Musical Literature of Foreign Countries Issue 7. Musical Literature of Foreign Countries - Galatian, Levik

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Title: Musical literature of foreign countries

About the book "Musical Literature of Foreign Countries" by I. A. Prokhorov

The textbook entitled "Musical Literature of Foreign Countries", compiled by I. Prokhorova, is intended for independent study. This explains the brevity and accessibility of the presentation of the material.

The book "Musical Literature of Foreign Countries" will introduce students to short biographies and the best works of famous composers. Children will be able to learn about the life and work of such geniuses as I.S. Bach, J. Haydn, W.A. Mozart, L. Beethoven, F. Schubert and F. Chopin. I. Prokhorova did not describe in too much detail the stories of talented composers, in the textbook you will find the main dates of life, origin, titles and titles, field of activity, conditions that influenced the choice of profession. The book will tell about the main stages of the life and work of musicians, their social and political views.

The publication "Musical Literature of Foreign Countries" is intended for students of music schools, however, everyone who is not indifferent to classical works will find something interesting in this book for themselves. I. Prokhorova enriched the text with explanations of some musical and non-musical concepts, which makes it less academic. The part describing the life of musicians is presented in the context of the historical and cultural life of European countries of that period. This gives students the opportunity for a deeper and broader understanding of the conditions in which the legendary composers lived and worked.

Since the book "Musical Literature of Foreign Countries" is intended for home reading, all symphonic works included in it are offered in four-hand arrangement. It is worth noting that the story about the work of Bach, which, according to the program, is studied at the very end of the year, is placed at the beginning. The author took this step for the sake of observing the chronology of the presentation.

The compiler of this book is sure that the regular use of the textbook will awaken in students a taste for self-acquaintance with popular and scientific musical literature. In addition, children will be able to develop and strengthen the skills of sight reading music, as well as get used to performing in four hands.
Independent learning of famous works will allow them to be performed during lessons, in the presence of other children, which will make collective classes more active and significantly improve the perception of classical music.

On our site about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book "Musical Literature of Foreign Countries" by I. A. Prokhorov in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For novice writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you can try your hand at writing.

This book is a textbook on the musical literature of that historical period, which begins in the last decades of the 19th century. Such a textbook appears for the first time: the fifth issue ends, as you know, with the work of K-Debussy and M. Ravel.
The book includes a description of various national music schools, which determined its overall structure. The first section gives a description of the general processes that were implemented in their own way in the musical art of different countries and in the work of composers of different personalities. Each subsequent section consists of an overview of the musical culture of a given country, as well as a monographic section devoted to the work of the most significant composers of this school. Only the section devoted to the work of I. Stravinsky differs in its structure: it does not contain an introductory review. And this is understandable: after all, having spent most of his life outside Russia due to special circumstances, Stravinsky remained a Russian master and did not belong to any of the foreign schools. The decisive influence of his creative principles on almost all the leading musicians of our century does not allow us to remove Stravinsky from the general picture of the development of the musical art of the 20th century. The inclusion of this monographic chapter in the textbook on foreign musical literature is also due to the peculiarities of the curriculum at the school: by the time they studied foreign music of the 20th century, students were not at all familiar with either the personality or the music of I. Stravinsky. They will turn to this page of musical art only at the end of the fourth course, where only the first, Russian period of the composer's work is considered.

The attention of the compilers and authors of the textbook is focused both on showing the general musical and historical processes of the period under review, and on analyzing the most outstanding works that have become classics of our century. In view of the exceptional complexity of the events of the musical art of the 20th century, their heterogeneity, mutual intersections, and their rapid change, review chapters have occupied a much larger place in this book than in previous editions. Nevertheless, in accordance with the methodological principles of the subject, the compilers sought to keep the focus on analyzes of musical works, which in this case are designed to reveal the diversity of creative methods, ways of thinking, different stylistic decisions and the plurality of composer techniques of the masters of our century.

In view of the fact that the book gives a broad panorama of musical art, and the analysis is in many cases very complicated (which is largely predetermined by the material itself), the compilers consider it possible to address this textbook to students not only of performing, but also of theoretical departments of music schools. The content of the book allows a selective approach to it in the educational process; the depth and detail of the study of chapters is determined by the teachers themselves, depending on the level of preparedness of students, the material equipment of the educational process with notes and music recordings, and the number of hours allocated by the curriculum for this part of the course.
A large group of authors worked on this book. Hence the inevitability of different ways of presenting material; at the same time, in the very approach to it, the compilers tried to preserve uniform methodological principles.

From the compilers
Ways of development of foreign musical art of the XX century.
Musical culture of Austria
Gustav Mahler
Vocal creativity. "Songs of a Traveling Apprentice"
Symphonic creativity. First Symphony
Life and creative path
"Survivor from Warsaw"
Life and creative path
Musical drama Wozzeck
Concerto for violin and orchestra
Life and creative path
Musical culture of Germany
Life and creative path
Symphonic creativity. Symphonic poems "Don Juan" and "Til Ulenspiegel"
Life and creative path
Symphonic creativity. Symphony "Artist Mathis".
Life and creative path
The main genres of the work of Karl Orff and their features.
Opera "Clever Girl"
"Carmina Burana"
Life and creative path
"Symphony of Psalms"
Opera "Oedipus Rex"
Musical culture of France.
Life and creative path
Theatrical and oratory creativity. Oratorio "Joan of Arc at the stake"
Symphonic creativity. Third Symphony ("Liturgical")
Life and creative path
Vocal-instrumental, creativity. "Castle of Fire"
Francis Poulenc
Life and creative path
Opera "The Human Voice"
Musical culture of Spain
Life and creative path
Ballet "Love is a sorceress"
Opera "Short Life"

Supporting notes on the musical literature of foreign countries are an addition to the existing textbooks on musical literature. The content of the manual corresponds to the program of the subject PO.02.UP.03. "Musical Literature" of additional pre-professional general educational programs in the field of musical art "Piano", "String Instruments", "Wind and Percussion Instruments", "Folk Instruments", "Choral Singing", recommended by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

Supporting notes on musical literature are designed to develop humanitarian education and special competencies of students, in particular: "... to form musical thinking, skills of perception and analysis of musical works, to acquire knowledge about the patterns of musical form, about the specifics of the musical language, expressive means of music" 1 .

The textbook presents the work of composers in the context of cultural and historical eras, is studied in close connection with historical events and related arts. The abstract material is the main theses of research on the history of music and musical literature by V. N. Bryantseva, V. S. Galatskaya, L. V. Kirillina, V. D. Konen, T. N. Livanova, I. D. Prokhorova and others well-known musicologists, generalized and concise instructional material in the form of tables, diagrams and visual supports. Visual supports (reproductions of paintings by famous artists, portraits of composers, their relatives and friends, prominent figures of culture and art, historical figures, etc.) not only accompany and supplement verbal information, but are carriers of information in the field of fine arts, are directly related to eras and trends in music, the work of composers, reflect the history, culture and art of European countries.

The content of the reference notes consists of four sections, which, in turn, are divided into topics covering the periods of development of European music from the musical culture of Ancient Greece to the work of romantic composers of the 19th century. So the first section examines the musical culture of Ancient Greece, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The second section studies the Baroque era, the work of J. S. Bach and G. F. Handel. The third section is devoted to the era of classicism, where the emphasis is on the work of the Viennese classics - J. Haydn, W. A. ​​Mozart and L. Beethoven. The fourth section presents materials on the era of romanticism, the work of F. Schubert and F. Chopin, a brief overview of the work of nineteenth-century romantic composers F. Mendelssohn, F. Liszt, R. Schumann, G. Berlioz, D. Verdi, R. Wagner, J. Brahms, J. Bizet.

The manual also includes dictionaries of meanings, terms and concepts found in the text, a brief analysis and musical examples of the studied works.

Along with a strict presentation of the material in tables and diagrams, the manual includes interesting facts from the life of composers, presented in the form of a narrative and accompanied by colorful artistic illustrations, which refreshes the perception and attention of children.

Reference notes on the musical literature of foreign countries are intended for students of the Children's Art School, Children's Music School of the second and third years of study (grades 5 and 6), who are studying additional pre-professional general educational programs in the field of musical art. Teachers of musical-theoretical and special disciplines of children's art schools, children's art schools can use the textbook when studying new material, repeating and systematizing the topics covered, preparing for intermediate and final certification of students, preparing for music-theoretical olympiads, independent work of students, group and individual training, in part when implementing additional general developmental programs in areas of musical art, in cultural and educational activities.

The reference notes are accompanied by a workbook, which is designed to work in the classroom.

Below are fragments of the manual "Supporting Notes on the Musical Literature of Foreign Countries".

For the purchase of Tatyana Guryevna Savelyeva's manual "Reference Notes on the Musical Literature of Foreign Countries", please contact the author at [email protected]


1 Exemplary program for the subject PO.02. UP.03. Musical Literature. - Moscow 2012


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