An important contribution of writers and poets of the 18th century. Russian literature of the 18th century

- ... maybe their own Platons
And quick-witted Newtons
Russian land to give birth.
M.V. Lomonosov

Russian writers of the 18th century

Full name of the writer Years of life The most significant works
PROKOPOVICH Feofan 1681-1736 "Rhetoric", "Poetics", "A commendable word about the Russian fleet"
KANTEMIR Antioch Dmitrievich 1708-1744 “To your own mind” (“On those who blaspheme the teaching”)
TREDIAKOVSKY Vasily Kirillovich 1703-1768 "Tilemakhida", "A new and concise way to compose Russian poetry"
LOMONOSOV Mikhail Vasilievich 1711-1765

"Ode on the Capture of Khotyn", "Ode on the Day of Ascension ...",

“Letter on the Usefulness of Glass”, “Letter on the Usefulness of Church Books”,

"Russian Grammar", "Rhetoric" and many others

SUMAROKOV Alexander Petrovich 1717-1777 "Dimitri the Pretender", "Mstislav", "Semira"
KNYAZHNIN Yakov Borisovich 1740-1791 "Vadim Novgorodsky", "Vladimir and Yaropolk"
FONVIZIN Denis Ivanovich 1745-1792 "Foreman", "Undergrowth", "Fox Treasurer", "Message to My Servants"
Derzhavin Gavrila Romanovich 1743-1816 "Lords and Judges", "Monument", "Felitsa", "God", "Waterfall"
RADISHCHEV Alexander Nikolaevich 1749-1802 "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow", "Liberty"

It was that troubled time
When Russia is young
Straining strength in the struggles,
Husband with the genius of Peter.
A.S. Pushkin

Old Russian literature left rich heritage, which, however, for the most part was not known to the 18th century, because most monuments ancient literature was discovered and published at the end of the 18th and in the 19th century(for example, "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"). In this regard, in the 18th century, Russian literature relied on the Bible and European literary traditions.

Monument to Peter the Great (" Bronze Horseman"), sculptor Matteo Falcone

18th century is age of enlightenment in Europe and in Russia. In one century, Russian literature has come a long way in its development. The ideological basis and prerequisites for this development were prepared by economic, political and cultural reforms. Peter the Great(reigned 1682 - 1725), thanks to which backward Russia turned into a powerful Russian empire. Since the 18th century Russian society studies world experience in all areas of life: in politics, in economics, in education, in science, in art. And if until the 18th century Russian literature developed in isolation from European, now it is mastering the achievements Western literatures. Thanks to the activities of the associate of Peter Feofan Prokopovich, poets Antioch Cantemira and Vasily Trediakovsky, scientist-encyclopedist Mikhail Lomonosov works on the theory and history of world literature are being created, foreign works are being translated, and Russian versification is being reformed. This is how it started idea of ​​Russian national literature and Russian literary language.

Russian poetry that arose in the 17th century was based on a syllabic system, which is why Russian verses (verses) did not sound quite harmonious. In the 18th century, M.V. Lomonosov and V.K. Trediakovsky develop syllabo-tonic system of versification, which led to the intensive development of poetry, and the poets of the 18th century relied on Trediakovsky's treatise "A New and Brief Way of Composing Russian Poems" and Lomonosov's "Letter on the Rules of Russian Poetry". The birth of Russian classicism is also associated with the names of these two prominent scientists and poets.

Classicism(from the Latin classicus - exemplary) is a trend in the art and literature of Europe and Russia, which is characterized by strict adherence to creative norms and rules and orientation to antique samples. Classicism originated in Italy in the 17th century, and as a trend it developed first in France, and then in other European countries. Nicolas Boileau is considered the creator of classicism. In Russia, classicism was born in the 1730s. in the work of Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir (Russian poet, son of the Moldavian ruler), Vasily Kirillovich Trediakovsky and Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov. The work of most Russian writers of the 18th century is associated with classicism.

Artistic principles of classicism are.

1. The writer (artist) must depict life in ideal images (ideally positive or "perfectly" negative).
2. In the works of classicism strictly separated good and evil, high and low, beautiful and ugly, tragic and comic.
3. Heroes of classic works clearly divided into positive and negative.
4. Genres in classicism are also divided into "high" and "low":

High genres Low genres
Tragedy Comedy
Oh yeah Fable
epic Satire

5. Dramatic works obeyed the rule of three unities - time, place and action: the action took place within one day in the same place and was not complicated by side episodes. Wherein dramatic work consisted of five acts (actions).

Genres are fading ancient Russian literature. From now on, Russian writers use genre system in Europe which exists to this day.

M.V. Lomonosov

The creator of the Russian ode was Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

A.P. Sumarokov

The creator of the Russian tragedy - Alexander Petrovich Sumarokov. His patriotic plays were devoted to the most notable events Russian history. The traditions laid down by Sumarokov were continued by the playwright Yakov Borisovich Kniazhnin.

HELL. Cantemir

The creator of Russian satire (satirical poem) - Antioch Dmitrievich Kantemir.

DI. Fonvizin

The creator of Russian comedy - Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin, thanks to which satire became enlightening. Its traditions at the end of the 18th century were continued by A.N. Radishchev, as well as the comedian and fabulist I.A. Krylov.

A crushing blow to the system of Russian classicism dealt Gavrila Romanovich Derzhavin, who started as a classicist poet, but violated in the 1770s. canons (creative laws) of classicism. He mixed high and low, civic pathos and satire in his works.

Since the 1780s leading position in literary process takes a new direction sentimentalism (see below), in line with which M.N. Muravyov, N.A. Lvov, V.V. Kapnist, I.I. Dmitriev, A.N. Radishchev, N.M. Karamzin.

The first Russian newspaper "Vedomosti"; number dated June 18, 1711

An important role in the development of literature begins to play journalism. Until the 18th century, there were no newspapers or magazines in Russia. The first Russian newspaper called Vedomosti in 1703 issued by Peter the Great. In the second half of the century, literary journals also appeared: "All sorts of things" (publisher - Catherine II), "Drone", "Painter" (publisher N.I. Novikov), "Hell Mail" (publisher F.A. Emin). The traditions laid down by them were continued by the publishers Karamzin and Krylov.

In general, the 18th century is the era of the rapid development of Russian literature, the era of general enlightenment and the cult of science. In the 18th century, the foundation was laid that predetermined the beginning of the “golden age” of Russian literature in the 19th century.

And all the achievements of the Renaissance. Societies were greatly influenced by the literature of the 18th century, which made its invaluable contribution to world culture. Enlightenment gave impetus to the Great french revolution that completely changed Europe.

The literature of the 18th century performed mainly educational functions; great philosophers and writers became its heralds. They themselves had an incredible store of knowledge, sometimes encyclopedic, and not without reason believed that only an enlightened person could change this world. They carried their humanistic ideas through literature, which consisted mainly of philosophical treatises. These works were written for a fairly wide circle of readers capable of thinking and reasoning. The authors hoped in this way to be heard by a large number of people.

The period from 1720 to 1730 is called enlightenment classicism. Its main content was that the writers ridiculed based on examples ancient literature and art. In these works, one can feel pathos and heroism, which are aimed at the idea of ​​creating a state-paradise.

Foreign literature The 18th century did a lot. She was able to show the heroes who are real patriots. For this category of people, Equality, Fraternity and Freedom are the top priority. True, it should be noted that these heroes are completely devoid of individuality, characterization, they are possessed only by lofty passions.

For changing enlightenment classicism Enlightenment realism comes, which brings literature closer to concepts that are closer to people. Foreign literature of the 18th century receives a new direction, more realistic and democratic. Writers turn to face the person, describe his life, talk about his suffering and torment. In the language of novels and poems, writers urge their readers to mercy and compassion. Enlightened people of the 18th century begin to read the works of Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Montesquieu, Lessing, Fielding and Defoe. Main characters - simple people who cannot resist public morality, are very vulnerable and often weak-willed. The authors of these works are still very far from realistic literary images heroes of the 19th and 20th centuries, but a significant shift towards the description of more life characters.

Russian literature of the 18th century originates from the transformations of Peter I, gradually changing the position of enlightened classicism to realism. Outstanding representatives of this period were such authors as Trediakovsky and Sumarokov. They created fertile ground on Russian soil for the development of literary talents. Fonvizin, Derzhavin, Radishchev and Karamzin are indisputable. We still admire their talents and citizenship.

English literature The 18th century was distinguished by the formation of several different directions at once. The British were the first to use such genres as social and family romances, which showed the talents of Richardson, Smollett, Stevenson, and, no doubt, Swift, Defoe and Fielding. The writers of England were among the first to criticize not the bourgeois system, but the bourgeois themselves, their moral and truth. Jonathan Swift, in his irony, swung at the bourgeois system itself, showing in his works its most negative sides. English literature of the 18th century is also represented by a phenomenon called sentimentalism. It is filled with pessimism, disbelief in ideals and is aimed only at feelings, usually of a love content.

Aksakov Ivan Sergeevich (1823-1886) - poet and publicist. One of the leaders of Russian Slavophiles. The most famous work: the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower".

Aksakov Konstantin Sergeevich (1817-1860) - poet, literary critic, linguist, historian. Inspirer and ideologist of Slavophilism.

Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich (1791-1859) - writer and public figure, literary and theater critic. Wrote a book about fishing and hunting. Father of writers Konstantin and Ivan Aksakov.

Annensky Innokenty Fedorovich (1855-1909) - poet, playwright, literary critic, linguist, translator. Author of plays: "King Ixion", "Laodamia", "Melanippa the Philosopher", "Famira Kefared".

Baratynsky Yevgeny Abramovich (1800-1844) - poet and translator. Author of poems: "Eda", "Feasts", "Ball", "Concubine" ("Gypsy").

Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1787-1855) - poet. Also the author of a number of well-known prose articles: "On the character of Lomonosov", "Evening at Kantemir" and others.

Belinsky Vissarion Grigoryevich (1811-1848) - literary critic. He headed the critical department in the publication "Domestic Notes". Author of numerous critical articles. Rendered a huge impact to Russian literature.

Bestuzhev-Marlinsky Alexander Alexandrovich (1797-1837) - Byronist writer, literary critic. Published under the pseudonym Marlinsky. Published an almanac polar Star". He was one of the Decembrists. Author of prose: "Test", "Terrible fortune-telling", "Frigate Hope" and others.

Vyazemsky Petr Andreevich (1792-1878) - poet, memoirist, historian, literary critic. One of the founders and the first head of the Russian Historical Society. Close friend Pushkin.

Venevetinov Dmitry Vladimirovich (1805-1827) - poet, prose writer, philosopher, translator, literary critic Author of 50 poems. He was also known as an artist and musician. Organizer of the secret philosophical association "Society of Philosophy".

Herzen Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870) - writer, philosopher, teacher. Most famous works: the novel “Who is to blame?”, the novels “Doctor Krupov”, “The Magpie-Thief”, “Damaged”.

Glinka Sergei Nikolaevich (1776-1847) - writer, memoirist, historian. The ideological inspirer of conservative nationalism. Author following works: "Selim and Roxana", "Virtue of Women" and others.

Glinka Fyodor Nikolaevich (1876-1880) - poet and writer. Member of the Decembrist Society. The most famous works: the poems "Karelia" and "The Mysterious Drop".

Gogol Nikolai Vasilyevich (1809-1852) - writer, playwright, poet, literary critic. Classic of Russian literature. Author: " dead souls”, a cycle of stories “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, the stories “The Overcoat” and “Viy”, the plays “The Inspector General” and “Marriage” and many other works.

Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich (1812-1891) - writer, literary critic. Author of the novels: "Oblomov", "Cliff", "Ordinary History".

Griboyedov Alexander Sergeevich (1795-1829) - poet, playwright and composer. He was a diplomat, died in the service in Persia. The most famous work is the poem "Woe from Wit", which served as the source of many catchphrases.

Grigorovich Dmitry Vasilyevich (1822-1900) - writer.

Davydov Denis Vasilyevich (1784-1839) - poet, memoirist. Hero Patriotic War 1812. Author of numerous poems and military memoirs.

Dal Vladimir Ivanovich (1801-1872) - writer and ethnographer. Being a military doctor, he collected folklore along the way. The most famous literary work – « Dictionary living Great Russian language. Dahl tinkered with the dictionary for over 50 years.

Delvig Anton Antonovich (1798-1831) - poet, publisher.

Dobrolyubov Nikolai Alexandrovich (1836-1861) - literary critic and poet. Published under pseudonyms -bov and N. Laibov. Author of numerous critical and philosophical articles.

Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881) - writer and philosopher. Recognized classic of Russian literature. Author of works: "The Brothers Karamazov", "Idiot", "Crime and Punishment", "Teenager" and many others.

Zhemchuzhnikov Alexander Mikhailovich (1826-1896) - poet. Together with his brothers and writer Tolstoy A.K. created the image of Kozma Prutkov.

Zhemchuzhnikov Alexei Mikhailovich (1821-1908) - poet and satirist. Together with his brothers and writer Tolstoy A.K. created the image of Kozma Prutkov. Author of the comedy "Strange Night" and the collection of poems "Songs of Old Age".

Zhemchuzhnikov Vladimir Mikhailovich (1830-1884) - poet. Together with his brothers and writer Tolstoy A.K. created the image of Kozma Prutkov.

Zhukovsky Vasily Andreevich (1783-1852) - poet, literary critic, translator, founder of Russian romanticism.

Zagoskin Mikhail Nikolaevich (1789-1852) - writer and playwright. Author of the first Russian historical novels. Author of the works "Prankster", "Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612", "Kulma Petrovich Miroshev" and others.

Karamzin Nikolai Mikhailovich (1766-1826) - historian, writer and poet. Author of the monumental work "History of the Russian State" in 12 volumes. His pen belongs to the story: Poor Lisa”,“ Eugene and Yulia ”and many others.

Kireevsky Ivan Vasilyevich (1806-1856) - religious philosopher, literary critic, Slavophile.

Krylov Ivan Andreevich (1769-1844) - poet and fabulist. Author of 236 fables, many expressions of which have become winged. He published magazines: "Mail of Spirits", "Spectator", "Mercury".

Kuchelbecker Wilhelm Karlovich (1797-1846) - poet. He was one of the Decembrists. Close friend of Pushkin. Author of works: "The Argives", "The Death of Byron", "The Eternal Jew".

Lazhechnikov Ivan Ivanovich (1792-1869) - writer, one of the founders of the Russian historical novel. Author of the novels "Ice House" and "Basurman".

Lermontov Mikhail Yurievich (1814-1841) - poet, writer, playwright, artist. Classic of Russian literature. The most famous works: the novel "A Hero of Our Time", the story " Prisoner of the Caucasus”, poems “Mtsyri” and “Masquerade”.

Leskov Nikolai Semenovich (1831-1895) - writer. The most famous works: "Lefty", "Cathedrals", "On knives", "Righteous".

Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich (1821-1878) - poet and writer. Classic of Russian literature. Head of the Sovremennik magazine, editor of the Domestic Notes magazine. The most famous works are: “Who should live well in Russia”, “Russian women”, “Frost, Red nose”.

Ogarev Nikolai Platonovich (1813-1877) - poet. Author of poems, poems, critical articles.

Odoevsky Alexander Ivanovich (1802-1839) - poet and writer. He was one of the Decembrists. The author of the poem "Vasilko", the poems "Zosima" and "The Elder-Prophet".

Odoevsky Vladimirovich Fedorovich (1804-1869) - writer, thinker, one of the creators of musicology. He wrote fantastic and utopian works. Author of the novel "Year 4338", numerous stories.

Ostrovsky Alexander Nikolaevich (1823-1886) - playwright. Classic of Russian literature. Author of plays: "Thunderstorm", "Dowry", "Balzaminov's Marriage" and many others.

Panaev Ivan Ivanovich (1812-1862) - writer, literary critic, journalist. Author of works: " Sissy”,“ Meeting at the station ”,“ Lions of the province ”and others.

Pisarev Dmitry Ivanovich (1840-1868) - literary critic of the sixties, translator. Many of Pisarev's articles were dismantled into aphorisms.

Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich (1799-1837) - poet, writer, playwright. Classic of Russian literature. Author: poems "Poltava" and "Eugene Onegin", novels " Captain's daughter", a collection of stories" Belkin's Tales "and numerous poems. founded literary magazine"Contemporary".

Raevsky Vladimir Fedoseevich (1795-1872) - poet. Member of the Patriotic War of 1812. He was one of the Decembrists.

Ryleev Kondraty Fedorovich (1795-1826) - poet. He was one of the Decembrists. Author of historical poetic cycle"Thoughts". He published the literary almanac "Polar Star".

Saltykov-Shchedrin Mikhail Efgrafovich (1826-1889) - writer, journalist. Classic of Russian literature. The most famous works: "Gentlemen Golovlev", " wise gudgeon"," Poshekhonskaya antiquity. He was the editor of the journal "Domestic Notes".

Samarin Yuriy Fedorovich (1819-1876) - publicist and philosopher.

Sukhovo-Kobylin Alexander Vasilievich (1817-1903) - playwright, philosopher, translator. Author of plays: "Krechinsky's Wedding", "Deed", "Death of Tarelkin".

Tolstoy Alexei Konstantinovich (1817-1875) - writer, poet, playwright. Author of the poems: "The Sinner", "The Alchemist", the plays "Fantasy", "Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich", the stories "Ghoul" and "Wolf Foster". Together with the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers, he created the image of Kozma Prutkov.

Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich (1828-1910) - writer, thinker, educator. Classic of Russian literature. Served in the artillery. Participated in the defense of Sevastopol. The most famous works: "War and Peace", "Anna Karenina", "Resurrection". In 1901 he was excommunicated from the church.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich (1818-1883) - writer, poet, playwright. Classic of Russian literature. The most famous works: "Mumu", "Asya", " Noble Nest", "Fathers and Sons".

Tyutchev Fedor Ivanovich (1803-1873) - poet. Classic of Russian literature.

Fet Afanasy Afanasyevich (1820-1892) - lyric poet, memoirist, translator. Classic of Russian literature. Author of numerous romantic poems. He translated Juvenal, Goethe, Catullus.

Khomyakov Alexei Stepanovich (1804-1860) - poet, philosopher, theologian, artist.

Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich (1828-1889) - writer, philosopher, literary critic. Author of the novels What Is to Be Done? and "Prologue", as well as the stories "Alferyev", "Small stories".

Chekhov Anton Pavlovich (1860-1904) - writer, playwright. Classic of Russian literature. Playwright " The Cherry Orchard”, “Three sisters”, “Uncle Vanya” and numerous stories. Conducted a population census on Sakhalin Island.

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Every person, probably, at least once in his life would like to visit the past. This is easy to do with books. Together with the author of that era, you will delve into the life of people, into the life of the country, and feel for yourself how everything was arranged before.

English, French, Russian writers in their works showed what excited, disturbed, delighted them. So, the 18th century can be called the century of enlightenment. This is a new trend that gave birth new stage in the arts.

Writers of the 18th century created crucial moment when everything suddenly changed - from the consciousness of people to the current in literature. Religion dictated its own rules, politics dictated its own, but in the end everything grew into something new and beautiful.

Foreign writers have removed everything mystical, spiritualized from their works. Appeared rationalism in relation to the world and man. That is, people's religion faded into the background, supplanted by faith in technological progress.

We have put together a list best writers 18th century. It is from their works that you will learn a lot of interesting and informative things, you will see how the worldview of people is changing, how art is changing. All this is clearly and vividly described in the works of writers of that era.

The books depicted not a person with his passions, but an image that was ideal in the real. At the same time, the literary trend provided for a clear separation of the lower from the higher, tragedy from comedy, and more.

The writers and poets of the 18th century in the list that we have compiled for you will show you the world of the past, when everything was just beginning to change, when a person departed from religion, when the church ceased to have such an influence on a person. it amazing stories that everyone should read.

  • Jane Austen
  • Daniel Defoe
  • Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  • Walter Scott
  • (Jonathan Swift)
  • Nikolai Karamzin (Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin)
  • Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann
  • Charles Perrault
  • Voltaire (François Marie Arouet)
  • Denis Diderot
  • (Ivan Andreevich Krylov)
  • Friedrich Schiller
  • Benjamin FranklinBenjamin Franklin
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Immanuel Kant
  • Robert Burns
  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel)
  • Charles Montesquieu
  • Adam Smith

In the Petrine era of the XVIII century. in response to the demands of the time, literature was rapidly transformed, its ideological, genre and thematic appearance was updated. reform activity Peter, the initiative to transform Russia led to the organic assimilation of enlightenment ideas by literature and new writers, and above all the political teachings of the enlighteners - the concept of enlightened absolutism. Enlightenment ideology gave modern forms traditional features Russian literature. As D.S. Likhachev pointed out, in the era of the accelerated construction of Russian centralized state literature begins to be dominated by state and social topics, there is a rapid development of journalism.

Publicism will penetrate into other genres of literature, thus determining its special, openly instructive character. Teaching as the most important tradition of young Russian literature was inherited by the new time and acquired a new quality: the Russian writer acted as a citizen who dared to teach the next monarch to reign. Lomonosov taught Elizabeth to reign, Novikov and Fonvizin - first Catherine II, and then Paul I, Derzhavin - Catherine II, Karamzin - Alexander I, Pushkin in the difficult time of defeating the Decembrist uprising - Nicholas I.

Publicism became a feature of Russian literature of the 18th century, determining the originality of its artistic appearance.

Undoubtedly, the most important and fundamental feature new literature was that it was literature created by the efforts of individual authors. Appeared in society new type writer, whose literary activity determined by his personality.

During this period, Russian classicism enters the historical arena, becoming a necessary stage in the development of Russian literature as a pan-European literature. Russian classicism created a multi-genre art, which at first asserted its existence only poetic word; prose will develop later - from the 1760s. Through the efforts of several generations of poets, many genres of lyrical and satirical poetry were developed. Classical poets (Lomonosov, Sumarokov, Kheraskov, Knyaznin) approved the genre of tragedy. Thus, conditions were prepared for the organization and successful operation of the Russian theater. Created in 1756, the Russian theater began its work under the direction of Sumarokov. Classicism, starting the creation of national literature, contributed to the development of the ideals of citizenship, formed the idea of ​​a heroic character, included in the national literature artistic experience antique and European art, showed the ability of poetry to analytical disclosure of the spiritual world of man.

Lomonosov, relying on the artistic experience of mankind, wrote deeply national, original odes, expressing the spirit of a rising nation. The pathos of his poetry was the idea of ​​asserting the greatness and power of Russia, youth, energy and creative activity of a nation that believes in its own strength and its historical vocation. Idea statements was born in the process of creative explanation and generalization of experience, real practice"Russian sons". The poetry created by Lomonosov existed next to the satirical direction, the initiator of which was Kantemir.

During the reign of Catherine II, it finally developed Russian Enlightenment, journalist and writer Nikolai Novikov, playwright and prose writer Denis Fonvizin, philosopher Yakov Kozelsky appeared on the public arena. Along with them, scientists S. Desnitsky, D. Anichkov, a propagandist and popularizer of the educational ideology, Professor N. Kurganov, the compiler of one of the most popular books of the century, The Letter Book, actively worked. In the 1780s Novikov created in Moscow on the basis of the printing house of Moscow University rented by him the largest educational center. AT

late 1780s a young writer, a student of Russian enlighteners, a talented prose writer Ivan Krylov, entered literature.

At the same time, the works of Alexander Radishchev also came out of print. The works of these authors are considered to be created in the tradition enlightenment realism. Their main problem is the idea of ​​the extra-class value of a person, faith in his great role on earth, patriotic, civil and social activity how Main way self-assertion of personality. The most important feature showing reality is the disclosure of its social contradictions, a satirical and accusatory attitude towards it (Radischev "Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow", an ode to "Liberty", Fonvizin's comedies "Foreman" and "Undergrowth").

At the same time, in Russia, almost simultaneously with other European countries, another literary trend was being formed, called sentimentalism. Penetration into Russian literature of sentimentalism begins already in the 1770s. It is especially noticeable in the work of M. Kheraskov and the poets of his circle, united in the Moscow university journal Useful Entertainment. Russian writers knew the works of English, French and German sentimentalists very well, and translated them intensively. Hence the understandable, peculiar commonality of themes, genres, motives and even characters among the writers of this trend.

The creator of Russian sentimentalism as a new and original art system Karamzin was a poet, prose writer, publicist, literary and theater critic, publisher and author of the multi-volume History of the Russian State. This literary school for Karamzin was editing the magazine " Children's reading for the heart and mind" (1785-1789), published by Novikov, for which Karamzin translated many works of European literature of the 18th century. Journey through the countries of Europe in 1789-1790. turned out to be the turning point in literary destiny Karamzin. Undertaking the publication of the Moscow Journal, Karamzin acted both as a writer and as a theoretician of a new direction, deeply and independently perceiving the experience of contemporary European literature, the main aesthetic principles of which were sincerity of feeling and “pure natural taste”.

Already in the first literary works writer, two types of heroes appear: a “natural person” and a civilized, enlightened person. The writer is looking for heroes of the first type in a peasant environment, an environment not spoiled by civilization that has preserved patriarchal foundations. The famous story of Karamzin "Poor Lisa" (1791) attracted contemporaries with its humanistic idea: "and peasant women know how to love." main character story - the peasant woman Lisa embodies the writer's idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba "natural person": she is "beautiful in soul and body", kind, sincere, capable of faithfully and tenderly loving.

Almost the most significant work Karamzin "Letters from a Russian Traveler" European life late XVIII in. - manners and lifestyle social structure, politics and culture of contemporary Europe to Karamzin. Main character- "sensitive", "sentimental" person, this determines his attention to nature, interest in works of art, in every person he meets, and, finally, his reflections on the welfare of all people, on the "moral rapprochement of peoples." In an 1802 article “On love for the fatherland and national pride”, Karamzin wrote: “Our misfortune is that we all want to speak French and do not think of working on processing our own language.” The bilingualism of the Russian educated society seemed to Karamzin one of the main obstacles to the national self-determination of Europeanized Russian literature and culture, but the final solution to the problem of reforming the language of Russian prose and poetry belongs not to Karamzin, but to Pushkin.

Sentimentalism directly prepared the flourishing of Russian romanticism in early XIX in.

Control questions and tasks

Poetry: Simeon Polotsky, Sylvester Medvedev, Karion Istomin.

N. Karamzin "Poor Lisa".

Poetry V. Trediakovsky, M. Lomonosov, A. Sumarokov, G. Derzhavin.

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