The names of theatrical circles in kindergarten. Theater club at school: program, scripts, plays


G. Otradny

Age composition of students: 10-13 years old

Implementation period: 3 years

The program was developed by:

Lebedeva Nadezhda Yurievna teacher


Full name of the institution

State budgetary educational institution of the Samara region "Boarding school for students with disabilities in the urban district of Otradny"

Program name

The program of artistic and aesthetic education ""

Main developer of the program

Head of the children's association - Lebedeva Nadezhda Yurievna

Purpose of the program

Formation of a creative personality capable of self-realization.

Program objectives


evaluate the actions of other children and compare with their own;

· learn to act naturally and justifiably on the stage;

· give the opportunity to fully use their abilities and express themselves in stage incarnations;

· to involve knowledge and acquired skills in staging a stage version;

· to teach to comprehend: how a work is born, formed and appears before us as it is. Understand how a story is born


Develop the ability to control your body;

develop visual and auditory attention, memory, observation, resourcefulness and fantasy, imagination, imaginative thinking;

develop imagination and faith in stage fiction;

develop the ability to perform the same actions in different circumstances and situations in different ways;


Develop a child's willingness to be creative

to cultivate the ability to master the stage space, acquire the image and expression of the character of the hero;

Develop communication skills and the ability to communicate with adults in different situations

Implementation period


Performers of the main

program activities

Students, pupils of grades 3-5, the teaching staff of the school, the public.


The theater group is designed to educate and educate children and adolescents gifted in creativity. This program is based on the psychological characteristics of children 10-14 years old. The topics of the program combine certain conceptual material with diverse forms of practical creative work. At the same time, the program provides for the development of theatrical and creative activity of students in a single process of mastering knowledge and ideas about the art of the theater. At the same time, these topics can help in the preparation of literary and dramatic compositions, theatrical programs and performances.

In classes with this age group, it is of paramount importance to rely on the students' experience of communicating with theatrical art. The leader's task is to mobilize this previously acquired experience, to help them rethink it in order to awaken their creative activity, emotional memory and imagination on this basis.

The structure of the program suggests the possibility of creative interpretation of its content. The teacher has the right to build his work based on the needs and capabilities of this school team.

General methodological principles of the teacher's work on the program of the theater circle:

Classes are held with all interested children, without any selection. The optimal number of children in the classroom is 12-16 people. Classes are preferably carried out in a spacious room.

The process of theater classes is based on developing techniques and is a system of creative games and sketches aimed at developing the psychomotor and aesthetic abilities of children.

New knowledge is presented in the form of problem situations that require active joint searches from children and adults. The course of the lesson is characterized by emotional saturation and the desire to achieve a productive result through collective creativity. It is based on an individual approach, respect for the personality of the child, faith in his abilities and capabilities. The teacher strives to nurture independence and self-confidence in children. The less programming in the activities of children, the more joyful the atmosphere of classes, the more pleasure they receive from joint creativity, the brighter and more colorful their emotional world becomes.

This program does not imply literal implementation, it focuses the teacher on creating conditions for the activation of aesthetic attitudes in the child, as an integral characteristic of his worldview and behavior. Using the program allows you to stimulate children to a figurative and free perception of the world around them (people, cultural values, nature), which, developing in parallel with the traditional rational perception, expands and enriches it. The child learns to respect other people's opinions, to be tolerant of different points of view, learns to transform the world, uses fantasy, imagination, and communication with other people.

The program has been implemented for three years, 2 hours a week.


Development of aesthetic abilities;

Development of the sphere of feelings, complicity, empathy;

Activation of the thought process and cognitive interest;

Mastering the skills of communication and collective creativity;

By the end of the first year, the student:

1. What is theater

2. How theater differs from other arts

3. How theater was born

4. What types of theaters exist

5. Who creates theatrical canvases (performances)


1. On the elementary technical means of the stage

2. About stage design

3. On the norms of behavior on stage and in the auditorium

2. Think figuratively

3. Focus

4. Feel yourself in the stage space


1. Communication with a partner (classmates)

2. Elementary acting

3. Figurative perception of the world around

5. Collective creativity

And it also gets rid of excessive shyness, fear of society, the "view from the outside" complex, acquires sociability, openness, respect for the world around, responsibility to the team.

At the end of the second year, the child

1. What are expressive means.

2. Fragment as an integral part of the plot.

3. Effective formula: Initial event, conflict situation, final.

1. Use expressive means to express the nature of the scene.

2. Fragmentally disassemble the work, as well as fragmentarily present it.

3. Determine the main idea of ​​the work and form it into a plot.

4. Understand fine art as a life process.


1. About the birth of the plot of the work.

2. About the internal monologue and the 2nd plan of the acting state.

3. About the most important task and morality in the work.


1. Free communication with the audience, classmates.

2. Express your thoughts in a wide range of opponents.

3. Analyze the sequence of actions.

4. Build a logical chain of life events.

By the end of the third year, the student will:

1. Knows ancient Greek, modern, puppet, musical theaters

2. What is a screen

3. the basics of acting

1. Create images and scenery for performances

2. Distributes roles. Analyze the work

3. Express your thoughts

5. Memorize small texts

Has skills:

1. Expressive gestures

2. Build a logical chain

3. Has puppetry skills

Calendar-thematic plan

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours

Form and working methods

Introductory conversation. Acquaintance with the circle plan. Choice of mug asset

Theater outside and inside. Introduction to the concept of "theater"

Front work

Rhythmoplasty. Psychophysical training, preparation for etudes. Development of coordination. Improving posture and gait.


Culture of technology and speech. Games for the development of attention ("names", "colors", "paints", "Echo"), etc.


Rhythmoplasty. Practicing the stage study "Conversion" (acquaintance, position, mirror)


Pronouncing tongue twisters in turn with different tempos and strength of sound, different intonation.

Verbal form of work

The story of one doll. Watching a movie about Pinocchio.


Art workshop of Papa Carlo


Rehearsal of a fragment from the fairy tale "Pinocchio" by A. Tolstoy

Individual work

Organic music in the play. Selection of musical accompaniment for performances

Front work

Role training

Individual work

Individual work

Culture of speech and technique of speech. Games and exercises aimed at developing breathing and freedom of the speech apparatus

group work

Non-objective sketch (thread a needle, collect things in a suitcase, sharpen a pencil with a blade)

group work

Theatrical alphabet. Learning tongue twisters, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes and playing them.

Individual work

Theatrical game. Fairy tale quiz

Front work

Viewing the fairy tale-performance "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Vitya". Analysis of the work

group work

Role training

Individual work

Dress rehearsal in costumes. With scenery, musical accompaniment.

Individual work

Issue of the newspaper "Questions and Answers" (In a restaurant, in a cafe. Invitation, home, family)

Front work

Dramatization of cartoon fairy tales based on the book "The Best Cartoons for Kids"

Front work

Rehearsal of pantomime movements. Poster production

Front work

Meeting with actors of the puppet theater

group work

Scenery Workshop

Individual work

Expressive means in the theater

group work

Development of imagination and ability to work "in a mask"

Front work

Rhythm training. Sword exercises

Individual work

Bad habits (Etiquette)

group work

Learning roles for the final performance

Individual work

68 hours

Second year of study

Introductory conversation. Acquaintance with the circle plan. Production of the “Corner of the theater circle “Creative Workshop”

group work

Fundamentals of theatrical culture

group work

Games for the development of clear diction, logic of speech and orthoepy

Front work

Games with words that develop coherent figurative speech.

Front work

Reading in the faces of A. Barto's poems

Individual work

Dramatization of Russian folk tales

Front work

Rehearsal of episodes of the play

Individual work

Scenery preparation

group work

Dress rehearsal in costumes. With scenery, musical accompaniment.

Individual work

Breathing exercises

Individual work

Rhythmoplasty. Trial by pantomime

Front work

Pantomimic studies

group work

Makeup technique. Chiaroscuro

Individual work

Analysis of facial expressions

group work

Reading and discussion of a dramatization based on the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov “How the bear found the pipe”. Discussion of the play, distribution of roles.

group work

Art workshop. Scenery making

group work

Performance rehearsal

Dress rehearsal in costumes. With scenery, musical accompaniment.

Recitation competition

Front work

Theatrical video. Watching the musical fairy tale-performance "The Wolf and the Seven Kids"

Front work

Discussion of the topic "Drugs". Issue of the newspaper "Heron-smoker"

group work

Staging fairy tales by K. Chukovsky

group work

Production of props for performances

front work

Performance rehearsal

Individual work


Third year of study

Etiquette. Speech etiquette. The choice of vocabulary, intonation, dialect, speech error, softness, harshness of speech. Preparation and display of stage sketches

group work

Non-objective study

Front work

Work on the image. Fairy make-up

Individual work

Mimic. "Silent movie"

Front work

Acquaintance with the work of J. Rodarri.

group work

The distribution of roles, taking into account the wishes of students. Expressive reading of the work

group work

Rehearsal of episodes of the play

Front work

Dress rehearsal in costumes. With scenery, musical accompaniment.

Individual work

Playful verbal riddles for the development of attention, expansion of vocabulary.

group work

Composition - reasoning on the selected proverb

group work

Issue of the newspaper "Create, invent, try!"

Front work

Pantomime Day

group work

Introduction to puppet theatre. History of the puppet theatre.

Front work

Mastering the skills of puppetry (glove, finger, spoon puppets, table theater puppets).

group work

Performance of the finger puppet theater "Kurochka Ryaba"


Individual work

dress rehearsal

Individual work

Creation of stage sketches.

group work

Scenery making

Front work

Round table "ABC of communication"

Individual work

Psychological self-portrait. (Compilation of a detailed psychological self-characterization)

Individual work


group work

Analysis of work for the year

Front work


Total for three years: 204 hours


1. The program of the teacher of additional education: From development to implementation / comp. N.K. Bespyatova - M.: Airispress, 2003. - 176 p. - (Methodology).

3. Pirogova L.I. Collection of word games on the Russian language and literature: Pleasant with useful. - M .: School Press, 2003. - 144.

4. Skorkina N.M. Non-standard forms of extracurricular work. - Volgograd: teacher - AST, 2002. - 72 p.

5. Extracurricular activities: intellectual marathons at school. 5-11 grades / ed. - comp. A.N. Pavlov. - M.: ed. NTSENAS, 2004. - 200 p.

6. Lvova S.I. Literature lessons. 5-9 cells: A guide for the teacher. - M.: Bustard, 1996 - 416 p.

The theater club is a great idea for a school or any other educational institution. Such activities contribute to the overall development of a person, and also allows you to make the most of your


Graduality, versatility and creativity - this is not a complete list of features that a theater club has at school. The program focuses on the versatile development of the personality of children, on their individuality and uniqueness. The circle plan is drawn up taking into account the psychological characteristics of the development of schoolchildren in different age groups.

Traditionally, the program provides for the use of gaming and theatrical forms of activity that are aimed at using different types of children's creativity. The theater club at school has another feature. What is important here is not the final result, that is, the performance itself, but the preparation process - rehearsals, moments of overfulfillment and experiences. It is in the process of working on a specific role and image that the personal qualities of children, their symbolic thinking, emotions develop, and the assimilation of specific social roles takes place.


Certain goals and hypotheses are an integral part of the features that the theater club has at school. The program is built taking into account the following tasks:

  • Acquaintance with the concept of theater, as well as with its different types.
  • Mastering various types of creativity. The whole process is carried out in stages.
  • Improving artistic skills and abilities.
  • Modeling behavioral situations within the established task.

Thanks to this, the circle is aimed at two aspects at once: educational and educational. The first foresees the performance of tasks aimed at the development of intelligence, emotions, as well as a variety of children. The second aspect is responsible for the development of artistry and specific skills of stage incarnations.

Ways to work with children

The theater circle is a set of various activities aimed at achieving certain goals. The process is carried out in several directions:

  • Theatrical game. It teaches a child to navigate in a given space, independently build dialogues on specific topics, develop attention, memory, and a general interest in art.
  • Rhythmoplasty. Contains games and exercises of a rhythmic, poetic and musical nature. This direction provides the natural need for children to move.
  • Technique and culture of speech. It contains various activities that allow you to develop breathing and reveal additional capabilities of the speech apparatus. For this, songs, tongue twisters, different levels of intonation, etc. are used.
  • Basic theatrical culture. Children have the opportunity to get acquainted with the basic terms and concepts of theatrical art. They receive knowledge about the basics of acting, and also learn the rules of the culture of the viewer.
  • Acquaintance with specific plays, tales, fairy tales, etc. This allows not only to develop the skills of acting with imaginary objects, but also contributes to the overall intellectual development of the child.

The complexity and simultaneous use of these areas is an undeniable advantage that the theater group has. Planning plays a very important role here, since the effectiveness of the entire process will depend on it.

Planning Tasks

To ensure maximum efficiency, special attention must be paid to the preparation procedure. The plan of the theater circle provides for the solution of the following tasks:

  • The development of sensitivity.
  • Improving memory, observation, attention, thinking and speed of reaction.
  • Develop independence.
  • Improving the natural creative abilities of a particular child.
  • Developing the ability to control one's own body.
  • Type activation.
  • Expanding the general knowledge of children.
  • Teaching naturalness on stage.
  • The aggravation of children's ideas about the theater, its types, etc.
  • Expanding the child's vocabulary.
  • Improving myological and dialogic speech.

In addition, the theater group also contributes to the education of respect for work, the formation of ideas about honesty, justice, kindness, etc.

Child skills and abilities

In the process of rehearsals and theatrical-playing activity, the following skills are formed in children:

  • Be able to move in a given rhythm, as well as arbitrarily compress or decompress certain muscle groups.
  • Be able to improvise in any situation.
  • Good command of your speech apparatus.
  • Quickly compose a monologue or dialogue with a partner.
  • Be able to create a specific image or character.

In addition, children learn to work in pairs and teams, as well as to resolve a variety of conflict situations.

What influences the choice of theatrical circle?

To achieve the maximum result for the child, you need to choose a theater group, taking into account the following factors:

  • Experience of teachers. Only experienced teachers with the appropriate education will be able to help each child.
  • Discoveries and a humane approach to productions. During the game, the child should feel comfortable and safe.
  • Duration of training. The result of the process directly depends on how much time will be devoted to preparation and rehearsals. It is best to work three times a week.
  • It is also important to have a convenient schedule. Classes should be held in convenient places and in small groups. This will give each child the maximum amount of time.

The theater club is a great option for extracurricular activities. Reviews say that such an activity develops the personality of the child, allows him to try on unusual roles, gives new skills and abilities. Rehearsals and preparation for performances teach children to communicate, work in groups and pairs, improvise and be natural in any situation.


When choosing a name for a theater group, be guided by the age of its participants. It would be appropriate to call the children's team (up to 14 years old) one of the names of fairy-tale heroes (“Cipollino”, “Piero”, “Ole Lukoye”). Young theater-goers and aged circle members may not be against Hamlet, Don Quixote, or even Le Figaro. Do not use the names of characters in books and films whose authors are in good health without their written permission (which is sometimes very problematic due to various legal subtleties, material costs, or, for example, a language barrier).

Think about who will come to your performances. If you plan to perform mainly in front of, then the name of your theater group should be clear to the kids, causing them positive emotions. For example, "Merry Carlson", "Pinocchio and Company", "Sisters and Brothers Grimm". However, the teenage and youth audience is quite picky. In this case, you do not need to choose too pretentious name. And at the same time, it can be unusual and even shocking. For example, “We are together”, “Light and performance”, “Steps behind the stage”.

Take as a basis the future repertoire. So, if you are going to stage sketches, reprises, parody plays, then it is possible that you will like the following titles: “Jester with us”, “Regulars”, “Puppet show”, “Domino”. If you are going to focus on serious dramatic works, then the name of the circle should be appropriate: “Sphere”, “Mirror”, “Theme”, “Situation”, etc.

Choose the names associated with the audience and circle members with the theater, namely: - the names of the genres ("Drama", "Reprise", "Miniature", "Intermedia"); - the names of the structural units of the works ("Phenomena", "Prologue", "Exposition"); - terms associated with the work on the production and design of the stage ("Mise en Scene", "Props", "Decoration"); - terms associated with the arrangement of the stage and the auditorium ("Ramp", "Scenes", "Gallery", "Parterre").

Decide if it would be appropriate to name the theater group after famous playwrights or their plays. On the one hand, this means that you strive to meet a given level. But on the other hand, it may seem too pretentious, especially if the performances are not successful.

Don't choose names that are too long and try to avoid quality adjectives (big, small, beautiful, beautiful, new, old, funny, sad, etc.). Or at least use them in such a way that the resulting phrase has at least something to do with art. For example, "New Age", "Small Hall", "Sad Image".


  • name of the children's group

Opening a children's center is a good deed, and a profitable one at that. The range of services provided by such centers is quite large - education, medical services, entertainment and much more. But no matter what your childcare center will be doing, it needs a good name.


Start from the type of activity of your center. If this is an entertainment center with all kinds of slot machines, then the name should be conducive to active games and fun. If this is a child development center, then nothing sharp and annoying is needed. It is better to thematically associate the name with training and education. You can use Latin roots, but only well-known ones, so that no one has to go into dictionaries for decoding. If this is a sports center, then the name needs to be active and energetic. Do not forget about the age of the children your center is designed for. For the age category from 3 to 7 years, one name is needed, and from 7 to 18 - another. It is unlikely that sixteen-year-olds will like to visit a center called "Baby".

Avoid stamps. "Sun", "Cloud", "Asterisk", "Chamomile" - all this is a long-passed stage, moreover, too boring.

Turn to children's cartoons and books for help. Favorite fairy tale characters can also give a name to your center. Just be careful with copyrights and do not forget about relevance - a cartoon that is popular now will not necessarily retain its position in five years, and it will be expensive to rename the center later.

When you sketch out several options for names, conduct their phonosemantic analysis, that is, identify what associations people have with these words. Depending on what effect you want to make with your name, you can choose from all the best.

Related videos


  • Phonosemantic analysis of words

Children deserve all the best, fun and interesting. In clubs where the child spends his leisure time, plays or learns something, there is a joyful atmosphere and bright colors. The sign meets the kids at the very entrance to this magical place, so the name, together with the picture, will leave the very first impression on children and their parents.


You can go the beaten path and name the club: Sunny, Druzhba, Rastishka, Antoshka, Bell, Firefly, Snow White, Cheburashka, Brook. But there are already many such names, and the very idea embodied in the word should show your imagination and originality. Focus on - hardly any of the proposed is suitable for 10-13 year old kids.

Toddlers love acquaintances with a positive meaning. They like fairy tales that end well and have funny characters. Small children will be happy to visit the club with the name: Kolobok, Teremok, Golden Key, Zaikin's hut. Choose a few sonorous names and invite parents to vote for their favorite. Kids can be offended if they choose not what they wanted, so it’s better not to involve them in solving such issues yet.

The art of puppet theater originated in ancient times and has always attracted the attention of spectators, especially children. Here, in a simple and uncomplicated form, the most important things can be told: friendship, love, mutual understanding, betrayal and many others. As a rule, puppet theater is quite easy to do with your own hands. In some families, there is even a tradition of amateur puppet theater, where the roles are voiced by relatives-puppeteers: grandfathers, grandmothers, fathers, mothers and the children themselves.

But often an original theater also wants to be called somehow, so that it stands out from the others. By following some of the tips suggested in this article, you can make searching for a name much easier.

  • The easiest way is to name well-known puppet plays after the heroes: Pinocchio, Harlequin, Malvina, Papa Carlo. There are, in fact, a great many options. It remains only to choose a name that does not coincide with the puppet theaters already familiar to the audience.
  • Another method is connection with the plot. For example, "Papa Carlo's Closet", "Golden Key", "Field of Miracles". And this is just from one fairy tale, and there are quite a lot of them.
  • An interesting name, for example, "Wooden House". In case the body of the stage for puppets is made of wood. Then it will be especially important.
  • If you will show plays "on the topic of the day", you can name accordingly. "Satirical stage", "Theater of honor and conscience", for example.
  • If the theater is designed to show plays in the circle of friends and family, then you can call it: "Family Theater", "Theatre of Friends".

How to behave in the theater, read the article

Valentina Kosheleva
The program of the theater circle in the kindergarten "Young Artists" (for children 6-7 years old)

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten"Brook"

The program of the theater circle in kindergarten

« Young artists»

(for children 6-7 years old)

MBDOU d / s "Brook"

caregiver: Kosheleva V.V.

Tokarevka 2014

Explanatory note

The expressiveness of speech develops throughout the preschool age: from involuntary emotional in babies to intonation speech children middle group and to the linguistic expressiveness of speech in children senior preschool age.

For the development of the expressive side of speech, it is necessary to create such conditions in which each child could express his emotions, feelings, desires and views, not only in ordinary conversation, but also publicly without being embarrassed by the presence of outsiders. This can be of great help theatrical games.

educational opportunities theatrical activities are wide. By participating in it, children get acquainted with surrounding the world in all its diversity through images, colors, sounds, and skillfully posed questions make them think, analyze, draw conclusions and generalizations. In the process of working on the expressiveness of replicas, characters, and one's own statements, the child's vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of his speech and its intonational structure are improved.

Theatrical games develop the emotional sphere of the child, allow you to form a social and moral orientation (friendship, kindness, honesty, courage, etc., liberate.

In this way, theatrical activities help to develop the child comprehensively.

Target: the formation of the child's creative personality by means theatrical activities.


Form and activate cognitive interest children;

Improve attention, memory;

Promote emancipation children;

Develop creativity and communication skills;

Foster a culture of behavior theater.

Develop musical ear.

Expected Result:

Children show cognitive interest, creative abilities;

Children are friendly, sociable, sincere;

Show creativity in a variety of ways theater using acting skills.

Criteria for evaluation: dramatization of fairy tales, photos, videos

Forms of work: individual, group.

Forms of conducting classes: games, dramatizations, performances.

Schedule of classes: once a week, duration - 30 minutes.

Compound Cup:

1. Vanya Avdyukhov

2. Aparin Ilyusha

3. Arakelyan Seyran

4. Klinkov Maxim

5. Povalyaeva Vika

6. Kirill Chubarov

7. Shmeleva Dasha

8. Yakovleva Angelina

Prospective planning of classes for the year

Month Name of the play Software

tasks Practical


September Set children Selection of repertoire

October "A bag of apples" To promote the development of interest in the performing arts.

To promote the development of attention, observation, speed of reaction, memory.

To promote the development of a sense of truth and belief in fiction.

To form interest in the chosen repertoire Distribution of roles, learning words, rehearsals, Performance at the matinee.

November "Under the Mushroom"

To promote the development of interest in acting; form memory; activate communication skills

December "Like a dog looking for a friend" To promote emancipation; promote the development of musical ear; develop discipline and responsibility. Distribution of roles, learning words, rehearsals.

January "Goat and goats" To promote the development of creative abilities and communication skills; Cultivate a culture of behavior. Distribution

roles, learning words, rehearsals in theater.

Develop musical ear;

Promote emancipation children. Distribution of roles, learning words, rehearsals

February "Three Bears" Develop imagination, fantasy children to give children the opportunity to show their abilities.

To form interest in this fairy tale; promote the activation of speech; express your opinion about the characters.

Build skill and desire children independently choose a role for himself and explain why he chose this role

roles, learning words, rehearsals

March "Thumbelina" To promote the development of acting skills; creative abilities; the ability to convey the characteristic qualities of the role of facial expressions, voice, gestures.

Generate positive emotions from the game theater, to form a desire to give joy around with their game

Distribution of roles, learning words, rehearsals.

April "Teremok" To promote the development of creative abilities and communication skills;

Foster a culture of behavior theater.

Develop musical ear;

Promote emancipation Distribution

roles, learning words, rehearsals

May "Briefcase" To contribute to the development of the ability to convey the character of the character by voice; improve techniques; to form a desire to bring joy to children of younger groups. Distribution of roles, learning words, rehearsals, performance

at the graduation party.

Methodological support: teaching kits - audio CDs, puppet theaters, dolls, desktop and finger theater and. etc.


1. « Theatrical classes in kindergarten» M. D. Makhaneva.

2. « Theatrical activity in kindergarten» A. V. Shchetkin

4. "Psycho-gymnastics" M. Chistyakova

5. « theater of the possible» A. Burenina

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