Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev. blue spring

Nice picture With beautiful name. Why is spring blue and not green? It's the color of green. Usually spring is always associated with young greenery. I think that it's just that greenery does not appear immediately. But the sky is so blue-blue only in spring.

There is a lot of blue sky in the picture. Of course, there is green grass, and blue streams and young birch trees, on which there are still almost no leaves at all ... And the sky behind them is so bright, high!

The colors of the painting are so light, transparent, but at the same time bright and optimistic. Very beautiful!

The birches seemed to part before the spring stream. Surely, every year it flows here - a channel has already been created. Such a small spring river.

On the left, the dark green of permanent Christmas trees is visible. But there are still very few leaves on the birch trees. Maybe this spring was cold. And for example, this is the end of May, when everything should already be in bloom, be green for a long time, and then only the first leaves appear.

I like the picture very much. It's nice to look at her, she brings good thoughts. You immediately remember walking in the forest - in the spring too. The main thing is not to freeze, as the spring sun is still very deceptive: neither the air nor the earth has warmed up yet. But walking after a long winter is very nice. It's great to look at the first foliage-grass, at snowdrops, at streams. Listen to the first birds. And to know that summer is coming soon - holidays!

But there are also spring breaks. I love them very much too.

I can't see a single bird or mouse in the picture yet. Of course, there are no people here either. Only trees… Probably still cool – the first fine day of that spring. And this spring could be this year, and ten years ago, and even a century. It is good that the artist preserved for us this charming state of transparent air, this freshness, the youth of nature ...

I imagine this not only as a picture, but also as a plot for photo wallpapers. Why not? A painting is better than just a photograph. So much skill and effort put in by the artist. And it’s not a fact that he saw this particular landscape, because he could combine all the best that he saw in the spring. I collected the best for many years (I even thought of something) and created such a beautiful picture!

I will be happy to show the picture to friends and family, very spring-like.

2, 3, 8 grade.

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Lesson topic: preparation for an essay based on the painting by V. N. Baksheev “ blue spring». (2 hours)

The purpose of the lesson: prepare to write an essay.

During the classes.

Nature's clear smile

Meets through a dream morning of the year,

Blue, the skies are shining.

F. Tyutchev.

I . opening speech teachers. Conversation.

Today we will talk about spring.

What are the first signs of spring in nature?

What do poets, artists, musicians call spring? What poetic epithets do the people bestow upon her? (Morning of the year, blue spring, spring is red).

Task: today we will prepare for an essay on a painting dedicated to this topic.

II . Listening to a fragment of E. Grieg's play "Morning".

Why did I choose this play by Grieg as a musical epigraph for the lesson? (Light coloured, gentle nature melodies, a feeling of awakening happiness, nature gradually comes to life, filled with vital juices).

III . Painting work.

Consider reproductions of Gerasimov's paintings "The Ice Has Passed" and Baksheev's "Blue Spring".

Their theme is common, but the pictures of spring are shown on them in different ways.

Determine the tone of these pictures.

(At Gerasimov - early spring: there is still snow here and there, bare trees, hills, earth. The sky is cloudy, greyish. The general tone of the picture is grey. This picture is associated with the opening fragment of Grieg's play).

(Baksheev has awakened spring. The general tone of the picture is blue: blue sky, bluish birch trunks, bluish shadows on the grass. White birch trunks, like jets against the sky. This is the flowering of spring, but not yet full spring).

Here is how M. Prishvin describes the spring of this pore:

“We have spring begins with an increase in light.

January, February, the beginning of March are all the spring of light... Yes, happy is he who can catch the beginning of the spring of light, grass, forests, the spring of man.

When after snowy winter a spring of light will flare up, all people around the earth will worry, everyone will face the question of how spring will go this year - and every year the spring comes not the same as last year, and never one spring is exactly the same as the other.

Why does Prishvin put the spring of light, grass, forests and the spring of man on a par?

Why is no spring similar to another, is it exactly the same as another? (a person grows, his perception of nature also changes).

We see how Gerasimov and Baksheev saw spring differently.

Which of the two paintings will we choose to work on it?

Painting by Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev. Here is what the artist himself says about the melody of nature that evoked in him the idea of ​​the painting “Blue Spring”. Pay attention to what details the artist notices:

"Spring. There is no snow anywhere, the ground is almost dry. Everything is filled with warm air. It smells like a rotten leaf, in some places green grass breaks through; on the sides of the country road along which I walked, willow bushes bloomed, emitting a sweet, honey smell ... Birds were singing all around.

Intricately drawn on a blue background of the sky are openwork - with blossoming buds - the tops of birches, painted in pinkish-yellow; bluish-purple shadows from the trees stretch, intertwine with each other on the damp earth. Everything is filled with the warm light of the spring sun. How much joy of life is in this awakening of nature!”

And here is what the artist’s friend, who wrote a book about him, writes about the painting:

“The most basic is the blue background of the sky. The whole picture is permeated with his enticing charm. It is like a symphonic poem and creates special sound landscape.

You look at this picture, and before you there is a blue spring not only of this particular corner of nature, but the spring of the whole earth, of all its vast expanses. And the eye involuntarily, by itself, embraces the whole immeasurable sea of ​​the sky, and all this rotten earth with spring shadows, and all the lace of birch trees stretching upward. The first feeling from the Blue Spring is that the birches in the picture seem to be growing before your eyes, rushing up.

Baksheev's "Blue Spring" is perceived as the embodiment of a huge human dream.

What details in their statements did you pay attention to? (Tone, slender birches, space)

IV . Preparation for writing. Composition based on the painting by Baksheev "Blue Spring". Title: "Hello, morning of the year", "On the paths of the spring forest."

Theme: Blue Spring. the main idea: Spring is beautiful, spring is the morning of the year. It fills the heart with joy and expectation of happiness.

Description objects: spring, Birch Grove, thin white trunks, azure sky, light, transparent shadows, air, melody, lace of shadows, the joy of awakening.

Let's make an essay plan and select working materials.


    The blue spring has come after a long wait for warmth and light.

    Let's walk along the paths of the birch grove that have not yet dried out.

    The whole picture is permeated with the charm of the sky.

    Fragrant, Fresh air fills the chest.

    It seems that the singing of birds, the movement of air merge into a symphony of spring.

    Together with nature, the joy of awakening is felt.

Working materials.

Thin white trunks; looking up, towards the light, growing before our eyes, a lace of shadows on the grass.

Creates the main sound of the landscape, the subtlest transitions from dark blue, purple to light turquoise, almost white.

The smell of rotting leaves, the smell of honey, the air flows, washing the thin trunks of trees.

Delightful music, charming melody overwhelms the soul.

Awakening new strength want to live.

V . Performance of work in musical accompaniment.

VI . Written check.

Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev (1862 - 1957)

The paintings of Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev (1862 - 1957) attract with their special clear silence, a bright view of the world, and spiritual purity. The same age and fellow student of Levitan, who lived a long and happy creative life, he turned to the everyday and portrait genres, but gave preference to the landscape, recreating the complex and quivering colors of nature.

Landscape painter and genre painter. Born in 1862 in Moscow. Studied from 1878 to 1888.

Baksheev is an excellent master of writing in the open air. His palette is restrained, but this does not prevent him from conveying the finest, unique shades and transitions of tones. Baksheev's landscapes attract with their special silence and spiritual purity.

Russian artist Vasily Baksheev painted landscapes and paintings of everyday life. He studied at the Moscow School of Painting with the most famous masters landscape second half of XIX century - Alexei Savrasov, the author of the painting "The Rooks Have Arrived", and Vasily Polenov - "The Moscow Courtyard". And he learned from them not only the art of painting, but love for Russian nature.

Of all the seasons, Baksheev loved spring most of all and depicted in his landscapes the best, brightest moments of the awakening of nature after winter sleep. Here is the painting "Blue Spring". It is clear why the artist gave her such a name - the blue color plays here leading role. bright sky gradually brightens in the distance, and the snow-white birch trunks seem to dissolve in a misty haze and seem pale pink. The snow has already melted, the ground has dried up. The path between the trees goes into the distance. It starts right from the edge of the picture, as if the artist invites us to take a walk through the friendly spring forest, breathe clean air.

The same technique with the road leading into the landscape, Baksheev uses in another picture - "In the beginning of spring". More here more colors and shades: brown, green, yellow, blue, beige colors are mixed on the soil. In the foreground, a dark green sprawling spruce flaunts, and birch branches shimmer with shades of pink and lilac. In the distance, if you look closely, you can see the village to which the road leads.

Baksheev also has summer landscapes. For example, picture "Harvest". It is both a landscape and household genre. Now the grain is harvested by machines, and at the end of the 19th century, when the picture was painted, it was done by the peasants by hand, cutting off the ears with special large semicircular knives - sickles.

household paintings Baksheev tell about the most ordinary life. That's finished serious conversation father and his adult daughter painting "Worldly quarrel", in which you can see the interior of a city apartment late XIX centuries - a samovar, a lamp under a green shade, embroidered tablecloths. Here the family gathered at dinner, and the girl treats the dog, perched under the table. Baksheev - good storyteller, and looking at his paintings, one can vividly imagine what life was like a hundred years ago.

Synopsis of the joint educational activities"Blue Spring" using non-traditional drawing techniques and ICT technologies.

Educational area: "Artistically - aesthetic development».

Theme: Blue Spring.

Age group: medium.

Type of activity: pictorial ( unconventional drawing).

Integration of educational areas: speech development, cognitive, physical development.

Goal: development of the visual potential of preschoolers middle group means non-traditional techniques drawing.


1. To acquaint children with the work of Vasily Baksheev using the example of the painting "Blue Spring".

2. Expand children's ideas about how to get new colors and shades when working with gouache.

3. Learn to convey the spring mood in your works.

4. To form the ability to create your own unique image, to see and understand the differences in the works of various authors.


1. Develop interest in visual activity, artistic taste, emotional feelings, figurative aesthetic perception, color vision.

2. Develop cognitive activity, attention, communication skills.

3. Develop fine motor skills hands, satisfy the need of children for physical activity.


1. To cultivate independence, accuracy, the desire to achieve results.

2. Cultivate a sense of joy and satisfaction from creative work, empathy.

Equipment and materials:

A computer, a projector with a screen, an easel, a large image of a birch, oilcloths for each table;

Handout according to the number of children (sheets of A5 landscape paper with glued "trunks" of masking tape, gouache sets, brushes, water bottles, napkins, felt-tip pens).

The course of educational activities:

1. Introduction.

The teacher invites all children to gather in the center of the group room.

Who wants to play with me a little? Come on, don't be shy! Well done. Let's join hands and say together:

Let's stand side by side, in a circle, and extend a hand to a friend.

If everyone smiles, a good morning will begin!

Guys, what time of year is it? (Children's answer: spring).

That's right, the long-awaited spring has come. And how did you guess? (Children list the signs of spring)

How smart you are, you know everything. Let's sit down on the carpet, close our eyes and listen to spring, its light steps. (Spring music turns on on the computer)

Children listen to spring sounds (birdsong, drops, murmur of a stream) and name their source.

All nature rejoices in the warm spring sun: animals, plants, and people. Let's invite him to visit us:

sun, bell,

Come up early, wake us up early!

We run into the field, meet spring!

2. The main part.

Guys, please look at the screen. (The picture of Vasily Baksheev "Blue Spring" appears)

What is shown on it? (Children's answers) That's right, spring in a birch grove. This is a landscape by Vasily Nikolaevich Baksheev. Why do you think the author called this picture "Blue Spring"? (Children's answers)

Most pictures occupies the sky. Pay attention to its color. It seems that Vasily Nikolaevich painted a transparent, clean spring air. And this blueness is emphasized by delicate beauties of birch trees.

Guys, what do you think, what mood did the author of the picture want to convey to us? (children's answers). Let's try to draw a similar picture filled with the same wonderful spring mood.

Children sit down at the tables prepared for work with paint.

We are turning into real artists. In order for our picture to turn out beautiful and spring, you need to find the right shade. blue color. Let's mix blue and White color, let's see what shades we get. (Children mix paints, find a suitable option) Well done!

Let's get up and let our fingers rest:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up. I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stretched, soared up and flew.

The sun will only wake up in the morning, the butterfly is spinning, winding.

Now you can start painting the picture. Take your seats.

Leaves are in front of you. They have strips of masking tape on them. Let's imagine that these are our birch trees. Please note that the work must be placed vertically! Paint over the entire surface of the sheet different shades blue. Look at the picture of Vasily Nikolaevich, how he distributed the shades of the sky. Get to work. Do not forget to rinse the brushes in water, blot excess moisture with a napkin.

Children draw to the accompaniment of spring music.

Well done, everyone got it beautiful work. While they dry, I suggest you rest and play.

Children walked through the forest, watched nature!

They looked up at the sun, and their rays warmed.

Butterflies were flying, flapping their wings.

Let's clap together: one, two, three, four, five -

It's time for us to collect the bouquet!

One - sat down, two - sat down -

In the hands of lilies of the valley sang!

(Children repeat the movements in the text after the adult)

Guys, our paintings are dry. Let's carefully remove the tape from them. (The teacher helps the children)

Look how beautiful it turned out. How crystal, airy our sky looks! Only something is missing from our birch trees. What do they need to add? (Children's answers)

That's right, you need to draw horizontal black lines on the trunks. Let's not forget to draw long twigs for our birch trees. Look, what a beautiful birch came to visit us. (The teacher attaches an image of a birch to the easel). Let's finish these elements with black felt-tip pens.

3. Final part.

Children finish their work and bring them to the exhibition, admire their work, share their impressions.

See what guys different pictures you got it. All of them are filled with spring mood, the joy of awakening nature. You are real artists. All your work will be seen by parents and our employees. Let them enjoy spring too!

Did you enjoy drawing nature? What colors did we mix? What for? With the work of which artist we met? (Children's answers)

thanks for beautiful pictures! Let's clean up our jobs together.

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