The highest Russian actress. The tallest actors in the world

The star of the TV series "Barvikha" and the film "Unreal Love" because of her rather big growth said goodbye to the dream of ballet. But already at the age of 12, Ravshana tried herself as an actress. Now behind her more than forty roles in movies and TV shows.

Maria Shukshina, 180 cm

Actress and TV presenter Maria Shukshina is taller than her famous parents. By the way, the son, 20-year-old Makar Kasatkin, significantly overtook her in growth. As Maria admits, as a teenager she was worried about her height, but in the tenth grade she realized that she was popular with her classmates - and the complexes disappeared.

Olga Kabo, 180 cm

Olga Kabo tries to be on top of everything. She is the only Russian stunt actress, a member of the Russian Stunt Association. Together with actor Vladimir Steklov, she was trained for the flight to the Mir station. The experiment failed due to the pregnancy of the actress, but Olga still dreams of space. Her husband is also tall, and together they look harmonious.

Nicole Kidman, 180 cm

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Already at the age of 13, Nicole's height reached 179 cm. At the same time, the actress looks elegant thanks to her beautiful figure: her parameters are close to the canonical 90–60–90, and her weight is only 55–57 kg. They say that Kidman's height was the cause of the complexes of her first husband, Tom Cruise, who is 10 cm lower. Kidman's current husband, singer Kate Urban, is not shy about Nicole's height and does not even mind if she wears high heels.

Uma Thurman, 181 cm

Uma Thurman and Thierry Fremaux

According to various sources, Uma's height is from 180 to 183 cm.! True, the latter became one of the trump cards in her career for the actress. As you know, Quentin Tarantino is a real fan of beautiful bare feet, and he took pictures of Uma's legs more than once (" Crime novel", "Kill Bill").

Gina Davis, 183 cm

Gina Davis with her husband

Young Geena Davis growth helped in her career. She made her film debut with Sydney Pollack: for the role in the comedy Tootsie, he was looking for an actress who would be significantly taller than Dustin Hoffman. By the way, a woman is outstanding not only in height, but also intellect: Gina Davis is a member of the Mensa club, which consists of people with high IQ.

Sigourney Weaver, 182 cm

Screenwriter Juan Antonio Baiona and Sigourney Weaver

One of the tallest actresses in Hollywood admitted that she lost a lot of roles because of her growth - producers and potential partners in film set were much lower than Sigourney. “Once I offered to draw shoes instead of feet to get a role - after all, I seemed 10 cm shorter,” she said in an interview.

Bridget Nielsen, 185 cm

Bridget Nielsen with her husband

Action star of the 80s and ex-wife Sylvester Stallone started out as a model, which is not surprising given her height. Later, she continued her career as a TV presenter. Bridget is currently in maternity leave: The 54-year-old actress gave birth to a daughter on June 24 this year.

Maria Sharapova, 188 cm

One of the most beautiful athletes in the world, Maria Sharapova could well play basketball, but at the age of 4, her parents gave Masha to tennis - and they did not fail. The girl was repeatedly offered to do modeling business, but sport has always been in the first place for her. By the way, Maria always chose tall boyfriends for herself: she met with basketball player Sasha Vuyachich and tennis player Gregor Dimitrov.

Gwendolyn Christie, 191 cm

Gwendolyn Christie and Giles Deacon

The British actress, perhaps, can claim the title of the tallest woman in Hollywood. Her heroines are very belligerent: Commander Lime in The Hunger Games, Captain Phasma in star wars and, of course, Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones. For a long time, filmmakers did not offer roles to this hero, but now she is just like hot cakes: only this year four films with her participation are released.

They could attract attention only with their height, but life has decreed that these people are also famous. WomanHit found out whether growth helps their careers or only hinders them.

Maria Sharapova
1 meter 88 centimeters

Growth, which is also great for the modeling business, allows Maria to realize herself in different directions. Of course, it is difficult to overshadow her sporting achievements, but it was her appearance that made the tennis player both an advertising star and a girl from the podium. With a height of 188 centimeters, Maria weighs no more than 60 kilograms. At the same time, Sharapova also has a sweet tooth. The only thing the famous Russian woman limits herself to is in the choice of shoes. "AT ordinary life I rarely wear stilettos. I’m already very tall, ”Masha once admitted.

Catherine Barnabas
1 meter 81 centimeters

Participant comedy woman initially saw myself as a star ballroom dancing. But in training, she injured her back, and she had to say goodbye to her dancing career. But a television career took place, and it must be admitted that for a girl of this height a sense of humor - useful quality. According to rumors, it started with jokes. Once, during dinner, Khrustalev said just that: “Did you finally understand that I was driving up to you?” To which Katya replied: “You are small in stature to roll up to me.” But Dmitry was not taken aback: “And they didn’t see such high ones!” retorted a colleague. And although in the end Katya and Dmitry broke up, many believe that it was a very beautiful couple.

Alexander Astafiev

Olesya Zheleznyak
1 meter 80 centimeters

Already at school, Olesya Zheleznyak was the tallest girl in the class, so she often sat on the last desk with losers and hooligans. “But the first beauties went in girlfriends. I successfully set off their charms, ”Olesya jokes. By the time of graduation, Zheleznyak's height was 180 centimeters, and it was a sin not to use such unusual data. Acting talent, combined with a non-standard appearance and high growth, allowed Olesya to play in many comedy films. The appearance of the actress attracted her future husband, actor Spartak Sumchenko. “Olesya seemed like a creature from another planet, an alien - I did not understand either her appearance or character,” the artist once admitted.

Lilia Sharlovskaya

Dmitry Guberniev
2 meters

With such growth, Dmitry's weight is 104 kilograms, which, of course, makes his sports comments very significant. At one time, Guberniev was not engaged in basketball at all, as fans mistakenly believe, but in rowing. In everyday life, high growth does not interfere with Dmitry. But professionally it doesn't always help. At one time, the TV presenter was forced to get into the T-80 tank when he was doing a program about tank biathlon. “True, I had to sit bent over in three deaths! But I drove 20 kilometers! ”, The commentator recalls.

Lilia Sharlovskaya

Philip Kirkorov
2 meters 2 centimeters

“Two meters of beauty” - this is how the artist sometimes jokes to himself. Some time ago, there was a rumor about Philip that the pop star was suffering from a disease, because of which he could not stop growing. But since then, Philip has not grown a centimeter, which probably upset the gossips. Choosing clothes for a person taller than two meters can turn into a long procedure, but Philip does not complain. On the contrary, it tries to get rid of huge amount of things. At some point, Philip decided to sell designer items, many of which he never even wore. The demand for things, however, turned out to be small, which is not surprising: after all, Philip's clothes are not only exotic, but also clearly for growth.

Lilia Sharlovskaya

Nikolai Valuev
2 meters 13 centimeters

It was not in vain that Nikolai's fans awarded him such nicknames as the Russian Giant and Kolya the Sledgehammer. Nikolai is one of those who is unlikely to ever succeed in blending into the crowd. But the problems of the athlete, the actor and the deputy are also rather big. For example, Nikolai's shoe size is 51st. And this means that everything - from classic boots to slippers - he has to sew to order. It is not easy for Nicholas to move around the world. It is possible that air seats in business class cabins will be able to accommodate him, but hotel beds are not always designed for people of this height. Valuev's wife barely reaches her husband's shoulder. At the same time, Galina claims that she loves every centimeter of her chosen one.

They say that tall stature adorns a man. Nature obviously did not stint on the decorations of the heroes of our rating.

Nikolai Valuev

Nikolai Valuev - 2 meters 13 centimeters

Perhaps the Russian boxer Nikolai Valuev is not the most tall man on earth, but the fact that he is the tallest among the stars is an indisputable fact, for which he is awarded such "affectionate" nicknames as "Russian giant" or "Kolya-sledgehammer". Valuev has always been high: in kindergarten he surpassed his classmates by a whole head, and at school he played in the basketball team (he became the champion of Russia among youths younger age) and was engaged in athletics - discus throwing. Now, when the growth of an athlete has surpassed all, even the most daring, his expectations, he has problems from time to time. Since not all hotels have beds on which the champion could sleep, the administration has to look for the necessary one in the surrounding hotels, and then transport it to his room. The boxer has to sew shoes of size 51 (!) to order, and recently it turned out that the championship belt ... became small for his figure, and a new one was made especially for Valuev.

It is interesting that the wife of Nikolai Galina, in full accordance with the statement that big men love miniature women, barely reaches her husband's shoulder. Which does not prevent her from declaring that she loves every inch of her husband.

Mikhail Prokhorov

Mikhail Prokhorov - 2 meters 4 centimeters

Yielding the palm to Nikolai Valuev, the Russian billionaire and politician Mikhail Prokhorov, nevertheless, remains one of not only among the stars, but also among the population of the Earth in general - his height is 2 meters 4 centimeters. No wonder during the presidential elections in Russia, in which Prokhorov ran for his candidacy and unexpectedly for everyone - and for himself too! - took third place after Putin and Zyuganov, his confidants, Alla Pugacheva and Andrei Makarevich, dedicated the song of Vladimir Vysotsky "Giraffe big, he knows better" to him.

Vitaliy Klichko

Vitaliy Klichko - 2 meters

Vitali Klitschko also complains about his height, which in Everyday life gives him a lot of inconvenience: he, like Valuev, needs big beds and cars, otherwise he simply does not fit there. But in the ring he gets an advantage over his rivals - there is simply no equal to Vitaly.

Vladimir Klichko

Vladimir Klichko - meter 98 centimeters

But, whom nature did not offend with growth either (he is only two centimeters inferior to his older brother), does not consider him an advantage - Vladimir assures that it is difficult for him to box with a short opponent and, moreover, to knock him out. Like Valuev, Vladimir likes petite women: his recent girlfriend, actress Hayden Panettiere, was 43 centimeters shorter than her boyfriend.

Christopher Lee

Christopher Lee - meter 96 centimeters

English film actor Christopher Lee height helped to play representatives evil spirits- in particular, Count Dracula - on account of Lee 69 (!) Horror films. Apparently, in the performance of the actor "that's such a height," vampires and ghouls became even more terrible. In total, Lee has 290 films on his account, he is even listed in the Guinness Book of Records as an actor whose name is indicated in the credits. most films. But at the beginning acting career Lee's affairs were far from being so blissful: the directors willingly took him into their films, but they gave him only supporting roles - he was head and shoulders above the leading actors.

Vince Vaughn

Vince Vaughn - meter 96 centimeters

Unbelievable, but true: the palm in terms of growth does not belong to Hollywood - its representative, actor Vince Vaughn, with a height of 196 centimeters, is only sixth in our rating. Perhaps Vaughn could have grown more, but a back injury prevented him, which future star received at the age of seventeen. Execution characteristic roles high growth is not a hindrance, rather the opposite - it gives them piquancy.

Philip Kirkorov

Philip Kirkorov - meter 95 centimeters

The highest star of show business - of course,. On stage, he looks like a king, but in everyday life, in his own words, would like to be a little lower. It turns out that the singer's extravagant clothes - rhinestones, feathers, sequins and fringe - are due precisely to his high growth. “Western couturiers,” complains Philip Bedrosovich, “are counting on people of average height, so it’s very difficult for me to pick up something decent.” For the same reason, Kirkorov is forced to ride in a limousine - he simply does not fit in other cars.

Clint Eastwood

Clint Eastwood - meter 93 centimeters

The height of the 82-year-old Hollywood star, commander of the Legion of Honor, two-time Oscar winner, actor and director Clint Eastwood is 193 centimeters. Unlike Lee and Vaughn, Eastwood, despite his height, has always played and plays exclusively goodies westerns. Due to growth in his youth, Eastwood looked older than his years, and due to his attractiveness he was popular with girls, which allowed him to lose his innocence at the age of 14. However, he gets along well with the female sex even now: his current wife, in the past - a television journalist, Dina Ruiz is 35 years younger than Eastwood.

Alexander Marshal

Alexander Marshal - meter 93 centimeters

A real Russian hero - or marshal - can also be called the singer Alexander Marshal, whose height is 193 centimeters. Mine stage name- Marshal - Alexander Minkov (this is real name singer) justifies one hundred percent: tall, slender (even despite the dialed in recent times kilograms), oblique fathom in the shoulders. They say that in life he is even more than on the screen. The only detail that spoils the overall pleasant impression is that Alexander smokes thin women's cigarettes at the same time, and even complains: "I just can't quit."

Sergey Zverev - meter 87 centimeters

The star, constantly in shock, was endowed by nature with far from small - 187 centimeters - growth, but Sergey also increases it with shoes and boots on 20-centimeter platforms, which raises him to the level - or even higher - of Philip Kirkorov. Well, taking into account the thinness and grace inherent in Zverev, he makes a truly breathtaking impression. However, this applies not only to growth, but also to the style of the star, that's really true - you rarely see this!

Taisiya Kondratieva

17.12.2018 |

There are many actors and actresses in Russian cinema tall. The parameters that sometimes gave them problems in childhood helped them achieve some success on the set and become famous personalities.

Dmitry Dyuzhev: 195 cm

Dmitry Dyuzhev

His high growth in his youth added to his attractiveness, which was in harmony with his good-natured disposition. According to the memoirs of the actor, this allowed him to get the role of Cosmos in the cult series "Brigade", where he noticeably towered over the short Sergei Bezrukov.

Ivan Urgant: 195 cm

Ivan Urgant

One of the tallest actors is pleased with his height and is always ready to joke about this topic. Once he refused to shoot in the film "Midshipmen", stating that his tall stature and non-standard appearance are unlikely to fit into the parameters of a historical picture.

Viktor Loginov: 195 cm

Victor Loginov

Victor kept warm memories of his childhood and youth, which took place in Yekaterinburg. High growth never gave him any inconvenience, and years later he was even immortalized: in hometown actor, a monument 220 cm high was erected to Gene Bukin, the hero of Loginov on the comedy series.

Evgeny Sidikhin: 192 cm

Evgeny Sidikhin

Remembering his youth, the actor certainly talks about folding beds and a small communal apartment of 20 meters, where the Sidikhins family lived. He barely fit in a standard bed, so he often did not get enough sleep and dreamed of a comfortable bed.

Maxim Averin: 192 cm

Maxim Averin

Already a 6-year-old child, Maxim appeared on the silver screen, performing his first role. He was noticeably taller than his peers, but this did not prevent the development of his acting career. Averin often plays the main roles and looks great in the frame.

Stanislav Duzhnikov: 192 cm

Stanislav Duzhnikov

Stanislav is sincerely pleased with his growth. According to Duzhnikov, he has difficulties only in everyday life: it is very difficult to drive a small car because of his height, so he has to choose large cars.

Grigory Antipenko: 191 cm

Grigory Antipenko

Beautiful facial features and charm give charm to a tall actor who is very popular with female representatives. It is not surprising that his heroes are often romantics with a languid look.

Oleg Maslennikov: 190 cm

Oleg Maslennikov

FROM early years the future actor was engaged different types sports. First water polo, then martial arts. In his youth, Maslennikov became the best basketball player at school, but he preferred to work on the set over his sports career.

Stanislav Sadalsky: 190 cm

Stanislav Sadalsky

From childhood, the actor was head and shoulders above other boys, but he always knew how to present himself correctly. The actor's piggy bank contains more than a hundred roles in theater and cinema, each of which is distinguished by real skill.

Denis Kosyakov: 190 cm

Denis Kosyakov

The list of tall male actors is supplemented by the former captain of the KVN team Denis Kosyakov. young actor often invited to lead roles in films, and in 2016 he became a producer of a comedy series.

Alexey Makarov: 190 cm

Alexey Makarov

Makarov is considered one of the most attractive actors playing the roles of courageous and romantic heroes. Alexey has excellent proportions and tries to keep his body in shape.

Alexey Kortnev: 190 cm

Alexey Kortnev

Kortnev grew up in a sports family, and therefore from childhood he was fond of mountaineering and volleyball, in the past he was a champion in the ball game. However, Alexei chose a creative career and excelled in film and music.

Egor Beroev: 189 cm

Egor Beroev

Olesya Zheleznyak: 180 cm

Olesya Zheleznyak

The actress was head and shoulders above all her classmates, but thanks to good feeling humor, excessive "height" did not create complexes for her. In future unusual appearance helped Olesya get the main roles in comedy films and become a successful actress.

Olga Kabo: 180 cm

Olga Kabo

The famous actress Olga Kabo is an example of what tall women in demand for theater stage and in cinema. FROM young years the girl played in the theater, where most often she was offered only the main roles, thanks to her bright appearance.

Maria Shukshina: 180 cm

Maria Shukshina

One of the most beautiful actresses was catastrophically dissatisfied with her appearance in school years. Over time, Maria learned to love herself and fully focused on her career.

Svetlana Khodchenkova: 180 cm

Svetlana Hodchenkova

The family of the actress lived in poverty, which Svetlana was very shy about. She worked as a janitor and cleaner to help her mother, who raised her on her own. The modeling school helped to overcome self-doubt, and the career of the actress perfectly consolidated this result. .

Ravshana Kurkova: 179 cm

Lyudmila Chursina: 177 cm

Ludmila Chursina

According to the actress, as a child, she was more like a boy - she was the tallest in the class and constantly bullied everyone. However, she soon turned into a slender beauty, entered the theater school and dedicated her life to art.

Julia Menshova: 177 cm

Julia Menshova

From an early age, Menshova performed in public, and her attractive appearance always aroused audience interest and sympathy. She dreamed of becoming a journalist, but by chance she got into the faculty of the Moscow Art Theater School. Today she combines acting in the theater with work on television.

Tatyana Vasilyeva: 176 cm

Tatyana Vasilyeva

The actress recalls that as a child she dreamed of being 162 cm tall and was worried about her appearance, which was noticeably different from others. Fortunately, the children's complex did not prevent her from becoming an honored artist of the country.

Julia Vysotskaya: 174 cm

Julia Vysotskaya

The actress and TV presenter has an attractive appearance, but always watches her figure. Vysotskaya tries to adhere proper nutrition so that the weight matches the parameters of her height.

"Extra" centimeters do not at all interfere with tall actors in their creative career. The main thing is to correctly use the advantage provided by nature, and then in the frame the viewer will see an inimitable image performed by a real master.

Photo: Instagram,,

What is a source of pride for a man may well become death for a woman. Or, at the very least, a reason to be upset. For example, growth. tall men they call handsome men, and women are called tall and tall, and these are still the most harmless nicknames. Of course, with the advent of fashion for tall models, a girl whose height knocks out beyond the average can find a place for herself on the podium. But in life, she will still feel, to put it mildly, uncomfortable.

Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova - meter 87 centimeters

The highest of all modern stars is a Russian tennis player - up to two meters she lacks only 13 centimeters. Maria admits that growth gives her certain inconveniences. And if she is already used to the astonished exclamations of people meeting her for the first time: “Wow, how tall you are!”, then she always has problems with buying clothes. The hardest thing for Maria is to find jeans of the right size, it turns out that they are simply not sewn on legs of this length. But Sharapova does not worry about this, on the contrary, she likes to emphasize her height with high heels.

Bridget Nielsen

Bridget Nielsen - meter 85 centimeters

But Brigitte Nielsen, or, as she is also called, "red Sonya", whose clothing issue is not so acute (it seems that most time, a beauty with appetizing forms prefers to do without it), experiences certain difficulties in choosing men. More precisely, she finds them easily (48-year-old Bridget was married five times), but all her spouses next to her looked, to put it mildly, undersized. And for a real man - such as, for example, Sylvester Stallone - it is difficult to come to terms with this fact. But Bridget, who calls her ex-husbands weaklings, it seems, finally managed to find the man of their dreams - with the Italian Mattia Dessi, who is sixteen years younger than the actress, they live in perfect harmony. Another reason for pride is the fact that her name was entered into the Guinness Book of Records - Bridget got there as the highest performer leading role.

Uma Thurman

Uma Thurman - meter 83 centimeters

Favorite actress Quentin Tarantino, contrary to popular belief, is not the tallest among the stars, her height is 83 centimeters, and her legs are 8 centimeters long. Interestingly, to her current height - more precisely, up to 180 centimeters - she grew up at the age of twelve, which did not contribute to her popularity among her classmates, who unanimously teased the girl with a tower. Now that Thurman has reached sky-high movie heights, many of them most likely regret it, but they can't do anything about it. Uma is still superior in growth to those who are nearby. So, at last year's Cannes Film Festival, the actress even measured her height with Robert De Niro, and it turned out that she was taller. famous actor for a whole head.

Brooke Shields

Brooke Shields - meter 83 centimeters

Beauty Brooke Shields, whose height is 1.83 meters, is also not suitable for every partner - most modern men next to such a lady look unprofitable. So the actress has to walk along ... trenches specially dug for her in the sand, as it was on the set of the film "The Blue Lagoon", so as not to look taller than the lead actor. Unlike many ladies who have complexes about height, Brooke considers him his dignity. “For as long as I can remember,” she confesses to reporters, “she has always been tall. And I’m proud of it - you see, I have something to celebrate, because it’s my long legs brought me to Broadway!"

Eva Herzigova - meter 83 centimeters

The Czech top model and actress is also a rather big girl. And since she, with a height of 83 centimeters, weighs only 60 kilograms, it seems even taller than she really is. Add to this the hairpins that Eva simply loves to wear, and you will understand that she is quite pleased with her height. Although meter 83 plus heels is a lot even for a top model.

Sigourney Weaver

Sigourney Weaver - meter 82 centimeters

Another victim of acceleration is Aliens star Sigourney Weaver, who, like Thurman, reached her current height at the age of twelve. But, unlike his more fortunate counterpart, in creative plan Weaver, due to her impressive size, coupled with thinness, suffered. Also in student years it was difficult for her to find a partner suitable for her height, and, with whom she made her debut in an episode in the film "Annie Hall", she did not invite her to her subsequent paintings - apparently, little Allen felt uncomfortable next to such an outstanding woman.

The actress admits that because of her height she has lost a few very good roles but does not dramatize the situation. Moreover, she was very lucky in her personal life - Sigourney has a wonderful husband, with whom they have been living together for more than thirty years.

Lolita Milyavskaya

Lolita Milyavskaya- meter 81 centimeters

Previously, it seemed to the audience that high growth was due to an optical illusion - next to Alexander Tsekalo it was not difficult to visually “stretch out”. But it turns out that the singer herself is by no means short - her height is 181 centimeters. And it becomes a problem for Lolita only when she gains excess weight- it immediately begins to seem, well, very big! Therefore, Milyavskaya has been struggling all her life with kilograms that give her corpulence, not for life, but for death, but so far - with varying success. But the good news is that the weight has not yet managed to win a complete and unconditional victory.

Claudia Schiffer

Claudia Schiffer - meter 80 centimeters

The height of the supermodel - especially compared to the ladies mentioned above - is not so high, only 180 centimeters. On the podium, growth served Claudia in good stead - she was able to become one of the first in her profession. But Schiffer's life is not easy: secular parties she rises above the rest of the guests - and above both men and women - like the Eiffel Tower above Paris. Not so long ago, the media discussed for a long time how funny Claudia looked next to Dita von Teese, whose height is only 160 centimeters.

Katya Osadchaya

Katya Osadchaya - meter 80 centimeters

On the social events this scandalous television personality can be seen from afar: firstly, her height is 180 centimeters, and secondly, she likes to appear on the screen in extravagant hats and shoes with 12-centimeter heels (unbelievable, but true: in life she doesn’t wear either ). Therefore, Katya can feel confident even next to Vitali and Wladimir Klitschko. It would be foolish not to use such an outstanding growth for its intended purpose, therefore, from the age of thirteen, Osadchaya worked as a model, but even then she dreamed of a career as a TV presenter, and years later her desire came true. I never worried about growth, quite the contrary. “So it’s more convenient for me to look down on everyone,” Katya admits jokingly in an interview.

Cindy Crawford

Cindy Crawford - meter 77 centimeters

Schiffer is three centimeters lower, which, however, did not prevent her from becoming no less famous. However, it seems that the world-famous top model also at one time had complexes because of her high growth and reconciled with it only over the years. “With age,” she says in an interview, “self-confidence comes and you can feel comfortable in your own body.”

Tatyana Vasilyeva

Tatyana Vasilyeva - meter 76 centimeters

Rounding out the top ten high stars actress Tatyana Vasilyeva, to whom another Tatyana, Yegorova, the author of the book "Andrei Mironov and I" gave offensive nickname"galosh". However, Tatyana followed the path of her heroine from the film "The Most Charming and Attractive" - ​​she became "a woman with a charm that she built for herself" - and was able to turn her shortcomings into virtues. Who today dares to say that this elegant woman is too tall?

Taisiya Kondratieva

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