About the theatre. Dear viewers! Show end time

Before buying tickets, carefully read the rules for visiting our theater, as well as the procedure for buying and returning tickets.

Rules for visiting by spectators and guests of the events of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Russian State Academic Youth Theater" (RAMT), purchase and return of tickets and subscriptions

1. General Provisions

1.1. These Rules have been developed with the aim of holding performances and other events of RAMT at the proper artistic and organizational level, including ensuring the safety of spectators, guests and RAMT employees, the safety of RAMT property, and the protection of public order.

1.2. In order to avoid misunderstandings and conflict situations, it is necessary to carefully read these Rules before purchasing a ticket / season ticket / pre-registration (registration) for participation in RAMT events.

1.3. Spectators are individuals who acquire the right to attend RAMT events on a paid basis.

1.4. Guests are individuals who acquire the right to attend RAMT events without payment.

1.5. These Rules are brought to the attention of spectators and guests of RAMT by posting them at the RAMT box office, as well as on the official website www. without any exceptions and / or restrictions and is tantamount to the conclusion of a written contract. In case of conflict situations, spectators / guests of RAMT and the theater administration will be guided by the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

1.6. RAMT undertakes to do everything possible so that the events announced in the repertoire / educational projects take place on the appointed days and times, at the proper artistic, organizational and technical level.

1.7. In exceptional cases, RAMT reserves the right to make individual changes to the program of events, dates and composition of performers. These changes cannot serve as grounds for the return of tickets, unless otherwise provided by these Rules.

2. The procedure for visiting the theater

2.1. The right to attend theater events arises for persons
2.1.1. who purchased tickets to the RAMT event by the methods specified in these Rules;
2.1.2. those who purchased subscriptions to RAMT events after enrolling in clubs (the procedure for enrolling in clubs is determined on the official website www.website (section "Educational projects" / Family club / Theater dictionary / club "Premiere");
2.1.3. who received from the theatre, a confirmation of the preliminary appointment (registration) for attending the event, admission to which is carried out without payment.

2.2. RAMT events that can be visited with tickets:
2.2.1. Performances of the current repertoire and premiere performances;
2.2.2. Theatrical quest "To help the Canterville Ghost" (intended for a group visit, conducted when a group of 10 people is recruited, the total number of participants in one event is no more than 20 people);
2.2.3. Tours of the theater building "How a person turns into a spectator", "Secrets behind the scenes" (intended for group visits, conducted when a group of 20 people is recruited).

2.3. RAMT events, which are visited by season tickets after registration in clubs:
2.3.1. Subscription "Family Club";
2.3.2. Subscription "Theatrical Dictionary";
2.3.3. Subscription "Premier".

2.4. RAMT events, which are visited by appointment, without payment in the manner established on the official website www.website (section "Educational projects"):
2.4.1. Trainings for school teachers on theatrical pedagogy "Teachers' Club";
2.4.2. Events of the Youth Educational Project "THEATRE+";
2.4.3. Activities of the laboratory of novice journalists at the theater "Press Club".

2.5. By purchasing a ticket for a performance or a subscription to RAMT events, the viewer agrees with these Rules and undertakes:
2.5.1. comply with these Rules and bring them to the attention of other persons who will visit RAMT using tickets/subscriptions purchased by him (if such persons exist). Responsibility for compliance with these Rules by underage spectators is borne by their parents / legal representatives or accompanying persons (hereinafter - accompanying persons) who have reached the age of majority;
2.5.2. comply with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ "On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development";
2.5.3. comply with the requirements of the Federal Law of February 23, 2012 No. 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption."

2.6. Guests of RAMT, by sending their identification data during the pre-registration to a public event and presenting an identity document at the control in RAMT, express their agreement with these Rules and undertake to comply with them in the premises of RAMT, as well as comply with the requirements of the Federal Law of February 23, 2012 No. 15-FZ "On protecting the health of citizens from the effects of second hand tobacco smoke and the consequences of tobacco consumption".

2.7. The entrance of the audience to the performances of the RAMT Big Stage begins 45 minutes before the start of the event.

2.8. The entrance of the audience to the performances of the Little Stage, the White Room, the Black Room, the Theater Yard begins 20 minutes before the start of the performance.

2.9. Entrance to public events begins 30 minutes before the start of the event.

2.10. Entrance to the classes of spectator clubs (by season tickets) begins no earlier than 30 minutes before the start of the class.

2.11. Any excuse for being late to the event will not be accepted. Spectators/guests must independently ensure timely arrival at the beginning of the event.

2.12. To avoid queues at the entrance to the RAMT, it is necessary to come to the event in advance before the start of the event.

2.13. Access to the events specified in paragraph 2.2. of these Rules, is carried out strictly by tickets through the main entrance and the entrance to the Little Stage with a separate ticket for each spectator, regardless of age, including a separate ticket purchased for each child.

2.14. Access to club events specified in clause 2.3. of these Rules, is carried out upon presentation of the program of events of the subscription through the central or service entrance, accompanied by the head of the club.

2.15. Access to the events specified in clause 2.4. of these Rules, is carried out by appointment, strictly according to the list upon presentation of an identity document, through the main entrance or through the service entrance.

2.16. When entering the event, the documents giving the right to attend the event are checked, the identity of the spectator/guest is identified in order to confirm its compliance with age restrictions.

2.17. The admission of spectators/guests to the theater building is carried out through a control line equipped with stationary and hand-held metal detectors in order to identify objects prohibited from being brought into the building in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.02. culture and the form of the safety data sheet of these objects (territories)".

2.18. Spectators/guests must follow the rules and comply with the requirements of the administrator and controller authorized to check documents at the entrance to the RAMT, as well as those who check spectators at the control line.

2.19. Persons with pacemakers and other medical devices, when approaching the control line, must inform the administrator or controller about this. Persons with disabilities (using assistive devices for movement) are subject to checks on the control line with hand-held metal detectors, and the persons accompanying them pass the control line on a general basis.

2.20. In the event that a viewer/guest is found to have objects prohibited for carrying (piercing and cutting objects, weapons, self-defense equipment, as well as professional audio and video recording equipment), he, at the request of the RAMT security service, is obliged to deposit them.

2.21. If the spectator/guest is unwilling/refusal to pass control or deposit items prohibited for bringing into the RAMT, the administration has the right to refuse him to visit the RAMT. The cost of the ticket/subscription is non-refundable.

2.22. In order to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development", it is necessary to clarify the age limits that allow observing the information security of children at RAMT events. The specified information is contained in posters, on the official website www.. When buying a ticket / subscription, the viewer agrees to follow the recommendations on age restrictions. RAMT is not responsible for violation of these recommendations by the viewer. RAMT is not responsible for the failure to indicate or incorrect indication of the age limit in information materials and on the Internet sites of RAMT ticketing partners and / or their subagents.

2.23. The administration of the RAMT has the right not to allow children under a certain age, corresponding to the age limit, to the performance, the objections of the audience regarding the non-admission of children to the RAMT on this basis are not accepted. RAMT employees authorized to refuse admission of children to the performance are controllers of the Administrative Service, administrators of the Administrative Service (controllers, administrators).

2.24. If the appearance of the child does not correspond to its actual age, the viewer has the right to confirm that the child has reached a certain age by presenting an identity document. In the absence of identity documents, the RAMT administration has the right not to allow the child to attend the performance.

2.25. Children from 6 years old are allowed to morning performances (age restriction sign 6+). Nevertheless, RAMT allows viewers from three years and older to watch morning performances at the discretion of the accompanying persons. Children under 7 years old go to the RAMT to watch the performance only with an accompanying person. Persons accompanying children independently control the behavior of the child and decide on the termination of viewing by the child in view of the risk of harm to the health and (or) development of the child, based on his individual characteristics. Persons accompanying children are obliged to monitor the observance by children of the rules of conduct during the performance, including the observance by the child of silence, being at the place for which the ticket was purchased, and are also responsible for taking actions that may interfere with the perception of the performance by other spectators, cause damage to RAMT property or other viewers. If the children break the silence and interfere with the event, RAMT reserves the right to ask the accompanying persons to take the children out of the hall.

2.26. Evening performances are not recommended for viewing by children under 12 years old (age limit sign 12+ and above). Children over 12 years of age may only be allowed to view evening performances with an accompanying person. Persons accompanying children from the age of 12, who organize the viewing of an evening performance by a child with an age limit of 16+ / 18+, independently control the behavior of the child and make a decision to stop the viewing by the child due to the risk of harm to the health and (or) development of the child, based on his individual characteristics. Persons accompanying children are obliged to monitor the observance by children of the rules of conduct during the performance, including the observance by the child of silence, being at the place for which the ticket was purchased, and are also responsible for taking actions that may interfere with the perception of the performance by other spectators, cause damage to RAMT property or other viewers. If the children break the silence and interfere with the event, RAMT reserves the right to ask the accompanying persons to take the children out of the hall.

2.27. The accompanying person, who left the child in the auditorium or other premises of the RAMT unattended, is responsible for the child's inappropriate behavior in his absence, including causing damage to the property of the RAMT. Supervisors on duty in the auditorium during the performance have the right to take an unattended child out of the auditorium if he does not comply with the rules of conduct and not let him into the auditorium without an accompanying person.

2.28. Entrance to events with an age limit of 16+, 18+ for the specified age categories of spectators is carried out upon presentation of identification documents (passport, driver's license, student ID, etc.). In the absence of an identity document, the RAMT administration has the right to prevent the viewer from attending the event.

2.29. Presentation at the theater entrance control line of tickets/subscriptions purchased by the viewer in other ways than specified in p.p. 6.1., 6.3. of these Rules, and / or printed on forms that differ from the ticket samples in these Rules, gives the theater the right to refuse the viewer admission to the event due to the fact that the sale of tickets / season tickets by persons who are not official partners of RAMT or their subagents is not allowed; tickets/subscriptions that do not comply with the design elements established by these Rules, containing corrections, fake tickets/subscriptions are invalid, do not give the right to attend RAMT events and are not accepted for return.

2.30. In the event that the spectator/guest leaves the theater, the controller has the right to demand a ticket/subscription from him or to re-implement measures to identify him when returning back to the theater to attend the event.

2.31. It is forbidden:
- enter the auditorium in working clothes (overalls) or dirty, soiling clothes, as well as in a state of alcoholic, toxic or drug intoxication;
- carry large bags and backpacks, large packages, briefcases, suitcases, shopping bags and trolleys into the auditorium.
- bring food and drinks into the auditorium;
- litter, scatter garbage in the theater building;
- smoking in all theater premises;
- move interior items;
- enter the stage, technical and office premises;
- visit the theater with animals;
- use photo, video and audio equipment during the event;
- bring weapons (firearms, cold steel), ammunition, gas cylinders and metered aerosol spray devices, electric shock devices, flammable and explosive substances, piercing / cutting objects, bottles (containers) with liquids into the theater building.

2.32. When an organized group of spectators passes, the leader of the group passes the tickets to the controller, steps back and lets the entire group of spectators pass in turn in front of him.

2.33. If the child is late, the accompanying person will meet him at the entrance.

2.34. Spectators who have bought tickets for a performance of the Big Stage have the right to be in the part of the auditorium corresponding to the place indicated on the ticket, in the lower foyer and wardrobe of the Big Stage, the foyer of the stalls, mezzanine, balcony, in the spectator buffet and use the audience rooms available in the spectator area of ​​the Big Stage toilets.

2.35. Spectators who have bought tickets for the performance of the Black Room have the right to be in the lower foyer and wardrobe of the Big Stage, the foyer of the stalls, in the spectator buffet room, and use the spectator toilets available in the spectator area of ​​the Big Stage.

2.36. Spectators who have bought tickets for a performance of the Little Stage have the right to be in the auditorium of the Little Stage, in the foyer of the Little Stage and the wardrobe of the Little Stage, as well as to use the audience toilets of the Little Stage.

2.37. Spectators who have bought tickets for a performance of the White Room have the right to be in the auditorium of the White Room, in the lower foyer and wardrobe of the Big Stage, as well as to use the audience toilets available in the audience area of ​​the Big Stage.

2.38. Spectators who have bought tickets for a performance at the Theater Yard have the right to be in the auditorium of the Theater Yard, in the lower foyer and wardrobe of the Big Stage, and use the audience toilets available in the audience area of ​​the Big Stage.

2.39. It is strictly forbidden to be in the theater building without a ticket/subscription and in any service premises outside the audience area (auditorium, foyer, buffet, cloakroom, toilets).

2.40. The ticket must be kept until the end of the performance and presented upon request to representatives of the RAMT administration.

2.41. Guests who have entered the RAMT according to the lists for public events must stay exclusively at the venue of the event. It is strictly forbidden to stay in other premises, including the office premises of RAMT, outside the venue of the event.

2.42. While in the theater building, spectators/guests are required to: take care of the property of the theater, maintain cleanliness, public order, and fire safety rules. In the event of an emergency and an alarm is triggered, spectators/guests must follow the instructions of RAMT employees.

2.43. In case of material damage caused by RAMT, the spectator/guest is obliged to reimburse it in full in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2.44. The spectator/guest is obliged not to disrespect the administration of the RAMT and the attendants, to violate the generally accepted rules and norms of behavior (obscene language, aggressive or immoral behavior, disturbing the silence in the hall, using objects that create a noise effect and interfere with other spectators/guests).

2.45. Spectators/guests who do not follow the legal instructions of the RAMT administration and attendants, who violate the rules and norms of behavior, may be removed from the theater building or handed over to the police, while the cost of tickets/subscriptions is not compensated or refunded.

3. Wardrobe

3.1. Outerwear, hats, bulky bags and backpacks, large packages, briefcases, suitcases, shopping bags and carts must be handed over by spectators/guests to the cloakroom in exchange for a number.

3.2. The theater is not responsible for the loss of money, precious things and other valuables left unattended by the viewer or handed over to the wardrobe, along with outerwear.

3.3. In the event that a spectator/guest loses a cloakroom number, he shall reimburse the theater for its cost in the amount of 300 rubles in the form of a fine for damage caused to RAMT property, as part of an implicit agreement on the storage of the spectator's/guest's belongings, concluded at the time of putting things in the cloakroom for storage, confirmed by the issued number. Clothing for a spectator/guest who has lost his number is given out last.

3.4. After the end of the event, the cloakroom is open for 30 minutes.

4. Theater buffet

4.1. The theatrical buffet of the Big Stage is open for 45 minutes before the start of the performance. At the performances of the Little Stage, Black Room, 20 minutes before the start of the performance.

4.2. After the third call, the theater buffet closes and does not serve the audience. Service resumes during the intermissions of the performance. During and after the performance, the theatrical buffet does not serve the audience.

5. The procedure for entering the auditorium and viewing the event

5.1. While the spectators/guests are in the theater building, controllers, an administrator or a leader of the event work.

5.2. Spectators should take seats in the auditoriums of the theater in accordance with the information about the sector, row and seat indicated on the ticket. It is forbidden to take seats other than those indicated on the tickets without the consent of the administration or controllers.

5.3. Spectators who have purchased season tickets and guests are accommodated in the halls of the event under the guidance of RAMT controllers and the head of the event at the available seats (free seating).

5.4. For the duration of the event, spectators/guests are required to turn off the sound signals of mobile phones.

5.5. Entrance to the auditorium is possible with the first call (not earlier than 15 minutes before the start of the performance).

5.6. Entry into the auditorium after the third bell is prohibited.

5.7. Spectators who are late for the performance of the Big Stage (not counting the performances held on the Big Stage in a small format (seat seats are located on the stage)), as an exception, may be admitted by controllers to free seats (if any) on the mezzanine or balcony (free end seats) seats, and seats in the last rows), with the possibility of transferring during the intermission to the seats indicated on the tickets.

5.8. Entrance to the auditorium for performances of small form (performances in the Black Room, White Room, on the Small Stage, in the Theater Yard, in small format on the Big Stage) after the third bell is strictly prohibited.

5.9. It is forbidden to stand between the rows, in the aisles and at the doors during the performance and other events held in the auditorium.

5.10. During the performance, it is forbidden to walk in the auditorium, make noise, talk, eat and drink, and talk on the phone. When a group attends a performance, the head of the group and accompanying persons assume full responsibility for the behavior of each member of the group.

5.11. Photo, video, audio recording of the performance is strictly prohibited.

5.12. After the end of the performance, you should remain in your seats until the lights are turned on.

6. Ways to purchase a ticket/subscription and samples of ticket/subscription forms

6.1. Tickets for RAMT events can be purchased:
6.1.1. at the box office of RAMT, located at the address: Moscow, Teatralnaya sq., 2; Moscow, st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 2. Ticket offices are open daily from 11:00 to 20:00. At the beginning of RAMT day events at 11:00, the box office starts working from 10:00;
6.1.2. on the official website www.site;
6.1.3. from official RAMT ticketing partners: IT Structure LLC (www.listim.com), Yandex.Mediaservices LLC (www.afisha.yandex.ru), KASSIR.RU LLC (www.msk.kassir. ru), LLC "Moscow Directorate of theatrical and concert and sports and entertainment box offices" (www.ticketland.ru);
6.1.4. from the subagents of the RAMT partners listed above (the list of subagents can be obtained from the relevant RAMT partner).
6.2. RAMT partners have the right to provide spectators with services related to the purchase of tickets. The total cost of related services must be less than 10 percent of the price indicated on the ticket.
6.3. Subscriptions to RAMT events can be purchased at the RAMT box office after signing up for clubs in the manner specified on the official website www.website (section "Educational Projects" / Family Club / Theater Dictionary / Premiere Club).

6.11. The viewer bears full responsibility for the authenticity of the ticket/subscription if it is purchased from the hands and/or in places other than the official distribution points specified in p. 6.1., 6.3. of these Rules.

7. Rules for the purchase and return of tickets through the RAMT box office

7.1. The viewer has the opportunity to purchase tickets/subscriptions at the RAMT box office. The location and opening hours of the box office are indicated on the official website www. When purchasing season tickets, the viewer confirms the record with the head of the club activities and his identity with an identity document.

7.2. When purchasing a ticket at the RAMT box office, the viewer receives a cash receipt and a ticket for the performance, which is a contract for the provision of paid services in the field of culture, is a printed form of strict accountability, which, in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 257 of December 17, 2008 . ticket information is applied: ticket series and number, name of the event, date and time of the start of the event, venue, sector, row, place, price and age limit. The ticket must comply with the model specified in clause 6.4. of these Rules. The cash receipt must contain the mandatory details specified by the Federal Law of May 22, 2003 No. 54-FZ "On the use of cash registers when making settlements in the Russian Federation."

7.3. When purchasing a subscription at the RAMT box office, the viewer receives a cashier's receipt, a subscription form indicating the type of subscription and the nature of the events held, and a ticket to attend events on a subscription, which is a contract for the provision of paid services in the field of culture, is a strict accountability form made in a typographical way, on which in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 257 dated December 17, 2008, ticket information is applied: series and number of the ticket, name of the event, date and time of the start of the event, venue, sector, row, place, price and age limit. The subscription must comply with the model specified in clause 6.10. of these Rules. A cash receipt must contain the mandatory details specified by Federal Law No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003 "On the use of cash registers when making settlements in the Russian Federation." The date and time of the subscription event, sector, row, place are set conditionally based on the technical capabilities of the automated ticketing system used by the theatre. The day of the subscription event is the day of the first event provided for by the subscription in accordance with the program of subscription events established by the theatre. Tickets for the performances included in the subscription program of events are purchased by the audience separately in the general order.

7.4. A ticket/subscription to RAMT is valid only with a cashier's receipt. The ticket/subscription in RAMT is not duplicated.

7.5. A cashier's receipt and a RAMT ticket/subscription with corrections, stickers and damage that is essential for identification is invalid and releases RAMT from any obligations under it.

7.6. By paying for a ticket/subscription, the spectator confirms the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of paid services in the field of culture with RAMT, as well as acceptance of these Rules.

7.7. By purchasing a ticket to a performance, the viewer agrees to follow the age guidelines. RAMT is not responsible for violation of these recommendations by the viewer, has the right not to allow a viewer who does not meet the age limit to the performance.

7.8. Tickets are sold at the RAMT box office for cash, using bank cards of payment systems VISA, MasterCard, UnionPay, JCB, MIR in Russian rubles, at the prices indicated on the tickets.

7.9. If the spectator provides the RAMT to the ticket clerk before the e-mail address is calculated, the cash receipt in electronic form is sent to the provided e-mail address (if it is technically possible to transfer information to the spectator in electronic form to the e-mail address).

7.10. Return of tickets/subscriptions purchased at the RAMT ticket office is carried out at the RAMT ticket offices (at the place of purchase) only upon presentation of the ticket/subscription and a cash receipt, on the basis of a personal written application in the cases established by these Rules.

7.11. Tickets/subscriptions corresponding to the samples in these Rules with an undamaged control coupon are subject to return. Tickets/subscriptions with sealed, smeared or otherwise changed information about the cost (price) are non-refundable.

7.12. If an event is canceled, tickets/subscription tickets are returned at RAMT ticket offices starting from the day the theater publishes information about the cancellation on the official website www.website and in the theatre’s box office until the date and time when the event/the first subscription event was to take place, as well as during 10 (ten) calendar days from the date when the event / the first event of the subscription was supposed to take place.

7.13. Tickets purchased for an event that was subsequently replaced or rescheduled by the theater are valid for the newly announced event.

7.14. When replacing or rescheduling an event, tickets are returned at the initiative of the viewer at the RAMT ticket offices before the originally set date and time for the start of the replaced or rescheduled event. In the event of a replacement or rescheduling of the event, the spectator who returned the ticket within the established period will be refunded the full cost of the ticket.

7.15. When returning a ticket by a spectator in the cases established by paragraphs. 7.12., 7.14. of these Rules, RAMT ticket agents have the right to offer him to attend this event at another time or attend another event, or return the cost of the ticket.

7.16. Refunds when returning tickets/subscriptions to ticket offices are made only for tickets purchased at RAMT ticket offices. Refunds for tickets purchased for cash are made in cash. Refunds for tickets purchased using bank cards are made to the same bank card with which they were paid, within the time and in the manner established by the issuing bank.

7.17. Refund of a ticket/subscription in case of refusal of the viewer to attend the event due to documented circumstances related to the illness of the viewer or the death of a person who was a member of his family or his close relative in accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with the rules and conditions, established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7.18. If the viewer refuses to attend the event for reasons not provided for in clause 7.17. of these Rules, the viewer has the right to return the ticket/subscription:

7.18.1. not later than 10 (ten) days before the day of the event / the day of the first event of the subscription, receive back 100% of the price of the ticket / subscription;
7.18.2. less than 10 (ten) days, but no later than 5 (five) days before the day of the event / the day of the first subscription event, receive a refund of 50% of the ticket / subscription price;
7.18.3. less than 5 (five) days, but no later than 3 (three) days before the day of the event / day of the first subscription event, receive a refund of 30% of the ticket / subscription price.

7.19. If the viewer refuses to attend the event for reasons not provided for in clause 7.17 of these Rules, less than 3 (three) days before the day of the event / the day of the first event of the season ticket, tickets / season tickets will not be accepted for a refund, the cost of the ticket / season ticket paid spectator, not returned.

7.20. Tickets sold by RAMT ticket offices as part of special programs and promotions that provide for special conditions for purchasing tickets are not accepted for return. Information about special programs and promotions is posted on the official website www.site. RAMT also has the right to send information about special programs and promotions to the existing audience base.

7.21. In case of return of tickets/subscriptions to RAMT events at the request of the spectator (clauses 7.17, 7.18 of these Rules), the spectator must personally contact one of the RAMT ticket offices during the opening hours of the box office and submit the following documents:

7.21.1. An application for a refund of a refundable ticket, indicating the reason for the ticket refund. In the application, the viewer must indicate the last name, first name, patronymic, name, as well as the date and time of the start of the event, the cost (price) of the ticket, the procedure for paying for the ticket (cash, payment by bank card), the reason for returning the ticket in the cases established by clause 3. 7.17. these Rules;
7.21.2. Identification document (original for presentation and a copy);
7.21.3. Ticket;
7.21.4. A cash receipt confirming the fact of buying a ticket for cash or using a bank card at the RAMT ticket office.

7.22. On the day the viewer provides all the documents specified in clause 7.21. of these Rules, the RAMT ticket agent reviews the application and refunds the ticket/subscription, within 3 (Three) days from the date of the decision on the spectator's application, refunds funds through the CCP in a manner similar to the method of buying a ticket/subscription.

8. Rules for the purchase and return of tickets through the official website www.site

8.1. On the official website www.. Subscriptions are sold only at ticket offices in the manner specified by these Rules.

8.2. To purchase tickets through the site, you must click on the "Buy tickets" button on the main page of the site or in the "Poster" section, selecting a specific event. When the button is pressed, the viewer goes to the automated system for booking and purchasing electronic tickets of the official partner of RAMT Yandex.Mediaservices LLC (Yandex.Afisha widget) and performs the actions offered by the specified system.

8.3. The purchase of tickets through the site is carried out only using a bank card.

8.4. When purchasing a ticket through the site, the viewer receives an electronic ticket and a cashier's check to the e-mail address specified by him. An electronic ticket must comply with the model specified in clause 6.5. of these Rules. A cash receipt must contain the mandatory details specified by Federal Law No. 54-FZ dated May 22, 2003 "On the use of cash registers when making settlements in the Russian Federation."

8.5. An electronic ticket and a cash receipt must be printed out by the viewer and presented at the RAMT control line. The theater does not provide the service of printing an electronic ticket and a cash receipt at the RAMT ticket offices.

8.6. An e-ticket is valid for one person regardless of age and entitles a single entry to the event specified in the e-ticket.

8.7. A printed e-ticket and a cash receipt with corrections are considered invalid.

8.8. The return of tickets purchased through the site is made by the viewer, taking into account the requirements and restrictions established by clauses. 7.12., 7.17., 7.18., 7.19., 7.20. of these Rules, in the manner prescribed by the automated system for booking and purchasing electronic tickets of the official partner of RAMT Yandex.Mediaservices LLC (Yandex.Afisha widget).

8.9. Refunds are made to the same bank card with which the tickets were paid.

8.10. RAMT is not responsible for the temporary suspension of the site.

8.11. RAMT is not responsible for any damages resulting from the use or inability to use the site and unauthorized access to the site.

9. Rules for the purchase and return of tickets from official partners of RAMT (their subagents)

9.1. The viewer can purchase tickets for RAMT events from the official partners specified in these Rules. Purchase of tickets from other persons is not allowed. Such tickets are not accepted by the theater and do not give the viewer the right to attend events.

9.2. Tickets sold by RAMT official partners must comply with the samples specified in paragraphs. 6.6. - 6.9. of these Rules.

9.3. RAMT official partners are responsible for the actions of their sub-agents as for their own.

9.4. The sale of tickets by official partners of RAMT is carried out in the manner established by each specific partner. Information on the procedure for purchasing tickets can be found on the websites of official partners specified in these Rules.

9.5. All official RAMT partners have the right to provide spectators with related services in the sale of tickets and charge spectators for their provision. The total cost of related services of the official partner should not exceed the amount established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

9.6. RAMT does not refund funds paid by the viewer to RAMT official partners or their subagents in excess of the ticket price (the cost of related services).

9.7. All official partners of RAMT accept return tickets from spectators and refund the payment in accordance with the procedure established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the requirements and restrictions established by clauses. 7.12., 7.14., 7.17., 7.18., 7.19., 7.20. of these Rules.

9.8. Information on the procedure for returning tickets to official partners of RAMT can be found on the websites of official partners specified in these Rules.

9.9. RAMT ticket offices do not accept refunds of tickets/e-tickets purchased by spectators from official partners.

To start a conversation about the rules of good manners when visiting the theater, let's quote from the book "Good Form" of the end of the last century:

“The theater is justly called the school of morality, and indeed, having a huge influence on morals, the theater can serve as a very effective means for the formation of tastes, for softening the rudeness of morals, for the destruction of prejudices, for ridiculing perverse concepts and at the same time inspire disgust for vices, arouse sensitivity. soul and evoke noble feelings of the heart.

Gallantry, politeness, good tone should accompany a person in any situation. But it is in the theater, opera, academic concert that he is required to strictly observe etiquette, its subtlest nuances. And above all, silence.

Can I ask a neighbor for a program or binoculars?

It's better not to. It is extremely impolite to disturb your neighbors during a play or concert. You will prevent them from enjoying what is happening on stage. Your request will involuntarily attract the attention of those sitting behind, blur the impression of a performance or concert to a whole group of people.

Is it convenient to share impressions during the performance?

It's even worse than asking your neighbor for a program. Any conversations during the performance are unacceptable. They are a gross violation of etiquette. You have time during the intermission or after the performance to share your impressions.

What is the best way to go to your seat if you are late for the start of the performance or concert?

The hallmark of a well-bred person is punctuality. To be late for the beginning of the performance is a violation of the rules of good manners. Moreover, being late is extremely rarely associated with really good reasons. In most cases, it is the result of poor upbringing.

Latecomers break the silence in the hall, distract a lot of people, getting to their chair, do not have time to properly tune in to watching the performance, listening to music.

However, if you are still late for the start, then you need to take your seats as quickly and quietly as possible.

The ticket attendant or administrator will help you find them.

When visiting the opera, you need to know

Musical works do not begin with the raising of the curtain, but with the first note sounded in the orchestra at the beginning of the overture.

Unfortunately, this is rarely taken into account due to ignorance and gaps in education. As a result, those sitting in the hall due to noise, conversations, walking around the hall are almost always deprived of the opportunity to listen to the overture, which is a magnificent musical part of the opera.

Therefore, at the very first sounds of the orchestra, you should stop all conversations and immerse yourself in the world of music.

Is it possible to remind the director and actors with applause that it is time to start the performance?

This is bad tone.

Is it appropriate to applaud if the curtain has risen and the actors are not on stage yet?

Applause after the curtain rises is heard in approval of the scenery.

Is applause appropriate after each act of a play or a well-performed part?

When is it customary to applaud a conductor?

Before he descends into the orchestra pit at the beginning of the performance and before the beginning of the last act.

How should men applaud and how should women applaud?

To applaud and call is the work of a man. They begin to applaud first. Ladies only indicate their approval with a light pat of the palm of the hand.

Is loud applause an expression of delight?

Loud applause is evidence of ignorance of the rules of etiquette.

Expressing your approval with loud applause, shouting is simply indecent.

Quiet but unanimous applause is the best approval of the performance of the actors and musicians.

You need to applaud on time and together with everyone

Single applause, exclamations are inappropriate, unacceptable.

When meeting with friends during intermission

Do not express your joy violently. It is enough to bow slightly as a sign of greeting.

What should be the outfit of a woman and a man when visiting the theater?

The current fashion is distinguished by its democratic character. In addition, today people come to the theater almost immediately after a working day.

They simply do not have the physical ability to do, for example, a haircut in a beauty salon. Therefore, it is enough to dress neatly, a suit and an evening dress without excessive decorations are most appropriate.

An excessively lush outfit in bright colors with an abundance of valuable jewelry will be dissonant compared to the clothes of most viewers and indicate that the lady wants to attract the attention of others.

A man should come to the theater in a dark suit, light-colored shirt and tie.

With all the democratic nature of fashion, it is indecent to appear in a theater in jeans. They are allowed (with some stretch) except for students.

Perfumes are good in moderation

When visiting the theater (as well as any other public place) one should not choke too much.

A light aroma should not turn into a strong smell, which not everyone likes and only indicates a woman’s lack of taste.

Who should buy the program, the binoculars?

  • If a man came to the theater with a lady, then he should buy a program and binoculars.
  • The ladies should pass the binoculars, the program only after they take their places in the auditorium.
  • Remember that binoculars are designed to observe what is happening on the stage.
  • Viewing the audience in the auditorium is unacceptable.
  • How to walk to your seats along the row past the seated spectators?

    Only facing the seated.

    Should the man let the woman go ahead?

    No, the man goes first, then the woman. The man apologizes and thanks those who got up from their chair to make way.

    How should a man and a woman sit in relation to each other?

    The man sits to the left of the woman. He first helps her sit up by tipping the seat over and holding it, then he takes his own seat.

    If a woman for some reason (does not like, for example, the neighborhood on the left or the stage is poorly visible) expresses a desire to change places, the man does this with visible pleasure.

    Having taken places

    Think of those in the back. A woman's hat or a man's headdress will prevent them from seeing the scene properly.

    If there is a confusion with the seats in the auditorium?

    Try not to lose your composure and endurance. A violent manifestation of emotions does not decorate a person in the eyes of others. Try to solve the problem calmly and with dignity.

    Remember that the occupants of the seats for which double tickets are sold are the first to have priority on them. And they are not to blame for the confusion that has arisen.

    How do two couples who come together sit down in the auditorium?

    Ladies sit together, gentlemen at the edges.

    If a lonely lady entered the box

    The man in the front seat, according to etiquette, is obliged to offer this place to her, even if they are strangers.

    In case of refusal, he must repeat his offer. A well-mannered man should not allow a woman to sit behind.

    After the performance, concert

    Do not rush to go down to the wardrobe - there are probably a lot of people there. Look at the photos of theater actors in the foyer, share your impressions of what you saw on stage.

    Please refrain immediately after the performance.

    To what place should a man take his lady?

    Given the late time, it is better - to the door of the apartment.

    At parting

    Date thanks her boyfriend for a pleasantly spent evening, the man answers her in the same way, not forgetting about compliments.

    Sitting in a chair

    Do not lean on both armrests.

    What to do if during a performance or concert there is a need to leave?

    Try to wait until intermission. In extreme cases, you can leave during a pause between acts or performances of concert numbers. Do it as quietly and inconspicuously as possible.

    If there is not much time left before the intermission, it is better not to return to your place so as not to disturb the neighbors in your row again. You can watch the action, standing at the exit from the auditorium.

    If you have a cold

    You should refrain from visiting the theater or concert hall. By constantly sneezing and coughing, you will embarrass yourself and will constantly distract others. It should also be remembered that the patient is a distributor of infection.

    During the performance, the concert does not follow

  • Rustling with chocolate foil.
  • Look around the auditorium.
  • Fan yourself with a program or a newspaper if it's stuffy in the hall.
  • Try to warm up by making vigorous movements with your arms or shoulders if it is cold in the room.
  • Express your emotions loudly.
  • Sing along to the artist at the concert.
  • Violently express your delight, whistle or stomp your feet.
  • Throw flowers on the stage. It is better to go up there yourself or pass them through a minister.
  • What do the cries of "bravo" and "encore" mean?

    Indeed, after a successful performance of a concert number or the end of a performance, one can often hear cries of “bravo”, “encore”. However, not everyone knows that shouting "bravo" express their delight. But the "encore" is shouting, demanding a solo number. Therefore, the “encore” after the end of the performance or opera sounds, to put it mildly, ridiculous, characterizing the screamer accordingly.

  • Leave your lady alone for a long time. When leaving, you should say the words of apology.
  • Approach with conversations to a friend, if he is with a lady.
  • Move away from your lady to another friend, giving her all sorts of signs of attention.
  • Available in the lobby or auditorium. That's what the buffet is for.
  • If you need to tint your lips, straighten your hair?

    This can be done only in the toilet room, but not in the lobby.

    Is it necessary to take a change of shoes to the theater?

    No, not necessarily, another thing is that your boots or shoes must be clean.

    For the visually impaired

    About the theater

    Visiting Rules

    Dear viewers!
    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rules for visiting the theater so that our meetings are pleasant and comfortable for all parties. We will be grateful if you read them to the end.
    We hope that you will become our regular viewer, and the charm of the theater will not leave you at any age.
    Purchasing tickets

    Every spectator, regardless of age, must have a ticket.

    In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29, 2010 N 436-FZ “On the Protection of Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development”, we recommend paying attention to age limits (information is indicated on posters and tickets), the responsibility for non-compliance with this condition lies on parents.

    Tickets can be purchased at the theatre's box office, on the theater's website online (through the Radario LLC platform), through official distributors and authorized theater employees. Payment at the box office is made in cash or by bank card; upon purchase, the cashier issues a ticket on a strict accountability form and a cash receipt. We ask you to keep the receipt until the performance, Refund of a ticket without this receipt will not be possible.

    To enter the performance, you need to present the original ticket form, a printout of an electronic ticket or a QR code of an electronic ticket on the screen of your mobile device.

    It is not possible to print e-tickets at the theater box office.

    Preliminary requests for booking tickets are accepted, which must be redeemed 3 days before the date of the show (in the amount of 1-10 tickets) or 14 days in advance (in the amount of more than 10 tickets).

    When buying tickets for a group of school-age children (at least 20 people), one accompanying adult goes free of charge.

    Disabled children, orphans, children from large families and children from social risk families have the right to free admission to repertory performances (with the exception of festival and touring performances) upon prior agreement with the theater administration and subject to availability on the day of the performance.

    If you want to come to the theater on the day of the performance without a pre-purchased ticket, find out the day before about availability by calling the box office 265 37 82 and 8 987 745 55 21. Otherwise, you may be left with a spoiled mood at the door, and we will regret that you have not read these rules.

    Ticket refund

    Tickets are refunded in accordance with Federal Law No. 193FZ “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Culture” dated July 18, 2019.

    The amount of money returned depends on the reasons and timing of the return.

    In case of cancellation, replacement or rescheduling of the event at the initiative of the theater, if the visitor refuses to attend the event 10 or more days before it takes place or for valid reasons, 100% of the ticket price is refunded.

    If the visitor refuses to attend the event 5-9 days before the event, 50% of the ticket price is refunded.

    If the visitor refuses to attend the event 3-4 days before the event - 30% of the ticket price.

    If the visitor refuses to attend the event less than 3 days before the event, the cost of the ticket is not refundable.

    Tickets purchased at the theater box office are handed over by the spectator at the box office with an identity document, the original ticket and a cash receipt.

    Refunds for electronic tickets purchased on the theater website are made by the official distributor of Radario LLC. To do this, in the section Poster press To buy a ticket next to the name of the performance, then click Write to support to write a letter to [email protected] and indicate the date, time, ticket number and reason for the return.

    Refunds for tickets purchased at the box office of official distributors are made at the box office of official distributors.

    The Theater Administration reserves the right to make changes to the cast of the Theater events without prior notice. Changes in the cast are not sufficient grounds for a ticket refund. The theater administration reserves the right to change the announced performance.

    Visiting a performance

    Entrance to the Theater is carried out with a ticket. One ticket entitles one person to visit the theater.

    The entrance to the theater opens 45 minutes before the start of the performance, at which time the cloakroom and buffet open.

    In accordance with the requirements of the civil defense and emergency authorities to ensure safety during mass events, large-sized backpacks, sports bags, plastic, paper and other non-transparent bags must be handed over to the wardrobe. In case of loss by the spectator of the number token (number), the cost of the lost number in full is recovered from the spectator. The entrance to the auditorium opens after the first call.

    We have to remind you that it is not allowed to enter the auditorium in outer, sports and dirty clothes, as well as with drinks and food. Smoking in the theater is prohibited. While in the theatre, spectators are obliged to observe public order, theatrical etiquette and fire safety rules.

    If you are late for the performance, you can exercise your right to “take a seat according to the purchased tickets” during the intermission.

    Take one and a half to two hours of precious time for yourself - turn off your mobile phone. Calls disrupt the atmosphere of the play, irritate your neighbors-spectators, and greatly interfere with the work of the actors.

    We remind you that photography and video shooting during the performance is prohibited! The theater has obligations to the Russian Authors' Society, which protects the right of the playwright, artist, composer, choreographer to its intellectual property. The brilliance and flickering of photo flashes in a darkened hall blinds the artists and disturbs the audience.

    We will be grateful to you if you do not leave the hall before the actors leave the stage.

    You can give them flowers, as gratitude for the emotions experienced, during the final bow.

    These Rules are developed in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation dated 07.02.1992. No. 2300-1 “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006, “On Personal Data”, Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 18, 2019 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “Fundamentals of Legislation of the Russian Federation about culture" and approved by the director of the MBUK "Vera Theater" Gorshkov M.S.

    Before coming to the theater, we ask you to find out about the performance on the website or by phone and pay attention to the indication of the age of the audience. We recommend visiting our children's performances with children from 3 years old. Do not rush time, and do not be offended if your child has not yet reached the indicated years - perhaps the performance will be difficult for him to perceive because of the duration of each action, the bright theatrical conventions or the “maturity” of the topics and questions raised. We do not limit your possibilities, we remind you of the responsibility for the emotional impressions of the child.

    Visiting evening performances by children of primary school age is possible only if accompanied by parents or other adults.

    We advise you to come with the baby early - you have the opportunity to walk around the lobby, tell the child about the rule of "three theatrical calls", explain the meanings of the words intermission, applause, actor, role, performance. Be sure to buy a program for your child. Bright, adapted to children's perception, it will introduce your baby to new information, become an occasion for conversation and a memory of a pleasant event.

    "Take a tour" of the common areas to feel comfortable during the performance.

    Show your child an example of respect for artists and turn off your mobile phone. Just remember your childhood, look at a fairy tale. Sometimes its meaning is most relevant for us adults.

    The performance, where instead of speech the child will meet with dance and singing, may seem incomprehensible to him from the first minutes. Do not swear and do not pull him sharply. It is better to quietly explain to him the "rules of the game" on stage. Children accept the world of theatrical conventionality easily and quickly.

    Do not "sweeten" the performance with sweets, apples, cookies, etc. Arrange a holiday for your child during the intermission and treat them to juice or cake in the buffet - this is a whole event and part of the theatrical ritual!

    For any person, visiting the theater is not just entertainment, but an event that requires attention and mental work. And for a baby, this is a special, very emotional event. Don't get angry with your child if he starts acting up. Preschoolers get tired quickly. This is a feature of age psychology. After the performance, take a short walk and be sure to discuss what you saw in the theater. We will be very happy if the results of such a discussion come back to us in the form of drawings, letters, entries in the Guest Book or in the Vkontakte theater group.

    Thank you for reading this section to the end.

    Know that we love you, our audience, and are glad to meet you at our performances!


    Federal State Budgetary Institution of Culture
    "State Academic Theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov"

    1.1. By purchasing a ticket for the performances of the Theatre, the viewer agrees to these Rules and undertakes to comply with these Rules and public order in the Theatre's building.

    1.2. The Theater Administration reserves the right to make changes to the cast of the Theater performances without prior notice. Changes in the cast are not sufficient grounds for a ticket refund.

    1.3. If the viewer refuses to attend the performance, the viewer has the right to return the ticket to the legal entity that sold the ticket, and receive back upon return:
    - when applying ten or more days before the day of the performance - 100% of the ticket price;
    - when applying 5 - 9 days before the day of the performance - 50% of the ticket price;
    - when applying 3-4 days before the day of the performance - 30% of the ticket price.

    1.4. If the viewer refuses to attend the performance less than 3 days before the day of the performance, the cost of the ticket will not be returned to the viewer.

    1.5. If the viewer refuses to attend the performance due to documented circumstances related to the illness of the viewer or the death of a person who was a member of his family or his close relative in accordance with the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the return of the ticket is carried out in accordance with the rules and conditions established by the Government of the Russian Federation .

    1.6. In accordance with paragraph 2. Art. 1. Federal Law No. 193-FZ of July 18, 2019 “On Amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “Fundamentals of Russian Legislation on Culture” tickets purchased under special programs approved by the Theater in the form of Annexes to these Rules are not subject to return or exchange.

    1.7. In case of cancellation, replacement or rescheduling of the performance, the viewer has the right to receive a full refund of the ticket price. In case of cancellation of the performance, the return of tickets is made at the box office of the Theater within 10 calendar days. In case of replacement or rescheduling of the performance, the return of tickets is possible only before the start of the replaced or rescheduled performance. The service fee charged by distributors and ticket agencies, and/or other funds paid by the viewer in excess of the ticket price set by the Theatre, are not reimbursed by the Theatre.

    1.8. The Spectator is obliged to take care of the property of the Theatre, and in case of causing material damage to the Theatre, to reimburse it in full, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In case of loss by the viewer of the number token (number), confirming the delivery of things for storage in the wardrobe of the Theatre, the viewer will be charged the cost of the lost number in full.

    1.9. In order to maintain the personal safety of the audience, as well as for a comfortable and enjoyable viewing of the performance, it is forbidden to bring the following items into the theater premises:
    weapons, flammable, explosive, poisonous, odorous and radioactive substances, piercing and cutting objects, pyrotechnic devices, laser flashlights, narcotic substances, alcoholic products.

    At the entrance to the theater, each spectator must pass a special control equipped with stationary and hand-held metal detectors in order to identify items prohibited from bringing into the building, and at the request of the Theatre's security staff, deposit piercing objects, weapons, self-defense equipment, as well as means of audio and video recording. If the viewer does not want to pass the control, the administration of the Theater has the right to refuse to visit the Theater.

    1.10. It is not allowed to enter in outer clothing and bring it into the auditorium, as well as to bring large bags, backpacks, briefcases, suitcases, cameras, video cameras, players, tape recorders, other audio and video recording devices, food and drinks into the auditorium.

    1.11. Performances are the intellectual property of the Theater and directors. In order to ensure copyright protection, viewers are prohibited from making video, film, photography and audio recording of the performance without the written permission of the Theatre's administration.

    1.12. During the performance, it is forbidden to use radiotelephone communications and pagers, the sound signals of which must be turned off for the duration of the performance.

    1.13. Entrance to the auditorium after the start of the performance is prohibited. Spectators who arrive late can watch the first act from free seats (if any) on the mezzanine and balcony and take the seats indicated on the ticket during the intermission.

    1.14. The ticket cannot be exchanged or refunded if the viewer is late for the start of the performance.

    Visiting Rules

    1. By purchasing a ticket for theater performances, the viewer agrees to these rules and undertakes to comply with these rules and public order in the theater building.

    2. Each spectator, regardless of age, must have a ticket and, upon entering the auditorium, must sit in the seat indicated on the ticket. Watching evening performances is not recommended for children under 12 years old, and children from 12 years old must be accompanied by parents who take full responsibility for the behavior of children. The administration has the right to remove parents with children from the hall in case of inadequate behavior of children during the performance.

    3. In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "Fundamentals of Russian Legislation on Culture" are invalid, do not give the right to attend entertainment events and are not accepted for return tickets:

    • the details of which do not correspond to the forms and details approved by the authorized federal executive body;
    • the design elements of which do not correspond to the design elements established by performing arts organizations;
    • containing corrections;
    • fake tickets.

    In accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Culture "On the approval of forms of strict accountability" No. 257 of December 17, 2008, methodological instructions on the procedure for the application, accounting, storage and destruction of forms of strict accountability by organizations and cultural institutions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, approved . letter of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated July 15, 2009 No. 29-01-39 / 04 on the ticket without fail must containthe following information:

    · Ticket price

    The date and time of the start of the performance

    venue (stage)

    Row and placement in the hall

    The name of the play

    Number and series of the ticket

    Individual ticket barcode

    4. The entrance of the audience to the theater starts 45 minutes before the start of the performance.

    5. At the entrance to the theater, each spectator must go through special control, equipped with stationary and manual metal detectors, in order to identify objects prohibited from being brought into the building, and, at the request of security officers, deposit piercing and cutting objects, weapons, self-defense equipment. If the viewer does not want to go through control, the theater administration has the right to refuse to visit the performance without refunding the ticket price.

    6. Visiting the theater by spectators with disabilities:

    The new theater stage is fully equipped for wheelchair users. To agree on the possibility of viewing performances for people in wheelchairs of the Main and New Stages, contact the administration by phone: +7 495 692-44-81, +7 495 580-52-15 (ext. 308, 345) to clarify the placement of a wheelchair user in the auditorium and providing information about the accompanying person (full name).

    7. Forbidden enter the theater with food and drinks, enter the theater in working or dirty clothes, as well as in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

    7.1. Entrance to the theater with animals prohibited.

    8. It is strictly forbidden : enter the auditorium in outerwear and headdress or bring them into the auditorium; carry into the auditorium: large backpacks, large packages, large bags, briefcases.

    9. Entering the auditorium after the third bell forbidden. If the viewer is late for the start of the performance, tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded. Any excuse for being late to the performance will not be accepted. Spectators must independently ensure timely arrival at the beginning of the performance. Spectators who are late, as an exception, can watch the first act of the performance in the available seats (if any) on the dress circle, and during the intermission, transfer to the seats indicated on the ticket.

    10. Performances are the intellectual property of the theater and directors. In order to ensure copyright protection for viewers prohibited to make video and photography, audio recording of the performance without the written permission of the theater management.

    11. Smoking in the premises and on the territory of the theater forbidden on the basis of Federal Law No. 15 dated July 01, 2014.

    12. Spectators who do not follow the lawful instructions of the theater administration and attendants, violate the rules and norms of behavior (obscene language, aggressive behavior, breaking the silence in the hall) the theater administration has the right to demand to leave the auditorium and, in case of failure to comply with the requirement, to withdraw from the auditorium, at the same time, the cost of services (tickets) is not compensated and is not refundable.

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