Drawings for modular paintings. Do-it-yourself modular paintings

AT modern sphere gained great popularity Modular pictures. This fact has a rationale, because from year to year people want to be distinguished by their individuality, to create a comfortable environment around themselves, acquiring beautiful ones for their homes, including paintings. In this article, we will talk about them and how to hang a modular picture on the wall.

What is a modular picture?

Otherwise, such works of art are called segmented. They consist of parts that are united by a single theme. The elements are not fastened together, they are placed on the wall at a distance from each other. The picture is framed with a standard frame or baguette. At the ends, the pattern continues, due to which the canvas looks more voluminous. The picture looks different from different angles.

Diptych, triptych and polyptych - the name of modular paintings, which, respectively, consist of two, three, five or more elements. The name came from Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek painters created huge partial paintings, consisting of several segments.

In the process of creating a diptych, triptych or polyptych, one drawing is divided into parts of different or equal sizes. Then, as a result of the connection, one image is formed on the wall. And how to hang a modular picture, we will tell further.

Of course, before you hang a picture on the wall, you need to choose the most suitable place. Responsibly, you must approach this stage. A well-chosen place contributes to the correct perception of the image and harmonious combination with the interior of the room.

It is enough to listen to the following tips:

  • A picture with a vertical pattern is best hung on the main wall to visually enlarge it, but horizontal images visually expand the wall.
  • Large segmented paintings are not suitable for a living room or hall; they do not fit well into a densely furnished interior.
  • Lighting is important. If you are dealing with oil painting, then it is better to hang it in a darkened room to avoid the rapid aging of paints.
  • The picture is hung on the wall 1.5 meters from the floor.

How to determine the sequence?

So, you have chosen and bought a beautiful canvas, but you just can’t decide on the sequence and method of how to hang a modular picture. To begin with, we select the central segment, which is attached, of course, first.

A diptych or two-part painting is easy to hang. It will not be difficult for you to define the main module. Things are more complicated with the triptych. In this case, the center will be the middle segment. In a polyptych or a painting of 5 or more modules, any segment can be the central part. Having chosen the main module, you need to attach it to the wall and put marks corresponding to the corners of the picture.

It is important to keep straight horizontal line, otherwise the whole canvas will hang at an angle. The indent between the parts of the picture should be within 2-4 cm.

Fixing a polyptych

How to hang a 5 piece modular painting? There is an algorithm for sequential actions, and it is as follows:

  1. Definition of the central part and its fixation. Most often, the main module is large.
  2. Fixation of the sides. They must be placed parallel to the central module. The gap between the parts should not exceed 4 cm.

It is difficult for one person to understand the segments and understand how to hang a modular picture. It's better to do it together.

We place a diptych

A modular picture is characterized by several parts that make up one image. Now we will talk about how to hang a 2-part modular picture, or a diptych. Of course, you first need to determine the location.

Here are a few features of the placement:

  1. The first segment is placed at a distance of 2-4 cm from the second.
  2. The parallel must be clearly observed.
  3. If any segment needs to be shifted, then it is better to make measurements and notes in advance.
  4. It is better to hang a picture 1.5 meters from the floor.

How to arrange the triptych?

A triptych is a triple painting. Often it is represented by a large central part and two smaller sidewalls. Although sometimes there are identical segments. So, how to hang a 3-piece modular painting? First, let's answer the question about the origin of the name.

AT Ancient Rome A triptych was a tablet meant for writing. Accordingly, these tablets consisted of 3 parts.

Arrange the triple canvas in three ways:

  • vertical arrangement will visually stretch the wall;
  • horizontally, which visually enlarges the room;
  • diagonally, the picture can be hung on a flight of stairs.

Not a single nail

Often people strive to realize their creative ideas by furnishing the premises. For example, a person buys a segmented canvas and is wondering how to hang a 4-piece modular painting in a hurry and without tools. And there are several methods that simplify the process of placing the canvas on the wall.

So the methods include:

  • use of staples;
  • needles and hooks;
  • fixing with adhesive tape;
  • assistance of the Common system;
  • usage liquid nails or glue.


So, how to hang a modular picture without nails? You can use staples. On the wall, draw a straight line the size of a paper clip in the place where the picture should hang. We make an incision along the line, then we make a small longitudinal incision in the center. We bend the edges of the wallpaper a little and pry with a knife so that they move away from the wall. Get a pocket.

Next, unfold the paper clip, as if it were holding a stack of paper. We press one end to the wall, and the other becomes a hook. We fill the cross made in the wall with glue, press the long part of the paper clip to it and press it with wallpaper.

After the glue has completely dried, you can hang the canvas. If you want to speed up the drying process, then it is better to buy instant glue.

Clothes hook

If there are no paper clips in the house, then there is another simple way. A clothes hook can come in handy in this matter.

We make an incision in the wallpaper and tear it off the wall slightly. Fill the cavity with glue and press the hook. We are waiting for complete drying.

This method resembles the first, in this case the hook is able to withstand small paintings.

We use adhesive tape

Regular tape can solve many problems. This is a great business item. So, for example, how to hang a 5-piece modular painting with tape?

For this, it is advisable to buy adhesive tape sold in a car dealership where spare parts are available. Scotch tape looks like thin foam rubber. A place for a picture is measured on the wall. We glue one piece of adhesive tape on the wall, and the second on the picture and fasten it together.

command system

AT modern world there are special assistants - systems for attaching photos, posters and paintings to the wall. This method is quite simple.

The suspension system is easy to stick on and just as easy to remove from surfaces. A clear instruction on the sequence of actions is attached to the system.

Liquid Nails

This method is more traumatic for the walls. When the owner gets tired of the painting, the wall will be dismantled. But it is worth noting that liquid nails can withstand the heaviest canvases.

In the place where the picture will hang, we put a mark. On the reverse side we apply liquid nails around the perimeter of the canvas. We press the picture in the wall and wait. After 5 minutes, the canvas will be tightly fixed.

People are constantly striving to improve their homes and apartments. More recently, the main attribute in the house was the carpet. And now people are increasingly choosing modular paintings, photographs and posters.

AT Everyone wants to have a cozy home. What, if not modular paintings can best decorate your home? Modular paintings fit perfectly into any interior, into any room. Today you will learn how to make them yourself. We create masterpieces of modular paintings with our own hands.

Create modular paintings for your home with your own hands. How to do it? We will talk about a few very interesting techniques. And you decide what you like more.

First of all, you need to decide what modular paintings are. These are composite paintings, consisting of 2 or 3 separate elements. All together form a complete drawing.

Modular paintings - draw a picture yourself

Have you ever thought that you can draw real pictures with your own hands? Not? But in vain! Now there are such sets of host, paints and brushes, with which you yourself can make full pictures. These magic brushes and paints make any person a real artist. Are you wondering how?

There is a transparent drawing with numbers on the canvas. You need to paint with brushes and paints this drawing with the corresponding colors by numbers. This is how modular paintings are created by numbers. In fact, this is a coloring with paints for adults.

Photo of modular paintings by numbers - how to make paintings with your own hands

This is what painting by numbers looks like. So with the help of brushes and paints they turn into beautiful pictures. Sold in stores ready-made kits various sizes and with the most different drawings. Meet various subjects: modular paintings for children's rooms, modular paintings with nature, people, fruits, still lifes and, of course, modular paintings with flowers.

All photos of modular paintings that you see on our website are in.

Modular pictures with rhinestones

Another very popular topic that is only gaining momentum in our country is paintings with rhinestones, or they are also called diamond embroidery. Pictures of unreal beauty with rhinestones shimmer with bright edges. This is an incredible decoration for your home. And the best thing is that you can create all this with your own hands. Modular pictures with rhinestones!

Complete kits for creating modular paintings with rhinestones with your own hands can also be found in stores. Kits for creating modular paintings with rhinestones with your own hands have everything you need. Glue, rhinestones, charts, canvas, tweezers, etc. The meaning of creating such modular paintings with your own hands is the same as drawing by numbers. According to the scheme, you need to substitute and glue the necessary rhinestones.

There are two kinds of modular paintings with rhinestones. Rhinestones 3D and 5D. All these sets are in .

This is just a small part of the modular paintings that you can make with your own hands. There are many more motifs and pictures for your interior. We wish you great creativity and a cozy home.

With love, Editorial YavMode.ru

Model paintings are a fashionable decoration for any interior. Essentially, they are reproductions of paintings. famous artists, good photos, even children's drawings, which are divided into several segments and hung on the wall.

Most often, conceptual works are used as the basis for a modular picture. contemporary artists. However, if you divide the reproduction into several rectangular parts, you get an interesting artistic accent, emphasizing the “as it were” ancient interior in dark colors. Modern Art what does not unite into a single whole.

A modular picture can consist of several rectangles with fragments of one canvas with one plot. Sometimes photographers make up a modular picture of several shots of the same type, imitating a consistent "movement".

In addition to rectangular segments, you can divide the base into squares, wavy fragments, trapezoids and even triangles. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the work is best perceived, divided precisely into rectangles. Such work optically emphasizes the vertical space, and the artistic accent depends only on the taste of the owner of the house.

Prices for modular paintings

You can order a modular painting on the Internet, buy it in special stores, and also make it yourself, since it is not at all difficult. The finished modular picture will cost approximately 5,000 rubles. This is the average price for a medium-sized job.

If you decide to make an interior decoration yourself and to your liking, then everything will be much cheaper.

First, you can use for modular painting pieces cardboard box from under the TV, refrigerator or other household appliances. Choose the basis - reproduction famous painting, photograph, own drawing and carefully stick to the base. Then you cut it into segments, reinforce each segment (with a second layer of cardboard, corners, etc.) and fix each segment separately on the wall.

To make the work look more professional, it makes sense to purchase a ready-made basis for a modular picture in the store. In this case, the basis for the segments will be frame with stretched canvas . In this case, you can do different things: create a work yourself (draw something using paints that are in harmony with the interior, or, on the contrary, contrast sharply with it), or you can fix the segments separately on the basis (in the case of a photograph).

If the interior allows, you can buy a print of an old engraving. Many use beautiful pictures from the network, ordering their printout in large format.

Modular art gives unlimited space for the creativity of any, even the most inexperienced artist and designer.

2016-01-14 301


It is impossible to imagine a cozy home without. Figurines and vases with flowers, souvenirs from trips and travels, photographs and - all these items can transform the interior, bring a warm and friendly atmosphere. Pictures have been decorating the walls of apartments and houses for many centuries.

What are modular paintings?

A new look at traditional art has become segmented paintings, where a single canvas is divided into several parts. This approach allows you to create an unusual image that can be perceived differently each time. Modular paintings in the interior are an amazing mixture centuries old traditions and the latest trends. Models are considered the most valuable, oil painting. However, modular paintings made in a printing house by printing method are also noteworthy.

The undoubted advantage of this decor element is that it is not very difficult to make modular paintings with your own hands. We will talk about how to make a modular picture with your own hands from available materials below. But first you need to decide on the format and type of product.

Types and schemes of modular paintings

The variety of options will amaze even the most sophisticated art lover. Models vary in size and forms direction and, of course, content. But the main difference is number of parts. A diptych has only two segments, a triptych has three, a pentaptych has five, and a polyptych has six or more. Do not chase the number of segments, in any case, they should all be only components of a single pattern.

If you do not know how to hang a modular picture, then refer to the drawing. Individual segments should form a single pattern. But do not forget that between the elements must be saved a gap of 1.5 - 2 centimeters. In order not to be mistaken in how to fix modular paintings, you need to consider each specific model.

How to choose a modular painting?

Each room has its own characteristics, its own tasks and goals. Right choice decorative elements will emphasize all the advantages of the room and minimize the disadvantages.

Living room

An ideal room for experiments and the use of bright and rich colors. Designers advise choosing the size of the segments in accordance with the area of ​​​​the room. So, for example, small elements can "get lost" on a large empty wall. At the same time, large segments will look ridiculous in small apartment. Look great modular pictures above the sofa.


The picture for this room should be selected carefully, weighing all the pros and cons. Give preference tranquil scenery or abstract images. They will allow you to escape from worries, relieve stress and sleep peacefully. It is best to choose an image so that the primary colors intersect with the palette used to decorate the bedroom. Thus, you can achieve complete harmony and include a modular picture in the interior.


Do not overload the children's room bright colors. If there are enough of them in the decoration of the room, then it is better to choose a picture in one scale. The baby will be interested figurines of familiar animals, but abstract patterns are best avoided.

If a teenager lives in the room, then invite him to make his own choice. On the canvas may be a favorite movie actor, musician or athlete. Another interesting option- create composition from own photos.


For the hallway, designers are advised to choose maximum simple images . This is due to the fact that people rarely linger in this room. The owners and their guests simply will not have the opportunity to carefully examine the picture with an interesting abstract pattern. Remember that the hallway sets the tone for the entire interior of the apartment, so the drawing should emphasize the chosen style.


Juicy, bright and stylish - this is the perfect combination for the kitchen. You may not be afraid of experiments, but still the image should be combined with the interior of the room. Modular paintings for the kitchen are best place on free wall. If there is not a lot of space, then it is better to abandon the decor and give preference to more functional shelves.

How to make a modular painting with your own hands: step by step instructions

if you have free time and the desire to decorate your home with an exclusive item, then pay attention to the modular picture. The amount of work is not very large, and the result will certainly please you.

Do you want to learn how to make a modular painting with your own hands? Follow our step by step instructions.

In this way, you can make modular paintings with your own hands from photo wallpapers, fabric and pre-prepared printed images. If you know how to draw, then you can fix a regular canvas on the frame. In this case, the drawing is applied to it at the very last stage.

It will help to create interesting and spectacular modular video pictures Master Class.

Modular paintings in the interior: photo

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of decorative elements in the interior. It is best to mount modular paintings on a wall free of furniture. Choose images that emphasize the stylistic orientation and complement the atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

Modular was invented by the ancient Greeks. It was they who first created and began to decorate the walls with images divided into several canvases. At the same time, they are all united by one plot, style, color and composition.

Today, modular paintings are a single image, divided into several canvases. They are placed side by side on the wall, leaving a free distance of 1-2 cm between the canvases. So the picture looks more voluminous and more original than a monolithic image.

Attention! Modular paintings should not be framed so that the image fits well.

The most expensive are modular oil paintings. But today they are easily replaced by decorative images made using typographic printing. But you don't have to spend money on them either. After all, you can make modular paintings with your own hands. This will require auxiliary tools and perseverance.

How to make a modular picture from photo wallpaper

Modular paintings can be made on different bases, depending on the preferences of the person and the requirements of the interior. So with wooden dies, the images will be more accurate. If more voluminous is required, foam should be used.

What you need to create a modular picture:

  • photo wallpaper;
  • Styrofoam;
  • cardboard;
  • colored or white paper;

  • PVA glue;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • stationery knife.
  1. Choose a photo wallpaper, outline and cut out a fragment of the desired size of a square or rectangular shape.
  2. Cut the cut fragment vertically into several more parts. It is best to divide the picture into 3-5 fragments.
  3. Take a foam plate, measure the rectangles on it corresponding to the fragments of the picture, cut them out with a clerical knife and sand the edges.
  4. Glue the parts of the picture onto the foam plates with PVA glue.
  5. Glue the sides with paper of the corresponding color.
  6. At the back, with the help of threads and cardboard, make eyelets for attaching pictures to the wall.

Advice. Instead of foam, you can use plywood, chipboard, thick cardboard. But if you did not find the desired wallpaper, you can choose a suitable image on the Internet and print it on a special printer.

How to choose modular paintings for different rooms

It is important not only to make a picture that is not inferior in quality to the purchased decor, but also to choose an image that matches a particular room.

  • Hallway. If the dimensions of the hallway allow you to hang a picture here, it is better to choose simple images with a minimum small parts. At the same time, the picture here should set the tone for the entire home interior.
  • Living room. Here you need to use bright and rich colors. It is important to consider the size of the room. On a large wall, small paintings will get lost and look like indistinct spots. And vice versa, big picture in a small room will visually narrow the space even more. Best of all, modular paintings in the living room will look over the sofa or armchairs.

  • Kitchen. The modular picture in the kitchen should be bright, juicy. At the same time, it should be well combined with the interior and not overload it. It is best to hang such pictures above the dining table.
  • Bedroom. Here you need to be very careful, because this room is designed for rest and relaxation. Therefore, it is better to hang modular paintings with a calm landscape here. You can also hang an abstract image in pastel colors. In any case, the color scheme should match the overall design concept of the bedroom. If we are talking about the bedroom of the newlyweds, here you can make and hang modular paintings assembled from the wedding photos of the couple.
  • Children's room. It would seem that in the nursery everything should be bright and cheerful. But paintings with a too catchy print will “overload” the interior of the room, where there are already enough bright toys. Best of all, pictures with the image of animals will look here.

Advice. If the room does not live Small child, as a teenager, you can create a modular picture with him. And depict on it a photo of his favorite group or even him and his friends.

Despite the fact that the first modular paintings appeared many centuries ago, they still decorate the walls of houses and apartments. Today they look modern and stylish. BUT simple master classes will save money on their purchase, and create just such an element of decor that will suit each specific interior.

Do-it-yourself modular painting: video

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