Greek men: macho or sissy? My opinion. Modern Greeks against the backdrop of the European Union: The whole truth about the Greek character

O national character Greeks can be spoken endlessly and still we will not be able to single out and separately consider all its tonalities and features. After all, the vast majority of the inhabitants of Hellas by their nature are bright individualists who have their own outlook on life and are not afraid to oppose it to public opinion. They are accustomed to defending only their own interests and in most cases are neutral towards any political, economic or cultural events that does not affect their personal little world.

Greek love of freedom

The only thing that no Greek will tolerate is an attack on his freedom and the freedom of his country. And this is not surprising, because modern Greeks inherited the worship of democracy from their great ancestors, who actually invented it more than 25 centuries ago. At the slightest hint of infringement of their rights, this small nation turns into a single formidable force, ready to rush at the enemy. And it does not matter whether it is the Turkish yoke (1821), fascist Italy (1941) or their own government (2010).

Emotionality of the Greeks

Another typical Greek feature, in addition to love of freedom, is their pronounced emotionality. In the manifestation of feelings, the Greeks do not recognize half measures. If they rejoice - then from the bottom of their hearts, if they cry - then sobbing, and even the famous thoughtfulness and steadfastness of the Greek fishermen is only a confirmation of this feature of their character. After all, only very emotional person can surrender to immersion in his inner world with the same passion with which he would indulge in joy and fun at the wedding of his own daughter.

Greek hospitality

We simply have to mention the famous Greek hospitality, which the cheerful Hellenes, in fact, elevated to the rank of reverently revered national tradition. Upon arrival in Greece, you will encounter him at almost every turn. The hotel staff will surround you with truly homely care and attention, in the store the owner will accept your order with a kind, polite smile, and in the restaurant the manager will tell you with great joy and pleasure which dishes from the menu the chef especially succeeded today. If you have friends or business partners in Hellas, and you have to pay them a visit, get ready for a meeting, in comparison with which even the vaunted Russian hospitality pales. It will not be just an ordinary dinner, but a real feast, where the tables are bursting with delicious dishes, the wine flows like a river, and there is no end to the dances and songs.

Well, in conclusion, we will consider two more features that, being absolutely opposite to each other, surprisingly harmoniously coexist in the character of the Greeks. This is the famous Greek piety and no less famous Greek business acumen.

Greeks and religion

Greeks take religion very seriously - they pray regularly and attend church at least once a week for confession and communion. In almost every Greek house you can see a beautiful carved or forged crucifix and a statue of the Virgin Mary, whom Greek women consider their intercessor and patroness. When communicating with the Greeks, it is better not to joke and not philosophize on religious topics, since the interlocutor will either simply not understand you, or will be very seriously offended.

Greek business streak

As for the Greek business vein, it is clearly seen in the vast majority of representatives of this people. The Greeks love to bargain and without any hesitation will try to bring down the price of both a cheap product from the market and an elite item from a fashion boutique. In business, the word “unethical” does not exist for them. They would rather condemn a simpleton who did not use his opportunities than a clever rogue who took everything from life without a trace. But with all this, the Hellenes know how to keep their word and always remain true to the agreements concluded, so that, having entered into a business partnership with one of them, you can be absolutely sure that he will go to the end and will not leave you on the floor of the road.

- You are a Greek, you have the sea in your blood ...

It is not for nothing that this line was chosen as an epigraph for my story, it in the most typical way reflects the character and mentality of the Greek man: a romantic man, a conquering man with a drop of blood of the Spartan kings and Odysseus.

About good...

The mentality of the Greeks is very close to the Russian people. Sunny hospitality, cordiality, openness, responsiveness and goodwill are in their blood. For myself and for the world locals watching simply and with pleasure, from ministers and financiers to flea market traders. It is strange, but even in the current crisis period there is no atmosphere of despondency in the country.

If you need help, the Greek will do his best to solve your problem, you don’t even have to ask. And it's not just the tourist areas. I observe the situation: a small car accident at the crossroads - each witness is trying with all his might to help, those who know how - provide emergency medical care, others - call the doctors, still others - the police, fourth - enclose the site. Crowds of onlookers, as in some places in Russia, are uncharacteristic for them.

The Greeks masterfully abstract away from pressing problems. Will a European who has been laid off from work today go to have fun or go for a walk? Hardly. Lack of money or work is no reason for a Greek to refuse big holiday. He will rest to the fullest and have fun with everyone.

But the rest of the time, most Greeks are very hard-working, they work very hard, and the “working day” can begin at 4 or 5 in the morning, they prefer to support their families on their own, refraining from employing a wife and helping relatives. And if we talk about those Greeks who occupy a high position in society, then all the more “by status it is necessary” for them to have a non-working wife, her destiny is a house and children. The recent crises, of course, have slightly changed this feature, and those who aggressively perceived the desire of wives to work have revised their priorities, now wives often make a contribution to the family budget.

So the widespread opinion about the pathological laziness of the Greeks, which exists in Russia and Europe, is nothing more than a myth. If we talk about Greek officials, of course, they are not used to overwork at work, but it seems to me that this statement is applicable to the public sector in many countries of the world. Self-employed Greeks (hotel, catering business, the service sector) often work “until you drop” - the working day for many lasts 10-12 hours, and hotel owners allocate only a few hours a day for vacation during the season. But they have a goal - they need to live the rest of the year on what they earn during the season.

It cannot be said about all Greeks that they are greedy and prudent, however, the mentioned crises significantly strengthened such a character trait as economy [For information on how to save money while living in Europe, read our article at the link. Note.. There is no specific stereotype here, personally my husband is very generous and one might even say wasteful.

Greeks are Orthodox Christians, state and religious national holidays are strictly observed in Greece: Christmas, Easter, Ginaikratia - Greek Women's Day, Independence Day and Ohi Day, also the birthdays of members of the beloved Greek football team , which he passes off as common Greek 🙂

And now for the disadvantages

I also want to add to the overall positive picture and not very good facts that take place:

# Optional - for a Greek not to fulfill a promise - "just spit."

# The Greeks are a careless people who live for today and do not think about the problems of the future. The attitude to life can be classified as serene-philosophical.

# A typical situation for a Greek is to spend a month's income in one evening. He can feed all his friends in the tavern with wine and snacks at his own expense, and let there be "shish in your pocket" tomorrow, but the glorious and generous Panagiotis, for example, will be remembered for a long time. It is this carelessness that has caused today's economic crisis. The Greeks lived beyond their means for years, and, knowing about a possible default, did not take the necessary steps to stabilize the situation. But on the other hand, they really appreciate every moment they live and enjoy it 100%.

# Poor Greeks are extremely fond of buying some expensive thing to seduce stupid foreign women who are led by "sparkles" and illusion successful life. If a Greek very obsessively starts talking about meeting eminent people and a lot of money in foreign accounts, wears a Rollex watch in a conspicuous place with a short shirt, then most likely this is a bad candidate for a husband, but an excellent candidate for requests to borrow a "hundred" of bucks till tomorrow;

# Also already in Russia, cases are not uncommon when the Greeks deceive Russian women, having families in their homeland. The Greeks are excellent port workers and builders and often come to work on specialized contracts. When meeting a girl, they like to show sincerity and “persuade” an unfortunate person into active mutual assistance and services of a “different” nature. At the same time, the best case is when such a representative of the Spartan nation simply goes home to his family, and it happens even worse. about scammers and swindlers.

# The Greeks can be quite cunning, but malice is very rare.

Relations outside

Greeks just love their Greece! Every third believes that the Greek language gave birth to all the words on earth (“logos” - a word, knowledge, hence PhiloLOGY, etymology, biology, etc.), “hyneka” - a woman, hence gynecology, “bacteria” - a stick, “ morph "- an image, hence - MORPHOLOGY, etc.).

Every second considers himself a direct great-great-grandson of Zeus (I'm exaggerating a little, but still ....), and every first one is sure that the Greeks are the best nation in the world. To account ancient nation- here, of course, but "the best" is a moot point. For more than 400 years, the Greeks lived under Ottoman rule, there are very few pure Greeks (incest was strong), but the Greeks hate the Turks to this day.

Families here are patriarchal, and respect for parents is undeniable. Parents, wife, children are in the main place in the life of any Greek.

In matters of marriage, many Greeks show an enviable share of nationalism, they strive to marry a Greek woman. An important argument for such a decision is most often that the family here is the material support of life. If a Greek marries a local girl, then, accordingly, his family grows, along with new “brothers” a business opens, projects are implemented, etc. A foreign wife is just a wife. Therefore, for the most part, Greeks prefer compatriots.

But, as they say, every rule has an exception, as happened with us. In any case, almost all Greeks hold on to their marriage, there is even a funny saying among the Greeks that any Greek is more likely to kill his wife, but never get a divorce (in a humorous context, of course).

The Greeks are very fond of children, as I wrote, the family comes first for them. If a Greek man for some reason divorces the mother of his children, he in any case continues to take care of the children - both materially and spiritually, taking part in their upbringing. Such a concept as "dad left the family", for example, compare Russia, the Greeks do not know.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are no stereotypes of character, there are people - evil and kind. I wish all girls to meet their piece of happiness in the face of another person.

June 19, 2014

It is well known that the Greeks, like everyone southern people, loud, good-natured, quick-tempered and hospitable. To be convinced of this, it is enough to spend a vacation in Greece. Big Picture the collapse of the Greek economy brought to the list of their features such characteristics as negligence and cunning. Do they have a right to exist? Two weeks spent in Greece is not enough to answer this question. But you can try to analyze the experience of several years.

Walking down the street you see more than one Greek sitting at a table with a cigarette and a glass of frapé, with or without company. Relaxing, peaceful picture. An outside observer will say: an inert person, except for this chair and a glass of coffee, he does not need anything else. What a deceptive impression! If this were the case, the Greek nation would still be under the Turkish yoke. You could also drink coffee with them. Get up from your chair, start a rebellion? Why such difficulties?

However, not so long ago (a little over a hundred years ago), after a long and bloody war for independence, the Turks were expelled forever, and Greece began to write its modern history.

Modern Greeks like to express love of freedom in a special way: strikes and demonstrations. Take away the right to strike from the Greeks and you take away their soul. Regular strikes accompanied by demonstrations are like earthquakes in a zone of high seismic activity: the more often, the better, if only without serious damage. Greek people must constantly relieve the accumulated tension and discontent, otherwise the created blood clot can lead to unpredictable and dire consequences. Putting the Greeks on a chain is very, very dangerous - just ask the Turks.

Modern Greeks love to express love of freedom in a special way.

Are the Greeks industrious? Probably no less than any other European people. Like big kids, Greeks like to complain a little to their neighbor about hard life, a large number of working hours or a small salary, but all these conversations end with one phrase: “Dulya on the echoes!” "There would be work!" Strange slogan for a lazy nation, isn't it? There would be work, the rest will endure. The harsh justice of this phrase makes further complaints impossible, the conversation ends, and everyone returns to his own business.

Young people here from adolescence get used to earning pocket money: rarely anyone did not go through student years practice as a waiter or bartender. Often such a place is then retained for many years as a second profession - if the first does not bring sufficient income. But no one perceives this state of affairs as tragic, on the contrary, sociable Greeks quickly create their own microclimate in such an institution and will not part with their favorite cafe, even if they have to work in it for free.

If we are to tell the truth about the Greek character, then it is worth mentioning such a phenomenon as Greek punctuality and commitment.

Young people in Greece from adolescence get used to earning pocket money: it is rare that someone did not go through the practice of a waiter or bartender in their student years.

Arriving on time here is accepted only for appointments with a dentist and a real estate agent - otherwise you will go back without salty slurping. In all other cases, arriving on time is not self-respecting. If you agreed with the Greek to meet there after so many minutes, calmly double the agreed time interval - and everything will be in order. If you came at the indicated hour, and your opponent, smiling at the top of his mouth, appeared at the door half an hour later, it’s better not to show him your displeasure: you will only achieve that the smile on his face will be replaced by surprise and incomprehension, and he once and forever consider you petty. After all, you were not waiting for him on the street in a severe frost, a great thing.

Greek obligation is a no less sensitive issue. "Let's do it!" - the manager of the house, the mechanic, the electrician, the seller and the builder will assure you. But the promise, as you know, has been waiting for three years. Wanting to influence the conscience of your debtor and being a silent reproach in his eyes, you will achieve little, you are unlikely to even be able to spoil your relationship with him. You will be greeted with the same as before, open arms and a joyful exclamation, as well as assurances that right now he dialed your number. The phrase “I remember you!” is very popular. Coffee will follow, a detailed conversation about life and a promise to solve your question “next week”.

The feeling of patriotism among the Greeks is brought up from childhood

Softened and reassured, you walk away with a vague feeling that you have been left out in the cold, and this is true: the next week, as a rule, never comes. Having made a similar promenade with the same result N-th number of times, you eventually lose your temper and achieve results with the help of screams and threats. Is it any wonder that the Greeks themselves start screaming already in advance, sometimes just for preventive purposes?

Arriving on time here is accepted only for appointments with a dentist and a real estate agent - otherwise you will go back without salty slurping.

How paradoxical, incomprehensible and at the same time wonderful that these same people, seeing a person in difficulty, will do everything they can for him, and even more - and will never put their merits in line with him. disinterestedness and open soul- these are the engines that will make the Greek give you his last shirt. If later you decide to thank him, the Greek will be sincerely surprised: just think! How not to help, we are people. It would be logical to expect a similar attitude towards yourself - but you will not be forced to be nice.

It is impossible to complete our essay without mentioning another feature of the Hellenes - Greek patriotism. Who doesn't, you say? So remember, how many times did you raise the flag of your country at school? And Greek children - every morning. With this lesson, coupled with morning prayer, their school day begins. Service in the army gives the young Greek generation a sense of legitimate pride, and for their national team, the Greeks will tear their throats in any stadium.

Whatever they think and say about them in the notorious European Union and beyond, words, like empty water, will flow from the Olympic peaks, not lingering on them and leaving no trace.

Greek men are world famous for their mesmerizing voices and bodies. ancient gods. Full of iodine, the sea air of this country with an abundance of seafood was reflected in the temperament Greek men. Lovers of Hellas have repeatedly occupied the first places in the ratings of male sexuality.


The mentality of the Greeks inherited features that are clearly manifested in the legendary myths of ancient Greece. They are romantic, conquering and open.

Since Greece lives off the tourism business, it is full of Russian travelers. A frequently observed picture is how, among flirting Greek men, cold women from the Russian north, underestimated by their compatriots, are revealed, discovering seductresses and insidious beauties in themselves.


There are also similarities with the Russian mentality. Representatives of this country are mostly Orthodox Christians and treat Russians warmly, they are hospitable and friendly. They are distinguished by a simple worldview, they enjoy everything no matter what they do. Their peculiarity is the ability to live "here and now", to abstract from everything that causes despondency and melancholy. Even a freshly laid-off, bankrupt Greek man can go out and have fun with a noisy crowd, and that's par for the course here.

The rampant laziness in this country is pure myth. In their free time from the holidays, the heirs of Hellas are hardworking. A lot of workdays start at 5am. Greek men often support the whole family themselves, taking on all the traditional male duties, their wives do not work. This is especially true for high-status men - they always have non-working wives who take care of the house and children.

The situation with the crisis situation in the country has changed somewhat. Then the female part of the population went to work in the most difficult periods of time.

A separate point stands out the emotionality of any Greek. Sometimes you can see two men quarreling not for life, but for death, but in fact they are just peacefully discussing the weather. With elevated emotional intelligence thanks to the constant expression of their own feelings, the Greeks are very attentive interlocutors. Being in harmony with their own inner world, they have the ability to subtly feel the people around them and their emotions. So, in a conversation with them, it may seem that they are listening so carefully, as if with their whole body. The eye of the Greek will only turn to the side if something extremely wrong is going on. Well, either passes interesting representative opposite sex. The immersion in their own inner world of fishermen from Greece was sung and became legendary. This is not surprising: only people with such a developed emotional sphere they can go into such deep, attractive thoughtfulness with the same devotion with which they indulge in all kinds of feelings.

Key to the heart

At the deepest levels of his subconscious, every Greek considers himself the heir of the gods and the rightful owner of the planet. At least the owner of blocks of shares in it. Therefore, a characteristic male trait - the need to be a patron - is especially strongly developed among Greek men. At the genetic level, he seeks to teach, and his spirit comes to life when he is given such an opportunity. Conversely, he feels unhappy when he feels that no one needs his experience.

The Greek man aspires to become a mentor, and something mastery often slips into his address. This is manifested in the relationship with the whole world around. He can begin to teach the interlocutor anything, even if he does not understand this. And since the male sex of this nation simply adores women and communication with them at any age, this happens very, very often. Even the grey-haired Greek will not miss the opportunity long look to see off any representative of the fair sex, smacking her lips after her. And you need to be ready for this, you need to understand what is really behind it. This feature hides an interesting clue to male heart any Greek. After all, he can suddenly find a woman, next to whom Zeus, the patron of the whole world, will wake up in him.


The Greeks do not always keep their promises. A certain carelessness in this matter is a characteristic feature of an entire nation. These people simply live for today and are distinguished by carelessness in matters of the future. They are serene and philosophically calm in matters of life.

Nevertheless, the Greek nation loves prosperity. Any vacation goes in a big way. It is considered normal to blow all your income for a month for one party. A Greek man will feed the entire bar at his own expense, will order wine and a sea of ​​​​appetizers, and nothing that will wake up tomorrow with empty pockets. After all, his generosity will remain in the memory of the participants for a long time. And the Greek will never take his head when remembering the money spent, the past and the future are not as important for him as a specific moment, the emotions from which will warm him for some more time.

Going to restaurants is almost the main expense item in the life of any representative of this nation. In every locality Dozens of taverns are open. Sometimes it seems that there are thousands of them, and this is a clear overkill per capita of the local population. However, they are all full in the evening. Greeks do not like to gather at home as much as in taverns. Stuffy establishments often turn out to be literally packed, but this does not bother anyone. An unaccustomed person will probably not understand where in such conditions a place to rest. However, such evenings, flowing in an atmosphere of emotional friendly communication, are a favorite place for the Greeks to hide from current problems. Greeks never spare money for food. However, until recently, average salaries allowed regular visits to taverns with full delicious snacks tables.

It is possible that such national traits led to a huge default in Greece. The Greeks simply continued to live, allowing themselves things beyond their means, without thinking about important steps to level the economy. And at the same time, how they appreciate every moment cannot but draw attention to these loving life people.

Sexual relations

The Greek people are sensual. Even people of high status have only apparent restraint. This is not surprising, given that since childhood, everyone in the country was brought up not on classic cartoons, but on very adulterous myths.

Hence the desire in communication to touch on the most intimate topics. Shameless stories, when and how much, decorate expressive details. One should not be surprised at the prevalence of such intimate conversations in Greek circles. They were never Puritans.

Attempts by married handsome Greek men to seduce any of the fair sex are common. Often fleeting novels are twisted. Unlike the situation in our country, this usually does not lead to a split in relations with wives. Husbands, entering into fleeting relationships, add spice to everyday life, but they do not divorce their wives. Greek wives are usually quite confident, like queens in a beehive. They will only casually dismiss adultery and say that a poor husband is not capable of saying no to a cat.

And often wives behave like there are sayings in Greek society in the style of "Put your husband's horns and do not resort to witchcraft and potions." This is often the Greek scenario of a happy, well-being family. Usually, the more a wife is prone to infidelity, the less her husband suspects her of infidelity.

Since ancient times, Greek society, even in the patriarchal foundations, observed the relative equality of the sexes. The entire female population of Hellas received an education. Reading and writing were equally taught to girls and boys in the same schools.

Attitude towards sex

The approach of the southerners is very different from the inhabitants of the northern latitudes in this area. This fully extended to the emotional Greeks. They treat the sphere of human sexuality in a special way. Strict concepts of sin have not reached here, and sex is not considered forbidden, immoral. The Greeks say: "If God wanted people not to make love without the goal of procreation, he would make their physiology similar to animals - estrus is strictly once a year." None of the moralizing of the church has been able to suppress their healthy attitude towards their own body and the natural relationship of the sexes.

Sinfulness generally failed to take deep roots in the culture of Hellas. They never had such "living in sin" concepts. So, female representatives do not change their last names at the wedding. It is up to the children to choose any surname. Do not immediately understand whether the couple is painted. Regardless of marital status, a man and a woman are called "husband" and "wife". In Greek, these words have the same meaning.

Greek appearance

The Greek faces of men have large features characteristic of the nation with a wide bone. The Greeks are stocky, their bodies are characterized by increased hairiness, swarthyness.

All representatives of the nation are distinguished by the depth of planting eyes and thick hair. The typical Greek appearance of a man is broad-shouldered, stocky, with increased sexuality and knows his own worth. All Greeks are proud of their origin, each considers himself almost a direct descendant of Zeus himself.

The reference Greek profile of the men of this country deserves special attention. The classical understanding of beauty is associated precisely with national traits Greeks. Reference Greek nose in men, it is absolutely straight, a smooth line running from the forehead. There is practically no depression on the bridge of the nose, there is only a barely noticeable bend. The world famous Greek nose in men is reflected in all ancient frescoes and sculptures. Such features of appearance, as it was then believed, were possessed by the gods.

Greek style in clothes for men

Design motifs from ancient Hellas, the countries of the gods of Olympus, still echo in the latest collections fashion designers. The Greek nation from ancient times sang beauty human body. There was a real cult of good physical shape. The clothes of this country emphasized the exciting curves of the figure of both sexes, although bright colors were not characteristic of it.

The silhouette-lengthening robes often resembled majestic white temples with their strict outlines. The Greek clothes of men were spacious - these were capes, raincoats, and under them - loose trousers with shirts. However, these days no one else wears such things, they are uncomfortable and impractical. Modern men Greeks wear clothes European style. Although many wear National costumes to the ancient Greek festivals.

Even with the hot climate inherent in the country, they have always been multi-layered and voluminous. They always had a lot of folds where edged weapons were hidden. The Greeks have been in constant wars throughout their history, instantly transforming from peaceful peasants into brave armed partisans.

The most handsome Greek men

Men of this nationality are recognized all over the world as the most beautiful on the planet. Italians and Latin Americans gave their laurels of superiority to their male beauty. They are the most sought after in the male modeling business. It is enough to look at the photos of Greek men with the reference appearance of this ancient nation to see for yourself the validity of such judgments.


distant ancestors modern representatives this nation gave the world many sonorous names. Until now, ancient traditions are preserved in the country. Thus, sons are never named after their father. However, very often children are named after grandmothers, uncles, and so on. The classic names of Greek men, and now common throughout Greece, will be very familiar to the Russian ear.

Older generation

Representatives of the Greek nation generally respect old age. There are much more pensioners in the country than in Russia. Their faces are usually overflowing with serene calm and peace so that it becomes clear that they are getting a well-deserved rest. Life expectancy in Greece is also large - it reaches 80 years. Having a mediterranean climate, healthy food, sun and an easy attitude to life obviously does the trick. They have a lot to learn.

The mother has the main indisputable authority in the family; she actually personifies Hera along with Athena. They are very strong family bonds. So, weekly dinners with mothers are traditional. Sons are devoted to them all their lives, fulfill all their requests, listen to advice. It is clear that the search for a bride is carried out by the Greeks with a focus on the qualities that the mother demonstrated. Most often, families are created at the age of 30 years. The Greeks do not deny themselves the pleasure of living a happy free youth and having fun.

As for the differences in the appearance of the ancient and modern Greeks, the following stereotype is popular:

the Greeks supposedly used to be all fair, with regular features. So in general in ancient Greek poems it is said. And the fact that now they are completely different is the consequences of the Turkish conquest.

"Recent genetic studies of Greek populations have provided evidence of statistically significant continuity between ancient and modern Greeks." (Wikipedia).

As for the myth of fair-haired people, it is very well explained in the Greek forum:

Thanks to user Olga R.:

"The Greeks have never been a" homogeneous "ethnos. Since ancient times, they were divided into two tribal groups: Ionians (Achaeans) and Dorians (there were subgroups within these groups, but this is not relevant to the subject of our conversation). These tribes differed from each other friend not only in culture, but also in appearance. The Ionians were short, black-haired and swarthy, and the Dorians were tall, fair-haired and fair-skinned. The Ionians and Dorians were at enmity with each other, and both tribal groups completely mixed only in Byzantine times. Although the word "completely" here it is not entirely appropriate: in geographically isolated areas - for example, on some islands - one can still find a relatively pure Ionic or Doric type.

The Greeks of the Black Sea region (Ponti-Romeans, Azov Rumeians, Urums, etc.), like the rest of the Greeks, are also very heterogeneous: among them there are both pure Ionians and Dorians, and mixed type(The Black Sea region has been inhabited for many centuries by people from different areas Greece). Therefore, some Greeks of Ukraine may well differ from some Greeks of Greece - but, of course, not all and not from all. For example, if you go to Crete, you will find there as many "white and curly" Greeks as you like (most Cretans retained the Doric type of appearance)."

"- Then where did such a" classical "Greek image come from and get fixed?

Thanks to "Western European artists of the 17th-19th centuries. They portrayed the ancient Greeks like themselves, loved ones - that is, Germans, Dutch and other Western Europeans. Hence the" stereotype "(not based on historical data.

"White-haired blondes are also, of course, called "ξανθοι" (and what else to call them?) But if you hear or read this word in relation to the Greek, then it means light chestnut hair."

"Homer describes Odysseus as a typical Ionian: swarthy and black-haired."

"... The fact is that appearance ancient greek gods was, as it were, a symbol of their essence - that is, it depended not on how the worshipers of these gods looked, but on the "properties" of the gods themselves. Thus, the golden hair of Apollo is a symbol of the Sun. The "gray" eyes of Athena are actually not gray, but "owl": A8hna glaukwphs (the interpretation of this word as "gray" appeared because the ancient Greek word glaux - "owl" - translators of the new time confused with the word glaukos - - "gray" or "blue"). The owl was a symbol and one of the incarnations of the goddess Athena; many scholars believe that Athena was originally the goddess of death and was revered in the form of an owl (a typical Neolithic image of death and burial). By the way, there are images of Athena with the head of an owl.

But what is it? Where did the sculptures with "Greek profiles" (i.e., with the absence of the bridge of the nose) come from? Where did the descriptions of the golden-haired come from? Let's even assume that blondes were mentioned. Well, the gods can do anything! They must be different from mere mortals by definition. The absence of the bridge of the nose, as it were, hinted at such an origin. On the contrary, villains, commoners were portrayed with prominent eyebrows. It's a matter of symbols. Greek art was not realistic in everything.

Tnm, if you look at the busts of philosophers, and imagine them in natural color. And even easier - check out the pictures Everyday life, where simple collective farmers are depicted - on a red-figure vase painting. Or even like gods, but in the clothes of mere mortals:

Classic mediterranean style! Curly swarthy hair. And the profile, at first stylized as a canon, becomes more and more realistic in the future.

The Italians, who never knew the Turkish occupation, look the same. They have a different theme: the earliest Romans looked like the northern French of today. And then the blood of slaves from the Middle East was added. Well, perhaps. But this does not deprive them of their classification among the "true Aryans":

Moreover, the southern Italians (i.e., the inhabitants of Naples and Sicily) are in many ways the descendants of the Greek colonists.

This is what the inhabitants of these areas looked like in ancient times:

And most importantly, look closely at these faces. They can be swarthy, brown-eyed. But common origin one way or another, it feels. Here is Despina Vandi for example:

And here is a Greek collective farmer from the movie "The Day All the Fish Came to Surface" Why not an ancient Greek bust of a philosopher?):

yes, how many did not look at all sorts of Greek mosaics, vases, frescoes - all curly.

Why were the Achaeans and Dorians at enmity? How was it expressed? Ancient Greece, after all, is in fact a bunch of policies, city-states that were at enmity and cooperating, the population in them was homogeneous and consisted of one type or not?

Why is it that fair hair is a cool sign (as far as I know, most of the gods were just fair-haired), but large brow ridges are not?


Sorry for not replying right away. Pre-holiday chores-c)

In fact, there is a common story here, when a nation is formed, over time, gradually from different ethnic groups, closely related, and sometimes not so much. There is also a natural fragmentation a single civilization at different stages. Achaeans in the II millennium BC created the Mycenaean civilization. The fight with Crete, where the evil Minotaur is, and the war with Troy are from that era. The Dorians, although they spoke a similar language, lived to the west for a long time, and compared to the Achaeans, they almost climbed trees.

It's "Catastrophe" bronze age". Because of difficult conditions Dorians invaded the borders of the said power. Part of the Achaeans had to be evacuated, where they joined the "peoples of the sea" who were piracy in the Mediterranean.

At first it looked almost like an invasion of barbarians in animal skins. But during the Greek "Dark Ages" the conquerors adopted some of the achievements of the conquered, mixed with them, and, coupled with their forward energy, and the achievements of the advancing iron age, eventually gave life to what, in our understanding, is classical Ancient Greece.

In total, four branches played a role in the formation of the ancient Greek ethnos: Achaeans, Dorits, Ionians, and Aeolians.

On the ground, some kind of memory was preserved. The Athenians remembered that they used to have a great civilization and that they were mostly descendants of the Achaeans. The Spartans were Dorians in the most pure. The Ionians ended up in the east - in Asia Minor, and on the adjacent islands. There, apparently, ties with the already existing local population turned out to be very significant. Because of the mixing with which, the Ionians, presumably, acquired a characteristic southern appearance.

Of course, there were local differences. Even in our time, for example, we distinguish between northern and southern Russians. There are different dialects. In Greece to this day, depending on the region, either the Dorian or the Ionian type prevails. According to the records of one well-known knowledgeable man on the net, known simply as the Greek (he even starred in one of the "Dinner Party" programs), indigenous people countries now, for the most part, are of the European type, but repatriates from the CIS countries are usually Ionians.


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