Waist. Greek Muses

In ancient Greece, not only the gods who made up the host were revered, but also their children, the deities of the third generation of Olympians. Greece was an enlightened country: the sages, scientists, philosophers of antiquity left a deep mark on the history of the whole world. It is noteworthy that the muses in Greece did not always mean a symbol of inspiration for the beautiful: music, love, poetry.

The nine daughters of the father of the gods Zeus clearly demonstrate the triad: a symbol of absolute harmony. They combined three types: science, handicraft and real art. The triad is symbolic in Greece, where poetry was as highly valued as the ability to read the stars.

Sages and philosophers rightly believed that each of the muses is necessary for prosperity.

Calliope was the mother of Orpheus, from her son inherited the ability to feel music. The mother taught her son that every word in poetry should bring the soul of the fallen hero back to life, inspire faith and nurture nobility. The scroll and slate in her hands were not just symbols. Young warriors leaving for battle could swear that they could hear Calliope writing a new work.

The Greeks considered Calliope the queen of all the muses, No wonder she has a crowned crown or a laurel wreath on her head. Apollo himself did not dare to interrupt the Queen of the Muses when she spoke fiery speeches about the honor, nobility, courage and purity of the soul of a true warrior. The muse can be considered a symbol of love for one's Motherland, one's land. Therefore, at one time the Greeks ordered miniature images of Calliope before distant wanderings. They say that Pallas herself gave such a miniature to her beloved Odysseus so that his heart would always be filled with purity of thoughts and the desire to return to his native shores.

The ancient Greek historian and keeper of mythology Diodorus wrote about her: “The greatest of muses inspires love for the past”. History is priceless for any nation, and especially for the people of Greece. Clio, it was believed, wrote down on her scrolls every, even an insignificant event, so that none of the descendants would forget their past.

The mythology describes the conflict between the muse and the beautiful Aphrodite. The muse of history had strict morals, but she never knew love. Aphrodite, being the wife of the god Hephaestus, had tender feelings for the young Dionysus. The implacable muse condemned the goddess for her love for a mortal. Aphrodite ordered her little son Eros to shoot two arrows: one, kindling love, in Clio, and the second, killing feelings, in Pieron. Suffering from unrequited love enlightened the muse; Clio no longer dared to judge anyone for feelings.

Being engaged in the study of history, we compiled, in which we tried to take into account all the features of each of the gods.

According to the myths, Clio was friendly with Calliope, which is understandable: the muse of patriotism is inseparable from the muse of history. They were depicted in almost the same way, often the Greeks ordered busts of these muses from only one master.

Melpomene is not only the muse of tragedy, as symbolized by the mournful mask in her right hand. Muse is the mother of the fatal sirens who almost killed the Argonauts. Although according to another version, Terpsichore was the mother of the sirens.

It is interesting that the origin of the sirens is described extremely poorly, as if they appeared from the air. The two daughters of Melpomene had marvelous voices from birth, but pride destroyed them: in the absence of their mother, they challenged the muses and lost. They were punished for this: according to one version, the Thunderer himself turned them into sirens, according to another, turning into birds was the work of Poseidon.

Melpomene vowed to grieve forever for the fate of her daughters and those who dare to go against the will of heaven. He is always depicted in the robes of theatre-goers, with the same mask in his hands. But in the second hand there can be either a sword as a symbol of punishment for disobedience and insolence, or a scroll of parchment. The mantle on it exactly reflects the spirit of Greece of that era: people are toys in the hands of the gods and only take part in the theater of the gods.

Thalia was closest to Melpomene, the muse of tragedies, but she never understood her unconditional faith in the inevitability of punishment. According to Cicero, the Muses often quarreled because of this.

In contrast to her sister, Thalia was portrayed with a comedic mask in her hands and a wreath of plain ivy. The muse never claimed special attention, but she had a cheerful disposition and was distinguished by optimism. According to mythology, it was believed that the comedy mask in her hands was a symbol of laughter, but according to another version, the mask meant about the same as the mask in the hands of Melpomene: the life of people is just a play for the gods.

Thalia was the wife of Apollo, but, according to the myth, she was kidnapped by the Thunderer to make his wife. But the muse knew Hera, the wife of Zeus, and understood what awaited her. Horror made her seek refuge from the lord of the dead world of Hades. The gloomy god hid the muse deep underground.

Euterpe stood out among other muses for her special refinement in the perception of poetry. Her poems could be listened to for hours by the whole host of Olympians, to the quiet accompaniment of the harp of Orpheus. Her attribute is a double flute and a wreath of fresh flowers. She could be depicted surrounded by forest nymphs, according to the records, she became the comforter of the soul of the unfortunate Orpheus after he lost his Eurydice twice.
She was considered the most beautiful of the muses, possessing a special sensuality and femininity.

Erato is always depicted with some kind of cheerful and perky musical instrument: lyre, tambourine. She was glorified by songwriters, calling to inspire inspiration. The head of the muse is decorated with beautiful roses as a symbol of the eternity of love.

Erato has become a symbol of the struggle of true love for their rights. The muse sang that even the dark kingdom of Hades could not separate loving hearts, they were forever connected by a strong thread. Muse became the creator of a new direction in the music of Greece - wedding. Legend has it that charming Erato got bored at one of the weddings. She held out her lyre to the blind musician and whispered something to him.

Magical music sounded in the huge hall, all the lovers present felt an irresistible desire to be together before and after death. The wondrous music spread further and further, and now the muse of Terpsichore is listening to the music, and her chiseled legs are beating a new rhythm of the dance.

Terpsichore is not just the muse of dances, including wedding ones. Dance should express not just emotions, but a special connection with nature, show unity with the culture of their homeland. The dance of Terpsichore is the absolute perfection of the movements of the soul and body. Since ancient times, the Greeks, learning to dance, learned to listen to music and dance to the rhythm of heartbeats. Each dancer wanted to learn the perfect movements of the muse, but this was not given to everyone.

Terpsichore, according to legend, accompanied the god Dionysus everywhere. The god himself was distinguished by the simplicity of the image, so his environment also did not stand out for pomp and pretentiousness. The muse appears in a simple tunic with a lyre in her hands, on her head a wreath of ivy.

Polyhymnia, muse of hymns

Polyhymnia was the patroness of speakers, it was in her will to make the speech fiery and life-giving, or people not to hear the speaker's voice at all. It was believed that it was worth pronouncing the name of the muse before an important performance, Polyhymnia would go down to the supplicant and spend the whole night instructing and inspiring the gift of voice. Without the patronage of the muse of oratory, it is impossible to reach the hearts, none of the Greeks doubted this at all.

Muse of hymns to the gods. This should be understood as the muse of prayers that people send daily to higher powers and their ardor also depends on the will of the daughter of Zeus.

The ninth and wisest of all the daughters of the Thunderer, not counting Athena. It is believed that her name was given to her by her father in honor of Uranus, the god of heaven, long before the appearance of Zeus.

The muse always holds a globe and a compass in her hands. The latter helps her determine the distances between stars. It was she who stood near Piazzi, suggesting to him the discovery of the first asteroid. The Roman did not immediately hear the muse, but the daughter of Zeus always got her way from her ward scientists. The Greeks considered her the patroness of even those sciences that were far from heavenly.
This muse is revered to this day, and everywhere. Even in Russia there is a museum of Urania and in some cities there are full-fledged statues.

The religion of ancient Greece is amazing. It is strikingly different from other religions, causing a growing interest in itself. A journey into their world always leaves a mark in the memory of a person, no matter if he is Greek by origin.

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- (Θάλεια, Thalia blooming): in the Hellenistic canon of muses, a representative of comedy, depicted in works of art as a young girl in light, sometimes shaggy clothes, with a staff in her hand ...

- (Θάλεια, Thalia blooming): in the Hellenistic canon of muses, a representative of comedy, depicted in works of art as a young girl in light, sometimes shaggy clothes, with a staff in her hand ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Muse The Muse Director Albert Brooks Producer Herb Nanas Barry M. Berg Written by Albert Brooks Monica Johnson ... Wikipedia

Each of the 9 sisters of the goddesses, according to other Greek. mythologies that patronized the sciences and arts. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MUSE Plant; same as banana. Dictionary of foreign words included in ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

- (inosk.) inspiration Cf. As long as you are loved by the muses, You burn with fire Pierid... Forget worldly sorrows. A.S. Pushkin to Batyushkov. Wed Goddess of courageous thoughts! My poems sounded to you, Alive, bright, like you! N.M. languages. To the Muse. Wed Breathe heavenly me, ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

muse- uh. 1) In Greek mythology: each of the nine goddesses, patrons of poetry, arts and sciences. 2) trans., only singular, book. A symbol of poetic inspiration, as well as inspiration itself, creativity. And let me not know where you are, O Muse, do not call him ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

s; and. [Greek Mousa] 1. In ancient Greek mythology: each of the nine goddesses, patrons of sciences and arts. M. Comedy Thalia. 2. Trad. poet. About creative inspiration, personified in the image of a woman, a goddess. The poet was visited by m. * O fiery muse ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

muse- s; and. (Greek Mousá) 1) In ancient Greek mythology: each of the nine goddesses, patronesses of sciences and arts. Mu/for comedy Thalia. 2) a) trad. poet. About creative inspiration, personified in the image of a woman, a goddess. The poet was visited by the m / za. * Oh muse… … Dictionary of many expressions

MUSE- (Greek musa) 1) in ancient Greek mythology, each of the nine goddesses, patronesses of poetry, arts and sciences, accompanying the god Apollo: Urania, the patroness of astronomy, Calliope of the epic, Clio of history, Melpomene of tragedy, Polyhymnia of hymns, ... ... Professional education. Dictionary

MUSE- in other Greek. mythology goddess of arts. Initially referred to as a single deity. Later, the number of M. increased to nine. Their names are first found in Hesiod's Theogony (7th century BC). They were revered as the patrons of various arts, and ... Atheistic Dictionary


  • The world of music opened up to me. Musical instruments , . In a selection of reproductions of paintings, children will get acquainted with genre paintings in which one of the heroes is ... musical instruments. Thinking with them about what this or that picture, ...
  • Lost illusions. Turkish priest. Illustrious godissar. Provincial Muse, Honore de Balzac. The volume contains the well-known novel "Lost Illusions", as well as the stories "Priest of Tours", "The Illustrious Godissart" and "Provincial Muse", which are included in the "Scenes of the Provincial…

From time immemorial, the most beautiful and brightest moments in life have been associated with the advent of the muse, moments of insight and inspiration, the emergence of something new, meeting a dream. Why is it said that meeting a muse can completely change the life of a muse? Why even now we often hear: “if there is inspiration”, “if the muse comes”? Who are these mysterious and beautiful strangers, nine sisters, dressed in snow-white clothes? Is it just a beautiful myth that has gone into the distant past?

The Muses (translated from Greek as “thinking”) are the daughters of Zeus “mightier thundering”, to whom all the deities of Olympus obey, all the main principles in the Universe, and Mnemosynes, the goddess of memory, the patroness of poetry, arts and sciences, personify everything that allows a person to remember about the important and genuine, about the Eternal

Music of comedy. It gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside in order to finally laugh at your mistakes, because comedy is a school of life, and by playing our roles we can learn positive lessons that will gradually lead us from the theater to a hidden deep spiritual essence. Waist is an opportunity to learn the price of comedy and smiles.

Comedy, which is patronized by Thalia, does not cause laughter and does not allow you to forget. It is not a way to escape responsibility and not even a way to have fun. Comedy is the School of Life, and all of us, without exception, playing our roles, should learn positive lessons from here, which will gradually lead us from a play for materialistic masks to a hidden deep spiritual essence that sets scenes in the theaters of life.

We must "look at ourselves from the outside" as a spectacle, in order, in the end, to laugh at our mistakes and regret our innumerable errors, so that then, little by little, ironic and disgusting grimaces of discontent begin to appear on our faces, which will be a sure sign that that we recognized ourselves in this representation. And then we will understand the price of comedy and smiles.

Very often in our life there are such phrases as: “the muse visited”, “the muse of poetry” and many others in which the word muse is mentioned. However, what does it mean? This concept comes from ancient mythology. The Greek Muses are the nine sisters, patrons of the arts and sciences. They are the daughters of Zeus himself and each of them has their own unique divine powers. Let's look at them in more detail.

So, as mentioned earlier, the Muses are the daughters of Zeus and the Titanides Mnemosyne, who is the goddess of memory. The very word muses (muses) comes from the Greek word for “thinking”. The Muses were usually portrayed as young and beautiful women. They possessed a prophetic gift and favorably treated creative people: poets, artists, artists, encouraging and helping them in their activities in every possible way. However, for special offenses, the muses could deprive a person of inspiration. To prevent this from happening, the ancient Greeks built special temples in honor of the muses, which were called museions. It is from this word that the word “museum” comes from. The patron of the Muses themselves was the god Apollo. Let's now look at each of the muses in more detail.

Muse Calliope - muse of epic poetry

The name of this muse from Greek can be translated as "having a beautiful voice." According to Diodorus, this name arose at the moment when the “beautiful word” (kalen opa) was uttered. She is the eldest daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne.

Calliope is the mother of Orpheus, the muse of heroic poetry and eloquence. It evokes a sense of sacrifice that encourages a person to overcome his selfishness and fear of fate. Calliope wears a golden crown on her forehead - a sign that she dominates other muses, thanks to her ability to introduce a person to the first steps towards his liberation. Calliope was depicted with a waxed tablet or scroll and a slate stick in her hands - a stylus, which was a bronze rod, the pointed end of which was used to write text on a tablet covered with wax. The opposite end was made flat to erase what was written.

Muse Clio - patroness of history

The accompanying attributes of this muse are a scroll of parchment or a tablet - a board with letters. Clio reminds of what a person can achieve, helps to find his destiny.

According to Diodorus, the name comes from the word "Cleos" - "glory". The etymology of the name is “giving glory”. From Pier, the Greek muse Clio had a son, Hyacinthus. Love for Pier was inspired by Aphrodite for condemning her love for Adonis.

Muse of Melpomene - muse of tragedy

In Greek mythology, Melpomene is considered the muse of the tragic genre. The name, according to Diodorus, means "a melody that pleases the listeners." The image is anthropomorphic - it was described as a woman with a bandage, grape or ivy wreath on her head. It always has permanent paraphernalia in the form of a tragic mask, sword or club. The weapon carries the symbolism of the inevitability of divine punishment.

Melpomene is the mother of sirens - sea creatures who personified a deceptive but charming sea surface, under which sharp cliffs or shallows are hidden. From their mother muse, the sirens inherited the divine voice with which they lured sailors.

Muse Thalia - muse of comedy

Thalia or, in another version, Phalia - in Greek mythology, the muse of comedy and light poetry, the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne. Depicted with a comic mask in her hands and a wreath of ivy on her head.

From Thalia and Apollo were born Corybantes - the mythical predecessors of the priests of Cybele or Rhea in Phrygia, in wild enthusiasm, with music and dances, serving the great mother of the gods. According to Diodorus, she received her name from prosperity (thallein) glorified in poetic works for many years.

Zeus, turning into a kite, took Thalia as his wife. Out of fear of Hera's jealousy, the muse hid in the bowels of the earth, where demonic creatures were born from her - sticks (in this myth she is called the nymph of Etna).

Muse Polyhymnia - muse of solemn hymns

Polyhymnia is the muse of solemn hymns in Greek mythology. According to Diodorus, she got her name from the creation by many praises (diapolles chimneseos) of fame to those whose name poetry immortalized with glory. She patronizes hymn-writers. It is believed that she keeps in memory all the hymns, songs and ritual dances that praise the Olympian gods, it is also believed that she invented the lyre.

Polyhymnia is often depicted with a scroll in her hands, in a thoughtful pose. Polyhymnia patronizes the study of rhetoric and oratory by people, which turns the orator into an instrument of truth. She personifies the power of speech and makes a person's speech life-giving. Polyhymnia helps to recognize the mystery of the word as a real power, with which you can inspire and revive, but at the same time hurt and kill. This power of speech is inspiring on the path to truth.

Muse Terpsichore - muse of dance

Terpsichore is the muse of dance. According to Diodorus, she got her name from the enjoyment (terpein) of the audience by the benefits that are in art. Tsets also calls her name among the Muses. Considered the patroness of dancing and choral singing. Depicted as a young woman, with a smile on her face, sometimes in the pose of a dancer, more often sitting and playing the lyre.

Characteristic attributes: a wreath on the head; in one hand she held a lyre, and in the other a plectrum. This muse is associated with Dionysus, attributing to her the attribute of this god - ivy (as stated in the inscription on Helicon dedicated to Terpsichore).

Muse Urania - muse of astronomy

Urania is the muse of astronomy. The attributes of Urania were: a celestial globe and a compass. According to Diodorus, she received her name from the aspiration to heaven (uranos) of those who comprehended her art. According to one version, Urania is the mother of Hymen.

Urania personifies the power of contemplation, she calls us to leave the external chaos in which a person exists and plunge into the contemplation of the majestic run of the stars, which is a reflection of fate. This is the power of knowledge, the power that draws to the mysterious, draws to the high and beautiful - to the Sky and the Stars.

Muse of Euterpe - muse of lyric poetry

Euterpe (ancient Greek Εὐτέρπη "cheerful") - in Greek mythology, one of the nine muses, the daughters of Zeus and the Titanides Mnemosyne, the muse of lyrical poetry and music. Depicted with a lyre or flute in her hands.

Mother of Res by the river god Strymon. According to the etymology of Diodora, she received her name from the enjoyment (terpein) of listeners who receive the benefits of education. Tsets also calls her name among the Muses.

Muse Erato - muse of love poetry

Erato is the muse of lyrical and love poetry. Her name is derived from the name of the god of love Eros. According to Diodorus, she received the name in honor of the ability to be “eperasta” (desired for love and passion).

She was born as a result of the union of Mnemosyne and Zeus. From Mala Erato gave birth to Cleophema. The attribute of the muse is cithara. This divine heroine of Greek mythology is often mentioned in the legends of the Hellenes.

In addition, Virgil and Apollonius of Rhodes resort to the symbolism associated with the image of the Greek muse Erato in their works. She knows how to breathe into the soul love for everything living with her art to transform everything into beauty, hidden beyond the physical.

According to Wikipedia

Music of comedy. It gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the side, in order to finally laugh at your mistakes, because comedy is a school of life, and by playing our roles we can learn positive lessons that will gradually lead us from the theater to a hidden deep spiritual essence. Waist is an opportunity to know the price of comedy and a smile.

Today I saw...

Today I saw Thalia, the Muse of Comedy... Her face was lit up with a barely perceptible smile, and for a moment it seemed to me that she was laughing at me, at all of us, at our life and our worries, so alien to the delicate mental warehouse of the Muse.
Completely torn up by everyday troubles, I tried to drive away the vision. I wanted to erase that graceful laughing image, because I decided that now is not the time for fun and comedy, but for sorrows and dramas. But my desire soon vanished, since the Muse, among her other gifts, had the power of suggestion. Then I looked at her and realized that if we "do not dramatize" the events, our own existence will become like a comedy, because everything that happens will be seen by us "from the side" and, in the end, will cause in us an ironic smile of compassion for everything what we have to deal with every day.
I remembered my childhood, when it seemed to me that from morning to evening I should play the role of a good heroine and follow my words and deeds, because they are all seen in an exaggerated form from the stage on which I play. I thought that this whole performance would one day come to an end when the long-awaited curtain falls, and I, behind the heavy backstage, will also be able to close my eyes and fall asleep "for real", and not on stage. Yes, life is a great comedy. And we cannot even boast that we freely choose our roles and can change them. A cursory, unbiased look at History convinces us that most of its most important events took place with a good deal of inexorability. As if everything that happens on the historical stage is controlled by invisible threads, which, willingly or in spite of it, move the action towards the climax. At the time of my Muse, these threads were called "Fate", and the initiates struggled a lot to understand the mechanism of their action...
Yes, life is a comedy. And we all, like Thalia, have a grotesque mask that neither laughs nor cries, but depending on how we look at it, depicts either joy or sadness. We all hide behind this mask, and instead of expressing our state of mind, it carefully hides it so that no one - and even ourselves - can know what is really happening to us inside. We all put on a great show, trying to atone for the lack of inner self-confidence and maturity that we have never been able to achieve with a good knowledge of roles and memorization of postures.
But comedy, which is patronized by Thalia, does not cause laughter and does not allow you to forget. It is not a way to escape responsibility and not even a way to have fun. Comedy is the School of Life, and all of us, without exception, playing our roles, should learn positive lessons from here, which will gradually lead us from a play for materialistic masks to a hidden deep spiritual essence that sets scenes in the theaters of life.
We must "look at ourselves from the outside" as a spectacle, in order to finally laugh at our mistakes and regret our innumerable errors, so that then, little by little, ironic and disgusting grimaces of discontent begin to appear on our faces, which will be a sure sign that we recognized themselves in this presentation. And then we will understand the price of comedy and smiles. Then we will learn that both on the stage and in the auditorium, first of all, you need to be good actors and good spectators, good people who are aware of their real situation and are ready to improve it, giving all the best to acting on the stage that we are endowed with. Thalia instructs us with a laugh... She has a mask in her hand... She managed to take it off and show us her true face in all its harmonious beauty. She has left the theater and invites us to do the same, following her down the steep paths of inner self-improvement with a sad smile on her face and tears of joy in her eyes.

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