will work in this company for thanks, and it will have to be supported by the bookmakers themselves. Unsurprisingly, in the end, the commission to the interactive rates transfer accounting center will be paid by end users.

However, if you plan to open an office that does not accept interactive bets, agreements with TsUPIS are not needed. In this case, you need a license and readiness for constant checks. It is possible that SROs, which are interested in doing business legally and in accurate reporting, will also conduct inspections (this is their money, because membership in an SRO can also cost some money, often a percentage of revenue). You need to start such a business in those settlements where there is a conviction that there will be players, and the office itself should be located within easy reach of the player. Therefore, it is worth thinking about what to open several points. But each point must be an independent entity, which means that it must pay contributions independently, have a certain amount of its own authorized capital, etc. If funds are not enough at the very beginning, it is worth finding a passage and creating a bright and attractive sign. Today, it is best to target ordinary people without creating elite bookmakers with large sums rates. After some time, there will be a lot of regulars in the office who make bets almost daily, regardless of whether they win or lose. Such players are called privateers, and are, in fact, just regular customers. It is clear that the lower the minimum bid, the more privateers there will be.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The size of the room itself can be minimal. A simple pavilion, where the cashier and the necessary equipment is placed, is the most budget option. At the start, you will only need two people to work in shifts, but sometimes it is advisable to work around the clock, and two employees are not enough. In addition to the increased number of cashiers, guards will be needed, because in the case of accepting cash payments, the money will be in the cashier. And here it is necessary to organize security not only on the spot, but also the possibility of calling employees of a private security company and the police. A security guard is also needed in order to check the age of visitors, which cannot be less than eighteen years old.

The equipment you need is the most necessary - this is simple furniture, as well as a computer. If you open not a simple pavilion, but a full-fledged institution, then you need to arrange seating for visitors, as well as hang TVs on the walls, because some people will be interested in following the sporting event they bet on "without leaving the cash desk" . In this case, the prospects for conducting additional business (from a vending machine to a small bar) open up, but several people must keep order, otherwise people who are annoyed by the loss may unnecessarily actively show their dissatisfaction. Therefore, the arrangement of your office can cost as much as 50 thousand rubles, or much more, it all depends on the level of the institution. It should be noted that for the most part people do not need an additional service, the main thing for them is to place a bet.

Requires software to work. And here the entrepreneur has two possible ways to solve this issue. Firstly, it is to buy ready-made software that works and is successfully used by many bookmakers. This option, of course, is preferable, but it can also cost a lot. a large sum. After all, the price consists not only of the cost of the programs themselves, but also of the cost of connection and configuration. Also, for each type of sports competition, if not a separate program, then a separate interface will be required, because horse racing and poker cannot be broadcast in the same mode. If possible, you can develop programs on your own or with the involvement of acquaintances or friends. In this scenario, savings are possible, but the resulting software will have to be tested in the course of its activities, which may cause customer dissatisfaction or difficulties in work. But if you develop your own good software, after testing and debugging it, you can start implementing it.

The betting business is somewhat different from any other, and is close, which is logical, to gambling. In the case of making money on someone else's excitement, you will have to set such rates and rewards that will attract customers. A special feature is that the entrepreneur himself directly participates in the totalizator, reducing, of course, his risks to a minimum, but not excluding them at all. At first, when the stakes are low, you can work just by making a bet, but later you need to hire analysts to your staff who will monitor the situation on the global sports arena and identify risks and opportunities. The salary of such people is usually very high, but often it is a percentage of the proceeds, and they pay for themselves with interest. Indeed, without them, the entrepreneur is forced to be guided by his own considerations and well-known facts; that is, in setting rates, he risks almost as much as his clients. The probability of winning or losing will not change, of course, but if the stakes are set incorrectly, the risks increase. It cannot be said that the bookmaker will go bankrupt in one evening (unless more than one person came to him who unexpectedly won on a bet with a high odds).

Ready-made ideas for your business

Tellingly, the betting business is to some extent seasonal. This is due to the fact that most bets are placed on football. Large and interesting championships for the majority of the population (there are 2 of them) are held every 4 years, but due to their schedule, every two years there is a stir and a craze for football. These days, even people who have never heard of sweepstakes make bets. The situation with the Olympics is somewhat calmer. Therefore, the bookmaker can make good money in the summer once every two years, the rest of the time being content with proceeds from less interesting sporting events. Gambling people will already bet on them, a simple man in the street will not spend his money on events that are uninteresting to him. Russians may be interested in professional races, horse races and even tournaments card games(poker in the first place), but the excitement is not to be expected. However, there are always many who want to win money, and summer football championships can be perceived as a time for additional earnings.

Now it is worth dwelling in more detail on the organization of a bookmaker's office operating via the Internet. The possibility of online betting was returned only in the latest edition (it generally changed the position of bookmakers), it was previously prohibited. There were entrepreneurs who worked semi-legally, placing their sites on foreign domains, which eliminated the need to obey the law of the Russian Federation. De jure, there were no violations, but since such sites were focused specifically on Russian players, de facto businessmen conducted illegal activities. The word "Curaçao" has become sacred, because this Caribbean state was especially loyal to the conduct of betting activities. Apparently, the state realized the futility of its bans, and legalized the Internet work of bookmakers in Russia again. Now it is enough to get your own website and accept online bets through TsUPIS.

In order to do this, the site must not only be created, but also promoted in the top of the search. This is done by special companies, which today have become especially numerous, but the cost of their services can sometimes reach up to 100 thousand rubles. The created site should be attractive to the client both from an aesthetic point of view and from a practical point of view. So, it’s very good to organize the possibility of payments through all possible and existing today payment systems. For obvious reasons, it will not work through bank payments, people need efficiency and the ability to quickly deposit and withdraw funds. You also need to take into account the fact that on your site you will have to store the user's personal data (our very free state seeks to control all people already on the Internet) up to the TIN. However, this is logical, given that TsUPIS will deduct a percentage of the winnings.

The site provides great opportunities - to work with virtually the whole world in the event of appropriate promotion, to cover a large audience and simultaneously broadcast and accept bets on almost all existing and ongoing championships and competitions at the same time. In fact, the idea of ​​the state is not bad - to simplify the whole scheme so that the person who won the money would receive his winnings in the shortest possible time, already minus taxes. This makes the system transparent, efficient and relatively convenient (taking into account the interests of all parties, of course: the bookmaker, the player and the state). But how this will be implemented in practice is not yet clear.

Ready-made ideas for your business

The bookmaker can earn completely different numbers. There is a rule that prize fund gambling or sweepstakes should not be less than 70%, in which case the bookmaker cannot earn more than 30% of the amount of money accepted. At the same time, the current players do not seek to disclose this information, and one cannot be sure that even the tax authorities know exactly how much bookmakers earn in percentage terms. Sometimes you can come across statements that the bookmaker keeps only 10% of the turnover, but even with these figures, given the gambling of many players, you can count on good income. After all the casinos were officially expelled from the cities, bets and sweepstakes remained the only legal type of business built on excitement. The position of lotteries is also ambiguous, which also experience some difficulties, but not as critical as casinos. In any case, a gambler now has the opportunity to play only on bets, so the number of visitors to bookmakers has increased after the adoption of the law. Considering that the state recent times softened its requirements for this business and even seeks to develop this direction, you can count on the fact that your business, built on a tote, will flourish. Only you will have to act not alone, but in conjunction with other bookmakers. Practice will show, perhaps it will be even better for everyone.

Matthias Laudanum
(c) - portal of business plans and guides for starting a small business

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Psychological Salon "1000 Ideas" is a unique business format that opens up endless opportunities for self-realization in one of the most sought-after niches of modern business.

In this article, we will look at how it is theoretically possible to open a bookmaker's office in Russia and why almost all domestic offices operate illegally. So, let's start… There are two ways to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet: create it from scratch or connect to ready-made platforms.

Opening a bookmaker from scratch


The first step in starting this business is to obtain a license. It should be noted right away that it is almost impossible to obtain such a license in Russia, here are financial requirements put forward our legislation:

  • a bank guarantee in the amount of 450 - 500 thousand rubles;
  • authorized capital - 100 million rubles;
  • the value of assets is at least 1 billion rubles.

For most, these requirements are unbearable, so the best option is to get a license on the Isle of Man or Seychelles, where it will cost from $ 50,000. Here is the answer to the question why most bookmakers in Russia operate illegally.

To implement the acceptance of bets on the Internet, except for initial capital need good team. On average, this project will require a huge team and an investment of approximately $150,000.

Line organization

One of important points in the future work of your bookmaker is the creation of lines on which players will make bets. self-organize this work unreal. To create lines, you will need a large staff of analysts, since the creation of lines requires a thorough analysis of each sporting event. Even many eminent bookmakers use other people's lines, changing the odds at their discretion.

Therefore, it will be very difficult to organize such work on your own and it is better to rent the lines. On average, the price is about 10,000 euros per month.

Technical part

As in any other service on the Internet, the bookmaker's office consists of two parts: the back office and the front end. The first part implies the administrative part of the site, that is, the speed and reliability of your resource. Frontend- this is the external part of the site, that is, it depends on how comfortable it will be for customers to use the resource. It should be convenient so that even a beginner in the world of betting can understand how to use it.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the server to host the site. It must have a high degree of protection against cyber attacks and withstand heavy loads.

Payment system

It is clear that no bookmaker can function without a financial component. Therefore, when creating a site, you need to connect payment systems with which customers can deposit and withdraw funds on your resource. For the convenience of customers, you will need to connect the most popular payment systems: webmoney, yandex money, qiwi, visa / master card.

Connect to ready-made platforms

For those who do not have that much time and huge start-up capital, there is an opportunity to connect to ready-made platforms (white label). For certain cash you get a ready-made working site with working lines, payment systems and a personal account.

Setting up a finished resource takes about a week and the bookmaker is legally ready to go. Your task is to promote and attract customers to your resource.

Legislation for entering the betting business

Since 2016, sports betting has become legal. According to the new laws, bookmakers unite in the so-called Self-Regulatory Organizations of Bookmakers (SROs). The minimum number of bookmakers in an SRO must be at least 10 offices. Next, the Self-Regulatory Organization of Bookmakers should organize a fund of 30 million rubles.

In the SRO, all financial transactions are required to go through " Internet betting center"(TsUPIS). This center works only with licensed payment systems. The main task of TsUPIS is to take into account the rates and financial transactions for the future levy of 13% tax on bookmaker winnings. The center also guarantees the player the payment of the winnings, even if the bookmaker has become bankrupt at the expense of a special compensation fund created by bookmakers belonging to the SRO.

The main obstacle to the legalization of business in the field of betting in Russia is the vague wording of laws, the unfinished regulatory industry and the constant tax pressure on bookmakers from the state.

For 2017 main goal The legal branch of online betting is the introduction of remote identification for playing through TsUPIS, so that at last there is an opportunity to open an official betting shop that could fully compete with offshore offices.

Today we live in conditions of global integration, when there is a constant exchange and implementation of new ideas that are successfully operating abroad. One of the profitable business lines, which originated in the 19th century in the West, is a bookmaker's office.

In connection with the law prohibiting the operation of casinos in cities, the betting business has gained a new breath and is now perhaps the most profitable investment direction.

Betting activity is a kind of gambling, due to which and has become a successful and legitimate alternative to casinos.

Bookmakers themselves claim that the income from their activities is an average of 10%. However, according to experts, the profitability of such offices does not fall below 20% of their turnover.

Choice of direction

Choice right direction business, along with experience and a serious attitude, plays a key role in the financial success of an entrepreneur.

The market turnover in Japan, the USA and Europe is at least 650 billion dollars a year. Operations carried out in some offices can easily be compared with the level of banking.

On the market today there is two lines of business:

  • For mass flow. Minimum bet in such offices it starts from 20 rubles and rarely exceeds the level of 5,000 rubles.
  • For elite clients. The minimum bet is 5,000 rubles. The ceiling is unlimited due to the fact that such offices have huge reserves in their funds.

A novice entrepreneur should stick to the first direction.

Having increased your turnover and accumulated a stable reserve capital, you can move to the next level and serve VIP clients.

Opening procedure

When opening a bookmaker's office, like any other type of business, it is necessary to prepare a good business plan. The preparation of such a document is an essential part of the preparatory process.

First of all, you need to get comprehensive information about the business, analyze competitors and make financial calculations. Based on the information received, draw up a step-by-step action plan, by completing which you will reduce your risks. The algorithm of actions required to open a bookmaker's office will be given below.

Business registration

bookmakers registered exclusively in the form legal entity . Opening an LLC can take from 2 weeks and will cost around 10,000 rubles.

For this amount, you will receive a complete set of statutory documents (charter, certificate, etc.), a seal of the organization and open a bank account.

The activities of the bookmaker are subject to mandatory licensing, which is regulated by the Federal Tax Authorities, which issue a 5-year license allowing operations in this area.

After registration you will be able to choose one of two ways to obtain a license:

  • self-acquisition will take at least 1.5 months. In addition, it will be necessary to fulfill the following conditions: authorized capital - 100 million rubles; bank guarantee - 500 million rubles; assets - 1 billion rubles. As you can see, only giants can master obtaining a license.
  • Franchising and work on the basis of a partner's license. To obtain a partner license, you need only 200,000 rubles.

Getting a list of sports bets (event lines)

The main work of the bookmaker is with the line sports betting, in which the available events and their coefficients are indicated at the daily level. Usually Analysts are responsible for choosing the method of calculating bets and determining the coefficients.

There are two types of lines: “before the start of events” and “Live” (events during the game). You can get them in two ways:

  • Hire a team of analysts, which will calculate events and coefficients for them daily. One person can easily handle events "before the start". However, for "Live" bets, a minimum of 2 more employees will be required.
  • Affiliate line. If you choose to work with a franchise, then the partners will provide you with their own line. The fee for it depends on the agreements concluded.
    Some analytics providers prefer fixed fees ($500 per month). However, most prefer to be paid as a percentage of income (approximately 10% of the difference between winning and losing bets).

Creation of a reserve fund

First of all, need to limit the size maximum rates and possible wins.

Information about this should be constantly reflected on the tickets of customers.

The reserve fund is replenished if the client loses and decreases if the bet wins. On the initial stage the fund must be at least 50,000 rubles.

Renting premises and its design

When choosing a room special attention should be paid to its location. It is better to open in a very crowded area, with a constant flow of people.

Also worth take into account that most of the visitors to bookmakers are men. The premises must comply with all fire and sanitary safety requirements.

bookmaker can be placed in one spacious room or in the basement. When decorating the interior, it is recommended to allocate a fenced area for the cash desk and provide areas for the comfortable location of customers.

You can save on repairs due to design solutions: just hang a few football jerseys, a stick, a tennis racket and the office’s sporty design will be ready.

Purchase of equipment and furniture

For full functioning in a bookmaker's office you will need the following equipment:

  • Computers at the cash desk - 2 pieces.
  • Computers in the client area - 3 pieces.
  • TVs with satellite channels - 3 pieces.
  • Monitors for "Live" rates - 2 pieces.
  • Thermal printers for printing checks.
  • Line printer.

To create a client area, you will need a sofa, a sofa and a coffee table.

If the starting budget allows additional expenses, then the best way investment will purchase game consoles (Xbox 360 and Play Station Vita). This will increase the flow of customers and fill empty space offices.


Bookmakers usually do not impose special requirements on staff. Here not required to have higher education, creativity, sales skills or knowledge of foreign languages.

The most important thing is that the employee understands technology, works well on a computer, and knows how to cope with stress.

It is best to hire 1 guy and 1 girl at the cash desk. The hall will need an administrator who will keep order and fulfill customer requests.

Organization Features

It is difficult to attribute a bookmaker's office to any particular line of business. She is situated closest to the service, entertainment and gambling industry, which is the first feature of this business.

The working principle is that the office provides an opportunity to have fun and earn.

The bookmaker offers several types of competition:

  • Sports betting: football, tennis, volleyball, hockey, basketball, table tennis, etc.
  • Gambling bets: Keno, lotto, etc.
  • ESports. Bets on the result of computer competitions.
  • Betting on political events.

Each type includes several events, which, in turn, have several outcomes.

The bookmaker in his line sets a certain coefficient for each of the outcomes. The client chooses the outcome that seems most likely to him and, in case of victory, receives back the invested amount multiplied by the outcome coefficient. If the choice turned out to be unsuccessful, the invested amount goes to the office.

The main feature of the bookmaker is that it does not play against the client. The win or loss of the bettor does not matter to the bookmaker, because in the end, office profit lies in the margin set by analysts.

Any office has a minimum margin of 5 - 8%, which guarantees a profit, regardless of the outcome of the bet.

Therefore, aspiring entrepreneurs should keep in mind that the key to success in this business lies in the number of customers and the amount of their rates.

This is what the ideal business looks like. In the conditions of existing competition, and there are really a lot of offices on the market, a special role is played by the size of the reserve capital, thoughtfulness of the line and additional service.

The loyalty of not only the winning client, but also all the people who visit your office depends on how quickly you pay out the winnings.

An example of the successful development of the betting business, see the video:

Amount of franchise costs

The right choice for start-up entrepreneurs who want to open a bookmaker's office, there will be a franchise.

This will require less effort, time and money. If you already have a partner, you can open an office in just 2 weeks.

Main benefits of franchising are:

  • There is no need to keep a large staff of analysts.
  • To open, you need a small investment.
  • Provided high level profitability of the institution (up to 40% of the monthly turnover).
  • Saving time and nerves on obtaining a license.

Investment volume

Next, we will calculate how much it costs to open a franchise bookmaker start-up costs and monthly expenses. Among the most popular franchisors are Fonbet, Chance and other bookmakers.

Much you can reduce these amounts if you open an institution on the Internet. In this case, there is no need to pay rent and it becomes possible to reduce the number of staff.

Capital investments - 425,000 rubles.

  • Registration as an LLC, license and other documents - 200,000 rubles.
  • Equipment and furniture - 100,000 rubles.
  • Room rental - 30,000 rubles.
  • Repair and decoration of the premises - 50,000 rubles.
  • Salary for staff - 30,000 rubles.
  • Point advertising - 15,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses - 90,000 rubles.

  • Rent - 30,000 rubles.
  • Salary for staff - 30,000 rubles.
  • Line payment - approximately 25,000 rubles.
  • Utilities and Internet - 5,000 rubles.

Decided to go into a gaming business? Do you want to open your own bookmaker's office? Then you are on the right path of a novice businessman. To date, gambling is the most promising way to enrich. In a situation where the owners of casinos and gaming machines are being prosecuted, bookmakers turned out to be the only legitimate ones in the gaming business.

Therefore, we want to tell you in this article about all the charms and pitfalls of opening and further promoting your own bookmaker. If you do everything right, you will soon become fabulously rich.

The history of the betting business, its relevance today

Let's try to start by talking about where this type of activity, which is very attractive today, came from. To do this, you have to delve a little into the history of human evolution.

Yes Yes. It's in history!

Since even the ancient Romans suffered from such a vice as gambling.

They organized various sports competitions and made bets on them. The principle was the same as today.

The famous banker took gold from everyone who wanted to take part in this action, and whoever correctly calculated the future winner, he gave the winnings to him. Naturally, before the presentation of the cash prize, he received his percentage of the transaction.

Basically, such monetary transactions were carried out at gladiator competitions and knightly duels. Not everyone could afford such pleasure. The stakes were pretty high.

But the progenitor of the modern bookmaker business was Pierre Oller. Basically, he carried out similar monetary transactions at horse races.

And by 1875, this type of business was already firmly on its feet. Then they began to rightfully call it a business that made the owners of such offices very rich people.

What you need to open a bookmaker: start conditions

Today, two questions are quite relevant: “What is needed to open and organize a successful bookmaker’s office?” and “Is the game worth the candle?”. If you really thought about it, our article will dispel all your fears.

And also tell you how to do the right thing so as not to stay on the bench.

The key to success in any business venture is a well thought out business plan.
We offer you a sample similar document by which you can easily understand the basics of this business.
Detailed consideration of the betting case:

  1. Be sure to explore this path.
  2. Calculate how your office will become competitive.
  3. Find out what residents are interested in locality where your office will be located. Take a break from this.

Registration process of legal activity:

  1. Learn in detail about all the nuances of obtaining a coveted license.
  2. Gather all the necessary documentation for this case.

Find a good space for your office:

  1. Your office should be located in a place with high traffic of people.
  2. It is advisable to make a designer renovation in it so that everything speaks of the direction of your organization.
  1. Purchase of necessary furniture and good equipment.
  2. Selection of a qualified staff staff.
    Preferably with at least 1 year experience in this field.
  3. Good publicity. Qualified PR will not hurt you.

If you still doubt your own abilities, then it is better to use the help of an experienced specialist.

He will design a good option business plan.

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker in Russia

Of course, this idea will result in a tidy sum of money for you. Which is very difficult for a beginner.

But, if you think carefully, you can take one or more partners for yourself. Together it is much easier to collect the required amount and achieve good success.

The total starting capital of future owners should be around $9,000. But in the process of organizing and establishing the work of your business, additional financial injections will be required. It all depends on the niche of the bookmaker.

There are two main types of betting shops:

  1. Bulk.
    Anyone can visit your office and bet from 50 to 10,000 rubles on any sporting event;
  2. Elite.
    The principle of operation here is the same as in the first, but rates start from 1,000 rubles.

So decide - which office to open and how many partners you need to attract for this. But in any case, the "game" is worth your effort.

How to open a bookmaker: licensing

To avoid the "punishment" of justice, be sure to register your entrepreneurial activity. This business is licensed federal agency on physical education, sports and tourism "RosKomSport".

If at least one owner of your office has experience in this business, then you can easily get all the permits.

Find such a person, and your dream of being in the bottom business will come true.

Premises and equipment, staff

When choosing a room for a future office, take a good look at where it is located. If you do not have enough experience and your own clientele - not even a hint of competing neighbors.

A great place will be the presence of a number of bars, gyms and many other establishments. The cross-country ability must be increased.

For the normal functioning of your bookmaker's office, there will be enough space of 15 m². Organize workspace so that visitors cannot access data from the computer.

Restrict their access to technical and financial manipulations on this device. In front of the employee's workplace, build a transparent screen with a window.

Buy the necessary furniture and equipment for your office.

Here you can save:

  1. Tables and chairs.
    You can also buy used ones. The main thing is that they look nice.
  2. Soft sofas and chairs for visitors, you can also buy second-hand.
  3. Good computer equipment.
  4. High-speed Internet, with uninterrupted connection via local network.
  5. A large plasma TV can be bought not new.
  6. Good computer office equipment.
  7. Install licensed software on all computers.
  8. A cooler with clean drinking water will not hurt either.

We have listed the basic equipment that you will need for the normal functioning of your bookmaker.

The rest depends on your starting capital and the number of employees in the headquarters.

The selection of personnel should be approached very carefully. After all, the fate of your business depends on his experience and skill level.

Organize a certain casting in which select applicants according to the following parameters:

  1. High level computer knowledge.
  2. The presence of higher education.
  3. 1 year experience in betting industry.
  4. Good reference from a former job.
  5. Sociability.
  6. A responsibility.

You can also add some of your wishes to the requirements. Check the accuracy of all information provided to you by the applicant for a future position.

Don't make spontaneous decisions. repel from appearance female applicants are strictly prohibited.

Make quality selections!

Find out how the bookmaker works from the video.

Clientele, competitor analysis

In the case when your task is income, in this case the bookmaker's resource is the target audience. Who exactly is this society?

In general, these are males from 18 to 60 years old (there are also older men). These are ardent supporters of sports, who consider themselves experienced analysts.

But in fact, everything is much simpler: these are just men suffering from excitement who want to try their luck, thereby adding variety to their leisure time.

Remember: to interest good clients, they should be provided with guaranteed and instant payments of the funds they won. The better you set the payout speed, the more people love your establishment.

Also, be sure to smooth out all disputes in their favor. Your slogan should be the phrase: "The customer is always right!".

Also very important aspect in this business are competitors. Be sure to consider this factor when opening your office.

Look for a place where this barrier is completely absent. Better open in a small town.

Before there are competing organizations, you will already gain the necessary experience, and you will also have your own client base.

Principles of operation of bookmakers

It's time to talk about the most exciting topic of this article - how the work of any bookmaker works.

The whole point lies in a kind of dispute between two or more participants. Your organization is only an intermediary in this bet.

For the most part, these bets are based on some sports competition. But there are also types of disputes, such as music or television shows.

Gambling people are found in all art forms. You are only fulfilling their whims.

Let's take a closer look at the principle of your further activity:

  • a potential client came to your office;
  • you tell him about all the possible bets at the moment;
  • he chooses a congenial outcome of this event and makes a money bet;
  • if he turned out to be right, then he takes his money +%;
  • You must pay out the winnings immediately.

That's the whole trick of your work.

Risks and promotion of the bookmaker

In this field of entrepreneurship, the risk of failure is very significant. But if you skillfully take on it, then the negative outcome is reduced to zero.

But even if you do not have such experience, good staff will do all the work for you.

Also, without good PR, it will not work here.

  • on TV;
  • in the Internet;
  • distribute leaflets with information about your organization;
  • hire a car with a loudspeaker.

The sign above the entrance to your office also plays a very important role. It should be bright and catchy.

Come up with a good, attractive name for your company. From time to time, do various promotions for regular customers.

How to open a bookmaker on the Internet online

Thanks to technical innovations, betting firms have become more multifunctional than before. They help visitors to place bets even from mobile phones.

Moreover, all the action can be carried out at home without even leaving its borders. Even the geography of location does not have special significance, since all the action is carried out over the local Internet network.

If you still doubt whether it is profitable to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet, which will always be in online mode, then we will tell you about all the delights of this kind of organization. We will tell you what you need to open it.

To begin with, let's look at what is the attractiveness of such a bookmaker company on the Internet:

  1. A decent amount of money is saved due to the lack of payment for renting the premises.
  2. You do not have to buy furniture and some technical equipment for your office.
  3. No pay for employees. You are your own cashier, janitor, and security guard.
  4. No need to worry about good place with high permeability of the male part of the population.
  5. No cost for a new script.
  6. On the Internet, a huge base of customers who are fond of betting has already been created.
    There are even foreign players.

We hope you understand that such an organization is quite beneficial for a beginner. But how to do it? What do you need?

  1. Create your website for betting services. If you do not have these skills, purchase a ready-made site.
  2. On the Internet, find a similar bookmaker portal.
  3. Download from it a ready-made online betting script.
  4. You place plugins of various payment systems on your Internet portal.
  5. Thematically design your site.

It is best to hire several experienced employees for your Internet resource. They will do all the work for you.

A betting organization with the right approach to organizational processes is a very lucrative business.

Due to the closure of various gaming establishments, your company will not be left without attention.

But it's always easier to start small. Try your luck first on the Internet.

You will spend less financial resources, gain proper experience and you will have good start-up capital for opening something more serious.

Then start making your dream come true!

Good luck to all!

How to open a bookmaker's office can be found in the video.

In contact with

The relevance of opening bookmakers is obvious . The betting industry is one of the largest in terms of financial turnover. But do not count on super profits from the first months - on average, the profitability of this business reaches 10%.

Before opening a business, it is necessary to take into account the rules and pitfalls, features of development and organization. Ever since the dawn of civilization sport games gathered thousands of fans, while they were asked to bet on the victory of one of the players. Since those times, especially enterprising people have also been trying to get income through such a hobby.

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Work principles

Periodically, the bookmaker puts out quotes for the outcome of a sporting event, which are called "lines". Each presented result has its own coefficient, thanks to which you can determine the amount of winnings.

Bookmakers are divided into two types:

  • Orientation to the mass character (the cost of the rate is from 50 to 5000 rubles);
  • targeting an elite audience (bets from 5,000 rubles).

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Business registration

The business plan of a bookmaker's office begins with the issuance of permits and the collection of a package of documents. To operate, you will need to obtain a license. The founder must have experience in gambling business and a capital of 100 million rubles. Since most newcomers cannot always overcome this barrier on their own, they sign a partnership agreement with the license holder. As a result, a branch is formed from scratch, which can independently conduct activities. The created organization requires registration with the tax authorities.

To conclude an agreement with a licensee, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • Certificate of organization of LLC;
  • a contract for the lease or sale of premises;
  • personal data of the founder and several employees of the future bookmaker;
  • agreement with the security service.

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Personnel policy

To open a sports betting shop, you will need two managers who will work in shifts. Their task is to work with clients (taking bets, paying for winnings, maintaining internal documentation). On average, their salary ranges from 40 to 80 thousand rubles.

Among beginners, it is customary to buy coefficient values ​​to form forecasts. Having reached a new level, you can hire your own staff of analysts who will be able to form more attractive rates for visitors.

When developing a line, keep in mind that the most bets are on football (60%), tennis (20%), boxing (10%). The remaining 10% are characterized by a sign of regionality.

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Location selection

More than 90% of the totalizator customers are male. Therefore, it is necessary to locate a business as close as possible to places of accumulation of potential visitors - bars, sports shops, nightclubs, GYM's and etc.

Premises requirements:

  • Lack of municipal ownership interest;
  • accommodation in capital buildings;
  • lack of educational institutions or public formations;
  • the presence of a separate entrance and a sign with the name of the enterprise.

The rental price depends on the total area and location. The budget option is a building up to 10 m² in which there is one cash desk, 1-2 monitors, a table and chairs for convenience.


If you can not spend a lot of money on decorating a room, it’s better not to save on software.

The standard set of equipment is as follows:

  • Computer or laptop (the number is directly proportional to the number of cash desks);
  • office equipment;
  • software.

Permanent and uninterrupted access to the Internet with a secure line is important. When a server is hacked, the losses can be catastrophic. All installed programs to accept bets online must be licensed.

Financial plan

How much does it cost to open a bookmaker's office? On average, the starting capital is 300 thousand rubles. - 1 million rubles. Much depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur, the level of investment and project planning. This amount includes paperwork, rental of premises, purchase of necessary equipment, fund wages and advertising.

Financial expenses:

  • Preparation of permits - 20 thousand rubles;
  • rent of premises - 15-40 thousand rubles;
  • conducting repair work- 20-40 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and software - 80-100 thousand rubles;
  • marketing and promotion costs - 20 thousand rubles;
  • monthly payroll - 80 thousand rubles;
  • utility bills - 4-8 thousand rubles;
  • reserve fund - from 100 thousand rubles.

Beginners in bookmaking cannot but be affected by seasonality. The number and size of bets increases during the world championships. In the same time experienced players businesses that have managed to form a permanent customer base will not be affected by the seasonality factor.


Many are interested in whether it is profitable to open this business? The amount of profit depends on the number of accepted bets and their size. Beginners are advised not to set too high rates and focus on the mass character. Since the level of profitability is low, with an investment of 1 million rubles. you can count on the amount of 100 thousand rubles. With such a profit, the project can be recouped after 10-15 world famous championships.

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