Drawings of hands in different poses. How to draw a brush with a pencil step by step

Hands: the basics

Search for joints

Essentially, there is an invisible line that runs through the middle finger and through the center of the wrist. It should be perpendicular to a horizontal line across the wrist.

At the intersection of the lines, a circle is drawn, around which the hand rotates freely.

Depending on the person's hand, the position of the joints on the fingers also varies. However, to give an idea of ​​where the joints should be, you can draw two curved lines coming out of the thumbnail. If you add wrinkles in these places, the hands will look very natural.

moving parts

Now we will look at how the hand moves. Once you understand these basics, you will be able to draw realistic hands.

Each area of ​​the hand will be marked with a color, which will correspond to text of the same color.

Inner side

This area moves towards itself, along with four fingers.

Outer side

This area is not moving - this is very important to remember.

This area moves with the thumb towards the inside of the palm.

This area moves with the little finger, however, the movement is small.

hand drawing

Let's draw the outline of the hand in the shape of an egg. The top of the egg will be the end of the middle finger. Next, draw the continuation of the hand, wrist and circle inside.

Now we outline where the thumb, palm and four fingers will be. For convenience, you can draw a vertical line through the center of the palm.

Notice how the fingers are connected and how they move.

Make the outline smooth and erase the auxiliary lines.

The size and shape of the hand differs from person to person: wide palm, narrow palm, long fingers, short fingers. This list can be continued - therefore, there are rules in proportions when drawing a hand.

Basically, the length of the hands is approximately equal to the length of the middle finger doubled.

The middle finger is usually the longest. The index and ring fingers are approximately equal, but sometimes the ring finger is longer. The little finger reaches the top joint of the ring finger.

In order to understand how the muscles and skin move, consider the diagram of the bones of the hand.

Note that the bones of the index, middle, ring, and little fingers are mostly connected, which means they cannot move far apart. The thumb has a much wider range of motion.

There is a big difference between the male and female hand. The human hand looks more masculine if it is given a more angular shape, and more feminine if it is given a soft roundness.

On average, the nail is about half the length from the tip of the finger to the first joint.

Female nails are drawn more elongated and rounded, while male nails are more square and angular.

Let's draw a circle that will match the basic shape of the fist. Then add the lines of the thumb and wrist.

If you find it difficult to imagine where the thumb will be, just make a fist with your hand and take a closer look at the position.

The back and top of the hand does not move, so you just need to pay attention to how the fingers are connected. We mark the upper part of the hand and four fingers, as a rule, the same width.

As for the shadow, you can add it to create more realistic depth.

However, how detailed you will draw the hand is up to you. Find your style that works best for you!

Various drawing options fist

This picture shows a hand clenched into a fist from the outside. The index finger is much higher than all the others.

In this drawing, three fingers are pressed to the palm, the thumb is pushed back, and the index finger points to a point.

Please note that with the help of shadows and wrinkles, the index finger looks voluminous. The same applies to the fist, despite the fact that only some phalanges are drawn for three fingers, a volume effect is created.

This picture shows a hand clenched into a fist from the inside. The index finger is also higher than all the others.

There are various ways to place wrinkles and shadows in order to create the effect of fist volume.

Movement from an open hand to clenching it into a fist.

If you still find it difficult to draw fingers, imagine them as cylindrical elements that connect with each other to form fingers.

However, sometimes it is necessary to slightly distort the fingers to give more depth.

For example, in the image, you see the index finger curved in an unnatural way, but it looks much more realistic than a direct appeal.

How to draw a hand with a pencil step by step

Step one.

Step two.

Step three.

Step four.

Step five.

1. Marking the contour of the hand

Indeed, if you need to draw a hand on the entire sheet of paper, then it is easier to outline the outline of your hand, and then, using some of the tips from this lesson, just add details.
If you need to draw a hand on a reduced scale, then first put two points for the wrist and five points for the fingers.
Please note that not the index, but the middle finger on the hand is the longest.

2. Straight contour lines of the fingers

The length of the fingers is different. They say musicians have very long fingers. Among the nobles, long and refined fingers emphasized aristocratic origin. Maybe, but we will draw a regular hand, so divide the segment where the little finger will be in half, and draw a line from it, parallel to the points outlined earlier.
For the thumb, draw a rectangular outline.

3. Draw the real contours of the fingers of the hand

At this stage, you only need to trace the straight contours of the fingers with a pencil and give them real shapes. Perhaps these preliminary contours will be inaccurate, then the shape of each finger can be refined separately.

4. General contour line of the hand

At this step, you can correct the contours of the fingers. Make a deeper "angle" for the thumb, but you can leave the original outline, at your discretion.
Make a markup of the phalanxes and remove extra contour lines from the drawing.

5. The hand drawing is almost finished

First of all, draw the fingernails on the hand. Highlight the joints of the fingers with a few strokes and you can say that the drawing of the hand is finished. It remains only to draw a few details in the next step.

6. How to draw a hand. Shadows

In humans, the knuckles of the hands have "wrinkles" or folds that stretch when the fingers are squeezed, make these areas darker. There is an area between the fingers that also needs to be highlighted. To make the hand look voluminous in the figure, you can make some of the contour lines darker and thicker. In this case, choose from which side you will have a light source.

It may seem that drawing a hand is not difficult at all. Try to draw, and then compare your hand with the resulting drawing.


The most important fact is that the hands are concave on the side of the palm and convex on the back. The bulges are so arranged around the circumference of the palm that you can even hold liquid in it. The hand served the primitive man as a cup, and by placing two palms together in the shape of a cup, he was able to eat food that he could not hold with his fingers alone. The large muscle of the thumb is one of the most important in the hand. This muscle, in interaction with the muscles of other fingers, provides a grip so strong that it allows you to keep your own weight in a suspended state. This powerful muscle can hold a club, a bow, a spear. We can say that the existence of animals depends on their jaw muscles, and the existence of man depends on his hands.

It is worth paying attention to the powerful tendon attached to the base of the hand and how the tendons of the fingers are grouped on the back of the hand. These tendons can control both all fingers together, and each individually. The muscles that pull these tendons are located on the forearm. Luckily for the artist, the tendons are mostly hidden from view. In children and young people, the tendons on the back of the hand are not visible, but become more visible with age.

The bones and tendons on the back of the hand are close to the surface, but those around the palm and fingers inside are hidden from view. There is a pad at the base of each finger. It protects the bones lying inside and creates a grip with the object being held.

Proportions of the hand

The next important thing is the crooked placement of the fingertips and knuckles. Two fingers lie on either side of a line drawn through the middle of the palm. The tendon of the middle finger bisects the back of the hand. Also important is the fact that the thumb moves at right angles to the movement of the other fingers. The knuckles are located slightly in front of the folds below them on the inside of the palm. Pay attention to the curves along which the knuckles are located and that the curve gets steeper the closer the knuckles are to the fingertips.

The middle finger is the key finger that determines the length of the palm. The length of this finger to the joint is slightly more than half the length of the palm. The width of the palm is slightly more than half of its length on the inside. The index finger is almost on the same level with the base of the nail of the middle finger. The ring finger is almost the same length as the index finger. The tip of the little finger is almost on the same level with the last joint of the ring finger.

The figure shows how to correctly determine the position of the palm cavity. Also note the curve of the back of the hand. Hands will not look natural, capable of grasping until the artist has mastered these details. The hands in the figure are depicted as if they were holding some kind of object. The loud sound of applause is produced by a sharp compression of air between the hollows of the two palms. Poorly drawn hands will look incapable of applauding.

Women's hands

Women's hands differ from men's mainly in that they have smaller bones, less pronounced muscles and a large roundness of the planes. If the middle finger is made at least half the length of the palm, the hand will be more graceful and feminine. Long fingers, oval in shape, add charm.

Man's hands

babies hands

Children's hands are in themselves a good drawing exercise. The main difference from adult hands is that the palm is much thicker compared to small fingers. The muscles of the thumb and the base of the palm are very voluminous, even small children can support their own weight. The knuckles on the back of the hand are hidden by the flesh and visible through the dimples. The base of the palm is completely surrounded by folds; it is much thicker than the pads under the fingers.

Hands of children and teenagers

The proportions are basically the same. At the age of elementary school, the difference between the hand of a boy and a girl is small, but in adolescence there are big changes. The boy's arm is larger and stronger, showing the development of bones and muscles. Girls' bones remain smaller, so they never develop as big knuckles as boys. The base of the palms also develops more in boys, in girls it is much softer and smoother. In boys, the nails, as well as the fingers, are slightly wider.

Children's hands are a cross between the hands of a baby and the hands of a teenager. This means that the muscles of the thumb and the base of the palm are proportionately thicker than in an adult, but thinner in comparison to the fingers than in an infant. Fingers in relation to the palm are the same as in adults. The arm as a whole is smaller, slightly fuller, dimpled, and the knuckles are certainly more rounded.

Old people's hands

Having mastered the design of hands, you will enjoy drawing the hands of older people. In fact, they are easier to draw than the hands of young people, because the anatomy and construction of the hand is more noticeable. The basics of construction are still the same, but the fingers are getting thicker, the joints are bigger, the knuckles are protruding more strongly. The skin becomes wrinkled, but this wrinkling needs to be emphasized only in a close-up view.

Let's start ! Start drawing basic shapes and lines. This is useful so that you can keep the shape of the hand and the proportions of the joints.

First, let's draw on the base line of the upper and visible ending of the forearm at the level of the wrist!

Now draw the basic shape of the index finger!

And now, along the base of the thumb, the lines and shapes of it itself. The hand took shape pretty quickly.

And now draw the shape of the middle finger!

The next step is nameless. Fingers become less and less visible. But the joints line up and the proportion and beauty of the lines are noticeable.

And now your last finger in the basic form - a drawing for a small finger - the little finger! And you did everything quickly on the basic shape of the hand from the first step!

Now draw the nails on the fingers, as you can see them on your own or in the photographs.

Draw small details of the folds in the joints and skin folds. They are on both sides. The hand in a relaxed state tends to shrink.

Here are some small details that you also need to draw in order to give the drawing a realistic look/

You did it! Now you have to apply shadows and light yourself.

First, start drawing the hand with anatomical tips! We will try to refresh or replenish our knowledge about the structure of the human body. This is very useful, because most beginner artists can find their hands difficult. Well, let's start with anatomy and you will better understand the drawing of a human hand!

Here is a slightly enlarged anatomy of your fingers so you can get a better look at the bones and remember their main parts. We will always use them for the base of the hand drawing.

Maybe it doesn't seem important, but when you draw larger hands you will need help choosing the type of nails. You can choose the best ones for your character in the picture!

And here's some extra help in the picture, so you can clearly see and compare the difference for your character's age and gender!

Here are some sketches of hands that give an idea for the drawing style of realistic hands! You should start with any style based on their actual appearance.

And now the options for hands from comics or fairy-tale characters. These are just a few examples. You won't notice too much of a difference between realistic and comic or fantasy style.

In cartoon style, there are more noticeable differences from realism. It's always helpful if you look closely at that particular detail in the cartoons you watch and then you can pick a style you like and start creating your own for that part of the drawing.

If you have animal characters, then these examples will come in handy! Basically, when your animal character walks on two legs, his/her front arms or paws are more like real arms and hands, so you should draw them like human arms, only with some animal specificity and style.

And now, the last part of the preparation for drawing the hand. These are the options, angles and positions of the hands and fingers. First, let's look at simpler options and catch the basic principle for the joints and proportions of the fingers and palms. For a female hand, you can increase flexibility, and for a male, increase angularity.

Step 10

Now the drawings are somewhat more difficult, from a different point of view and angle! This is an expression of emotions, gestures accompanying words and actions.

This part of the preparation will already be really difficult, but not impossible! When you start drawing hands harder than these, you will remember with a smile. We're just looking at the tip of the iceberg in terms of bases and shapes, and will start moving towards hatching, shading and color grading and editing. And now we are just warming up!

1. You can fit several options for turning your hand at once. Mark them with a base oval and a guide line.

2. How to draw hands. Start drawing individual fingers.

3. The next step is to draw in more detail the contours.

4. Erase unnecessary lines, mark small skin folds and nails.

5. How to draw hands. With a TM pencil, shade the shadow on the brush, just try not to darken it right away.

6. The next brush is deployed a little differently. This angle can be used quite often in drawings. Outline the general shape.

7. Refine the drawing of the fingertips. How to draw a cat.

8. Draw nails with a sharpened pencil.

9. Use a soft eraser to remove all unnecessary construction lines. How to draw a dragon.

10. Feel free to proceed to the black-and-white study.

11. Now you can try to draw horizontal arms. Just like in the previous sketches, start by laying out the general shape.

12. Work out the contours of the hands in detail.

13. Using a soft pencil, you can accentuate the drawing so that it looks natural.

14. With a hard pencil, draw a shadow on the lower arm.

15. Do the same with the top.

STEP 3. anime hands
Here is a typical anime/manga hand, as it looks painted with fingers spread. When painted, you should end up with something like this.

STEP 4. anime hands
Let's start this first drawing step by drawing an inverted bell shape for the middle part of the arm. Once this is drawn, add five lines for the fingers. I've added some arrows to show you how far apart each finger should look.

Now that you've drawn the skeleton of the hand, you can add three circles on each finger. These circles will help you draw the anime/manga finger shapes. Before moving on to the next step, draw a line for the wrist.

In this sixth step we will start drawing the shape of the fingers and hand. Once that's done, let's add the shape of the right side of the wrist.

STEP 7. how to draw hands
In this step, we will simply add the lines of the joint and bones of the wrist. Once that's done, start erasing all the instructions and shapes that you've drawn in the previous steps.

this is what your hand should look like

STEP 10. draw anime hands
Start the clenched fist from the center of the square, this will help you draw the individual fingers

STEP 12. how to draw anime hands
In this next step, you will start adding lines for the fingers and knuckles. Once this is done, add the shaping line for the left side of the wrist.

STEP 14. learn to draw hands
Once you're done it should look like the one in my picture. I hope you enjoyed this lesson.

For starters, pay attention to our hands. They consist of three parts: shoulder, forearm and hand. Each of them can be depicted in the form of ovals, well, or you just need to learn how to draw a hand right away. If you depict a lowered hand, then the tips of the fingers will reach the middle of the thigh, and the elbows will be at the level of the waist.

Here we have considered a method with a simplified form of the hand, now we will improve it so that it looks more natural. When you draw the hands, don't draw them too evenly. We start from the shoulder, it has a smooth bend, near the elbow the arm narrows a little and expands again at the place where the biceps are located.
The elbow will be a little hard to draw, because it's not just a bend, it's a connection, a hinge.

Next is the brush. Imagine each of the segments as a cylinder, and now turn your hand upside down and you will see three almost identical segments on each finger. Well, because all the fingers are different in length, the pads and the folds that are between them do not line up.

Let's start drawing the hand with the knuckles of the fingers from the bones. Joint 1 is the largest of the three. The second joint is located between the two (in the middle), it is smaller and shorter than the first, but longer than the third joint - the tip of the finger. It is not possible to draw all fingers in this way, since each finger has a different length.

On top of the phalanx of the fingers, you need to draw straight lines, and from the side of the palm, rounded.

But let's not forget that the male hand is slightly different from the female. The male hand is more massive and more sinewy. There are three options for drawing a hand: Muscular, toned, and a weakling's hand.

Perhaps For sketching or to see some parts, I don’t know .:

No aspect of drawing is as difficult as . There is very little material on the subject. The biggest difficulties arise precisely with the search for suitable material. Your hands are the most excellent material available for study. Perhaps you have never seen them under the light. In most cases, people learn how to draw hands on their own. Any teacher can only point out the facts that are connected with your hands.

The study of the hands, not including the study of anatomy, mainly consists of a comparative analysis of measurements. The fingers have a certain length in relation to the palm; the space between the knuckles of the fingers is specifically proportional to the entire finger. The palm is fairly wide compared to the length. The distance between the knuckles on the back of the finger is greater than the similar distance between the folds on the back. The length of the longest finger from its tip to the third knuckle is equal to half the length of the hand from the ball of the finger to the wrist. The thumb in its length almost reaches the second joint of the first finger. The length of the palm is approximately equal to the length of the face from the chin to the hairline. You, like anyone else, can make such comparative measurements.

The most mobile part of the body, it can accommodate objects of considerable shape and weight. Such mobility complicates the work of the artist, because the hand can take a wide variety of positions. Thanks to certain technical parameters, the hands work constantly. The palm can form a kind of hollow, contracting and unclenching. When squeezing the palm, the fingers are directed inward, towards the middle of the palm. The fingers have rather hard nails, which sometimes help a lot if you need to grab something. You take the pin with your fingertips, you take the hammer using your fingers and palm. It is impossible to fully bend back the fingers due to the rigidity of the back of the hand.

This mechanism was invented by nature for pushing movements. As we know, the hand is the most perfect mechanism for performing an almost unlimited number of actions. Added to this perfect tool is the fact that, perhaps more than any other part of the body, this tool depends on the brain to work. Most hand movements occur at the subconscious level. For example, typing on a computer or typewriter, as well as playing the piano.

In a cultural sense, man began to train his hands long before he began to train his brain. A newborn begins to use his hands effectively long before he learns to think. He can grab a burning match, not yet knowing that he can get burned. The history of human progress since prehistory can be closely associated with the development of the hands.

The fact is that hand movements do not require great skill. This may be the reason why there is very little knowledge on hand drawing. Now look at your hands, you will see them differently. Note that before picking up any object, the hands automatically take on the appropriate shape. To draw a hand, first you need to take it, study its silhouette, look at its changes so that the hand fits under the silhouette. Try picking up a ball, a peach, or an apple, see what shape your fingers will take before you pick up the object. The mechanical principles of how the hands work is a very important part of drawing.

Only by knowing how the hands work can one learn how to draw hands.
The back of the hand is usually drawn in three plans: one is drawn for the thumb and for the lower knuckle of the index finger. The remaining two are for the back of the hand, grabbing the wrist. In most cases, the back of the hand is wavy, and this phenomenon is reduced to these three planes. The palm is usually presented in three blocks that surround the inner space of the palm - the vault, the thin base of the thumb, and small tubercles that are just below the fingers.

When the fingers are bent, the knuckles should be flush with the thumb, when the fingers are extended, the knuckles should not stand out. Care must be taken in aligning the nails because they are on their midline, which intersects with the midline of the finger. In other words, the nail can somehow change its position, we won't even notice it.
Continue to study your hands for the acquisition of general knowledge. Muscles are so deeply located that they are no less important than external forms.

Of the bones accessible to the eye, we are presented on the back of the hand with knuckles and carpal bones. If you involve the palm in its various activities, then the fingers join quite easily. Study the relative length of the fingers and remember that the thumb almost always runs at right angles to the rest of the fingers. Get rid of the idea that hands are hard to draw. It's just hard when you don't know how they work. Once understood, hands become charming.

Remember the very important fact that the palm is sunken and the back of the palm is convex. The tubercles on the palm are lined up so perfectly that they can even retain liquid. For an ancient man, the palm happened to be a cup. He put his two palms together so that he could eat food that he could not grasp with his fingers. The muscle of the thumb is undoubtedly the most important muscle in the palm. This muscle, together with the muscles of the other fingers, gives a person the ability to grip very strongly. Thanks to this, a person can even support his own weight. This muscle gives a person the ability to hold a bat, club, bow, spear, etc. The life of an animal directly depends on the strength of the muscles of the jaws. Man depends on his own hands.

When you have mastered the features of the structure and proportions of the hand, you can easily use this knowledge to display the specific features inherent in women's, infants', children's hands, as well as the hands of the elderly.

1. The line that bounds the palm of the hand resembles a "flattened iron" in its shape. This is the perfect shape to start brush painting. The outlines of a human brush literally amaze the imagination of beauties and the ideality of forms.

2. Drawing a line from the wrist along the BRUSH, we separate the area of ​​​​the fingers. The auxiliary organ of the hand, the thumb, is bent in relation to the rest of the fingers; without it, the hand of man would be helpless.

3. A horizontal line drawn in the middle between the base of the hand and the end of the longest finger helps to determine the position of the fingers relative to the thumb and the rest of the palm.

4. A curved line drawn above the middle line of the hand shows the base of the fingers. The little finger is the only finger whose base is below the middle line. The rest of the fingers start above this line. Distances 1 - 5 can be considered equal. The middle finger is the longest. Each finger is limited by the oval drawn at the beginning.

5. The length of the middle finger is already known to us. Fingers 1 and 3 can be the same length, but quite often finger 3 is slightly longer. The little finger (4) is shorter than the above fingers, and the thumb (5) ends slightly above the curved line of the base of the other four fingers.

6. The length of the middle finger is already known to us. Fingers 1 and 3 can be the same length, but quite often finger 3 is slightly longer. The little finger (4) is shorter than the above fingers, and the thumb (5) ends slightly above the curved line of the base of the other four fingers.

7. There is one feature at the base of the fingers: small wrinkles are bent away from the line of the fingers and go along the line of the arc depicting the base of the fingers.

8. When the hand is straightened and the thumb is placed together with the rest, the palmar wrinkle, shown in the figure above, passes into the line of the upper joint of the thumb. A fold is clearly visible at the base of the thumb, which turns into a line representing the collected skin, similar to an inverted "T".

9. Having determined the location of the joints of the fingers (Figure b), you can depict them in two lines in the first row of joints, if the hand is massive enough. The upper joints are depicted, as a rule, by single lines. If the hand is small, then the first row of joints is depicted by single lines. And on very small hands, the joints may not be visible at all.

10. If you look at the palm from behind, then the fingers will appear longer. The lines of the borders of the fingers will reach the dashes shown in the figure.

11. If you turn the straightened brush the other way around, then part of the thumb will become invisible. Areas of free skin on all joints of the fingers will become visible. They will be in the form of small ROUND areas. On the upper joints, these areas are not as clearly visible as on the rest. The protrusions of the lower joints take the form of ellipses, so the same shape and y areas of free skin over these joints. The bones and tendons of the hand are also visible in these places.

It seems that learning how to draw a human hand is the most difficult, as it can take many forms and express different emotions. Animation is no exception. You will have to learn how to draw hands from different angles in order to show them in dynamics and draw the viewer's attention to them. Don't underestimate the power of a well-drawn hand in animation - it will save your work from monotony!

What you need to know

In the comments to my courses, I was asked several times how I draw characters in different poses and with different expressions. The bottom line is that with experience you will begin to develop your own style of drawing. Unbeknownst to other people, you will have your own little tricks. These tricks are the poses and expressions that you will use much more often than others, as well as certain hairstyles and clothes that you will be able to draw best. It's pretty widespread and professional artists use this secret all the time!

However, this is very difficult to achieve in hand drawings! Let's take the head as an example. The only moving part there is the lower jaw. We can change facial expressions, but the eyes, nose, and mouth stay where they are (at least in real life!) Things are different with the hand. With any new movement of the brush, everything changes radically. In fact, in a scene with dialogue, facial expressions may barely change, but the hands will move very actively and at different angles.

The goal of this activity is to turn a human hand into a cartoon hand, so let's not waste time learning the names of the bones and muscles of the hand. (On the Tuts+ platform, by the way, you will have extensive opportunities to learn this too). We, in turn, will try to find a simplified way to draw a hand in a way that is practical and efficient.

1. Hand in its most simplified form

"Mom, hi! I'm on the Internet!"

The hand is made up of a variety of bones, especially in the fingers. This means that all fingers are of different sizes and can bend in different directions. For this reason, it is important that you learn how to draw the hand in the most simplistic way possible and be able to look at it like a small puzzle with several key pieces. Let's try to divide it into blocks:

Step 1

Let's start with the back of the hand. Let's draw a simple semicircle:

Step 2

Now let's draw a triangle that is attached to one of its sides. Like this:

Peace of mind: we don't draw a cup of tea!

Step 3

Above the triangle, draw something resembling the tip of a knife.

Step 4

It's time to draw the fingers. In mirror image, draw the first shape at the top. "Puzzle out of hand" is ready:

Step 5

Excellent! It remains to fill in the missing details with soft contours:

The contour of the thumb is the trickiest - it must be gently combined with the center of the palm.

Note that the fingers have a different format due to the difference in their sizes.

2. At a glance

You need to know a few more details of the palm. Let's take a look at them:

Step 1

Again we repeat the process above, following the basic pattern:

Step 2

Something new appears - the palm now looks a little more complex, and there are characteristic differences in its shape that need to be taken into account. Fortunately, a few simplified forms are enough to display it.

Step 3

Now we can add outlines to complete the drawing with the necessary details.

Note that we end the sketch with soft, rounded lines. Think of the palm of your hand as a delicate sculpture.

Profile view

When the hand is turned in profile, we can see the protrusion of the muscle at the base of the thumb.

The more "childish" your drawing style is, the simpler and smoother your lines will be. Here are my little secrets that helped me understand that hands can be drawn based on simplified shapes. The most important thing is to strive for a style that will reflect the personality and dynamics in the drawings in the final stage.

3. More shapes and 3D hand

Now you can draw a flat hand for the rest of your life, right? If you want to draw hands with convincing depth, use the same technique above, just change the camera angle! Play with this technique until you feel confident.

To form the fingers, imagine them as cylinders stacked one on top of the other. This technique will help us to draw the fingers from different angles, as it makes it easier to "see" the hand in space.

Hand or robot?

The forms into which a human brush can form are innumerable. When the palm is open, the same rules apply; when closed - others! The same thing happens when a hand holds an object, and it must adjust to its shape.

Let's learn how to draw a fist. A slightly different process, but at the end you will see that it all comes down to a simplified drawing of basic geometric shapes.

Step 1

To begin with, we simplify the fold of the little finger, draw something similar to the letter "y".

Step 2

We kind of "wrap" the little finger around the letter "y". Don't forget to highlight the curve that goes from the little finger to the wrist.

Step 3

We continue to draw fingers in space. This time we draw only three fingers. I'll explain why later.

Step 4

Lastly, draw the thumb and the protruding muscle at the base of the thumb.

Step 5

Good! In a few steps we have finished the simplified drawing of the fist on one side. See how roughly the shape of a fist can be depicted using "boxes" of various sizes.

Notice how you can fit the contour of the fist into three-dimensional rectangular shapes in space.

Obviously, if we try to simplify each hand position through various techniques, we will quickly get tired. So remember that the real secret to simplifying hand drawing is real life observations.

View from the opposite side: simplified drawing.

4. Fab Four

It is widely accepted in animation to draw characters' hands with only four fingers. This allows, in addition to enhancing the dynamics of the character, to make life easier for the artist. That way he doesn't have to worry about too many details.

Hands with four fingers of different styles and sizes.

Note: When using this technique, you need to adapt your knowledge of the five-finger hand to the four-finger hand. Concepts need to be adapted to achieve a suitable and interesting result.

It is worth paying attention to the fingertips. In animation, the more rounded and mobile the fingertips are, the more interesting and dynamic they are. When you create characters, think of their hands as if they were separate characters!

See how this hand has its own character?

Another good reason to draw hands with four fingers: in this case, you have the opportunity to increase the size of the fingers, which means making them more expressive! A number of well-known cartoon characters have been able to stand out thanks to this technique: The Simpsons, Bugs Bunny, The Flintstones and Mickey Mouse.

Mystery of the little finger

One of the biggest secrets to this brush design is to make the most of your little finger! If you place it at a different angle in relation to the other fingers, you will break the monotony in the perception of the hand.

Select the position of the little finger in the frame. See how the character of the action changes with this technique. The viewer's attention is now focused on the main subject in the frame, and the personality of the character is given a special twist.

5. Talk with your hand

When we need to express emotions in an animated drawing, the role of hands is indispensable! Look at the images below: the hands visually support and mimic the facial expressions and body language of the characters.

  1. "I have an amazing idea!"
  2. "How do I look, dear?"
  3. "I can't believe... I'm getting an Oscar!"
  4. "I don't understand... he was just here!"
  5. "Ahhh! My head is splitting!"

As strange as it may seem, hands have their own character! Not only do they support facial expressions and body language, they can express their own emotions!

Do you see the greatness in these gestures above?

However, often you will find yourself in a situation where the hands should not be a distraction. In this case, they must be a minor character. Characters in action scenes tend to be exaggerated more than characters in quiet scenes.

Note that there is little movement in the dramatic scene. There is no room for exaggeration here. Hands should emphasize the feelings of the characters - this is one of the most difficult processes in design.

6. Knowledge check

I have prepared a little quiz to test your powers of observation. Analyze the pictures below and try to determine which feeling best describes each. Can you guess everything correctly?

Can you guess what the hand is expressing in each of the drawings?

Raise a hand!

Now you know all the secrets of the art of drawing cartoon hands, congratulations!

Although hands are a part of the body that is very interesting to draw, the ability to create hand designs in different styles is not so easy, and only with hard training can a natural result be achieved. Even if your goal is to draw for animation, it doesn't hurt to buy a good anatomical atlas to understand how the muscles and bones in the hands work. In this case, there is no need to memorize each thoroughly. It is enough to understand how the hand works in motion. Remember that a character's expressions are much more important than what's under the skin.

One last tip: when you need to draw hands, place your own brushes in front of a mirror, or just watch your hands. One of them will remain stationary while drawing (unless you have learned to draw with both hands at the same time!)

The human body has many parts. As we have already discussed with you here on the site, it is not so easy to draw the body and its individual parts correctly. To do this, you need to learn and know the basics of anatomy and physiology. Very often, children draw parts of the body and the figures themselves in a very simplified way, one might say, in an amateurish way. Here we want to teach you how to draw the elements of the human body correctly, primarily from an anatomical point of view. Arm yourself with a pencil and eraser, take an album and start the lesson. Following our tips, you will gradually learn the basics of this wisdom.

Stage 1. Draw the caracas lines of the human hand. First we will teach you how to draw a human hand from the elbow to the fingertips. We build a straight line .. On the upper part we mark a point from which we draw five segments, from which, in turn, we draw five more segments connected at an angle to the first ones. This is the basis of the future hand. Then, along the main straight line, we begin to outline the line of the elbow and the forearm of the arm (this is the part of the arm from the hand to the elbow). The forearm widens from the elbow bend, then becomes thinner and passes into the hand (expanded part). After that, we begin to draw the fingers. Little finger first, then ring finger. We draw them along those lines from point 1 of the same stage.

Stage 2. Now we draw the middle and index fingers of the brush. Along the auxiliary lines we give contours to the phalanges of the fingers. The hand is slightly bent, as if a person wants to take or hold something. Then we will finish the last, thumb. And further. On the fingers and palms, we will show bumps on the skin, depressions and tubercles, skin folds.

Stage 4. Now let's try to draw a separate human hand. We build additional initial wireframe lines like this. Select a point on a sheet of paper. From it we take three features in different directions. At the end of the third line we put a point, and from it we draw segments connected to each other. It is like a skeleton of future fingers. We outline the hand itself with smooth lines around these straight lines to the finger zone. The brush is bent down. Then. Let's draw the thumb. First, we will show its thickened part, then the phalanges of the finger itself and the line of connection with the index finger. Then we draw the index finger and middle finger of the hand, outlining the skeletal lines of the starting point of this drawing.

Stage 5. We finish the ring finger and little finger. They are barely visible because of the front toes. We show the folds on the skin, tubercles, bulges and bumps on the brush. Then we delete all the sketch lines and leave only the necessary ones. We colorize the hand, shading some areas (the play of light and shadows). We hope you learned this lesson well and you managed to draw the hands of a person.


We draw a figure that resembles an egg turned upside down with a sharp end down. This figure is called OVOID.
Vertically and horizontally, we divide it exactly in half with thin lines.

the line is the axis of symmetry (it is needed so that the right and left parts
turned out to be equal in size and the image elements were not on
different level).
Horizontal - the line of the eyes. We divide it into five equal parts.

In the second and fourth parts are the eyes. The distance between the eyes is also equal to one eye.

The figure below shows how to draw the eye (the iris and pupil will
not fully visible - the upper eyelid partially covers them), but we are not in a hurry
to do this, first finish our sketch.

Divide the part from the line of the eyes to the chin by two - this is the line on which the nose will be.
Divide the part from the line of the eyes to the top of the head into three equal parts. The upper mark is the line from where the hair grows)

The part from the nose to the chin is also divided into three parts. The top mark is the lip line.
The distance from the upper eyelid to the tip of the nose is equal to the distance from the upper edge of the ear to the lower one.

Now we make our standard blank sob in three streams.
drawn from the outer edges of the eyes will show us where to draw the neck.
Lines from the inner edges of the eyes - the width of the nose. Lines drawn in an arc from
the center of the pupils is the width of the mouth.

When you colorize the image, notice that the raised
parts (forehead, cheeks, nose and chin) will be lighter, and the eye sockets, cheekbones,
the contour of the face, and the place under the lower lip - darker.

The shape of the face, eyes, eyebrows, lips, nose, ears and
etc. all people are different. Therefore, when drawing someone's portrait, try
see these features and superimpose them on a standard workpiece.

Another example of the fact that everyone's facial features are different.

Well, here we see how to draw a face in profile and half a turn - the so-called "three quarters"
drawing a half-turn face, you need to take into account the rules
perspective - the far eye and the far side of the lip will appear smaller.

Let's go to the picture human figure.
In order to depict the body as correctly as possible, you need to know a few secrets, as when drawing portraits:

The unit of measure for the human body is the "length of the head".
- human height is on average 7.5 head lengths.
- Men, of course, are usually slightly taller than women.
Of course, we start drawing the body from the very head that we will
measure everything. Have you drawn? Now we postpone its length seven more times down.
This will be the growth of the depicted.
- The width of the shoulders is equal to two head lengths for men and one and a half lengths for women.
- At the place where the third head ends :), there will be a navel and an arm bent at the elbow.
- The fourth is the place where the legs grow from.
- The fifth is the middle of the thigh. This is where the arm length ends.
- Sixth - bottom of the knee.
You can not believe me, but the length of the arms is equal to the length of the legs, the length of the arm from the shoulder
to the elbow will be slightly less than the length from the elbow to the fingertips.
- The length of the brush is equal to the height of the face (note, not the head - the distance from the chin to the top of the forehead), the length of the foot is equal to the length of the head.

Knowing all this, you can quite plausibly portray the figure of a person.

Taken in a group dedicated to graffiti VKontakte.

Lip shapes

nose shape

Eye shapes

Forms of women's brogues

(c) The book "How to draw a human head and figure" by Jack Hamm

The proportions of the child's figure differ from
adult proportions. The less times the length of the head is hindered in growth
child, the younger he is.

In a child's portrait, things are a little different.
The child's face is more rounded, the forehead is larger. If we draw a horizontal
line through the middle of the child's face, then this will not be the line of the eyes, as
was in the portrait of an adult.

To learn how to draw a person not only
standing like a pillar, we will temporarily simplify our image. Let's leave
only the head, chest, spine, pelvis and fasten to all this
arms and legs. The main thing is to keep all proportions.

Having such a simplified version of the human figure, we can easily give him any pose.

When we have decided on a pose, we can
grow meat on our simplified skeleton. Do not forget that the body, it is not
angular and does not consist of rectangles - we try to draw smooth
lines. At the waist, the body gradually tapers, at the knees and elbows too.

To make the image more lively, character and expression must be given not only to the face, but also to the pose.


Fingers on such smooth as a board, the joints in the entire skeleton are the widest parts of the bones.

(c) Anatomy for Artists: It's Simple by Christopher Hart

The image of hands, or rather hands, is a rather difficult task. Even many successful artists, with skill and landscapes, avoid compositions involving hands. Therefore, having set yourself the task of learning how to draw hands correctly, you should understand that this is a long and painstaking work. First of all, you need to study the structure of the palm, the physiological basis is the skeleton. The best way to do this is to draw from life.

Many refuse to learn to draw. Fears that they will not be able to overcome difficulties, that they are not talented enough, prevent them from even trying to master the initial skills of drawing. They are looking for reasons and culprits, because it is easier to give up on an idea than to sweat a lot. And it's really sad. After all, it is worth understanding that the learning process will not be easy. Some lessons are easier and only a few hours of practice is enough to get satisfactory results. And some points cannot be studied “at a glance”, you need to work long and hard before the first positive results appear. In life as well as in drawing, it is easier to let go of obstacles than it is to strain and move on.

In order to start drawing you will need: regular drawing paper, HB and 2B pencil, eraser. The first sketch is best done with a barely visible HB pencil, and for further tone and detail, use the 2B marking.

Step by step instructions

Flip the paper horizontally and split it in half. Put your hand on one half, and start drawing on the other. Imagine that your fingers are cylinders, your hands and wrists are geometric shapes. Thus, we can imagine the volumes of which the human hand consists.

First, let's draw a few straight lines that follow the axes of the fingers. Then we will install the upper part of the middle finger, little finger and thumb. Between the extreme points of the axes of the thumb and little finger, we draw a connecting line to help calculate the distance and easier to evaluate in further calculations of the distance between the joints.

The sketches made may seem nonsense, and you may have a question: “How will a hand come out of these lines and dashes?”. Remember that even great things start small, and it is impossible to correctly build a palm without referring to the physiological structure.

Draw the thickness of the fingers along the marked ellipses so that thin cylinders form.

Erase the dark construction lines and smooth the image and add fine details such as nails, creases and wrinkles.

Then, using the eraser, select light tones and shades, wipe out the extra lines that are left from the sketches around the hand.

Remember that the attitude with which you start work determines the success or failure of your venture.

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