Qigong in the big city. O

The effectiveness of herbal treatment is determined primarily by the fact that plant extracts affect spiritual structures in the same way as physical ones. This is why traditional healers often outperform conventional medicine in the results of their treatment.

The connection between illness and human character has long been noticed. These patterns are analyzed by psychosomatics. For example, salt deposits more often occurs in secretive and vindictive people. Cunning people suffer kidney disease. Pain in the stomach, as a rule, the lot of touchy, angry or closed on their experiences. Excessive talkativeness thyroid disease. If anger, envy, greed prevail in the character, diseases of the liver, bile ducts, gallbladder. People always and everything questioning, not believing anyone, risk earning chronic sinusitis. If cowardice is a character trait, and also people who say one thing and think another, sooner or later will face heart disease.

In medicine, the concepts of "ulcer", "hypertonic", "asthmatic" are known. Call them to the doctor, and the psychological portrait of the patient immediately comes to life in front of him. Indeed, the state of the body affects the mood, feelings and even the appearance of a person. However, doctors came to the conclusion that there is a direct connection: the character causes certain diseases. Check yourself, are you at risk of getting sick? If so, then in the right column you will find psychologists' advice on which phrase should be repeated many times in order to change the attitude that gives rise to the disease.

Table. Character and diseases

The harm of slander and pity

Everyone knows that backbiting and bad thoughts are sin. Nevertheless, in everyday life we ​​often allow ourselves to speak badly about people, about ourselves, about our destiny. Did you know that this habit destroys a person's ... teeth. It is dangerous to slander relatives, relatives, wishing evil to close people. But dissatisfaction with oneself is especially dangerous. By the way, the cause of periodontal disease is slander against the father, the burden of karma and malnutrition. But why does all this concern relatives and friends? But because they are all connected by the thinnest threads. It turns out that the regular use of greens in the diet reduces subconscious aggression. The effectiveness of herbal treatment is determined primarily by the fact that plant extracts affect spiritual structures in the same way as physical ones. That is why traditional healers often outperform official medicine in the results of their treatment. Many doctors treat a person at the level of the physical body. If he were only a body, this would be true, but a person is at the same time a field, and the field is more important. The human body is a kind of trapezoid: at the base is the actual physical body (this layer is the smallest), then there are energy channels with energy centers chakras; then - the emotional level (rather extensive) and, finally, the highest and most voluminous - this is the mental one. Thoughts no one says aloud. However, like words, they are also material. If we think about someone, an energy bridge appears between us and the person we are thinking about: there is an exchange of information and energy, so any negative thought is an energy attack and can cause harm. Even inner agreement with a slandering person can be dangerous. Backbiting, bad thoughts about people - this is the infliction of injury to the person who is backbited, and, accordingly, the destruction of one's karmic structures. The word strengthens any program. How can you not remember the biblical truth. “Love your enemies” is a call to the spiritual essence of a person not to respond with energy blow for blow. The task of any person is never to allow negative feelings into the subconscious. . Therefore, this advice is especially good. A person who starts his day with a wish: “Lord, give my family and friends health, and give me patience,” blocks himself from many violations. At the same time, if a person speaks evil, then there is a loss of one's own energy. And people have known for centuries that they will face inevitable retribution for such deeds: “Judge not, lest you be judged; for with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; With what measure you use, it will be measured to you.” We kill ourselves often without seeing it. Backbiting shortens our lives, destroys us physically and spiritually, affects our longevity. By the way, if we examine what main features unite centenarians, then the following curious details become clear. Food is varied, behavior is also, the only thing that is inherent in everyone is good nature. It turns out that good nature is the absence of an energy attack on people and, accordingly, one's own invulnerability. We, in Russia, die early, because we are constantly destroying our body and soul. The Japanese are a long-lived people and at the same time the most polite people in the world.

The harm of pity

It happens in life like this, someone will take pity on someone, they say, and it’s hard for him to live, and he is not dressed like that, and there are no special delicacies on the table. Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, the head of the person who showed pity will ache. A person suffered because he showed pity and thereby harmed the one for whom he felt such a feeling. You can help a person, empathize, but you can’t regret. Pity is addressed to the body and can harm the spirit, the soul of a person.

Harm claims

If you want to be healthy and live long, never complain about anyone or anything. Neither to fate, nor to God, nor to the past, nor to people. Outwardly, behave as you like, but inside - any of your claims is a program for the destruction of the one to whom you present it. A cell cannot make claims against an organism based on its own interests. It cannot, because it is a program of the body's disintegration. Such a cell is rejected, gets sick.

About the "poison of irritation" and the "hormone of joy"

Have you ever thought about why constant anger shortens a person's life? If you ask a similar question to a young modern doctor, you will most likely hear that this is due to the constant neurosis or stress experienced by this person. However, if you get acquainted with the medical heritage of oriental medicine, then everything will become clear ... Former healers believed that negative emotional states lead to the production of special psychochemical poisons in the human body, which have a completely material structure. This is how it is written in one of the books called the Teaching of Living Ethics, or "Agni Yoga", which is translated as "Self-improvement through a fiery aspiration to the Beauty of the Cosmos." These works, handed down by the pen and heart of Helena Ivanovna Roerich, the wife of Nicholas Konstantinovich Roerich, reflect the views and thoughts of the Teachers of the East. Here is an interesting passage: “Imperil is the name of the poison of irritation that calls for danger. The poison is quite specific, deposited on the walls of the nerve channels and in this way spreading throughout the body. If modern science had attempted to examine the nerve channels impartially... it would have come across a strange decomposition of astral matter as it passed through the nerve channels.

This will be the reaction of the emperor. Only peace can help to cope with a dangerous enemy, which can cause a variety of irritations and painful contractions of the body. The one suffering from imperil must repeat - "How beautiful everything is!". And he will be right, because evolution proceeds legally, in other words, beautifully! The higher the nervous system, the more painful the deposition of imperil” (Agni Yoga, 15). Concerning imperil, modern biochemistry, apparently, cannot say anything definite yet. But as for the opposite in direction of the psychochemical reaction of the body, leading to the release of a positive psycho-substance - the "hormone of joy", then such studies in the 80s. held in the UK. When running, a special protein substance is released into the blood of a person, which, being introduced into the vessels of a person who is not currently running, causes a state of joy, contentment and satisfaction with everyone around him and with himself. True, it would be much easier to explore the "poison of irritation" - after all, there is so much of it in those around you, especially during peak hours in public transport. If desired, on the part of biochemists, it would be possible to collect several kilograms at once from one electric train, metro or bus. In the external environment, the “poison of irritation” decomposes far from immediately: “If you examine the spatial precipitation in cities, you can find something similar to imperil among toxic substances. Carefully observing this poison, one can be sure that it is imperil, exhaled by evil breath. Undoubtedly, the breath impregnated with malice will be harmful. If poison is deposited in the body when irritated, if saliva can become poisonous, then the breath can become poisonous.

One must foresee how much malice fizzles out, what a variety of evil new combinations of poisons can make up with huge crowds of people! It will be intensified by various vapors of decaying food and all kinds of garbage that are lying on the streets of even the capitals. It's time to take care of the cleanliness of the backyards. Cleanliness is needed both in the yard and in human breathing. Imperil, exhaled by irritated people, is the same dirt, the same shameful garbage. It is necessary to push into the human consciousness that every waste can infect loved ones. The rejection of moral decay is worse than all eruptions” (Aum, 293). In addition to anger and irritation with the biochemical "machines" of the body, its mental energy is also strongly influenced by negative emotional states, which is a purely personal matter of the person who experiences them, who should say to himself: "Do not weaken yourself." Discontent, doubt, self-pity eat up psychic energy. The manifestation of darkened labor (with negative thoughts and discontent) is a terrible sight! It is possible to compare the consequences of the luminiferous work and the darkened work, when a person has robbed himself. I believe that science should help in this matter. There are already devices for measuring blood pressure, and there will also be devices for comparing the burdened or inspired state of the body. One can be convinced that a person who has not succumbed to the influence of the three indicated vipers works ten times better; in addition, he retains immunity against all diseases. So again you can clearly see that the mental principle dominates the physical. Especially now you can see how much harm humanity is doing to itself. Each thought is either a stone of creation, or a poison in the heart. Do not think that when we talk about self-poisoning, we mean something new - the truth is as old as the world! But when the ship is about to collapse, then all forces should be called to the common work ”(Aum, 303). The morbid effect of negative psycho-emotional states is described as follows: “Grieving is the contagion of the world. It acts on the liver and breeds known bacilli which are highly contagious. Emperor Akbar, when he sensed grief in someone, called on musicians to break the infection with a new rhythm. Thus, even physical influence is useful” (Fiery World, 11-165).

Now it is difficult to determine what the ancient physicians had in mind when they mentioned “sorrow bacilli”. Time and research will give an answer to this difficult question. But this advice can not be ignored! It is impossible to discard the experimentally established fact of the connection between the negative state of the human psyche and its impact on one's own health and the well-being of others. This advice can be used now. Do not allow grief, and if it does happen, overcome it with music and other possible means! In order to maintain the health of an infant, the doctors of Agni Yoga prescribed to transfer to him the forces of the mother. Now much is written and talked about the antibodies contained in mother's breast milk - protective biomolecules responsible for immunity, for resistance to infectious diseases. Agni Yoga poses the same problem somewhat differently: “Heart education is necessary from the age of two. First of all, mother's milk or goat's milk can be recommended, but a hired nurse is an ugly phenomenon. In addition, mother's milk is often more digestible and contains particles of heart energy. But so far this has not been taken into account…” (Heart, 408).

The recommendation is great, but how many mothers today can boast that they breastfed a child for up to a year? Literally units! The brief formula given here expresses the whole essence of the psychoprophylaxis of human diseases: “... The quality of thinking must be recognized as healing. The quality of gratitude is also the best cleansing of the body…” (Agni Yoga, 31). In Agni Yoga, such experiences, seemingly abstracted from physiology, as gratitude, solemnity, devotion, gratitude and similar high moral and psychological states are considered as states leading to the production of very powerful psychochemical substances in the human body. These “hormones of solemnity”, “molecules of gratitude”, “vitamins of culture” help to increase the potential and raise the quality of psychic energy, participate in the healing and cleansing of the bodily organism, save a person from diseases and loss of mental balance. How old these truths are and how fresh they sound now. This is already a thing of the past. Agni Yoga calls for the study of the relationship between bodily health and ethical behavior, which is why it is called the Teaching of Living Ethics. And the connections between the health of the body and the moral and psychological state of a person are the most direct, real, and alive! They simply cannot be ignored.

All diseases that exist are always associated with some bad character traits. Having wrong views on life, at first we have a bad effect on the mind and mind, but, as a result, bodily health always suffers seriously.

The following is a classification of the relationship of human character traits with diseases:

  • Greed - acute processes in the body, bulimia, oncology.
  • Antagonism - migraines, diabetes, inflammatory processes.
  • Apathy - amenorrhea, loss of appetite, lowering blood pressure, atrophic gastritis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Aggressiveness - increased blood pressure, warts, peptic ulcer.
  • Bad taste - bulimia, digestive disorders.
  • Hopelessness - alcoholism, pneumonia, decreased immunity.
  • Unscrupulousness - chronic diseases, chronic infections.
  • Recklessness - epilepsy, injuries, accidents.
  • Disgust - sore throats, warts, rheumatism.
  • Indifference - amenorrhea, hypotension, poor memory.
  • Aimlessness - amenorrhea, lowering blood pressure, acne, decreased immunity.
  • Unbelief - lowering blood pressure, organ dysfunction.
  • Anxiety - skin diseases, sleep disorders, heart disease.
  • Hypersensitivity - migraines, allergies, skin diseases.
  • Anger - insomnia, acute processes in the body, bulimia, gastritis with high acidity, hepatitis.
  • Rudeness - viral infections, bronchitis, erosive gastritis, hemorrhoids, increased thyroid function, cholecystitis.
  • Depression - pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Greed - insomnia, chronic diseases, hepatitis, cholecystitis, acne, obesity.
  • Cruelty - amenorrhea, asthma, anemia, bronchitis, gastritis, fungal diseases, oncology, epilepsy, trauma, impotence.
  • Envy - insomnia, mental illness, heart disease, oncology, autoimmune diseases.
  • Closure - increased blood pressure, kidney disease, adrenal glands, schizophrenia.
  • Resentment - insomnia, hyperacidity, diseases of the throat and larynx.
  • Perverted taste - oncology, diseases of the digestive system, female infertility.
  • Impulsivity - acute processes in the body, stroke.
  • Categorical - asthma, arrhythmia, hypertension, male infertility.
  • Conflict - acute processes in the body, injuries, increased thyroid function.
  • Criticism - arthritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis.
  • Deceitfulness - alcoholism, hepatitis, fungal diseases, decreased immunity.
  • Laziness - loss of appetite, lowering blood pressure, anemia, gastritis with low acidity, hemorrhoids, hernia, constipation, acne, female infertility.
  • Tension - asthma, hemorrhoids, constipation, glomerulonephritis, high blood pressure, stroke, constipation, urethritis, manic depressive psychosis.
  • Assertiveness - arthritis, asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis, hernia, glomerulonephritis, peptic ulcer, hyperacidity, male infertility, impotence, constipation.
  • Negativism - hepatitis, infectious diseases, autoimmune diseases.
  • Lack of discipline - viral infections, digestive disorders, organ dysfunction.
  • Hatred - sore throats, warts, oncology, epilepsy, coronary heart disease, oncology, infectious diseases.
  • Incontinence - chronic diseases, male infertility, gastritis with high acidity.
  • Insubordination - viral infections, increased pressure.
  • Lack of assembly - sinusitis, low blood pressure, decreased immunity.
  • Dissatisfaction - bulimia, poor sleep, urethritis.
  • Self-doubt - anemia, diseases of the throat, larynx, hypotension.
  • Inability to rest - asthma, varicose veins, polyarthritis, heart disease.
  • Uncleanliness - skin diseases, hemorrhoids, decreased immunity.
  • Inflexibility - asthma, hepatitis, bone fractures.
  • Inconstancy - acute processes in the body, female infertility.
  • Sloppiness - anemia, hemorrhoids, fungal diseases, acne.
  • Resentment - arthritis, insomnia, chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus, coronary heart disease, adnexitis, cystitis.
  • Fence - increased blood pressure, warts, kidney disease.
  • Disgust - warts, fungal diseases, tonsillitis, pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus.
  • Despair - arthritis, erosive gastritis, migraine, pneumonia, coronary heart disease, neuritis, spinal diseases.
  • Hypersensitivity - asthma, allergies, skin diseases, female infertility, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.
  • Depression - lowering blood pressure, decreased immunity, ovarian dysfunction.
  • Overexertion - insomnia, viral infections, bronchitis, hepatitis, hernia, stroke, pneumonia, male infertility, spinal diseases.
  • Overwork - viral infections, hernias, diabetes mellitus, pneumonia, decreased immunity, tuberculosis.
  • Pessimism - lowering blood pressure, chronic diseases, anemia, acne, tuberculosis, sciatica, hypothyroidism.
  • Neglect - injury, poisoning.
  • Pickiness - cholecystitis, hepatitis, colitis.
  • Depravity - skin diseases, oncology, decreased immunity, infertility.
  • Irritability - chronic diseases, bronchitis, gastritis, diseases of the nervous system.
  • Disappointment - alcoholism, amenorrhea, arthritis, chronic diseases, autoimmune infections.
  • Vulnerability - increased activity of the thyroid gland, adnexitis, miscarriages, gastritis.
  • Absent-mindedness - sinusitis, spinal diseases, hypotension.
  • Stiffness - glomerulonephritis, polyarthritis, memory loss, spinal diseases.
  • Sorrow - ischemic heart disease, pancreatitis, polyarthritis, cystitis.
  • Tendency to violence - oncology, injuries, autoimmune infections.
  • Stealth - glomerulonephritis, increased blood pressure, schizophrenia.
  • Fear - loss of appetite, asthma, insomnia, bulimia, hepatitis, migraines, skin diseases, cystitis, miscarriages.
  • Fussiness - viral infections, acute processes in the body, increased thyroid function, constipation.
  • Stubbornness - asthma, sinusitis, epilepsy, peptic ulcer, male infertility.
  • Callousness - bronchitis, constipation, cholecystitis, peptic ulcer, dysfunction of the female genital organs.
  • Excessive straightforwardness - asthma, gastritis, urethritis, impotence, overwork, bronchitis.
  • Scrupulousness - sore throats, rheumatism, skin diseases.
  • Coldness - amenorrhea, hypotension, bradycardia, hypothyroidism.
  • Selfishness - sore throats, hemorrhoids, hyperacidity.
  • Emotionality - increased activity of the thyroid gland, dysfunction of the genital organs, male impotence.

If a person does not understand how to properly organize his life, he lacks the knowledge or desire to do this, then this indicates a painful state of mind. If the mind ceases to control the mind, then the character deteriorates. Bad character traits are more harmful to the mind in the initial stages of their development. The mind has a bad effect on the organs and tissues of the body, which are especially sensitive to these bad character traits. If the character deteriorates strongly enough, then the body cannot withstand this mental load and diseases begin to develop. With a strong defeat of the mind, it becomes very difficult to treat both the psyche and the body of a person, since it is a healthy and strong mind that makes it possible to control both physical and mental health.

Beauty and Health Health

Two and a half thousand years ago, the great Greek philosopher Hippocrates taught that human health depends not only and not so much on external indicators, whether it is the quality of food consumed, inhaled air or lifestyle, but also on whether a person lives in harmony with yourself and those around you.

The ancients knew that everything that affects the brain equally affects the body. However, already in the 17th century, during the time of Descartes, this was forgotten. And the person was safely "divided" into two components: the mind and the body. And diseases were defined as either purely bodily or mental, which were shown to be treated in completely different ways. Only now have we begun to look at human nature, as Hippocrates once did, holistically, that is, realizing that it is impossible to separate soul and body.

Modern medicine has accumulated enough data that confirms that the nature of most diseases is psychosomatic. And this means that each person himself is responsible for the diseases from which he suffers, and for recovery from them. That is, our health, as well as emotions and thoughts, is in our hands.

What character traits and emotional states can cause this or that disease? Many scientists and doctors have worked on this issue. And here's what they found out.

Heart disease: the relationship of diseases with character

One of the most common diseases heart diseases, may arise due to a lack of love, a sense of security and from the emotional isolation of a person. If someone believes that he is not worthy of love, or does not believe in it, or maybe he is simply embarrassed to show it to other people, then he will definitely encounter manifestations of diseases of the cardiovascular system. If he opens up to his true feelings and allows others to love him, then the disease will begin to recede.

Arthritis and hypertension: nature and human diseases

Arthritis, are characteristic of people who are trouble-free, who do not know how to say “no”, to those who believe that they are simply exploited. These people just need to learn how to say no.

People who are willing to take on an overwhelming burden on their shoulders and work tirelessly to meet the expectations of others are at risk of acquiring hypertension. And you just need to listen to your feelings and desires, because “Whoever is lucky, they ride on it,” and you won’t break down for long, then you certainly won’t prove anything to anyone.

Kidney problems: the relationship of diseases with character

kidney problems can disturb people who are critical or seriously disappointed in something. These people tend to believe that they are oppressed and deceived. Such negative emotions and feelings lead to unnecessary chemical processes in the human body.

The inability or unwillingness to be independent can provoke asthma or other lung problems.

Stomach problems: nature and human diseases

Stomach problems (constipation, ulcerative colitis), according to psychotherapists, this is an indicator of being stuck in the past, that is, unwillingness to abandon old ideas and look at the present. The stomach is an indicator of our problems. Aggression, hatred, jealousy, and fears are emotions that, if suppressed, can lead to stomach upsets. Do not try to ignore and suppress these negative emotions, try to comprehend and become aware of them. Prolonged irritation, especially characteristic of a state of stress, leads to gastritis. Constipation speaks of an excess of accumulated emotions and experiences. Try to part with them and make room for new experiences.

Excess gastric juice and, as a result, heartburn indicate suppressed aggressiveness. Maybe you should learn to get rid of aggression?

Eye problems: the relationship of diseases with character

Eye problems from the point of view of psychodiagnostics, they speak of the rejection of the world as it is, of the unwillingness to see something. And if we try to constantly ignore the information that we receive through our ears, that is, we hear, then we risk acquiring auditory analyzer diseases.

The triggers of infectious diseases are anger, irritation and annoyance. An infection indicates a mental disorder that has occurred. That is why the lack of body resistance, to which infection is added, is associated precisely with violation of spiritual harmony.

Often, the feeling of inner emptiness awakens appetite, and overeating provides a feeling of fullness. And as a consequence - obesity. It is important to remember that mental deficiency cannot be filled with food.

Dental problems: character and human diseases

Dental problems can be caused by indecision and inability to make independent decisions. After all, caries deprives teeth of hardness. Therefore, this is how the immune system of the human body reacts to the fear of the consequences of its decisions.

back problems are the result of an experienced lack of support, excessive demands on oneself and internal overstrain.

Per insomnia The individual is also responsible. It provokes her unwillingness to see life as it is, an escape from reality. Learn to sum up the day, allow yourself a calm sleep and this will return the normal rhythm of life.

Even the history of such a terrible disease as cancer, which is considered incurable, is full of examples of healing. It was the faith of seriously ill people in the reality of their recovery and in the strength of their own body that influenced the positive outcome of the disease.

How to protect yourself from the influence of negative emotions and situations

There is a way to protect yourself from the influence of negative emotions and situations. And it lies in the ability to remember current events. Remembering some story, look at yourself from the outside, then find yourself dissociated from the situation. If you try it on yourself, that is, look with your own eyes, it means to associate with it, that is, to get sensations from the situation. In case of removal, the saturation of these sensations instantly decreases. It gives freedom in fixing any emotional state by choosing the method of memorization. The conclusion is simple: when you remember a pleasant situation, you associate with it and get pleasant sensations, strengthening your health. When this situation is unpleasant for you, dissociate and you can learn a lesson without experiencing negative emotions. Immersion in unpleasant emotions is fraught with a decrease in the body's immunity and, consequently, an increase in its vulnerability. In addition, by associating yourself with a negative experience, you lose the opportunity to impartially look at the problem and draw the necessary conclusions in order to avoid troubles of a similar nature in the future.

Learn to cope with negative experiences and emotions that negatively affect the psyche in order to avoid their consequences that directly threaten health.

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Return to the beginning of the section Beauty and Health

Sending diseases to a person, the Universe informs him about his wrong thoughts, deeds, actions. It gives a person time (during illness) to think about his behavior, his thoughts, to throw out of his head all the intellectual garbage that moves a person and sets him on the path NOT true.

Only saints do not get sick. Their thoughts are pure and their actions are righteous.

No one is immune from chance, a person is a living being and no, no, yes, he will sin, and it’s good if he immediately understood his mistakes and corrected them, then the flu will not stick to him, even if there are sick people around him, but if he instead , in order to think about his behavior, he begins to curse the fate of the villain, for the fact that he was unlucky to get sick and pours curses and curses on everyone in a row, his acute respiratory infection smoothly flows into pneumonia, and then into tuberculosis, and then you stroke it - the crisis has struck and the medicines have risen in price , but there is no work, health and money, our treatment, however, is now paid and it’s not even an hour - he will die, poor fellow.

And all you had to do was sit down and think about your behavior, throw all vile and vulgar, and evil thoughts out of your head, drink herbal tea with honey, thank Mother Earth for growing such beautiful and healing plants on it. herbs, yes, you idiot, she grew it on this earth. To thank all the people who met on the path of life for having taught the mind, but for helping to gain worldly experience, and not to swear at everyone in a row for trampling their foot in a trolleybus. Yes, taking a warmer nap with a blanket (or blanket), thinking about the topic, “how can I improve for the better.”

So it teaches AYURVEDA - the science of truth, of how this truth is reflected by life itself.

Who is hurting?

Abscess- anxiety, wrong deeds, filth, ignorance, unwillingness to know, overwork (from labor without love), greed, lack of love, but desire for pleasure, mental and physical slovenliness.

Adenoids- irritability, lack of joy in the heart, tension, scrupulousness, impatience with the shortcomings of others, focus on the disgusting, which causes disgust, mental insecurity, lack of understanding of justice, lies, fear, self-deception, problems in the family, disputes, self-abasement.

Alcoholism- ignorance of how to be happy, disappointment, wrong goals, hopelessness, lies, feelings of loneliness, greed, self-interest, guilt.

Allergy- not humility, strong anxiety and fussiness, collision (and on that plane too) with an alien object, overstrain, impatience, cruelty, lust.

Amnesia (memory loss)- from cruelty and anger, selfishness, rudeness, fear, spiritual laziness, contradiction (does not hear your heart), inability to stand up for yourself, disappointment in yourself, self-desecration, laziness, excessive tension, study for the sake of "tick", greed, aggression.

Angina- disgust, disobedience, scrupulousness, irritability, self-doubt, neglect.

Anemia (anemia)- there is not enough joy, overstrain, hopelessness, depression, complete apathy, passivity, greed, pessimism, he thinks that there is only the law of meanness - he is afraid.

Anus, inflammatory processes- from the inability to rest, slovenliness, neglect, fuss, irritability, aggression. Fistulas in the anus from slovenliness, excessive straightforwardness, rudeness, inability to stand up for themselves, no self-esteem, sees meanness, but is silent so as not to offend others.

Apathy- laziness, hurt pride, unbelief, mental weakness, there is no confirmation that he did everything right, depression of emotions, a bad answer.

Appendicitis in children- if he is influenced by bad past deeds, if parents infringe on his will, physical, emotional or mental strain, tension, rude parents can kill a child with words through appendicitis, evil from others.

Appetite - loss: apathy, distrust, doom, violation of the daily routine, laziness, fear, loss of protection, emotional imbalance.
excessive appetite, gluttony: greed, laziness, envy, passion for feelings, mistrust.

Arterial pressure:

Increased- insubordination, opposition to one's life, stubbornness, inner stiffness, fear of society, greed, tension, inability to rest, excess meat in the body (meat-eaters), violation of the regimen if a person goes to bed late and gets up late.

Attack of hypertension in the morning- You have a bad temper.

Happy- you suffer from prolonged loneliness.

Pressure jumps
- pessimism, apathy, self-doubt, afraid to do (any bad) deed.

Low pressure- little energy in the body, self-abasement, you are humiliated, suppressed.

Arthritis- despair, disappointment, wrong actions, conflict with nature, resentment, laziness, overwork, criticism, rudeness, assertiveness.

Asthma- excessive straightforwardness, lack of humility, inability to rest, assertiveness, cruelty, overwork, intolerance of other people, selfishness, self-confidence.

Bronchitis- nervous atmosphere in the family.

Phlebeurysm- pride, unbelief, gossip, climbs into other people's affairs, a lover of washing bones, sees a speck of dust in someone else's eye, but does not notice a log in his own.

Pneumonia- sadness, sadness, melancholy.

Eye diseases- curse, condemnation of relatives, friends and people in general.

Headache- guilt before someone, unfulfilled promises.

Fungus (nail disease)- resentment of deceased relatives.

Flu- too many events at the same time, minor grievances, confusion.

Stomach sick (stomach pain)- greed, redneck (Plyushkin).

Women's diseases- hatred of one's own kind - "all women are b ..., only I am good", resentment towards the mother.

Dental disease, gum disease- slander, gossip, disputes.

Impotence- Misogyny in all its manifestations, retribution for the evil done to women.

infectious diseases- from cruelty.

Stones in the kidneys- fear, inability to stand up for themselves.

Skin diseases, inflammation- selfishness, neglect of people, living conditions cause anger and disappointment.

Bleeding- from anger, cruelty, rudeness, the destruction of someone's happiness and joy, from disappointment, overexertion, aggression, impudence and neglect.

Runny nose, otitis, inflammation of the middle ear- self-criticism, disrespect for other people's opinions.

Accidents- from neglect.

Baldness- overstrain, squandering energy, black melancholy, fear of life.

Diseases of the liver, gallbladder, Botkin's disease- aggression, anger.

Papilloma, warts, growths- petty lies, resentment against the father.

Pancreas- anger, envy, aggression.

Genital organs (diseases of the reproductive organs in both sexes)- misogyny, ingratitude, "they spit where they came from."

Cut, fracture, warts, skin cracks- deliberate deceit, failure to fulfill promises, black magic.

Cold, cough, herpes- the evil eye, resentment, disappointment in love, the desire to stand out, to be noticed.

Crayfish- from sinful life (an organism in an organism).

Rheumatism- constant indignation, discontent, condemnation.

Heart failure- fear, rejection of the surrounding world, low self-esteem.

Back, back pain- you have no core, depression, betrayal of relatives, no rear, you live "on the seven winds."

Joint pain- pride, bitterness, guilt before someone.

Tuberculosis- selfishness, possessiveness, cruel thoughts, revenge

cold extremities- jealousy, resentment towards oneself and fate.

Thyroid gland- the senses,
decreased thyroid function - increased emotions, disappointment, depression;
increased thyroid function - impudence, fussiness.

stomach ulcer- meanness.

Left side of the body- retribution for the evil done, evil from relatives (blood).

Right side of the body- retribution for the good done to someone, evil from strangers, ingratitude of others.

P.S. And finally, two news, as expected, one good and the other bad ...

bad- if a child is sick, who, in principle, has not yet managed to harm anyone, or a righteous person who lives by the “holy spirit” - only one thing can be said about this: no one has yet canceled karmic debts. We all do not live the first life and it is still unknown what we have done in past lives. We don't know! And the Universe, God - they know everything and send us these, in our understanding, unfair diseases, so that we can pay off our old debts and start a new life for our benefit and all of humanity.

And good- clear your thoughts, repent, confess, ask for forgiveness for the evil done, and forgive those who offended you yourself, eradicate your bad habits, replace them with new, correct, useful ones and no infection will stick to you!


How to get rid of chronic and incurable diseases

Happy Healer Tips

Tested on myself

Continuation of the book by O. G. Torsunov "The connection of diseases with character"
Chapter "The relationship between our structure, character and diseases." Organ of vision, Joints, Arthritis, Skeletal system, teeth.

Relations between our structure, character and diseases

Organ of vision

In order for the eyes to be healthy, it is necessary to have such qualities of character as: attentiveness, aesthetics, positivism, openness in desires, will, emotions and thoughts.
1. Attention contributes to the development of visual acuity.
- Inattention leads to a decrease in visual acuity.
-Excessively intense concentration also reduces visual acuity.
2. The aesthetic character makes it possible to stabilize the functions of the organ of vision.
- Illegibility, bad taste leads to a decrease in the performance of the eyes.
- Pickiness, squeamishness also reduce the performance of the eyes.
3. Positivism increases the strength of the immunity of the organ of vision.
-Negativism to what you see reduces immunity and increases the tendency to inflammatory processes in the gases.
- Excessive enthusiasm leads to disorders of the immune system.
4. Openness in character gives the ability to have a strong look.
Closedness leads to a decrease in the power of the gaze.
- Excessive gullibility leads to anxiety in the eyes.

The presence in the character of the following qualities: hope, forgiveness, courtesy, goodwill, hard work give the joints health.
1. Hope - contributes to the normal innervation of the joints.
- Desperation - causes an increase in sensitivity and pain in the joints.
- Frustration will lead to destructive changes in the joints.
2. The ability to forgive gives the joints the ability to fight inflammation.
- Resentment increases inflammation in the joints.
- Anger leads to destructive disturbances.
3.Courtesy normalizes the metabolism of the joints.
-Assertiveness and categoricalness lead to an excessive increase in salts in the joints.
- Indecision causes a decrease in the activity of the joints.
4. Goodwill contributes to the normalization of immunity in the joints.
- Criticism leads to a decrease in immunity in the joints.
-Negative attitude causes autoimmune processes and destruction of joint tissue.
5. Diligence gives strength and stability to the joints.
- Idleness reduces the strength and stability of the joints, which leads to their rapid soreness and fatigue.
- Passionate work causes an excessive increase in the tension of the joints, which exhausts them and tires them.

- touchiness
- assertiveness

When we think: I won’t have time, I won’t finish it, or it’s very hard to work - work does not bring joy, but only gives tension, and despair appears as the last link in this chain - no one understands me. A person should live for happiness, not for self-torture. The joints contain the power of dynamic tension, and they enable us to act. Therefore, when everyday activities bring only suffering, a person is immobilized. This is how the organism, under the guidance of the mind, expresses its protest against an erroneous position in life. If a person works only out of fear of being left without a livelihood and suffers from joyless work, he should know that the time will soon come when it will become very difficult for him to move. Despair from joyless work leads to the first signs of joint disease, which is expressed in their soreness and increased sensitivity. When despair turns into disappointment, destructive changes in the joints will already begin.
The Vedas say that we receive the amount of material resources as a result of those pious deeds that we performed in past lives. Greedy labor does not add piety to a person's destiny, but, on the contrary, makes him more and more unhappy. Therefore, we must learn to work with love, stop acting as a slave to our material plans and fall into despair, seeing how difficult it is to carry them out. The Vedas say that when you live honestly, which means according to the laws of the scriptures, it becomes easy to understand how to properly fulfill your duties to society and God. Only in this case, knowledge is revealed, hidden from all other people - how you can be happy without overexerting yourself in joyless work and without plunging your mind into material problems. The Vedas state that if a person disinterestedly fulfills his obligations to God, then he, simply doing his useful work, will have everything necessary for life. And if you completely free yourself from selfish desires and fulfill your duty with love for God, then you can gradually become the happiest and most successful of people.

Resentment is anger directed inwards. The offended person no longer wants to notice those who treated him badly. This always happens when there is no real power to punish your offender. On the contrary, if there is a psychic opportunity to punish the offender, anger immediately comes out. Anger destroys the liver, adrenal glands, nervous system, and also the joints. Usually in women, resentment first arises and when it goes over the edge, then anger appears. In men, most often, on the contrary, anger appears forward and if personal interests are not satisfied, then resentment arises. Resentment is anger aimed at self-destruction (may it be worse for me to spite them). When a person experiences some kind of suffering, he gets the moral right to blame. For the sake of this opportunity to blame someone, we are offended. Resentment makes you stop acting. Anger has a more destructive effect on the joints, causing destruction in them.

Forced inactivity also affects the joints, which take their strength from the gratification of movement. The joints of the legs are nourished by the power of prana - the joyful movement of prana makes them healthy. The joints of the hands are more connected with the activity of the mind and they need joyful mental activity.

When a person with resentment in his heart does some physical work, then he develops inflammatory processes in the joints. Gradually, this leads to polyarthritis of the joints of the lower extremities. When some kind of mental work is done with resentment, the joints of the hands suffer. A banal case of labor in a state of resentment is labor after another reprimand. Often an offended state occurs when a salary is not given for a long time. If we realize that all losses are due to the fact that we tried to acquire something fraudulently in the past, then all resentment immediately leaves the mind. Exactly how much we took too much, so much we will lose. The person who is the cause of our suffering is just a puppet in the hands of fate. However, if he really acted unfairly, then fate would do the same to him. Therefore, in any case, a person who understands the law of karma and tries to understand everything in accordance with the Vedas will not be offended by those who, due to weakness of character, cause him anxiety. Sometimes punishment comes from decent people. If it is your duty to punish a badly behaved person, this should be done without hatred and resentment, but out of a sense of duty. For example, sometimes in class, students play jokes on their teachers. It is the duty of the teacher to punish his pupils. If this is done in a state of resentment, then, firstly, this punishment will not change the situation for the better, and secondly, such activity is not favorable and can lead to joint disease.

This quality is the result of a combination of greed - a strong aspiration of feelings for some material object and pride. A proud and greedy person acts assertively, putting his own interests above the interests of those around him. Such activity always leads to the degradation of consciousness, therefore, a group of diseases arises that gradually deprive it of the opportunity to work actively. Among these diseases are all kinds of metabolic disorders in the joints, the accumulation of salts in them.

Having no true goal in life, having directed his mind to temporary benefits, a person actively works and waits - when he will be happy, but happiness does not come. Happiness is a force that has a spiritual nature. You cannot find the spiritual in the material. Let's say you can sincerely respect a good person. But if someone has the idea that, having a lot of money, you can achieve sincere disinterested respect, then this is simply absurd. How can you sell your sincerity and respect for money. A person, having a lot of money, becomes respected by all those who need his money, position, strength. However, this type of respect does not bring real happiness, but only its shadow. On the contrary, any beggar who has the ability to honestly and disinterestedly fulfill his duties to God and the people around him is naturally deeply respected by everyone. Thus, understanding the spiritual nature of happiness, he becomes happy for free. When we achieve more and more material success and more and more immerse ourselves in an atmosphere of artificial, formal happiness, the result of such a life is always disappointment. Disappointment leads to a lack of incentives for activity and, ultimately, to the degradation of organs that support the active ability to work, including joints. Thus, the joints begin to undergo rapid destruction, which ultimately leads to complete immobilization of a person.

The tendency to criticize arises as a result of hatred or envy. Both of these problems are a product of pride - the desire to put yourself above the people around you. Criticism itself acts directly on the mind and is one of its most serious illnesses. Criticism completely destroys any possibility of spiritual progress. Having a spiritual nature and being deprived of spiritual activity, a person gradually sinks into a state of despair and resentment, which also has a bad effect on the joints. It is especially dangerous to criticize people who selflessly serve God and spiritual progress. Among them, a special position is occupied by those who have reached perfection on this path. Above, we have already listed the qualities of such a person. Even the slightest criticism of such a holy person makes it impossible to move forward on the path to happiness. Only by sincerely asking for forgiveness from the saint, we can cure ourselves of further degradation of the mind. A critical person is not able to have real friends. In addition, his immunity is greatly reduced, which leads to frequent infectious diseases of many organs, including joints. Whatever he does, gradually all activity is surrounded by an atmosphere of hatred, and as a result of this attitude, resentment against fate and despair sets in. Any activity in a state of desperation again leads to disease of the joints.

Skeletal system, teeth

They get strength from faith, firmness and cleanliness in desires, will, speech, emotions, thoughts and actions of a person.
1. Faith strengthens the immunity of the skeletal system, it also gives enthusiasm and joy in work, which leads to an increase in the strength of the skeletal system and teeth.
-Distrust lowers the immune system. As well as the strength of the skeletal system and teeth.
- Irreligion causes suppression of immunity and causes infectious processes in the skeletal system and teeth.
2. Hardness of character gives firmness and elasticity to the skeletal system and teeth.
Weak character leads to a decrease in resistance and an increase in the softness of the skeletal system and teeth.
-Rigidity causes an increase in the fragility of bones and teeth.
3. Cleanliness in character leads to a decrease in inflammatory processes in bone tissue.
-Sloppiness increases inflammation in the bone tissue.
- Sensitivity causes increased sensitivity of bone tissue and teeth.

There is external and internal cleanliness. External cleanliness means cleanliness of the body. Inner purity is the purity of actions. Both types of purity depend on the purity of the mind and the purity of the mind. There is a dirty, defiled mind, and a pure mind. A pure mind always has pure sublime thoughts. You can check whether our mind is pure or not. What do we think, such a mind. If the mind is dirty, then there is a high probability of developing inflammatory processes in the bone tissue and oral cavity.
If the thoughts and will of a person are not solid, not persistent, then the teeth are not strong either, they quickly begin to crumble and fall out. And there are excessively harsh, categorical thoughts, then the teeth will also suffer on the left. Quality perseverance, firmness, confidence. Instability, indecision, uncertainty, defilement, uncleanliness, injustice, rigidity, aggressiveness in thoughts give suffering to the teeth on this side.
QUESTION: What if a person lost a tooth?
ANSWER: This means that he did not act as expected. Excessively cruel activity leads to the fact that a person loses his teeth. You see that everything is natural and there are no accidents.
QUESTION: And if periodontal disease?
ANSWER: All this is due to the fact that a person is distrustful and slovenly. Distrust lowers the immune system, and slovenliness increases inflammation. Periodontal disease begins when the gums are involved in the disease, and purulent processes begin. This means that distrust and negativism have reached a fairly high level. The same can be said about carelessness. Even the horse obeys these laws. The stamina and obedience of horses among the people have always been determined by their teeth, if a horse has good teeth, then it will be calm and hardworking.
The skeletal system suffers from a lack of firmness in life and activity. Moreover, the bones of the hands suffer from a lack of hardness in professional activities, and the bones of the legs suffer from a lack of hardness in everyday life. Suppose a person at work is firmly, actively acting, and when he goes home from work, he goes out, in which case his legs will gradually start to hurt. It occurs when there is joy in professional (creative) activity, but there is no joy in general, in life. If, on the contrary, a person does not want to do his job, but in life he is joyful, lively, his legs are strong. But if he does not want to engage in professional activities correctly, firmly and cheerfully, he is passive in it, then the bones of the hands will suffer.


Cruelty, propensity to violence
Cruelty is a complete disregard for the laws of the scriptures, which are imbued with the spirit of non-violence. The greatest violence is to deprive a person of the opportunity to receive knowledge that will make him happy. Simply dragging out an aimless existence is sometimes worse than dying and being born again. However, if a person lives an aimless life, even death will not save him, because. the next life will be a natural continuation of the previous one. Therefore, everyone should strive to do good deeds and distribute true knowledge to people. To undeservedly deprive someone of happiness, health, life itself, all these are manifestations of cruelty and you will have to suffer for this. Traumatism is always a response to bad deeds in the past. A brutal beating of someone will definitely be punished, if there is no such rapist, then the person who committed the atrocity will receive an (accidental) injury at work or at home or on the road, fate will still take its toll. Cruelty and its consequence, traumatism, are treated with good deeds, a desire to help in difficult times.

Often associated with anger and antagonism. Both character traits are very difficult to overcome. Therefore, it is necessary to learn humility and foresight. Humility will help to endure the feeling of injustice, and foresight will make it possible to avoid conflicts when they begin. Conflict creates a situation of reckless behavior, which contributes to the occurrence of injuries.

This is the main cause of injury. Recklessness arises from the eclipse of the mind by the weight of sins. When a person's mind is covered with ignorance, the force that distorts reality in the direction of negativity, it becomes very difficult to understand how to continue to live. The most terrible stage of defilement is when the desire to listen to people with true knowledge disappears and a disdainful attitude appears towards such scriptures as the Vedas, which are the sources of knowledge. All this makes a person unable to make the right decision. Recklessness in behavior is the cause of the suffering of all surrounding living beings and, accordingly, gives rise to the karma of injury. To get rid of this, one must try to get to know people who are striving for true knowledge, and listen to their advice. However, the best thing is to accept one (the most worthy) of such people as a spiritual master and follow his instructions.

Negligence, irresponsibility
Any neglect, like recklessness, always arises as a result of the unwillingness to recognize that there are laws of a happy life, the non-observance of which leads to suffering. Neglect, irresponsibility always give rise to cruelty and are the cause of unexpected unfortunate events. To get rid of this shortcoming, it is necessary to take responsibility for your children, wards, to honestly fulfill your duty, while not wanting the reward that always comes by itself.

Injury tendencies are best cured by adopting the rules of an honest life. This is impossible without studying spiritual knowledge and accepting a mentor, since it is impossible for oneself to understand in all cases of life where justice is and where injustice is.

You can’t do without women’s practices, but you won’t get by with them alone.


Such qualities of character as gentleness, humility, modesty in speech and actions contribute to its normal function.

1. Softness in speech and actions contributes to the normalization of metabolism and blood circulation.
- Rigidity, rudeness in speech and behavior causes a violation of metabolism and blood circulation in the uterus.
- Sweetness in speech and subservience in deeds reduce the activity of the uterus.

2. Humility normalizes the tone of the uterus.
- Disobedience causes an increased tone of the uterus.
- Clogging, depression reduces the tone of the uterus.

3. Modesty, shyness gives the uterus the ability to be hardy.
Arrogance causes tension in the womb.
- Shyness, tightness in speech and behavior reduce endurance.

Softness (metabolism, blood vessels), humility (tone), modesty (endurance).


They get health from such qualities of character as warmth, tenderness, complaisance in the desires, will, emotions and thoughts of a woman.

1. Warmth in character increases female sex hormones.
- Coldness reduces female sex hormones.
- Passionately increases female hormones, which leads to infertility and mental disorders.

2. Tenderness increases female sex hormones.
- Rudeness reduces female sex hormones and increases male ones.
- Spoiled excessively increases female sex hormones and causes increased sensitivity.

3. Compliance contributes to the balance of the activity of sex hormones in the ovaries.
- Antagonism, intractability, aggressiveness causes an imbalance of hormonal functions.
- Excessive compliance causes increased vulnerability of the appendages.

4. The ability to forgive increases the immune function of the appendages and helps fight inflammation.
- Touchiness causes an increase in inflammatory processes in the appendages.
- Anger leads to impaired immune function, which causes a tendency to infection.

5. Chastity gives strength to the appendages.
Depravity weakens the activity of the appendages.

The fallopian tubes

Such qualities of character as appeasement, endurance in desires, will, emotions and thoughts of a woman give health to the fallopian tubes.

1. Appeasement helps maintain normal tone in the fallopian tubes.
- Anxiety, irritability, fussiness causes an increase in the tone of the fallopian tubes, which can lead to spasms.
- Depression causes a decrease in the tone of the fallopian tubes, which slows down the passage of the egg through them.

2. Endurance gives stability to the activity of the fallopian tubes.
- Not endurance leads to increased sensitivity of the tubes to various stimuli.
- Excessive patience leads to a strong decrease in their sensitivity, which causes a violation of the passage of the egg through them.

Milk glands

Kindness, sensitivity, tolerance, tenderness, joy in character contribute to the normal functioning of the mammary glands.

1. Kindness, sensitivity in character stabilizes the hormonal functions necessary for the normal functioning of the mammary glands.
- Anger leads to a violation of hormonal functions.
- Weakness causes a decrease in hormonal functions.

2. A woman's tolerance gives her good mammary gland immunity.
- Impatience causes a decrease in immunity and a tendency to inflammatory processes.
- Excessive patience in ignorance (downtroddenness) causes depletion of immunity and chronic inflammatory diseases in the mammary gland.

3. Tenderness in the desires, will, emotions and thoughts of a woman contributes to the production of quality milk.
- Roughness causes pathological changes in the qualitative composition of milk.
- Spoiled reduces the quality of milk.

4. Joy, love increases the amount of milk.
- Joylessness reduces the amount of milk.
- Disgust, dislike, hatred reduce the amount of milk.


- coldness
- indifference
- apathy
- cruelty
- not wanting to be a mother
- disappointment.

If a woman's hormonal functions decrease, that is, hypomenorrhea develops, and their complete cessation is amenorrhea. For the normal work of the female hormones of the expectant mother, qualities of character are needed that would guarantee the safety of the child in early childhood, these are: warmth, tenderness, caring, compassion, sensitivity, the desire to endure the shortcomings of your child. A woman is, first of all, a mother - her body is intended for the birth of children. And accordingly, there are qualities of character that, in case of improper behavior, deprive her of the opportunity to be a mother.

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