How to become a popular actor.

Almost all girls in the world dream with young age to become actresses, some have been dreaming of this dream since childhood. Why such a craving to become famous? Girls see this as a prospect, an opportunity for the opposite sex, to earn a lot, to be known throughout the country, etc. However, becoming an actress today is extremely difficult.

Now the actress is the most popular profession, many girls annually try to enter theatrical universities, most of them unsuccessfully. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how to become an actress, how to achieve a goal, and most importantly, how to get leading role in one film or another. Many can act in films on the sidelines, as a "crowd", but few become movie stars, especially for many years.

To become an actress you must have interesting appearance. This does not mean at all that you have to look like this or that actress. On the contrary, fresh new and non-standard faces will be more interesting than those that are similar to each other.

1. So, do not change outwardly, be yourself;

2. Find your "I", choose a style, find out how you express yourself better ( dramatic roles, comedy, etc.);

3. Grow: Take Courses acting skills under the guidance of a favorite cultural figure;

4. Enter and graduate theater school(any theatrical university, the main thing is that you gain knowledge, skills and abilities). You can read more about this in the article "";

5. Start small - settle for episodic roles in the cinema, you may be noticed;

6. Develop for real: become a theater actor, go on tour with a troupe;

7. Make useful acquaintances;

8. Define your requirements: Don't settle for everything. For example, many girls refuse to appear naked, they are proud of it and do not go "breaking bad" for the sake of the role.

What should an actress be like?

- Charming. An actress doesn't have to be tall and slim with a pretty face, she can be big, small, a little weird. The main thing for the actress is the charm with which she must hook the viewer.

- Strong. It is very difficult to be an actress and survive in this environment where there is huge competition. Therefore, it is very important to be strong morally.

— Independent. You can’t depend on relatives and friends, you can miss them, but no more. To become an actress means to fall in love with the acting stage, as native home, he will become such at the time of your acting formation.

— Different. An interesting definition, but it's true, a real actress should be different, should be able to play a role " bad girls” or “angel”, she must be able to reincarnate as a man and a grandmother, etc.

- Flexible. This is not about the flexibility of the body, although this is only a huge plus. But more important is moral flexibility - the ability not only to reincarnate, but also to adapt to the situation when it is necessary to get out of the situation.

- Patient. A very important factor is patience. Sometimes you have to endure ridicule and envy, harm from rivals. Patience is also needed to come to terms with the new schedule of the actress.

- Careerist. A real actress who wants to make an acting career must understand: this stage career for her more important than family. You will have to work very hard, there will be no time even for loved ones, not to mention acquaintances and relationships.

Think about whether you can become an actress, and can you give up your old life for movie roles?

In early childhood, kids show acting talents - they sing, dance, recite poetry. It goes away with age. But often at the age of 14, a teenager confidently declares to his parents that he wants to become famous actor theater or cinema. How can you help your child choose what skills to develop? Where to study, and what should an aspiring artist know? After all, one “I want” is not enough to build a career. You will have to work hard, constantly develop and improve.

It is difficult to unequivocally answer the question of how to become a professional theater or film actor. Acting activity is a set of skills, abilities, personal qualities.

If a teenager at the age of 14 prefers to spend the whole day passively, sleeping a lot, then you should not even ask the question of how he can become an actor. Acting heights are conquered only by stubborn, hardworking people. Professional actor bold, decisive, able to control emotions.

Qualities without which it is impossible to become an actor:

  • Appearance. Facial features do not have to be perfect, but the figure is perfect. In world cinema, there are many talented actors who can hardly be called handsome. But they are very charming. The appearance should contain attractive, interesting features.
  • Charisma. The concept is vague, but it is charismatic personalities that the audience wants to see on the screens and stage. Such people attract attention, fascinate. Not everyone has this quality inherent in nature. But it can be developed - courses and master classes will come to the rescue.
  • Volitional character. The path to the top will be long, difficult - weak people can't handle the psychological physical activity. Character needs to be tempered - discipline, self-confidence, determination - 3 pillars on which an acting career is built.
  • Sociability. It will be difficult for a silent teenager of 14 years to break into the acting environment. Sociability is the ability to easily communicate with people, make new and useful acquaintances, present yourself at castings. To develop this skill, you need to start a conversation with a stranger every day.

Professional skills

What Skills Does an Actor Need?

  • expressive facial expressions - the actor knows how to express all emotions;
  • clear speech, the foundation of oratory - the artist clearly formulates thoughts, has no problems with diction;
  • knowledge of the foundations of the Stanislavsky system - without knowing the foundations it is impossible to move on;
  • good memory- one of the foundations of theatrical skill, memory must be constantly trained;
  • ability to embody different images– universal actors are valued higher;
  • good physical shape - the actor must be hardy and hardened.

The theater actor will need knowledge of the basics of stage combat. If you want to become a sought-after and diverse artist, you need to take up dancing and singing.

How to become an artist in demand and popular? Only constantly declaring itself. To begin with, it is worth posting photos and resumes on the Internet on the websites of novice actors, posting a video presentation on Youtube. An artist is a brand that needs constant advertising. You need to study a lot of different information, which highlights the answers to the question of how to become a popular and sought-after actor.

A novice actor should not be afraid of difficulties. The acting environment is cruel, the competition in it is very high. To get to the top, sometimes you have to sleep little, work hard, eat irregularly.

Where to study?

Many teenagers at the age of 14 think that the dream of becoming a theater or film actor will never come true. They don't know where to start, how to become an actor. The task of parents is to support the child in his endeavors, prompt and guide.

In Moscow and other major cities, you can find good school acting skills. There is theater circles and in small towns. But in megacities the level of teaching is better, there are more prospects. Studying with professional teachers will help you better prepare for admission to a theater university. Get into the state educational institution can be up to 25 years.

To get into theater studio need to pass the competition. AT popular schools competition is high. To pass the test, it is worth preparing in advance.

The applicant needs to learn a poem, an excerpt from a favorite work, learn how to recite it beautifully, convey meaning and feelings. To listen, you need to choose a piece that best reflects inner world applicant. An excerpt or monologue should be chosen short - the commission has little time, it can interrupt the speaker at the most interesting place.

If a teenager at the age of 14 knows how to dance, sing, this will be an additional advantage upon admission. Selection in theater school- a good experience, since the competition for prestigious theater universities is 200 people per place.

At the age of 14, it is difficult to enter a theater school - teenagers have many complexes, they cannot stand defeat. You can help your child open up with the help of a tutor. This form of education is relevant in small towns where it is not possible to attend a theater studio.

AT summer period camps for future actors are opened, sometimes theaters hold traveling master classes. All this can and should be attended by a 14-year-old teenager who dreams of becoming an actor.

How to behave at a casting

To become an actor in a movie, you will need to go through many auditions. It is important to regularly view ads that invite teenagers 14 years old to shoot. Even if the chances of getting a role are minimal, it's still worth going. This will help expand your teenager's comfort zone. He will be able to understand more clearly how to become an actor, how much effort will be required.

  • Training. Before the casting begins, the main requirements for the actors may not be disclosed. You do not need to dress brightly for the casting, do defiant and vulgar makeup. Naturalness is one of the components of a successful casting.
  • It is impossible to become an actor without a good portfolio. Properly selected photos will tell more than any resume. The photo always shows the level of skill, the ability to behave in front of the camera, the ability to improvise. How to become an actor if there is no filming experience? Find good photographer who can take high quality photos. The task of a teenager at the age of 14 is to maximize his potential and versatility in the portfolio. There should be many strong and clear images.
  • Video interview. At the casting, they are looking for a person suitable for the image, who is not afraid of the camera, feels relaxed. Therefore, all applicants are asked to say a few words about themselves in front of the camera. To cope with the excitement, you need to make several recordings on the camera at home, record a video in some crowded place.

Theater or film actor?

To successfully build a career as an actor, you need to correctly prioritize. On the initial stage it is worth understanding whether you want to play in the theater or in the cinema.

What is the difference actor play in theater and cinema:

  • Character. AT theatrical performances the actor reveals the image of his character continuously, throughout the performance. In cinema, scenes are shot in random order, so the actor needs to quickly switch, be able to play different episodes at any time.
  • Gesture. Broad gestures are valued in the theater. The camera, on the other hand, exaggerates everything several times - it is necessary to carefully express emotions.
  • Appearance. In the theater, they are more loyal to imperfect appearance and figure. In the cinema, all imperfections become noticeable, make-up and properly exposed lighting cannot eliminate these problems. Therefore, a movie actor must always look perfect.
  • Emotions. Expressing emotions in the cinema is more difficult than in the theater. Cinematography requires complete immersion in the role, you need to be able to use micro gestures, spend hours practicing the necessary, expressive look.
  • Plausibility. The theater actor always communicates with live spectators. In cinema, you often have to communicate with a soulless camera. The play is a performance. In cinema, believability is valued.

Making a dream come true, becoming an actor is not an easy task. You will have to study, work and communicate a lot. A novice actor should be aware of all the new products theatrical art and cinema - you need to read a lot, attend theatrical performances, master classes of famous actors. This will not only allow you to grow professionally, but will also provide an opportunity to acquire new and useful acquaintances.

If you ask experienced actors what is the secret of their success, each of them will tell a different story. But ultimately, there are only 2 ways to become an actor: to be in right time in the right place or go to the profession through training and many years of work.

How to become an actor without education

The most "correct" way to acting career- a theater school, a university, countless courses and master classes. But the examples of actors without education only once again confirm that many years of preparation can be bypassed.

If you feel a talent in yourself or your child that the directors have not yet noticed,

make them pay attention.

  • Start going to auditions
  • appear more often in bohemian circles,
  • learn to behave vlog,
  • By any means, show yourself as a creative person.

How do kids become actors?

Little actors without education feel quite relaxed and readily show their talent when necessary (and when there is no such need, too). If you feel that your young talentfuture Andrey Mironov or Lyudmila Gurchenko,

try to channel his pranks into acting.

  • You can start with castings for shooting in commercials or sitcoms.
  • If you live in a small town, arrange a child in a school amateur club.

How to become a film actor

Even with a huge talent, you may miss something at castings. Any appearance is now quoted, but one cannot do without a clear diction and a well-placed voice.

It is important for an actor to have a well-developed memory, to be able to analyze and interpret, to be an erudite. In addition, self-discipline and knowledge of etiquette are necessary. And most importantly: the actor must be a real fighter - how many hours of rehearsals and how many dozens of takes are you ready to go through so that the viewer sees the perfect picture?

Having established your desire to become an actor, decide what exactly you want to do. This stage is crucial for your career as right direction sets the tone for your future preparation.

To become a star of the screens, you need films to be released in wide distribution.

  • If you live on the extreme point North Pole, it's time to move to large cities that have film studios (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Vladivostok, Nizhny Novgorod and etc.).
  • As soon as you are sure that there is a film studio in your city, start taking it by storm.
  • Try acting as an extra: the casting criteria are quite low, and you will easily get the role. In addition, this is a good start for collecting a portfolio. Do not refuse even the smallest roles - they allow your face to "light up".

How to become a theater actor

To be a theater actor, you must learn to exaggerate all emotions - a whole 2 hours of production and only 10 participants in the performance, who must keep the audience in good shape without special effects.

Playing in the theater is much more difficult, because there is no way to replay the double or change the angle - all the “blunders” will be immediately visible to the viewer.

  • Work on your technique with a professional stage speech and acting teacher.
  • Sign up for self-employment.
  • But be prepared for the fact that it will be many years before you get a big role.

How to become a dubbing and voice actor

Dubbing and voice acting actors have no sweeter job, because they "give" their voice to other people or characters. They not only have to get used to the role, but also convey with their voice apparatus the features of the actor's speech on the screen.

  • To prepare for such work, rehearse the dubbing of the dialogues.
  • Turn on the movie and try to synchronize your speech with the movement of the mouth of the character or actor.
  • Record your voice on a voice recorder - so you can track all the mistakes and shortcomings of your game.

How to become a famous actor

Even being a talented and hardworking person, not everyone can become a famous actor. To achieve popularity, you need to accurately meet the needs modern society appearance, character, interests and roles.

Probably, any girl in her childhood dreamed of becoming an actress and shining on stage for enthusiastic spectators. To date, the profession of an actress is quite in demand, especially in TV shows. But how to become an actress? Many people think that it is very difficult, you need to have special education and have incredible talent. In fact, everything is much simpler. You just need to set a goal and understand what genre of actress you would like to become.

In order to become an actress, you need to do a few significant steps in your life and remember a few important rules.

What does it take to be an actress?

Many girls consider their appearance unsightly for the acting profession. But, think for a moment - do all actresses have a model appearance and are we interested in watching films with the participation of only long-legged beauties with an impeccable appearance? No, because the appearance alone cannot convey the character of the hero, but in combination with the costume and words, an image appears. In theater universities, all students are different, there are no identical types. Therefore, the first step before becoming an actress is to get rid of complexes and work on yourself. You and your image should be remembered by the viewer - this is the key to success.

With complexes and appearance, we decided. Now let's proceed directly to the acting profession. There are several options here:

  • Can you get into theater school? acting department and learn from the masters of their craft. In that case, the path to glory is on big stage It's open to you. But before that, you need to finish the theater studio. Remember, to become an actress, you need to train. Choose a good teacher for yourself, look at the work of his students and, if everything suits you, feel free to sign up for his classes;
  • If you are with early childhood thinking about how to become famous actress, then in this case you need to take individual lessons from several teachers in order to quickly master the basics of this profession. It is also worth attending all kinds of acting trainings and castings - for you now this is a ray of hope;
  • Well, if you want to make yourself a rich portfolio and become a sought-after actress in the future, then it's best to come to the theater and offer your help as a volunteer. In many productions there are episodic roles due to which you can be noticed. Offer your services to the director of the production, noting that you have basic knowledge of acting art and are willing to work for minimum wages. Most likely he will agree. So you will gain invaluable experience, learn how to interact with other actors and the audience.

Castings in the life of an actress

To understand how to become a famous actress, you need to go through many auditions. You will not find that on the first you are lucky. It happens, but very rarely. At the first casting, you need to get comfortable and watch how the selection goes. But do not give up, what if you get lucky? Remember one thing - you can not get lost. Focus on your partner and don't look into the camera unless asked by the director. Forget about the film crew - there is none for you. Leave the constraint aside and show the planned image.

Constantly hone your skills, and luck will surely smile at you.

How to become an actress, and even famous? Complex issue. Out of a thousand graduates of theatrical universities, only a few become stars. But if you still decide to become famous and in demand, then weigh all the pros and cons, since the profession of an actress is very difficult and requires sacrifice. If you think that the game is worth the candle, then all the cards are in your hands. Achieve the intended goal and do not regret anything!

Actor(from French acteur, from Latin actor - performer; feminine - actress) is a professional performer of diverse roles in performances, films, commercials, video clips. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world art culture (see the choice of profession for interest in school subjects).

Profession actor is one of the oldest. Even shamans staged performances for the entire tribe. As an art, acting originated in Ancient Greece and was considered very prestigious. However Medieval Europe considered the acting of actors to be demonic, and in Russia it was even dangerous to be an actor. The church persecuted hypocrites, jesters, and buffoons. Church officials could destroy musical instruments and the perpetrators be beaten or imprisoned. Only in the Renaissance did the attitude towards acting change.

Acting is constantly evolving. Until the beginning of the 20th century, stereotyped, monotonous characters and types prevailed in the acting of actors. The revolution in the profession of an actor was made by the founder of the Moscow Art Theater K.S. Stanislavsky (1863 - 1938). He is the creator of the famous acting system, the so-called Stanislavsky System, whose goal is to achieve the maximum psychological authenticity of the actors' performance. Stanislavsky urged the actors to feel what the hero feels, to experience genuine experiences in order to convey authentic emotions on stage. For more than a hundred years, the famous acting system of Stanislavsky has been very popular in Russia and all over the world, and the phrase “I don’t believe!” became winged.

Currently, the acting profession is popular and desirable. Many are attracted by fame, wealth and interesting life. However, few people understand how thorny the path to achieving your goal is, and no one can guarantee that it is you who will succeed in this field. How many graduates of theatrical universities, and only a small percentage of them become well-known and highly paid actors. Young actors have to make their way under the sun, gradually earning fame. There are, of course, the lucky ones who were noticed and they suddenly woke up famous. For them, what they studied for and what they aspired to will gradually begin to come true.

The basis of acting is the principle of reincarnation. This reincarnation can be external and internal. In the first case, the actor uses make-up, costumes, masks, develops intonation, facial expressions, gestures. In the second case, the actor needs to reveal spiritual world his hero, show his character, convey thoughts and experiences. The actor, regardless of the place of work, creates a certain artistic image and brings something of his own into the hero, portrays him in his own way. main goal any actor is the desire to influence the audience, cause them to respond, emotions, feelings.

Required professional knowledge and skills

  • artistry, the ability to transform, get used to the image;
  • knowledge of genre-role specifics;
  • the ability to create an image according to a verbal description;
  • knowledge of psychology (in terms of facial expressions, speech features etc.);
  • lack of fear of the stage, camera lens, spectators;
  • musical and choreographic skills;
  • flawless articulation;
  • literary ability;
  • creativity, sense of harmony, sense of rhythm, developed aesthetic and artistic taste;
  • possession of stage charm (expressiveness, the ability to naturally communicate with partners on stage, the ability to attract the audience);
  • striving for continuous professional improvement.

Personal qualities

  • good memory;
  • observation;
  • industriousness, working capacity;
  • physical endurance, patience;
  • ability and desire to work in a team;
  • creativity;
  • a responsibility;
  • abstract thinking;
  • oratorical skills;
  • determination;
  • self confidence;
  • energy.

Pros of the profession

  • interesting, creative profession;
  • fame, popularity, people's love (when gaining fame);
  • tours abroad, travel;
  • the opportunity to try yourself in the role different people, With different professions, destinies, to be both a positive and a negative hero.

Cons of the profession

  • the need to devote themselves entirely to the profession (shooting, rehearsals take a large number of time);
  • the need, at times, to live in field conditions with a lack of necessary amenities;
  • the acting profession is associated with the risk of injury (performing stunts);
  • in addition to fame and success in an acting career, there may be a lull associated with the lack of invitations to performances or movies.

Place of work

  • theaters;
  • film studios;
  • TV;
  • advertising agencies;
  • clip maker firms;
  • circuses;
  • event companies.

Salary and career

Salary as of 20.02.2019

Russia 20000—90000 ₽

Moscow 20000—90000 ₽

Actors usually start their careers by participating in theatrical productions. The actor's salary in this case is very small, if he is actively involved in performances - a little more. In general, income depends on the prestige of the theater and the number of performances in which the novice actor takes part.

A professional actor can act in a movie or TV series. But this work is not permanent, and therefore the security is relative. The prices for the participation of actors vary greatly, on average from 500 rubles to 100,000 rubles per day, but the latter figure is offered if you famous actor or National artist. An actor's salary depends on his fame and on financial opportunities employer.

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