Eva's biography is full. Eva Polna - biography, photo, personal life of the famous singer

Along with other hobbies, she spent a lot of time studying music, dancing and singing. After school, she became a student at the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture and Arts. Krupskaya, after graduating from which she received the specialty of a librarian-bibliographer. But this future star it seemed a little, and she also entered the St. Petersburg College of Arts.

On stage, Eva made her debut as part of the St. Petersburg group "A-2", in which she was a backing vocalist and dancer. Eva Polna in her youth did not lose hope of becoming famous singer, and honed her skills in clubs, performing classic rock ballads.

In the photo - Eva Polna in her youth

The turning point in her career was her acquaintance with Yuri Usachev. Then she was twenty-four years old, and she conquered young man his performance in one of the clubs. Yuri was delighted with Eva's voice and offered her cooperation. Then he performed as part of the Cast Iron Skorokhod group, and after an interview with a young singer, who, moreover, wrote poetry and music herself, offered her cooperation. So Eva Polna in her youth became a soloist of the group “Guest from the Future”, created together with Usachov, and their first joint song was recorded in a small home studio.

Acquaintance with DJ Groove changed a lot in future fate Eva and Yuri - the song “Time-sand” recorded with him brought the guys deafening popularity. After that, they performed with their concert at the Titanic nightclub, and this day became the birthday of the Guest from the Future group and the beginning of Eva Polna's ascent to the musical Olympus.

True, after a resounding success in the band's career, whole year relative calm, and only after they recorded the song “Cry-cry, dance-dance”, and it sounded on the air, Eva Polna and her partner were covered by a second wave of popularity.

In the photo - Eva Polna and Yuri Usachev

Excess weight is a real "plague" of the XXI century. And not only the most ordinary girls, who are inclined to be overweight and love to eat sweets, are fighting with her, but also the stars who harsh laws fashion and show business dictate their own rules. By the summer we all want to reset overweight and boast of a chiseled figure on the beach. The editors decided to tell you the story of one famous chic woman who managed without any plastic surgery deal with your overweight and prove to the world that anything is possible.

The magnificent singer Eva Polna, whom you all know, could never boast of her perfect figure. The weight charming singer passed over 90 kg with her height of 172 cm. But unbeknownst to everyone, she took up herself and changed!

According to the 41-year-old artist, it was very difficult for her to lose weight! She set a goal for herself: change her schedule, improve her diet, exercise, and eventually lose weight. excess weight and improve your overall health.

The first achievements were not long in coming! She lost 10 kg by eliminating harmful foods from her diet and began to move more: go to the gym several times a week and arrange for herself as many walks as possible.

After such a shake-up of the body at her age, she immediately began to look younger and more attractive. In an interview, she even said that she feels much better: energy, vivacity, lightness and pride in her result have appeared, which does not allow her to give up her positions and stop there.

She encourages her fans to join her: switch to health food and start going to the gym. And in no case do not relax and do not quit what you started, otherwise everything will return. “This is the only way you will not let the young body feel old age and will be able to correct your figure,” says Russian singer.

Eva Leonidovna Polna. She was born on May 19, 1975 in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg). Russian singer, composer and songwriter. Ex-soloist Russian group"Visitors from the future".

She grew up in an intelligent family, studied at an English special school, was, according to her, an exemplary child: "did not hooligan, did not smoke, did not communicate with bad boys."

“I had a happy childhood, which I love to remember, but I don’t want to be sad for it,” Eva noted.

In childhood, I was fond of science fiction engaged in singing and dancing. Her idols were the American jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald and the great Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova.

Together with a friend, they were fans of the Secret beat quartet, which they considered as a domestic incarnation legendary The Beatles.

In 1991 she entered the Leningrad State Institute of Culture. N. K. Krupskaya, who graduated in 1996 with a degree in librarian-bibliography. In addition, he has a second specialization - "information management and marketing."

After that, she entered the St. Petersburg College of Arts.

In 1994, she became a member of the St. Petersburg rap group A-2, worked as a dancer and backing vocalist. A year later, the singer left the band.

For some time she performed in various St. Petersburg clubs, where she sang classic rock ballads of the 1970s.

In 1996, she met Yuri Usachev, who at that moment was looking for a vocalist for his own musical project. Eva Polna became this vocalist, and the project was named "Visitors from the future". She was the songwriter of the group, the director of the entire show of the group "Guests from the Future" and the creator of the sketches of all stage costumes team.

In the winter of 1997, the Russian Size group invited Eva Polna to the studio to record their new album. All parties female vocals in the album "Shall we dance?" were performed by Eva Polna.

The first performance of the group "Guests from the Future" took place on March 8, 1998 at the Titanic nightclub (now it is the Ray Just Arena). And the first album called "After hundreds of years" was recorded together with Evgeny Arsentiev - in just one night. The songs from the album, however, did not become particularly popular among Russian listeners.

Later group began to play in the genre of pop music. The first song written in this genre, "Run from me", became popular on Russian radio stations.

In 1999, having signed a contract with Evgeny Orlov, the team recorded the second album - "Run from me", and in 2000 - the third album - "Winter in the Heart".

The hit of the group was the song "Games". The video for this composition, filmed during a tour in London, received the greatest popularity. Some time after the release of the video clip "Games", the group terminated the contract with Evgeny Orlov.

Guests from the future - Games

In 2003, "Guests from the Future" celebrated 5 years in St. Petersburg at the Yubileiny Sports Palace. It was the first solo concert groups in St. Petersburg. The first solo concert in Moscow took place on March 9, 2006 at the Moscow Art Academic Theater named after Maxim Gorky. Also, it was in this theater that the presentation of the last album of the group - "Behind the Star" took place.

In March 2009, Eva Polna announced that Yuri Usachev left the group, but the group "Guests from the Future" did not cease to exist. The song "I'm your pussy" was written, for which a video was shot.

In 2009, Eva Polna announced the breakup of the group and the beginning of her solo career. At this time, she releases the song "Guys Don't Cry" and shot a video for it.

In May 2010, the songs “Not parting” and “Mirages” were released, and in 2011 the songs “Ships” and “I don’t have you either” were recorded.

In 2012, Eva Polna released the single "The whole world in the palm of my hand", which took a leading position in the Russian charts.

Eva Polna - The whole world in the palm of my hand.

In April 2013, the song "Silence" was released, and in the autumn of the same year she held a concert tour "All About Me" in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod and Krasnodar.

In December 2013, Eva Polna became the most rotated performer in Russia and the CIS countries, and the song "The whole world in my palm" was in the top three most rotated songs on the radio. In the same year, Eva took part in the One to One! on Channel One.

In March 2014, the premiere of the song “This is not you” took place, and on May 19 of the same year, the premiere of the singer’s first solo album, “Love Sings,” took place.

In 2014, she took part in the Live Sound program on the Russia-1 channel and was a jury member in the reality show I Want to Meladze.

In November 2015, a single was recorded, "Little", for which a video was shot in February 2016.

She is the owner of numerous Golden Gramophone awards.

Eva Polna says that “my project is me”: “I don’t have a producer, I am an independent unit. And I am a professional in my field: I know not only my job (as far as music is concerned), but everything about the music business” .

Writes humorous poems under a pseudonym Josephine Temperance. According to Eva, "I do not force myself to write poetry, I do not sit down every day on purpose at the table, I do not look for inspiration." "For me, poetry should boil," Polna noted.

Eva Polna. Alone with everyone

The growth of Eva Polnaya: 172 centimeters.

Personal life of Eva Polnaya:

Unmarried. In her interviews, the artist emphasizes: "I am secretive and closed in matters relating to my personal life." “Personal life is the part where you have to be relaxed, calm, rest and draw strength,” she says.

In 2001, she came out by declaring herself bisexual. Has two daughters.

In 2005, Evelyn gave birth to a singer. For a long time they hid the fact of their relationship and the birth of a common daughter (Polna did not name Evelyn's father). “We met, a child appeared, but we didn’t get married, but broke up. Denis officially recognized the fact of his paternity five years after the birth of Evelyn,” she said.

In 2007, her second daughter, Amalia, was born to businessman Sergei Pilgun.

Regarding the original names of her daughters, she explained: "I wanted to give children beautiful names. And I immediately decided that it would be international names to make the girls feel comfortable different environment. We are already living in a new world: traveling, working abroad."

According to rumors, in the Netherlands she entered into a same-sex marriage with her PR director Alexandra Mania. At the same time, they themselves did not confirm this.

“I’ll be honest, it’s not easy with me. I’m strong, self-sufficient and independent. But I need to be perceived for who I am. A loved one will be happy with me,” she said.

Discography of Eva Polnaya:

1997 - Hundreds of years later...
1998 - Sand time ...
1999 - Run from me
2000 - Winter in the heart
2000 - It's stronger than me, part 1
2002 - Eve
2003 - It's stronger than me, part 2
2005 - More than songs
2007 - Behind the Star


2014 - Love sings
2015 - Love sings LIVE Сrocus city ​​hall 2014
Lyrics (Unreleased)

Singles by Eva Polnaya:

2004 - What an absurdity (together with Viktor Saltykov)
2007 - I can’t live without love now (together with Sergey Zhukov)
2009 - Boys don't cry
2010 - Without parting
2010 - Mirages
2011 - Ships
2011 - Lights out (together with Denis Klyaver)
2011 - Je T'aime (I don't have you either)
2012 - The whole world in the palm of your hand
2012 - Rybka (tribute to the memory of Micah)
2013 - Silence
2014 - It's not you
2014 - Exit
2014 - Words
2014 - On the last breath
2014 - Love sings
2014 - Make love with me
2015 - Little
2016 - Fantasy

Video clips of Eva Polnaya:

As part of the "Guests from the Future" group:

1999 - Run from me
1999 - Dislike
1999 - Winter in the heart
2000 - Games
2000 - You are somewhere
2000 - It's stronger than me
2001 - So brave
2002 - He is a stranger
2002 - Metko
2003 - Why are you?
2004 - Sad Tales
2005 - The Best in You
2006 - I draw
2006 - Mom goodbye!
2007 - Only music is real
2008 - I'm not for you
2008 - I am your pussy


2009 - Guys don't cry Vlad Opelyants
2009 - Without parting
2010 - Mirages
2011 - I don't have you either (Je t'aime)
2012 - The whole world in the palm of my hand
2016 - Little

Name: Eva Polna (Eva Pol "na)

Age: 41 years old

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Growth: 172 cm

The weight: 82 kg

Family status: divorced

Eva (Elena) Polna - Biography

A native Petersburger, Russian singer Eva Polna is also famous for the fact that she herself is the author of many songs. Her creative biography very rich and varied.

Eva Polna - childhood, singer's family

Eva was born into an intelligentsia family and was only child. The father had Polish roots, therefore, accordingly, such unusual surname. As a child, Eva fell in love with the literature of science and fiction so passionately that she decided to connect her fate with space, she wanted to be an astronaut. The TV show "Obvious - Incredible" was her favorite.

Eva Polna - study

She also knew how to dance and was fond of music, she believed that this main profession would not hurt. great ballerina for a long time was an idol for girls. As a result, Eva enters the St. Petersburg Academy of Culture and Art and graduates as a librarian-bibliographer. Polna continued her studies at the College of Arts in her native city.

Eva Polna - period of creativity

The singer's biography began with the A-2 group, she danced and was a vocalist. At the beginning, Eva had only backing vocals, but a year later the future singer left the group. She performed in clubs. She managed to sing for hours, without a break, Eva can play music for five hours. Fate smiled at Eva Polna: composer Yuri Usachev was looking for a female vocalist in his project.

Yuri was not mistaken in choosing a soloist, he also acquired a songwriter, a costume designer and at the same time a director of the show project "Guests from the Future". The band's first album was born overnight. Listeners did not accept the style of musicians - jungle. I had to perform pop music, which earned them incredible popularity with the public.

Eva Polna - Starry Deserved

After musical group moved to the capital of Russia, recognition came to all members of the team. Clips, TV appearances, tours, fame came after a year of work in Moscow. On the fifth anniversary of the group gave a concert in hometown. Soon the group broke up, and its soloist began her solo career. I must say that it is quite successful, as her new songs become real hits.

Eva Polna goes on tour with concerts in the cities of the country. 2014 was marked by the appearance of the first solo album of the singer, it received favorable reviews from the leading music critics. The popularity of the singer has not weakened so far. Her tracks are played on the radio, they listen to her in clubs.

Eva Polna - personal life of the singer

The press likes to "wash" the bones of the singer. Many novels, a lot of love, otherwise there would be no songs that take the soul, would not be born musical compositions that became hits. Eva Polna and are the parents of the girl Evelina. There was never a marriage between them. And everyone learned about the real father six years later from the lips of Denis himself. Eva herself would never reveal her secret. Klyaver has always helped his daughter financially, continues to communicate and help now.

Two years passed, and Eva gave birth to Amalia from restaurateur Sergei Pilgun, the couple was married, but this union did not last long. Work was to blame for everything, the family did not have enough space in it. The husband was outraged by the behavior of his wife, which everyone continues to call extravagant. Misunderstanding in personal life between spouses began to grow. Eva's parents live with their daughter and help raise their granddaughters. Now the singer is inseparable from her musical director Alexandra Mania. Their friendship gives rise to rumors, because Eva and Alexandra are everywhere together.

The press loves to gossip about even what is not. But as the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. But as soon as Eve said this publicly, the journalists immediately lost interest in this topic. Eva Polna does not like to talk about her personal life, but she is happy to talk about her creative plans. He loves to talk about how he brings up his daughters. She loves to show off her collection of hats. Currently, the singer wants to live in country house wants to raise goats and raise children. The eldest daughter is fond of dancing, and the youngest loves music, she is learning to play the flute.

Eva Polna today

Eva is sometimes called a discovery, many people like her songs, because they make you freeze, listen carefully. Polna is appreciated for the fact that it evokes nostalgia for past life, celebrate her originality and perfect taste in music, she makes listeners cry. The singer pleases her fans not only with new compositions, which continue to occupy the first lines of the charts.

Eve in recent times became interested in painting. She is good at oil paints and pencils. Subscribers to her blog can enjoy this stage of their idol's creativity. Her fans still don’t know much about her favorite performer, she is now on the rise of her career and will delight with new songs and albums. So far, the singer's creative biography is developing successfully.

Eva Polna - famous Russian performer, was born on May 19, 1975 in Leningrad and from childhood showed a love for music.

Eva Polna (top row, third from left) at school

Elena's creative career (that's the real name of the singer) began in 1994, when the girl became a backing vocalist for the St. Petersburg rap group A-2.

However, Polna gained real popularity by joining the new musical project of Yuri Usachev “Guests from the Future”. It happened in 1996.

The first album "After hundreds of years" was not a success, but almost all the songs from subsequent records became hits.

In 1999, three clips were released in which Eva appears in the same image: a sultry blonde with a square in fashionable outfits.

And next year, the team begins to actively appear on the red carpet, go on tour outside of Russia.



at concerts and social events in 2004-2005, Eva, it seems, decided to revive the fashion of the 80s: blue and green shadows, a lot of sequins, perky curls - this was the image of a blond singer.



However, the love of experiments was regularly manifested in celebrity outfits.



With the first fame, Eve began to attribute novels with different celebrities: both men and women. And in one of the interviews, the artist declared her bisexuality.

However, she prefers to hide her personal life. Therefore, when the singer first became a mother in 2005, the press was sure that the father of the child was Yuri Usachev. The truth came out a few years later. In 2007, when Eva was married to restaurateur Sergei Pilgun, from whom she gave birth to her second daughter Amalia, it became known that the father of Polna's first child was popular artist Denis Klyaver.

Birth of Amalia 2007

An affair broke out between the musicians, which they tried to hide from the public, since Klyaver was married to the dancer Yulia. When it turned out that Eva was pregnant, Denis did not refuse the unborn child, but he was not going to marry her. According to him, the man just fell out of love with his mistress. Now Evelina's parents are jointly involved in raising their growing daughter.


Few people know that Eva is also a designer. She was an active participant in Fashion Weeks in Russia and Ukraine. And in 2009, her collection of clothes for obese women"Dina".

In the same year, Eva receives the Golden Gramophone award and announces that the "Guests from the Future" cease their activities.

Interview with Eva Polna about how it all began and how she changed over time:

Solo career

Popular fame gained over the years of the existence of "Guests from the Future" has become a good tool for creating solo project. The first songs released solo immediately became hits.

At the same time, the passion for design was reflected in the style of the performer herself - unusual headdresses became calling card Polny.

In 2011, Eva received her first solo Golden Gramophone (Ukraine) for the song Ships. 2012 was marked by another statuette, this time for the song "I don't have you either." The next year was also significant - Polna topped the list of the most rotated performers in Russia and the CIS countries. She also became a member of the show "One to One".


In 2014, finally, Eva presented the first studio album, recorded solo - “Love sings”. The singer actively performed with concerts and at various musical events as part of the promotion of the album. It is worth noting that her outfits were among the brightest on the red carpet!

In 2015, the attention of the press was riveted by cardinal changes in the image of the artist. For some time, the woman dyed her hair red, even shaved her temple. But the love of hats remained unchanged, which she even spoke about separately in the show “Alone with Everyone”.

However, a year later, the woman returned to her usual hair color. And I decided to start an intensified struggle with excess weight. Frankly, at forty with a little - it's pretty exhausting work, but she did it.

Accustomed to awards and recognition, Polna receives another Golden Gramophone for the song Little.

At the end of 2017, the artist presented the second solo album"Phoenix". Now she is busy filming the Three Chords program, and in her free time, Eva travels around Europe.

"Three Chords"

In Barcelona

with daughters

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