Golden youth of Buryatia chooses art. Golden mountains for Dorzhiev and his friends


On December 12, on the eve of the opening of the Year of Theater in Russia, the premiere of the performance-concert "Aga minii - altan ulgy" ("My cradle is a golden Aga") took place at the national theater of song and dance "Amar sain".
Balzhan khatan, Babzha-Baras Baatar, Alkhanai, Togoon-Shuluun, Tsyrik-Narasun, Altargana are all Aga, for every inhabitant of our steppe region familiar and close words. The life and life of the nomadic people, the tragic 30s - events based on local materials, legends and traditions, did not leave the audience indifferent. In fact, this performance-concert is a story about the Trans-Baikal land. It contains mythical and sacred scenes from the history of the Agin Buryats, Buryat folk songs, followed by perky playful dances.
Behind the daily rehearsals under the guidance of the director, director, script writer, laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of culture and arts, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor of the Department of REiTP (direction of variety and theatrical performances and holidays), Honorary Professor of VSGAKI (East Siberian Academy culture and arts) Dulmazhab Zhamsoeva.
The staging of the performance-concert is the story of every family and the entire Buryat people in general, which is presented to the audience in a modern interpretation. The entire acting troupe of the theater is involved in it. Through the prism of time, through the original culture, the author conveyed to the viewer the memory of the time, in the multicoloredness of which the Buryat people did not lose their native language, traditions, and customs.
Bato Dorzhiev, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Trans-Baikal Territory, Head of the Administration of the Aginsky Buryat District, congratulated the theater artists on the premiere.
“Today we witnessed a magnificent performance, saw our vocalists, dancers, orchestra artists in a new role. With their play and skill, they transform into the heroes of the performance and truthfully show the scenes of life, the history of the Aginsk Buryats,” said Bato Dorzhiev.
He thanked Dulmazhab Zhamsoeva for her bold reading of the author, acting school, for supporting national theaters, and also expressed hope for further fruitful cooperation. For fruitful work on the implementation of the federal project "Theaters of Small Towns" and in connection with the premiere of the performance-concert "Aga mini-Altan ulgy! "("My Cradle is Golden Aga!") Bato Dorzhiev presented the theater artists with certificates of honor and letters of thanks.
Recall that the performance was staged at the expense of the federal project "Theaters of Small Towns", initiated by the party "United Russia". On the day of the premiere, all the artists received personal certificates of honor from the Trans-Baikal regional branch for their active, creative position in the implementation of the federal party project.
The artists of the theater "Dali Te" of the city district "Aginskoe Village" pleased their audience with the same successful premiere. On December 10, they presented the play " Garlelge"Based on the play by N.V. Gogol" Marriage "(Director - Honored Worker of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory Dolgorma Dolgorzhapova).
According to the federal project, about 15 million rubles were allocated to the theaters of the Aginsky Buryat District - the municipal institution of culture "Aginsky Theater" Dali Te "and the State National Theater of Song and Dance" Amar Sayn ". The funds were used to strengthen the material and technical base and to stage new performances. Recall that last year the Amar Sayn Theater presented the play Khukhe Khulgana Zhel (The Year of the Blue Mouse), and the Dali Te Theater presented the play The Happy Prince.

Latest news of the Trans-Baikal Territory on the topic:
Bato Dorzhiev congratulated the staff of the Amar Sayn Theater on the premiere


NIA-Transbaikalia The day before the opening of the Year of Theater in Russia - December 12 - the premiere of the performance-concert "Aga minii - altan ulgy" ("My Cradle - Golden Aga") took place in the hall of the National Song and Dance Theater "Amar Sain".
18:52 13.12.2018 75rus.Org


The day before the opening of the Year of Theater in Russia - December 12 - the premiere of the performance-concert "Aga minii - altan ulgy" ("My Cradle - Golden Aga") took place in the hall of the National Song and Dance Theater "Amar Sayn".
18:22 13.12.2018

Bato Dorzhiev congratulated the staff of the Amar Sayn Theater on the premiere- Chita

NIA-Zabaikalye On December 12, on the eve of the opening of the Year of Theater in Russia, the premiere of the performance-concert "Aga minii - altan ulgy" ("My Cradle - Golden Aga") took place at the National Song and Dance Theater "Amar Sain".
12:54 13.12.2018 75rus.Org

On the eve of the New Year holidays, the theater of national cultures "Transbaikal Patterns" presented to the public a new musical - a fairy tale by Kim Breitburg and Evgeny Muravyov "Ivan da Marya".
Ministry of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory
25.12.2018 On December 22, the concert hall "Amar Sayn" hosted a creative evening "Aglag khaykhan Agadaa ..." by a member of the orchestra of the national theater of song and dance "Amar Sayn", Honored Artist of the Trans-Baikal Territory Baira Dagbayeva.
Ministry of Culture of the Trans-Baikal Territory
24.12.2018 NIA-Zabaikalye The traditional concert-performance "Christmas Meetings", dedicated to the main winter Christian holiday, will be shown on January 6 at the theater "Transbaikal Patterns" and on January 7 - in the regional Philharmonic.

Photo: Vladimir Shirapov, as well as the press service of the head and government of the Republic of Belarus

The best sportsmen were awarded in the capital of Buryatia as part of the Golden Olympus-2017 award

In Ulan-Ude, the best athletes of the republic were honored, whose results were especially significant in 2017. These are city instructors, heads of sports clubs and schools, athletes, sports journalists, patrons and many others.

This year the action was moved to the stage of the Russian Drama Theater named after Bestuzhev. It should be noted that last year the award ceremony was held in the ballroom of the Belarusian State University, this time the organizers decided to arrange a grander ceremony.

Until the last seconds, the organizers of the award kept secret the names of the winners in each category. The envelope with the names of the laureates was opened only on stage.

The ceremony was opened by the Minister of Sports of Buryatia Vyacheslav Damdintsurunov.

Also, the head of the republic, Alexei Tsydenov, was present at the Golden Olympus, and he presented the award to one of the winners.

We are increasingly hosting international competitions. This year, the Russian women's boxing championship, in 2019 the national women's wrestling championship, and in 2020 we will host a freestyle wrestling championship. It will be an Olympic year, and we have a chance that our athletes will also compete in Tokyo, - said the head of Buryatia.

The organizers have provided 16 nominations for various fields of activity in sports. The biggest intrigue was the nomination "Best Athlete". There were three candidates here: Tamir Galanov, bronze medalist of the world boxing championship, Vladimir Maksimov, world champion and European champion in wushu, and Evgeny Otsimik, world champion in taekwondo. As a result, the title of "Best Athlete" went to Tamir Galanov. On the personal initiative of the president of the club, Valery Dorzhiev, Tamir was awarded a certificate for 600,000 rubles for the purchase of a car.

In addition to the athletes themselves, prominent figures were also noted. Thus, Khambo lama Damba Ayusheev won in the nomination "For a significant personal contribution to the development of national sports and traditional games in Buryatia."

Valery Dorzhiev became "Patron of the Year". Pupils of the Nomto sports club founded by him brought one medal after another last year. And at the "Golden Olympus" they also became winners - in addition to Tamir Galanov, they noted the boxer Kristina Tkacheva, who became the "Best Young Athlete".

This is a very important event, because all athletes need motivation, to know that they not only became champions, but they are proud of them in the republic, they know about their achievements. It is also important that athletes are encouraged here both morally and financially. For our club, the year was rich in events. Tamir Galanov became the bronze medalist of the World Championship, Stalvira Orshush became the champion of Russia and defeated her main competitor Malysheva. Young girls won major competitions - like, for example, Christina Tkacheva, who became the champion of Europe and the world. Of course, it's nice to see such results. This is what we are working for, - shared Valery Dorzhiev.

It should be noted that in the nomination "Patron of the Year" the Ministry of Sports of Buryatia noted at once several people who contribute to different sports. Also, the best sports journalist was traditionally identified - Alexei Turobov, correspondent of the Arig Us TV and Radio Company.

“The best sportsman in foreign sports” was the wrestler Alexander Tsoktoev, who, by the way, just recently won another “gold” at the Russian freestyle wrestling championship among athletes with hearing impairment in the city of Vladimir.

People's Khural deputies demand higher salaries. Despite the expected budget cuts of 20% over the next three years, parliamentarians are asking for record-breaking four-year money. Babr understands how much and on what the servants of the people are going to spend.

258 million rubles, or a quarter of a billion, is how much Khuralts need for a comfortable life in 2018. it 35 million more than they received in 2017.

Specifically, for one person, Chairman of the Parliament Tsyren-Dashi Dorzhiev, the budget should allocate 3.8 million rubles. The “humble” speaker asks for only 100 thousand more than he will receive this year.

Each of the deputies will receive an order 100 thousand rubles on the nose. Despite the fact that only a few receive salaries - the leadership of the Khural, chairmen of committees and their deputies - their business trips, personal drivers and other good things will cost a pretty penny. A total of 78.7 million for a horde of 66 hungry mouths - four million more than this year.

But this is nothing compared to the cost of the central apparatus - the speaker and another one and a half cripples sitting at the head of parliament. There are few of them, but they want an astronomical 157.5 million. In 2017, there were also huge 143.6 million, but already, apparently, not enough. We record an increase in requests by 14 million.

In addition to the deputies, the army of their paid assistants also wants to eat - 55.2 million rubles for all. More than 83 thousand per person- and someone believes that the assistants of unpaid deputies receive this money?

According to some reports, only a few of the assistants see this money, and almost all of them are taken by their bosses.

14 of them, by the way, also receive for themselves. We are talking about deputies working on a permanent basis. Each of these comrades will receive 2.2 million a year, or 180,000 a month. 30.4 million for 14 people- something completely outrageous and crazy.

With the former head of Buryatia, the unpopular Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, speaker Tsyren-Dashi Dorzhiev got along well. Nagovitsyn said that Dorzhiev "has no equal." Well, to turn the Khural into a costly fighting force for a war with the government - for sure.

A huge amount is also needed for "material and technical support of activities" - 34.7 million rubles. There is a very nice article here - for the translation of certificates of honor, subscription to newspapers (???), compulsory additional education and medical examination of officials - 1.6 million.

I wonder when they will ask for a mandatory manicure and solarium at the expense of the budget?

Finally, Khural will take 18 million rubles from the budget for "information activities". This is, accordingly, PR in the media. Seven million more than in 2017, and only here the increase in spending is justified and understandable - the elections! In September 2018, deputies will fight for such warm places. And for the right to increase their income by a couple of millions.

Babr continues to monitor developments.

Photos from open sources

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The second generation of the Buryat elite grew up in the republic, the children of fathers and mothers who started a business in the harsh 90s. However, unlike their parents, business in trade or manufacturing does not appeal to them. Increasingly, “golden children” are turning to culture. In our case, to the Buryat.

Arjuna Tsybikova, daughter of the deputy of the People's Khural of Buryatia, the founder of the company "Polynom" Arkady Tsybikov, opened the ethno-market Zam space. Which now is a whole space for the sale of national items and works. Zam visitors can also listen to lectures and attend interesting film screenings and creative evenings.

The creation of Zam space began with the development of the design of the premises, corporate identity. In the process, there were many people who wanted to help. Some of them are now permanent employees of ZAM. It is important to be useful to Buryatia and take care of it. Aruna says.

Deputy of the People's Khural and philanthropist Valery Dorzhiev and his daughter Svetlana Dorzhieva opened the Erkhim Darkhan Gallery of Asian Arts at the Ivolginsky Datsan. Unusual and unique bronze sculptures, which are created by experienced craftsmen, have long established themselves not only in Buryatia, but also gained fame throughout Russia.

The idea of ​​the project arose in connection with the need to organize an exhibition area for bronze sculpture. After all, there was simply no place where it would be possible to show all this. And also the desire to show that we can deal not only with spiritual matters, but also with practical ones. Everything happened with the approval of Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev, of course, as in any project, there were some working moments. - says Svetlana Dorzhieva.

The father of the entrepreneur and collector Lev Bardamov Lev Bardamov senior was not a businessman, but in Buryatia he is remembered as a famous and interesting person. Lev Nikolaevich was an astrologer, psychotherapist and poet, well versed in politics and economics, and actively participated in the public life of the republic. His son Lev Lvovich was one of the first in the republic to create a private museum of art objects, which he has always been interested in.

The opening of the museum in the center of Ulan-Ude was a great event. It presents collections that have both historical value and dedicated to the Buddhist cult, as well as Orthodoxy and much more. According to the philanthropist himself, he was inspired to create this author's project by the desire to simply enlighten our people and bring something new for them.

The daughter of the famous construction tycoon Vyacheslav Baiminov, Inna Chimitova, opened the Orda ethno-gallery, which constantly hosts exhibitions, presentations and even mini-performances. The main concept of the gallery is the Buryat art and culture of nomadic peoples.

The daughter of the famous businesswoman Indira Shagdarova, 13-year-old singer Tatyana Shagdarova, begins her musical career. Her stage name is Miralza, which means "shining", "shimmering". Most recently, her video for the song "Gerel" - "Mirror" was released.

And if art for the children of businessmen and deputies is a rather strange and complex choice in its essence, then for creative dynasties this is a matter of course.

The daughter of the famous Buryat artists Sayan and Erzhena Zhambalov - Soyzhin, followed in the footsteps of her creative parents, choosing the profession of a director, she works, among other things, in the puppet theater Ulger. The profession of a director was also chosen by Anton Baskakov's son Artem, now he works at the Youth Art Theater, founded by his father.

Veronika Maksimova, Central newspaper

“The Buddha's teaching is especially distinguished by its compassion. The need to act for the benefit of sentient beings,
regardless of our lives, is our price to pay for being Buddhists.”
Agvan Dorzhiev. "The legend of a trip around the world,
or a story about the life of Agvan Dorzhiev"

This year marks the 165th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding diplomat, cultural, political and spiritual figure Agvana Dorzhieva(1853-1938), who did much to bring Tibet with Russia.

The surviving house of Agvan Dorzhiev in the Atsagat datsan.

Agvan Dorzhiev is known in the world as a prominent Buddhist figure, mentor and adviser to the thirteenth Dalai Lama of Tibet. He had a doctorate in Buddhist philosophy (lharamba). Among his close friends were the largest Russian orientalists V. L. Kotvich, A. D. Rudnev, F. I. Shcherbatskoy, V. V. Radlov, S. F. Oldenburg, Prince E. E. Ukhtomsky, artists N. K. Roerich and V.P. Schneider.

Agvan Dorzhiev was born in 1853 in the locality of Khara-Shibir of the Khorinsky department (now the Zaigra-evsky district of Buryatia). Until the age of 18 he lived in his homeland, served as a clerk in the office of the steppe duma. But soon his life changed. In his autobiography he writes:

“At the age of 18, I went to Tibet to improve my Buddhist education… At the age of 35, having successfully passed an exam among 20,000 lamas from three large monasteries in Lhasa, I was awarded the degree of lharamba. At that time, it was required to appoint seven lharamb scholars to be under the 13th Dalai Lama (then still at the young age of 12) in his study of Buddhist philosophy and literature. Appointed from Goman Datsan, I was accepted as one of the seven scholars…”.

So Agvan Dorzhiev became one of the teachers of the XIII Dalai Lama of Tibet.

Dorzhiev was the initiator of the rapprochement between Tibet and Russia. In Tibet itself, Russia began to be regarded as a powerful protector of Tibet, having its own interests there. In the 90s. In the 19th century, the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway began, which was supposed to connect Europe with the Pacific Ocean. Sergei Witte, having become the Minister of Finance, pursued a policy of economic development of the Far East. For these purposes, the Russian-Chinese Bank was created, with Esper Ukhtomsky as its chairman.

In 1898, Agvan Dorzhiev, who left Tibet on a mission to St. Petersburg, with the assistance of Prince Ukhtomsky, achieved the first audience with Nicholas II. The questions of the audience concerned the prospects for establishing diplomatic relations, the possibilities of tilting Tibet in favor of Russia, the sending of a Russian consul to Tibet, and a direct written communication with the Dalai Lama.

December 30, 1900 Dorzhiev again meets with the king. At the same time, Dorzhiev was promised Russian protection in relation to Tibet on the condition that he open a secret consulate in Lhasa. As a result, a compromise was found: the Russian consulate in the Chinese city of Da-jiang-lu in the province of Sichuan and the Tibetan representation in St. Petersburg.
On June 21, 1901, Nicholas II received an official delegation from Tibet in Peterhof. After that, Agvan Dorzhiev remains in St. Petersburg as the official representative of the Dalai Lama. Relations between Russia and England on the Tibetan issue became tense.

"You understand that the answer to any such act of Russia will be very simple - without delay I will send an English army to Lhasa." (Lord Curzon to Indian Secretary Hamilton. May 28, 1902)

On August 4, 1904, the British corps entered Lhasa. On September 7, an Anglo-Tibetan treaty was signed there, according to which England receives privileges in trade with Tibet. An English trade mission is formed in Lhasa. The Dalai Lama, together with Agvan Dorzhiev, flees from the British to Urga, near the borders of Russia.

A month and a half before the start of the Russo-Japanese War and shortly after the invasion of Tibet by British troops, Peter Badmaev turned to Nicholas II with a note "On countering the British in Tibet." The note stated that Tibet was of great political importance. From October 1904 to September 1908, the Dalai Lama was within Mongolia, counting on Russian help, but Dorzhiev's negotiations in St. Petersburg, which the Dalai Lama so hoped for, did not lead to anything. By that time, Russia and England had made a decision, and on August 31, 1907, an Anglo-Russian agreement was signed in St. Petersburg regarding Persia, Afghanistan and Tibet. This agreement recognized Chinese suzerainty over Tibet.

Back in 1898, after meeting with Emperor Nicholas II, Agvan Dorzhiev received the highest consent for the construction of a Buddhist temple in St. Petersburg. The construction of the temple in the Russian capital began in 1909 in the Old Village, beyond the Black River.

A group of St. Petersburg Buddhists at the entrance to the temple.

Prayer hall of the Petersburg datsan.

The work was supervised by the construction committee, which included academicians V. V. Radlov and S. F. Oldenburg, Prince E. E. Ukhtomsky, architect G. V. Baranovsky and others. The St. Petersburg temple was built in full accordance with the Tibetan architectural canon. In 1913, the first service dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty was held in the church. The consecration ceremony of the temple took place in 1915, it was attended by representatives of the governments of Nicholas II, the Dalai Lama XIII, the Siamese king Rama IV and the Mongolian Bogdo Khan.

Agvan Dorjiev traveled a lot - with diplomatic missions he visited Mongolia and China, India, Ceylon, Japan, Germany, Italy, Great Britain. In the French Museum of Oriental Cultures Guimet, he held the first Buddhist worship in France.

It was attended by Innokenty Annensky, who later wrote poems about this, which were included in " Cypress Casket". And his guide in Paris was another Russian poet - Maximilian Voloshin. In his book " Interesting Notes: Description of a Journey Around the World» Aghvan Dorzhiev spoke about his eventful life.

Agvan Dorzhiev founded several datsans and schools in Kalmykia and Buryatia, opened a publishing house in St. Petersburg and a printing house in Atsagat. At the foot of the Tunkinsky bald mountains, by the will of Agvan Dorzhiev, in 1917, a Khandagaytay (Khoymorsky) Buddhist datsan.

Khoymorsky datsan.

This temple is one of the most unique Buryat religious buildings. The Khandagaytai datsan was the only representative of the reformed Buryat Buddhism who strictly followed the instructions of Agvan Dorzhiev, the main ideologist and initiator of the renovation movement in the Russian branch of this world religion.

More than 200 lamas served in the Khandagaytay datsan during its heyday. In addition to studying tsanid-choir (Buddhist philosophy), the monks and huvaraks of the Khandagatai datsan learned the Russian language, were engaged in economic affairs: they themselves sowed bread, planted potatoes, etc.

After the revolution Agvan Dorzhiev, foreseeing the future, sends nine gifted Buryat youths to Tibet to study. According to Dorzhiev's plan, these guys, having received the appropriate education and being in Tibet, were to form the backbone of personnel for the revival of Buddhism in their homeland in the future. However, at that troubled time, young people did not yet guess the main reason for their departure to Tibet. Agvan Dorzhiev ordered them not to return home to Buryatia under any circumstances. All the messengers subsequently became highly educated learned lamas.

Agvan Dorzhiev did a lot to preserve and revive the national movement of the Buryat-Mongolian people. In addition to various spiritual congresses, he also found time for scientific work - he is the author of works in the field of theology, fiction and historical literature. Dorzhiev's educational activities include the "Buryat alphabet" (1907), "Enlightening stories-tales" (1908), A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale "About the fisherman and the fish" and many others were published in the "Agvan" alphabet books. In 1929, the activities of the Buddhist Church of Transbaikalia were banned by a new anti-religious law.

Avgan Dorzhiev in old age.

In the 1930s, A. Dorzhiev lived in Leningrad at a Buddhist datsan. Troubled times came, many lamas were arrested. In 1934, Agvan Dorzhiev was arrested by the OGPU in Moscow, but was soon released. After that, Dorzhiev decides to go to his homeland - to Buryat-Mongolia. There, in 1937, at the age of 85, he was arrested and died after being tortured in a prison hospital in Ulan-Ude.

The recently published book by A. V. Tivanenko and V. I. Kolmynin “I wish the overthrow of the Soviet government” not only tells about unknown pages from the life of Agvan Dorzhiev, but also documents all the accusations against the Soviet government that were brought against Dorzhiev in 1937. The authors of this book conducted an investigation into the real Case No. 2768, on the basis of which the falsified accusation of Agvan Dorzhiev under Art. 58-1, 58-10 and others (“Anti-Soviet propaganda”, “Counter-revolutionary propaganda”), which later led to the death of an outstanding person.

Agvan Dorzhiev was a world-class figure, a talented politician and spiritual leader. Despite all the persecutions and repressions, Agvan Dorzhiev remained a true patriot of his Fatherland to the very end, to whom he devoted his whole life, knowledge and strength.

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