Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad and their exploits. List of heroes of Stalingrad

After the defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, the strategic initiative completely passed to the Red Army. However, in 1942, anticipating a quick victory, the Soviet command issued a directive on the offensive on all fronts. Without careful preparation and replenishment of reserves, this led to a series of serious defeats for the Soviet Union in early 1942. The military advantage was lost. The parties were preparing for new battles. One of the decisive battles was the Battle of Stalingrad. The participants in the battle who visited there called it "hell on Earth."

The strategic importance of Stalingrad

Many liberal and Western historians were skeptical about the defense of this city. They believed that his defense was connected with the name of the supreme leader of the USSR and there were ambitions of two dictators, one of whom wanted to capture the settlement bearing the name of the leader of the enemies, and the second threw all his strength to prevent this. But the Battle of Stalingrad, the memoirs of the participants of which also refute this information, was of great strategic importance. The fact is that the military power of the armies of the Second World War played no role without oil reserves. Romania was Hitler's only such country. But her resources were clearly not enough. Germany made attempts to seize Egypt and the oil-bearing Middle East. For these purposes, the Army Group "Africa" ​​was created, headed by the legendary Rommel. Its number was, of course, small, but comparable to the forces of the British troops, who did not let the Germans into these territories. Italian geologists, fortunately for our history and country, did not find oil in Libya. Perhaps history would have had a different scenario, but, as you know, it does not. Thus, the only right decision of the German command was to leave Moscow and capture Stalingrad, which opened the way to the Caucasus with its rich oil fields. In addition, an important transport artery for the Soviet Union itself was blocked. At that time, oil was not yet being produced in Siberia, so the loss of the Caucasus completely disarmed our army. Therefore, one of the bloodiest battles in the history of mankind took place - the Battle of Stalingrad. The participants in the battle understood very well the significance of the bridgehead. Hence the self-sacrifice and heroism of the Soviet soldiers.

On the eve of the battle

Developing a combat plan for the summer-autumn of 1942, the Supreme Headquarters and the State Defense Committee were not united. Marshal of the Soviet Union Shaposhnikov insisted on a strategic defense, going over to the counteroffensive in some sectors of the front. The main reserves had to be concentrated in the central direction in such a way that they could be easily transferred to the desired sector of the front through the railway network. This plan was based on the transport advantage of the USSR. The railway network in German-controlled territory was constantly subjected to sabotage. There was no possibility of a sharp change in the direction of the strategic strike. In addition, the fascist troops did not have a second front and could concentrate all available reserves on the east.

1942 disaster

Marshal S.K. Timoshenko pointed out the need for a preemptive strike by the Southwestern and Southern fronts. At a meeting with the participation of Stalin, it was decided to advance in the south in the region of Kharkov and the Crimea.

But the attacks of the Soviet troops were not successful, in addition, the German 11th Army launched a counteroffensive in the Kerch direction in May and literally crushed the Crimean front. The remaining troops were evacuated from the peninsula. The attack on the two largest fronts at the end of May was not crowned with success and was surrounded and on the verge of complete destruction. German aviation completely dominated the air. The situation in the country deteriorated catastrophically.

Main goal - Caucasus

It became clear that the Wehrmacht troops would develop success and break through to the Caucasus to oil through Stalingrad. Directive No. 41 was issued, which indicated the need to tear away from the USSR a number of economic agricultural territories of Ukraine and the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus.

In June, the remaining troops of the two fronts began to retreat to prevent the threat of encirclement and complete destruction. Both sides were now preparing for decisive battles in the Caucasus and Stalingrad. At this time, the Supreme Headquarters issued a number of decrees that are ambiguously and sharply discussed by many historians. Order No. 227 "Not a step back" and a decree on the creation of penal battalions. In fairness, it should be noted that the latter already existed in the German army and performed well in battles. So the idea of ​​creation does not belong to Stalin, as many Western historians say about it.

Tactical miscalculations

The German leadership, intoxicated with success in the southern direction, made a strategic miscalculation. The Nazis sent the main strike force to the Caucasus, and only one 6th army of General von Paulus was allocated to Stalingrad. In addition, a shock tank brigade was withdrawn from the grouping and also thrown into the Caucasus. The Germans did not expect, after successful battles, to see significant Russian resistance in this area. But the calculation of the Supreme Headquarters - to concentrate significant reserves so that they can be quickly transferred to the desired direction - was fully justified. The Battle of Stalingrad began. The participants in the battle remembered it with trepidation until the end of their lives. We will also remember.

Participants of the Battle of Stalingrad. List of heroes

Given the severity and duration of this military operation, several armies, tank and air divisions were involved in it. Of course, we will not be able to list in a short article those who saw with their own eyes a terrible sight called the Battle of Stalingrad. The participants in the battle will never be forgotten in the memory of generations. Imagine only a few fallen heroes of this meat grinder. We will be glad if any of the descendants see their illustrious relatives:

Agarkov Pavel Demyanovich;

Vorobyov Mikhail Dmitrievich;

Kolesnichenko Andrey Alexandrovich;

Smyslov Alexey Maksimovich.

These and other participants in the Battle of Stalingrad, dead or alive, will always remain heroes for our country.

“There is no land for us beyond the Volga”

On August 23, 1942, the Germans furiously bombed the city. They fired from all guns. A powerful industrial center turned into ruins. The two-hundred-day defense of the city began. The Germans realized their miscalculation and threw more and more forces to reinforce Paulus. But it was already too late. The Soviet command and ordinary soldiers swore to protect the city at all costs. Victory in battle meant victory in the entire Great Patriotic War. Of course, there was still a lot of time before its end, lost lives, high-profile victories and unfortunate defeats. But the defeat of large German forces here proved to be a psychological turning point in the entire military campaign. It is no coincidence that American and British politicians even issued commemorative medals and certificates dedicated to this event.

Heroes will be remembered forever

The battle of Stalingrad became a severe test for the entire Soviet people. We will present the names of the participants in this article. Raguzov Sergei Alexandrovich, born in 1922. In Stalingrad, he was the commander of a mortar platoon. Awarded personally signed by Stalin gratitude "For personal courage and courage." His platoon stopped a powerful tank attack. The commander himself faced one of them face to face, but did not lose his head and threw a couple of Molotov cocktails. The tank exploded from the fire. In this attack, Raguzov's platoon destroyed 4 heavy vehicles, several dozen infantrymen. In total, about 10 tanks advanced. The rest retreated after their losses.

Tulyakov Ivan Antipovich

Many heroic participants in the battle of Stalingrad died the death of the brave. The USSR, and modern Russia, never forgot their heroes. I would like to remember Ivan Antipovich Tulyakov, a war correspondent who died while crossing the Volga. In his last note, Ivan Antipovich wrote: "It is better to be the wife, mother, child of a dead hero than a surviving coward." And so did all the defenders of the city.

Churanov Viktor Vasilievich

Children participating in the Battle of Stalingrad remember another hero of these days - Churanov Viktor Vasilyevich. Member of the defense of Moscow, the defense of Stalingrad, the capture of Warsaw was awarded two medals "For Courage". As a tank driver, he recklessly drove his car to the enemy, not sparing his life. His crew knocked out several German vehicles near Moscow and Stalingrad. One of the few survivors of these terrible days of the war from the first to the last day.

Shelyvanov Vasily Andreevich

Against the battery of Vasily Andreevich, the Germans threw 18 vehicles. The defenders, having shown heroism, met the Nazis with powerful shelling, destroying 4 cars, several more were hit, but retreated. The Germans, not expecting such a rebuff, retreated.

Here is a partial list of heroes featured in the article. Unfortunately, many died in this terrible war. Let's not forget their names.

“It is better to die standing than to live on your knees,” the slogan of Dolores Ibarurri, whose son died after being wounded in a Stalingrad meat grinder, accurately describes the fighting spirit of Soviet soldiers before this fateful battle.

The Battle of Stalingrad showed the whole world the heroism and unparalleled courage of the Soviet people. And not only adults, but also children. It was the bloodiest battle of the Second World War, which radically changed its course.

Vasily Zaitsev

The legendary sniper of the Great Patriotic War, Vasily Zaitsev, during the Battle of Stalingrad for a month and a half, destroyed more than two hundred German soldiers and officers, including 11 snipers.

From the very first meetings with the enemy, Zaitsev proved himself to be an outstanding shooter. With the help of a simple "three-ruler" he skillfully killed an enemy soldier. In the war, the wise hunting advice of his grandfather was very useful to him. Later, Vasily will say that one of the main qualities of a sniper is the ability to disguise himself and be invisible. This quality is necessary for any good hunter.

Just a month later, Vasily Zaitsev received the medal "For Courage" for his combat zeal, and in addition to it - a sniper rifle! By this time, the well-aimed hunter had already disabled 32 enemy soldiers.

Vasily, as if in a chess game, outplayed his opponents. For example, he made a realistic sniper puppet, while he himself disguised himself nearby. As soon as the enemy revealed himself with a shot, Vasily began to patiently wait for him to appear from cover. And time didn't matter to him.

Zaitsev not only shot accurately himself, but also commanded a sniper group. He accumulated considerable didactic material, which later allowed him to write two textbooks for snipers. For the military skill and valor shown, the commander of the sniper group was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal. After being wounded, when he almost lost his sight, Zaitsev returned to the front again and met Pobeda with the rank of captain.

Maxim Passar

Maxim Passar, like Vasily Zaitsev, was a sniper. His surname, which is unusual for our ear, is translated from Nanai as "a sharp eye."

Before the war he was a hunter. Immediately after the Nazi attack, Maxim went to serve as a volunteer, studied at a sniper school. After graduation, he ended up in the 117th Infantry Regiment of the 23rd Infantry Division of the 21st Army, renamed the 65th Army, 71st Guards Division on November 10, 1942.

The fame of the well-aimed Nanai, who had a rare ability to see in the dark as during the day, immediately spread throughout the regiment, and later completely crossed the front line. By October 1942 "clever eye". was recognized as the best sniper of the Stalingrad Front, he was also the eighth in the table of the best snipers of the Red Army.

By the time of the death of Maxim Passar, on his account there were 234 killed fascists. The Germans were afraid of the well-aimed Nanai, calling him "the devil from the devil's nest." , they even issued special leaflets intended personally for Passard with a proposal to surrender.

Maxim Passar died on January 22, 1943, before his death, having managed to “put down” two snipers. The sniper was twice awarded the Order of the Red Star, but he received his Hero posthumously, becoming the Hero of Russia in 2010.

Yakov Pavlov

Sergeant Yakov Pavlov was the only one who received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for the defense of the house.

On the evening of September 27, 1942, he received a combat mission from the company commander, Lieutenant Naumov, to reconnoiter the situation in a 4-story building in the city center, which had an important tactical position. This house went down in the history of the Battle of Stalingrad as "Pavlov's House".

With three fighters - Chernogolov, Glushchenko and Alexandrov, Yakov managed to knock the Germans out of the building and capture it. Soon the group received reinforcements, ammunition and a telephone line. The Nazis continuously attacked the building, tried to smash it with artillery and air bombs. Skillfully maneuvering the forces of a small "garrison", Pavlov avoided heavy losses and defended the house for 58 days and nights, not allowing the enemy to break through to the Volga.

For a long time it was believed that Pavlov's house was defended by 24 heroes of nine nationalities. On the 25th - Kalmyk Goryu Badmaevich Khokholov - "forgotten", he was struck off the list after the deportation of the Kalmyks. Only after the war and deportation did he receive his military awards. His name as one of the defenders of the Pavlov House was restored only 62 years later.

Lucy Radyno

In the Battle of Stalingrad, not only adults, but also children showed unparalleled courage. One of the heroines of Stalingrad was the 12-year-old girl Lucy Radyno. She ended up in Stalingrad after being evacuated from Leningrad. Once, an officer came to the orphanage where the girl was and said that young scouts were being recruited to obtain valuable information behind the front line. Lucy immediately volunteered to help.

On the very first exit behind enemy lines, Lucy was detained by the Germans. She told them that she was going to the fields, where she grows vegetables with other children so as not to die of hunger. They believed her, but still they sent her to the kitchen to peel potatoes. Lucy realized that she could find out the number of German soldiers by simply counting the number of peeled potatoes. As a result, Lucy got the information. In addition, she managed to escape.

Lyusya went beyond the front line seven times, never making a single mistake. The command awarded Lucy with medals "For Courage" and "For the Defense of Stalingrad".

After the war, the girl returned to Leningrad, graduated from the institute, started a family, worked at school for many years, taught elementary school children at Grodno school No. 17. The students knew her as Lyudmila Vladimirovna Beschastnova.

Ruben Ibarruri

We all know the slogan « No passaran! » , which translates as « they won't get through! » . It was declared on July 18, 1936 by the Spanish communist Dolores Ibarruri Gomez. She also owns the famous slogan « Better to die standing than live on your knees » . In 1939 she was forced to emigrate to the USSR. Her only son, Ruben, ended up in the USSR even earlier, in 1935, when Dolores was arrested, he was sheltered by the Lepeshinsky family.

From the first days of the war, Ruben joined the Red Army. For the heroism shown in the battle for the bridge near the Berezina River near the city of Borisov, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

During the Battle of Stalingrad, in the summer of 1942, Lieutenant Ibarruri commanded a machine gun company. On August 23, the company of Lieutenant Ibarruri, together with the rifle battalion, was supposed to hold back the advance of the German tank group at the Kotluban railway station.

After the death of the battalion commander, Ruben Ibarruri took command and raised the battalion in a counterattack, which turned out to be successful - the enemy was driven back. However, Lieutenant Ibarurri himself was wounded in this battle. He was sent to the left-bank hospital in Leninsk, where the hero died on September 4, 1942. The hero was buried in Leninsk, but later he was reburied on the Alley of Heroes in the center of Volgograd.

The title of Hero was awarded to him in 1956. Dolores Ibarruri visited her son's grave in Volgograd more than once.

Know the Soviet people that you are the descendants of fearless warriors!
Know, Soviet people, that the blood of great heroes flows in you,
Those who gave their lives for their Motherland, without thinking about the benefits!
Know and honor the Soviet people the exploits of grandfathers and fathers!

The inconspicuous house of pre-war Stalingrad, which was destined to become one of the symbols of perseverance, heroism, military feat - Pavlov's house.

“... On September 26, a group of scouts of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment under the command of Sergeant Ya.F. Pavlov and a platoon of Lieutenant N.E. Zabolotny of the 13th Guards Rifle Division took up defense in 2 residential buildings on January 9 Square. Subsequently, these houses entered the history of the Battle of Stalingrad as "Pavlov's house" and "Zabolotny's house" ... ".

During the days of the Battle of Stalingrad, the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of Colonel I.P. held the defense on the square on January 9th. Elina.

The commander of the 3rd battalion, captain A.E. Zhukov was ordered to carry out an operation to capture two residential buildings. For this, two groups were created under the command of Sergeant Pavlov and Lieutenant Zabolotny, who successfully coped with the task assigned to them.

The house, captured by the fighters of Lieutenant Zabolotny, could not withstand the onslaught of the enemy - the advancing German invaders blew up the building together with the Soviet soldiers defending it.

The group of Sergeant Pavlov managed to survive, they stayed in the House of the Regional Consumer Union for three days, after which reinforcements under the command of Lieutenant Afanasyev arrived to help them, delivering ammunition and weapons.

The building of the Regional Consumer Union has become one of the most important strongholds in the defense system of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment and the entire 13th Guards Rifle Division ....

Before the war, it was a 4-storey residential building of workers of the regional consumer union. It was considered one of the prestigious houses of Stalingrad: it was surrounded by the elite House of Signalers, the House of NKVD Workers. Specialists from industrial enterprises and party workers lived in Pavlov's house. Pavlov's house was built in such a way that a straight, flat road led from it to the Volga. This fact played an important role during the Battle of Stalingrad.

In mid-September 1942, during the fighting on January 9 Square, Pavlov's house became one of two four-story houses that it was decided to turn into strongholds, since from here it was possible to observe and fire at the part of the city occupied by the enemy to the west up to 1 km, and on north and south are further away. It was for this house that the most fierce battles unfolded.

September 22, 1942 a company of sergeant Yakov Pavlov approached the house and entrenched itself in it - only four people remained alive at that time. Soon, on the third day, reinforcements arrived: a machine-gun platoon under the command of Lieutenant I.F. Afanasyev, who, as a senior in rank, led the defense of the house. But, nevertheless, for the gunners, the house was named after the person who first entrenched in it. So the house became Pavlov's house.

With the help of sappers, the defense of Pavlov's house was improved - the approaches to it were mined, a trench was dug to communicate with the command located in the Mill building, and a telephone with the call sign "Mayak" was installed in the basement of the house. The 25-man garrison held the position for 58 days, repelling endless attacks from vastly superior enemy forces. On the personal map of Paulus, this house was marked as a fortress.

“A small group, defending one house, destroyed more enemy soldiers than the Nazis lost during the capture of Paris,” said Army Commander-62 Vasily Chuikov.

Fighters of 10 nationalities defended Pavlov's house - Georgian Masiashvili and Ukrainian Lushchenko, Jew Litzman and Tatar Ramazanov, Abkhaz Sukba and Uzbek Turgunov. So Pavlov's House became a real stronghold of friendship between peoples during the Great Patriotic War. All heroes were awarded government awards, and Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov, who was wounded during the storming of the "dairy house", after which he was sent to the hospital, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The second house on January 9 Square was occupied by a platoon of Lieutenant N. E. Zabolotny. But at the end of September 1942, German artillery completely destroyed this house, almost the entire platoon and Lieutenant Zabolotny himself died under its ruins.

Pavlov's House:

Defenders of Stalingrad near Pavlov's House

House of Zabolotny:

Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov:

From me.

I consider it important to filter the information from this video material, discarding historical lies aside.

TVC is a Western broadcasting company operating in the Russian telecommunications space. As always, such structures, telling about the exploits of our grandfathers and grandmothers during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, will definitely add a spoon "psychological tar" into historical "barrel of honey" heroic battles of the Red Army for our great Soviet Motherland.

Remember that any information, even a feat, emotionally negatively colored, involuntarily leaves a person with a negative aftertaste during perception.

Thus, our psychological enemy gradually convinces us that "The Nazis were people too" and it doesn't matter to them that they considered themselves superhumans and us subhumans, with all the ensuing consequences. and it doesn’t matter to them that there are no cases of atrocities of the Red Army soldiers in history, but the atrocities of the Nazis are known to all mankind and are presented to the Nuremberg Court. Some say that “If Hitler captured us, then we would now drink Bavarian beer and eat Bavarian sausages”, and it doesn’t matter to them that only Belarusians were killed by the Nazis every fourth, which exists, which provides for the disposal (extermination) of extra Slavs and the conversion into slaves of the survivors, "Stalin is the same tyrant and murderer as Hitler", but it doesn’t matter to them that Stalin defended the multinational Soviet people from destruction and enslavement, and it was Hitler who invaded the territory of the USSR, destroying cities, villages, Soviet citizens ... Does anyone know such a case that a Nazi soldier or officer shouting “For Germany! For Hitler! rushed to the embrasure of the Soviet pillbox, covering his body with a machine gun spewing deadly fire, in order to save his colleagues and complete a combat mission? When will we stop believing the lies of Western specialists in Psychological Warfare and learn to identify a "spoon of psychological tar" in our historical heroic "barrel of honey"?

After the war, the area where Pavlov's House, was named Defense Square. A semicircular colonnade by the architect I.E. Fialko was built near Pavlov's house. It was planned to build a monument to the soldier of Stalingrad in front of the house, but the memory of the soldier's feat was immortalized. In 1965, according to the project of sculptors P.L. Malkov and A.V. Golovanov, on the end wall of the house from the side of the square, a memorial wall-monument was erected in honor of the military feat of the defenders of Stalingrad. The inscription on it reads:

“This house at the end of September 1942 was occupied by Sergeant Pavlov Ya.F. and his comrades-in-arms Alexandrov A.P., Glushchenko V.S., Chernogolov N.Ya. 1st Battalion of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 13th Guards Order of Lenin Rifle Division: Alexandrov A.P., Afanasiev I.F., Bondarenko M.S., Voronov I.V., Glushchenko V.S., Gridin T. I., Dovzhenko P. I., Ivashchenko A. I., Kiselev V. M., Mosiashvili N. G., Murzaev T., Pavlov Ya. F., Ramazanov F. 3., Saraev V. K., Svirin I. T., Sobgaida A. A., Torgunov K., Turdyev M., Khait I. Ya., Chernogolov N. Ya., Chernyshchenko A. N., Shapovalov A. E., Yakimenko G. I.

Defenders of Pavlov's house:

Data on the number of defenders range from 24 to 31. (At one time, about 50 people claimed the name of the Unknown Soldier who defended the House of Soldiers' Glory.) There were also more than thirty civilians in the basements, some were seriously injured as a result of the fires that broke out after German artillery attacks and bombardments. Pavlov's house was defended by servicemen of different nationalities:


job title

Armament Nationality

reconnaissance group



pistol- Russian

reconnaissance group




manual Ukrainian

reconnaissance group


Alexander P.

red army soldier

manual Russian

reconnaissance group



red army soldier

manual Russian





garrison commander

heavy Russian





junior lieutenant
mortar squad leader

mortar Russian






mortar Russian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.



Art. sergeant
machine gun commander

machine gun Russian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.



pistol- Jew

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.



heavy Ukrainian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.



red army soldier

manual Russian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.


red army soldier

manual Russian

machine gun

senior sergeant

Voronova I.V.


red army soldier

heavy Ukrainian




Art. sergeant
armored squad leader

PTR Ukrainian







PTR Tatar






red army soldier

PTR Ukrainian




red army soldier

PTR Kazakh




red army soldier

PTR Tajik





red army soldier

PTR Uzbek

submachine gunner


red army soldier

pistol- Russian

submachine gunner


red army soldier

pistol- Georgian

submachine gunner


red army soldier

pistol- Russian

submachine gunner



red army soldier

pistol- Russian
24 Khokholov


red army soldier

rifle Kalmyk

Among the defenders of the garrison, who were in the building not constantly, but only periodically, it is worth noting the sniper sergeant Chekhov Anatoly Ivanovich and medical instructor Ulyanov Maria Stepanovna, which took up arms during the German attacks.

In the memoirs of A. S. Chuyanov, they still appear in the defenders of the house: Stepanoshvili (Georgian), Sukba (Abkhazian). In his book, the spelling of some surnames is also different: Sabgayda (Ukrainian), Murzuev (Kazakh). -1 -2

Rodimtsev with the heroic garrison "Pavlov's House".

Yakov Fedotovich Pavlov(October 4, 1917 - September 28, 1981) - the hero of the Battle of Stalingrad, the commander of a group of fighters who, in the fall of 1942, defended a four-story residential building on Lenin Square (Pavlov's house) in the center of Stalingrad. This house and its defenders have become a symbol of the heroic defense of the city on the Volga. Hero of the Soviet Union (1945).

Yakov Pavlov was born in the village of Krestovaya, finished primary school and worked in agriculture. In 1938 he was drafted into the Red Army. He met the Great Patriotic War in combat units in the Kovel region, as part of the troops of the Southwestern Front.

In 1942, Pavlov was sent to the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 13th Guards Division, General A.I. Rodimtsev. He took part in defensive battles on the outskirts of Stalingrad. In July-August 1942, Senior Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov was reorganized in the city of Kamyshin, where he was appointed commander of the machine gun section of the 7th company. In September 1942 - in the battles for Stalingrad, he carried out reconnaissance missions.

On the evening of September 27, 1942, Pavlov received a combat mission from the company commander, Lieutenant Naumov, to reconnoiter the situation in a 4-story building overlooking the central square of Stalingrad - January 9th Square. This building occupied an important tactical position. With three fighters (Chernogolov, Glushchenko and Alexandrov), he drove the Germans out of the building and completely captured it. Soon the group received reinforcements, ammunition and telephone communications. Together with the platoon of Lieutenant I. Afanasyev, the number of defenders increased to 26 people. Far from immediately, it was possible to dig a trench and evacuate civilians hiding in the basements of the house.

The Germans constantly attacked the building with artillery and air bombs. But Pavlov avoided heavy losses and for almost two months did not allow the enemy to break through to the Volga.

On November 19, 1942, the troops of the Stalingrad Front launched a counteroffensive. On November 25, during the attack, Pavlov was wounded in the leg, lay in the hospital, then was a gunner and commander of the reconnaissance squad in the artillery units of the 3rd Ukrainian and 2nd Belorussian fronts, which included reached Stettin. He was awarded two Orders of the Red Star and many medals.

June 17, 1945 to junior lieutenant Yakov Pavlov was awarded title of Hero of the Soviet Union (medal No. 6775). Pavlov was demobilized from the ranks of the Soviet Army in August 1946.

After demobilization, he worked in the city of Valdai, Novgorod Region, was the third secretary of the district committee, graduated from the Higher Party School under the Central Committee of the CPSU. Three times he was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR from the Novgorod region. After the war, he was also awarded the Order of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution.

He repeatedly came to Stalingrad (now Volgograd), met with the inhabitants of the city, who survived the war and restored it from ruins. In 1980, Ya. F. Pavlov was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Hero City of Volgograd."

In Veliky Novgorod, in a boarding school named after him for orphans and children left without parental care, there is a Pavlov Museum (Derevyanitsa microdistrict, Beregovaya Street, 44).

Ya.F. Pavlov was buried on the alley of heroes of the Western cemetery of Veliky Novgorod.

Glushchenko Vasily Sergeevich
, corporal, member of the reconnaissance group that captured Pavlov's House.

At the end of October 1942, the squad of Sergeant Yakov Pavlov was ordered to knock out the enemy who had settled there from the four-story House of Specialists and hold the object until reinforcements arrived. There was a daring fight with a clearly outnumbered enemy. Due to the desperate onslaught and courage of a handful of Soviet fighters, the Nazis decided that they were being attacked by a large unit. But the attackers were nothing at all: Sergeant Pavlov, privates Alexandrov, Chernogolov and the Stavropol collective farmer, infantryman Vasily Glushchenko. On the fourth or fifth day, a small reinforcement approached, and the garrison of Pavlov's House, which for 58 days held an unparalleled defense of only one building, entered the history of the great battle on the Volga. They stood to the death, the enemy did not manage to knock them out of the fortress house.

After the war, Vasily Glushchenko settled with us in Maryinskaya. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Victory, the Hero of the Soviet Union Yakov Pavlov himself came to the village to meet with him. Some of the old-timers still remember this. They remember how, straightening his mustache with a slight movement, Vasily Sergeevich said:

“There were, however, rarely moments of calm. And then a kind of barking voice was heard from their German shelters:

"Rus, give up."

I give them all the strength in response:

"Don't make a mistake, you fascist bastard! It's not just Russians. If I start listing everyone, you will die without listening.”

Indeed, the defenders of Pavlov's House included representatives of many nationalities. Together with the Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs, Jews, and Tatars fought hand in hand. They were hard workers before the war, and in the war, in general, they remained essentially the same workers: they fought as they worked.

Until his death, Glushchenko kept a letter from Marshal Vasily Chuikov, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. The illustrious commander, years after the war, personally greeted and thanked the soldier:

“Dear Vasily Sergeevich, friend on the front, hero of the Stalingrad epic! Your feat is inscribed in golden letters in history. HousePavlova, which you courageously defended for all 58 days, remained an unconquered fortress ... Thank you, soldier and comrade-in-arms.

This year marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of Vasily Glushchenko. In honor of this date, a memorial evening was held at the Maryinsky House of Culture. The chairman of the Council of Veterans of the village, Lev Sokolov, told the listeners, among whom there were many students of the stanitsa school, about the Battle of Stalingrad itself. And the history teacher and head of the stanitsa museum Alexander Yaroshenko introduced the biography of our heroic countryman.The guests of the meeting saw photographs of Vasily Glushchenko, including front-line ones.

Ivan Filippovich Afanasiev(1916 - August 17, 1975) - lieutenant, veteran of the Great Patriotic War, participant in the Battle of Stalingrad. He led the defense of Pavlov's House.

Born in the village of Voronezhskaya, Ust-Labinsky District, Krasnodar Territory. Russian.

October 2, 1942, during street fighting in Stalingrad, lieutenant Ivan Filippovich Afanasiev led the defense of one of the houses, (five days before, the house was occupied by the reconnaissance group of Sergeant Yakov Pavlov. Later this house will become known as Pavlov's House. The defense of the house lasted 58 days.

Despite the continuous attacks of the Nazis and bombing from the air, the garrison of the house held its object until the start of the general offensive of the Soviet troops.

November 4, 1942 Ivan Filippovich Afanasiev led his fighters on the offensive through the area on January 9th. By 11 o'clock, the guards had captured one of the houses on the square, repulsing four enemy attacks. In this battle, Lieutenant Afanasiev was shell-shocked (with loss of hearing and speech) and sent to the hospital. January 17, 1943 in the battle for the factory part of the city, he was again wounded.

By order of the 13th Guards Division No.: 17 / n dated: 02/22/1943, the commander of the machine-gun platoon of the 42nd Guards Division Regiment of the 13th Guards Division, Lieutenant Afanasyev, was awarded the Order of the Red Star for the fact that in the battles for the city of Stalingrad near the village of Krasny Oktyabr, together with his platoon, he destroyed about 150 enemy soldiers and officers, destroying 18 soldiers with fire from personal weapons, and blocked 4 dugouts, allowing the infantry to conduct a counterattack.

After the Battle of Stalingrad, he participated in the battles on the Oryol-Kursk Bulge, near Kyiv, Berlin and ended the war in Prague.

By order of the 111th brigade No.: 6 dated: 07/23/1943, the commander of a bullet platoon of a rifle company of the 111th tank brigade of the guard, Lieutenant Afanasyev, was awarded the Order of the Red Star for the fact that, while repelling an enemy counterattack, he destroyed his platoon with machine gun fire up to 3 enemy platoons, personally suppressing one enemy mortar from a machine gun.

By order of the 111th brigade No.: 17 / n dated: 01/15/1944, Lieutenant Afanasyev was awarded the Order of the Red Star for destroying up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers with machine gun fire from his platoon in the battle for Chenovichi station, while Afanasyev himself destroyed about 40 soldiers, replacing a wounded machine gunner.

By order for the 25th Tank Corps: 9 / n dated: 05/09/1944, the party organizer of the battalion of submachine gunners of the 111th brigade of the guard, Lieutenant Afanasyev, was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree for selflessness and courage shown in the course of fulfilling his direct duties to maintain the morale of the battalion soldiers.

By order of the ptrb 173 of the 25th Panzer Division, Senior Lieutenant Afanasyev was awarded the medal "For the Liberation of Prague".

By order of the commander of the 25th Panzer Division, Senior Lieutenant Afanasiev was awarded the medal "For the Capture of Berlin".

By order of the 230th AZSP of the 53rd Army of the 2nd Ukrainian Front No.: 3/1074 dated: 10/07/1946, Senior Lieutenant Afanasiev was awarded the medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

As a result of a shell shock received during the war in 1951, Ivan Afanasiev lost his sight, which was partially restored after operations.

Afanasiev settled in Stalingrad after the war. Despite problems with his eyesight, he managed to write his memoirs, as well as correspond with other defenders of the Pavlov House.

On October 15, 1967, at the opening of the monument of the ensemble on Mamayev Kurgan, together with Konstantin Nedorubov, he accompanied a torch with eternal flame from the Square of Fallen Fighters to Mamayev Kurgan. And in 1970, together with Konstantin Nedorubov and Vasily Zaitsev, he laid a capsule with a message to posterity (which will be opened on May 9, 2045, on the centenary of the Victory).

Died Ivan Filippovich Afanasiev August 17, 1975, and was buried in the central cemetery of Volgograd. However, in his will he indicated that he would like to rest with other fighters on Mamaev Kurgan. In 2013, he was reburied at the memorial cemetery of Mamaev Kurgan. There is a memorial plaque on his grave.

Chernyshenko Alexey Nikiforovich member of the defense of Pavlov's House and commanded the department of mortars.Junior Lieutenant Chernyshenko Alexei Nikiforovich was born and lived in the village of Shipunovo, Altai Territory, and from there in 1941, at the age of 18, he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army and went to the front.

Aleksey Nikiforovich Chernyshenko died in 1942 a heroic death in one of the battles for Stalingrad and was buried in a mass grave in the city of Stalingrad.

Sergeant Khait Idel Yakovlevich was born in the village of Khashchevatoe, Odessa region, in 1914. He was called up to the ranks of the Red Army Gayvoronsky RVC. Red Army soldier, shooter, 273 joint venture, 270 rifle division.

Khait Idel Yakovlevich died heroically on November 25, 1942, on the last 58th day of the defense of the "Pavlov's house" in Stalingrad.

Khait Idel Yakovlevich was buried in a mass grave near the Volga, not far from the Gergart mill, located next to Pavlov's house in the city of Stalingrad.

Red Army soldier of the Red Army Ivan Timofeevich Svirin. The war tore Ivan Timofeevich away from the peaceful profession. Before the war, he worked on a collective farm with. Mikhailovka, Kharabalinsky district. From there he went to the front. A wife and four children remained at home.

As it becomes clear from the documents, Ivan Timofeevich was a machine gunner in the garrison of Pavlov's House. He, along with everyone else, repelled enemy attacks, went to the command post of a rifle company with combat reports, equipped positions for firing points, and stood at his post. By age, Ivan Timofeevich was the oldest, then he was 42 years old. He had years of civil war behind him. Often, in between battles, he talked with newcomers, helping them understand much that was happening in the garrison.

In January 1943, he died in the battles for the workers' settlement "Red October". In the Svirins' house, as a memory of her husband and father, books are kept that tell about the heroes of the immortal garrison.

Sobgaida Andrey Alekseevich was born in 1914 in the village of Politotdelskoe, Nikolaevsky district, Stalingrad region. At the age of 27, he went to the front. Behind him were already several months of front-line life, he participated in the battles near Kharkov. He was wounded, was treated in the Kamyshin hospital. Only two days were given to the fighter Sobgaide to visit his family.

In the morning he was already on his way. On the way to the burning Stalingrad. There were fights here for every meter of land, for every house.

Sobgaida Andrei Alekseevich was one of the defenders of Pavlov's house. In one of the defensive Andrey was wounded. Only he did not leave the garrison, he tried to help his comrades. He dug trenches with other fighters from the house to the mill. The last, most fierce attack was repulsed in mid-November. Company commander Naumov was killed, many were wounded, including Pavlov. Attack ahead. Andrey Alekseevich Sobgaida died in one of the offensive battles.

Corporal, armor-piercer Ramazanov Faizrakhman Zulbukarovich, born in 1906. Born in Astrakhan.

Ramazanov Faizrakhman Zulbukarovich, a participant in the Battle of Stalingrad, including the defense of Pavlov's house, liberated Hungary and took Berlin.

He was seriously wounded, but to the evil of all deaths he survived. He was awarded the Order of Military Glory, medals "For Stalingrad", "For Kharkov", "For Balaton" and other awards.

One of the best snipers of the 13th Guards Sergeant fired at the enemy from Pavlov's House Anatoly Ivanovich Chekhov, which destroyed more than 200 Nazis.

General Rodimtsev, right on the front line, presented nineteen-year-old Anatoly Chekhov with the Order of the Red Banner.

The Nazis managed to destroy one of the walls of the house. To which the fighters jokingly replied:

“We have three more walls. A house is like a house, only with a little ventilation.”

Gridin Terenty Illarionovich was born on May 15, 1910 in the village of Blizhneosinovsky of the Second Don District of the Don Cossack Region.

In 1933 he graduated from the Nizhne-Chirsky Agricultural College. Worked as an agronomist.

Called to the Red Army on March 24, 1942. Kaganovichi district military registration and enlistment office (now Surovikinsky) and was sent to the Astrakhan military school. After that, he was assigned to the 13th Guards Rifle Division.

After the Red Army soldiers were fixed in Pavlov's house, mortars arrived there with junior lieutenant A.N. Chernyshenko, among them Gridin T.I.

A copy of the book "The House of Soldier's Glory" is stored in the funds of the Surovikinsky Museum of Local Lore, on the title page of which a dedicatory inscription was made by the author:

“To a fighting friend in the Stalingrad battles T.I. Gridin from the commander and author, May 9, 1971, Afanasiev.

Terenty Illarionovich read the book with a pencil in his hands and underlined the brightest episodes, made notes in the margins. For example:

“I was with mortarmen in the house at a time when the 8th company of the 3rd battalion was also in the building of the military department” (p. 46)

“The entire western end wall of our House of Soldiers' Glory collapsed from the explosion. At this time, our company commander was standing in the basement window. During a strong explosion of a heavy shell, I was shell-shocked, hit my head with rubble and tore off the door to the basement” (p. 54).

“We witnessed how the building of the military department turned into a pile of ruins. During the day, an L-shaped house stood, and in the morning only smoke came out of the ruins” (p. 57).

“Mortar gunners were in the House led by senior sergeant Gridin, and at that time they sent us the commander of a platoon of company mortars, Comrade Chernyshenko Aleksey, a young Siberian who had just graduated from 10 classes and the command staff school” (p. 60).

On December 2, 1942, Gridin T.I. was seriously wounded in the right hand and sent to the hospital. After being seriously wounded, he did not take part in hostilities.

After the war, Terenty Illarionovich lived in the city of Surovikino, Volgograd Region, worked at the plant protection station as an agronomist, actively corresponded with his comrades-in-arms, and came to the city of Volgograd to meet with fellow soldiers.

Died Gridin Terenty Illarionovich April 23, 1987, buried in Surovikino.

Art. sergeant of the Red Army machine-gun crew commander Voronov Ilya Vasilievich. The Stalingrad epic of the machine gunner Voronov began like this. After being seriously wounded on the Don coast in May 1942, Ilya Voronov fought off the doctors as best he could, who tried to send him to recover in the warm rear, away from the battles. In September, from the hospital evacuated to Astrakhan, undertreated soldiers, among whom was twenty-year-old Ilya, went to fight in the burning Stalingrad. Machine gunners were worth their weight in gold, and even such aces as Voronov, who treated thirty-kilogram "maxims" like toys, even more so.

Guards Sergeant Yakov Pavlov, who was instructed by the command of the 3rd Battalion of the 42nd Infantry Regiment of the 13th Guards Division to hold the most important strategic object of access to the Volga - Pavlov's house, asked Voronov for help.

The peasant son Ilya Voronov - about ninety meters tall, with pood fists - could choose the best position for his machine gun to attack, and the most inconspicuous place to dig in and wait out if the combat situation required it. He was not only a machine-gun crew commander, an assistant platoon commander, but also a real ringleader. Voronov taught his machine gunners the song “Forward, we are dashing Stalinists” and he himself was the leader.

“Yasha, if it’s difficult, I’ll be at the mill,” he said to Pavlov before he went to the house.

At that time, the Voronov machine gun was working at the same mill, which still stands in Volgograd as a destroyed reminder of the Battle of Stalingrad.

“Send me Voronov,” Pavlov asked and demanded from his command.

And in the end, the battalion commander called Voronov and ordered:

"You are going to Pavlov's house."

“At first I did not understand: in which house? - Ilya Vasilyevich recalls.

- This house was then officially called the House of Specialists. It turns out that the messenger is “guilty”. Yasha told him:

"Tell Voronov to come to Pavlov's house."

And the messenger to the commanders said:

"To Pavlov's House". That's how it's been since then."

“Well, now you can fight,” Pavlov hugged Voronov, who finally arrived.

Few people know that when the house was in the hands of the Nazis, 34 civilians remained in it and drank grief in full.

Having seized the house, the Germans mocked people: they beat the elderly, raped women. And when Sergeant Pavlov and his comrades kicked out the invaders, they told him so:

"If you leave us here, we will not forgive you."

They could not leave this house after such words! This is tantamount to betrayal. How then to look into the eyes of children who have become almost family. One of the elders, ten-year-old Vanya, brought cartridges, water, and helped bandage the fighters.

And once Voronov went into one of the rooms, and there a naked woman was sitting and wrapping a baby in her dress.

“Why naked? Why are you embarrassing my fighters?" machine gunner Ilya Voronov was surprised.

“I have nothing to swaddle a child with,” the woman replied. "Get dressed, I'm going now," the machine gunner replied.

And he brought new changeable footcloths to the woman for diapers.

After many, many years, that child turned, according to Ilya Vasilyevich, into a beautiful woman. She set the table and met the defenders of Pavlov's House in her Volgograd apartment. She knew perfectly well that she was alive because the machine-gunner Voronov, sergeants Pavlov and Ramazanov, and Private Glushchenko gave her mother their rations, while they themselves climbed to the wheat warehouse located between the house and the mill. There were problems with food and ammunition: the command would send 10-12 boats, but only two or three would arrive. So the soldiers chewed the wheat they got under shelling. For water, they made their way to the Volga, overflowing with oil from tanks bombed by the Nazis. Then, through rags and footcloths, the water was filtered six times. And she still smelled of kerosene. They drank themselves, and cleaned it for a machine gun.

What the Nazis did to take this house: they fired at it from machine guns, bombed it with planes, and threw grenades at it. And ours, as if from the ashes, rose: they “patched” the broken windows and doorways with bags of earth - and answered. They did not sleep for several days - and therefore the Nazis lost count. They imagined that the house was not a wounded platoon, but almost a regiment.

The moment came when the Nazis could not stand it. "Hey Rus, how many of you are there?" - came from the fascist loudspeaker, which was installed a few meters from Pavlov's house.

“A full battalion and a makeweight,” answered the Pavlovtsy.

When the general offensive began, five people survived in a dilapidated house.

They lasted 58 days! What are the components of heroism? Sergeant Voronov knows them. Here, the Nazis shot a simple Russian girl in the arm and sent her to ours for data on the location of parts, and took her mother hostage. Heroism was made up of fearlessness: when you leaned out of the house almost to the waist and poured fire on the Nazis, revenged yourself for breaking a fragile Russian girl, forcing you to choose at the age of ten: life or Motherland, mother or soldiers-liberators.

This is how the defense of Pavlov's House ended for Voronov.

“Once during a battle in the city center, an enemy grenade fell at my feet,” the veteran said. - I quickly threw it back, but then another one exploded, and I was wounded in the face and stomach. I felt no pain and continued to fight, wiping the blood from my eyes. During the next counterattack of the enemy, I was wounded again, but I was in such an evil passion that, even when the cartridges ran out, I tore out the rings from the grenades with my teeth and threw them towards the Fritz. When a nurse crawled up, while bandaging, she counted more than twenty shrapnel and machine-gun wounds on the body.

He lay in hospital beds for no less than 15 and a half months, underwent dozens of operations. He returned to his native village of Glinka in 1944, and his mother and sisters live in a dugout. It was as if his heart was pinched with ticks: it was necessary to rebuild the village, build a house for the family, and he was on one leg. Harnessed. He worked as a storekeeper, head of a milk farm, a security guard at a grain stock, so much so that others couldn’t keep up even on two legs. Didn't let anyone down.

After the war, Ilya Vasilievich cried only once, in the eighty-first. A telegram came from Nizhny Novgorod from Pavlov's son:

"Dad is dead".

Natalya Alexandrovna is the daughter of the legendary commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Division A.I. Rodimtseva - in her book about the war and about her father she wrote about the Russian soldier Ilya Voronov:

"This man is a diamond of the highest standard."

For three years he has not traveled to the city on the Volga. He was younger - every year he was there. I sat at the same table with Marshal Chuikov, and he repeated:

"If it were not for you, the defenders of the house, it is not yet known how the war would have turned."

Afanasiev I. F., Voronov I. V., Ulyanova M. S.

LADYCHENKO (ULYANOVA) Maria Stepanovna "Chizhik".

"AT ce 58 days of defense of Pavlov's House from the first to the last day, Masha, an affectionate and skillful nurse, was part of our garrison. And if the enemy was advancing? .. Masha took a machine gun and grenades, stood next to her, fought and shouted:

"Beat, guys, filthy, fascist - the enemy!".

L. I. SAVELYEV "PAVLOV'S HOUSE". Tale-tale about Soldier's glory:

“... the Nazis started another “concert” and now everyone is at the firing points. There is Naumov, who brought the artillerymen to the house ... the medical officer Chizhik - commanders, prudently took her with him when he equipped the expedition for a gun ... everyone was sure that when needed, Chizhik would definitely be there ... Chizhik hurried - the medical instructor Marusya Ulyanova, who provided Dronov with the first help.... But the platoon commander Ivan Filippovich Afanasyev had the most guest-soldiers, ... and Maria Stepanovna Ulyanova-Ladychenko - after all, she also lives in Volgograd. For her front-line friends, she remained so: MARUSYA - CHIZHIK. (S. 136-138, 144, 206).

"STALINGRAD. 1942-1943. Stalingrad battle in documents. Moscow. 1995. P. 412. VGMP funds, folder No. 198, inv. No. 9846, original:


... Ulyanova Maria Stepanovna, an employee of the Krasny Oktyabr plant, is considered to be in the 42nd joint venture of the 13th guards. with the best nurse. Under any fire, she coolly performs her duties. She was recently awarded the Medal for Courage...

The head of the political department of the 62nd Army, Brigadier Commissar Vasiliev. TsAMO, f. 48, op. 486, d. 35, l. 319a-321. (S. 321-323. KP).

Ulyanova Maria Stepanovna: Medal for Courage fund 33 inventory 686044 case 1200 l. 2 I am sending a piece of the award order:

"fourteen. Medical instructor of the 3rd rifle battalion of the Guards of the Red Army ULYANOVA Maria Stepanovna for the fact that in the battles for the city of Stalingrad from November 22 to November 26, 1942 she carried 15 wounded soldiers and commanders and 15 rifles from the battlefield and provided first aid to 20 wounded commanders and soldiers. Born in 1919, Russian member of the Komsomol, in the Patriotic War since December 1941, has 2 wounds, in the spacecraft since 1941 ..., has no awards ... ".

Volgograd Regional Committee of the CPSU, Institute of Military History of the USSR Ministry of Defense. "HISTORICAL FEAT OF STALINGRAD". Moscow. 1985. S. 219:

“In the legendary house of Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov, TOGETHER WITH HIS DEFENDERS FROM THE BEGINNING TO THE END OF THE FIGHTS, Maria ULYANOVA WAS RESIDING, providing medical assistance to many soldiers.”

The museum of the HISTORY OF THE KIROV DISTRICT has a record about a participant in the Great Patriotic War and the Battle of Stalingrad, a participant in the battles of the legendary garrison of the House of Soldiers' Glory ("Pavlov's House") Ladychenko (Ulyanova) Maria Stepanovna:

“Ulyanova had three combat medals:

- "For courage";

- "For the defense of Stalingrad";

- "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

Battle path Gary Badmaevich Khokholov started in 1941. 1941 - when the war began, Garya worked at a fish cannery:

“... I had armor, and all my comrades went to the front. Well, I think everyone is at war, and I will catch carp?

I had not yet managed to leave Kalmykia, they turned me back - I did not fit for health reasons. On the second attempt, he nevertheless broke through to the front, ”the veteran later recalled.

IN 1 942, as an 18-year-old boy, Garya leaves for the army. It falls into the training battalion of the 139th Infantry Division, located in the Astrakhan region (Kharabali). 1.5 months I managed to study for a mortar. Undergraduate recruits are sent on a 5-day forced march (on foot at night) and young mortar cadets find themselves on the left bank of the Volga.

Meanwhile, fierce battles are going on in the very center of Stalingrad. For more than two months, the fighters of the 42nd regiment of the 13th Guards Division have been holding back the onslaught of the enemy. Stone buildings - the House of Sergeant Y. Pavlov, the House of Lieutenant N. Zabolotny and Mill No. 4 - were turned into strong positions. "Not one step back!"- Following this order and the dictates of the soul, the guards did not want to retreat.

Pavlov's House, or, as many today call it, the House of Soldiers' Glory, had a favorable, dominant position in this area (the territory occupied by the enemy was well shot through). That is why the commander of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment I.P. Yelin orders the commander of the 3rd Infantry Battalion, Captain A.E. Zhukov to seize the house and turn it into a stronghold. Warriors of the 7th rifle company, commanded by senior lieutenant I.P., were sent to carry out this task. Naumov. At the end of September 1942, this house was captured by Sergeant Ya.F. Pavlov with his squad (3 fighters).

At the same time:

“On September 20 we crossed the Volga ...” - the entry was made with a simple pencil by the hand of G. Khokholov himself on 1 sheet of a Red Army book.

Reinforcements arrived at the House on the third day of Pavlov's stay with his comrades: a machine-gun platoon of 7 people, led by Lieutenant I.F. Afanasiev, a group of armor-piercers of 6 people under the command of senior sergeant A.A. Subgaida, four mortarmen under the command of Lieutenant A.N. Chernushenko and three machine gunners. I.F. was appointed commander of the group. Afanasiev.

In the book "Guards fought to the death" General A.I. Rodimtsev recalls:

“Jokely, Afanasiev called his assault group an international brigade. If the machine gunners represented only three nationalities - Russians, Ukrainians and Uzbeks, then an even more complex national family was represented by the armor-piercing squad of A.A. Subguides".

It was in this group that G. Khokholov was also listed.This is how Khokholov himself describes his appearance in the battalion.

“On the night of September 20, we crossed on a barge to a burning city. And immediately into battle. Then they stopped. They took us to the basement of a house. An oil lamp burned and by its light they wrote down by name. I spoke Russian poorly, but I still have a Red Army book with the personal signature of commander-7 I.I. Naumov: 13th GSD, 42nd GSP, 3rd GSB, 7th rifle company, date - September 20, 1942. After a short clerical procedure, we were taken further - bullets were already whistling here, rockets were flashing, a front line was felt ... About twenty of us gathered. The platoon commander explained that almost the entire city belongs to the Germans, but we will stay in this house.

From the memoirs of G. Khokholov:

“I remember the endless fascist attacks: German planes circled over the house, artillery, mortar and machine-gun fire did not subside. The Germans stormed the house several times a day. For the rest of my life I remember the smell of burning, lime dust that corrodes the eyes. And also the piercing autumn wind and burnt wheat, which he chewed to satisfy his hunger.

In the book of Alexander Samsonov "The Battle of Stalingrad" there are lines:

“Often, the famous sniper of the division A.I. came to Pavlov’s House. Chekhov and conducted well-aimed fire at the enemy from the attic.

And Khokholov, in his letter, tells how exactly Chekhov taught him sniper art in a besieged house. Lessons, apparently, were not in vain. Proof of this is an entry in the book of a Red Army soldier, especially dear to a veteran:

“Awarded with the “Excellent Sniper” badge.

The date of delivery - November 7, 1942 - clearly indicates that for the first time Khokholov used his marksmanship skills in defending the house that later became famous.

In one of his last interviews, the veteran said:

“One day, the company commander handed me a sniper rifle and ordered me to shoot at the gas tanks of enemy vehicles and drivers, but not to give myself away. He took up his post in the northwest side of the house. At another observation post, a second soldier was on duty. I extended a wire to him in order to keep the connection in this way. When one of us took a break, the second took aim at the enemy. One of us should have been killed. I live. Unfortunately, I don’t remember the name of that Ukrainian guy.”

The brave Soviet soldiers held out for 58 days and nights. They left the building on November 24, when the regiment launched a counteroffensive.November 21-24 were the most bloody battles in the defense of Stalingrad.Morning of November 25 - attack on the enemy. In the battle, G. Khokholov was wounded, crawling to the shelter. At night, the wounded are taken to the Volga to be transported to the other side. Here is how he himself recalls it:

“The last fight was early in the morning on November 25th. Komroty spent the night with us, explained the task. He was the first to attack - jumped out the window and shouted:

"Follow me, forward!"

The Germans opened heavy mortar fire. A few steps from the house, a machine gun slashed my legs, and I fell like a sheaf. It felt like a lot of us were killed.

We, the wounded, were taken to the Volga. But the crossing did not work - there was broken ice on the river. No one bandaged us, I experienced terrible torment for five days. Thought it was the end. And only in the hospital EG-3638 in the city of Ershov, Saratov region, I believed in my salvation.

After a hospital in the Saratov city of Ershov, Khokholov falls into the 15th Airborne Division, in which he takes part in the battles on the Kursk Bulge. In the terrible battles on the Kursk Bulge, 8 thousand people fought, of which 400 people survived. Garya Khokholov receives a second wound in these battles. A bomb explodes next to him - he receives severe injuries to both arms and legs. The unconscious soldier is sent by train to the Chita region, to the Trans-Baikal-Petrovsky hospital. And inIn 1943, after treatment with a certificate of the 2nd group of disability on 2 crutches, he returned home to restore the post-war Motherland.

Kamoljon Turgunov was called to the front at the end of 1941, where he mastered the specialty of an anti-tank gunner (armor-piercer). After the Battle of Stalingrad, he took part in the liberation of Ukraine, Belarus, Romania, and Hungary.

I met the victory in the German Magdeburg. Returning home with two wounds, he worked as a tractor driver in his native collective farm in the village of Bardankul, Turakurgan district, Namangan region, where he lived with his family - his wife and 16 children. A documentary is dedicated to him in Uzbekistan "Long way home" filmed by a well-known cinematographer and director Davran Salimov in the country.

On March 17, 2015, the last defender of the Pavlov House, Kamoljon Turgunov, passed away at the age of 92 in Namangan.

Pavlov's house has become a symbol of not only military, but also labor prowess. It is from the restoration of this house - and Pavlov's House became the first home of the restored Stalingrad - the famous Cherkasov movement began to restore the city in his spare time. Women's brigade of builders A.M. Cherkasova restored Pavlov's house immediately after the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, in 1943-44 (the beginning of the restoration is June 9, 1943).

The Cherkasov movement quickly expanded among the masses: by the end of 1943, over 820 Cherkasov brigades worked in Stalingrad, in 1944 - 1192 brigades, in 1945 - 1227 brigades. This is told by the memorial wall-monument, opened on May 4, 1985 on the end wall of the house from the side of Sovetskaya Street. Authors: architect V. E. Maslyaev and sculptor V. G. Fetisov. The inscription on the memorial wall reads:

"In this house, the feat of arms and labor merged".

For decades now, in early February, the city of Volgograd has been hosting guests. The whole country, together with the people of Volgograd, is celebrating a great date - the victorious end of the legendary Battle of Stalingrad. It became the decisive battle of the entire Second World War and marked the beginning of a radical turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War. Here, on the banks of the Volga, the offensive of the Nazi troops ended and their expulsion from the territory of our country began.

The victory of our army at Stalingrad is one of the most glorious pages in the annals of the Great Patriotic War. For 200 days and nights - from July 17, 1942 to February 2, 1943 - there was an unprecedented battle on the Volga. And the Red Army emerged victorious from it.

In terms of the duration and fierceness of the battles, in terms of the number of people and military equipment participating, the Battle of Stalingrad surpassed at that time all the battles of world history. It unfolded over a vast territory of 100,000 square kilometers. At certain stages, more than 2 million people, up to 2 thousand tanks, more than 2 thousand aircraft, up to 26 thousand guns participated in it on both sides. Near Stalingrad, Soviet troops defeated five armies: two German, two Romanian and one Italian. The enemy lost more than 800 thousand soldiers and officers, killed, wounded, captured, as well as a large number of military equipment, weapons and equipment.

Terrible clouds over the Volga

By mid-summer 1942, hostilities approached the Volga. The German command also included Stalingrad in the plan for a large-scale offensive in the south of the USSR (Caucasus, Crimea). Germany's goal was to take over an industrial city with enterprises that produced military products that were needed; gaining access to the Volga, from where it was possible to get to the Caspian Sea, to the Caucasus, where the oil needed for the front was extracted.

Hitler wanted to carry out this plan in just a week with the help of the 6th field army of Paulus. It included 13 divisions, where there were about 270,000 people, 3 thousand guns and about five hundred tanks.

From the side of the USSR, the forces of Germany were opposed by the Stalingrad Front. It was created by decision of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command on July 12, 1942. The beginning of the Battle of Stalingrad can be considered July 17, when near the rivers Chir and Tsimla, the forward detachments of the 62nd and 64th armies of the Stalingrad Front met with detachments of the 6th German army. Throughout the second half of the summer, fierce battles were going on near Stalingrad.

Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad and their exploits

On August 23, 1942, German tanks approached Stalingrad. From that day on, fascist aviation began to systematically bomb the city. On the ground, battles did not stop either. It was simply impossible to live in the city - you had to fight to win. 75 thousand people volunteered for the front. But in the city itself, people worked day and night. By mid-September, the German army broke through to the city center, the battles went right on the streets. The Nazis stepped up their attack more and more. German aircraft dropped about 1 million bombs on the city.

Many European countries were conquered by the Germans. Sometimes they needed only 2-3 weeks to capture the whole country. In Stalingrad, the situation was different. It took the Nazis weeks to capture one house, one street. The heroism of the Soviet soldiers was unparalleled. Sniper Vasily Zaitsev, Hero of the Soviet Union, destroyed 225 opponents with aimed shots. Nikolai Panikakha threw himself under an enemy tank with a bottle of combustible mixture. Nikolai Serdyukov sleeps forever on Mamayev Kurgan - he closed the embrasure of the enemy pillbox with himself, silencing the firing point. Signalers Matvey Putilov and Vasily Titaev established a connection by clamping the ends of the wire with their teeth. Nurse Gulya Koroleva carried dozens of seriously wounded soldiers from the battlefield.

The tanks that continued to be built in Stalingrad were manned by voluntary crews made up of factory workers, including women. The equipment was immediately sent from the conveyors of factories to the front line. During street fighting, the Soviet command used a new tactic - to constantly keep the front lines as close to the enemy as physically possible (usually no more than 30 meters). Thus, the German infantry had to fight on its own, without the support of artillery and aircraft.

The battle on Mamaev Kurgan, on this blood-soaked height, was unusually merciless. Height changed hands several times. At the grain elevator, the fighting was so dense that the Soviet and German soldiers could feel each other's breath. It was especially hard because of the severe frosts.

The battles for the Krasny Oktyabr plant, the tractor plant and the Barrikady artillery plant became known to the whole world. While Soviet soldiers continued to defend their positions by firing at the Germans, plant and factory workers repaired damaged Soviet tanks and weapons in the immediate vicinity of the battlefield, and sometimes on the battlefield itself.

Victory is near

In the battles passed the beginning of autumn, mid-November. By November, almost the entire city, despite resistance, was captured by the Germans. Only a small strip of land on the banks of the Volga was still held by our troops. But it was still too early to announce the capture of Stalingrad, as Hitler did. The Germans did not know that the Soviet command already had a plan for the defeat of the German troops, which began to be developed even in the midst of the fighting, on September 12th. The development of the offensive operation "Uranus" was carried out by Marshal G.K. Zhukov.

Within two months, under conditions of heightened secrecy, a strike force was created near Stalingrad. The Nazis were aware of the weakness of their flanks, but did not assume that the Soviet command would be able to gather the required number of troops.

Encircle the enemy

On November 19, the troops of the Southwestern Front under the command of General N.F. Vatutin and the Don Front under the command of General K.K. Rokossovsky went on the offensive. They managed to surround the enemy, despite his stubborn resistance. During the offensive, five enemy divisions were captured and seven were destroyed. From November 23, the efforts of the Soviet troops were directed to strengthening the blockade around the enemy. In order to remove this blockade, the German command formed the Don Army Group (commanded by Field Marshal Manstein), however, it was also defeated. And so the Soviet troops closed the ring around the enemy, surrounding 22 divisions numbering 330 thousand soldiers.

The Soviet command issued an ultimatum to the encircled units. Realizing the hopelessness of their situation, on February 2, 1943, the remnants of the 6th Army in Stalingrad surrendered. For 200 days of fighting, the enemy lost more than 1.5 million people killed and wounded. In Germany, three months of mourning was declared over the defeat.

The Battle of Stalingrad was the turning point of the war. After it, the Soviet troops launched a decisive offensive. The battle on the Volga also inspired the allies - in 1944, the long-awaited second front was opened, and the internal struggle against the Nazi regime intensified in European countries.

... February comes to the Volga land again. Again flowers lie at the foot of the obelisks. And the Motherland on Mamaev Kurgan, it seems, raises her formidable sword even higher. And again, the well-known words of Alexander Nevsky come to mind: “Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword!”

Volgograd (former Stalingrad) accepted the glory of the hero city by right. Completely destroyed during the bloody battles, the city withstood the onslaught of the German enemy and was liberated in February 1943 at the cost of the lives of about half a million Soviet soldiers. The list of heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad is huge, people did not spare their lives for the salvation of the Motherland.

We will talk about the following heroes:

  • Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich
  • Andrey Ivanovich Eremenko.
  • Pavel Ivanovich Batov.
  • Nikolai Pavlovich Kochetkov.
  • Ruben Ruiz-Ibarruri.
  • Ivan Prokopevich Malozemov.
  • Mikhail Averyanovich Panikakha.
  • Nikolay Yakovlevich Ilyin.
  • Vasily Grigorievich Zaitsev.
  • Mikhail Dmitrievich Baranov.
  • Nurken Abdirovich Abdirov.
  • Maxim Alexandrovich Passar.

History of the fighting in Stalingrad

The battle in the Stalingrad region is one of the largest battles in world history, both in terms of the number of victims and the scope of the front line. For 200 days, about 500 thousand soldiers of the Soviet Army and the same number of soldiers who fought on the side of Germany and their allies died. The number of civilians killed is in the tens of thousands. The length of the front varied from 400 km to 850 km, the total area of ​​military operations was 100 thousand square meters. m.

The victory over the Nazis and their allies at Stalingrad was vital for the Soviet Union after a whole series of lost battles in 1941 and 1942. Hitler's plans included the final defeat of the USSR in the southern territory, by seizing the Baku oil fields, the fertile regions of the Don and Kuban, as well as seizing the strategically necessary transport water artery - the Volga River, which would lead to the loss of communications between the central regions of the country and the Caucasus.

To put plans into practice, the German command concentrated powerful military forces along the Kursk-Taganrog trajectory by the beginning of June: tank and motorized divisions (50% of the total number of such troops involved in the course of the war), as well as infantry - 900 thousand soldiers and officers (35% of the Nazis who participated in the Second World War). Thanks to significant forces, the offensive of the Wehrmacht lasted from 17.07 to 11.18.42, as a result of which there was a real possibility of a breakthrough of enemy troops to the Volga River.

Thanks to the timely transfer of powerful forces by the Soviet command to the battlefield, as well as the heroic deed of Soviet soldiers who followed the strategy of "not a step back" at the cost of their lives, from November 19, 1942, defensive battles were replaced by offensive ones. By February 2, 1943, the counter-offensive of the Soviet Army in the Battle of Stalingrad of the Great Patriotic War ended with the complete defeat of a group of Nazi troops that attacked the USSR in the Stalingrad direction.

Results of the Battle of Stalingrad

In the bloody fierce battle for Stalingrad, a turning point in the course of the Great Patriotic War took place. Irreconcilable battles were fought for every house, for every lane of a strategically important city. Warriors from all over the great multinational country gathered with a single goal: to defend Stalingrad. A fierce winter and well-aimed Soviet snipers undermined the morale of the Wehrmacht soldiers. The "invincible" Nazi 6th Army under the command of Paulus capitulated in early February 1943.

From that moment on, the initiative of the war passed into the hands of the Soviet command, whose authority increased significantly against the background of the decline in Germany's military power. Japan and Turkey refused to participate in the war against the USSR. The influence of the German command on the territory of the conquered countries weakened, which caused a surge of disagreements between them.

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Stalingrad victory, which made possible a complete victory over fascism and raised the morale of the Soviet Army, the day of February 2, 2018 was solemnly celebrated throughout the Russian Federation.

Battle Rewards

To reward the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad of the Second World War, the Soviet command approved a new medal with the sonorous name "For the Defense of Stalingrad". Its design was handled by the artist Nikolai Ivanovich Moskalev. His posters with sounding anti-fascist slogans raised the morale of the Soviet people in the difficult year of the Second World War: “Von Bock earned his side near Moscow!” Moskalev also designed the medal "For the Defense of Leningrad" and many others.

The Stalingrad medal is made of brass. The front side of the award for the Battle of Stalingrad contains an engraved scene of military operations: fighters with rifles, tanks, aircraft and a proudly waving banner of victory. The reverse side contains a patriotic inscription: "For our Soviet Motherland."

The award was intended for all participants in the terrible battle for Stalingrad, including civilians, given that more than 15,000 people from the civilian population voluntarily formed a people's militia, irreconcilably fighting with the enemy. Unfortunately, there were no lists of those awarded by name. According to preliminary data, the number of people presented for the award almost reached 760 thousand people, including soldiers of the Red Army, Navy, and NKVD troops.

Monuments to the heroes of the Stalingrad battle

Mamaev Kurgan is a strategically important hill in Stalingrad, from which the city center was directly shot. That is why bloody battles were fought for this patch for 135 days. The mound was occupied either by Soviet troops or by the Wehrmacht army, every piece of the hill was constantly under fire. Every day, on average, up to 600 bullets and about 1.2 thousand fragments from shells fell per square meter of land. The mass grave on the mound laid to rest 35 thousand Soviet soldiers.

From 1959 to 1967, an impressive monument weighing 8,000 tons was erected on Mamaev Kurgan in memory of a difficult victory. Monument to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad "The Motherland Calls!" is an 85-meter female statue with a sword in her hand, calling on soldiers to fight to the death. This monument, full of patriotic appeal, is the main monument in the ensemble on Mamaev Kurgan, in 2008 it became one of the seven wonders of Russia. 200 steps lead to it, each of which was laid in memory of the days of the Battle of Stalingrad.

On the way to the huge monument, there is the Square “Fighting to Death”, in the center of which is the sculpture of the Soviet soldier of the same name. Like an impenetrable barrier, the courageous defender stands as a stone barrier on the road to a strategic hill.

Like a living stone book of front-line events, walls-ruins rise along the "Square of Heroes". The silent appeal of the stone figures of the heroes of Stalingrad, the real scenes depicted on the monument, make you fully feel the horror of the events taking place here. 6 sculptural monuments located on the same square testify to the heroic deeds of soldiers, sailors, nurses, standard-bearers and commanders.

The entire monument-ensemble dedicated to the heroes of the battle for Stalingrad is designed to perpetuate the memory of those who walked with their chest against the iron rain and did not stop, causing superstitious horror among the Nazis, who involuntarily thought: are Soviet soldiers mortal?

And now it's time to talk about the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad and their exploits.

Vasilevsky Alexander Mikhailovich (1895 - 1977)

He went through the entire Great Patriotic War from the first to the last day. He earned the rank of major general in the First World War and the subsequent Civil War.

High professionalism, encyclopedic knowledge in the military field, self-control and endurance even in the most critical and controversial situations allowed Alexander Mikhailovich to earn the respect and trust of I.V. Stalin. In the July days of anxiety and fear in 1942, Stalin personally asked Vasilevsky to go to the front in Stalingrad.

The hero was in the city on the peak day - August 23, when the Germans mercilessly bombed the village, at the same time there was an attack by enemy units that had broken through to the Volga. Alexander Mikhailovich personally looked for ways to encircle the enemy army of Paulus, as well as loopholes for the approach of reserve forces and materials, having traveled all over the Volga region.

The plan for the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops was developed for a long time, Vasilevsky took a direct part in its preparation. However, the born brilliant algorithm of actions under the secret name "Uranus" worked like clockwork. On November 23, the Soviet army surrounded the enemy grouping, closing the ring at the Soviet farm. Attempts to release the army of Paulus were thwarted.

Vasilevsky coordinated the actions of all three fronts during the counteroffensive. In February 1943 he was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

Andrei Ivanovich Eremenko (1892-1970)

Appointed in August 1942 as commander of the South-Eastern Front, which defended the south of Stalingrad, Colonel-General Eremenko organized a counterattack on the third day, gathering all available reserve forces. This forced the attacking opponent into a defensive position. A week later, Eremenko was simultaneously appointed commander of the Stalingrad Front, to which the South-Eastern Front was later attached.

In fact, until November 1942, under the leadership of the general, the Stalingrad Front held the defense and subsequently played a leading role in blocking the enemy during the counterattack. The most tense moment was the attempt of the Germans to release their troops, trapped in the ring. A powerful enemy army group called "Don", commanded by the German E. Manstein, hit the weakened troops of the 51st Army in the southeastern sector. However, the decisive actions of General Eremenko of the Battle of Stalingrad (regrouping of reserves, creation of operational groups, emergency reinforcement of the 51st Army) allowed the inferior Soviet army to hold out in a defensive position until reinforcements arrived.

During a personal meeting between A. I. Eremenko and I. V. Stalin, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief uttered the following phrase: “What are you worried about, you played a major role in the Battle of Stalingrad ...”.

Pavel Ivanovich Batov (1897-1985)

During the battle for Stalingrad, the general commanded the 65th Army, which from mid-November was assigned the main leading role in the offensive movement against the enemy. However, on the first day of the counteroffensive, the troops were able to advance only 5-8 km.

A tactical move that ensured a swift offensive was the creation by Batov of a motorized ultra-high-speed group, which included all the tanks available in the 65th Army. The swift attack of the mobile detachment broke through the enemy defenses 23 km inland. In order to avoid encirclement, the enemy retreated behind the offensive line of the Batov army, which subsequently led to the almost complete implementation of all the tasks assigned to the Soviet Army according to the Uranus plan.

At the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, George VI, King of Great Britain, awarded P.I. Batov the title of Knight Commander, and also presented him with the Order of the British Empire.

Nikolai Kochetkov

He took an active part in the battles from the very beginning of the Second World War. In August 1942, on the Southwestern Stalingrad Front, pilot Nikolai Kochetkov carried out 22 sorties, which caused significant damage to the enemy.

On August 30, an enemy aircraft ME-110 was personally shot down by Kochetkov, his group of slave aircraft shot down 2 bombers.

For 2 group sorties on September 1, in which Nikolai served as a leader, his plane was shot down twice, but in both cases the pilot continued to attack the enemy and the combat mission was completed. Returning after the second sortie to the base, a group of Soviet aircraft met with the enemy Yu-88. Despite the fact that his plane was hit in the area of ​​​​the motor part, Kochetkov attacked the enemy, and together with two wingmen knocked out his right engine, the enemy’s car went down.

On September 3, Kochetkov's plane exploded in the air during a raid on enemy equipment and manpower and fell on a group of fascist troops, the pilot was captured. Considering that Nikolai Pavlovich died, he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. He returned to the unit after escaping and continued to serve the Fatherland.

Ruben Ibarruri

Son of Spanish communist leader Dolores Ibarruri. Participated in the war from the first days. In August 1942, the Nazis almost managed to cut off Stalingrad from the bulk of the Soviet troops. The company of machine gunners, commanded by Ibarurri, as part of the 35th Guards Rifle Division, was supposed to eliminate the threat. When the commander of the advance detachment died, despite the superior forces of the enemy, Ibarruri fearlessly took command. During the night, 6 enemy attacks were repulsed, having suffered huge damage, the Germans retreated.

Ruben was mortally wounded and died on September 3 while in the hospital. The hero rests in a mass grave in Volgograd on the Square of the Fallen Fighters.

Tank ram Ivan Malozemov

The feat of the young lieutenant, who was not even 22 years old, went down in history. The ashes of the defender rest under a memorial plate on Mamaev Kurgan. On the armor of Malozemov's tank and his crew, there was an inscription: "A threat to fascism" - for courage and bravery, as well as for the colossal damage inflicted by the crew in battle with enemies.

On January 31, 1943, Malozemov was given the task of destroying the enemy near the village of Barrikada. Ivan hid his KV-1S tank with the crew behind a dilapidated wall, from where he hit the enemy, forcing the Nazi tanks to retreat, leaving the burning cars. However, several German vehicles at maximum speed went on the attack on the "Thunderstorm of fascism". Several tanks were knocked out, but the ammunition ran out. Then Malozemov ordered the crew to leave the tank, and he himself went to ram and destroyed the Nazi vehicles, until a shell that exploded nearby wounded Ivan to death. It was on this day that Field Marshal Paulus capitulated with the remnants of the army.

The feat of Michael Panikakha

The feat of Mikhail Panikakha in the Battle of Stalingrad is an example of masculinity and selflessness. When the fascist tanks approached from the side of Mamaev Kurgan to the trenches in which the fighters of the 883rd regiment were stationed, a fierce unequal battle ensued. During the defensive operations, Mikhail had only two bottles with a Molotov cocktail left. Soldier Panikaha, crawling began to get close to the main tank, holding a Molotov cocktail in his hand. An enemy bullet broke the bottle, and the flammable liquid doused the face, arms and chest of the fighter, the man caught fire like a torch. Despite this, Panikaha chased the tank, and when he caught up with it, he broke the second bottle over the engine of the car. In the fire of the ignited tank, the fearless fighter died. Enemy vehicles and infantry turned back.

In Volgograd, in honor of the feat of the hero of the Battle of Stalingrad Mikhail Panikakha, on May 8, 1975, a monument to the brave sailor was erected. It is located not far from the Krasny Oktyabr plant, at the same place where the Hero of the Soviet Union (Battle of Stalingrad) burned down, like a living torch. A street in Volgograd is named after the Marine.

Nikolai Ilyin

He possessed unique sniper abilities, an accurate eye, composure in battle and excellent endurance. Thanks to his pedagogical talent, Ilyin brought up young snipers who had the ability of a shooter, and was the initiator of the movement of snipers on the front of Stalingrad. He taught his successors to carefully dig in before the battle, taking natural protection from the ground, to mask positions well, to develop an eye. He did not like ostentatious courage and recklessness.

In just 11 days, during a sniper hunt for the enemy in the area of ​​​​the village of Dubovy Ovrag, Ilyin destroyed 95 fascists. By the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, the sniper accounted for 216 privates and officers of the Wehrmacht. From the beginning of the war until July 25, 1943 (the date of death of the fighter), he managed to destroy 494 fascists.

In Stalingrad, a street is named after the hero. The memory of the sniper Nikolai Ilyin is immortalized in the memorial complex on Mamaev Kurgan.

Sniper Vasily Zaitsev

In battles, the Soviet hero, the sniper of the Battle of Stalingrad Vasily Zaitsev successfully applied his hunting skills and skills received from his grandfather, especially the ability to disguise himself. In just 1.5 months of fighting near Stalingrad, he shot about 200 fascist soldiers and officers, including 11 snipers.

To confuse the enemy, Zaitsev created a semblance of a doll that fell into the field of view of the enemy, he himself hid nearby. When the enemy fired and revealed himself, Vasily patiently waited for the victim to appear from cover, and then fired to kill. The hero subsequently designed his knowledge in sniper business in the form of two textbooks.

Fighter pilot M. D. Baranov

The pilot defended Stalingrad from the air. In the midst of defensive battles on the outskirts of the city, he shot down 4 enemy aircraft in one day. When the ammunition ran out, the fearless pilot rammed the enemy, and when there was a threat to his life, he jumped out of the plane on a parachute, barely surviving.

Pilot Nurken Abdirov

On December 19, 1942, Sergeant Abdirov, as part of a group of aircraft, carried out a raid in order to destroy enemy fortifications, equipment and soldiers. In the area of ​​​​the largest concentration of tanks, the Nazis opened anti-aircraft fire, the shell knocked out Nurken's plane, the car caught fire. Realizing that the IL-2 was out of order and would not make it to the airfield, the heroic representative of the Kazakh people sent the dying car to the place of accumulation of enemy tanks. The pilot and crew died, eliminating about 6 tanks, 2 anti-aircraft guns, about 20 people.

All these soldiers were awarded the titles of Heroes of the Soviet Union for military exploits in the Battle of Stalingrad. Malozemov, Abdirov, Ibarruri and Panikakha - posthumously.

Sniper Maxim Passar

A native of the Nanai village of Lower Qatar. The youngest of five children in the family. Since childhood, Maxim, together with his father, was engaged in the usual craft for the Nanais - hunting, mainly for fur-bearing animals. At the age of 19 he went to the front, was one of the best snipers of the Battle of Stalingrad. On account of his 237 killed enemies. The command of the Wehrmacht announced a reward of 100,000 marks for the head of the dexterous sniper, whom the Germans called the "devil", and since then he has been a fierce hunt. The Nazis bombarded Passar with threatening leaflets, but the gunslinger went out to hunt every day at dawn and returned late at night.

The most reliable information about the death of Maxim Passar is contained in a letter from his friend and front-line brother Alexander Frolov. Near the village of Peschanka, Gorodishchensky district, from the embankment of the railway, 2 fascist heavy machine guns fired. Both friends, Maxim and Alexander, were sent by the commander to destroy them. Maxim killed one sniper from the first shot, the second sniper, before Frolov shot him, managed to shoot Maxim.

The hero is buried near the village of Gorodishche along with his comrades-in-arms. After his death, Maxim Alexandrovich Passar was presented with the title of Hero of the USSR, but for unknown reasons he did not receive it. In 2010, by order of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, M. A. Passar was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation posthumously.

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