Abstract of a lesson on reading fiction in the senior group on the theme of the work of H.K. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

Synopsis of GCD
for older children
“Reading the poem by Yu. Moritz “House with a pipe”

introducing children to poetry through familiarization with the poem by J. Moritz "House with a pipe", through integration educational areas « Speech development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”.

Educational tasks
- Introduce the poem by Yu. Moritz "House with a pipe" to learn to establish diverse connections in the work, to penetrate the author's intention: using text visualization techniques using: illustrations, photographs; repeated reading of the text (by the educator); text conversations.
- Arouse interest in the poem and the desire to listen to it; to teach children to see behind the words the images and mood of the work
- Help to understand the content as a whole and individual difficult places and words - “chocks”, “hot”, “languished”, “firmament”, “didn’t get used to”, “flowed”;
- Help children feel the beauty and expressiveness of the poem, paying attention to means of expression: metaphors, epithets, on compositional construction works:
Part 1 - memories of life in a village house;
Part 2 - magician smoke;
Part 3 - a picture about smoke.

Development tasks:
- Develop attention, memory, perception.
- Develop interest in poetry literary genre.
- To develop dialogical speech through the formation of the ability to answer questions on the content of the work. - To form a literary taste.

Educational tasks:
Cultivate a love of poetry good relations, to awaken the emotional responsiveness of children.

Correction and speech therapy tasks:
enrich vocabulary- “chocks”, “hot”, “languished”, “firmament”, “didn’t get used to”, “flowed”;

Developing subject-spatial environment:
Demonstration material: postal box - parcel, illustration of brownie Kuzi, color illustrations depicting various houses, smoke from chimneys.

Preliminary work:
reading works of art about houses, talks about various buildings

Also an interesting lesson in fiction:

Creating Motivation:
There is a knock, a package is brought in from brownie Kuzi.
“Look what they gave us, what do you think it is?”
- This is a package from brownie Kuzi
- Do you want to know what's in the package?
- Look, Kuzya sent us his photo and a letter, read it to you?

“Dear children, I live in the village of Lapti in a small house, under a large stove. I love autumn and winter very much, when people kindle the stove, I sit on the windowsill and watch how smoke comes out of the chimneys. And I immediately remember Yunna Moritz's poem "The House with a Chimney". I would really like you to see this beauty and fantasize with me. I look forward to our meeting, your brownie Kuzya.

- Look, Kuzya sent us a photo of his house. (Showing the hut inside) The house is one-story, it has one large room, and a large stove, under which he lives. And when people leave the house, he sits at the window and listen to what he sees.

Reading a poem:
I remember, as a child, over our hut
Blue smoke flowed into the sky,
Chocks burned behind the door in the oven
And the bricks were heated with fire,

To keep our house warm
Millet porridge was languishing in the boiler!
And, singing, flew into the chimney
Smoke, warming the sky in winter.

I really liked the smoke magician,
He entertained me with his appearance,
He turned into a dragon, into a horse,
He made me worry!

Could he build over our pipe
Any kingdom and any city,
Any monster could win
So as not to get into the habit of harming people!

It's a pity that this smoke is blue
I went to a fairy tale with a pipe!
To visit him now
I need to draw a picture:

House with a pipe, house with a pipe,
Blue smoke is pouring into the sky!

- What is this poem about?
- Guys, did you hear new unfamiliar words in the poem?
Chocks blazed - short piece of wood
Behind the oven door
And heated up fire - get very hot
To hold on
Our house is warm
Millet porridge
languished in the cauldron! — Cooked porridge was waiting, it was ready.
And singing
flew to chimney - a channel for the exit of smoke from the furnace, firebox into the chimney
Smoke warming up
in winter firmament. - open sky in the form of a dome
Every monster
I could win
So that did not get into the habit - did not want to
Harm people!
House with a pipe
House with a pipe
Into the sky flowing - to flow out in a small stream
Blue smoke!

- It turns out that Kuzya also sent us photographs depicting smoking chimneys. See what interesting smokes. See what these smokes look like?

Physical minute:
- Stand up, now we will play the game “Wind Worries”, and when the wind worries, the smoke takes on various forms. You will be smoke today.
“- The wind worries once, the wind worries two, the wind worries three. Magic smoke, freeze on the spot.
- Look at the magical smoke we have, this one looks like ..., (2 times)

Rereading the poem:
- Let's read Yunna Moritz's poem "The House with a Chimney" again (I read)
- What does Kuzya see from the window? (children's answers)
- And what happened in the house when the stove was heated? (Children's answers)
- What is the name of the smoke in Yunna Moritz's poem? (magician)
- And why was it called that? (children's answers)
- With what mood does Kuzya remember this?
Did you notice that there is some kind of request in the poem? (draw)
- Look, in our package, there are also houses with a chimney, let each of you come up with your own unusual smoke and draw it.

Smoke drawing:
Children go to the tables and draw smoke, then the work is hung on the board.
- I will remove the Cousins ​​of smoke, and we will hang yours and look at them, I will read Yunna Moritz's poem "The House with a Chimney" again, and you listen.

Reading the poem for the third time:
What is the name of the poem you were listening to? (children's answers)
- Tell me, who wrote the poem "House with a pipe"? (children's answers)
How do you think our drawings fit the poem? (children's answers) Of course, because each of you made a very unusual and magical smoke.
- Let's send our drawings to Kuza, let him also look and dream up.

We remove the drawings in the parcel, close it and glue the return address.
- In the evening, you show your drawings to your parents, tell them what magic poem we listened, and then we will pack the drawings in a parcel and send them to Kuze.

Title: Compendium of GCD on fiction for children of the senior group "Reading the poem by Yu. Moritz" House with a pipe "
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, fiction, Senior group

Position: educator
Place of employment: MKDOU of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten No. 36 of the combined type" Search "
Location: Novosibirsk

Program content:

  • Teaching children to pass artistic text consistently and accurately, without gaps and repetitions. Activate the selection of comparisons and definitions, synonyms and antonyms for given words.
  • To fix the ways of forming degrees of comparison of adjectives.
  • Improve the ability to find words with a given sound and determine its place in a word.
  • Develop memory, logical thinking. Cultivate interest in natural phenomena.

1 part:

Let's all stand in a circle, gather all our knowledge and strength and tune in to the lesson.

We are calm, we are calm
We always speak beautifully
Clear and unhurried
We remember for sure

What was taught in class. (sit in a semicircle)

(pictures depicting 4 seasons on the board)

Can you tell me what is in the pictures? (winter summer autumn Spring)

How can you say this in one word? (seasons).

And now let's pick up words suitable for each season:

What is winter? (cold, snowy, white, long)

What is spring? (green, fresh, blooming, cheerful)

What summer? (hot, beautiful, sunny)

What is autumn? (golden, rainy, boring, rich)

2 part. short biography writer.

And now I will read you a story about the boy Mitya, how he behaved in different time of the year. The story is called "Four Wishes" . The story was written by Konstantin Ushinsky.

You listen carefully and remember what the boy was doing.



  1. What is this story about?
  2. Why did Mitya like winter?
  3. What did he like in spring?
  4. What did Mitya remember in the summer?
  5. What words did the boy say about autumn?
  6. Why is the story called "Four wishes?"

(physical education minute)

And now I will read the story to you again. Then you will tell. Listen carefully and remember.


Now who wants to retell? (summon 4 children)

You agree among yourselves who will talk about what time of the year.

(children's stories).

And now someone alone will retell the story in its entirety.

Well done, children, they told in great detail.

3. -Guys, each new season seemed better to the boy than the previous one. It was good in summer, but even better in autumn. Let's compare:

Spring is warm - what about summer? (warmer, warmer)

The grass is green - and after the rain? (greener, more green.)

It's cold in autumn - what about in winter? (colder, colder)

The birch is high - and the spruce? (higher, higher.)

The tiger is strong - but the elephant? (stronger, stronger.)

Strawberries are sweet - what about raspberries? (sweeter, more sweet.)

Cotton wool is soft - what about fluff? (softer, softer.)

The road is narrow - and the path? (already, narrower.)

The river is deep - but the sea? (deeper, deeper)

The boy is tall - and his brother? (higher, higher.)

4. -Guys, today there is a sale in our store, everyone can choose the thing they like, but the sound should be heard in the name of the thing "to" .

  • all chosen? And now we will sort the goods if the sound "to" is heard in the title at the beginning of the word, you need to put the product in the first basket
  • if the sound "to" heard in the middle - in the second basket

If the sound is heard at the end, then to the third basket.

5. - And now let's remember the proverbs: I'm starting, and you tell me the words in the proverbs that are opposite in meaning.

March ends winter, spring (starts).

The brave will find where the timid is (will lose).

Know more - know less (talk).

A thing is good when new, and a friend when (old).

In a smart conversation you will gain your mind, in a stupid one - your own (you lose).

A person gets sick from laziness, but from work (getting healthy).

Knew how to make mistakes, know how and (get better).

The rain will soak, and the sun (dries up).

One loses, the other (finds).

First you light the light, and when you leave (repay).

3 part. Our lesson has come to an end.

Tell me, children, what have you learned today?

What time of year is the best?

That's right, you answered very well today, retelling the story. I am very satisfied with you. Thank you all.

MOBU "SOSH with. Malinovo JV Kindergarten
Educator: Golozubova O. M.
Reading Lesson Summary fiction in preparatory group"FROM. Alekseev "The first night ram"
S. Alekseev "The First Night Ram" (dedicated to the Great Patriotic War)
Objectives: to learn to distinguish main idea story; develop coherent speech of children; the ability to answer questions with a full answer; continue to work on enriching the vocabulary of children; continue to improve the dialogic and monologue forms of speech; develop attention, thinking and memory; to cultivate respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, for the memory of the fallen soldiers.
Purpose: to deepen children's knowledge of the Great Patriotic War.
Material and equipment: portrait of S. Alekseev, portrait of V. Talalikhin, illustrations.
Preliminary work: looking at pictures and illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, reading poems and stories about the war, talking with children about the war, about the Great Victory Day.
Dictionary work: ram, fascist, bomber, searchlight, enemy, ace, awards, trigger, motor, Talalikhin. Integration of educational areas: "Speech development", "Cognitive", "Physical development".
Lesson progress:
1. Organizational moment:
Greetings. Statement of the name of the area by the educator.
2. Motivation.
a) Reading the poem by the teacher.
How many of those heroes
Whose names are unknown.
I took them with me forever
In your own land, unknown, war.
b) Conversation on the topic:
V. - Every year on May 9, our people celebrate one of the brightest and at the same time mournful holidays. What holiday is it?
D. - Victory Day.
Q. -What is war?
D. - This is grief, tears, suffering, devastation, hunger ...
Q. Why do wars happen?
D. - Some want to gain power over others; see their superiority; do not respect people; they do not know how to agree, to give in, to find the right solution.
Q. - Over whom did our people win in this war?
D. - Over the Nazis.
Q. - Who stood up for the Defense of the Motherland?
D. - Men and women, old people and children
Q. - What do you think the children of the war dreamed about?
D. -About a peaceful sky, about living parents, about books and toys, about a piece of bread, ...
Q. – How did our people show themselves in this war?
D. - Friendly, close-knit, courageous, courageous, persistent ...
Q. Why did we win?
D. -Our people were friendly.
Q. - Who is a soldier?
D. - The one who defends his country from enemies
Q. -What should a soldier be like?
D. - Courageous, brave, strong, persistent
Q. - On what topic will we read the story?
D. The story of the war.
V. - Correct. We will get acquainted with the story "The First Night Ram", which was written by the author Sergei Petrovich Alekseev.
3. Physical minute:
Exercise "Listen to the command"
Q. - What do you think, are you brave, persistent children?
D. - Yes
V. - And now we will check it with you.
V. - Real soldiers must be able to carry out all the commands of the commander. On the command “fire” - you clap your hands, on the command to reconnaissance - look “through binoculars” (make rings from your fingers and put them on your eyes, on the command “to the parade” - march in place, on the command “enemies” - put your finger to your mouth, say “ts.” Remember that in the Army, soldiers follow commands quickly and accurately. Everyone is ready to listen to my command.
D. - Yes
V. - Be careful.
4. Work on the topic of the lesson:
a) Reading the story of S. Alekseev "The first night ram"
V. -Now I will read you a story about a brave pilot, written by Sergey Petrovich Alekseev (showing a portrait).
b) Answers to the teacher's questions.
Q. - What are spotlights?
D. - A device that shines very brightly.
Q. - Who is a fascist?
D. - Enemy.
Q. -What is a fascist bomber?
D. -Enemy aircraft carrying bombs.
Q. - How did you understand what a trigger is?
D. - Lever, machine-gun button.
V. -Who can explain the word ram.
D. -When the plane is moving towards another plane.
Q. -What is a board? And overboard?
D. - This is the wall of the aircraft; outside the aircraft.
Q. -What is a reward?
D. - These are medals, certificates, orders ...
Q. -Tell me, what genre does "The First Night Ram" belong to?
D. - Story.
Q. - What is the name of the writer who wrote the story "The First Night Ram"?
D. - Alekseev Sergey Petrovich.
Q. -What was the name of the main character of the story?
D. -Victor Talalikhin.
Q. - What did observers find in the sky?
D. - A Nazi bomber approaching Moscow.
Q. - What time of day did this happen?
D. -On a quiet moonlit night.
Q. - What order did Viktor Talalikhin receive?
D. - Destroy the enemy.
Q. - What is the title of Viktor Talalikhin?
D. - Junior lieutenant.
Q. - How did the Soviet pilot shoot down the fascist plane?
D. - The Soviet pilot went to ram.
Q. - Tell me, do children, as a people, remember and honor those who defended our Motherland?
D. - Books, pictures are written about heroes; compose poems, erect monuments throughout the country.
5. Development of speech and mental activity.
I will name the beginning of the proverb, and you will continue the ending.
V. - There is nothing more beautiful,
D. - than our Motherland.
V. -Live -
D. - to serve the motherland.
V. - Motherland - mother,
D. - Do not be sorry for your mother and give your life.
V. - Motherland - mother,
D. - know how to stand up for her.
V. -Courage
D. takes the city.
V. - Who will come to us with a sword,
D. - he will die from the sword.
B. - It's hard to study -
D. - easy in battle.
V. -Brave - the enemy
D. - won't take it.
V. - In the banner of your honor,
D. - in arms - glory.
Q. - What do you think should be done so that there is no war?
D. - It is necessary that all peoples live in harmony and friendship.
3) The result of the lesson:
Q. -What was the name of the story that we were reading?
D. - The first night ram
Q. -Who wrote this story?
D. - Sergey Petrovich Alekseev.
Q. - Name the pilot?
D. - Viktor Talalikhin.
Q. - What feat did he accomplish?
D (answers of pupils) 4) Reflection "Stars"
Now let's decorate the sky for our pilot.
If you learned something new in class, then attach a yellow star.
If you have not learned anything new, then attach a red star.
Retell the story to your parents.

Attached files

Teacher Demidenko N.A.
Synopsis of an open lesson on reading fiction. Reading the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Abstract of the openclasses on familiarization with fiction and speech development :

Reading Ukrainian folkfairy tales « Spikelet »

Target :

1. Introduce children to the content of the Ukrainian folkfairy tales « Spikelet » .

2. Teach children to evaluate the actions of characters.

3. Teach children to dramatize individual episodesfairy tales .

4. Consolidate knowledge of genre features with childrenfairy tales .

5. Form the ability to create psychological portraits heroes in certain situations.

6. To educate children in diligence and respect for other people's work on the example of the actions of the heroes of the listened work.

7. Develop attention, memory, speech.

Equipment :

1. Textfairy tales « Spikelet » .

2. Illustrations forfairy tale .

3. Masks of mice and a cockerel.

4. Drawer"touch" , slices of rye and wheat bread.

5. "Magic boxes"(in which there is org. glass and sand)

Preliminary work :

1. Reading followed bydiscussion :

V. Palchinskaite"Bread" ,

germanstory "Pot of porridge" .

2. Modeling from salt dough- bagels, pies, buns.

Lesson progress :

caregiver : Listen, little people,

Let's get together!

Hurry up in the circle

And repeat after me!

Good day to all kind people!

We are glad to see you, we love you!

We love people very much.

Both big and small!

Children, together with an adult, repeat the second quatrain.

The game"The Fourth Extra" .

B - l : -Guys, I have pictures on the board, name the extra one.

*tomato, cucumber, sour cream, onion;

* pear, apple, orange, cottage cheese;

*currant, sausage, gooseberry, raspberry;

*plate, saucepan, pie, frying pan.

Children name an extra item and explain why it is superfluous.

In le : Listenthe words : sour cream, pie, sausage, cottage cheese. What's this?(Products) .

What are sour cream and cottage cheese made from?(from milk) .

What is sausage made from?(From meat) .

What are pies made of?(Out of flour) .

What is flour made from?(from grains, spikelets ) .

Let's show you how to growspikelets .

Exercise for the development of coordination of movements« Spikelets »

B - l : - Guys, which of you knows whatspikelet ?

- Spikelet is an inflorescence , in which the fruit is located - a grain, and the stalk -

this is straw.(Teacher shows spikelet )

Now stand near your chairs and let's show you how to grow

spikelets .

An exercise« Spikelets » .

In the spring, the field was plowed, the children make sliding movements of the palms of each other.


The field was sown with grain. Touch the fingers of one hand to the palm of the other and take

put your hand to the side ("sow" ).

The sun is hot, they cross their palms, spreading their fingers, and raise

arms ("sun" ).

Warms the earth. They lower their hands, making springy movements with their palms,

open to the floor.

rose highspikelets , Bend your arms at the elbows, turn your palms towards each other

They reach for the sun. and slowly raise their hands.

The wind is blowing, They shake their hands over their heads.

Spikelets shakes .

Crouched to the right, Tilt the body and arms to the right, to the left.

Swinged to the left.

And as it rains, Slowly lower their hands, quickly moving their fingers.

Rye drinks water and drinks. Fold your palms in a cup and bring to your mouth(drink) .

What a field! Raise your hands, fingers apart.

What a beauty! Shake hands above head.

B - l : - Well done, sit on the chairs.

We have found out that flour is obtained from grains, and what is baked from flour?

That's right, not only various pies are baked from flour, but also bread ..

B - l : - Guys, guessriddle :

scarlet scallop,

Ruffled caftan,

double beard,

Important walk.

Gets up first

What is this riddle about? What kindfairy tales you know about cockerel ? ( "The Cockerel and the Beanstalk" , "Zayushkina's hut" , "Cockerel - golden comb" etc).

Why is thisfairy tales ?

That's right, thisfairy tales , because everything can happen in them, these are extraordinary stories in which both animals and objects can talk.

Now I will read to youfairy tale « Spikelet » written by the Ukrainian people.

In the text you will meet strangersthe words : thresh, mill, grind. Maybe one of you knows what they mean.

To thresh means to beat the grains out ofspikelet with a flail .

A mill is a building where flour is ground from grains.

Grinding is grinding grains into flour.

The teacher reads the textfairy tales .

The teacher asks questions about the textfairy tales :

What did the rooster find?

What did the mice propose to do?

Who threshedspikelet ?

What did the mice propose to do with the grain?

Who did it?

What other work did the cockerel do? (Children list in order everything that the cockerel did. The teacher lays out illustrations forfairy tale ).

What were Krut and Vert doing at that time?

Who was the first to sit at the table when the pies were ready?

Why didn't the cockerel take pity on the mice when they left the table?

How would you portray the mice when they found out that the cockerel would not treat them to pies. That's right, they were embarrassed.

Pantomimic studies"Shame" , "Fatigue" , "Hunger" .

(Children imagine that they are mice and theyashamed : head down, eyes closed, hands down.)

Now let's portray a cockerel who is tired of work (they wipe their forehead from sweat, their head is lowered to one side, their shoulders are lowered, their knees are bent).

Now show the mice who want pies (children inhale the smell of delicious pies, lick their lips, make circular motion hands on stomach).

Now let's show how pies are baked.

finger game"Pie" .

We asked our stove : children put their hands"shelf" and shake them.

What are we going to bake today? Stretch your arms forward.

We asked the stove, turn the palms up and down.

The dough was kneaded. Wrinkle hips with hands.

The dough is rolled out with a rolling pin. They stroke their legs with their palms.

Rolled out - not tired.

Stuffed with cottage cheese"Baking pies" (then one hand on top, then the other) .

And they called it a pie!

Come on, stove, stretch your arms forward, palms up(2 times) .

Give the cottager a place! Clap your hands(4 times) .

B - l : Listen, I will read you one more passage fromfairy tales . Just listen carefully, then you will stage it.

The teacher reads the last dialogue withwords : "Pies are baked..."

Dramatization of the passagefairy tales by children .

From whatfairy tale did you meet today? That's right, from the Ukrainian folkfairy tale « Spikelet » .

B - l : Which herofairy tales would you like to be like? Who are you indid not like the story ? Why?

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