Federal Assembly of Russia. Powers of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation

1. The jurisdiction of the Federation Council includes:

a) approval of changes in the borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

b) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law;

c) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a state of emergency;

d) resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

e) appointment of elections of the President of the Russian Federation;

f) removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office;

g) appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation*(20);

h) appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and deputies of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation * (21);

i) appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors.

2. The Federation Council adopts resolutions on issues referred to its jurisdiction by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. Resolutions of the Federation Council are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council, unless a different decision-making procedure is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Commentary on Article 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

1. A. The powers of the Federation Council provided for in paragraph "a" correspond to the norm of Part 3 of Art. 67 of the Constitution, according to which the borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation can be changed with their mutual consent. The need for approval by the Federation Council of such changes is due to the fact that they may affect the interests of both the Federation itself and its other subjects, and coordination of these interests is required.

The borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation are not state, but administrative borders. They exclude the creation of border control and customs regime. According to Part 1 of Art. 8 of the Constitution in the Russian Federation guarantees the unity of the economic space, the free movement of goods, services and financial resources. The procedure for changing administrative boundaries between subjects of the Russian Federation differs from the procedure for changing the State Border of the Russian Federation, including in cases where a subject of the Russian Federation borders on another state. The boundaries between the subjects of the Russian Federation are changed with their mutual consent (see the commentary to part 3 of article 67). In practice, the borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation usually changed in connection with the transfer of some settlements from one subject of the Russian Federation to another (between the Vladimir and Ivanovo, Vologda and Kostroma regions, etc.), sometimes areas were transferred (for example, the transfer of the Sokolsky district from Ivanovo to the Nizhny Novgorod region ). Such changes are most often due to the economic ties of the territories, the nature of the means of communication, the creation of convenience for the population in connection with the attraction of citizens to certain centers, etc. Many of these changes were related to the wishes of the citizens of certain settlements. Prior to the transfer of settlements, referendums were held among the population, as provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation relating to municipalities.

In accordance with Art. 145 of the Regulations of the Federation Council, when considering the issue of changing the borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council shall submit: an agreement on changing the boundaries approved by the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of these subjects, a rationale for changing the boundaries agreed by the subjects of the Russian Federation, and a map of the area. These documents are sent by the Speaker of the Federation Council to the Committee of the Federation Council on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy for the preparation of an opinion. It is considered at a meeting of the Federation Council, which, by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council, adopts a resolution approving the new borders. However, the question remains unresolved in legal terms: what to do if the Federation Council does not agree with the opinion of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and does not approve their agreement on changing the border.

B. Article 102 of the Constitution, establishing the jurisdiction of the Federation Council, refers to them the approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law. Thus, this power belongs to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federation Council. In the event of aggression against the Russian Federation, the immediate threat of aggression, the President introduces martial law on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual areas. The constitutional duty of the President is to immediately report this to the State Duma and the Federation Council. If the message to the State Duma is of a notification nature, then the Federation Council approves the introduction of martial law by the President.

The issue of approving the decree on the introduction of martial law must be considered by the Federation Council within 48 hours from the receipt of this decree. If, due to extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances under the given conditions, a meeting of the Federation Council cannot be held at the established time, such an issue may be considered later than the specified period. The decision to approve a presidential decree on the introduction of martial law is taken by a majority of votes from the total number of members of the Federation Council and is formalized by an appropriate resolution.

If this decree is not approved by the Federation Council, such a decision is also formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council. A Presidential decree on the introduction of martial law, not approved by the Federation Council, ceases to be valid from the day after the adoption of such a decision, about which the population is notified in the same manner in which it was notified about the introduction of such a state.

C. The introduction of a state of emergency is a temporary measure used solely to ensure the safety of citizens and protect the constitutional order of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the introduction is to eliminate the circumstances that served as the basis for it. The authority to introduce it belongs to the President with an immediate notification of this to the Federation Council and the State Duma. The message to the State Duma is mainly of a notification nature. The Federation Council, in accordance with the Constitution, approves the presidential decree on the introduction of a state of emergency. The procedure for such approval is established by the Law on Emergency.

After the announcement of the presidential decree on the introduction of a state of emergency, the members of the Federation Council are obliged to arrive at the meeting place as soon as possible without a special call. The issue of approving such a presidential decree is considered by the Federation Council as a matter of priority. The Federation Council, within a period not exceeding 72 hours from the moment of promulgation of the decree, considers the issue of its approval and adopts an appropriate resolution. Considering this issue, the Federation Council checks the validity of the adoption of the decree on the state of emergency.

If the Federation Council has not adopted such a decree, then the latter becomes invalid after 72 hours from the moment of its promulgation, about which the population is notified. The period of validity of a state of emergency imposed throughout the territory cannot exceed 30 days, and imposed in certain areas - 60 days.

When a state of emergency is introduced, the Federation Council and the State Duma continue their work throughout the entire period of the state of emergency.

D. The commented paragraph establishes the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the country. The procedure for such use is regulated by Federal Law No. 93-FZ of June 23, 1995 "On the procedure for providing the Russian Federation with military and civilian personnel to participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security."

The Armed Forces are used outside the country in peacekeeping operations and in other cases provided for by the UN Security Council in accordance with the UN Charter, by regional bodies or within the framework of regional bodies or agreements of the Russian Federation, or on the basis of bilateral or multilateral international treaties and which are not, according to the Charter, UN enforcement action, i.e. peacekeeping activities; as well as in international coercive actions with the use of armed forces by decision of the UN Security Council, adopted in accordance with the UN Charter to eliminate a threat to the peace, breaches of the peace or an act of aggression.

It should be emphasized that the Russian Federation, as a sovereign state, independently and taking into account its obligations under the UN Charter and international treaties, determines in each case the expediency of participating in peacekeeping activities. Participants in peacekeeping operations include both military and civilian personnel. This Federal Law does not apply to the procedure for using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the exercise of Russia's inalienable right to individual or collective self-defense to repel an armed attack in accordance with Art. 51 of the UN Charter.

The decision to send military personnel outside the territory of the Russian Federation to participate in peacekeeping activities is made by the President, who determines their area of ​​operation, tasks, subordination, length of stay, replacement procedure, and also establishes, in accordance with the law, additional guarantees and compensations for the specified military personnel and members of their families. The decision to send civilian personnel outside the territory of the Russian Federation on a voluntary basis to participate in peacekeeping activities is made by the Government of the Russian Federation. All these decisions are made on the basis of a resolution of the Federation Council on the possibility of using the Armed Forces outside the territory of the Russian Federation. This resolution is adopted by the Federation Council on the basis of paragraph "d" part 1 of Art. 102 of the Constitution.

The President, in accordance with the law, makes a decision to withdraw these military formations if, due to a change in the international military-political situation, their further participation in peacekeeping activities becomes inappropriate. The President shall inform the Federation Council and the State Duma of the decision taken.

In the Definition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of December 4, 1995 N 115-O, the correlation of the constitutional provisions formulated in paragraph "d" part 1 of Art. 102 and p. "d" Art. 106 of the Constitution. The Applicant believed that if the Federation Council agreed to the ratification of an international treaty providing for the possibility of using the Armed Forces outside the territory of Russia, then by doing so he used his authority under paragraph "d" part 1 of Art. 102 of the Constitution. The Constitutional Court came to the conclusion that consideration by the Federation Council of the law adopted by the State Duma on the ratification of any international treaty, including on the use of the Armed Forces, is mandatory, regardless of whether or not a preliminary resolution by the Federation Council on the use of the Armed Forces outside countries.

D. In accordance with Art. 5 of the Law on Elections of the President of the Russian Federation, the holding of presidential elections within the time limits established by the Constitution is mandatory. The decision to call elections must be made by the Federation Council no earlier than 100 days and no later than 90 days before voting day. If the Federation Council does not call the presidential elections within the period established by law, the elections are called and held by the CEC of the Russian Federation. If the President terminates his powers before the expiration of the constitutional term, the Federation Council no later than 14 days from the date of such termination of powers calls early presidential elections. The day of voting in this case is the last Sunday before the day when three months expire from the date of early termination of the performance of duties by the President. The decision of the Federation Council on early elections is published in the media no later than five days from the date of its adoption. This practice took place in 2000, when, in connection with the resignation of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin on December 31, 1999, early presidential elections were scheduled for March 26, 2000.

E. The procedure for removing the President from office is regulated in detail by Art. 93 of the Constitution. The final decision is made by 2/3 of the votes of the constitutional number of members of the Federation Council. It must be adopted within three months after the State Duma charges against the President. If within this period the decision of the Federation Council is not adopted, the accusation against the President is considered dismissed. The Federation Council in Russia did not consider such cases. In 1999, not a single charge against President B.N. Yeltsin was not accepted by the State Duma, and, consequently, the case did not go to the Federation Council.

G. The procedure for the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation is regulated by Art. 173-178 of the Regulations of the Federation Council. Candidates for appointment to these positions (as well as to the positions of judges from Russia to the CIS Economic Court) are submitted to the Federation Council by the President or, on his behalf, by the President's plenipotentiary in the Federation Council (in practice, the latter method is used). This issue is considered by the Federation Council within 14 days from the date of receipt of the President's proposal. Candidates for these positions are preliminary discussed in the Federation Council Committee on Legal and Judicial Issues, which prepares an opinion on each candidate. Applicants may be invited to a Committee meeting, but this is not required. At the plenary session of the Federation Council, the conclusions of the Committee on Legal and Judicial Issues are heard, and a discussion takes place. Each candidature presented by the President, regardless of the Committee's opinion on it, is included in the ballot for secret ballot. A person who receives a majority of votes from the total number of members of the Federation Council in a secret ballot is considered appointed. The appointment is formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council. If a candidate (candidates) is rejected, the Federation Council may adopt a resolution proposing to the President to hold consultations in order to overcome the disagreements that have arisen. To conduct consultations, the Federation Council forms a group of members of the Federation Council or entrusts them to the Speaker of the Federation Council.

A person appointed to the position of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, unlike judges of other higher courts, is sworn in by the Chairman of the Federation Council at a meeting of the chamber in a solemn atmosphere. The judge of the Constitutional Court pronounces the oath, placing his hand on the Constitution (the text of the oath is established by the Law on the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation), and signs the corresponding text with the date. The Chairman of the Federation Council shall hand over to the appointed members of other higher courts a copy of the resolution of the Federation Council on the appointment.

3. A candidate for appointment to the position of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is submitted to the Federation Council by the President or, on his behalf, by the President's plenipotentiary in the Federation Council (in practice, the latter method is used). The Federation Council must consider the candidacy within 30 days from the day following the day the submission was received. The candidacy is preliminary discussed in the Federation Council Committee on Legal and Judicial Affairs, as well as in the Defense and Security Committee. The decision to appoint the Prosecutor General is made at meetings of the Federation Council by secret ballot. The Attorney General is considered to be appointed to office if the majority of the total number of members of the chamber voted for the submitted candidate. If such a majority is not obtained, the candidature shall be deemed rejected. Both results are formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council. If a positive decision is not made, the President, within 30 days, submits to the Federation Council a new candidate for the position of Prosecutor General. The issue of dismissal of the Prosecutor General is considered by the Federation Council at the proposal of the President, the proposal is preliminary discussed in the above-mentioned committees. They are preparing their conclusions for a meeting of the Federation Council. To resolve the issue, a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council is required by secret ballot (see commentary to Article 129).

The practice of appointing and dismissing the Prosecutor General from office is varied. Sometimes the Federation Council did not make a decision the first time. The President has no right to dismiss the Prosecutor General, but in 1999 he suspended his powers (see commentary to Article 129). In accordance with the Law on the Prosecutor's Office, the Federation Council also appoints and dismisses the first deputy and deputies of the Prosecutor General. A similar procedure is used (Article 186 of the Rules of the Federation Council).

I. In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation", the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and auditors (since 2007) are appointed by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President for a period of six years. The President submits candidates to the Federation Council no later than three months before the expiration of the powers of the current Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and auditors. Conclusions on candidates are given by the commission of the Federation Council for interaction with the Accounts Chamber. In case of early dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber, the President submits candidates for these positions within two weeks, the vacant position of the auditor must be filled within two months. In case of rejection, the President introduces a new candidate, while he has the right to re-submit the same candidate for consideration by the Federation Council or introduce a new one.

Citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have foreign citizenship or a residence permit on the territory of a foreign state, who have higher education and professional experience in the field of state control, economics and finance, may be appointed as Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and auditors. Within 1/4 of the total number of auditors of the Accounts Chamber, it is allowed to appoint persons with higher education and professional experience of a different profile to the positions of auditors.

The resolution on the appointment is adopted by the Federation Council by secret ballot by a majority vote of the total number of its members. The Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and auditors are not entitled to engage in other paid activities except for teaching, research and other creative activities.

2. Resolutions of the Federation Council adopted on matters within its jurisdiction shall be signed by the Chairman of the Federation Council or his deputy. Unlike laws approved by the Federation Council, its resolutions do not require the signature of the President.

3. The adoption of resolutions of the Federation Council by a majority vote of the total (i.e., the composition provided for by the Constitution, regardless of the actual staffing of the chamber) of its members reflects the usual practice of making important decisions by many collegiate bodies. Most decisions of the Federation Council are adopted in this order. At the same time, a different procedure for making decisions by the Federation Council is allowed, if it is provided for by the Constitution. For example, the decision to remove the President from office is taken by 2/3 of the votes (Article 93 of the Constitution), while federal constitutional laws need to be approved by a majority vote of at least 3/4 of the total number of members of the Federation Council. Certain procedural issues may be resolved by a majority of the members of the Federation Council present.

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Russian Federation;

a) the federal budget;

e) war and peace.


In the course of this work to improve legislation, for the first time in the modern legal history of the Russian Federation, the concept of a faction of deputies of the State Duma was fixed at the level of the Federal Law. As you know, before the adoption of the Federal Law "On Amendments", the content of the concept of "fraction" in the State Duma was fixed exclusively in the Regulations of the State Duma, i.e. in the by-law.

Given the above, it should be noted that in the future, in the context of the transition to a fully proportional system for the formation of the State Duma, the material, political, and organizational costs necessary for a political party to elect a candidate will increase significantly.

If a candidate, after being elected from one political party, moves to a faction of another party, then the party that elected him actually suffers significant losses, both political and reputational, and material.

©2015-2018 poisk-ru.ru

The Russian parliament is called the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers. They are usually divided into upper and lower. The top one is the Federation Council. The lower house of parliament is the State Duma.

The Russian parliament is called the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers. They are usually divided into upper and lower. The top one is the Federation Council. Two representatives from the executive and representative bodies of each subject of the country are delegated to the Federation Council. The lower house of parliament is the State Duma, which includes 450 deputies.

Bicameral Parliament

The division into two chambers was not invented in Russia. Parliament exists to pass and approve laws. The bicameral system of parliament assumes that the lower house develops and proposes these laws for consideration, and the upper house approves them. Two parliamentary chambers exist in many countries of Europe and America.

The division into two chambers was introduced so that all regions of the country had their representative in the main legislative body of the country, and also so that one chamber controlled the activities of the other.

The Federation Council can approve a law only after it has been approved by the State Duma. At the same time, the upper house cannot change anything in the law, but only agree with its adoption or disagree.

The upper house (Federation Council) also bears the informal name "senate", by analogy with the foreign system of separation of state power. It includes members of the Federation Council (they are not deputies). Deputies make up the State Duma (lower house). Each convocation in a thought is typed 450 deputies.

The Federation Council makes decisions in cases when it comes to an important geopolitical issue - changing borders within the country. They also assert a state of emergency in the country, if the decision on its introduction is made by the president. The Federation Council regulates the participation of the armed forces of the Russian Federation if the war is not fought on the territory of the country. The Federation Council can impeach the president when 2/3 of the State Duma members express their distrust of the president. The Upper Chamber appoints judges of the main courts of the country (Constitutional, Supreme, Supreme Arbitration), the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber, as well as 50% of its auditors.

The Federation Council without fail considers the laws adopted by the State Duma relating to the country's budget; federal taxes and fees; financial regulation, issuance of new money into circulation; conclusion and termination of international treaties by Russia; issues of the country's borders and its participation in hostilities.

If the law is approved by the upper house, five days are given to send it to the president. The head of the country has two weeks to sign the law and inform the population about it.

The president and head of government cannot dissolve the Federation Council. In turn, for the appointment of the president, it is necessary to obtain the consent of the Federation Council. The removal of the president from office is also within the powers of the upper house of parliament.

The upper chamber has its own chairman. Since 2011, he has been Valentina Matvienko, who became the first woman in the history of Russia to hold this position. In accordance with the rules for forming the composition of the upper chamber, when two people are delegated from a constituent entity of the country, a Petersburger represents the executive body (in this case, the city government) of the government of St. Petersburg in the Federation Council. The representative body (in this case, the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg) of the same region delegated Andrey Kutepov to the Council.

In 2016, 18 new representatives of 39 regions of the country received senator seats. They replaced their predecessors, whose powers were terminated. Some members of the Council returned after a break in their activities. For example, the widow of Anatoly Sobchak, Lyudmila Narusova, will resume her activities in the Federation Council, interrupted in 2012. Narusova will represent Tuva as appointed by its head Sholban Kara-oola.

What does the State Duma do

First of all, the State Duma exists to pass laws and approve the country's budget. In addition, in accordance with Article 103 of the Constitution, the State Duma has the following powers:

  • gives consent to the president for the appointment of the prime minister of the Russian Federation (the second name for the chairman of the government);
  • resolves the issue of confidence in the government;
  • every year listens to the reports of the government on its activities, in particular on issues raised by the lower house;
  • appoints the Chairman of the Bank of Russia and dismisses him from his post;
  • appoints to the post of Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and 50% of its auditors, as well as dismisses them;
  • appoints the Commissioner for Human Rights, as well as dismisses him from his post;
  • releases from judicial punishment or replaces it with a milder one (amnesty);
  • when deciding to remove the president from office, he formulates charges against him.

Only the State Duma decides on confidence in the government. The government of the Russian Federation (which consists of the chairman, his deputies and ministers) and the president himself report on their work to the lower house. However, by decree of the President, the State Duma may be dissolved. This happens when the Duma three times in a row disagreed with the candidate for the position of Prime Minister proposed by the president and expressed no confidence in the government for three months in a row. The only case when, under the above conditions, the Duma cannot be dissolved is if it has been operating for the first year.

State Duma now

The seventh convocation of the lower house of parliament brought its own changes. Vyacheslav Volodin, former deputy head of the presidential administration, was appointed speaker of the State Duma. He took the place of Sergei Naryshkin, who chaired the Duma of the sixth convocation, and now took the post of head of the Foreign Intelligence Service.

United Russia currently has an absolute number of votes in the lower house. This means that United Russia may no longer consult with representatives of other factions when adopting laws and solving other important issues. In general, six parties are represented in the Duma of the seventh convocation. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation got 42 mandates, the Liberal Democratic Party - 39, "Fair Russia" received 23 mandates. Representatives of two non-parliamentary parties also received seats in the State Duma. This is "Motherland", which received one mandate, another one - from the "Civil Platform".

There were fewer committees in the State Duma in 2016. There were 26 of them left, when there were 30 in the last convocation. In the Duma, the committees on natural resources, property and land relations were merged into one, the committees on transport and construction were merged, the same fate befell the committees on education and science. 13 committees, that is, exactly half, were headed by representatives of United Russia.

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The powers of a member of the Federation Council begin from the day the Federation Council makes a decision to confirm his powers as a member of the Federation Council and terminate from the day the Federation Council makes a decision to confirm the powers of a new member of the Federation Council - a representative from the same public authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The powers of a member of the Federation Council are terminated ahead of schedule on the grounds provided for by part one of Article 4 of the Federal Law "On the status of a member of the Federation Council and the status of a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation."

The powers of a member of the Federation Council may also be prematurely terminated by the legislative (representative) body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation that elected (appointed) him or her, respectively, or by the highest official of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the head of the highest executive body of state power of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) in the same manner in which he is elected (appointed) as a member of the Federation Council, on the proposal of the Chairman of the Federation Council.

The jurisdiction of the Federation Council includes:

— approval of changes in borders between constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

- approval of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and on the introduction of a state of emergency;

- resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

— appointment of elections of the President of the Russian Federation;

- removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office;

— appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court

Russian Federation;

- Appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;

— appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors;

- legislative activity, consideration of federal laws adopted by the State Duma, consideration of federal laws adopted by the State Duma on the issues of ratification and denunciation of international treaties, issues of foreign policy and inter-parliamentary cooperation, international activities;

— coordination of the appointment and recall of diplomatic representatives;

— appeal to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;

— appointment and dismissal of members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation.

The Federation Council adopts resolutions on issues referred to its jurisdiction by the Constitution of the Russian Federation. They are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council, unless a different decision-making procedure is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Federal laws adopted by the State Duma on the following issues are subject to mandatory consideration in the Federation Council:

a) the federal budget;

b) federal taxes and fees;

c) financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue;

d) ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation;

e) the status and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation;

e) war and peace.

In the article "The Federal Assembly of Russia: Prospects for Improving the Organization and Activities"1 Doctor of Law, Professor S.A. Avakyan notes that the procedure for the formation of the Federation Council also causes certain concerns. Today's, third, version of the formation of the chamber is imperfect, which was revealed in various areas:

1) members of the Federation Council have become completely dependent on those who delegated them to the chamber, they are removed at any time, and without explanation, sometimes only in order to send “their own” and more convenient representative to the chamber;

2) the chamber has become a haven for politicians who have not found a more worthy place for themselves at the federal level, pushed out of regional structures;

3) the chamber has no face and a bright style of activity.


In the spring and summer of 2005, the federal electoral legislation and the legislation of a number of related branches of law were significantly updated. Federal Law No. 51-FZ “On Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” was adopted, according to which all deputies of the State Duma of the fifth convocation will be elected exclusively by proportional system, as well as Federal Law No. 93-FZ “On Amendments to legislative acts of the Russian Federation on elections and referendums and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, according to which uniform voting dates are established, the institution of electoral blocs is abolished, and significant changes are made to intra-parliamentary activities.

In the course of this work to improve legislation, for the first time in the modern legal history of the Russian Federation, the concept of a faction of deputies of the State Duma was fixed at the level of the Federal Law.

As you know, before the adoption of the Federal Law "On Amendments", the content of the concept of "fraction" in the State Duma was fixed exclusively in the Regulations of the State Duma, i.e. in the by-law.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Amendments" The Federal Law "On the Status of a Member of the Federation Council and the Status of a Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" is supplemented by Art. 7.1, which establishes that a faction is an association of deputies of the State Duma elected as part of the federal list of candidates, which was admitted to the distribution of deputy mandates in the State Duma. The faction includes all deputies of the State Duma elected in the corresponding federal list of candidates. Fractions in the State Duma are registered in accordance with the Regulations.

Based on the above definition of the faction, and also taking into account the whole range of amendments proposed by the Federal Law "On Amendments", it can be argued that in the State Duma of the fifth convocation the faction will be the only deputy association - deputy groups as independent participants in intra-parliamentary activities are abolished. In making this decision, the legislator was guided by the fact that deputy groups in their modern concept are primarily associations of single-mandate deputies and independent deputies. Taking into account the transition to a fully proportional electoral system for elections to the State Duma, in which all deputies will be nominated in the lists exclusively by political parties, deputy groups become an extra element.

At the same time, it should be noted that the above-mentioned short story provides for the “automatic” inclusion of a deputy in the composition of the corresponding faction. As you know, the current norms of the Regulations provide for the exclusively voluntary entry of a deputy into a faction after the relevant deputy submits his application.

Given the above, it should be noted that in the future, in the context of the transition to a fully proportional system for the formation of the State Duma, the material, political, and organizational costs necessary for a political party to elect a candidate will increase significantly. If a candidate, after being elected from one political party, moves to a faction of another party, then the party that elected him actually suffers significant losses, both political and reputational, and material.

It was the desire to achieve tougher party discipline, as well as the protection of the rights of voters in terms of informing them about the real views and beliefs of the candidates, that served as the reason for the actual enshrinement in the Federal Law "On Status" of the ban on the transfer of a deputy to a faction formed by a different political party that nominated him , that is, the prohibition of defecation. Thus, the powers of a deputy of the State Duma of the next convocation will be terminated in the event of his withdrawal, upon personal application, from the faction in which he is a member in accordance with Art. 7.1 of the said Federal Law.

There are many examples in world practice when the legislation directly establishes a sanction in the form of deprivation of a deputy mandate for switching to another faction or political party.

Given the above positive points, it should be noted that in the absence of a strong system of political parties in Russia, the novels under consideration can only create some prerequisites for its formation, but by no means solve all issues. So, for example, a strict ban on leaving a faction does not at all prohibit a deputy, formally remaining a member of a faction and not submitting an application for withdrawal, not to participate in its work, to vote at meetings against the decisions developed by the faction, that is, in fact, not to be a member of it.

Of course, federal legislation cannot contain such provisions (including it is impossible to legally establish the obligation of a deputy to vote in accordance with the will of the faction to which he is a member, or the political party to which he is a member), since they contradict both the letter and spirit of the Constitution. Russian Federation and the principles of a democratic state. However, the absence of such legal norms should by no means be considered by the deputies of the State Duma as their complete lack of control or as an opportunity to be elected under the guise of one political ideology, and after receiving a deputy mandate to act in accordance with completely different ideologies and beliefs, or to change their views depending on the momentary situation. .

Another fundamental novelty included in the Federal Law "On Status" was the new edition of Parts 1 and 2 of Art. 8. After the entry into force of these provisions, a deputy of the State Duma will be obliged to maintain contact with voters, that is, to consider voters' appeals, to personally receive citizens in the manner and within the time limits established by the Regulations of the State Duma, but at least once every two months, to conduct meetings with voters at least once every six months, as well as to carry out other measures provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation to ensure communication with voters.

At the same time, a deputy of the State Duma who was a candidate in the regional group of candidates of the federal list of candidates will have to maintain contact with voters in the territory to which this regional group of candidates corresponded (that is, with voters in the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation, the corresponding group of subjects of the Russian Federation or on a part of the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation). A State Duma deputy who was included as a candidate on the federal part of the federal list of candidates will have to maintain contact with voters in the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation not covered (not covered) by the regional groups of candidates of the specified list, among which deputy mandates are distributed, and if necessary - and in another subject (other subjects) of the Russian Federation. For such a deputy of the State Duma, the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation will be determined by the faction in the State Duma in which he is a member.

It should be noted that in accordance with the current legal regulation, maintaining communication with voters will be fixed more imperatively and will become the direct responsibility of the deputy. In addition, for the first time at the level of the Federal Law, specific terms are fixed in which a deputy must, for example, meet with voters.

At the same time, as some negative point, it should be noted that the sanction for violations of this obligation was not established in the Federal Law “On Status”. Of course, there are general legal mechanisms for compelling an official to fulfill his duties, but I believe that in this situation, given the status of a deputy of the State Duma, they will not be so effective.

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What is the executive branch? What functions does it perform? What is the difference between the executive and the judiciary? What organs does it consist of? We will answer these frequently asked questions in our material.

Executive power is one of the three types of power in countries with its division. The Constitution of the Russian Federation contains the statement that state power in Russia is divided into legislative, executive and judicial(Art. 10). What is the difference between these three types of power and what exactly does each of them do? What is the structure of each of these types of power in our country? Today in our article we will talk about executive power.

If with judiciary everything is more or less clear (the judiciary is made up of the country's judicial system, which includes the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration and constitutional courts), then the situation with the other two types is not so simple.

Legislature- Legislative power. It is managed by a separate legislative body. In the Russian Federation, legislative power is exercised by the Federal Assembly. It consists of two chambers - upper and lower. The top is called the Federation Council. The lower one is the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In the constituent entities of Russia, legislative power is exercised by Legislative Assemblies.

executive branch- one of the independent and independent public authorities in the state. It is implemented as a set of powers to manage public affairs, that is, it represents the structure of the bodies exercising these powers.

Executive authorities its implementation is carried out. These are usually appointed bodies. The main task of the executive authorities is to comply with the provisions of the Constitution, federal laws, and other normative acts. Executive power and legislative power must be strictly separated so as not to influence each other.

Subjects of executive power

Taking into account federal structure Russia has the following subjects of executive power:

1) the Russian Federation as a democratic federal state whose sovereignty extends to the entire territory of the Russian Federation;

2) equal subjects of the Russian Federation: republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous regions, autonomous districts.

From point of view public administration the subjects of executive power in the Russian Federation are: 1) the President of the Russian Federation; 2) the Government of the Russian Federation; 3) federal executive authorities (federal ministries, federal services and federal agencies); 4) territorial bodies of federal executive bodies; 5) heads of executive power of the subjects of the Russian Federation (presidents, heads of administrations); 6) governments of subjects of the Russian Federation; 7) other executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, there is a division into federal executive authorities and executive authorities of subjects (regional). The federal executive authorities in the Russian Federation consist of three links - these are ministries, federal services and federal agencies.

Federal executive authorities

federal Service- the general name of the federal government body that exercises control and supervision over the implementation of legal norms in a certain area. federal agency- a kind of federal executive bodies of Russia. The main functions are law enforcement, the provision of public services, and the management of state property. ministries manage a specific area of ​​activity each.

Management of the activities of federal ministries, services and agencies is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation. He also decides on the creation and abolition of these executive bodies. For example, in April 2016, by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (FSKN) and the Federal Migration Service (FMS) were abolished. Their functions were transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA).

In the same spring, the President ordered the creation of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (Rosgvardia). It also exercises executive power. The internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were transformed into the National Guard. The National Guard represents the federal executive authorities.

At the moment, the executive bodies of state power (federal) have the following structure:

1. Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD of Russia)

2. Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency Situations and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters (EMERCOM of Russia)

3. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MFA of Russia)

4. Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Defense of Russia)

5. Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Justice of Russia)

6. State Courier Service of the Russian Federation (SFS of Russia)

7. Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation (federal service) (SVR of Russia)

8. Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (federal service) (FSB of Russia)

9. Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (Federal Service)

10. Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (federal service) (FSO of Russia)

11. Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring)

12. Federal Archival Agency (Rosarchiv)

13. Main Directorate for Special Programs of the President of the Russian Federation (federal agency) (GUSP)

14. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation (federal agency)

15. Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (Investigative Committee) (federal state body)

What does the executive branch do?

One of the executive authorities is the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. This federal ministry is engaged in the development and implementation of state policy and legal regulation, and also performs law enforcement functions and functions of control and supervision in the areas of execution of criminal penalties, advocacy and advocacy, notaries and notaries, the provision of free legal assistance and legal education of the population and others.

The Minister of Justice, like other ministers, is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation. The apparatus of the Ministry of Justice consists of the central office, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Justice, forensic institutions, the Scientific Center for Legal Information and other divisions. Executive power in its bodies often has a complex and branched structure.

Regional executive authorities

The executive authorities of the constituent entities (regional bodies) consist of committees(in Moscow and St. Petersburg), departments and main offices. Executive authorities in the region are also administrations, governments, which are led by the head of the administration, the governor or the chairman of the government. The name of the executive authority and its structure are established by the subject of the federation in accordance with local traditions and characteristics.

The executive power, through its bodies in accordance with their powers, solves the problems of ensuring the socio-economic development of the region in direct interaction with the bodies of representative power. The basis for the formation of regional governance structures is an exemplary structure determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

At the same time, when creating structural subdivisions of regional executive authorities and coordinating their composition, the specifics of a particular region are taken into account. Regional executive authorities are characterized by a significant diversity of structures, composition and number.

Signs of executive power

The executive branch has the following signs:

  • is a limited and relatively independent branch of government;
  • is a conductor of state policy in life;
  • sub-legislative in nature and purpose;
  • objectified in the form of a well-organized system of executive authorities;
  • its activity is executive-administrative and is permanent, continuous in time;
  • is the exclusive owner of material resources and coercive powers.

In one of the following materials, we will continue talking about the three types of power and analyze what is legislature.

from office

In accordance with paragraph "e" of Part 1 of Article 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the jurisdiction of the Federation Council includes the appointment of elections for the President of the Russian Federation. And in accordance with paragraph "e" of part 1 of the same article - the removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office.

The Federation Council must adopt a resolution on calling the election of the President of the Russian Federation in one of two cases: when the term of office of the President expires or when the office of President is vacated ahead of schedule.

Holding elections of the President of the Russian Federation within the terms established by the Constitution is mandatory. The decision to call elections must be made no earlier than 100 days and no later than 90 days before voting day. Voting day is the second Sunday of the month in which voting was held in the previous general presidential elections and in which the President of the Russian Federation was elected four years ago. The decision to call elections is subject to official publication in the media no later than five days from the date of its adoption11.

Early elections of the President of the Russian Federation are called by the Federation Council when the President of the Russian Federation terminates the exercise of his powers before the expiration of the constitutional term in the cases provided for by Part 2 of Article 92 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The day of voting in this case is the last Sunday before the day when three months expire from the date of early termination of the exercise of powers by the President of the Russian Federation.

In the event that the President of the Russian Federation terminates the exercise of his powers before the expiration of the constitutional period, in the cases and in the manner provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, early elections are called by the Federation Council no later than 14 days from the date of such termination of powers12.

Neither the Constitution, nor the said law, nor the Regulations have regulated the issue of calling presidential elections in the event of the death of the President. It is obvious that the Federation Council will have to make a decision, by analogy, either on the same day when the death of the President will be ascertained in accordance with the established procedure, or if this is considered inappropriate for ethical reasons or if it turns out to be impossible to immediately convene a meeting of the Council, then within two weeks from in order to, if possible, comply with the three-month period for the election of a new President, established in Part 2 of Art. 92 of the Constitution.

The President of the Russian Federation may be removed from office by the Federation Council only on the basis of an accusation brought by the State Duma of high treason or the commission of another serious crime13.

The issue of dismissal of the President from office is included without discussion first on the agenda of a meeting of the Federation Council, convened by its Chairman no later than 72 hours after receiving the conclusion of the Constitutional Court. The President of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation are notified of the date of this meeting. The President, the Chairman of the State Duma, the Chairman of the Government, members of the special commission of the State Duma, the Chairman of the Constitutional Court and the Chairman of the Supreme Court14 are invited to this meeting.

The current Constitution, in comparison with the previous one, has significantly changed the grounds and procedure for the dismissal of the President. In the latter, such grounds were violation of the Constitution, laws of the Russian Federation and the oath, and the decision to dismiss was made by the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation on the basis of the conclusion of the Constitutional Court at the initiative of the Congress, the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation or one of its chambers. The above grounds were rather vague and indefinite, for the most part difficult to establish. Constitution of 1993 gave the grounds for dismissal a legal shell, made them legally provable.

In addition, both chambers of the Federal Assembly are involved in the dismissal procedure, each of which has different powers: the Duma puts forward an accusation, the Federation Council decides on dismissal.

The Supreme Court (it confirms the presence of signs of a crime in the actions of the President) and the Constitutional Court (it gives an opinion on compliance with the established procedure for bringing charges) also participate in the dismissal procedure. Involvement of various branches of power in the process of dismissal corresponds to the principle of separation of powers.

To resolve issues related to dismissal, the need for a qualified majority of 2/3 votes in each chamber is established. This is due to the special importance of the issues being addressed. The bringing forward of an accusation by the Duma requires serious substantiation and responsibility in initiating this process. The initiative of at least 1/3 of the total number of deputies of the Duma, the formation of a special commission by the Duma is required.

In part 3 of Art. 93 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes time limits during which the dismissal procedure must be carried out - after the indictment is brought by the Duma, it must be completed no later than within three months.

Powers of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

If no decision is made within this period, the charge against the President shall be deemed dismissed. The establishment of this period is due to the fact that the dismissal procedure makes the position of the President unstable and uncertain, which may adversely affect the functioning of the entire system of state power.

1.5 Appointment to the position of judges of the Constitutional, Supreme, Supreme Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation and the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation

In accordance with paragraph. "g" h. 1 Article. 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the competence of the Federation Council includes the appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation. In accordance with paragraph "h" of the same article, the competence of the Federation Council includes the appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Judges of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States, in accordance with paragraph 7 of the Regulations on the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States, approved by the Agreement on the Status of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States on July 6, 1992, are appointed to the position in the manner established for the appointment of judges of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation .

Candidates for appointment to the positions of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States are submitted to the Federation Council by the President of the Russian Federation or, on his behalf, by the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council15.

The Federation Council considers the issue of appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation16.

If the Federation Council rejects candidates submitted by the President of the Russian Federation for appointment to the positions of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Federation Council may adopt a resolution proposing to the President of the Russian Federation to hold consultations in order to overcome the differences that have arisen. The said resolution shall be sent by the Chairman of the Federation Council to the President of the Russian Federation within three days. To conduct consultations, the Federation Council forms a group of members of the Federation Council or entrusts consultations to the Chairman of the Federation Council17.

Since 1994, the chamber has appointed 12 judges of the Constitutional Court; It rejected 8 submitted nominations (the last case in 1999), three of which were rejected twice and one nomination 3 times. The presentation of the President on candidates for the positions of judges of the Supreme Court and the Higher Arbitration Court is made taking into account the opinion of the chairman of the relevant court (Article 6 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Status of Judges in the Russian Federation"); of the many dozens of candidates proposed by the President, the chamber rejected only two - in January 1995.

The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is appointed and dismissed by the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation18.

The Federation Council considers the issue of appointment to the position of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation within 30 days from the day following the day of receipt of the submission of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is considered appointed to the position if the majority of the total number of members of the Federation Council voted for the submitted candidate. Appointment to the position of the Prosecutor General is formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council.

If a candidate nominated by the President or, on his instructions, his authorized representative in the Federation Council for appointment to the position of Prosecutor General, does not receive the required number of votes during the voting, the President, or, on his instructions, his authorized representative, shall submit a new candidate to the Federation Council within 30 days.

The issue of dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is considered by the Federation Council on the basis of a proposal by the President of the Russian Federation.

When considering this issue, the Prosecutor General is present at the sitting of the Federation Council, who, at his request, is given the floor. If the President's proposal to dismiss the Prosecutor General does not win a majority of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council, it is rejected, which is formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council. No special vote is required to adopt this resolution19.

The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is considered dismissed if, as a result of a secret ballot, a majority of the total number of members of the Federation Council voted for his dismissal. The dismissal of the Prosecutor General from office is formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council20.

1.6 Appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors

In accordance with clause "i" of Part 1 of Article 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the competence of the Federation Council includes the appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and half of the auditors of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

The Federation Council, together with the State Duma, participates in the formation of the Accounts Chamber by appointing a Deputy Chairman of the Chamber and 6 out of 12 auditors. The regulations of the Federation Council regulated the procedure for their appointment in Chapter 26.

Candidates for appointment to the positions of Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, auditors of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation are proposed by committees and commissions of the Federation Council. The Commission of the Federation Council for Interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation issues an opinion on each candidate, draws up a list of candidates and submits it to a meeting of the Federation Council.21

Each nomination is discussed and then voted on by secret ballot. If any candidate fails to obtain the majority of the votes required to pass a decision of the Council, the Committee shall present new candidates for the vacant seats. Appointments are formalized by resolutions of the Council.

Although the Constitution does not say anything about this, the Federal Law "On the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation" dated January 11, 1995 No. 4-FZ provided for the immunity of members of the chamber, and the Rules of the Federation Council regulated the procedure for depriving the immunity of members of the chamber appointed by the Council.






























Term of presidency in Russia On banking

The jurisdiction of the Federation Council includes:
a) approval of changes in the borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
b) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law;
c) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a state of emergency;
d) resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;
e) appointment of elections of the President of the Russian Federation;
f) removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office;
g) appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation;
h) appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation;
i) appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors.
The Federation Council adopts resolutions on issues referred to its jurisdiction by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Resolutions of the Federation Council are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council, unless a different decision-making procedure is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Comm. Postnikov A.E.

This article defines issues within the jurisdiction of the Federation Council. However, the list contained in this article is not exhaustive. The Constitution also provides for other powers of the Federation Council. These include, in particular, such powers as: to adopt their regulations and resolve issues of the internal regulations of their activities (Article 101), to approve federal laws adopted by the State Duma (Article 105), and some others. It should be noted that other powers of the Federation Council may also be established by federal laws. Thus, the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Electoral Rights of Citizens of the Russian Federation" dated December 6, 1994 No. provided that five members of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation are appointed by the Federation Council.
The nature of the powers assigned to the Federation Council follows from the specifics of the principle of representation laid down in this body. It is in the person of the Federation Council that the influence of the federal structure of Russia on the organization of state power and the activities of state authorities at the federal level is most clearly manifested. Equal representation from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in this chamber of parliament creates opportunities for maximum consideration of the position of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation when making the most important constitutional and legal decisions.
All issues within the jurisdiction of the Federation Council listed in the Constitution are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federation Council. No other body, except the Federation Council, has the right to take a decision on them.
The Federation Council approves the decision to change the borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation. This decision must be made with the consent of the subjects of the Russian Federation that are affected by this change. Part 3 of Article 67 of the Constitution establishes that the borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation may be changed with their mutual consent.
The Federation Council approves decrees of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and the introduction of a state of emergency. Martial law is introduced by the President of the Russian Federation in the event of aggression against the Russian Federation or an immediate threat of aggression. Martial law is introduced throughout the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual areas. Its regime is determined by federal constitutional law (Article 87 of the Constitution). According to Article 88 of the Constitution, the President of the Russian Federation, under the circumstances and in the manner prescribed by federal constitutional law, introduces a state of emergency on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual areas with an immediate notification of this to the Federation Council and the State Duma. When considering the issue of approving a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law or a decree on the introduction of a state of emergency, the Federation Council checks the validity of the measures taken by the President. The approval of presidential decrees on the introduction of a state of martial law or a state of emergency in certain areas of the Russian Federation by the Federation Council creates additional guarantees for the observance of the interests of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, on whose territory legal restrictions will apply for citizens, state authorities and local governments provided for by the regime of martial law or a state of emergency.
The Federation Council decides on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation. The participation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the conduct of military, peacekeeping and other actions abroad is admissible if this is in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation and federal laws. Without a decision of the Federation Council, the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Federation is unacceptable.
The appointment of the election of the President of the Russian Federation is made by the Federation Council in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law "On the Election of the President of the Russian Federation" dated May 17, 1995. (See commentary to Article 81 of the Constitution).
The decision to remove the President of the Russian Federation from office is made by the Federation Council in accordance with the procedure established by Article 93 of the Constitution. This decision is taken by a qualified majority of votes, i.e. 2/3 of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council.
The Federation Council, on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation, appoints judges of the federal courts: the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation (see the commentary to Article 83 of the Constitution).
In accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation" of July 21, 1994 proposals on candidates for the positions of judges of the Constitutional Court may be submitted to the President of the Russian Federation by members (deputies) of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, as well as legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the highest judicial bodies and federal legal departments, all-Russian legal communities, legal scientific and educational institutions. The Federation Council considers the issue of appointing a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation no later than 14 days from the date of receipt of the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. Each judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is appointed to office individually by secret ballot. A person who receives a majority of the total number of members (deputies) of the Federation Council in the course of voting is considered to be appointed to the position of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. In the event of a judge leaving the composition of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, a proposal for the appointment of another person is submitted by the President of the Russian Federation to the Federation Council no later than one month from the day the vacancy opens. The appointment of judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation is regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Regulations of the Federation Council.
According to Article 8 of the Federal Constitutional Law "On Arbitration Courts in the Russian Federation" dated April 28, 1995 The Chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation is appointed to the position by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. Deputy Chairmen and other judges of the Supreme Arbitration Court are appointed by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation on the basis of the proposal of the Chairman of the Supreme Arbitration Court.
According to Article 83 of the Constitution, the appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation"" dated November 17, 1995 in the event that a candidate for the position of the Prosecutor General proposed by the President of the Russian Federation does not receive the required number of votes of members of the Federation Council, the President shall submit a new candidate to the Federation Council within 30 days. The term of office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is five years. The announcement of the appointment of the Prosecutor General to the position and his dismissal from office is published in the press. The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation annually submits to the chambers of the Federal Assembly and the President a report on the state of law and order in the Russian Federation and on the work done to strengthen them. According to Article 14 of the said Federal Law, the first deputy and deputies of the Prosecutor General are appointed and dismissed by the Federation Council on the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.
The Accounts Chamber is formed by the Federation Council and the State Duma to exercise control over the execution of the federal budget (Article 101 of the Constitution). The formation of the composition of the Accounts Chamber is carried out by the chambers of parliament on a parity basis. The Federation Council appoints the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors. According to the Federal Law "On the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation" dated January 11, 1995 No. The Accounts Chamber is a permanent body of state financial control, formed by the Federal Assembly and accountable to it (Article 1). The Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber is appointed by the Federation Council for a period of six years (Article 5 of the Federal Law). When forming the Accounts Chamber, the Federation Council and the State Duma appoint six auditors for a period of six years (Article 6 of the Federal Law).
In accordance with Article 64 of the Regulations of the Federation Council, the Federation Council adopts resolutions on issues assigned to its jurisdiction by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as on issues of organizing the internal activities of the Federation Council (appointing the heads of committees of the chamber, ensuring the activities of members of the Federation Council, etc.). The Federation Council may adopt a resolution as a whole, adopt a draft resolution as a basis, consider it in two readings, reject or postpone discussion.
The total number of members of the Federation Council necessary for the adoption of a resolution of the Federation Council should be understood as the total number of persons ex officio members of the Federation Council in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Forming the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" of December 5, 1995. At the moment, it is equal to twice the number of subjects of the Russian Federation, i.e. 178.

1. The Federal Assembly consists of two chambers - the Federation Council and the State Duma.

2. The Federation Council includes two representatives from each constituent entity of the Russian Federation: one each from the representative and executive bodies of state power.

3. The State Duma consists of 450 deputies.

1. The State Duma is elected for a term of five years.

2. The procedure for the formation of the Federation Council and the procedure for the election of deputies of the State Duma shall be established by federal laws.

1. A citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 21 and has the right to participate in elections may be elected a deputy of the State Duma.

2. The same person cannot simultaneously be a member of the Federation Council and a deputy of the State Duma. A deputy of the State Duma cannot be a deputy of other representative bodies of state power and bodies of local self-government.

3. Deputies of the State Duma work on a permanent professional basis. Deputies of the State Duma cannot be in the public service, engage in other paid activities, except for teaching, scientific and other creative activities.

1. Members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma shall enjoy immunity during the entire term of their powers. They may not be detained, arrested, searched, except in cases of detention at the scene of a crime, and also subjected to body searches, except as required by federal law to ensure the safety of other people.

2. The issue of deprivation of immunity is decided upon the proposal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation by the relevant chamber of the Federal Assembly.

Article 104

1. The right of legislative initiative belongs to the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, the Government of the Russian Federation, legislative (representative) bodies of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The right of legislative initiative also belongs to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on matters within their jurisdiction.

2. Draft laws are submitted to the State Duma.

3. Draft laws on the introduction or abolition of taxes, exemption from their payment, on the issuance of state loans, on changing the financial obligations of the state, other bills providing for expenditures to be covered from the federal budget, may be introduced only if there is a conclusion of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Article 105

1. Federal laws are adopted by the State Duma.

2. Federal laws are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of deputies of the State Duma, unless otherwise provided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. Federal laws adopted by the State Duma are submitted to the Federation Council for consideration within five days.

4. A federal law is considered approved by the Federation Council if more than half of the total number of members of this chamber voted for it, or if it has not been considered by the Federation Council within fourteen days. If a federal law is rejected by the Federation Council, the chambers may create a conciliation commission to overcome the disagreements that have arisen, after which the federal law is subject to re-consideration by the State Duma.

5. If the State Duma does not agree with the decision of the Federation Council, a federal law shall be considered adopted if at least two-thirds of the total number of deputies of the State Duma voted for it in the repeated voting.

Article 106

Federal laws adopted by the State Duma on the following issues are subject to mandatory consideration in the Federation Council:

a) the federal budget;

b) federal taxes and fees;

c) financial, currency, credit, customs regulation, money issue;

d) ratification and denunciation of international treaties of the Russian Federation;

e) the status and protection of the state border of the Russian Federation;

e) war and peace.

Article 107

1. The adopted federal law is sent to the President of the Russian Federation within five days for signing and promulgation.

2. The President of the Russian Federation within fourteen days signs the federal law and promulgates it.

3. If the President of the Russian Federation rejects it within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the federal law, then the State Duma and the Federation Council, in accordance with the procedure established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, reconsider this law. If, upon reconsideration, the federal law is approved in the previously adopted version by a majority of at least two-thirds of the total number of members of the Federation Council and deputies of the State Duma, it must be signed by the President of the Russian Federation within seven days and promulgated.

Text Art. 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in the current version for 2019:

1. The jurisdiction of the Federation Council includes:

a) approval of changes in the borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

b) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law;

c) approval of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of a state of emergency;

d) resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation;

e) appointment of elections of the President of the Russian Federation;

f) removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office;

g) appointment of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation*(20);

h) appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation and deputies of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation * (21);

i) appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber and half of its auditors.

2. The Federation Council adopts resolutions on issues referred to its jurisdiction by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

3. Resolutions of the Federation Council are adopted by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council, unless a different decision-making procedure is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Commentary on Art. 102 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation

1. Part 1 of the commented article establishes the powers of the Federation Council. They are also determined by other articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, Resolution of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of January 30, 2002 N 33-SF “On the Regulations of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations of the Federation Council). So, for example, the powers to approve federal laws adopted by the State Duma, adopt the Regulations of the Federation Council, and resolve issues of the internal regulations of their activities are contained in Art. 105 and 101 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Federal Law No. 2202-I of January 17, 1992 “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” (as amended and added) established that, in addition to the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council appoints and dismisses his first deputy and deputies . Federal Law No. 61-FZ of May 31, 1996 “On Defense” supplemented the powers of the Federation Council to approve the decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency with the right to approve decrees on the involvement of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies using weapons to perform tasks that were not intended. The Regulations of the Federation Council added his authority to appoint judges of the Economic Court of the Commonwealth of Independent States * (546).

Thus, the list of issues given in part 1 of the commented article is not exhaustive. However, fixing these issues in the Constitution of the Russian Federation is fundamentally important.

Firstly, the commented article is a legal expression of the system of checks and balances in the construction and functioning of the highest bodies of legislative, executive and judicial power. Therefore, Part 1 lists issues that are exclusively within the jurisdiction of the Federation Council. This means that the final decision on these issues is made by this chamber, formalizing its decision by an appropriate resolution.

Secondly, the issues of conduct listed in the list affect the most important aspects of public life. So, in addition to such emergency issues as the introduction of martial law or the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation, the possibilities of control over the broad powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the personnel sphere are set here.

Personnel appointments, which, according to the commented article, fall within the purview of the Federation Council, are also an expression of the mechanism for implementing checks and balances in relations between the branches of power and in federative relations. However, it should be noted here that the unresolved issues such as the timing of the proposal of candidates by the President of the Russian Federation, the possibility or impossibility of a second submission of a rejected candidate, gives rise to serious problems in the sphere of the effective functioning of certain of these state bodies and the legitimacy of the exercise of powers by some officials. So, for example, the long selection by the President of the Russian Federation of candidates for the position of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation led to the fact that this body began to work more than a year and two months after the adoption of the Constitution of 1993. Almost a year (1994-1995) in the position of Prosecutor General ( at the same time, the candidate proposed for this position was repeatedly rejected by the Federation Council) there was the so-called Acting Prosecutor General - a position unknown to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and existing outside the order of appointment that legitimizes it * (547).

Let us consider in more detail the issues of the Federation Council, listed in part 1 of the commented article.

Approval of changes in borders between subjects of the Russian Federation.

Changing the borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation requires not only their mutual consent (Part 3, Article 67 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation), but also approval by the Federation Council. This construction is due to the fact that the issue of borders may go beyond the interests of the contracting subjects of the Russian Federation and affect the interests of the Federation itself or its other subjects.

This possibility arises, in particular, from the existence of agreements between the Russian Federation and its constituent entities regarding the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers, as a result of which the legal regime of objects located on the territory that passes from one constituent entity of the Federation to another may change. There may be other reasons for the interest of the Russian Federation and its third subjects in a certain solution to this territorial issue. The Federation Council is called upon to integrate the interests of all subjects of the Federation.

The issue of changing the borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation is considered by the Federation Council by mutual agreement of the subjects of the Russian Federation, the boundaries between which are supposed to be changed.

To consider the issue of approving the change of borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the following shall be submitted to the Federation Council:

an agreement (agreement) on changing the borders signed by the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the boundaries between which are supposed to be changed, and approved by the legislative (representative) bodies of state power of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

justification for changing the borders, agreed by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, i.e. the feasibility of changing these boundaries, the list of administrative-territorial and municipal entities located on them, the results of the opinion of the population living in the transferred territories on this issue;

a map of the area with the border line between the subjects of the Russian Federation and the proposed border line between them, a description of the borders.

The decision to approve the change of borders between the subjects of the Russian Federation is taken by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council and formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council, which is sent within a week to the legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the relevant subjects of the Federation, as well as to federal executive bodies for execution.

If the change of borders between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is not approved, the Federation Council may decide to hold consultations on the issue under consideration, in addition, it may reconsider this issue.

Resolutions of the Council of the Federation on the approval of changes in the border between the subjects of the Federation were adopted twice: on February 3, 1994 between the Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod regions * (548) and on October 25, 1994 between the Kostroma and Vologda regions * (549).

Approval of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency.

The introduction of martial law and a state of emergency, even in a separate area, affects a wide variety of interests (for example, rights, freedom of movement, security) of many regions of the country and citizens living in them, therefore the Constitution of the Russian Federation provides that the Decree of the President on the introduction of martial law and a state of emergency is subject to approval by the Federation Council - a body representing the interests of all subjects of the Russian Federation.

Both military and state of emergency on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual areas are introduced by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which is immediately reported to the Federation Council. The Chairman of the Federation Council shall immediately send the text of this decree to the Committee of the Federation Council on Defense and Security and the Committee of the Federation Council on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy for the preparation of conclusions. This text must be considered by the Federation Council within a certain period: for martial law - no more than 48 hours from the receipt of this Decree, for a state of emergency - 72 hours from the moment the Decree is promulgated.

In the early 90s. The Federation Council approved several similar decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. For example, such decrees were introduced in November 1991 in the Chechen-Ingush Republic, in October 1993 in Moscow, and were also valid in 1992-1995. in the territories of North Ossetia and Ingushetia.

Resolving the issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation.

The question of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside its territory affects the common interests not only of the people of Russia, but also of the peoples of the constituent entities of the Federation, and therefore is decided every time by the Federation Council.

This decision is of a general nature, it does not define the purposes of using military formations and personnel, the grounds under which the use of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation * (550) is allowed.

The issue of the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation is considered by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation in the form of an appeal containing the rationale for this proposal. The Chairman of the Federation Council shall immediately forward the said appeal to the Committee of the Federation Council on Defense and Security and the Committee of the Federation Council on Foreign Affairs or the Committee of the Federation Council on CIS Affairs for the preparation of conclusions.

The Federation Council considers this issue at the next meeting of the chamber after the Federation Council receives an appeal from the President of the Russian Federation; he may also, in case of urgent need to resolve the issue, consider it at an extraordinary sitting of the chamber. This issue is discussed, as a rule, at a closed session of the Federation Council, unless otherwise decided by the chamber.

The decision on the possibility of using the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation outside the territory of the Russian Federation is taken by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council and formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council. If the required number of members of the Federation Council did not vote for this decision, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation cannot be used outside the territory of the Russian Federation, which is also formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council.

A resolution of the Federation Council shall be sent to the President of the Russian Federation within two days from the date of its adoption.

By Decree N 262-SF of June 25, 1999, the Federation Council agreed to the use of military formations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with a total strength of up to 3616 people in the international security presence in Kosovo (Federal Republic of Yugoslavia) until June 10, 2000 * (551)

Appointment of elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Federation Council must adopt a resolution on calling the election of the President of the Russian Federation in one of two cases: when the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation expires or when the office of the President of the Russian Federation is vacated ahead of schedule, i.e. in case of resignation or for health reasons.

For example, in connection with the resignation on December 31, 1999 of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, the Federation Council on January 5, 2000, by resolution N 4-SF “On the appointment of early elections of the President of the Russian Federation”, appointed early presidential elections for March 26, 2000 * (552)

Appointment by the Federation Council of the election of the head of state is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law of January 10, 2003 N 19-FZ "On the election of the President of the Russian Federation" * (553).

The decision to call elections is made by the Federation Council no earlier than 100 days and no later than 90 days before voting day. Voting day in elections is the first Sunday after the month in which voting was held in the previous general elections of the President of the Russian Federation.

Early elections of the President of the Russian Federation are called by the Federation Council upon termination by the President of the Russian Federation of the exercise of powers before the expiration of the constitutional term in case of resignation or for health reasons no later than 14 days from the date of such termination of powers. The day of voting in this case is the last Sunday before the day when three months expire from the date of early termination of the exercise of powers by the President of the Russian Federation. The decision to call the election of the President of the Russian Federation is made by a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council and formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council, which is subject to official publication in the media no later than five days from the date of its adoption.

Removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office.

Article 93 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation establishes treason or the commission of another serious crime as grounds for the removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office; the conditions and procedure for the removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office were regulated. There is no legislative regulation on this issue. Chapter 19 of the Rules of Procedure of the Federation Council contains detailed rules of procedure used to resolve this issue.

Appointment to the position of judges of federal courts.

The appointment of judges of federal courts is referred by the commented article to the competence of the Federation Council. The State Duma is excluded from the process of appointing judges of the highest federal courts of Russia as a de facto legislator: it would be a violation of the principle of checks and balances to entrust the lower house of parliament, which determines the content of laws, to appoint judges who will apply these laws or evaluate their constitutionality. The upper house of the Russian parliament - the Federation Council - has only control powers in the legislative process, and therefore it is she who is assigned the decisive role in the mechanism for appointing judges of higher federal courts * (554).

Candidates for appointment to the positions of judges of federal courts (the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation) are submitted to the Federation Council by the President of the Russian Federation or, on his behalf, by his authorized representative in the Federation Council.

The Federation Council considers the issue of appointing judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation within fourteen days from the date of receipt of the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. The issue of appointment of judges of federal courts is included in the agenda of the session of the chamber as a separate issue.

Candidates submitted for appointment to the positions of judges of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are preliminary discussed in the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation, which prepares an opinion on each candidate. Candidates submitted for appointment to the positions of other judges of federal courts are preliminary discussed in the Federation Council Committee on Legal and Judicial Issues, which also prepares an opinion on each candidate.

At a meeting of the Federation Council, the conclusions of the above committees are heard. After discussion, each candidate is included in the ballot for secret ballot. By decision of the Federation Council, a secret ballot may be held using an electronic system. A person appointed to the position of a judge of these courts is considered to be the person who receives the majority of votes from the total number of members of the Federation Council during the voting. This appointment is formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council. However, if a candidate submitted by the President of the Russian Federation for appointment to the position of a judge does not receive the required number of votes of members of the Federation Council during the voting, it is rejected, which is formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council. No special vote is required to adopt this resolution.

If the Federation Council rejects the candidates submitted by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council may adopt a resolution proposing to the President of the Russian Federation to hold consultations in order to overcome the disagreements that have arisen. The said resolution shall be sent by the Chairman of the Federation Council to the President of the Russian Federation within three days. To conduct consultations, the Federation Council forms a group of members of the Federation Council or entrusts consultations to the Chairman of the Federation Council.

A person appointed to the position of a judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation takes an oath, the time of which is announced by the Chairman of the Federation Council. The swearing-in of a person is carried out by the Chairman of the Federation Council at a meeting of the chamber in a solemn atmosphere, provided that the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the State Flag of the Russian Federation are present in the Conference Hall of the Federation Council. The taking of the oath is certified by the personal signature of the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation under the text of the oath, indicating the date of its taking. The document remains in the custody of the Federation Council. After the judge (judges) of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation takes the oath, the National Anthem of the Russian Federation is played.

After the announcement of the results of voting on candidates nominated by the President of the Russian Federation for appointment to the positions of judges of federal courts, except for the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Federation Council presents each person appointed to the position of judge, in a solemn atmosphere, if there is in the Conference Hall of the Federation Council the State Emblem of the Russian Federation and the State flag of the Russian Federation, a copy of the resolution of the Federation Council on his appointment.

Appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

A candidate for appointment or dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation is presented to the Federation Council by the President of the Russian Federation or, on his instructions, by the authorized representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Federation Council. These proposals are preliminary discussed in the Federation Council Committee on Legal and Judicial Affairs and the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security, which prepare the relevant conclusions.

The decision on appointment or dismissal from office is made by secret ballot. The Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation shall be considered appointed or dismissed if a majority of the total number of members of the Federation Council voted for the candidate nominated by the President of the Russian Federation or for his dismissal from office. If the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation on the appointment or dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation does not receive the required number of votes of the members of the Federation Council when voting, it is rejected. If the proposal to appoint the said candidate is rejected, the President of the Russian Federation shall, within 30 days, submit to the Federation Council a new candidate for appointment to the said position.

The decision on appointment or dismissal to this position, as well as on dismissal or retention in office, is formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council.

In case of a positive vote, the Chairman of the Federation Council takes the oath of office of the person appointed to the position of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation. The oath of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation shall be heard standing by all those present in the Conference Hall of the Federation Council. The taking of the oath is certified by the personal signature of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation under the text of the oath, indicating the date of its taking. The document remains in the custody of the Federation Council. After taking the oath, the National Anthem of the Russian Federation is played.

In practice, in connection with the appointment and dismissal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, there were differences of opinion of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin and the Federation Council.

After the resignation of the Prosecutor General A.I. Kazannik On February 26, 1994, the President of the Russian Federation appointed A.N. Ilyushenko, whose candidacy was rejected by the Federation Council on October 25, 1994.

Yu.I. was appointed Prosecutor General on October 24, 1995. Skuratov. In 1999, the Federation Council three times, on March 17, April 21 and October 13, rejected the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation on the release of Yu.I. Skuratov from the post of Prosecutor General. By Decree No. 415 of April 2, 1999, the President dismissed Yu.I. Skuratov from the office of the Prosecutor General for the period of investigation of the criminal case initiated against him * (555). The Federation Council appealed to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, believing that the President of the Russian Federation had intruded into its competence. In Resolution No. 17-P of December 1, 1999, on the dispute over competence between the Federation Council and the President of the Russian Federation regarding the ownership of the authority to issue an act on the temporary removal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation from office in connection with the initiation of a criminal case against him, the Constitutional Court indicated in paragraph 1 of the operative part that, in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the competence of the Federation Council does not include the authority to issue an act on the removal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation from office during the investigation of the criminal case initiated against him and that, based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and in the absence of other legislative regulation, the act on the temporary removal of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation from office, the need for which is due to the initiation of a criminal case against him, the President of the Russian Federation * (556) is obliged to publish. On the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin May 17, 2000, the Federation Council released Yu.I. Skuratov from the post of Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation.

Appointment and dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation and half of its auditors.

A candidate for the position of Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, as well as the issue of dismissal from his post, are considered by the Federation Council on the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation. Both of these issues are preliminarily discussed in the Commission of the Federation Council for interaction with the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, which prepares an appropriate conclusion.

The issue of appointment to the specified position is considered within 30 days from the day following the day of receipt of the presentation of the President of the Russian Federation.

The decision on appointment and dismissal is made by secret ballot. The Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation shall be considered appointed to the position or dismissed from it if a majority of the total number of members of the Federation Council voted for the candidate nominated by the President of the Russian Federation or for his dismissal from office. If the proposal of the President of the Russian Federation on the appointment or dismissal of the Deputy Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation does not receive the required number of votes of the members of the Federation Council when voting, it is rejected. If the proposal to appoint the named candidate is rejected, the President of the Russian Federation shall, within two weeks, submit to the Federation Council a new candidate for appointment to this position.

The decision on appointment to this position or dismissal, as well as on dismissal or retention in office, is formalized by a resolution of the Federation Council.

2. The Federation Council adopts resolutions on all issues listed in paragraph 1 of the commented article, as well as on issues contained in other articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation (for example, articles 104-108, 134-137). Regulations refer to by-laws that are adopted on the basis of and in pursuance of laws.

Resolutions of the Federation Council may be normative and non-normative acts. A normative act is understood as an official document created by the competent authorities of the state and containing generally binding legal norms (rules of conduct) * (557). Such acts should include, for example, resolutions on the adoption of the Rules of Procedure of the chamber or amendments to it.

A non-normative act is an act that does not contain generally binding legal norms and is issued in relation to a specific legal or natural person. Here we are talking about decisions on appointment to a position or dismissal from it and other actions of a one-time nature.

3. Part 3 of the commented article defines the general procedure for the adoption of resolutions by the chamber, the approval of which requires a majority vote of the total number of members of the Federation Council. However, not all resolutions of the Federation Council are considered in this order. There are exceptions when such resolutions are adopted by a qualified majority. A qualified majority of votes is the number of votes equal to 3/4, 2/3 or 3/5 of the total number of members of the Federation Council. For example, when voting on the removal of the President of the Russian Federation from office, in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 93 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, such a decision is made by 2/3 of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council. The same provision also applies in the event of a second consideration and approval of the federal law by the Federation Council in the previously adopted version (Part 3, Article 107). At least 3/4 of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council is required for the adoption of a federal constitutional law (part 2 of article 108). At least 3/5 of the votes of the total number of members of the Federation Council is required to revise the provisions of Ch. 1, 2 and 9 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation ().

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