Acquaintance of preschool children with folk musical instruments. Synopsis of the GCD on the development of musical perception "Introduction to musical instruments Acquaintance with musical instruments in kindergarten

Anastasia Bakhareva
Summary of the lesson "Introduction to musical instruments!"

Fascinating world musical instruments!

Children go to the music in the hall and sit down in their seats.

1 slide:

Hello guys! I am glad to see you again at my place. Today we will go to magical land musical instruments. This country is very interesting and fascinating, because various musical instruments live in it! And today we will get to know them. Guys, since ancient times people have been listening to music, and music, as you know, is performed on musical instruments.

2 slide:

What is a musical instrument, and what instruments do you know? (Children's answers)

Now listen carefully to the riddle:

He sings many songs to us

He is talented and famous.

Also on the instrument

Might be fun to play.

Gives music to all of us

Who is this? (musician)

That's right, musician!

We will be musicians, let's see how our little helpers-fingers can play instruments.

Children perform:

We came and stood up and played the pipe.

Doo-doo-doo ... (They walk in place. Imitation of playing the pipe.)

We came and stood up, played the drum.

Tra-ta-ta ... (Imitation of drumming is walking in place.)

We came and stood on the balalaika and played.

La-la-la ... (They walk in place. Imitation of playing the balalaika.)

We came and stood up, played the harmonica.

Ti-li, ti-li, ti-li ... (They walk in place. Imitation of playing the accordion.)

The children sit down.

3 slide:

Now look at the screen. Musical instruments are divided into four large groups: keyboards, strings, percussion, wind.

3-8 slide:

A story about stringed instruments. (The slides present material (poems, a riddle, and children are invited to listen to how musical instruments sound)

9 slide:

And now what are the musical instruments in front of us? (Children's answers) All together they are called keyboard musical instruments.

10-11 slide:

Story about keyboard musical instruments. (The slides present the material (poetry, a riddle, and children are invited to listen to how musical instruments sound) After listening to the audio recording of the button accordion, you can invite the children to dance (Russian folk music)

12 slide:

Now we have wind musical instruments. Guys, why do you think they are called brass? (Children's answers)

13-14 slide:

Story about wind musical instruments. (The slides present material (poems, a riddle, and children are invited to listen to how musical instruments sound)

15 slide:

And now what are the musical instruments in front of us? (Children's answers) All together they are called percussion musical instruments. Why percussion instruments? What percussion instruments do you already know?

16-19 slide:

Story about percussion musical instruments. (The slides present the material, and an audio recording of how a musical instrument sounds

20-28 slide:

And so our journey has come to an end! It was very informative and interesting. We got acquainted with various musical instruments! And now, I'm invited to solve a crossword puzzle! And check who was the most attentive!

29 slide:

Well guys, well done! Everyone coped with the difficult task, they solved the crossword puzzle! But unfortunately, it's time for us to say goodbye, see you soon, goodbye, guys!

Children leaving the music room

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Introduction to musical instruments for preschool children "The Tale of the Journey of a Little Hare in the Forest" Purpose: Creation of conditions for the formation of the foundations of musical culture and the development of the creative potential of children through acquaintance with musical ones.

The cycle of classes is intended for children of senior preschool and younger school age and introduces children to the musical instruments of the symphony and folk orchestras. Oriented for use by musical directors of kindergartens, teachers of music schools and additional education, for family viewing.

The child's psyche perceives information better in a playful way, when it is clothed in an interesting, understandable shell.

How to introduce children to symphony orchestra or an orchestra folk instruments so they don't get bored? In order to learn to distinguish instruments by timbre, do not get confused in the multitude of their names and groups?

Unfortunately, it is rather problematic to show and hear the instruments of the orchestra live, especially for preschoolers, who are still developing a culture of listening to music and behavior in concert hall. Thus, the idea arose of a cycle of classes in which children would get acquainted with the instruments in a playful way. First of all, I wanted the children to see the instruments in an unusual, fabulous setting. I decided to use the fairy tale in Sergei Volkov's poems "For Children about Music". The proposed videos are copyrighted. The duration of the videos is short, from 2 to 3.5 minutes. This allows even preschool children to concentrate and does not tire.

Target:Using ICT technologies, introduce children to the musical instruments of the symphony and folk orchestras.


  • develop timbre hearing and general musical knowledge of children;
  • learn by ear and visually distinguish the main groups of instruments of the symphony and folk orchestra;
  • to give an idea of ​​the main features of the structure of instruments, sound extraction and playing techniques.

Resources:Multimedia system or TV with DVD player; printed didactic aids, coloring books (according to the number of children); K. Orff's set of children's musical instruments, musical toys.

Thematic plan

  • October- Acquaintance with keyboard and wind instruments (accordion, button accordion, accordion).
  • November- Acquaintance with keyboard-percussion instruments (grand piano, pianoforte).
  • December- acquaintance with string instruments(violin, cello, double bass).
  • January- Acquaintance with percussion instruments (timpani, cymbals, bass drum).
  • February- familiarity with brass instruments (trumpet, trombone, tuba).
  • March- acquaintance with plucked stringed instruments(harp, guitar, balalaika).
  • April- Introduction to woodwind instruments (flute, saxophone, bassoon).
  • May- repetition and consolidation of the material covered.

Approximate lesson structure:

  1. Musical greeting
  2. View video
  3. Answers on questions
  4. Creative task, didactic game
  5. Musical game, playing in the orchestra of children's musical instruments
  6. Homework
  7. Reflection

Recommended didactic material and creative assignments Author's videos (7 parts), videos of performances of the symphony and folk orchestras, illustrations, cognitive information(how the instrument works; history of the instrument; how it is used); developing tasks (“Draw the missing”, “The fourth extra”, “Draw from memory”, “Paint according to the model”); split pictures, musical "Lotto", didactic games for the development of timbre hearing.

Result: children improve memory, thinking, imagination, attention, develop creative and musical abilities, curiosity.

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Comments (19 )

17.04.2011 at 12:40

Oksana Anatolyevna, good afternoon! Presentation, of course, SUPER!!! You are smart!!! Have in kindergarten so creative music director just happiness! But in my opinion and taste, I would change the color of the font. Black is the color of mourning, sadness, and you have such beauty there!!! He somehow does not fit into such colorful videos. But this is my opinion!!! Thank you so much for your work, it's just amazing! I would gladly give you 100 points.
Wish you creative inspiration good luck in the contest!
Sincerely, Irina Nikolaevna

04/17/2011 at 14:12

04/17/2011 at 21:00

Irina Nikolaevna, yes, I myself wanted it that way. After all, I have one work participating in the competition, that's enough. The publication of my work is already very good, thanks a lot to Elena Vyacheslavovna! Despite being very busy, she published my out-of-competition work very quickly. Thanks again!

04/21/2011 at 08:34

Standing, competent, practically meaningful work! I know from my own experience that children do not perceive such a "florid" font well, especially if most of them are just learning to read. There is no limit to perfection, good luck to the author and new creative ideas! Sincerely...

21.04.2011 at 10:18

Anna Nikolaevna, thank you! I should have given recommendations for reading the text in the annotation so that there are no discrepancies. The text is intended for expressive reading by the teacher, this is a hint only for him. Since the text changes clearly to the music, children will not have time to read it anyway. Senior preschool age begins at 5 years old, my five-year-olds ( senior group) watched with pleasure, and I read and gave brief comments as I watched. In order to use the roller in lower grades schools, you're right, you can change the font. Thank you!

04/28/2011 at 15:16

Lyudmila Alekseevna, thank you for your comment. I always try to adequately respond to criticism, but I don’t quite understand what you meant (I quote) - the text is very difficult for children of this age. Difficult to read or understand? Please explain. If for reading - I explained above in my post that the text is intended for reading by a teacher, if for understanding .... Sergey Yuryevich Volkov wrote his book of poems "Children about Music" especially for kids. It is illustrated with drawings by Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Kotenochkin. I wanted to do something of my own, in a musical format. No one in the comments, unfortunately, spoke about the role of music assigned to these videos - after all, there is not only a visual acquaintance with the instruments, but also an auditory one! I am very happy that my videos were highly appreciated by S. Volkov as a poet. Yes, they are not perfect, but there is no limit to perfection! Thanks a lot to everyone who left a comment, their wishes! I will definitely finalize the videos, maybe I will voice them. If someone has questions about downloading videos from YouTube, write! I'll be glad to help! For me, the main thing is if my work does not "lay on the shelf", but helps children get acquainted with musical instruments in a playful way. Thank you!

04/30/2011 at 00:16

Oksana Anatolyevna, hello. I really like all your work. Specifically about this: excellent videos, excellent selection of music, plot, interactive. The first-grader son is delighted, looks through with me, asks to download for our class. So, with your permission, I would like to use your materials to introduce children to groups of musical instruments, their appearance and sound. And I really had problems with downloading. I ask for your help. Sincerely, Irina Vladimirovna.

04/30/2011 at 08:02

Irina Vladimirovna, I am very glad that not only you, but also your son liked the videos! I will gladly try to help.
1. Click on the You Tube icon on the built-in video player - go to the page where it is uploaded.
2. In the address bar of the browser, before the word youtube, enter two letters ss (this link will look like this:, then press enter.
3. You went to the page where you can download it -
4. Next, select the format in which you want to download videos - FLV HQ, FLV or MP4. I always choose the mp4 format because Other formats spoil the quality of the picture very much.
5. The download will start. If you are going to watch a video on a computer or burn it to a disc, it is better to reformat it after downloading it to any other video format that your player supports. I can recommend Format Factory - a free but multifunctional media converter. It can be found for free download on the Internet.
These are the "troubles from the barrel" ... download, reformat ... but it will not work differently from YouTube. But having learned once, he will open the doors to the world of amazing video for you!

05/12/2012 at 23:38

Oksana Anatolyevna! I am sure that the cycle of classes will be of interest to a wide audience. First of all, professional musicians. Informative, Developing, Fascinating, Ready practical material! Technically, these are peaks in pedagogy. Finally, it is a wonderful gift for children. Good finds: the sound of instruments is preceded by the sounds of nature - this is a fine tuning of auditory perception; instruments sound separate and in tune with others; calm ride, close-up on the details of the tool body, allows you to see it well. Do not rush to dub the video: won't the text then sound simultaneously with the sound of the instrument? You can read poems, or you can write them on invitation cards to a concert and learn... The main thing is that children listen to the voice of the instrument, remember it, and then be able to distinguish the timbre of its sound in a duet, quartet, and finally, an orchestra. Has your significant and very interesting experience already found its application? Sincerely, Natalya Pavlovna.

"Introduction to Musical Instruments"

Summary of extracurricular activities for children of the preparatory group for school

Relevance Music has a special, unique place in the upbringing of children. preschool age. This is due to the specifics of this type of art, and psychological features preschoolers. Music is called “the mirror of the human soul”, “emotional cognition” (B.M. Teplov): it reflects the attitude of a person to the world, to everything that happens in it and in the person himself. And our attitude is, as you know, our emotions. This means that emotions are the main content of music, which makes it one of the most effective means formation of the emotional sphere of the child. The emotional sphere is the leading sphere of the psyche in preschool childhood. It plays a decisive role in the formation of the personality of the child, the regulation of his mental functions, as well as behavior in general.

Only the full formation of the emotional sphere of the child makes it possible to achieve personal harmony. It can be said that at preschool age a child is an emotion itself, and therefore the significance of his encounter with highly artistic music can hardly be overestimated.

Target: introduce musical instruments, talk about the methods and forms of teaching children to play musical instruments.

Tasks: - fostering a love for music;

Development of musical and creative abilities;

Acquaintance with musical instruments;

Formation of the beginning of musical culture;

Introducing children to activities in the field of art;

Development aesthetic perception and emotional responsiveness to musical works.

Children are introduced to music not only in the classroom, but also at holidays, entertainment evenings, concerts.

Therefore, we decided to extracurricular activity-excursion to the music school "Introduction to musical instruments", which took place from September to December 2012.

Our extracurricular activity consists of two stages:

Stage 1-class in kindergarten "Acquaintance with a musical instrument-violin." Musicians invited.

Stage 2-excursion to the music school.

Stage 1

Lesson "Acquaintance with a musical instrument - violin"

Target: Continue to expand children's knowledge of musical instruments. To give new information about the instrument already known to them - the violin. Introduce expressive possibilities its sound: solo, in ensemble or orchestra. Learn more about the structure of the violin.

AT didactic game consolidate the ability to distinguish stringed instruments by timbre - one of the means musical expressiveness Expand children's vocabulary with musical terms.

preliminary work: agree with the teacher of the violin class of the music school and set a day for joint classes in kindergarten; repeat with children the names of familiar stringed instruments, consolidate the ability to determine their timbre by ear.

vocabulary work: solo, ensemble, bow, soundboard, efa, neck, strings.

Lesson progress

Invite the teacher of the Children's Music School in the violin class Marina Alexandrovna Velichkina and the ensemble of violinists under her leadership to the lesson.

Educator: Today we will listen to unusual music. Please be careful, because you are about to meet beauty.

Listening to K.V. Gluck's play "Melody" from the opera "Orpheus and Eurydice" (arrangement for violin) recorded.

Who's to say what the instrument sounded like? What is the mood of this music?

What feelings did she evoke in you? (Answers.)

That's right, the violin sounded. Here she is, look! (Showing an illustration.) Pay attention to how beautiful and graceful she is. Guys, would you like to see a real violin, how and with what it is played, and listen to how it sounds? (Answers.) Then, it's time to invite the teacher music school- Velichkina Marina Alexandrovna. She herself plays the violin beautifully and teaches this to children.

(Marina Aleksandrovna enters, greets the children and everyone greets her)

Musical director: Today at the lesson we would like to get to know the violin better, and no one will tell you about it better than you. Our children will be happy to listen to your fascinating story about the violin.

(The floor is given to Marina Alexandrovna. Her story is accompanied by a demonstration of the instrument)

Marina Alexandrovna: Look at the violin, it is really beautiful and graceful: it has a thin “waist”, smooth curves. This upper board of the violin is called the upper soundboard, try to remember this word - soundboard. And these holes on the top deck are called efs. Let's repeat - efy. A neck is attached to the body, which ends with a curl. The strings are stretched on the neck. A lot in the sound of the violin depends on the bow. Let's carefully touch and make sure that this is real horse hair.

(Children study the structure of the bow closer. Then the teacher continues his story again).

Marina Alexandrovna: If we hook the string with our finger and then release it, the sound will quickly die out. Try to think of stringed instruments that are played with a plectrum or fingers.

(Children list: guitar, mandolin, balalaika, harp, harp).

Marina Alexandrovna: Well done, you see how many stringed instruments you have listed. But the bow helps the violin to prolong the sound: you can lead it along the string continuously for a long time, and the sound will drag on. Look and listen (Demonstration). Therefore, it is good to play melodious, smooth, uninterrupted melodies on the violin. No wonder they say that the violin sings. The timbre of the violin is close to the human voice. Therefore, when we hear it, it seems to us that the violin is telling something, and sometimes even crying like a person ...

(Listen to a fragment of "Complaints of Eurydice" with groaning, crying, yearning intonations)

And now I want to play you a little piece called

(at the discretion of the teacher).

Marina Alexandrovna: I will play it alone. This performance is called a solo. So, remember, when a person sings, plays an instrument, or only one person dances, what is it called guys? (Solo.) Right! Listen, I'll play you a solo.

Performance of a short play by the teacher.

Marina Aleksandrovna: Do you know what it is called when several musicians, dancers or singers perform together? (if the children do not remember, remind and repeat - an ensemble.) That's right! Today, together with me, my pupils came to you - an ensemble of violinists. Let's invite them and ask us to play something.

The girls from the ensemble of violinists at the Children's Music School under the direction of Velichkina M.A. enter.

Marina Alexandrovna: Now the ensemble of violinists will perform a piece for you (at the choice of the teacher)

Educator: We really liked it, right, guys? When our children go to school, they can also enroll in a music school and learn how to play the violin beautifully. In the meantime, we pretend to take our violins in our hands and go to the clearing to the hares, who are very fond of dancing to the violin. This half of our children will be bunnies, but this half will be musicians who can play the violin, the balalaika, and the drum. Let's see which instrument bunnies like to dance to the most.

Dramatization of the song "Merry Musician" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko)

Educator: So, guys, what instrument did we talk about today? Do you like the sound of the violin? How well do you remember its sound? And do not confuse with another instrument? (children's answers)

This can be checked in the game "Find out what sounds." Shall we play? Musical instruments are hidden behind a screen and they ask you to recognize them by their sound. Can we? Then listen carefully to what instrument is playing now.

Didactic game "Know the instrument by timbre".

Marina Alexandrovna: Dear guys! I liked that you love music very much and know a lot about it. Thank you for the invitation! We are waiting for you at our school, where you can get into Magic world music and learn more about it!

Educator: Let's thank Marina Alexandrovna and her ensemble of violinists for an interesting and fascinating story and excellent performance of the pieces!

(children thank and say goodbye.)

This concludes our lesson!

Stage 2.

"Excursion to the Music School"

December 7 an excursion to the music school №33 was organized. Children's music school teachers prepared a meeting with our preschoolers and held an interactive conversation between teachers and students of the music school. Pupils actively participated in the conversation about musical instruments, about the variety of musical genres, performed small vocal works proposed by the teachers of the music school . The children were genuinely interested in musical instruments - piano, flute, accordion, violin. Students of the music school presented a small concert classical works. The preschoolers listened with great interest. At the end of the concert, the teachers of the music school gave the children the opportunity to play musical instruments.


When pursuing musical education, it is important to remember about general development children.

Preschoolers have little experience of ideas about human feelings that exist in real life. Music that conveys the whole gamut of feelings and their shades can expand these ideas. In addition to the moral aspect musical education It has great importance for the formation of aesthetic feelings in children. Getting involved in cultural musical heritage, the child learns the standards of beauty, appropriates the valuable cultural experience of generations. Repeated perception of works of art gradually orients a person in identifying thoughts, feelings, moods that are important for him, expressed in artistic images, in meaningful content for him.

Music develops the child mentally as well. In addition to various information about music, having cognitive value, the conversation about it includes a description of the emotional-figurative content. The vocabulary of children is enriched with figurative words and expressions that characterize the moods and feelings conveyed in music.

Music develops emotional sphere. Emotional responsiveness to music is one of the most important musical ability. It is associated with the development of emotional responsiveness in life, with the development of such personality traits as kindness, the ability to sympathize with another person.

Summary of music lessons

(preparatory group)

"In the world of musical instruments"

Abstract directly educational activities in music for children of the preparatory group.


Consolidation, formation and development of children's musical abilities, allowing them to apply their knowledge in playing various children's musical instruments and in creative endeavors (necessary for learning to play musical instruments).



Consolidate and systematize knowledge on the classification of musical instruments.

Enrich vocabulary musical terms.

To form the ability to identify musical instruments by sound; sing in harmony and expressively, conveying the character of the song in singing.


develop musical and Creative skills through various kinds musical activity.


To cultivate communication skills, interest in musical instruments and the desire to play them.


Physical Culture.


Reading fiction.



Multimedia installation for viewing slides.

Musical instruments: drum, rattle, spoons, tambourine, maracas, bell; homemade tools (boots - runners).

Visual aid: tables - houses for placing pictures depicting musical instruments.

Children go to the music room.

Sounds E. Grieg "Morning" from the suite "Peer Gynt",

Musical director (greeting) Hello guys!

Children respond to greetings.

Musical director. Guys, today we will go to unusual country. There is no such country in any of geographical maps, but it is there where they love music. This is the Country of Musical Instruments. And we will go to this country with you in boots - runners. Dress them up soon.

Children put on "boots - runners" made of kinder - surprise.

Musical director. So, are you ready to hit the road? Let's go!

Let's walk together in step

Cheerful march will help us!

Sounds "March" music. F. Nadenenko. (I hour march)

Here we run on toes.

Sounds "March" music. F. Nadenenko. (II hour run)

Musical director. Guys, here we are with you. Look how beautiful our country of musical instruments is. How many different musical instruments are in it (we list). They are all so different, but still they can be combined into four main groups. What are these groups called?

Children classify musical instruments into groups: percussion, wind, strings, keyboards.

Musical director: Well done guys! The musical instruments were preparing to meet you, but they were so excited and fussed that everyone was confused. Now you and I must help them find their houses. Can we help?

The teacher shows the children houses.

Everyone on earth has a home.

Nice and fun and cozy in it.

The dog has a kennel, the fox has a hole,

An owl has a hollow, a robin has a nest.

Well, musical instruments live in these houses.

The first one we will help will be percussion musical instruments, because they first appeared on Earth, and are the simplest and most unpretentious. The game "Musical Guess" will help us put them in their places.

Game "Musical Guess"

The teacher asks children riddles about musical instruments.

Who in the orchestra will help you,

He can beat a complex rhythm.

Any rhythm, from different countries.

Well, of course…………….(Drum)

The child who guessed the riddle attaches a picture with the image of a drum to the cell of the table-house.

Musical director: In ancient times, the drum was made from the skins of animals obtained by hunting, and it had importance in people's lives. They used it, for example, as a telephone, in order to transmit information over long distances, or to warn of the danger of their neighbors who lived very far away.

wooden crumbs,

Knock a little.

You can sip on them

And you can play "Lady". (Wooden spoons)

Children place a card with the image of wooden spoons in a table cell.

The palm is knocking on him,

Shakes freely.

And he rings, thunders.

He doesn't hurt at all. (Tambourine)

Children place a card with the image of a tambourine in a table cell.

You take me in your hands.

Wooden, mischievous. (Ratchet)

A card with the image of a ratchet is placed in a table cell.

Musical director: Ratchet not only sang along with the tambourine and spoons on folk holidays, but also protected the garden from pests. It crackled loudly in the wind and scared away crows and rooks.

You take it in the palm of your hand

A call will be heard.

Ding-ding-ding, dong-dong-dong

Whose call is this? (Bell)

A card with the image of a bell is placed in the table.

He looks like a rattle

Only this is not a toy! .. (Maracas)

A card with the image of a maracas is placed in a table cell.

Musical director: Guys, our percussion instruments are not only funny musicians, but also skillful storytellers. Let's tell our guests Russian together with them folk tale"Turnip".

Children with the help percussion instruments voiced the fairy tale "Turnip".

Fairy tale "Turnip".

The “storyteller” (teacher or child) tells a fairy tale, and the children act out.

Grandfather (walks heavily, limps) - drum, slow tempo, rhythmic pattern with pauses.

Grandmother (walks quickly and minces) - ratchet, rhythmic pattern is more calm, moderate pace.

Granddaughter (runs skipping) - tambourine, rhythmic pattern consists of eighths and quarter notes, fast pace.

Bug (runs and barks loudly) - spoons.

Cat (not in a hurry and purring) - maracas, rhythmic pattern with eighth durations, fast pace.

Mouse (hurries and looks around) - a bell, a rhythmic pattern with eighth durations.

Music Director: Like this an interesting fairy tale we told you along with the tools. Guys, wind musical instruments have also prepared a game for you. The game is called "Guess who sings?" And for starters, let's remember what wind instruments we met in previous lessons?

Children list the wind instruments that they met in previous lessons: flute, trumpet, saxophone, zhaleyka.

Musical director: wind instruments will sing for you in turn, and you must find out which instrument sang for you?

The game "Guess who sings?"

The teacher gives the children to listen to the soundtracks of the sound of various wind instruments. Children, having recognized this tool, find a card with its image and fix it in the cell of the table - the house.

Musical director: Guys, look at our wonderful houses. Two are already occupied. The instruments are comfortably placed in their windows. This suggests that you have listened very carefully in previous lessons and that you have many friends who are musical instruments.

An excerpt from Vivaldi's violin concerto.

Musical director:

Smooth bow movements

The strings tremble.

The motive sounds from afar,

Sings about a moonlit evening.

How clear is the overflow of sounds.

They have joy and smiles.

Sounds like a dreamy tune

Its name is violin!

It's time, guys, to talk about stringed instruments. Stringed instruments prepared colorful slides for us, telling about their diversity.

Every violin has a bow.

He is a loyal, devoted friend.

When the violinist leads the bow

And the violin cries and sings.

"The harp is a magical instrument" -

Said the thoughtful poet.

As soon as the strings touch the hand -

And gentle sounds will flow.

Guitars sounds by the fire.

There is so much light and goodness in them.

Like the most intimate friend

Her melodious, gentle sound.

Under the harp, sonorous tunes

Boys and girls fell in love.

At weddings, the psaltery sang,

And the young were blessed

Louder than balalaika

Not in the whole world.

She is native Russian

Folk instrument.

They sang to it, danced

And they were sad and sighed

On holidays under the ahi, the buffoons had fun

Musical director: Guys, only one house remained free. What group of instruments will we put in it?

Children answer: Keyboard instruments.

Musical director: The first place of honor should be taken by our kind piano, which performs a lot for us musical works, and is the main assistant on our holidays and classes.

A card with the image of a piano is placed in the cell of the table - the house.

Musical Director: In another way, this instrument is called the piano. If its name is translated into Russian, then it will sound like "loud - quiet." Hammers live inside keyboard instruments that strike tight stretched strings, and give rise to beautiful sounds of music that can tell about a beautiful morning, and about cold winter, about a good grandmother's tale and an evil Baba Yaga, about beautiful butterflies and wonderful flowers.

Musical director: Guys, what keyboard instruments do you know yet?

Children's answers: Piano, accordion, synthesizer.

Cards with the image of these tools take their places in the table.

Musical director: Guys, here we are helping musical instruments find their houses. I am sure that you will never forget such a beautiful country of Musical Instruments. We will definitely come back here, but for now, before we go to kindergarten, we will make a gift to our friends - instruments. Let's sing a song for them, and our piano will help us.

The song "The World of Music" words and music by E. V. Mashechkova is performed.

Music director: Let's say goodbye to our friends - the instruments. Close your eyes and count to 5

AT kindergarten again.

Musical director: Did you guys like our trip?

Children talk about what they did in the lesson, what they liked.

The music director says goodbye to de

Entertainment scenario for children 4-5 years old. Acquaintance of children with children's musical instruments.

(Presentation of new children's musical instruments)
Program content
Target: draw the attention of children to the richness and diverse world of sounds made by various musical instruments.

1. Formation of ideas about musical and noise sounds.
2. Gaining knowledge about music noise instruments, the history of their creation and the peculiarities of their sound.
3. Acquaintance with the techniques of playing noise instruments.
4. Learning and performing Russian folk songs and chants.
5. Learn to distinguish instruments by sound.
6. Fix the names of the instruments, the skills of playing them.

1. Development of vocal-choral and rhythmic skills.
2. Development musical memory, pitch hearing, attention.
3. Acquaintance with the initial skills of playing in an ensemble, introducing children to the forms of joint music-making.
4. Development of creative skills (improvisation).
5. Consolidation of children's knowledge about the rattle as a musical instrument, learn to play rhythmically, start and finish on time.
6. To develop the subtlety and sensitivity of timbre hearing, imagination and finesse in sound art.

1. Raising interest and love for music, folk musical culture, the world of beauty.
2. Raising interest in playing the simplest musical instruments.
3. Cultivate interest in a variety of sounds of the world.

Attributes and equipment:
Collection of rattles, tambourines, tambourines, spoons, bells, metallophones, bells, triangles, rattles, rhythmic sticks, maracas, homemade rattles.
Slide show equipment.

preliminary work
music director:

Selection of repertoire for children and adults, selection of slides for the presentation, selection of musical instruments for the performance of musical pieces in the orchestra, arrangement of musical works for the orchestra.

Work with children:
Acquaintance with noise musical instruments and metallophone;
Teaching how to play them;
Learning the chorus of the song "Rattle", dance with rattles, the game "Who is sooner", musical pieces for playing children's musical instruments.

Working with teachers:
Learning the polka "Letka-Enka", the song "Rattle".
Working with parents:
Making homemade toys rattles for the exhibition.
Methods and techniques: gaming moment, art word, display, conversation, task, explanation, examination, consolidation, encouragement, total.

Tasks of integrated educational areas:
"Knowledge". Fix the names of musical instruments: maracas, bells, rattle, tambourine, metallophone, rhythmic sticks, triangle.
"Socialization". To form friendly, benevolent relations between children and adults.
"Communication". Fix in the children's dictionary: rectangle, traffic light, signal, transition, public transport stop. Develop free communication with adults and children.
"Reading Fiction". Develop the ability to guess riddles and correlate them with the image, expressively read short poems.

Entertainment progress.

Wherever people live, children play... Probably the most favorite toy for children is a rattle. Not a single baby grows up without a rattle that serves the child throughout the first year of life. Dried pumpkins, clay balls with pebbles inside and shells were the first rattles of mankind. The very word "rattle" in Russian comes from "to rattle at the ear." Many artists liked to depict babies with rattles.

Slideshow "Rattle in paintings»

Among the white towels
On a luxurious mattress
Sleeping baby lady
With a rattle in his hand.
Exactly a month this lady
exists among us.
She has four kilos.
This is a diamond girl.
(author of poems Nikolay Oleinikov)

The most fun of all is a toy,
Painted rattle.
Give the crybaby a rattle -
Will become a crybaby laughter.
This cute toy
Baby girlfriend.
She sings all day
Don't let the kids cry.

And in order for the rattles to rattle so merrily and amuse the kids, what kind of loose materials are they filled with? (children's answers)
When you were little, you could only rattle rattles. And now you are older, you can not just rattle, but play them like musical instruments. Show how you can play the rattles (children take rattles and stand scattered).

Song "Rattle" music. V. Dobrynina, sl. M. Plyatskovsky
(The teacher sings the chorus, the children sing the chorus and play rattles)

How well you sang and played the rattles! Do you want to dance with them?

Rattle dance

What a wonderful musical instrument - a rattle! (draws attention to the exhibition of rattles that children and their parents made with their own hands)
Take a look at our rattle exhibition. These are the children and their parents who made such rattles themselves, with their own hands! Want to hear how they sound? Children, play your rattles for us!

Orchestra of homemade rattles, music. Kukaracha-Kukaracha

Everyone liked the sound of these rattles? Let's play with them now!

The game "Who will take the rattle sooner"

In addition to rattles, there are many more interesting noise and musical
tools. Try to guess what they are called?

(after the correct answer of the children, the screen appears
slide with the image of this tool)

1. He plays from the heart,
The rhythm is very difficult.
What does it sound like, tell me?
Fidget ... tambourine (slide show "tambourine")

2. Still plays next to him
Also sonorous ... tambourine (slide show "tambourine")

3. He sits under a hat,
Do not disturb him - he is silent.
Just gotta take it in hand
And shake a little
A call will be heard:
"Dili-dong, Dili-dong!" bell (slide show "bell")

4. I look a little like a shoulder blade,
I look a little like a paddle
I help the guys eat porridge,
And my sister is a ladle ... a spoon (showing the slide "spoons")

5. At the most fabulous moment
This tool will enter.
Quietly, softly ringing
Everything seems to be silvered.
Any preschooler knows
When playing ... triangle (slide show "triangle")

6. Here are the metal plates,
There are many on the board.
From the records of those that are many,
The road runs away.
A wonderful sound is heard.
This is how it sounds ... metallophone (slide show "metallophone")

7. Here the plates are different,
Wooden, large.
How they start to crack
You need to close your ears ... ratchet (slide show "ratchet")

8. This is not a rattle for you
And not a child's toy.
It makes us all very happy
Wooden ... maracas (slide show "maracas")

9. They beat each other - knock-knock-knock -
And everyone hears a beautiful sound ... sticks (slide show "rhythmic sticks")

10. Well done,
Remote ... bells (slide show "bells")

Guys, do you like all these musical instruments? (children answer)

Our children are very fond of
More than any porridge
Spoons, rumba, triangle,
Maracas, bell.
They also love the metallophone,
Because he is loud.
And also on a tambourine in the morning
Children love to knock...
At this time, mom and dad
I really want to sleep.

And if these instruments are put together all at once?.. Would you like to hear what happens? Grab your tools guys!

(children take instruments and stand in front of the audience)

Admire the orchestra:
The tools are good!
Virtuoso musicians -
These are our babies!

Children: (Take turns talking about your instrument)
1. Here is a beautiful, sonorous tambourine!
He will not be silent in his hands! (Child plays the tambourine)

2. Like friendly palms,
Our spoons are rattling! (Child plays with spoons)

3. But these are sticks,
Punch sticks! (Child knocks with chopsticks)

4. How the ratchet crackles -
Surprise everyone today! (Child plays the rattle)

5. Makes a beautiful ring
Our sonorous metallophone! (Child plays glissando on metallophone)

6. These are tomboy brothers,
Bells-bells! (Child rings bells)

7. Will play here for you
Wooden maracas! (Child plays maracas)

8. Let's hit the triangles -
We will give joy to all guests! (Child plays on a triangle)

9. Dili-dong! Dili don!
Sounds are heard from all sides!
The bell rings so
Like a brook gurgling. (Child rings a bell)

Children in chorus:
We will play together for you
All you have to do is clap!

Children play in the orchestra. "Moscow quadrille"

Well done guys! (addressing guests) Did you like how our children play? In our kindergarten, not only children, but also adults are very fond of playing musical instruments.
Listen to their performance of the Finnish polka, which is called "Letka-Enka".

Educators perform the polka "Letka-Enka".

How much fun we had tonight! Do you want to learn how to make some other instrument? Good! Next time we will make bells with you. And now it's time for us to say goodbye. Let's say to the guests: "Goodbye, see you again"!

(children say goodbye and go to the group)

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