Secrets of a successful job interview. How to behave in an interview to get hired? How to make a good impression on an employer

Today, getting a job is not so easy, and taking a vacant place in a good organization is even more so (like a student entering a prestigious university upon admission). How to behave in a graduate interview? We propose to consider this issue in more depth. We propose to designate the following questions as the main topic: how to behave in an interview and what to say in order to attract the attention and location of a future employer.

How to behave during a job interview?

Many people in modern society cannot get a good job, even having all the data for the proposed position: appropriate education and level of knowledge, age, absence of children, etc. . Often it all ends with the interview. What is the reason? Everything is simple, even good specialist must know how to behave in a job interview.

It is at this point that potential employers often pay attention. To test future employees involved leading psychologists , who have developed a lot of psychological tests, on the basis of which they are guided not only by knowledge, but also by stress resistance, compliance with the proposed vacancy when choosing a candidate. But tests are not the whole arsenal. Important points such as behavior, the right wardrobe for this purpose, speech, gender, an experience(yes or not), etc.

How to behave properly during a job interview

It is in view of the above that it is important to know how to behave at an interview with an employer when applying for a job, what to wear for an interview and what you need or vice versa cannot be said in the process. However, not a single specialist can offer a single image, since in this option a lot depends on the choice of the applicant, i.e. the vacancy itself.

For example, to work in the service industry in any variation: hostess, secretary, nanny in a kindergarten, courier, car dealership, realtor, cook, sales agent, merchandiser, educator, advertising agent, Euroset consultant, fitness club, housekeeper, waitress or maid in a hotel(for a woman or girl on maternity leave), beauty salon, etc.., it is enough to have a cooperative and at the same time strict outfit. But for work in Gazprom, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutor's office, police / police, lawyer, security service (for civil service) a teacher in a school or college, a system administrator, a programmer, a doctor in a hospital (city hospital), engineer, to a designer in a modeling agency, etc. completely different requirements, which are not limited to smiling, strict attire and sociability, but we will talk about all this and in more detail a little later.

Basic rules of behavior when applying for a job: video

Getting a job is an art selling ... yourself, your time, your knowledge (whether you have experience or not), etc. The presentation in this version should be appropriate. Don't be shy such an interpretation, because in a sense, everything is exactly like that. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some tricks (a video tutorial so that you are not denied admission) for beginners, based on the advice of psychologists: training for beginners, how to dress, how to behave, how to prepare, what applicants may encounter when receiving offers from a recruiter, so that even the head of the shopping center can easily accept(find any other vacancy, watch a master class from a pro or download it to your computer):

Psychologist's advice: how to behave in an interview

Psychologists around the world have already identified main aspects how to behave in an interview, tips at the first stage begin with a proposal to study in detail information about the future place of work . Today, finding out such details is not a problem: find on the internet(get recommendations on the forums, the official page of the company, etc.), learn from friends who work in the selected company(they know a lot and they can help get a job, lead to the authorities, for example, with recommendations), their friends etc..

The second important aspect is punctuality. In order to come to the interview on time, study the route in detail, calculate the time it will take to travel, think over the full path and eliminate errors. It is strongly not recommended to be late, it is better to come in advance, 10-20 minutes earlier (if the applicant is late, he is perceived as a frivolous candidate).

I'm going to an interview - how should I behave?

A smile wins hearts , even if it is a potential employer, be sure that she will fit . But here it is important not to overdo it. Your goal is to give the impression of a benevolent applicant, and any hint of stupidity (and excessive smiling can be regarded as such) should be completely absent.

One of the important points is preparation for the process and this can be attributed full preparation for : question answer. And, most importantly, it is mutual process, i.e. it is important not only to know the correct answers to possible questions, but also to prepare your own questions for the opponent.

How to behave in an interview if you have no work experience

  • How to behave in an interview with an employer?
  • How to behave at an interview so that you get a job without experience?

The main thing that the applicant needs to do is to convince the opponent that he has the necessary knowledge base, sufficient (or better than) for the intended position. It will not be superfluous convince him of his learning. But the height of resourcefulness in this option will be to convince him that the lack of experience is more a plus than a minus. Because in this variant he will be able to correct your knowledge in the right direction . This can be done only if you are aware of the requirements for the applicant for the vacancy (knowledge of duties). Such information is usually posted on the official website of the company. If the selected organization does not have its own portal, use related resources (pages of similar enterprises).

Guidelines for group interviews

group interview are carried out during mass recruitment for the same or related positions (for example, waiters at McDonald's). For HR manager - this is the possibility of selection with the least loss of time. In this option, you need to be able to competently and adequately show your best skills and qualities. Try to take the situation into your own hands - show initiative and leadership qualities, if this is characteristic of you. Ask questions, answer questions In a word, make sure that you are remembered in the best possible way.

How to behave in a Skype interview?

Online dialogue is also designed to reduce the recruiter's time costs, as well as preliminary telephone conversation(with an employee of the HR department or with the manager). This allows him to evaluate the speech, appearance and business acumen of the applicant. In this option, it is important that extraneous noises, pets, friends and relatives, etc., do not distract from the conversation. If the bell rang at an inconvenient time, apologize and gently ask to call back a little later. Not the last role in this matter is played by the appearance. Homemade pajamas or a T-shirt are not the best option.

Interview in a cafe: what and how to say?

Option business interview in a cafe or restaurant with management is not much different from a conversation in the office. But candidates for leadership positions are more often invited to such conversations. In this option, it is important to understand the purpose of the visit. Therefore, ordering a large number of dishes in this case will be inappropriate. . Knowledge of etiquette is also important. The applicant has a unique opportunity to demonstrate knowledge of the rules of business etiquette.

First interview - how to behave?

We discussed in general terms how to behave at an interview so that they would take a job. Didn't just touch the topic. appearance applicant. Meanwhile, they are greeted by clothes. Especially if you have an interview with the director, how should you behave in this option?

In most cases, the requirements for appearance are identical, so we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to dress properly: business suit, hairstyle, minimal makeup (for girls), complete absence of bright details (accessories, lipstick, nail polish, etc.). Availability too expensive things would also be inappropriate.

How to behave in an interview to please the employer

  • Pay attention to your voice: it must be moderately sonorous, the speech is coherent and free, there should be a pause between phrases, questions and answers.
  • Get rid of stiffness.
  • Keep track of your gestures and posture. Practice in front of a mirror.
  • You must create an opinion serious and confident person. And yours constraint and stiffness will be transferred to the interlocutor, and he will feel uncomfortable, which will negatively affect the general opinion about you.

At the end of the topic, we present a few tips from behavioral factors experts on some types of vacancies:

  1. How to behave in an interview for a managerial position. A good manager must have: leadership qualities(organize the work of the team, accumulate direction, ability to manage, etc.), have the ability to cope with several tasks at the same time, initiative, a tendency to introspection, the ability to attract resources from outside, etc. It is these qualities that the HR manager will look for in the applicant. good leader all questions will be answered in the affirmative and confidently: I did, I put, etc. . A good help would be a successful experience in a similar position, for example, as a general director or his deputy (when transferred to a higher position (promotion in a career) at an open meeting with superiors, for example, if an applicant was invited, etc.).

  2. Job interview for manager, sales manager, sales representative. The main qualities of a manager, sales representative, supervisor, etc.: communication skills, the ability to convince and resourcefulness, stress resistance (the ability to take a punch will probably be tested in an aggressive, i.e. stressful interview (initial or repeated)) and good sense of humour . In a business interview, your task is to convince the logistician of the presence of these qualities. And, of course, the appearance should inspire confidence and have a conversation.

  3. I want to work as a seller: advice from psychologists. The seller is an intermediary between the buyer and the manufacturer. Its main tasks: assess opportunities, needs and propose the right . The main advice of a psychologist will help with this: learn to adapt to the voice and behavior of the buyer. This simple technique will help lead the opponent to the desired solution. It doesn't matter if you want to get a job as a salesperson at Pyaterochka or as a cosmetics consultant, sell books, or in a sportswear store at Adidas or Sportmaster.
  4. Interviews for the position of a psychologist, accountant, bank employee. These three professions are united required level of knowledge, availability of recommendations and resume . For an interview for the position of an accountant, the applicant is recommended to confirm his professional skills, especially knowledge of prof. programs, availability of relevant certificates, etc. The applicant must take care to outperform his competitors not only in theory, but also be ready to demonstrate in practice (in order to successfully pass the selection in the final interview). The same tasks are psychologist, but in this situation, in addition to supporting documents about prof. In preparation, the interviewer must be prepared for mandatory compliance testing. For bank employee(for example, a girl was invited to the position of an economist at Sberbank) the qualities and skills of a manager are important. In the absence of experience, you can demonstrate your achievements in competitions during training, for example. It won't be redundant demonstration of knowledge in banking : successes and failures in the work of competitors, etc.

  5. How to behave at an interview at the American embassy . One of the hardest tasks is successful interview at the US Embassy, ​​the Czech Republic, Poland and especially the Schengen countries(Israel, for example). One of the important conditions for the interviewer is a neat appearance: defiant outfits, catchy makeup, etc. are unacceptable here. Jeans will also be appropriate, but do not overdo it, everything should be in moderation. One more point - country knowledge(culture and history). Questions on this topic are mandatory in the program. Besides, consul or Officer at the consulate, he will definitely ask questions about you and about the program (for studying at an institute, working with foreigners (Chinese, for example), for medical education, a tourist visa. Sometimes there are questions:

So, how to successfully pass a job interview or answer questions that may be asked.

There are some interview questions most employers ask..

Usually this is: “Do you have any work experience, how long did you work at your previous job, and for what reason did you quit?”

This is justified by the desire of the employer to hire a person who will not only easily cope with the work assigned to him, but will also stay in the company for a long period of time.

So if your work book indicates that you worked long and dutifully at your previous job, then this is an absolute plus.

Try to answer such questions truthfully, as the employer can verify the information provided. Take care of the phone numbers from previous jobs in advance for a positive recommendation.

The question of the reasons for leaving should not be extended to conflict situations with superiors or the team. Employers want to see in their company only friendly employees who can find a common language with colleagues and clients. Do not talk about the desire to earn more.

This may give the employer the idea that you are only interested in money. It is better to say that you want to develop and improve your professional skills in a new direction, or gain experience in this particular company.

Do not forget to mention the achievements of the company. Demonstrate your knowledge of the history of its creation (information can be found on the official website of the company). Thus, you will show your desire to work only in this company.

If an employer asks questions like “What vacancies have you considered yet, what are your successes in past interviews, how long have you been looking for a suitable vacancy?”, It means that he is interested in whether you are in demand in the labor market.

In this case, you should not focus on the exact addresses and dates of the interview. Everything should be superficial. Do not forget to praise yourself a little and note that you finally settled on this vacancy.

A popular question is: why do you want to work with us? You can find a detailed answer to it. When asked about what salary you would like to receive, do not evade the answer and be shy. Name the amount that suits you at the moment (or the one that was higher than the previous one).

Do not name fabulous amounts, otherwise the employer may doubt your diligence.

Some interviewers like to ask questions about their personal lives.

This is necessary in order to understand what psychological state you are in and whether you can work overtime.

These questions should be answered calmly and truthfully..

If the future boss is interested in your positive sides or shortcomings - do not worry.

The main thing - do not praise yourself and do not scold. Be sure to tell about sociability, accuracy, responsibility and readiness to accept any criticism (objective).

The employer does not need to hear about everything else. Also speak concisely about shortcomings.. For example, future bosses will be pleased to hear that you are too pedantic and can not stand the smell of tobacco. Do not forget about additional qualities - knowledge of languages, playing the guitar, playing volleyball, etc.

In general, employers like to ask the most tricky questions in an interview. You can read more about them in this one.

How to behave?

So many people are wondering how to pass a job interview well? To do well in a job interview, you also need to choose the right demeanor. As soon as you enter the office, say hello. It is better to address the interviewer by first and middle name. Don't forget to smile.

Goodwill will always add a "plus" to your piggy bank. In general, the rules of a successful interview are not only professionalism, but also confident, friendly behavior. And you can read about what are the rules for conducting an interview.

During the interview, you should look at the interlocutor. Keep your back straight. You should not fall apart in a chair, cross or spread your legs. Try to relax as much as possible. Think about the fact that in front of you is an ordinary person, albeit in a director's chair.

Listen to questions until the end - do not interrupt. If you do not quite understand what the employer is talking about, apologize and ask again.

Separately, we should talk about. Dress strictly.

There should be no colored shirts, blouses, shoes, skirts and trousers. Only neutral tones.

The same applies to bright jewelry, eye-catching makeup.

During interviews, speak clearly and to the point. Do not lay out to the future employer all your ins and outs. He is not interested in this - only the most important and necessary. Don't talk for more than 2 minutes and don't answer the questions too concisely ("yes" and "no"). This can demonstrate your lack of self-confidence.

What are speech errors?

What are the main speech mistakes of candidates at the interview?

  1. Quiet voice, glance at the floor. The ideal candidate should speak clearly and face the prospective boss. Do not prop your head up with your hand. Firstly, this will make your voice less clear, and secondly, it looks strange.
  2. Fast and loud speaking.
  3. Illiteracy. Employers pay special attention to this fact. Correct placement of stress (“rings”, not “rings”) and pronunciation of words (“put”, not “lay down”), etc.
  4. Excessive literacy. Do not express yourself too abstrusely and do not reason like a philosopher. Not all employers like it.
  5. Profanity.

If you doubt the meaning of a particular term, it is better not to pronounce it at all.


When going to an interview, you should understand that the employer will see you for the first time. He does not yet know about your professional qualities, so he will evaluate only by appearance and behavior. So, how not to behave during the interview process?

untidiness. Not ironed trousers, dirty shoes, sloppy hair - this is all that is unlikely to impress the future boss.

being late. This is the most common mistake among candidates, which demonstrates a frivolous attitude to work. What to do if you are late for an interview, read.

Bad habits. You should not smoke before the interview or go to an alcohol party the day before. It is better not to advertise the love of cigarettes and booze. By the way, this also applies to chewing gum.

Don't show up to your interview with your mom, girlfriend, husband, or other "support group." This will demonstrate the inability of the candidate to make serious decisions on his own.

How to increase your chances?

Now let's talk a little about how to successfully pass a job interview and what is the key to a successful interview.

Tips for preparing or the secrets of a successful interview:

To successfully pass the interview, you should pay attention to the following factors.

  1. Prepare in advance. Resume in duplicate, passport, work book and diplomas.
  2. In advance, take an interest in the history of the creation of the company, areas of activity, study information about achievements. To do this, go to the company's website, use various directories and other useful sources.
  3. Think over the route and calculate the time. It is better to leave the house earlier for 30-40 minutes.
  4. Think about the questions you will be .material. Successfully passing an interview is an immediate response: congratulations, you've been accepted.

    To the question: how to successfully pass a job interview, we can say with confidence. Prepare for the interview carefully and responsibly, because your future financial well-being depends on it. Now you know how to have a successful interview!

To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say: who owns the information, he owns the situation at the interview.

Before heading to the office, find out:

  • with whom you will talk: with the boss, the head of the personnel department or his ordinary employee;
  • interview format (group or individual, question-answer or self-presentation);
  • dress code and things you need to have with you (documents, gadgets, etc.);
  • how to get there (it is unacceptable to be late).

It will help to find out if this is the company's website or a call to the office.

Map answers to common questions

Interviews when applying for a job are of the same type and at the same time they are not similar to each other. Many have heard of stressful interviews where they can suddenly start yelling at the applicant to unsettle him. There are also so-called case-interviews: the applicant is placed in certain circumstances (for example, a conversation with a dissatisfied client) and they watch how he solves the problem.

It is not always possible to find out what type of interview is preferred in a particular company, so you need to be ready for anything.

To do this, make a card with answers to typical questions and requests (they are asked in 99.9% of cases):

  • top 5 of your main strengths;
  • what are you good at;
  • strategic directions of self-development;
  • proposals for the work of the company;
  • your life and work philosophy;
  • your short and long term goals;
  • unusual tasks that you had to solve.

You should also prepare in advance a list of topics that you would like to discuss with the HR manager.

Interpret the employer's questions

"A" doesn't always mean "A", and two times two doesn't always mean four. Recruiters sometimes ask insidious questions, where behind the simple wording lies a cunning plan - to get the applicant to say more than they should.

A simple question: "What salary would you like to receive?". But the answer helps the interviewer understand your motivation: money, social security, work schedule, and so on. If you are asked if you had conflicts with management and how you resolved them, then most likely the HR manager wants to know if you tend to take responsibility or are used to shifting it to others.

Tricky questions are many. You need to be able to see the "double bottom" (without fanaticism!).

Consider your non-verbal behavior

HR managers are people, not machines. They, like everyone else, pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gait, gestures, and so on. An experienced professional can be refused just because he behaved incorrectly.

Consider body language ahead of time. If from excitement you habitually twitch your leg, then sit cross-legged. If you're tapping your fingers on the table, try something to occupy your hands with, like a ballpoint pen.

HR managers are people, not machines. They understand that you are worried. But naturalness in non-verbal communication will increase your credibility.

Set taboo on some topics

“Tell me about yourself,” the interviewer asks. “I was born on April 2, 1980 (according to the horoscope Taurus). In his youth he played football, was the captain of the city team. Then he graduated from the institute ... ”- if the applicant’s story is something like this, he will not see the position as his ears.

There are things that are absolutely uninteresting to the employer and which in no way characterize you as a professional. In the above example, this is the year of birth (this can be read in the resume), the sign of the zodiac and sports achievements.

There are topics on which you need to impose a taboo for yourself:

  • summary summary;
  • personal life goals (buying a house, having children, etc.);
  • reputation of the company and its employees;
  • skills and experience that are not related to future work (I am an excellent cook, I understand plumbing, etc.);
  • failures that demonstrate incompetence.

Just as you have made a plan for what you will talk about, write down and memorize the topics that should be ignored. Also think about how to correctly answer if you are still asked about it.

Contemplate to calm down

Interviews are nerve-wracking. You can forget your name, not to mention the demonstration of business qualities.

Take a look around to calm down. Inspect the office, equipment, employees. The details will tell you a lot about the company where you are going to get a job, and their analysis will help bring the nervous system back to normal.

Taking a critical look at the firm and future colleagues can increase your sense of self-importance. Remember: a company needs a good employee as much as you need a good job.

Take the initiative

In an interview, as a rule, there comes a moment when the interviewer and the interviewee change places and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions of interest to him.

Do not waste time on useless “Will you call me yourself or should I call you back?”, “Why is this position open?” and so on. Show yourself as a proactive employee. Ask:

  • Does the company have any actual problem? How do you think I can help you?
  • Could you describe your ideal candidate for this position?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is starting to work for your company?

There are also a number of questions that should not be asked. Which ones - click on the button below.

Following these tips will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of getting hired.

Are there additions? Write them in the comments.

2 026 0 Hello! In this article, we will talk about how to behave in an interview to get the job you want.

The interview in our time is perceived as a kind of exam before "entering" a job. And even an experienced specialist is sometimes not guaranteed employment. The following is increasingly being confirmed: if you want to be hired for the desired position in a particular organization, successfully pass the interview. Here you will need self-presentation skills and good preparation. What needs to be done when hiring, so that you are seen as the very specialist that this company needs?

Preparing for an interview

It is imperative to prepare for the interview. The more carefully you think over your appearance, information about yourself and answers to possible questions, the more confident you will feel in the process of communicating with the employer (or his representative).

Most often, an interview is invited after reading the resume of the applicant. But even if you sent it to the company, by the time of the meeting, have another backup in paper form with you.

Be prepared for the fact that, at the interview, you will have to demonstrate what is indicated in your resume.

  • Do some background research on the organization you are interviewing with. Go to the company's website, look at its history, structure, headcount, information about the manager, requirements for the proposed vacancy, etc.
  • Prepare the documents that you need to take with you (passport, work book, diplomas, certificates, certificates, etc.) They should be presented only at the request of the person who conducts the interview.
  • Think about how you will look, what clothes will fit. Try to rehearse the key points of your self-presentation and answers to possible questions in front of a mirror.

How to succeed in an interview

What impression we create about ourselves at a meeting is mainly influenced not by the information that we communicate about ourselves, but by how we do it, how we look and what actions we perform. Non-verbal (non-verbal) behavior - appearance, facial expressions, gestures, postures, intonation- is of key importance here, since it betrays us more strongly.


The main requirements for clothing in this situation are neatness and neutrality.

It must be clean, ironed and as close as possible to the position for which you are applying. The higher the position, the more business style should be chosen. This does not mean at all that its price should be exorbitant or that you need to put on some expensive accessories. A simple dark-colored suit and polished shoes (for men) and a business blouse with a skirt or trousers (for women) are enough.

For specialists, line managers, casual style is acceptable (shirts, sweaters, cardigans, jeans).

Short skirts, shorts and plunging necklines are not allowed.

Representatives of creative professions (designers, artists, photographers, etc.) do not have to adhere to a business style. The main thing is neatness and compliance with the situation.

Don't wear a lot of jewelry. Try to keep as little glitter as possible on you. If there are tattoos, then it is better to hide them. There should not be a strong smell of perfume.

It is better to pick up the hair: let it be a light hairstyle or styling. Make-up should be close to natural, and not resemble war paint. And do not forget about the beauty of nails.

speech, intonation

It is important to maintain a calm, even tone of voice throughout the conversation. It is by it that they often determine how much you worry and control your emotions. Of course, most situations that may arise in an interview cannot be rehearsed in advance. Therefore, if you feel that you are starting to get nervous and it becomes more difficult to control yourself, then you can “neatly” admit this to the employer. For example:

  • "I'm a little worried";
  • “An interesting question…”, “An unexpected turn of events” (you can react to a stress interview with a little humor);
  • “Could you repeat the question again?”

Do not use introductory words and phrases that reflect uncertainty in the voice, such as: “I don’t know”, “maybe”, “probably” and etc.

Do not build long phrases, do not be smart. But don't be too dry. Speak more emotionally where it is appropriate, for example, when talking about your achievements or hobbies, about what you appreciate in people.

Behavior, gestures

Be sure to check your posture:

  • The back should be straight, but moderately relaxed, shoulders straightened.
  • Be in open poses, do not cross your arms and legs.
  • Maintain eye contact with the interviewer, do not hide your eyes, do not fix them on the floor.

Together, these positive behavior signals indicate your self-confidence. It is important to demonstrate it to the employer.

When accompanying your story with gestures, keep your hands palms up. It speaks of your sincerity. If the palms are pointing down, then this indicates the desire to hide certain facts about oneself or present them in a false way.

When listening to someone, lean forward slightly. This is a signal of involvement in the conversation, indicating that you are interested and important to the subject of conversation.

In general, there should be no active gestures. Otherwise, you will show yourself as an unbalanced person.

Smile to show your friendliness and positive attitude. In no case should you appear as a gloomy, difficult person at a job interview.

What questions are asked in an interview?

HR managers are constantly using new techniques and “tricks” to obtain all the necessary information and bring applicants “to clean water”. And yet there are a number of questions that are asked in most interviews. You can prepare for them in advance.

  • "Tell us about yourself"

Here it makes sense to mention your education and professional skills. You can also talk about hobbies and additional skills that will be useful at work. The main thing is not to get lost and to answer the interviewer's question in a free, unconstrained manner.

  • "What salary do you expect?"

You should add at least 10% to the salary from the previous job and announce this amount. An increase of 30% is considered optimal. There is no need to be too modest here. But also to name exorbitant amounts too. It is important to be able to appreciate yourself. Then the employer will appreciate it.

  • "Why did you leave your previous job?"

You can refer to the inconvenient work schedule, relocation, lack of growth prospects. This option is also possible: you have fully studied your work, know all the nuances, are a little tired of the monotony in it and want something new.

In no case do not mention the conflict with the manager or other employees, even if it really took place. Otherwise, you will completely spoil the impression of yourself, and the employer is unlikely to hire you.

  • "Tell me about your accomplishments"

Achievements should not be confused with professional skills. Professional skills are what you have learned while doing a particular job or training in a profession (for job seekers without work experience). To a greater extent, they indicate the process of performing a specific activity. Achievements are significant results of work. Examples of them are: “Increased sales by 20%”, “Developed and implemented a program…”, “Participated in the opening of 5 branches of the company”.

  • "Why do you want to work with us?"

It is important to find out information about the organization in advance and answer this question for yourself. You can say that you are attracted to the growth prospects or the salary level that the company offers. It is also worth noting that you trust her and believe that she is steadily developing in the market. If the office of the company is located in a convenient place for you, then this should also be mentioned, referring to the fact that you can quickly get to work.

  • "Do you have any flaws?"

This is how the employer tests your openness. Everyone has weaknesses, but some are definitely worth keeping silent about. Name a couple of your shortcomings that do not seem so critical and do not interfere with the desired work. For example, you can admit that you are a very scrupulous person. If the work is connected with a lot of concentration, then this can even be regarded as a plus. Or, for example, note that acquaintances reproach you for not knowing how to relax. The interviewer may think that you are used to working hard and will be a diligent employee. But the disadvantage of “I am constantly in control” can play in favor of the applicant who wants to take a leadership position.

Don't forget to follow the rule: You can be silent, but you can not deceive. Lies are revealed very quickly already in the first days of work.

  • "How do you feel about recycling?"

You can declare that you are ready for them. But! Be sure to specify how regular they are, how long they are, and whether weekend work (night time, if any) is payable. Even at the stage of preparing for an interview with a manager, it is important to weigh all per and against and consider whether too much work will interfere with your personal and family life.

  • “Where do you see yourself in 5 (10, 15) years?”

With this question, they often want to check the desire of the applicant to work in a company for a long period, develop in it and go up the career ladder. Here it is not necessary to name some higher position (and if you do, then the main thing is not to swing too high), just make it clear that you are ready to grow and achieve more even within your own field. It is important to demonstrate that you want to be useful to the company, contribute to its development and influence the results of the overall activities. An example response could be: “I want to continue to work actively in your company, to comprehend all the intricacies of work and take a higher position.”

  • "Give examples…"

The HR manager or the head of the company at the interview can ask clarifying questions about your resume. For example: “Tell us how exactly you managed to introduce this system into production” or "Give a situation in which you showed your organizational skills."

Remember that we are responsible for every word. As spoken and as written.

Applicant mistakes

  1. Do not take the interview seriously, do not prepare for it.
  2. If the appearance, phrases, behavior in general do not correspond to the business situation of the interview. That is, if the rules described above are not followed.
  3. Late for an interview. A very gross mistake!
  4. Speak negatively about the former leader, colleagues.
  5. Be shy, look insecure and timid. Read:
  6. Communicate too assertively, take on a dominant role in the conversation, enter into an argument with the employer.
  7. Complain, demonstrate a negative approach to life, criticize everything around.
  8. To deceive or, conversely, to be too frank, to tell facts that can be kept silent.
  9. Slurred answers, ornate phrases, "abstruse" speech.
  10. Familiarity. In business, it is important to be able to keep your distance. If even at the interview the applicant cannot demonstrate this, then questions arise regarding his ability to professionally build relationships and solve business situations.
  11. Do not ask any questions to the employer. This sign indicates the lack of true interest in this vacancy.
  12. Come accompanied by someone from relatives or friends. The employer immediately has doubts about the independence of the applicant and his personal desire to work. Even if this is the first interview in your life, have all escorts wait outside the office in which it takes place. Otherwise, you will spoil the impression of yourself from the very first seconds.
  • Don't put on a pompous or over-the-top image in an effort to impress the interviewer. Above all, be yourself. You already have something to demonstrate: you have work experience, education, certain achievements. And you prepared for the interview.
  • Arrive to your interview on time, or even better, a little early. This will give you the opportunity to collect your thoughts, tune in to communication, straighten your shoulders and confidently enter the office.
  • Don't be verbose. Don't reveal too much information about yourself. Talk only about what you are asked.
  • Always ask questions during or after the conversation. It is important to find out the scope of your responsibilities, opportunities for development and career growth, and other information about the company and the content of the job. Questions reflect your interest in the job. And there is also such a rule: who asks questions, he manages the situation. It is only important that there are not too many of them. Everything needs a measure.

Don't be discouraged if you're denied a job! Each new interview is always a valuable experience, during which self-presentation skills are improved. And whoever seeks always finds, because our desires work wonders.

It often happens that work for some reason has become unsatisfactory for you. In this case, you have to start looking for a new job. You start sending out resumes with the desire to get a good position. Finally, the employer accepted your resume and responded.

So you've been invited for an interview. At first, it seemed so great to you, but then a constant thought began to spin in your head: how to behave properly in an interview. And that's okay. The first impression is the most important.

It is worth remembering that in an interview, how you behave is 98% important, and 2% what you say.
Therefore, the most important thing is to tune in correctly and think positively!

Preparing for an interview

Before going to an interview, you need to prepare for it. Many consider this complete nonsense, but it is not. This is a very important step and should not be skipped. For this you need:
  • Go to the company's website and see what it is.
  • To study how many employees are included in the state, the mode of operation. View internal photos and videos of the company, if they are available on the site.
  • See who is the head of the company.
  • To study the professional qualities that are required for the proposed vacancy.

Next, you need to study the responsibilities that you will have when applying for a job. If you know the position, then look on the Internet for what her duties are. Also think about what you can do for the company to benefit from it.
Then you need to collect all the documents that may be useful at the interview. Such documents include: a certificate, diploma, various certificates, resumes, etc. Everything needs to be put in a folder and taken out only if the employee who receives you asked for it.

"5 minutes before...": a psychological trick

Many psychologists recommend the “5 minutes before” technique before an interview. It may seem ridiculous, but do not neglect it. 5 minutes before the start of the meeting with the employer, go to a free room (toilet, for example) and stand in a hero's pose. Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back, lift your head and chin, and place your hands on your side. Just try. This should give you energy.

Before the interview itself, you will have a telephone conversation. This is also an important step. Here you have to communicate with a representative of the company, usually a recruiting manager, who then passes the necessary information to the manager.
When speaking, show yourself as a polite person. Be sure to specify the place and time where you need to go. It will not be superfluous to write down the phone number just in case.

How to behave in a job interview?

The first thing to remember is never be late. Better to come early and wait a bit. This will show your punctuality, which is important in any job. It is very important to be able to listen, not to interrupt the employee. Answer questions clearly and to the point.

So, when you come to the interview, follow the basic rules:
  1. Don't forget to smile.
    She will create the very first impression. No need to squeeze it out of yourself, it must be sincere. If there is a strong tension and you don’t feel like smiling at all, then try to remember some funny incident from your life and a smile will “draw” on your face.
  2. Try not to suppress your voice.
    Clamping of the voice comes from tension and stress. If there is tension, then warm up your voice before coming to the office. Remember - a clear and confident voice.
  3. Gesticulation and posing.
    You need to sit calmly in front of the employer, do not touch anything with your hands near you. If the stress doesn't go away, try putting your hands on the table. Don't cross your legs either. Swagger is also not inherent. Eye contact must be constant. If you can’t look directly into the eyes, then you can find some point on the face of the employer and concentrate on it. Keep a moderate and calm look. You should also not wave your arms, behave calmly.
  4. Pauses.
    Learn to pause. If you've finished answering a question and the employer isn't moving on to the next one, don't worry, just wait. It might just be a test.

Video: How to behave in an interview


The most important thing in an interview is the employer's questions and your answers to them. It is worth dwelling on this in more detail.
Any interview is not complete without the usual questions that should be answered correctly. Before answering a question, listen to it to the end. If the question seems incomprehensible, it is better to ask again than to sit and be silent. To do this, you can say: "Did I understand you correctly?". This will show your tact.

Say only what the employer asks you. Some details may simply not interest him. If something seems necessary to him, then he will definitely ask you again. Eliminate the following phrases from the conversation: “I don’t know”, “maybe”, “probably”, etc.

If the question of wages comes up, then say openly how much you need, you should not underestimate your price. You may hear questions that are not related to work at all. It always happens. This is done in order to understand how you can respond to non-standard situations. These may be questions such as why you left your previous job or why you divorced your husband. Many managers read the form and know that people are preparing for interviews, so they can confuse you. For example, ask this question: how long could you work at your previous job if you remove a few people from the team that you don’t like? Or if you were paid more than three times?

In addition to career-related questions, you may be asked about hobbies and hobbies, food preferences, and so on. This will be required in order to find out how adequate you are.
When asked about personal qualities, do not praise yourself. Don't talk about yourself in the first person. You can say that you easily learn new information and love to read books. This will help them understand that you can easily settle into a new job.

Naturally, you will be asked about your cons. No need to say that you are too lazy to get up on the day off from the couch and leave the house. In this case, lying is good. As an example, I can say: I get involved in work in such a way that sometimes I forget about the time. You need to talk about your minuses as merits.

Often employees ask about children. For example, they may ask how children interfere with your work.

I love children, sir. In fact, I was also a child as a child.
- Truth?
- Truth!
- Weird...
Dance for a chance (Chance Pe Dance). Sameer

After the interviewer runs out of questions, he will give you the opportunity to ask him anything. You may ask the following:
  • What is the main task at work?
  • How well did the person who worked before me do the job?
  • Is it possible to communicate with the boss? (In case he is not sitting in front of you)
  • What is the mode of operation?

Naturally, these are not all questions. The most interesting question for you concerns wages. But this must be done carefully. But everyone understands that you are going to earn money, and not just sit around. It happens that the employer himself calls the salary level. If he does not suit you, then you can ask if there is an opportunity to increase your position. When asked how much you would like to receive, you do not need to be silent and hesitate. Call the number directly. Naturally, within reasonable limits for this position.

At the end of the interview, they will tell you that they will call after a while. Specify when to expect a call or not to wait at all.

Correct answers to common questions

Let's look at some of the most common interview questions and how to answer them correctly. Questions in the form of a dialogue between the interviewer (I) and you (You):
  1. AND: - Do you have shortcomings?
    Naturally, every person has disadvantages. By asking this question, the employer wants to find out how open you are. You should not talk about all the shortcomings, otherwise it can cause negative consequences. The best answer to this question:
    You: - Of course, everyone has shortcomings and I am no exception, but they will not affect the work in any way.
  2. AND: - Tell us about yourself.
    The first thing you need to talk about here is your professional skills. You can talk about studies, hobbies, and so on. You can ask a counter question to an employee.
    You: - Can you tell me about all your interests or just those related to work?

  3. AND: - Why did you leave your previous job?
    Every employer asks this question. If there were problems with the boss, then you do not need to tell the truth about it. Say that you were promised a promotion for a very long time, but it never happened. Or, for example, it was not convenient to get to work, as it was far from home, or an inappropriate schedule, or monotony in work, and so on. But this should be said only in cases where there are no such problems in this vacant position.
  4. AND: - Desired and undesired salary level?
    Add +30% to the previous salary level and name the resulting figure. At a minimum, indicate (if asked) the desired salary + 10% more than the previous one.
  5. AND: - For what period do you want to work with us?
    You can say that you will work here forever, but this is not true, because you have not even settled down and have not understood the meaning of the work. You can answer that you want to work for the beginning of the month and decide on the position you hold, get to know the team. Very often the atmosphere in the team exposes people to quit their jobs.
  6. AND: - Do you have achievements that make you proud?
    You can tell that you had an interesting thesis topic and you defended it perfectly well. Boast a little about the fact that your friends appreciate you very much and consider you the soul of the company.
  7. AND: - How do you look at recycling?
    Please consider this matter carefully. Find out how many hours it lasts, whether work on weekends is paid extra. Answer with confidence that you are ready for this, but only if it does not harm your personal life.
  8. AND: - Why did you choose our company and work in it?
    This question will let the employer know what attracts you to work. Maybe you have heard of a good salary or additional bonuses. But it is better to mention this last. Say that the office is close to your home or that you have heard about a good opportunity for professional growth.

By the way, very often the employer checks the applicant for erudition, while asking non-standard situations. Here is one example of such a situation:

  • And: - You are going to important negotiations. Having successfully completed them, you can get a good deal. But on the way to this meeting, your car breaks down. How will you act in this situation?
  • You: - Get out of the car, catch a passing transport or taxi and get to the appointed meeting point.
  • And: - The road passes through a dense forest, where there are no rides and taxis.
  • You: - I will determine my location on the navigator and call a taxi.
  • And: - You do not have a navigator and the battery on your phone is dead.
  • You: - I'll try to troubleshoot the car on my own and move on.

What to wear to an interview?

Naturally, it would be better if you come in a business suit, but you should not buy an expensive suit that does not fit your status. Also, do not wear the newest and most expensive shoes and gold watches. This will not impress the employer. The color of the suit must be black or navy blue. It's about men.

For women, the requirements are basically the same. Do not wear too short a skirt. Optimally - to the middle of the knee or slightly lower. Do not wear open shoes. No need to dress provocatively and vulgarly, it will not be appropriate for an interview. If you have tattoos, then you should not show them. Also, you do not need to put on a lot of jewelry, keep everything to a minimum.

It is not necessary to buy an expensive classic suit for an interview. You can wear your usual clothes, choosing the right one. For a man - jeans and a jumper in light colors and black suede boots. For women, do not wear shiny belts, transparent blouses, high-heeled shoes, and so on.

Clothing must be clean and ironed. An expensive suit that has not been ironed looks unacceptable. Also, girls should not wear dresses with deep cutouts, ripped jeans, T-shirts and sweatshirts with incomprehensible inscriptions. If a bright manicure is done, you should not wave your hands in front of the employer. Accuracy and a sense of proportion above all. Do not pour a whole bottle of perfume on yourself, especially with a pungent smell. Those around you will definitely not be pleased with this.

Clothing must be appropriate for the position. For example, you are going to an interview for a loan officer position. Naturally, if you wear shorts and a red T-shirt for this, the employer will be at a loss. Specialists should dress in a free style: jeans, shirts, jumpers. Middle managers already have to match the business style: a suit, shoes polished to a shine and a diplomat. The designer and the photographer should not adhere to the business style at all. No need to try to stand out from the team and divert attention to yourself. Be like the people around you.

Remember that when going to an interview, you should pay attention not only to your appearance, but also to what you will say there. Set a clear goal and an answer to the question of why you are going to this vacant position. Be sure to practice with a friend before this, especially if you go to some large company.

Often, instead of the usual interview with the head, companies conduct interviews in a different way. For example, a Skype interview. Recently, this form has become quite common. After learning about this, many candidates relax, thinking that it is much easier than coming to the office and talking in person. But it is not. This type of interview has exactly the same requirements as the usual interview with the employer. Questions are also no different from a personal conversation.

Another form is the group interview. It is divided into two types: a group of candidates and a group of interviewers.
If the interview is conducted in a group of candidates, then try to notice everything that happens, but do not be distracted by your own tactics. No need to try to surpass everyone and jump above your head. All of the above principles also apply to these interviews.

When you come to the interview, it is worth remembering that you did not come to ask. You are a professional and have come to find out whether the proposed conditions suit you or not. In other words, you have been made a business proposal and it is up to you to accept it or not.

List of Common Mistakes

Summing up all of the above, there are several common mistakes that candidates for a vacant position make:

Thus, when you come to the interview, you need to behave calmly and confidently. Be sure to think about your words and behavior. No need to hide your excitement, if you are very worried, then say it directly. You don't need to speak too fast or too slow, you need to find a middle ground and stick to it in everything. Gestures should also be used sparingly.

When talking about yourself, try to focus only on what will be interesting to the employer and what concerns the vacant position. Try not to lie.

Are the rest of your resume as close to the truth as this one?
“They have as much truth as you want. If the summary suits you, it is truthful. Otherwise, I will rewrite it.
Julian Barnes. "England, England"


Remember that the interview is an opportunity to present yourself. Everything is important here - from words to appearance. The employer does not know what (what) you are in life, it all depends on the first impression.

In the end, I would like to say that if, as a result of the interview, you were refused, then you do not need to be very upset. Look at everything from a positive perspective. If it didn’t work out with this work, then another one awaits you ahead, even better than this one. Instead, analyze your interview from start to finish: what and how you did, what was right and wrong, etc. This will help you in future interviews.

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