Which actor died on the set. Stars who died on the set (11 photos)

09/09/2018 at 18:21 · oksioksi · 329 330

10 Actors Who Died While Filming

The death of a beloved actor is always a surprise, shock and tragedy. Once we turn the page of a newspaper or magazine, click on the news link - here they are, sad headlines that report the passing of a great man. Can you imagine a situation when an actor literally gives his life for the sake of his beloved work? That is, the director, writers and the entire film crew are trying to realize what happened when the ambulance takes the body of the actor, who just played the planned scene.

Often, writers have to rewrite the storyline so that the character of the deceased actor can be carefully "removed" from some of the planned scenes. That's just a man will forever remain in the hearts of fans and spectators, who remain with sorrow to participate in the funeral procession. Those fans who are far from the place of farewell to the star, have to be content with the final TV show or biopic.

Consider the reasons why 10 famous actors left this world prematurely, devoting themselves to art for the last time.

10. Harry L. O'Conner

The actor did not have time to pave his own path in the film business, and he could not, because he played the role "in the backyard" - an understudy for Vin Diesel. Yes, yes, this bald man with biceps and powerful cheekbones did not perform dangerous stunts himself - stuntman Harry L. O'Conner was hired for this. Instead of the main character, he had to, being on the cable of the bridge, jump down to the submarine. Harry, unfortunately, jumped off too quickly and crashed to death on the bridge, which was recorded by the operator's camera. Sad footage from this episode was added to the final cut of XXX.

9. Brandon Lee

The talented heir to Bruce Lee, by the will of fate, also died at work at the age of only 28 years. The young Hollywood and Hong Kong actor was just starring in the gothic and rather dark film The Crow, the script of which was written based on comics. In the process of filming one of the final takes, where the main villain shoots the avenger "The Crow", Brandon was actually shot in the stomach. A fatal shot from a revolver pierced the peritoneum with a blank cartridge, which then stuck in the vertebrae and caused severe bleeding. Brandon died 12 hours later at the clinic from a hemorrhage. The sad event happened 17 days before the actor's scheduled wedding. Frames with a real shot did not get into the film, and the scene was re-shot with an understudy. After a closed funeral, the son was laid next to the famous father.

8. Paul Mantz

The brave pilot-racer, part-time stuntman for Hollywood films, served in the Air Force and even received a “colonel”. While working on the famous film "Flight of the Phoenix", the plane piloted by the actor crashed into a hill. It happened in July 1965. The aircraft fell apart in a crash into 2 parts, and Paul, at the age of 61, died on the spot. The co-pilot of the vehicle was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. Unfortunately, alcohol, found by the commission in the blood of stuntman Mantz, served as the root cause of the plane crash.

7. Marilyn Monroe

Norma Jean Mortenson, who conquered the world, was so imbued with the life of her heroine that she even died during filming. It happened on the set of the film with the prophetic title "Something's Got to Happen" in 1962. The woman abused drugs, which led to an overdose and subsequent death. The film was never completed. The seductive blonde, who had an affair with President Kennedy and even starred for Playboy, could not restrain her vices. Rumor has it that the abuse of antidepressants and drugs developed against the backdrop of a strong inferiority complex, which, in theory, should not have formed at all with an actress of such magnitude and popularity.

6. John Eric Hexum

The attractive actor drove many fans crazy, thanks in large part to his modeling career. On the set of the popular series Hidden Fact, fate played a sad joke on John. When he inadvertently directed a firearm to his temple and pulled the trigger, he fired a blank cartridge, which was previously covered with a metal sheath. The fragile bones of the skull were pierced, due to which the actor died from extensive bleeding. An unexpected tragedy for everyone happened in 1984, and its "culprit" was a charged "magnum" 44 caliber.

5. Bruce Lee

The famous Hong Kong actor, master and director of spectacular fights and just the smartest man in 1973 worked on a film with the mystical name "Game of Death". In the process of working inside the pavilion, Bruce fell sharply, to which the film crew immediately reacted and sent him to the hospital. Doctors made an unexpected diagnosis of cerebral edema, which, according to one version, developed on the background of the use of a tablet with meprobamate and aspirin in the composition. However, the star was not tested, which casts doubt on this information. After rumors spread that Lee's competitor had arranged the death, however, they were not confirmed either. The farewell to the actor was large-scale - thousands of fans, friends and acquaintances came to the citywide mourning. The body was then transported to Seattle, where Bruce's family could say one last goodbye and be buried.

4. Vic Morrow and two teenage actors Mika Ding Lee (age 7) and Renee Shin-Yi Chen (age 6)

A terrible tragedy happened to the participants during the filming of the famous film "The Twilight Zone". The actor and a couple of school-age children, according to the script, portrayed the Vietnamese who escaped American pursuers by helicopter during the war. Unexpectedly for the entire film crew, the helicopter with the actors exploded, which led to their death on the spot. So in 1982, the famous actor of Charlie's Angels and Bad Bears, as well as two children who were just starting their careers in show business, passed away.

3. George Camilleri

The ill-fated film "Troy" became a landmark for several Hollywood actors at once. Known to all, Brad Pitt managed to damage the Achilles tendon - you see, it is very symbolic. But this incident faded before the real tragedy. Colleague on the set George Camilleri managed to break his leg right in the process. Everything would be fine, only in the hospital a couple of days later he had a heart attack against the background of a blood clot that had come off in the injured leg. Another attack followed, which eventually led to the death of the actor.

2. John Ritter

The talented actor of the film “Three is a company” starred in one of the series in the fall of 2003. During the filming of the next take, John began to complain of bursting chest pain and severe nausea, fainted, after which he was sent to the hospital. There, the actor was diagnosed with a "heart attack" and an emergency operation was scheduled for the same evening, during which, unfortunately, he did not survive.

1. Paul Walker

Many fans of the film "Fast and the Furious" heard about this sensational death, as fate played a cruel joke on the main actor. During his lifetime, an experienced racer, Paul, along with a friend, got into a car accident on the way from filming. The car caught fire, which led to the death of passengers (Walker and Roger Rodas). Filming was delayed, but the film was released anyway. His brother had to replace Paul.

The talented actors mentioned in the review were devoted to their favorite work to the last, delighting fans with their work for the last time. Let's remember the kindest and most pleasant moments of a career in memory of worthy people.

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On filming. The actors you can see below died during the filming process. Unfortunately, illnesses, tragic and accidents did not bypass these wonderful actors, who by the time of their death were already known to the audience and were in demand actors. Their death right during the filming of the next films, which were supposed to give pleasure from viewing, shocked viewers and fans.

15 Actors Who Died While Filming

One of the most beautiful actresses of the 1930s, Jean Harlow, fell ill while filming Saratoga in 1937. The actress began to complain of abdominal pain, nausea and fatigue. Some time later, it became known that Jean Harlow's kidneys were failing. After being hospitalized, she fell into a coma and died on June 7, 1937.

Russian actor Andrey Rostotsky died in 2002 on the set of the film My Border. The actor tried to climb a mountain slope without insurance at the Maiden's Tears waterfall in the area of ​​​​a ski resort near Sochi, but fell down. A fall from a 40-meter height led to the death of the actor.

Brandon Lee is an actor and son of Bruce Lee. He died at the age of 28 during the filming of The Crow. During the filming of one of the scenes in which Brandon's character is shot with a gun, an accident occurred. The members of the film crew did not notice that there was a plug left in the .44 caliber revolver. When fired with a blank cartridge, it flew out, hit the actor in the stomach and got stuck in the spine. Brandon Lee received extensive blood loss and died 12 hours after the tragic incident - March 31, 1993.

Bruce Lee is one of the most famous actors in history. He died on July 20, 1973 during the filming of The Game of Death. Bruce Lee suddenly fell right on the set. He was taken to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with cerebral edema. There are still rumors around the actor's death. According to the most common version, cerebral edema was due to a headache pill that contained aspirin and meprobamate. There are also rumors that Bruce Lee was killed by another martial artist, but sufficient evidence for this has not been found.

Vic Morrow died in 1982 on the set of The Twilight Zone. He and two other actors played Vietnamese fleeing an American helicopter. Suddenly, the helicopter exploded. From the explosion, all three actors died on the spot.

John Ritter passed away on September 11, 2003. The actor felt unwell during the filming of the series "8 Simple Rules for a friend of my teenage daughter." He complained of pain in his heart and fainted. The actor was taken to the hospital with a heart attack and died the same evening.

John-Eric Hexam died on October 18, 1984 at the age of 26. On the set of The Hidden Fact, he held a gun loaded with blanks to his temple and then pulled the trigger. The metal-jacketed blank ruptured the actor's skull and caused massive bleeding, leading to his death.

Soviet actor Yevgeny Urbansky died in 1965 at the age of 33. During a car stunt, which the actor decided to do on his own, the truck he was driving jumped on a sand dune and rolled over. As a result, Yevgeny Urbansky received a fracture of the cervical vertebrae and died on the way to the hospital.

The rising star of Soviet cinema Inna Burduchenko died on August 15, 1960. The tragic incident occurred on July 30, 1960 on the set of the film "Flower on the Stone". Inna Burduchenko was supposed to take out the banner from the burning barracks, but the barracks collapsed. The actress received severe burns from which she died in the hospital. The director of the film was sentenced to 4 years in prison.

American actress Martha Mansfield died on November 30, 1923. During the filming of The Warrens of Virginia, she was sitting in a car. At this time, a passer-by inadvertently threw a match, which fell into the car. The actress's dress caught fire, resulting in severe burns and she died in the hospital a few hours later.

Comedian Redd Fox died on October 11, 1991 during a rehearsal for the television show The Royal Family. On the set of the show, he grabbed his heart and fell. A heart attack led to the actor's death.

Comedian Roy Kinnear died on September 19, 1988. During the filming of The Return of the Musketeers, he fell off his horse and suffered a broken pelvis. He died the next day in the hospital from a heart attack.

Sergei Bodrov Jr. died on September 20, 2002. During the filming of the film "The Messenger", the film crew fell under the glacier in the Karmadon Gorge (North Ossetia). As a result of the tragedy, more than a hundred people are listed as missing - local residents and a film crew. The remains of Sergei Bodrov Jr. were never found.

American actor Tyrone Power died on November 15, 1958 from a heart attack. The misfortune happened during the filming of the film "Solomon and the Queen of Sheba."

Eric Fleming drowned while filming High Jungle in Peru. The tragedy occurred on September 28, 1966. While filming a canoe scene with Nico Minardos, he fell into a whirlpool, fell into the Juliaca River and drowned. His body, mauled by piranhas, was not found until four days later.

Soviet actors whose lives were cut short due to ridiculous accidents

It's no secret that during the filming of dangerous episodes, actors are most often replaced by stuntmen, and it is their lives that are often at risk. They manage to avoid injuries only thanks to their own professionalism and special training. However, in the history of cinema there have been such tragic cases when the actors themselves took on the performance of complex stunts and paid for it with their lives. This happened to three Soviet actors whose lives ended prematurely and absurdly...

Frame from the film *Ivanna*, 1959

Inna Burduchenko's film career ended as soon as it began. The very first role in the film "Ivanna" (1959) brought her success, and the audience began to call the actress Ivushka by the name of her heroine. She played the daughter of a priest who renounced God, which later became the reason for persistent rumors that this film was anathematized by the Pope. These rumors were born after the Soviet football players visited Rome for the Olympic Games and heard about the anathema there. Decades later, the press again started talking about the curse that allegedly hung over the picture - the death of the 21-year-old actress seemed too ridiculous.

Inna Burduchenko in the film *Ivanna*, 1959

Actress Inna Burduchenko

Her life was cut short just a year after a successful film debut. On the set of the film “Nobody Loved Like This,” the heroine Burduchenko had to carry the banner out of the house, engulfed in flames. The actress worked without an understudy. They shot several takes, and during the last one a tragedy occurred: Inna's heel got stuck in wooden boards, and at that moment a burning beam collapsed on her. Miner Sergei Ivanov, who starred in the extras, rushed into the house and carried the actress out. Unfortunately, it was too late - she received 78% burns, and it was not possible to save her. The director of the film was sentenced to 4 years in prison and suspended from filming.

The film career of Yevgeny Urbansky was short, but very bright. After the first role, he won popularity and love of the audience. His film debut was the film "Communist" (1957), for participation in which he received the main prizes at festivals in Kyiv and Venice. Two years later, he starred in the title role in the film The Unsent Letter. After 36 years, Francis Ford Coppola undertook the restoration of this painting and financed its distribution in the United States. In 1961, the success of Evgeny Urbansky secured the film "Clear Sky", recognized as the best picture of the year in the USSR. It seemed that a bright future awaited him, but despite all the prerequisites, he did not succeed in becoming one of the first Soviet movie stars. he managed to star in only 9 films.

Yevgeny Urbansky in the film *Communist*, 1957

Frame from the film *Communist*, 1957

In 1965, on the set of The Director, an accident occurred that took the life of a 33-year-old actor. He had a permanent understudy, a professional athlete, but the actor preferred to perform most of the tricks on his own. The first take was shot without incident, but the director suggested that the stunt be made more difficult by making the car bounce higher and that another take be shot. The truck, driven by Yevgeny Urbansky, jumped up on a sand dune and suddenly overturned. The actor broke his cervical vertebrae and died on the way to the hospital. After the tragic death of Urbansky, the picture was closed, and 4 years later it was re-shot with another actor.

Frame from the movie *Clear Sky*, 1961

Soviet actor whose life was cut short by a ridiculous accident

The sudden death of Urbansky immediately gave rise to many ridiculous rumors that made his colleagues resent. So, Aleksey Batalov said indignantly: “When they said about Urbansky that he died because he was drunk, nothing more offensive can be imagined. Once I almost quarreled with the audience, which I never do, because the gossip about Urbansky is monstrously unfair. I know that he was the most conscientious actor, that if he got into this car, which became his grave, it was only so that these same spectators would believe in his hero ... ".

Andrei Rostotsky in the film *Days of the Turbins*, 1976

Frame from the film *Loop*, 1983

Andrei Rostotsky, the son of the famous director Stanislav Rostotsky, often starred in military and heroic adventure films, staged stunts and participated in them himself, without the help of understudies, since 1997 he worked as an instructor at the Vitalis transnational survival school, deputy general director of the Russian Expeditions and Travels Foundation, conducted expeditions to the Crimean caves, was a member of the jury of the Moscow International Stunt Festival. No one doubted his experience and professionalism.

Soviet and Russian actor Andrey Rostotsky

In 2002, Rostotsky went to shoot the film "My Border", which took place in the area of ​​a ski resort near Sochi. The places where the tricks were to be filmed, he usually examined himself. Relying on his athletic training, he tried to climb the mountain slope at the Maiden's Tears waterfall without insurance and fell down from a 40-meter height. It was not possible to save the actor - he died in the hospital without regaining consciousness. The widow of Rostotsky said: “And the waterfall is called so for a reason: people died there before. There are many moving stones in this place - it seems that the boulder is firmly on the ground, but in fact it is hanging in the air. Andrey stepped on one of these. After his death, some kind of fence was put up there and a warning sign was hung ... ".

Actor with wife and daughter

Human irresponsibility knows no bounds, for example, during the creation of "" 27 animals died on the set of the film due to inappropriate conditions of detention. But sometimes human lives are at stake.

Filming is a difficult thing: artists are waiting not only for a busy schedule, diets and constant business trips, but also for accidents from which no one is immune.

The editors have prepared the top show business stars who died during filming.


Unfortunately, the son - Brandon - was included in the list of actors who died on the set. The tragic event happened on the set of the gothic film The Crow, which was released in 1994.

The death of the actor happened due to human carelessness. The fact is that he participated in the last scene with the use of firearms and refused to wear a bulletproof vest. The bullet was not blank and pierced Brandon's stomach, hitting the internal organs.


He passed away young: at the time of his death, Bodrov Jr. was only 30 years old. Bodrov was filming his second film called "The Messenger", and the film crew was forced to go to the Karmadon Gorge, which is located in North Ossetia.

On September 20, 2002, the collapse of the Kolka glacier began, which buried more than a hundred people. The search for bodies continued until 2004. Part of those who died during filming, including Sergei Bodrov, was never found.

In the spring of 2018, viewers are waiting for the second part of the film about the adventures of a superhero. But few people know that the shooting of the picture was not without incident: according to media reports, professional stuntman Joy Harris, performing a dangerous stunt on a motorcycle.

The girl lost control and crashed into the window of the Shaw Tower. The tragedy occurred after Joy successfully completed the trick four times, but the last double proved to be fatal for her.

There were no accidents while filming Fast & Furious 7, but ironically, the man was in a car accident outside of the director's chambers.

The accident happened in California, near Los Angeles. It is noteworthy that on that ill-fated day, the man went on the road in order to participate in an auto show in order to raise money for victims of a typhoon in the Philippines. According to media reports, eyewitnesses filmed the death of the actor, capturing the accident.


American actress Jean Harlow died during filming. She was considered a sex symbol of the 1930s, but, unfortunately, this blonde girl lived a short life, during which she managed to star in 14 films.

It is known that during the filming of one of the films, the actress felt a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, as well as weakness and dizziness. After this incident, the actress fell into a coma and died in the summer of 1937 from cerebral edema. The cause of death is a flu experienced by a 26-year-old girl, due to which the blonde earned a complication in the kidneys.

An accident on the set occurred with. Due to his own perfectionism, the actor died on the set. Urbansky refused the help of stuntmen and performed all the stunts himself. In one of the scenes, the actor had to take off and land in a car, which happens in classic action movies. The first take was shot successfully, but Eugene was dissatisfied with the shots. But the subsequent double turned out to be fatal for the man.

Actors often die for fun, but it happens that death on the set turns out to be real.

Evgeny Urbansky

Evgeny Urbansky

The star and sex symbol of Soviet cinema, actor Yevgeny Urbansky, died on the set of the film "Director", which was shot by director Viktor Saltykov. The actor wanted to play an important, but technically difficult episode himself, without the help of a stuntman. In the frame, the car driven by the protagonist, as if on a springboard, flew over the dune (the shooting took place in the sand) and fell to the ground. The first take was shot successfully, but the actor did not like it - he insisted on the second, during which the car jumped and fell onto the roof. Urbansky was summed up by the lack of necessary experience and stunt skills: where a professional would have grouped up, shrunk and remained alive, the actor, on the contrary, tensed up, straightened up and - broke his cervical vertebra. He died a few hours later in the hospital. The last words that the actor said in his life: "Lord, how painful!" Evgeny Urbansky was only 33 years old, two and a half months later his wife, actress Dzidra Ritenberg, gave birth to a daughter, who was named Evgenia.

They say that the actor did not want to play this role - on the eve of filming, he was overcome by bad forebodings. The wife recalled that one day, returning home, she found him in a depressed state. “You know,” Urbansky confessed to her, “I felt so lonely, and around me it was so empty that for a moment it seemed to me as if I had died.” The feeling of disaster did not leave him on the set. The day before his death, he and his friend, actor and stuntman Vladimir Ballon, were allowed to view the filming location from a helicopter. Looking at the sand springboard from which his car was supposed to jump, Urbansky said: "Look, they are digging my grave." And - turned out to be right.

Inna Burduchenko

Inna Burduchenko

The day when a second-year student of the Kyiv Theater Institute named after I.K. Karpenko-Kary was offered to play a major role in the cinema, the girl, who had dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood, probably considered one of the happiest in her life. The first picture with the participation of Burduchenko, "Ivanna" directed by Viktor Ivchenko, made her famous both in the Soviet Union, where the film won the Second Prize at the All-Union Film Festival in Kyiv in 1960, and abroad, where the anti-clerical picture (in one of the scenes the heroine renounces from God and tears off the cross) caused a sharply negative reaction - they said that the Roman Catholic Church, led by its then Pope John XXIII, cursed everyone who was related to it.

Soon, seven people who were part of the film crew really died, among them was a young actress. Inna died on the set of a film with the working title "Nobody Loved So Much", later renamed "Flower on a Stone". In one of the scenes, the actress playing a Komsomol member had to save the banner from a burning house. The director forced Burduchenko to run into the barracks doused with gasoline and flared up like a match again and again, and during the third take the building collapsed. Inna, whose heel was stuck in a crack in the floor, did not have time to run out. At the last moment, she, like a true woman and actress, covered her face with her hands. Burduchenko was rescued from the fire by the famous Grasshopper, the actor Sergei Ivanov, who, being an unknown extra at that time, was acting as an extra in the film. Inna turned out to have 78 percent of her body burned (only her face remained unharmed), in the middle of the last century this was a death sentence. Despite the fact that the audience donated blood and even pieces of skin for her, the actress could not be saved. Inna, who was only 22 years old, was buried at the Baikove cemetery, she left a small child.

Vasily Shukshin

Vasily Shukshin

Vasily Shukshin died on the set of the film "They Fought for the Motherland" in September 1974. The night before, while working on the script for the next picture, "Stepan Razin", Vasily Makarovich became ill with his heart. Those who were still awake rushed to look for at least some medicine, but found only drops of Zelenin. At three o'clock in the morning, Shukshin told his friend, actor Georgy Burkov, who starred in his film: "I feel so bad that I won't even smoke - I'll go and lie down." At night, those who lived in the next cabin (the film crew was placed on the ship) heard a sharp knock on the wall, but did not pay attention to it.

The next morning, Burkov, without waiting for the arrival of Vasily Makarovich (according to the ritual developed during the filming, Shukshin always woke him up, and then they drank coffee together), went to his cabin. When no one answered the knock, he opened the door and saw Shukshin lying on the bed in an unnatural position - there was nothing to help Vasily Makarovich. His role in the film was played by an understudy, who was filmed only in medium and long-range plans, and voiced by actor Igor Efimov.

Brandon Lee

Brandon Lee

Bruce Lee's son, Brandon, began acting in films in 1991. For a long time, he dreamed in vain of a dramatic role, while the directors offered him bloody action films in which he had to show only one of his skills - to fight. When Brandon read the script for The Crow, he realized that his dream had finally come true: the main character of the film, a rock star, turns into a crow after death and takes revenge on his offenders. Brandon plunged into work with pleasure, not suspecting that he and his hero would have one day of death for two.

On April 1, 1993, eight hours before shooting, Lee picked up the ill-fated Magnum-44, brought it to his temple and pulled the trigger - the gun was not loaded and a click sounded instead of a shot. Seeing the fright on the faces of those around him, Brandon laughed: "Whoever is destined to be hanged will not drown. I will die differently, I should not be afraid of a gun." But when in the evening - already during the shooting - he again pulled the trigger, a shot suddenly rang out. Brandon fell around him - not according to the script! – there and then the pool of blood has spread. It turned out that they forgot to take out the so-called "plug" from the pistol, which was loaded with blank cartridges - having flown out, it got stuck in Lee's spine. Most likely, the cause of the tragedy was the negligence of the props, who did not keep track of the weapon, but this does not prevent Brandon's fans from assuring that their idol was killed - allegedly he was too close to unraveling the death of his father, Bruce Lee. A few hours later, the actor died in the hospital without regaining consciousness, a little more than two weeks remained before his wedding with his girlfriend Eliza Hutton ... Brandon Lee was buried at Lake View Cemetery in Seattle - next to his father. In the remaining episodes of The Crow, a stunt double was filmed, to which Lee's face was "added" using computer graphics.

Steve Irwin

Steve Irwin

The well-known Australian TV presenter Steve Irwin, who was often called the "crocodile hunter" (he specialized in programs about dangerous animals), died during a live report. On September 4, 2006, while filming underwater in the Great Barrier Reef, he was struck in the chest by a stingray. Steve's death was watched by millions of viewers around the world. Irwin was 44 years old, he left two children - Bindi Sue and Bob Clarence.

John Elroy Sanford

John Elroy Sanford

The American comedian, known to viewers as Redd Foxx, died during a rehearsal for the television show The Royal Family. The heart attack scene was Sanford's signature act, often played by the actor to amuse the audience. Therefore, when he grabbed his heart and then fell, no one understood what really happened. However, even if those around them had oriented themselves in time, they still could not have helped Sanford in any way - he died instantly, and their laughter was perhaps the best reward in the last seconds of an actor who made people laugh all his life.

John-Eric Hexum

John-Eric Hexum

Actor and model John-Eric Hexam passed away the same way as Brandon Lee - even the instrument of death he has is exactly the same, the same "Magnum-44", loaded with blank cartridges. During a break on the set, handsome John-Eric, deciding to joke, put a gun to his temple and pulled the trigger. A shot rang out and Hexam fell dead. The actor did not know that even blank cartridges are covered with a metal sheath - it is needed so that the sound of the shot is sonorous, sonorous, and human bones are very fragile.

Andrey Rostotsky

Andrey Rostotsky

Andrey Rostotsky, the son of director Stanislav Rostotsky and actress Nina Menshikova, died on May 5, 2002 on the set of the series "My Border" - he fell off a 30-meter cliff near the Maiden's Tears waterfall in the vicinity of Sochi. Relatives believe that Andrey was let down by those qualities that have always allowed him to succeed - he is used to always and in everything relying not on luck and "maybe", but on work, professionalism and thorough preparation. So on that day, he himself wanted to check the mountain path, along which the actors were supposed to go tomorrow. They say that Rostotsky broke down, reaching for a beautiful flower, but his widow Marianna is sure that this is nothing more than a beautiful legend. “Most likely,” she reflects, “Andrey stepped on one of the so-called moving stones - it seems that it lies firmly on the ground, but in fact it hangs in the air. There are a lot of such stones around the waterfall, it’s not for nothing that it is called Maiden’s Tears “People often die there.”

That year, Easter fell on May 5, so both the wife and the second director asked Andrey not to go to the mountains and postpone everything until tomorrow, but he did not listen. Rostotsky was out of work for a long time, so he cherished every day spent on the set. Breaking off, Andrei fought for his life until the last minute - he fell, arms wide apart and trying to grab hold of some branch or bush, so that if not escape, then at least soften the blow, but he did not succeed.

Sergei Bodrov-Jr

Sergei Bodrov Jr.

"Brother" Sergei Bodrov Jr. died on September 20, 2002 on the set of his film "The Messenger" in the Karmadon Gorge. More than a hundred people died with him, including members of the film crew and residents of the village of Nizhny Karmadon, due to the large number of victims, this disaster is compared with the death of the Kursk submarine. Then, high up from Mount Dzhimara, a block of ice broke off, which, having fallen on the Kolka glacier, moved it from its place. Sliding down, the avalanche, capturing huge stones along the way, covered the Karmadon Gorge, in which the group of the film "The Messenger" was located. On the eve, it was as if nature itself warned people of the danger: a dark cloud stood over the Karmadon Gorge all day, although it was a clear sunny day in the whole district, sheep huddled in fear, and the dog participating in the filming howled so that the blood ran cold in the veins. But no one heeded these warnings, in the morning the film crew again went to the mountains, and in the evening, in just a few minutes, people were covered by a glacier - most likely, many did not even have time to understand what was happening.

Trying to somehow explain the causes of the terrible tragedy, they say and write a lot about the fact that the script for "The Messenger", which Sergey wrote himself, was full of mystical events. They recall that even during the filming of The Prisoner of the Caucasus, Bodrov was fascinated by the mountains and often said that he would like to stay in this area forever. According to local residents, the reason for the incident could be that the film crew disturbed the peace of the spirits - not far from the filming site there was an old cemetery, which is considered the kingdom of the dead.

More than a hundred people have been missing for ten years, they have no graves, no one has found their remains - according to scientists, Kolka will melt for twelve years. Therefore, many believe that Bodrov and those who were with him did not die, but live somewhere in a parallel reality - they say that such cases happen in the mountains.

Andrey Krasko

Andrey Krasko

One of the most successful Russian actors of the post-perestroika period, Andrei Krasko died on July 4, 2006 in Odessa on the set of the Liquidation series. That summer, the sea coast was so hot that fish were boiled alive in shallow estuaries. It is not surprising that the heart of the actor, exhausted by work for wear and tear (at one time Krasko was unemployed for a very long time, so he grabbed any offer) and many years of alcohol abuse, could not stand it. On that day, the actor had a day off, he went with friends and a girlfriend near Odessa for a picnic. There he became ill. Perhaps if he had received timely medical assistance, everything would have worked out, but the ambulance refused to go out of town. The actor's friends do not relieve the producers of "Liquidation" of responsibility either: shortly before filming, Krasko had to go to the clinic for an examination, but the producers did not let him go, citing a busy filming schedule.

Before his death, Krasko had only two full days of shooting, he managed to play several episodes, including the scene in which his hero is found dead. The director of "Liquidation" Sergei Ursulyak still thanks God for the fact that the decision to continue filming or turn off and leave for Moscow was not made by him - it was made by the producers. Despite the tragedy, work on "Liquidation" was continued - the role of Fima instead of Krasko was played by Sergei Makovetsky.

Taisiya Kondratieva

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