Do I need to draw up a staffing table every year? Do I need to approve a new staffing table every year if it does not change

The work of each enterprise is based on the legislative acts of various levels of subordination. An important role in the life of any organization is played by local documents adopted and published for the enterprise itself.

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The staffing table also belongs to documents of a local nature. The features and design features of this important document are disclosed below.

What is this document?

Staffing is a normative act of a local nature. Based on the Charter of the enterprise.

For unification, the Decree of the State Statistics Service approved the T-3 form.

At enterprises, it is used to register the number of employees, their composition and structure.


  • Name of departments, assigning them a code.
  • Name of positions, specialties, professions, category, qualification class.
  • Number of employees, salary, allowances.

The staffing is intended to:

  • Form the organizational structure of the enterprise.
  • Form the number of departments and staff units.
  • Establish a payroll system for employees.
  • Set allowances and their size.
  • Facilitate recruitment for vacancies.

What does the law say?

Normative base

  • Labor Code. Art. 15 and 57 contain references to the staffing table. This is due to the fact that the duties, rights and remuneration of the employee come from the staffing table.
  • Instructions for . It is indicated that all entries are entered in the work book on the basis of the staffing table.

There is no normative act that specifies the obligation to maintain a staffing table. Despite such a "hole in the law", all control services request this document.

With its help, information about employees, remuneration for the work done, etc. is checked and collected. Therefore, its absence is a violation of labor law and entails a fine.

Conclusion: the staffing table should be in every enterprise.

Responsible persons. Who is signing?

The head of the enterprise, the heads of the personnel and accounting departments have the right to sign in the staffing table. This means that the employees of these services are responsible for compiling, executing, making changes.

The signature is placed at the end of the document. If the staff list consists of more than one page, signatures are placed on the last page in special signature lines.

During the initial development of the staffing table, the graph for signatures can be entered on each page of the document.

When and how to make changes?

It is necessary to make changes every year or not, each manager decides separately. This is a planning document and it is desirable to update it annually.

The annual update will allow coordinating the quantitative and qualitative composition of employees.

If it is necessary to introduce or remove positions, abolish or add departments, a new document can be approved less often or more often.

Changes can be made in several ways:

  • Overall change. It is assigned a new registration number and ratified by order (decree).
  • Selective change. It should be registered in an order or order. This method is possible if the adjustments are not significant.

The changes made to the staffing table affect the already working staff; accordingly, adjustments should be made to the labor documents of those employees whom they concern.

This may be a change in position, department, additional responsibilities, change,.

When changing positions, the employee must be informed in writing two months in advance.

Thus, making changes consists of the following steps:

  • The consent of the employee to make adjustments to the schedule that concern him.
  • Writing and adoption of an order (instruction) on making adjustments.
  • Writing and accepting an application to the employee affected by the changes.
  • Recording the received changes in the work book.

How to draw up a staffing table correctly?

Procedure, stages and rules for filling

When writing the staffing table, the organizational structure of the enterprise should be referred to.

This is due to the fact that when drawing up the schedule, it is necessary to indicate the departments that are part of the enterprise. Next, a standardized form is filled out.

Steps for entering data into a standardized form:

  • Indicate the name of the enterprise according to the constituent documents. If there is an abbreviated name, it must also be indicated - in brackets or on the line below.
  • Specify OKPO code.
  • Indicate the serial number, according to the Journal of registration of document flow. When making multiple adjustments, enter a separate numbering (for example, with a letter value).
  • The date of preparation of the document is entered in a special column. It may not always coincide with the time of its entry into force. In this regard, in the unified form there is a column indicating the date from which it enters into force.
  • In the column "State in the number of ... units" the number of official units is entered.
  • Graphs are being filled.

Sections, columns and their features

Section 1 "Name of the structural unit"

Departments, representative offices, branches are introduced.

Data is entered from top to bottom.

The first line indicates the management of the enterprise. This is followed by the financial department, accounting, personnel, department of economic issues.

After filling in the graph by the departments of the first level of subordination, it is necessary to enter data on production.

All shops and sections are indicated. After this level, data on service units (warehouse, for example) are entered.

Section 2 "Code of the structural unit"

With the help of this section, the hierarchical structure of the enterprise is clearly traced.

In order to facilitate the filling of this column, you should use industry classifiers.

A specific code is assigned to any structural unit in order to facilitate document management.

Assignment starts from large to small. For example, the department is 01, the departments in the department are 01.01, 01.02, etc., in the department, the group is 01.01.01, etc.

Column 3 "Position (specialty, profession), category, class (category) of employee qualification"

The section is filled on the basis of the Classifier of occupations of workers, positions of employees and wage categories.

For organizations that are funded from the federal budget, the use of a classifier is an integral part of the workflow process.

Data is entered in this column in accordance with the characteristics of the activities of each enterprise.

Section 4 "Number of staff units"

Contains data on the number of work units. The staff units of a budgetary organization are approved by higher organizations.

At an enterprise of non-budget forms of ownership, staff units are determined by its needs and economic feasibility. If the enterprise has staff units working at 0.5 or 0.25 rates, then when filling out this section, shares are indicated.

Vacancies fit into the number of vacant state units.

An example of a staffing table with a rate of 0.5:

Section 5 "Tariff rate (salary), etc."

This section contains data on wages by position.

With the help of the tariff rate, employees are remunerated for the duties performed in accordance with the employment contract. This payment method is actively used by state-owned enterprises and organizations. When charging salaries, it is necessary to refer to the Unified Tariff Scale.

Salary - a fixed remuneration for the performance of duties that are directly specified in the employment contract.

The formation of salary is carried out for a certain period of time (month, quarter, half a year).

The establishment of the salary of employees of budgetary organizations is based on the Unified Tariff Scale. Enterprises of private forms of ownership proceed from financial possibilities, but not below the minimum wage, which does not include bonuses, allowances, payments for special working conditions, etc.

The data is indicated in rubles.

Section 6-8 "Surcharges and Surcharges"

Contains data on incentive payments, compensations (bonuses,), established by the legislation of the Russian Federation ("northern", for an academic degree) and introduced at the discretion of the organization (related to working conditions).

For enterprises and organizations that are financed from the state budget, the amount of allowances is established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for private ones - by the management of the enterprise.

Allowances are set as a percentage of salary. Payments are a fixed payment.

Section 9 "Total"

Columns 5 - 8 are summarized. All expenses during the month are indicated.

Section 10 "Note"

Changes are made to the column, clarifications according to the staffing table.

When is it compiled and approved?

A staffing table is drawn up when opening a new enterprise, branch, subsidiary, etc., and when significant changes are made.

Due to the fact that wages are paid monthly, it is most correct to set the date of entry into force on the first day of the month.

The staffing table is approved on the basis of an order or order signed by the head of the enterprise or an authorized person.

Also, in the staffing table, the appropriate details should be entered in the "Approved" column. Further, the data is entered into the Registration Journal, after which the number is entered into the order. Further, after the approval procedure, the staffing table is sent for storage.

Sample filling 2019:

Important nuances

Rounding of positions

When entering the staffing level, the staffing table may contain whole units and fractional ones.

There are two options for rounding staff units:

  • Rounding is carried out for each division.
  • Employment units are rounded for several departments.


  • Rates less than 0.13 = 0, i.e., recline.
  • Rates of 0.13–0.37 are equal to 0.25 of a regular position.
  • Rates 0.38-0.62 are rounded up to 0.5 rates.
  • Regular rates of 0.63-0.87 are equal to 0.75 rates.
  • Over 0.87 - full rate.

Drawing up a staffing table for individual entrepreneurs

According to the legislation, an individual entrepreneur can hire employees. From the moment the employees are accepted, he becomes an employer and must maintain a staffing table. The exception is cases when the duties and form of the employee's activity are described in detail in the employment contract.

Staffing helps to get rid of the difficulties of unpredictable situations when working with staff.

When compiling the staffing table for individual entrepreneurs, it is worth adhering to the same principles and rules as for large companies.

But at least it is worth filling out Columns 1-5.

Development of staffing in a budgetary institution

Staffing is an integral part of the work of any budgetary organization. It is also compiled according to the standardized T-3 form in accordance with all of the above principles and features.

However, for budgetary institutions it is mandatory to use:

  • All-Russian classifier of occupations of workers, positions of employees and wage categories.
  • Qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees.
  • Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS).

When compiling and introducing the staffing table at state enterprises, it is necessary to refer to industry regulations.

Employee familiarization

The regulatory legal acts relating to labor issues indicate: the employer is obliged to familiarize employees with the internal labor regulations, as well as other local regulations that directly affect his labor activity.

Familiarization is carried out under the signature. Accordingly, if the staffing table is a normative act of a local nature, then familiarization with it should be carried out in the same way.

From the foregoing, it should be concluded that it is necessary to maintain a staffing table in any enterprise. To simplify work with the staff, a standardized T-3 form has been adopted. Its use will simplify the work and interaction with regulatory authorities.

Document flow is necessary in order to track various performance indicators of the company in dynamics. Without it, the organization of processes is quite chaotic. Since in the modern world the personnel is the main asset of each company, the documents related to human resource management must be kept as accurately and correctly as possible.

One of these documents is the staffing table, the details of which are discussed in this article. It allows you to set the staffing of the organization's divisions, analyze the organizational structure and remuneration system, and also facilitates the process of recruiting personnel for vacancies in the company.

What is this document for, is it mandatory?

The staffing table is necessary in order to be able to justify the situations of dismissal of employees due to staff reduction in the event that they apply to the court. It can also serve as a justification (due to the absence of a particular position). Therefore, the competent preparation of this document is the basis for the legal defense of the interests of the company.

In addition, inspection companies (in particular, the labor inspectorate) often require its presence during inspections. The absence of a document falls under the violation of the law of the Russian Federation on labor protection. Accordingly, according to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 5.27), an organization that does not provide a schedule faces a fine within from 30 to 50 thousand rubles. In addition, the official will be fined (the amount varies from 1 to 5 thousand rubles).

Finally, without a staffing table, it is not possible to prove that at the time of the reduction, the company did not have the opportunity to provide employees with alternative vacancies.

In this way, the presence of this paper is not mandatory from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, and in theory the decision of the tax or labor inspectorate to levy a fine can be challenged in court. However, in practice, the document should be maintained by any company to prevent possible conflict situations. At the same time, it is important to understand that for budgetary organizations its presence is enshrined in law.

Requirements for it

Since the staffing table is a so-called local regulation, there are not so many special requirements for it:

  • One of the main ones is the fact that the company is obliged to draw up this document in accordance with the federal law. unified form T-3. You cannot shorten it (all the necessary items must be present), but you can enter additional data.
  • Schedule must be put in place from the first day of the month.
  • It is very important that each page is numbered.
  • The document must be stapled, have the seal of the organization, the signature of the head and the person responsible for compiling.

Who is compiling?

At the moment, the legislation does not clearly define who should be involved in the development of the document.

In companies with a branched organizational structure, the responsibility for compiling may lie with employees of the following departments:

  • personnel service;
  • accounting;
  • legal department (the least common situation).

In small firms, this can be done by the head or any other person authorized by him. In this case, an order is made in the name of a specific employee who will work with this document. Another option for determining who is responsible is to indicate this fact in the job description or employment contract.

To simplify the compilation procedure, it is necessary to prescribe its nuances in the instructions for office work:

  • terms and basic rules for the development / introduction of changes;
  • the form of the order to approve the schedule and changes;
  • responsible persons for the formation of the document and the signing of orders;
  • employees with whom it is necessary to coordinate the draft schedule or its changes;
  • the composition of normative acts that regulate all issues related to it.

How is it claimed?

After drawing up the staffing table, it must be approved. Before the final form for signing is ready, it is necessary to coordinate it with the employees specified in the instructions.

After this, the assertion must be made by special order or order, which must be signed either by the head of the company or an authorized person. The order must indicate the dates of compilation, approval and entry into force - they may coincide or differ from each other, but the date of entry into force cannot be earlier than the date of preparation or approval.

Structure and order of filling

First of all, the unified form must contain a number of details (they are required for each accounting document):

  • name and number of the document;
  • the date of its compilation;
  • Company name;
  • confirmation of the fact of carrying out activities and expression of the value of natural or monetary measurement;
  • name and signature of the person responsible for the correctness of the compilation.

The table must include the following information (from left to right):

  • structural subdivision;
  • department code;
  • position, rank, qualification class (for example, engineer of the 1st category);
  • the number of staff units;
  • salary (indicated in rubles, units of measurement are only in the header of the table - for example, 20,000.00);
  • allowances (in rubles) - for example, for a scientific degree. 3 columns are allocated for them;
  • total, rub. - this column indicates the total amount of wages;
  • note.

After filling in all the columns in the table, you must fill in the line "Total". It is necessary to sum up all the values ​​​​in columns (the amount of salaries, how many staff units will be, etc.). After that, the necessary signatures and seal are put.

You can watch the process of formation and filling in the 1C program in the following video:

How to make a change?

For 2019, there are 2 main ways to make changes to the staffing table:

  1. So, you can directly change this document by creating a new one, which will have the following registration number. In this case, the new version must be approved by the order for the main activity.
  2. However, most of the time the changes are quite minor. In this case, it is enough to make changes. The order can be called as follows: "On changing the staffing table" or "On making changes to the staffing table."

However, this procedure must be justified. These may be the following reasons:

  • the need to optimize administrative activities;
  • improvement of the organizational structure of the company;
  • reorganization;
  • elimination of duplication of functions and formation of responsibility centers;
  • changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • the need to organize measures to improve the activities of a department in the company;
  • reduction of the main activity, its expansion or diversification.

If the position of an employee is renamed, you must obtain his written consent before making changes.

Shelf life and compilation frequency

In the legislation of the Russian Federation there are no norms that would regulate the frequency of staffing. If the company has a high level of staff turnover, it is advisable to compile it once a month. However, most often they make it every 6 or 12 months, if necessary, only making changes. This is due to the fact that such a schedule is a so-called planning document.

It is also possible to draw up a T-3 form for several years - but this can only be done by those firms that do not plan to adjust the staff, introduce new positions or remove some of the existing ones.

Therefore, this option cannot be considered as expedient at the time of 2019 - crisis conditions force organizations to constantly change various aspects of their activities.

With regard to the retention period, for the time being, the document must be kept by the company within 3 years. In this case, this period is calculated from the next year after the year in which the schedule has lost its force. Staffing arrangements (which can serve as a lightweight alternative to the paper in question) must be kept for 75 years.

Hello! Have you ever heard of such a document as the "Staffing Organization"? But this is a document on the basis of which wages are calculated, as well as employees are hired and fired. Now we will try to tell in detail about what functions the SHR performs and how to compose it correctly.

What is "staffing"

Each of you at least once in your life has been in the personnel department of some enterprise. You have probably seen countless folders and personal files of employees. Surely many were interested in how the employees of this department collect and remember information about all positions, employees, etc.

And everything is quite simple. They have such a document as the staff list.

Staffing (SHR)- This is a regulatory document that indicates information about all the positions of the enterprise, the number of full-time employees, the amount of their tariff rates and the amount of allowances.

In other words, this is a document that contains generalized information about the number of employees of the enterprise and the available positions. In addition, the staffing table indicates the amount of wages for each position, taking into account all due allowances.
Very often, this document helps the managers of the enterprise in the course of litigation. For example, due to a forced reduction in the staff, a worker was fired and he sued the former managers. In this case, the SR is direct evidence of the legality of the defendant's actions.

Because of the importance of this document, all pages are numbered, laced and sealed.

  • Download Sample order on approval of the staffing table
  • Download Staffing form N T-3

Staffing functions

Like any document, the HR performs a number of functions. The main ones of which are:

  • Possibility of organizing the working time of the staff;
  • Paying monthly salaries to employees;
  • Official registration of newly hired employees;
  • Leaving the rules of the internal daily routine;
  • Transfer of registered employees from one position to another, etc.

Staffing is a mandatory document

Every company has a lot of documentation. There are documents that are mandatory, and there are those that are created out of necessity. To the question “Is the SR a mandatory document?” it is impossible to give a definite answer.

All due to the fact that the labor code does not imply the mandatory presence of an SHR in an enterprise. But if we consider this issue based on the requirements of Roskomstat, then it turns out that this document is necessary, because. it is the primary documentation for accounting for wage payments.

Although there are no clear norms in the legislation, most organizations maintain this type of documentation. After all, the main part of state inspections begins with the study of the SHR.

In fact, the presence of this document makes life easier not only for inspectors, but also for managers, personnel and accounting departments.

What is the duration of the staffing

No official document specifies the exact duration of the SR. The head himself has the right to indicate the period for which this document is drawn up. Most often, it is redone every year, and put into effect on January 1. When compiling the SR, the date of its validity is indicated. But if you do not specify a date, then the document is considered unlimited and does not need to be redone.

How much and where is the staffing table stored

On the basis of the decision of the Federal Archives, SR, after the expiration of the validity, must be stored at the enterprise for 3 years. And the shelf life of regular constellations is 75 years.

Regular arrangement- an optional document for each enterprise, which is created on the basis of the staffing table. It is a mobile version of the SHR and includes more detailed information about the company's employees (name of workers, disability group, etc.).

Who makes up

Before proceeding with the creation of a document, the manager issues an order to change the staffing table, where he appoints an employee who will draw it up.

It can be absolutely any employee of the organization. But most often, such work is entrusted to employees of the personnel department, accounting or a labor rationing engineer.

How many copies of SHR should be in production

When compiling the SR, one copy of it is made. Therefore, the original and a copy must be kept by the Human Resources and Accounting Department.

Change in staffing

Sometimes changes have to be made to the current SR. This is done in several cases:

  1. If there is a reorganization of the company;
  2. If it is necessary to optimize and improve the labor activity of the management apparatus;
  3. If the changes made to the legislation require the introduction of mandatory amendments to the SR;
  4. In case of change of staff units ;
  5. Changes in positions in the staffing table;
  6. Salary changes in staffing.

If the changes are minor and do not require the creation of a new HR, then the head issues an order to amend the staffing table. After that, the responsible employee makes amendments to the current document.

When changes are made to the staffing table, management is not required to notify employees in writing.

The second way to amend is to create a new SR.

With any changes in the SHR, amendments must be made to work books and personal cards of employees. Prior to this, it is necessary to obtain written permission for this action from employees.

For example, if the wording of the job title changes slightly, the employee must be notified in writing. Only after that changes are made to his work book.

If the changes relate to the amount of salaries, in this case, the employee is notified in writing 2 months in advance. These amendments are made in parallel to the employment contract.

Is there a mandatory form of staffing

To compile the SR, most often they use a unified one. It is a form - a table in which you need to enter data.

Most organizations take the T-3 form as a basis and “customize” it to fit their enterprise. This is permitted, i.e. the uniform form of this document is not mandatory.

In cases where the enterprise has a state form of management, then the staffing table is drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

Organization staffing structure

The SR consists of a header, a table, and the data of the people who signed the document.

The first part of the documents contains the following information:

  • Name of the organization, according to the constituent documents;
  • The date of commencement of the SR, its number and validity period. Numbering can be assigned arbitrary.
  • Date and number of the order on approval of the staffing table;
  • General staff.

The second part is a collection of data for all positions. We will consider it a little later.

The third part contains the names and positions of the people who signed this document. Most often, this is the head of the personnel service and the chief accountant.

How to make a staffing table

We hope that no one had any questions when filling out the “header”, so let's move on to filling out the table itself.

1 count . Name of the structural unit. They must be listed in order of subordination. For example, administration, secretariat, financial department, accounting department, etc.;

2 counts. Department code. We number the units from top to bottom (01,02,03, etc.);

3 counts. Job title. Data must be entered in the nominative case without abbreviations, in the singular, guided by qualification and tariff reference books;

4 counts . Number of staff units. This column indicates how many people of one position the company needs. This value can be either integer or fractional. For example, 2.5 could mean that 2 employees will work full-time and one part-time;

5th column . The amount of salary, tariff rate or bonuses. Indicated in rubles for each position. If, for example, 2 accountants work, but the manager pays them different salaries, then a single salary is indicated in the staffing table, and additional payments are prescribed in the allowance column. That is, the salary of employees in the same position should be the same;

6, 7, 8 columns . Allowances for special working conditions. They may not be, then dashes are put in the columns. But if the worker works at night, on holidays, he cleans the dignity. knots, etc., then according to the law he needs to pay some compensation;

9th column. In just a month. The data in columns 5,6,7,8 are summarized, after which it is multiplied by the number of staff units for each position;

10 count . Note. A local normative act may be indicated on the basis of which remuneration is carried out;

After entering the data, it is necessary to sum up the total by 4 and 9 column. Thus, we will find out the number of staff units in the staff list and the monthly payroll.

staffing approval

According to the rules for approving the staffing table, after compiling and verifying all the data, the SR signs the head, chief accountant and head of the personnel department. After that, the head of the enterprise issues an order to put this document into effect.


SR is not mandatory, but a very important document of any organization. Based on it, you can either accept a new one. In addition, it is used to pay wages to employees of the enterprise.

This document is not strictly regulated, so it can be “customized” for each organization and redone if necessary. This is the leader's lifesaver during the period of inspections by state bodies.

10.01.2018, 11:39

The New Year 2018 has come. Is it necessary to approve the staffing table every year by order? This question often arises among personnel. You can’t immediately figure out whether this document needs to be updated, or whether it does not need to be re-approved. In any case, I want to do everything right. After all, no one wants to break the law. We will talk about whether it is necessary to approve the staffing every year, if there are no changes, in the article.

List of positions

What is the staffing table? This is a document that is a list of structural divisions of the company, the names of positions, specialties, indicating qualifications, as well as information about the corresponding number of staff units. In addition, the staffing table contains information on official salaries, allowances and the monthly wage fund (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, section 1 of the instructions, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1).

Despite the fact that labor legislation does not contain a specific requirement for all employers to draw up a staffing table, it is better to draw up this document. After all, having a staff at your disposal, you can clearly see the structure of the organization and calculate the required amount of money for the maintenance of staff. In this regard, personnel specialists may have a question about how often it is necessary to approve the staffing table.

For the staffing table, a unified form No. T-3 is provided, approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 05.01.2004 No. 1. However, at present, the use of unified forms is mandatory only for budgetary organizations. All other companies can use both unified forms and forms developed independently (Articles 7, 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ). The correctness of these conclusions is confirmed by officials of the Ministry of Finance (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 04.12.2012 No. ПЗ-10/2012).

No new stock needed

Most Russian organizations have staff. Therefore, among personnel officers, the question is quite popular: is it necessary to approve a new staff list annually? We must say right away that the staffing table does not have an expiration date. If there are no changes in this direction in the company, then re-approval of the current document is not required.

Another thing is when the company has undergone organizational changes, for example:

  • the organization expands and creates new jobs;
  • the company is downsizing.

In such a situation, the staffing table is undergoing changes, and its new version must be approved (clause 1 of the letter from Rostrud dated March 22, 2012 No. 428-6-1).

Analyzing the above, it turns out that it is not necessary to approve the staffing every year, if it has not changed.

When making changes to the staff, it is necessary to make adjustments to labor contracts with employees of the organization whose positions are affected by innovations. For example, the name of the position or department in which the employee works has changed. This is explained by the fact that the name of the position, the name of the structural unit are among the essential terms of the contract.

Thus, the law does not establish when to approve the staff list for the next year. You need to make changes only as the document itself is corrected.

The staffing table, as a personnel document, raises a large number of questions for many. For example, how often it needs to be drawn up, how to correctly fill out a unified form, and whether this regulation is mandatory. To clarify the situation, it is worth dwelling on some issues in more detail.

Why do you need staffing?

The staffing table is a document necessary for the formation of the staff structure and size of the organization in full accordance with the Charter of the enterprise. This document contains a list of structural divisions of the organization, a list of positions, the names of specialties and professions indicating qualifications, as well as data on the required number of certain staff units. For its compilation, the unified form T-3 is used, which is approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia.

From the point of view of the employer, the staffing performs a number of important functions and allows you to optimize and streamline the work of the institution as much as possible. The use of the staffing table allows you to clearly see the entire structure of the organization with its divisions, fix the number of staff units, control the number and quality of employees, track the wage system and allowances. And when vacancies appear, it greatly simplifies the selection of personnel.

Is the staff list a mandatory document?

Interestingly, there is no single answer to this question. On the one hand, the Labor Code addresses the issue of staffing, since this document concerns the labor function of an employee of an organization and remuneration of personnel. Yes, and in the employment contract it is indicated that the employee performs duties in accordance with the staffing table. There is a unified form of staffing, and this document is also mentioned in the Instructions for maintaining work books (entries in the work book are made taking into account the name of the position in accordance with the staffing table). So, the staffing of the organization must be. But, on the other hand, not a single normative act directly indicates the obligation of the employer to introduce the staffing table. And yet, it is better to issue this personnel document, since most inspection bodies consider it mandatory for any organization.

For example, the tax authorities and the Social Insurance Fund always request staffing when conducting on-site inspections. According to it, they verify the correctness of the calculation of insurance premiums, collect information on the insurance experience of employees, and control the correctness of taxation. The fact that the staff list is not a tax accounting document does not remove the need for the employer to provide it during inspections at the request of third parties. And his absence can be regarded as a violation of labor legislation, for which a fine for the organization in the amount of 50,000 rubles is due. Of course, it can be challenged in court (especially since there is no direct indication of the obligation of the employer to draw up a staff list in the law), but first you have to pay it.

The frequency of staffing

How often do you need to create a new staffing table? There is no clear answer to this question either. But in this situation, one should be guided by logic: since the staffing table is a planning document, it is advisable to draw it up for one calendar year or half a year. This will allow, if necessary, to regulate the number of personnel of the organization and its qualitative composition. But, at the same time, it is possible to approve the staffing table for several years (if the organization does not need to introduce new positions).

Who develops and approves the staffing table?

If the company does not have a staffing table, but the management decided to develop it, a reasonable question arises: who should do it? Again, the legislation does not give a clear answer to it. Therefore, the leader can do this himself, having determined the circle of responsible persons who will help him. It is logical if these are personnel workers, the chief accountant, employees of the legal or planning and economic department. And if the enterprise has a department for the organization of labor and wages, you can entrust this work to them. Responsibilities for the development and compilation of the 2014 staffing table may be reflected in the employee's employment contract or his functional duties.

The approval of the staffing table refers to the powers of the head of the organization or the person to whom these powers are transferred by order of the head. To approve the staffing table, the head must sign a special order or order. The details of this document must be indicated in the field of the unified form T-3 "Approved by the order of the organization dated" __ "_______20__ No. __". At the same time, the date of approval and the date of entry into force of the staffing table may not coincide (the date of entry into force is usually later).

How long is the schedule kept?

The Rosarchive establishes certain periods for the storage of standard management documents, according to which the staffing table of the institution must be stored for three years, starting from the year following the one in which the document became invalid. As for the staffing arrangements, which will be discussed in the next section, they are stored for seventy-five years after the new ones are drawn up.

Staffing - a help in the work of the personnel department

In some organizations, the personnel department maintains a staffing table - a mobile version of the staffing table, which reflects all vacant positions, as well as all information on filling positions (full name of working employees, position status, etc.). The staffing provides the necessary information about changes in personnel, contains personnel numbers of employees, information about the length of service and categories (minors, disabled people, pensioners with children under three years old, etc.) of employees.

When drawing up a staffing arrangement, the current staffing table is taken as the basis, to which the necessary columns are added. This document is optional and does not need to be maintained by the organization. But the staffing is a fairly convenient document, especially for large organizations, which allows you to optimize the work of personnel officers and clearly control the filling of vacant positions. Therefore, it is often used as an internal document.

Staffing table of employees: compilation rules

Consider the compilation of the staffing table based on the unified T-3 form. To receive the finished document, you just need to fill out the form, guided by the Instructions for filling out the forms of primary accounting documentation.

"Hat". When making a “header”, you need to indicate the name of the organization in the “Name” field (this is done in accordance with the registration certificate), OKPO code, document number and date of compilation. In the field "Staffing for the period ..." you need to specify only the date this document comes into force.

  • Column 1 "Name". We indicate the name of the structural unit, workshop, representative office, branch, arranging the structural unit according to the existing hierarchy.
  • Column 2 "Code". We indicate the code of the structural unit assigned to it by the head of the organization.
  • Column 3. We indicate the position (specialty, profession), rank, class (category) of the employee's qualifications in accordance with the All-Russian Classifier of Occupations and the Qualification Directory of Managers and Specialists. Here it should be borne in mind that the position for which the employee is accepted should sound the same both in the staff list and in the employment contract, as well as in the work book.
  • Column 4 "Number of staff units". Specify the number of staff units for the respective positions. If there are incomplete units, they should be indicated in fractions, for example, 2.75. And if there are vacancies, they are also indicated.
  • Column 5 "Tariff rate". We indicate the salary, the tariff scale, the percentage of revenue, the share of profit - it all depends on what kind of remuneration system operates in a particular organization. The main thing is to indicate the amount in ruble equivalent and remember that the salary (tariff rate) cannot be lower than the minimum wage.
  • Columns 6, 7, 8 "Surcharges". We indicate the provided incentive and compensation payments. These can be bonuses, additional payments, incentive payments, allowances, which can be established both by the legislation of the Russian Federation and by the employer. Such payments may be fixed amounts or percentage surcharges.
  • Column 9. We indicate the total amount of columns 5-8. That is, we sum up salaries and all allowances and display the total value in rubles. If the data is given as a percentage, we display the percentage.
  • Column 10 is for notes. If not, it is left blank.

After all the columns are filled, you need to fill in the line "Total". It summarizes all indicators in vertical columns: it indicates how much is provided for by the schedule of staff units, the amount of salaries (tariff rates), allowances and the amount of the monthly payroll.

The staffing table is signed by the head of the personnel department or an authorized person, as well as the chief accountant of the organization. You can print on the document, but it is not necessary.

Change in staffing

Even the established staffing table has to be changed from time to time. The reason for such changes may be the need to introduce a new unit, division into the state, or, conversely, reduce the existing staff. In addition, there may be a need to change salaries, tariff rates, as well as the need to rename posts or departments.

There are two options for making changes to the staffing table:

  • develop and approve a new staffing table;
  • make changes to the current staffing table.

In the first case, the staffing table is developed on the basis of the current one, but subject to the necessary changes, and is put into effect from the beginning or middle of the calendar year. If there is an urgent need, then from the beginning of a new month.

As for making changes to the current document without canceling it, they are made in accordance with the order of the head "On changing the staffing table." In the order itself, you need to indicate the basis for making changes to the staffing table (this can be a reorganization, downsizing, improving the structure of the organization, etc.), and also indicate which changes should be made.

In a large organization with a branched structure, it is better to indicate not only the positions that are affected by the change, but also the structural units where these positions are located. At the same time, all changes in the staffing table must be brought to the attention of the employees of the enterprise, and also included in the work books with reference to the basis (order or instruction).

Downsizing: when to make changes?

Reducing the staff or the number of employees is one of the grounds for making changes to the staffing table, since the reduction in the size of the organization involves the exclusion of individual staff units from the schedule, and the reduction in staff positions. At the same time, laid-off employees are subject to dismissal (unless they are supposed to be transferred to another job).

Since, upon dismissal to reduce the number or staff of employees, it is necessary to notify about changes no later than two months in advance, the new staffing table can be put into effect only after this period has expired. Although it can be drawn up in advance, the very presence of a new or amended staffing table, which has already been approved, will confirm the eligibility of dismissal of employees. If the circumstances on which the decision to reduce was made are eliminated, the employer has the right to change the staffing table again in the direction of increasing the number of employees.

Change in the unified form T-3

Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 20 of March 24, 1999 allows organizations to make changes to the unified forms of primary accounting documentation (this permission does not apply to accounting for cash transactions). Therefore, if there is an urgent need, the organization can make its own changes to the finished form, but it is not allowed to delete existing details. Changes may concern the expansion or narrowing of columns, the addition of lines or loose sheets. Necessary corrections can be made during the production of forms based on a unified form.

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