The most ancient nations of the world. Reached from the depths of centuries - the most ancient states of the world

6 most ancient states of the world

The first states appeared about 6000 years ago, but not all of them could survive to this day. Some have disappeared forever, others have only a name. Let us note 6 states that, to one degree or another, retained a connection with the Ancient World. 1. Armenia

Armenia can rightfully be called one of the most ancient states in the world, if not the most ancient. The history of Armenian statehood is about 2500 years old, although its origins should be looked for even deeper - in the kingdom of Arme-Shubria (XII century BC), which, according to the historian Boris Piotrovsky, at the turn of the 7th and 6th centuries BC. e. turned into a Scythian-Armenian association. Ancient Armenia is a motley conglomeration of kingdoms and states that existed simultaneously or replaced one another. The Armenian presence in Asia Minor has lasted for about 20,000 - 30,000 years. Tabal, Melid, the kingdom of Mush, the Hurrian, Luwian and Urartian states - the descendants of their inhabitants eventually joined the Armenian people. The term "Armenia" is first found in the Behistun inscription (521 BC) of the Persian king Darius I, who thus designated the Persian satrapy on the territory of the disappeared Urartu. Later, the Ararat kingdom arose in the valley of the Araks River, which served as the basis for the formation of the other three - Sofen, Lesser Armenia and Greater Armenia. Around the 3rd century BC. e. the center of the political and cultural life of the Armenian people moves to the Ararat valley.

2. Iran

The history of Iran is one of the most ancient and eventful. Based on written sources, scientists suggest that the age of Iran is at least 5000 years. However, in Iranian history they include such a proto-state formation as Elam, located in the southwest of modern Iran and mentioned in the Bible. The first most significant Iranian state was the Median kingdom, founded in the 7th century BC. e. During its heyday, the Median kingdom significantly exceeded the size of the ethnographic region of modern Iran, Media. In the Avesta, this region was called the "Country of the Aryans". The Iranian-speaking tribes of the Medes, according to one version, moved here from Central Asia, according to another - from the North Caucasus and gradually assimilated the local non-Aryan tribes. The Medes very quickly settled throughout western Iran and established control over it. Over time, having grown stronger, they were able to defeat the Assyrian Empire. The beginnings of the Medes were continued by the Persian Empire, spreading its influence over vast territories from Greece to India.

3. China

According to Chinese scientists, the civilization of China is about 5000 years old. But written sources speak of a slightly lower age - 3600 years. This is the beginning of the Shang Dynasty. At that time, a system of administrative control was laid, which was developed and improved by successive dynasties. Chinese civilization developed in the basin of two large rivers - the Yellow River and the Yangtze, which determined its agrarian character. It was developed agriculture that distinguished China from its neighbors, who lived in not so favorable steppe and mountainous regions. The state of the Shang dynasty pursued a rather active military policy, which allowed it to expand its territories to the limits, which included the modern Chinese provinces of Henan and Shanxi. By the 11th century BC, the Chinese were already using the lunar calendar and had invented the first examples of hieroglyphic writing. At the same time, a professional army was formed in China, using bronze weapons and war chariots.

4. Greece

Greece has every reason to be considered the cradle of European civilization. About 5000 years ago, the Minoan culture was born on the island of Crete, which later spread through the Greeks to the mainland. It is on the island that the beginnings of statehood are indicated, in particular, the first written language appears, diplomatic and trade relations with the East arise. Appeared at the end of the III millennium BC. e. The Aegean civilization already fully demonstrates state formations. Thus, the first states in the Aegean basin - in Crete and the Peloponnese - were built according to the type of eastern despotisms with a developed bureaucracy. Ancient Greece is growing rapidly and extending its influence to the Northern Black Sea region, Asia Minor and Southern Italy. Ancient Greece is often called Hellas, but the locals also extend the self-name to the modern state. For them, it is important to emphasize the historical connection with that era and culture, which essentially shaped the entire European civilization.

5. Egypt

At the turn of the IV-III millennium BC, several dozen cities of the upper and lower reaches of the Nile were united under the rule of two rulers. From this moment begins the 5000-year history of Egypt. Soon a war arose between Upper and Lower Egypt, the result of which was the victory of the king of Upper Egypt. Under the rule of the pharaoh, a strong state is formed here, gradually spreading its influence to neighboring lands. The 27-century dynastic period of Ancient Egypt is the golden age of ancient Egyptian civilization. A clear administrative and managerial structure is being formed in the state, advanced technologies for that time are being developed, and art and architecture are rising to unattainable heights. Over the past centuries, much has changed in Egypt - religion, language, culture. The Arab conquest of the country of the pharaohs radically turned the vector of development of the state. However, it is the ancient Egyptian heritage that is the hallmark of modern Egypt.

6. Japan

For the first time, ancient Japan is mentioned in Chinese historical chronicles of the 1st century AD. e. In particular, it says that there were 100 small countries in the archipelago, 30 of which established relations with China. Supposedly, the reign of the first Japanese emperor Jimmu began in 660 BC. e. It was he who wanted to establish power over the entire archipelago. However, some historians consider Jimma a semi-legendary figure. Japan is a unique country that, unlike Europe and the Middle East, has been developing for many centuries without any serious social and political upheavals. This is largely due to its geographical isolation, which, in particular, secured Japan from the Mongol invasion. If we take into account the dynastic succession that has been uninterrupted for more than 2.5 thousand years and the absence of fundamental changes in the country's borders, Japan can be called a state with the most ancient origin.

It is believed that the oldest states on Earth appeared more than 6000 years ago, but the most ancient, about which at least something is known, could not survive to this day. This list of the 10 most ancient states includes only those that have survived to one degree or another, they are like a bridge from modernity to hoary antiquity.

1. Elam (Iran, 5200 years old)

The state of the Islamic Republic of Iran, located in southwestern Asia, appeared on April 1, 1979 after the accomplishment of the Islamic Revolution. In fact, Iran is one of the oldest states in the world. For thousands of years, Iran has been the key monarchy of the East. The ancient state of Elam, which preceded Iran, arose here about 5200 years ago. Under Darius I, the Iranian empire extended from the Indus River to Libya and Hellas. Yes, and in the Middle Ages, Iran was quite an influential and powerful state.

2. Egypt (5000 years)

This is the oldest of the states that bore the same name, and about which a large amount of historical information has been preserved. In the ancient country of countless dynasties of pharaohs, the most magnificent examples of art and culture were born, many of them were adopted by the peoples of Asia and Europe. They also formed the basis of ancient aesthetics, which became the source of the development of all modern arts.
Now Egypt is the largest state of the Arab East, an important center of its cultural and political life, a center of attraction for tourists from all over the world. Egypt has a unique geographical position, as it is at the crossroads of 3 continents - Europe, Africa and Asia, as well as Jewish, Christian and Islamic civilizations. It arose on the lands where before that there was already a certain powerful and mysterious civilization that had its own long history. Pharaoh Mines about 5000 years ago united neighboring lands, forming from them the state of Egypt during the Early Kingdom. This civilization has left us many material monuments - the pyramids, the Sphinx, majestic temples.

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3. Greece (5000 years)

Greece is the cradle of European civilization. On the island of Crete, about 5,000 years ago, the most ancient Minoan culture was born, which was adopted by the Hellenes and other mainland peoples. It is in Crete that the beginnings of statehood, trade and diplomatic relations with the East can be traced, the first written language arose here.
Aegean civilization, which arose at the end of the third millennium BC. e., already showed clear signs of statehood. The first states on the Aegean Sea, which arose in Crete and the Peloponnese, had the features of oriental despots and a developed bureaucratic structure. Hellas grew quite quickly, spreading its influence and culture to Asia Minor, the northern Black Sea region and southern Italy. By the way, the Greeks themselves still call their country Hellas. They are flattered every time to emphasize the historical connection of today's Greece with the great ancient era and culture, which became the basis for the entire European civilization.

4. Vanlang (Vietnam, 2897 BC)

Vietnam is a country in Southeast Asia, located on the Indochinese peninsula. The name of the country can be translated as "southern country of the Viet". The Viet civilization appeared in the Red River basin, and the legend says that they descended from a fairy bird and a dragon. In 2897 BC. e. the first state of Vanlang was formed on this territory. There was a period when the country was absorbed by China, and towards the end of the 19th century it was taken over by France. Vietnam gained independence in 1954.

5. Shin-Yin (China, 3600 years old)

China is located in East Asia and with a population of more than 1.3 billion people is the world's largest state in terms of population, second only to Russia and Canada in terms of territory.
Chinese civilization is one of the oldest. Chinese historians claim that it is over 5000 years old, although the oldest known written sources of China are about 3500 years old. During the successive dynasties of emperors, there were always systems of administrative control that improved over the centuries. This gave an advantage to a state based on agriculture, which was surrounded by nomadic peoples or highlanders. An additional cement of statehood was the introduction in the 1st century BC. e. as the state ideology of Confucianism, and a century before that - a unified writing system.
Functioning in the years 1600-1027 BC. e. the state of Shang-Yin should be recognized as the first, the existence of which is confirmed not only by the finds of archaeologists, but also by epigraphic written sources. Emperor Qin Shi Huang brought together in 221 BC. e. Chinese lands to the Qin Empire, whose territory is in many ways comparable to modern China.

6. Kush (Sudan, 1070 BC)

The area of ​​modern Sudan, located in the African northeast, exceeds the area of ​​Western Europe, and the population at the same time does not reach 30 million inhabitants. It is located in the middle reaches of the Nile, on its coastal plains, as well as the shores of the Red Sea and an elevated plateau.
In the northern part of present-day Sudan in 1070-350 BC. e. there was an ancient Meroitic kingdom or Kush. The found ruins of temples, sculptures of kings and gods testify to its existence. It is assumed that medicine, astronomy were developed in Kush, and there was a written language.

7. Sri Lanka (377 BC)

Located in South Asia, southeast of the Hindustan peninsula on the island of Sri Lanka, the state of the same name would sound in Russian as “Blessed Land”. People lived here as early as the Neolithic era, at least the settlements found here date back to this period. Writing, and with it documented history, arose after the settlement of the island by the Aryans from India. They taught the local population not only writing, but also basic knowledge in the field of navigation and metallurgy. In 337 B.C. e. In Sri Lanka, a monarchy was formed, the capital of which was the ancient city of Anuradhapura. In 247, Buddhism came to the island, it was he who turned out to be a decisive factor in the process of forming the state system of the country.

8. Chin (Korea, 300 BC)

Korea is located on the Korean Peninsula and nearby islands. This ancient country has a common cultural and historical heritage. Until relatively recently, it was a single state. After the surrender of Japan and the end of World War II, Korea, which was then a Japanese colony, was divided into zones of responsibility by the victorious countries: the USSR got everything north of the 38th parallel, and the USA got everything south of it. A little later, in 1948, two states were proclaimed on both fragments of Korea - the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the north, and the Republic of Korea in the south.
The Koreans have a legend according to which their state was founded by the son of the god Tangun and the bear woman in 2333 BC. e. Experts call the most ancient stage of Korean history the state of Ko Joseon. True, almost all modern historians consider the legendary age of the country to be greatly exaggerated, at least, no one is in a hurry to present any historical documents confirming this, except for a few medieval chronicles. It is believed that at the beginning of its existence, Joseon was just a tribal union, which included independent city-states. Only around 300 BC. e. it became a centralized state. In the same period, the proto-state of Chin was formed in the south of the Korean Peninsula.

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9. Iberia (Georgia, 299 BC)

Relatively recently, Georgia regained its independence. But the history of this ancient state remembers a lot. On its territory are the oldest evidence of the existence of civilization. Georgian historians are sure that the earliest states existed in Georgia in the second and even third millennium BC. e. We are talking about the kingdom of Colchis overlooking the Black Sea coast and Iberia located to the east of it. King Pharnavaz I came to power in Iberia in 299. During the reign of him and his closest descendants, Iberia turned into a powerful state, which significantly expanded its territories. In the 9th century, the Georgian principalities were united into a single state, and kings from the Bagrationi branch began to rule it.

10. Great Armenia (331 BC)

On the territory of the Armenian Highlands already in the XII century BC. e. the formation of the Armenian ethnos began, which ended by the 11th century BC. e. The main "ingredients" of the Armenian nation were Urartians, Hurrians, Luvians, as well as tribes who spoke the proto-Armenian language. By the IV-II centuries BC. e. the merging of the Urartians with the Armenian ethnos was completed. It is known that in 31-220. BC e. there was the Ayrarat kingdom or Great Armenia with its capital in Armavir, which is located not far from Yerevan. In 316 BC. e. during the reign of the Yervandid dynasty, it became independent.
Then there was a short-lived conquest by the Seleucids, but already in 189 BC. e. Artashes I proclaimed the state of Greater Armenia. As Strabo testifies, already in the time of Artashes, all the inhabitants of Armenia spoke the single Armenian language, although the court and the nobility until the beginning of the 2nd century BC. e. preferred to speak in imperial Aramaic, with a fair amount of Iranian words.
About 163 B.C. e. Commagene also declared its independence. As an independent state, Lesser Armenia was able to exist until 116 BC. e., and then it was captured first by the Pontics, and later they were replaced by the Romans.

The first states appeared about 6000 years ago, but not all of them could survive to this day. Some have disappeared forever, others have only a name left, but there are those that have retained a connection with the Ancient World.

The history of Armenian statehood is about 2500 years old, although its origins should be looked for even deeper - in the kingdom of Arme-Shubria (XII century BC), which, according to the historian Boris Piotrovsky, at the turn of the 7th and 6th centuries BC. e. turned into a Scythian-Armenian association. Ancient Armenia is a motley conglomeration of kingdoms and states that existed simultaneously or replaced one another. Tabal, Melid, the kingdom of Mush, the Hurrian, Luwian and Urartian states - the descendants of their inhabitants eventually joined the Armenian people.
The term "Armenia" is first found in the Behistun inscription (521 BC) of the Persian king Darius I, who thus designated the Persian satrapy on the territory of the disappeared Urartu. Later, the Ararat kingdom arose in the valley of the Araks River, which served as the basis for the formation of the other three - Sofen, Lesser Armenia and Greater Armenia. Around the 3rd century BC. e. the center of the political and cultural life of the Armenian people moves to the Ararat valley.

The history of Iran is one of the most ancient and eventful. Based on written sources, scientists suggest that the age of Iran is at least 5000 years. However, in Iranian history they include such a proto-state formation as Elam, located in the southwest of modern Iran and mentioned in the Bible.
The first most significant Iranian state was the Median kingdom, founded in the 7th century BC. e. During its heyday, the Median kingdom significantly exceeded the size of the ethnographic region of modern Iran, Media. In the Avesta, this region was called the "Country of the Aryans". The Iranian-speaking tribes of the Medes, according to one version, moved here from Central Asia, according to another - from the North Caucasus and gradually assimilated the local non-Aryan tribes. The Medes very quickly settled throughout western Iran and established control over it. Over time, having grown stronger, they were able to defeat the Assyrian Empire. The beginnings of the Medes were continued by the Persian Empire, spreading its influence over vast territories from Greece to India.

According to Chinese scientists, the civilization of China is about 5000 years old. But written sources speak of a slightly lower age - 3600 years. This is the beginning of the Shang Dynasty. At that time, a system of administrative control was laid, which was developed and improved by successive dynasties.
Chinese civilization developed in the basin of two large rivers - the Yellow River and the Yangtze, which determined its agrarian character. It was developed agriculture that distinguished China from its neighbors, who lived in not so favorable steppe and mountainous regions.
The state of the Shang dynasty pursued a rather active military policy, which allowed it to expand its territories to the limits, which included the modern Chinese provinces of Henan and Shanxi. By the 11th century BC, the Chinese were already using the lunar calendar and had invented the first examples of hieroglyphic writing. At the same time, a professional army was formed in China, using bronze weapons and war chariots.

Greece has every reason to be considered the cradle of European civilization. About 5000 years ago, the Minoan culture was born on the island of Crete, which later spread through the Greeks to the mainland. It is on the island that the beginnings of statehood are indicated, in particular, the first written language appears, diplomatic and trade relations with the East arise. Appeared at the end of the III millennium BC. e. The Aegean civilization already fully demonstrates state formations. Thus, the first states in the Aegean basin - in Crete and the Peloponnese - were built according to the type of eastern despotisms with a developed bureaucracy. Ancient Greece is growing rapidly and extending its influence to the Northern Black Sea region, Asia Minor and Southern Italy.
Ancient Greece is often called Hellas, but the locals also extend the self-name to the modern state. For them, it is important to emphasize the historical connection with that era and culture, which essentially shaped the entire European civilization.

At the turn of the IV-III millennium BC, several dozen cities of the upper and lower reaches of the Nile were united under the rule of two rulers. From this moment begins the 5000-year history of Egypt.
Soon a war arose between Upper and Lower Egypt, the result of which was the victory of the king of Upper Egypt. Under the rule of the pharaoh, a strong state is formed here, gradually spreading its influence to neighboring lands. The 27-century dynastic period of Ancient Egypt is the golden age of ancient Egyptian civilization.
A clear administrative and managerial structure is being formed in the state, advanced technologies for that time are being developed, and art and architecture are rising to unattainable heights. Over the past centuries, much has changed in Egypt - religion, language, culture. The Arab conquest of the country of the pharaohs radically turned the vector of development of the state. However, it is the ancient Egyptian heritage that is the hallmark of modern Egypt.

For the first time, ancient Japan is mentioned in Chinese historical chronicles of the 1st century AD. e. In particular, it says that there were 100 small countries in the archipelago, 30 of which established relations with China.
Supposedly, the reign of the first Japanese emperor Jimmu began in 660 BC. e. It was he who wanted to establish power over the entire archipelago. However, some historians consider Jimma a semi-legendary figure. Japan is a unique country that, unlike Europe and the Middle East, has been developing for many centuries without any serious social and political upheavals. This is largely due to its geographical isolation, which, in particular, secured Japan from the Mongol invasion.
If we take into account the dynastic succession that has been uninterrupted for more than 2.5 thousand years and the absence of fundamental changes in the country's borders, Japan can be called a state with the most ancient origin.

Ancient states

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Ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of Egypt created one of the first civilizations. The Egyptian state was located in the Nile Valley - a narrow strip of land on both banks of the river from 1 to 20 km wide, expanding in the delta.

Once a year, the Nile overflowed its banks, and a stream of water, destroying everything in its path, filled the valley. The floods were a disaster for the inhabitants of the valley, but they brought particles of fertile silt. The land here gave unprecedented yields, but for this it was extremely important to create complex irrigation facilities.

The first states in Egypt are called nomes. In the 4th millennium, about 40 nomes were formed in Egypt. The needs of the development of agriculture led to the unification of the entire Nile Valley. Gradually, only two large states remained - Upper and Lower Egypt. Upper Egypt (southern kingdom) was in the upper reaches of the Nile, Lower Egypt (northern kingdom) - in the lower reaches of the Nile. At about 3000 ᴦ. BC. ruler of Upper Egypt Mine managed to unite the country. The rulers of Egypt are called pharaohs.

The history of ancient Egypt is divided into Early(3000 - 2800 gᴦ. BC), Ancient(2800 - 2250 gᴦ. BC), Average(2050-1750 gᴦ. BC), New(1580-1085 gᴦ. BC) and Later(1085-525 gᴦ. BC) kingdoms, ruled by pharaohs for about 30 dynasties.

The main occupation of the Egyptians was agriculture. Soft Nile silt was loosened with a hoe or a light plow. The Egyptians used a wooden sickle with microliths for a long time. Later, tools made of copper and bronze appeared.

Egyptian documents speak of artisans of many dozens of professions. Their work was considered more difficult than that of farmers.

Even in ancient times, communities in Egypt disappeared, and the entire population was united under the rule of the pharaoh. Every year, officials held a review of children who had reached working age. They selected strong young men into the army, and appointed the smartest young men as junior priests. The rest were divided into various specialties. Someone became a farmer, someone a builder, someone a craftsman.

Initially, farmers worked on the farms of the pharaoh, the nobility and temples as part of work groups. Later they became

pi, arable land. The work of artisans was also organized. And the households of the pharaoh, the nobility and temples, there were also slaves, as a rule

10, foreigners. For a long time there were few of them. Only during the New Kingdom did the number of slaves increase, they became laborers.

to live in craft workshops and in the fields.

The state power in Egypt was despotism. The pharaoh disposed of the construction of irrigation facilities, the construction of cities, fortresses, temples,

shnal laws, was the high priest. He commanded the army And at the head of it fought with the enemies. The pharaoh was revered as a living god.

The period of the Old Kingdom was the time of the greatest power of the pharaohs. At the same time, over time, the central government weakened, and the state broke up into nomes. After 200 years, Egypt was united under the rule of the ruler of one of the southern nomes with the capital in Thebes. The period of the Middle Kingdom began. The central power was significantly strengthened under the pharaohs of the 12th dynasty. Aggressive campaigns began to south to rich in gold Nubia. About 1680 ᴦ. BC. hordes of nomadic geeksos fell upon Egypt from Asia. The Middle Kingdom broke up into separate nomes who paid tribute to the Hyksos. Only Thebes did not submit.

In the fight against the Hyksos, the Theban pharaohs relied on ordinary warriors, who were provided with small plots of land. Pharaoh Ahmose managed to expel the nomads from Egypt. Ahmose became the founder of the 18th dynasty. With this dynasty begins the period of the New Kingdom. The pharaohs of the New Kingdom waged constant wars. As a result of the campaigns, almost all of Nubia was annexed. In Asia, the search for pharaohs came to the Euphrates. Egypt received a huge tribute, slaves. The state reached its greatest power under the pharaoh of the 18th dynasty AmenhotepeIII. At the same time, over time, powerful powers appeared in Western Asia, which began the fight against Egypt. With varying success, this struggle continued for about two centuries. Eventually the Egyptian forces were exhausted. In the country itself there was a struggle between pharaohs, nobles and priests. As a result to VIII in. BC. Egypt again broke up into nomes. In the VI century. BC. he was conquered by Persia.

City-states of Sumer. At the same time or even a little earlier than in Egypt, a civilization developed in southern Mesopotamia (Mesopotamia) - in the lower reaches of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. This land was extremely fertile. The origin of civilization here was associated with the extreme importance of the construction and use of irrigation facilities.

Mesopotamia was inhabited by different peoples. Semitic tribes lived in the north. In the south, the first tribes appeared, whose linguistic affiliation scientists cannot establish, since they did not leave a written language. These tribes began agriculturaldevelopment of southern Mesopotamia. In the V-IV millennia BC. came here Sumerians - people also of unknown origin. Οʜᴎ built cities, created the oldest written language in the world - cuneiform. Sumerians are considered wheel inventors.

In the IV millennium BC. Sumerian cities became the centers of small states, similar to the Egyptian nomes. Sometimes they are called city-states. Among them, the largest were Uruk, Kish, Lagash, Umma, Ur.
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The history of Sumer is divided into three periods: Early Dynastic, Akkadian and late Sumerian.

In the early dynastic period, the center of power in each city was the temple of the main god. The high priest (ensi) was the ruler of the city. The popular assembly continued to play a significant role. During the wars, a leader (lugal) was elected. The role of the lugals increased, which was facilitated by frequent wars between city-states.

Sometimes the Lugals managed to subdue neighboring states, but unlike Egypt, the unity of Sumer was fragile. The first serious attempt to create a unified state was made in the 24th century. BC. Sargon. He came from the lower classes of society, was a Semite who settled more and more in Sumer. Sargon became the founder and ruler of the city of Akkad. He relied on the inhabitants of the Sumerian city-states, dissatisfied with the omnipotence of priests and nobility. The Akkadian king united all these cities under his rule, and then conquered vast lands to the Mediterranean coast. Sargon introduced uniform measures of length, area and weight for all cities. Canals and dams were built throughout the country. The kingdom of Sargon and his descendants lasted about 150 years. Further, Sumer was conquered by the tribes of mountaineers who lived east of Mesopotamia.

In the 21st century BC e. the inhabitants of Mesopotamia managed to throw off the heavy yoke of the highlanders. The kingdom of Sumer and Akkad arose (the so-called III dynasty of Ur). This kingdom is known for its centralized organization of power and economic life. All workers in the state were united in groups according to professions. Οʜᴎ worked on state land under the control of officials. Kingdom of Sumer and Akkad around 2000 ᴦ. BC. was captured by the nomadic Semitic tribes of the Amorites.

Soon the Sumerians merged with the Semites and other peoples of Mesopotamia. The Sumerian language remained the language of writing, science, and culture for many more centuries.

Babylonian kingdom. Laws of Hammurabi. At the beginning of the 11th millennium B.C. the city of Babylon on the Euphrates is strengthened, where the kings of one of the Amorite dynasties ruled. Under the king Hammurabi(1992 - 1750 BC) the Babylonians conquered most of Mesopotamia. Babylon has become a huge city with magnificent temples and temples, multi-storey buildings and wide streets. We have detailed information about the life of the Babylonian kingdom thanks to the famous laws of Hammurabi. This is an extensive and well-thought-out code of laws, which served as a model for subsequent legislation in many countries of Western Asia. At the root of the law lay talion principle - the punishment is equal to the crime (ʼʼan eye for an eyeʼʼ).

According to the laws of Hammurabi, all land in the country belonged to the king. Communities and nobility were considered users of the land. Quite a large role in economic life was played by completely disenfranchised slaves from among the prisoners. There was another source of slavery: for debts they sold their children, and sometimes themselves into slavery. At the same time, the law limited debt slavery. The free were divided into two categories - full-fledged and dependent people. It is assumed that the full were members of the communities, and dependent people worked on the allotments received from the king. In 1518 ᴦ. BC. Babylonia was conquered by the Kassite nomads.

Eastern Mediterranean in antiquity. The ancient oriental civilization had a peculiar form in the areas adjacent to the coastal coast of the Mediterranean Sea. The most important trade routes ran here - from Egypt to Mesopotamia, from Asia and Africa to Europe.

A narrow strip of the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea in the territory of modern Lebanon and part of Syria was called Phenicia. Here was one of the oldest centers of agriculture. Thanks to the presence of many minerals, handicraft flourished. But over time, the main occupation of the inhabitants of Phoenicia became international trade. The Phoenicians sold their goods - wood, resin, purple fabrics, glass, metals. Intermediary trade was even more important for them.

In Phenicia, several city-states arose, headed by kings. Originally dominated by the city Bible, having ancient connections with Egypt. Later the city rose Tyr.
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Its king extended his influence to other cities, although the Phoenicians did not have a single state. The Phoenician cities throughout a significant part of their history were dependent on Egypt and later on the states of Western Asia, but retained internal autonomy.

The Phoenicians became famous as brave sailors. Back in the II millennium BC. they reached the Iberian Peninsula, where the city of Gades arose, which became the center of mining and trade in silver and tin. At the beginning of the 1st millennium BC. e. Phoenician colonies spread throughout the Mediterranean coast. The inhabitants of Tyre mostly moved to the colony, but they became

were independent states, although they retained ties with Tyre. The largest of these states was Carthage.

The Phoenicians are the creators of the world's first alphabet. The letters of the Phoenician alphabet denoted only consonants. The Phoenician alphabet was borrowed and improved by the ancient Greeks. Through them, the alphabet came to the Romans, becoming the basis of most modern writing systems. Slavic and later Russian alphabets were created on the basis of the Greek alphabet.

The Phoenicians had comprehensive connections with other peoples of the Eastern Mediterranean - the ancient Jews. In the middle II millennium BC part of the Amorite tribes of Mesopotamia moved west. The settlers formed a new people, calling themselves ʼʼibrimʼʼ (Jews), which meant ʼʼcrossing the riverʼʼ. The farmers of the Eastern Mediterranean struggled with these nomadic newcomers, partly mixed with them. Later, the Jews encountered here with Philistines- newcomers from Europe. From the name ʼʼPhilistinesʼʼ came the word ʼʼPalestineʼʼ.

From about XIII in. BC. Jewish (Israeli) tribes have become the dominant force in Palestine. In addition to cattle breeding, they also began to engage in agriculture. In the end XI in. develops Israelite-Jewish kingdom led by the king Saul. It flourished in the 10th century. BC. under the kings Davide and his son Solomon. Then it broke up into the kingdoms of Israel and Judah. Later, powerful neighbors dealt severe blows to these states. VIII in. BC. the kingdom of Israel perished. In 587 ᴦ. BC. capital of Judea Jerusalem was captured by the king of Babylon, and many Jews were taken to Babylonian captivity. Later, the Kingdom of Judah was reborn as a dependent state.

During the existence of the Kingdom of Israel, the legends of the ancient Jews began to be recorded in special books. The set of these books was later called the Bible.

Ancient states - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Ancient States" 2017, 2018.

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Market share of a company How to calculate a company's market share in practice? This question is often asked by beginner marketers. However,...
The first mode (wave) The first wave (1785-1835) formed a technological mode based on new technologies in textile...
§one. General data Recall: sentences are divided into two-part, the grammatical basis of which consists of two main members - ...
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia gives the following definition of the concept of a dialect (from the Greek diblektos - conversation, dialect, dialect) - this is ...