Photos Winx new forces. How to draw winx belivix with a pencil

Sometimes you watch a couple of episodes of your favorite cartoon in a row and want to draw ... Well, if you are an artist, then there are no problems. And what about those who have little knowledge, and a lot of desire to portray their favorite character? Learn, fast and easy!

You shouldn't think that difficult lessons how to draw winx fairies, something better than these small tips. The main thing is to do everything slowly and repeat as accurately as possible, and in the end you will have a wonderful result;)

First of all, we will learn how to draw eyes, since they, along with hands, will perform the most important function in our future picture - the transfer of emotions.

It takes only six steps from the first lines to the finished result. Agree, not much at all. If something didn’t work right away, it turned out crooked or wrong, you shouldn’t worry about it. Just try again a few more times, but with more attention to detail. Very soon you will notice all your mistakes and understand how to correct them.

Now it is important to learn how to use the eyes to convey emotions. In the picture above, you see eight of them: crying, delight, sadness, anger, sarcasm, wink, embarrassment, and anticipation. Try to draw each on your own at least once.

What can be a problem? Surprisingly, with eyebrows, some beginners can't do it. There are two easy ways to draw them. First, outline their future shape with a light line, and then carefully paint over. The second, with movements, as with normal shading, you see along the line of the intended eyebrows, then use the eraser to remove all unnecessary points.

To finally understand how to draw a Winx with a pencil, you need to know the answer to one the hardest question: "Where are the eyes?" Correctly! On the head :) Therefore, we are learning to draw it next, and Tekna will help us with this.

As you can see, here, too, there are only six easy steps from zero to beautiful face fairies. If difficulties arise, then only with a hairstyle, for the first time try to copy it completely, and only then gradually change it in accordance with your desires.

In order for Tekna's head not to be bored and lonely, let's draw a body to it :)

Special efforts or talent are not required for this, there will be no problems. It is enough to repeat everything exactly as in the picture above.

In addition to all of the above, you should learn basic hand movements. After all, you must admit that no one will like a fairy standing like a soldier in a parade.

12 forms are taken as a basis, but it is easy to come up with at least a hundred of your own. My advice to you is to learn these movements and then try to come up with a couple of your own.

In conclusion, we will learn how to draw fairy hats, their collars and sleeves. Why is this needed? To individualize each drawing, otherwise you will have to look at different sorceresses in the same outfits.

Now you know how to draw Winx with just a piece of paper, a pencil and some free time!

AND . And today, yes, yes, it is Flora Winx. She is so graceful, beautiful, that there are simply no words. So, you have to try to get five points. So let's go.

How to draw Winx Believix with a pencil step by step

Step one. Head. Immediately on the face we determine. While everything is only thin lines, remember this. We'll wrap it up later. Down from the head - a graceful curve of the torso. Remember that Flora has an ideal posture, and this is the basis of beauty. We immediately determine the position of the rest of the body: narrow shoulders, arms gently spread to the sides, legs clearly and confidently stand on the ground.

Step two. It is short, but extremely important. We will. Put all your effort Winx pencil drawings difficult, here you need to focus.

Step three. We give expression to the face: at the same level that we previously indicated, a small nose, and a smile.

Step four. Let's pay attention to the pupils, draw. Not difficult at all, but already our sorceress gives us a sly, radiant smile.

Step five. You already know how to draw hair. Now you will need this knowledge. From the top line of the face, we smoothly go down to show the bangs. Then we determine the top of the head and smoothly draw visas from it.

Step six. We draw the torso - two lines that converge in the thin area literally. We carry out a strip, which in the future will be a neck decoration. Step seven. Draw two lines along the arms, ending at the bottom. From above, draw a smooth line above the chest to make a corset. Draw a beautiful flower on the chest - decoration. Step eight. From the gloves we draw thin fingers, and from the waist line, expanding down,. Draw the hair flowing down.

Step nine. Wings - smoothly curving lines behind the back.

Step ten. First, draw the fairies like a flower petal. Then along the lines with which we marked the position of the legs, you need to shape the legs. Approximately as it looks in the picture.

Step eleven. We draw shoes. It's probably not easy at all. We carefully examine the drawing and try to copy it exactly. Add a couple to the skirt horizontal lines to complete it: one on the leg, the other in the background. Step twelve. We just have to erase auxiliary lines and colorize. Here's how it should turn out.

  • Flora is a fairy born on the planet Linphea, whose magic is directly related to nature. Before joining the club, she was very shy.
  • Stella came from the planet Solaria. She is cheerful, sincere, cheerful and generous. Thanks to the serious attention to her appearance, she repeatedly won beauty contests. She loves shopping and her wardrobe is said to be the largest in the universe!
  • Muse is a sorceress from the planet Melody. She was born into a family professional pianist and a great vocalist, but her mother soon died, and her father decided to quit music and forbade the gifted daughter to develop her abilities.
  • Tekna is a girl from the planet Zenith, where all fantastic things and phenomena are directly related to the development of technology. From infancy Tekna does not part with a pocket computer. Logical and rational, she ingeniously draws up action plans. With loved ones, she is very affectionate and open.
  • Layla is a fairy from the water planet Andros. Her parents were constantly on business trips, so the girl was left alone and whiled away the time learning the rules of etiquette.
  • Bloom - it was she who became the founder of the club. Her magical abilities appeared at the age of 16 when she tried to save Stella.

Each of these heroines can not only be drawn with a pencil, but also revived with multi-colored paints!

What else did we not know about the Winx fairies?

Why is this name given to the school "Alfeya". The secret lies in sacred sense the letters "Alpha" - "beginning of beginnings."

Interestingly, Britney Spears partly became the prototype for the appearance of the founder of the club, and the character was written off from the director's wife, Joan Lee.

On the animated series a huge impact provided by the Sailor Moon series and the Harry Potter book series. And the appearance of most of the heroines was born under the impression of Barbie dolls.

How to draw Fairy Winx, even for those who have never drawn before, we have outlined in the most accessible way in the form of simple sequential steps in this section.

The Winx Club cartoon first appeared in 2004. During this time, 6 seasons of the series have already been released, and in 2015 the creators promised to release new series. The cartoon does not lose its popularity, and many girls liked the Winx pictures, drawings and coloring pages.

They can be downloaded or printed for free on our website.

The animated series "Winx Club" tells about fairy girls. They unite in the fight against evil forces. The cartoon was shown in more than 100 countries, and the number of DVD sales exceeded 10 million. Thanks to our site, you have the opportunity not only to watch all the seasons, but also to use Winx pictures, drawings and coloring pages to draw real fairies with a pencil.

Fairy transformations

All seasons present girls in various transformations and transformations:

  • Mythix;
  • Sirenix;
  • Butterflyix;
  • Mermedics;
  • Dimentix;
  • Angelix;
  • Rusalix;
  • Glumix
  • and others.

The cartoon features more than 10 transformations. In each of them, fairies appear in a new form. You can view, print or download pictures and coloring pages of winx with each of the transformations of girls on our portal, and thanks to detailed instructions, you can try to draw a fairy yourself.

The cartoon girls unusual appearance. They have beautiful wings and great designer clothes. In each of the transformations, the wings take on a different shape: they can be carved, single, multi-layered or in the shape of a butterfly. Also, the wings have different colors and decorations: they are plain, divorced, with rhinestones, with rims, etc.

Each of the winx transformations, of which there are more than 10, carries a certain meaning. Whatever transformation it is (Mythix, Sirenix, Bloomix, Butterflyix, Mermedix, Dimentix, Anglix, Meralix, Gloomix, Angelix and others), the cartoon characters get not only new outfits, but also new powers and abilities.

So, Sirenix gives girls the opportunity to extract strength from their own feelings. To get the power of the Sirenix, they have to collect stones, each of which represents a feeling.

In Mythix, the heroines receive a magic wand, and each of the fairies has its own form. You can find pictures and coloring pages of fairies in Mythix on the site.

The amazing power of Mermedix allows fairies to transform into mermaids and live underwater. In the image of Mermedix, modern fairies are very reminiscent of mermaids from folk tales. Winx fairies experience a similar transformation in the transformation of Rusalix.

The transformations of Dimentix and Angelix are also very similar. They give the girls wings that are as similar as possible to angels. Hence the name - Angelix.

The new power of Butterflyix will be introduced in season 7, which will be released later this year. This time, the fairies will appear as butterflies.

Other transformations also bring something new to the appearance and essence of fairies. Pictures and coloring pages of girls in various transformations are also on our website. They can be viewed, downloaded or printed and enjoyed viewing in free time Or try drawing a fairy with a pencil.

Series characters

The main character of the cartoon becomes a fairy and her boyfriend prince. Only fairy girls have beautiful wings: heroes like Skye do not have wings.

Bloom and Sky are an almost perfect couple. She and Bloom love each other and overcome any obstacles with honor. Bloom and Sky aren't the only lovers on the show. Each of the girls finds their love. Their lovers are not always as perfect as Sky, but for the sake of love they overcome the most serious obstacles.

Also on the site there are pencil pictures and coloring pages of ponies - beautiful pets of fairies, toys, things and much more. The creators of a series of dolls based on the cartoon offer dolls not only for heroines, but also for ponies. The package with this doll also includes her pets. First of all, those fairies who are closely connected with nature and animals have pets, for example, and Roxy. Their pets are not just pets, but also the most best friends. Pony - fairy tale characters, which appear far from the first modern cartoon. Their images are echoes of the faith of ancient people in the power of horses. And here, too, ponies represent magical power.

Any cartoon character is pretty easy to draw with a pencil. On our website you will find detailed instructions how easy it is to draw one or another image. For example, to draw a fairy, you must first outline the main lines of the figure, choose the pose in which the character will stand. When the main lines are ready, you can draw the rest of the details.

You can draw with a pencil not only a character, but also a pony, things that girls own. Little girls will surely be interested in making toys with Winx pictures. All this is quite accessible on the site, one has only to look into the magical Winx Club.

Based on the plot of the series, numerous toys were created. These are dolls and toys of ponies and other fairy pets from the Winx Club cartoon, because it is not for nothing that the sales of the video of the cartoon exceeded 10 million. You can see the novelties of 2015.

This is what the collection of butterfly dolls looks like.

Butterflyix Winx.

You can watch it absolutely free on the site, as well as download and print pictures of all the heroines. Enjoy!

coloring pages

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