International names list. Modern male international names

I first thought about this when I was sitting in a taxi in Cyprus on the Larnaca-Nicosia route next to a middle-aged American in a T-shirt and baseball cap. The road is long, being silent all the time is boring.

First question: where? Ah, from Russia!

I think that, well, here it is again, nesting dolls-Yeltsin-vodka-bears will begin!!! It is precisely because of these annoying associations that I sometimes say that I am from Finland, fortunately, with all my appearance I look like the European north, and most non-Europeans about Finland - neither in sleep nor in spirit, and therefore do not bother anymore with questions.

I politely ask, they say, what is your name.

He introduces himself, but instead of asking me the same question, he asks: Is your name Oksana or Olga?

Somewhat taken aback, I confess that I am neither.

He makes an astonished face and tells me that I must be a rarity, because without exception, all the girls from Russia whom he met in his life were either Olgas or Oksanas, in connection with which he decided that it was us such a cultural custom.

One could, of course, be offended by such blatant ignorance, but I decided to figure out what, how and why.

And indeed, for sure, each of us will remember at least seven to ten Natashas, ​​the same number of Len, Mash, Tan, Irin and Katya. The circle of male names is even narrower: Sasha-Seryozha-Lesha-Andrey. Almost everything else is a rarity! I was wondering why?

Indeed, Americans love variety in this regard. Of course, they also have enough Johns and Michaels, Sar and Jennifer, but, nevertheless, they cannot be compared with us. In some European countries, for example, in Greece, the situation is the same as ours. Almost every third girl is Maria, and the boy is Konstantinos. I don’t presume to speak for the whole of Europe, but in Germany and Switzerland, names are not repeated with such frequency.

Personally, it seems to me quite logical that young parents want to give their child a more original and less worn name. After all, having survived the era of socialism and so on, we no longer want to wear the same clothes for everyone and live in the same apartments, so why should we give our child a name that several hundred thousand other boys and girls already have? Everyone decides such questions for himself.

As some of my acquaintances insist, the Russian child - Russian name. Yes, great. Just for a start, you need to have a good idea of ​​what name, in fact, is of Russian origin. For example, Catherine is a Greek name, Anna is a Hebrew name, Igor is a Scandinavian name.

I also heard the point of view that a child with a rare name supposedly feels like a black sheep among his peers. But this is, as they say, the fault of the parents. It is necessary to show imagination in moderation! I personally know several girls with names like Dorianna or Iolanthe who would not agree to change into Natasha or Sveta for anything in the world, because their rare name only emphasizes their individuality!

And if a child has a foreign father who does not speak Russian, and his Russian mother now lives abroad, then what to do then? Beautiful, popular names among us like Dmitry, Boris, Natalia, Olga immediately signal Russian roots. (Although for some time the names Katia, Tania, Nadia can also be found among the European public).

Some Russian women I know, living in Europe or America, decided to choose a name for the child so that it sounds more or less harmonious both in Russian and in another language. The choice of such names is quite large: Gregory-Gregory, Matvey-Matthew, Elizabeth-Elisabeth, etc.

Interested in the subject, I leafed through several books in local library on the topic - how to name your baby. Below I give a list of names that I personally find sonorous and attractive, endowed with a special character and suitable for use in both Russian and English / German (I can’t judge about other languages).

When choosing a name for a girl, it is important to remember that in Russian we decline names according to
cases, which means that an indeclinable name will be inconvenient.


Everything is more complicated with male names, because if many female names, in general, are international, then masculine ones are much more often associated with one specific language, i.e. the popular Karsten in Germany will sound very strange in America, and the American Ryan or Brian is unfamiliar to the general public outside of English language. However, there are also international favorites: Kevin, Max, Dennis, Chris, etc.

See for yourself:


Of course, these are just the most popular names, and the rest is a matter of the imagination of the future

I cannot say that the name Valery is strange and unusual, however, it was not always so. About 20 years ago, it was considered rare and “cut” the ear ... to some, for example, my tutors in kindergarten, especially when my mother took away and called: "Valerik."

Of course, it's nice to be the only Valeria in the group, while there were 4 Anya and 3 Yulia. But it’s unpleasant when the teacher asks: “Who gave you such strange name that you can't pronounce?

Is it really difficult? If you do not know, you can use the service on our website.

However, I was more fortunate than the boy Miguel, whose mother obviously revised the popular Mexican TV series at that time. I like my name, I like the diminutive diminutive from it - Lerochka.

So, what to look for when choosing a baby name?

  • Be careful with non-standard names, as they can cause ridicule from others.
  • Remember the meaning of the name. Let's just say: whatever you call a ship, that's how it will float. This also applies to the name. The secret of the name is what will determine the character of the child, and sometimes his attitude to life.
  • Some mothers are against the fact that the child is called a diminutive name, so they intentionally choose "strict" names. Think about this too: a too soft name will not be taken seriously, too “rude” will lead to Mark becoming Marchik.
  • It is important that the chosen name is combined with the patronymic. The latter carries genetic information and is also able to correct the image of a person.
  • Many are of the opinion that it is necessary to name in honor of the name day of the saints. For example, today, September 19th. Names - Andrei, Arkhip, Vsevolod, David, Dionysius, Dimitri, John, Cyril, Konstantin, Makar, Mikhail, Thekla. Think about whether you are ready to name your daughter Thekla?
  • Popular international names- another common theme (see above about the boy Miguel). The fact is that it is difficult to predict how the fate of the child will turn out, therefore international names are an excellent alternative to domestic ones. But, our advice is to choose neutral names!

How to name a boy: popular international names

  • David
  • Albert
  • Ernest
  • Matvey
  • Oscar
  • Philip
  • Arsen
  • Daniel
  • Makar
  • Marat
  • Farid
  • Edward
  • Arkhip
  • Demid
  • Seraphim

How to name a girl: international names

  • Adeline
  • Aurora
  • Angelina
  • Arina
  • Caroline
  • Isabel
  • Liana
  • Marianne
  • Monica
  • Sabina
  • Viola
  • Sarina
  • Regina
  • Ruslana
  • Ulyana
  • Sofia
  • Yaroslav
  • Stella
  • Milan
  • Emilia
  • Ariela
  • Marianne
  • Milan
  • Martha

Female and male international names are those that remain unchanged (or with minor changes), regardless of the nationality and place of residence of the bearer. That is, this is not Alex-Alexey or Jack-Eugene, but not changing ones, such as Alexander, Robert, Philip. From this article you can find out a list of male international names, their meaning and who are the most famous owners of them.


Whether brief or full list international male names will be opened by the reader, the name Alexander will always be in the first place. It comes from ancient Greek and translates as "protector". This name is not only international, but also one of the most popular on the planet. ancient origin does not prevent Alexander from remaining the most modern international male name.

The most famous owner of the name to this day remains Alexander the Great - greatest general and ruler of the early first millennium. It is thanks to its popularity, which was huge even in ancient times, that the name has become so widespread. AT Russian history five ancient Russian princes-Alexanders are known (Nevsky, Tver and Vladimir, Tver, Lipetsk, Pskov), three emperors with the name Alexander (A. First - Pavlovich, A. Second - Nikolaevich and A. Third - Alexandrovich), commander Alexander Suvorov. Among Russian and world cultural figures, literary geniuses are known under this name: Pushkin, Dumas, Zhukovsky, Griboyedov, Ostrovsky, Kuprin, Blok, Vertinsky. Any inhabitant of the post-Soviet space, at the mention of the name Alexander, will immediately remember a large number of actors - Abdulov, Lazarev, Pankratov-Cherny, Domogarov, Shirvindt, Demyanenko. Among living foreign celebrities, one can cite as an example American actor Alexander Baldwin (known by his short name Alec), Swedish actor Alexander Skarsgård and English comedian Alexander Armstrong.


The second most popular name in the list of male international names can definitely be called the name Arthur. The origin of the name goes back to the ancient Celtic languages ​​and translates as "bear man" or "king of bears". Like Alexander, the name Arthur is present in almost all world languages, remaining unchanged in pronunciation (with rare exceptions). by the most famous representative this name is fictional character ancient English legends- King Arthur. The name of the alleged prototype of the mythical king was the ancient Roman "Artorius", so the name Arthur was most likely chosen for consonance, and not for meaning.

Also famous world celebrities bearing this name are the philosopher Schopenhauer, the writers Rimbaud, Conan Doyle, Miller, and the Russians - the revolutionary Benny, the botanist Yachevsky, Opera singer Eisen, writer Makarov, oceanologist and Arctic explorer Chilingarov, chess player Yusupov, theater and film actors Vakha, Smolyaninov. Among modern foreign celebrities can be identified American singer Garfunkel (better known as Art), English musician Brown and French actor Dupont. Among the fictional Arthurs, in addition to the King, the hero of the novel "The Gadfly" Lilian Ethel Voynich is popular.


Adam - another masculine international originating from Hebrew, is "made of clay". In the Bible, Torah and Koran, the name Adam was the first earth man, which God created from the earth's clay. Adam himself, who is considered by religious people to be the first earthly inhabitant and progenitor of the human race, can be called the most famous representative of the name.

In Russian history, not many bearers of this name are known, but they exist. For example, these are the architect Menelas, the ballet dancer and dance teacher Glushkovsky, the physicist and chemist Rakovsky, the Kabardian poet and writer Shogentsukov. Of the modern Adams, well-known abroad are the American actor Adam Sandler, the American singer and lead singer of the Maroon 5 band Adam Levine, and the Canadian musician from the Three Days Grace band Adam Gontier.


Among male international names, the name Arnold may seem new to a Russian person. Its roots go back to the ancient Germanic language, and the meaning is translated as "eagle strength" or "strong eagle". Despite the apparent novelty, this name has existed in Russia since the 19th century, an example is Arnold Alexandrovich Alshwang, who was born in 1898, a Russian pianist, teacher and musicologist. Despite the large number of Austrian and German counts who have this name, for most people, when Arnold is mentioned, either Schwarzenegger or main character cartoon "Hey Arnold".


Like Alexander, Victor seems to be a national name to a Russian person - it is so widespread among us. However, it comes from the Latin word "winner", is quite common abroad and therefore is also a male international name. For example, world famous French writer Victor Hugo, Austrian politician Victor Adler and Swedish film director Victor Sjoström. In Russia, this name may be associated with the artist Vasnetsov, musicians: Tsoi, Sologub, Rybin, Saltykov, Koklyushkin, Shenderovich. Notable foreign bearers of the name include the American actor Victor Rasuk, the American singer Victor Willis and the Spanish football player of the Barcelona club Victor Valdes. The main character of Tim Burton's cartoon "Corpse Bride" was also named after Victor.


Another international name is Harry. This male international name, at first glance, has no meaning - after all, it is just an abbreviation that has become independent English name Henry. However, if you dig deeper, you can find out that Henry comes from the German "Heinrich", meaning "ruler of the house." Therefore, it is this meaning that should be attributed to the name Harry. In Russia, under the name of Harry, the director-animator Bardin and V modern world the most famous bearer of the name is the fictional character Harry Potter - the hero of the book series of the same name English writer Joanne Rowling. Also famous personalities are the English Prince Harry of Wales and the English actor


One of the most beautiful male international names - Mark - is of Latin origin and is associated with the ancient Roman god of war Mars, whose name, in turn, is translated as "hammer". The most famous bearer of the name is one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, who wrote his part of the Gospel. Also famous in history are the Roman philosopher Cicero, American writer Twain, Russian-French artist Chagall, Soviet and Russian director Zakharov, American rock musician Knopfler. Among modern foreign celebrities who have this name, one can name an American programmer, creator of social network Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Dutch musician Jansen and American actor Mark Wahlberg, who is also known as the musician Mark Mark.


Another male international name that may seem unusual for Russia is Robert. However, it is worth remembering Soviet artist Robert Falk, the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky and many others, to understand that the name has taken root in Russia for a long time. Its roots go back to the ancient Germanic languages, and the meaning is "brilliant with glory", "shining in glory", "ambitious". Many kings and rulers of the English, Scottish and Welsh lands were christened with this name, but the scientists Boyle, Hooke and Koch remain the most famous carriers in history. Quite a lot, in comparison with other representatives of international names, Roberts in contemporary culture. These are musicians Robert Plant (singer and former soloist iconic Led bands Zeppelin), Robert Marley (known by the abbreviation Bob), Robert Williams (known by the abbreviation Robbie). Actors - Downey Jr., Robert Pattinson, directors Robert Zemeckis ("Back to the Future", "Forest Gump", "Rogue One") and Robert Rodriguez ("Desperado", "From Dusk Till Dawn", "Spy Kids").


If there is a male international name that can match the popularity of Alexander and Arthur, then this is undoubtedly Philip. Name Greek origin translates as "lover of horses". Probably no other name in the world bore so many rulers. different countries and cities in different times Philippi ruled in Macedonia, Rome, France, Portugal, Moscow, Spain, England, the Latin Empire. In world history it is difficult to single out the most famous Philip, in Russia everything is simpler - he is crooner Philip Bedrosovich Kirkorov. And in the UK, the most famous Philip is the Duke of Edinburgh - the husband of Queen Elizabeth II. Among the heroes of Russian literature, one can mention Filipko, the hero of the same name children's story Lev Tolstoy.

Among other carriers of the name Philip, it is worth highlighting these musicians: Irish-American Philip Lynott (Thin Lizzy group) and Australian Philip Rudd (AC / DC group).

I call these names for newborns around the world, over the years their popularity and prevalence has only increased.

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