Pedagogical significance of initiatives and movements in the field of leisure. Modern problems of science and education List of sources used



annotation scientific article on the sciences of education, author of scientific work - Udovichenko Elena Valentinovna, Gorban Irina Gennadievna, Zaikin Mikhail Viktorovich

One of the main accents of normal and healthy human life is movement. Movement in its various manifestations is the basis of any activity in which a person self-develops, self-realizes and manifests itself. The social nature of activity in the broadest sense of this thesis lies in the fact that a person as an element of the structure of society expresses himself and is mediated only in activities that, at various stages of socialization, are characterized by the interaction of a person with other subjects of society, starting with small groups (family), collectives (class, team , production team) and ending with society as a whole. Some time ago, it was believed that in the context of the reorganization of the socio-economic mechanism of our country, the emergence and development of the labor market, the transition to the information society, there was a greater need for specialists with a high level of intellectual creative activity, in deepening the integration of science, production and education. The modernization of the professional training system for specialized personnel involved providing the country's economy with specialists capable of working in the information society, ready to master and develop the latest technologies without harming the environment and humans. However, the analysis of the experience of the development of education in most industrialized countries made it possible to identify a number of the most significant trends in the development of vocational education precisely from the point of view of educating the personal physical culture of the individual and its inclusion in the social context of the corporate model of behavior in production, such as: trends in professiographic studies of the physical qualities of a specialist, formation culture of individual and group health, socio-cultural orientation of professionally applied physical culture, ecology of health of a specialist and ecological and valeological approaches to the organization of activities in production. The possibilities of physical culture can be effectively used to improve the mental and psychophysiological qualities of students, which are necessary for the formation of professional competencies: stress resistance, neuropsychic stability, personal and situational anxiety. The physical culture of the future specialist, as well as the culture of his health, integrating the ecological, valeological unity, physical improvement and the ability to resist production risk factors, are a new emerging pattern of substantiating the importance of the social role of physical culture, the future professional's perception of his image in the production space and collective existence in the conditions of professional activity.

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One of the main accents of normal and healthy activity of the person is driving. Driving in its various manifestations is the basis for any activity in which the person makes personal growth, self-actualizes and shown. The activity sociality in a wide comprehension of this thesis is that the person as a building block of society self-expresses and mediated only in activity which at various stages of socialization is characterized by interaction of the person with other subjects of society, starting with small groups (family), collectives (a class, team, work collective) and finishing society in general. Still some time ago it was considered that in the conditions of a reorganization of the social and economic mechanism of our country, emergence and development of labor market, transition to informational society the need for experts with a high level of intellectual creative activity, in deepening of integration of science, production and education began to be felt more. Modernization of system of vocational training of specialized shots assumed providing national economy with the experts capable to work in the conditions of informational community, ready to master and develop the latest technologists without prejudice to a surrounding medium and the person. However, the analysis of experience of development of education of the majority of the countries developed industrially allowed to reveal a number of the most significant trends in development of professional education from the point of view of education of personal physical culture of the person and her inclusiveness in a social context of corporate behavior model on production, such as: tendencies the professiograficheskikh of researches of physical qualities of the expert, formation of culture of individual and group health, a sociocultural orientation of professional and applied physical culture, ecology of health of the expert and ekologo-valeological approaches to the organization of activities on production. Physical culture can be effectively used to improve mental and psycho-physiological qualities of students which are necessary in the formation of professional competences: stress resistance, psychological stability, personal and situational anxiety. Physical culture of future expert, and also the culture of his health integrating in themselves ecological, valeological unity, physical perfecting and ability to opposition to factors of production risks are the new formed pattern of justification of a significance of a social role of physical culture, perception by future professional of the image in production space and collective existence in the conditions of exercise of professional activity.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "Social significance of students' physical culture"

UDK 378.01-052:316.61:796

Udovichenko E.V.1, Gorban I.G.1, Zaikin M.V.2

1Orenburg State University 2Orenburg State Agrarian University E-mail: [email protected]

social significance of physical culture of students

One of the main accents of normal and healthy human life is movement. Movement in its various manifestations is the basis of any activity in which a person self-develops, self-realizes and manifests itself. The social nature of activity in the broadest sense of this thesis lies in the fact that a person as an element of the structure of society expresses himself and is mediated only in activities that, at various stages of socialization, are characterized by the interaction of a person with other subjects of society, starting with small groups (family), collectives (class, team , production team) and ending with society as a whole.

Some time ago, it was believed that in the context of the reorganization of the socio-economic mechanism of our country, the emergence and development of the labor market, the transition to the information society, there was a greater need for specialists with a high level of intellectual creative activity, in deepening the integration of science, production and education. The modernization of the professional training system for specialized personnel involved providing the country's economy with specialists capable of working in the information society, ready to master and develop the latest technologies without harming the environment and humans. However, the analysis of the experience of the development of education in most industrialized countries made it possible to identify a number of the most significant trends in the development of vocational education precisely from the point of view of educating the personal physical culture of the individual and its inclusion in the social context of the corporate model of behavior in production, such as: trends in professiographic studies of the physical qualities of a specialist, formation culture of individual and group health, socio-cultural orientation of professionally applied physical culture, ecology of health of a specialist and ecological and valeological approaches to the organization of activities in production.

The possibilities of physical culture can be effectively used to improve the mental and psychophysiological qualities of students, which are necessary for the formation of professional competencies: stress resistance, neuropsychic stability, personal and situational anxiety.

The physical culture of the future specialist, as well as the culture of his health, integrating the ecological, valeological unity, physical improvement and the ability to resist production risk factors, are a new emerging pattern of substantiating the importance of the social role of physical culture, the future professional's perception of his image in the production space and collective existence in the conditions of professional activity.

Key words: social aspects of physical culture, integrativity of physical culture, physical culture of a professional, corporate culture of the production team, social possibilities of physical culture.

Any interaction in society is justified by the motor activity of a person, the requirements for which are constantly increasing. Society needs more and more healthy, hardy, hardworking citizens. It is known that this problem is solved in the context of the individual's physical culture.

One of the first aspects of the sociality of the physical culture of a person at various stages of socialization is the socio-cultural aspect. This manifestation of sociality is inextricably linked with the general concept of culture, which is considered as a variety of activities of subjects in the "man-society" system, including the results of this activity.

sti, and also means and methods of their achievement. The sociality of physical culture is manifested through a person from the point of view of a carrier, consumer and creator, who functions and improves in society. In addition, the sociality of physical culture is manifested in its integrative component:

From the standpoint of the conceptual process of cultural development, which is associated with a field of activity that implies the physical improvement of a person;

From the standpoint of the concept, which is based on spiritual production, based on a system of abilities, opportunities, social relations, etc.;

From the standpoint of the concept, which focuses on the conscious organization of relations and management in the system "man - man" and "man - society", based on methodological approaches to the education of the physical culture of the individual himself through the impact on the motivational sphere.

The integrative component of physical culture in the aspect of its sociality can be considered both in relation to the general cultural process of society, and from the point of view of approaches (pedagogical, sociological, psychological, biomedical, etc.) that substantiate various aspects of human physical culture.

Physical culture accompanies a person throughout his life and is relevant at any age stage, solving specific tasks characteristic of a certain age. There is no need to prove how important the physical culture of the individual is for life in modern society, and how serious the approach should be to observing and ensuring continuity in the education of the physical culture of the individual.

Growing up and developing in society, a person is called upon to create good both for himself and his loved ones, and for society as a whole. Therefore, in this context, the concept of “physical culture of a professional” acquires even more important social significance, which is formed in the process of preparing for the implementation of future professional activities in production.

This aspect of sociality focuses on the tasks of the process of physical education of modern student youth.

The historical analysis of the production requirements for the physical fitness of specialists shows that the loss of biosocial approaches in the formation of industrial relations and the social environment that determines the self-awareness of a person has led to a decrease in the level of health and an insufficient level of physical fitness for professional activities in the workplace.

At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries in the education system of higher education, the relevance of problems characterizing the issues of

ratio of general and special education. On the one hand, narrow specialization and special knowledge ensured high-quality professional activity, and on the other hand, the rapidly developing scientific and technical sphere, the multi-structural economy and the tough labor market began to dictate completely new requirements for university graduates, which were characterized by a high level of physical fitness, professionally important physical qualities determined by psychophysiological processes. That is, the society began to demand healthy, efficient and competent professionals from the standpoint of professiographic features of the profession.

Nevertheless, while analyzing the educational and methodological documentation, we noted that out of the 1800 hours of the curriculum allocated to the general humanitarian and socio-economic training of students of a technical university of that time, for example, only 408 were allocated to the discipline "Physical Education". hours. This accounted for only 5% of the entire range of disciplines studied, while some other humanitarian subjects accounted for 16%, special - from 15% to 27%.

The share of general professional disciplines accounted for 19% to 26%. Most (22% -32%) were general mathematical and natural science disciplines.

Currently, the requirements for the physical capabilities of future specialists continue to grow. A person faced the problem that the business community began to make the same demands on him as on the environment, that is, to use its resources for greater productivity. This process occurs with the presentation of strict requirements for the level of health, professional and general cultural competencies, but, as a rule, is not characterized by the manifestation of concern for a person, the safety of his work, the creation of conditions for the development and self-realization of the individual in the process of production activity. The employer stopped thinking about the value of the person himself: at the moment, momentarily, his quickly accessible creative and activity potential is needed; there is no protection of the biosocial nature of man, which

udovichenko E.V. and etc.

Social significance of physical culture of students

you can’t tear yourself with harsh methods, the severity and irregularity of labor”; a person began to be written off as obsolete equipment, while his accumulated experience could play a huge role for society.

The accelerated expansion of the already accelerating scientific and technological progress, a large-scale leap in the plane of information strategies updated the concept of "risk". Special studies have shown that the full use of specialized knowledge and skills, professional mobility, are possible only with good health, high performance of specialists, which can be acquired by them in the process of regular and specially organized physical education and sports and maintained with a healthy lifestyle and reflected in new educational programs.

Thus, the social significance of the physical culture of future professionals in modern society has marked some essential changes related to the fact that under the physical culture of a professional as an integral component of his spiritual culture they began to understand the integrated interaction and indirect influence on each other of such areas as ecological and valeological conscious competence. , physical culture, the level of health, working capacity and the formation of professionally important qualities, realized in the course of mastering general cultural and professional competencies, optimally manifested in professional activities in the context of the synthesis of scientific knowledge about the world and their conscious use in professional activities, having an effective applied value due to synergy of technological, environmental, anthropological, social factors, as well as factors of a healthy lifestyle.

The social aspect of the discipline "Physical Education" at the university is also reflected in the Federal State Educational Standard. So, in the Federal State Educational Standards of a number of different areas of a technical and humanitarian nature, there are corresponding general cultural competencies. For example, in such specialties as "Construction", "Energy and resource saving"

processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology”, “Physical processes of mining or oil and gas production”, “Mining”, “Land management and cadastres”, “Service”, “Economics”, “Electric power and electrical engineering”, “Automation of technological processes and industries” and other future specialists should “own the means of independent, methodically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, readiness to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities”

By acquiring a profession, a modern student continues his socialization in the conditions of production, where the result of his activity as a professional will directly depend on the level of his physical development and preparedness. In connection with this, this aspect of the sociality of physical culture will ensure competitiveness in the domestic and international labor markets.

However, when carrying out professional activities in a production environment, another aspect of the sociality of physical culture is revealed, which is undoubtedly important for modern university students. This aspect of sociality is associated with the corporate culture of the individual, who realizes his potential within the production team in the "man - society - production" system. Physical culture has a huge potential for educating modern students - future representatives of the professional sphere - character traits and personal qualities that are of great social importance. The ability to work in a team, to feel a partner, to predict the degree of efficiency and effectiveness of the manifestation of physical qualities in working conditions, to make a responsible decision within a given time limit - all these and many other qualities that characterize interaction in a team are perfectly formed in the process of physical culture, sports and physical culture and recreational activities.

In addition, the possibilities of physical culture can be effectively used to improve mental and

psychophysiological qualities of students, which are necessary in the formation of professional competencies. Such qualities include stress resistance, neuropsychic stability, personal and situational anxiety, in the improvement of which the means of physical culture and sports are recognized as the most effective.

Summing up the results of the article, we consider it necessary to note that the physical culture of the future specialist, as well as the culture of his health, integrating the ecological, valeological unity, physical improvement and the ability to resist factors

production risks are a new emerging pattern of substantiating the importance of the social role of physical culture, the future professional's perception of his image in the production space and collective existence in the conditions of professional activity.

Thus, the social significance and social functions of physical culture should become not just an important aspect of student youth socialization, but should be considered from the standpoint of the regulator of modern education as a social institution.


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Udovichenko Elena Valentinovna, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Orenburg State University 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13, e-mail: [email protected] Gorban Irina Gennadievna, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, Orenburg State University 460018, Orenburg, Pobedy Ave., 13, e-mail: [email protected] Zaikin Mikhail Viktorovich, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Economics, Orenburg State Agrarian University, 460014, Orenburg, st. Chelyuskintsev, 18, e-mail: [email protected]

Language. Cultural - speech environment. Cultural and speech stratification (literary language, colloquial, vernacular, territorial dialects, subdialects, slang). Subculture and sub-dialect writers (psychologists). Features of youth subculture.

Language - it is a set of culturally transmitted patterns of behavior common to the largest group of individuals, i.e. society.

Under cultural and speech environment refers to the speech community of people speaking a certain language, and the totality of cultural elements used by this community (customs, traditions, symbols, values, norms). A family, gender and age group, social stratum or class are varieties of the cultural and speech environment. Cultural and speech environment acts as an environment for socialization and at the same time - an environment for the consolidation of people. These are its most important functions. As a family or at work, the communication environment determines the topic of conversation, the style and content of speech, its rhythm, frequency, sequence. Undoubtedly, verbal communication is regulated by the norms and rules adopted in this environment. For example, children should not interfere in the conversation of older family members, the boss has the right to speak with a subordinate in an imperative tone. The content and organization of people's cultural and speech behavior are raided by habits, manners, etiquette and code. groups.

The following main forms of language are distinguished:

· literary language- the main form of existence of the national language, embodied in itself all the spiritual achievements of the people, surpassing others in richness, refinement and rigor. It is owned by the highly educated part of society.

vernacular language- stylistically more reduced, less normalized form of the language. It has the widest language community, it is accessible to individuals with any level of education.

· vernacular- non-literary style of everyday colloquial speech. According to the composition of the speakers, this is the language of non-educated or poorly educated sections of the city, and mainly the form of speech of the older generation. Vernacular is a set of features of the speech of persons who do not fully master the norms of the literary language. In the 19th century, Russian vernacular was the language of the urban masses. At that time, scientists singled out, in particular, the urban bourgeois dialect, the dialect of the lower strata, the dialect of the uneducated classes. Before the rise of capitalism, there was no vernacular. It is a child of urbanization.

territorial dialects- an unwritten form of a language, limited to the everyday sphere of communication, one geographical area and social class, namely the peasantry. Dialects are historically the earliest form of a language that developed during the tribal system and has now been preserved mainly in rural areas. There are about 3,000 languages ​​on Earth, of which only 300 have a written language, therefore, 2,700 languages ​​exist in the form of dialects.

· social dialects- conditional languages ​​(argo) and jargons. SD carriers are urban social groups. Scientists distinguish between class, professional, gender and age and other sociolects.

The classification of sociolects includes:

1. Professional "languages" - a set of disparate words and combinations that wedged into everyday language. They are called lexical systems, or professionalisms. Almost every profession - a fisherman, a shoemaker, a hunter or a potter - has its own "language".

2. Corporate jargons - a parallel series of words and expressions synonymous with the main language. Jargon is a linguistic manifestation of a subculture (teenager, student, army, sports). It was born from the desire to give ordinary words unusual synonyms.

3. Conditional languages ​​(argo) - lexical systems that perform the secret functions of a secret language, incomprehensible to the initiates. It is developed by groups that consciously seek to isolate themselves from others.

4. Jargon of the declassed - expressive-emotional vocabulary, stylistically reduced, rude, vulgar speech, replete with words with a sharply negative content. Jargon serves as a means of communication within a group of declassed elements, identifying "their own" as a kind of password, expressing a negative attitude towards socially approved values, official institutions of power.

Medical subculture is, on the one hand, a conservative system that preserves the traditions of medical practice. On the other hand, it is a dynamic system, the changes of which are caused by the emergence of new medical technologies and doctrines, the spread of liberal democratic values, the expansion of the information space, the interaction of professional subcultures, the desire of a specialist to improve, and external social factors (conditions). The dynamics of the medical subculture is included in the dynamics of all social life and depends on many social factors and internal trends.

The negative aspects of the current state of the medical subculture include: a large number of "open", i.e. unresolved issues and hence the ever-emerging problem of choosing a doctor's behavior model; insufficient development of moral and legal regulations and, accordingly, the problem of social insecurity of the doctor and, as a result of this, the problem of professional burnout.

youth subculture is a rather amorphous formation, embracing student, creative, working, rural youth, various kinds of marginals, i.e. young people who have lost their former social ties. A significant part of the youth is not connected with the youth subculture, or this connection with it is very weak and symbolic.

Despite the well-known heterogeneity, the youth subculture in Russia has a number of specific features that distinguish it from other cultural manifestations. These include:

Mainly for entertainment purposes. Along with the communicative (communication with friends) function, leisure also performs a recreational function (about one third of high school students note that their favorite leisure activity is “doing nothing”), while cognitive, creative and heuristic functions are not implemented at all or are not implemented enough . Recreational leisure orientations are reinforced by the main content of television and radio broadcasting, which spreads the values ​​of predominantly mass culture.

- "Westernization" of cultural patterns. The values ​​of national culture, both classical and folk, are being replaced by schematic stereotypes of mass culture, focused on the introduction of the values ​​of the "American way of life" in its primitive and lightweight version. Favorite heroes and, to a certain extent, role models are, according to polls, the heroines of the so-called "soap operas" (for girls) and video thrillers like Rambo (for boys). However, the westernization of cultural interests also has a wider scope: artistic images are transferred to the level of group and individual behavior of young people and manifest themselves in such features of social behavior as pragmatism, cruelty, the desire for material well-being to the detriment of professional self-realization.

Priority of consumer orientations over creative ones. Consumerism is put as the main distinguishing feature of the youth subculture, both at the level of young people's behavior and at the level of perception of cultural norms.

Weak individualization and selectivity of culture. The choice of certain cultural values ​​is most often associated with group stereotypes of a fairly rigid nature (those who disagree with them easily fall into the category of “outcasts”), as well as with a prestigious hierarchy of values ​​in a given subcultural group, which are determined by gender, level of education, certain place of residence and nationality.

Extra-institutional cultural self-realization. Research data show that leisure self-realization of young people is carried out outside cultural institutions and is relatively noticeably conditioned by the influence of television alone - the most influential institutional source of not only aesthetic, but also socializing impact in general. However, most of the youth and teenage TV programs are distinguished by an extremely low artistic level and do not destroy in any way, but rather, on the contrary, reinforce those stereotypes and the hierarchy of values ​​that have already been formed.

Lack of ethnocultural self-identification. Among youth subcultural groups, for the most part, there is no ethnocultural self-identification. Popular culture (traditions, customs, folklore, etc.) is perceived by most young people as an anachronism. Meanwhile, it is ethnic culture that is the cementing link of socio-cultural transmission. Attempts to introduce ethno-cultural content into the process of socialization in most cases are limited to initiation to Orthodoxy, while folk traditions, of course, are not limited to religious values ​​alone. In addition, ethno-cultural self-identification consists primarily in the formation of positive feelings in relation to the history, traditions of one's people, that is, what is commonly called "love for the Fatherland", and not in acquaintance and familiarization with one, even the most massive confession.

It should be noted that the above characteristics are more or less inherent in the youth subculture as a whole. However, the degree of their manifestation can vary significantly depending on the type of youth subculture.

Meaning and social role of culture. Functions of culture in society. Culture as a factor of social adaptation, stratification and mobility.

The role of culture in social life cannot be overestimated, since, by and large, culture is the environment in which human life takes place, and hence the life of the whole society. Man as a rational being has created a completely unique living space - culture. And this space (or reality, open only to man) became the living environment of man. It is culture that is the key component that allows a certain set of individuals to create social integrity, that is, society.

Common methods of communication, common goals and values, common ideas about what is right, right and wrong allow society to maintain stability and continuity not only over the life of one generation, but also for much longer periods of time - hundreds, and sometimes even thousands of years. In this sense culture can be understood as a stable mechanism of society's adaptation to external environmental conditions and changes in its own internal structure that lasts longer than the life of one generation. At the same time, the inherent static nature of culture does not completely exclude changes. Thus, culture plays a very significant role in stabilizing social life.

The resistance of culture to abrupt and global changes can be explained by the fact that culture as a social phenomenon is simultaneously and constantly recreated by a large number of carriers of this culture. Only in this case, the innovation becomes an integral part of the culture, if it is accepted by the majority. Real life practice serves as the testing ground on which all new cultural forms are tested. Not everything new is accepted, but what little that successfully passes the test of usefulness and conformity with the already existing values ​​of a given culture becomes the norm, often crowding out obsolete components of the culture.

Educational and educational function. We can say that it is culture that makes a person a person. An individual becomes a member of society, a person as he socializes, i.e. masters knowledge, language, symbols, values, norms, customs, traditions of his people, his social group and all of humanity. The level of culture of an individual is determined by its socialization - familiarization with the cultural heritage, as well as the degree of development of individual abilities. Personal culture is usually associated with developed creative abilities, erudition, understanding of works of art, fluency in native and foreign languages, accuracy, politeness, self-control, high morality, etc. All this is achieved in the process of upbringing and education.

Integrative and disintegrative functions of culture. E. Durkheim paid special attention to these functions in his studies. According to E. Durkheim, the development of culture creates in people - members of a particular community a sense of community, belonging to one nation, people, religion, group, etc. Thus, culture unites people, integrates them, ensures the integrity of the community. But uniting some on the basis of some subculture, it opposes them to others, and separates wider communities and communities. Within these broader communities and communities, cultural conflicts can arise. Thus, culture can and often performs a disintegrating function.

Regulatory function of culture. As noted earlier, in the course of socialization, values, ideals, norms and patterns of behavior become part of the self-consciousness of the individual. They shape and regulate her behavior. We can say that culture as a whole determines the framework within which a person can and should act. Culture regulates human behavior in the family, at school, at work, at home, etc., putting forward a system of prescriptions and prohibitions. Violation of these prescriptions and prohibitions triggers certain sanctions that are established by the community and supported by the power of public opinion and various forms of institutional coercion.

The function of translation (transfer) of social experience is often called the function of historical continuity, or information. Culture, which is a complex sign system, transmits social experience from generation to generation, from era to era. In addition to culture, society has no other mechanisms for concentrating the entire wealth of experience that has been accumulated by people. Therefore, it is no coincidence that culture is considered the social memory of mankind.

The cognitive (epistemological) function is closely connected with the function of transferring social experience and, in a certain sense, follows from it. Culture, concentrating the best social experience of many generations of people, acquires the ability to accumulate the richest knowledge about the world and thereby create favorable opportunities for its knowledge and development. It can be argued that a society is as intellectual as it fully uses the richest knowledge contained in the cultural gene pool of mankind. All types of society that live today on Earth differ significantly, primarily on this basis.

Regulatory (normative) function is associated primarily with the definition (regulation) of various aspects, types of social and personal activities of people. In the sphere of work, everyday life, interpersonal relations, culture in one way or another influences the behavior of people and regulates their actions and even the choice of certain material and spiritual values. The regulatory function of culture is supported by such normative systems as morality and law.

The sign function is the most important in the system of culture. Representing a certain sign system, culture implies knowledge, possession of it. It is impossible to master the achievements of culture without studying the corresponding sign systems. So, language (oral or written) is a means of communication between people. The literary language acts as the most important means of mastering the national culture. Specific languages ​​are needed for understanding the world of music, painting, theater. The natural sciences also have their own sign systems.

The value, or axiological, function reflects the most important qualitative state of culture. Culture as a certain system of values ​​forms a person's well-defined value needs and orientations. By their level and quality, people most often judge the degree of culture of a person. Moral and intellectual content, as a rule, acts as a criterion for an appropriate assessment.

Social functions of culture

social integration - ensuring the unity of mankind, a common worldview (with the help of myth, religion, philosophy);

organization and regulation of the joint life of people through law, politics, morality, customs, ideology, etc.;

provision of people's livelihoods (such as knowledge, communication, accumulation and transfer of knowledge, upbringing, education, stimulation of innovations, selection of values, etc.);

regulation of individual spheres of human activity (culture of life, culture of recreation, culture of work, culture of food, etc.).

The concept of personality and its typology. Macrosociological level of personality analysis: normative (basic) and modal personality. marginal personality. Interaction of society and personality: social environment and social relations.

Personality as a general scientific and everyday term means:

1) An individual as a subject of personal relationships and conscious activity;

2) A stable system of socially significant personality traits that define an individual as a member of a particular community.

The social type of personality is a product of a complex interweaving of historical, cultural and socio-economic conditions of people's life. Sociology offers various options for the social typology of personality. So, M. Weber takes the specifics of social action as the basis for typification, more specifically, the degree of its rationality, K. Marx takes formational and class affiliation.

For E. Fromm, the social type of personality as the dominant type of character is a form of communication between the individual and society, "the core of the character structure that is inherent in most members of the same culture, in contrast to the individual character, which is different for people of the same culture." The value of social character, according to Fromm, lies in the fact that it allows you to most effectively adapt to the requirements of society and gain a sense of security and security. Analyzing the history of mankind, E. Fromm identifies several types of social character:

Receptive (passive) - people hope for the help of others in solving their problems;

Exploitative - the desire to get what you want by force or cunning;

Cumulative (possessive) - bring as much as possible into the house and give as little as possible out of it;

Market (now dominant) - a complete adaptation in order to be needed, to maintain demand for oneself under all conditions that are developing in the market of individuals. People with a market social by nature they do not know how to love or hate, they do not experience deep attachment either to themselves or to others, they do not have "the closest ones", they do not even value themselves.

In modern sociology, the identification of personality types depending on their value orientations has become widespread.

Traditionalists are mainly focused on the values ​​of duty, order, discipline, law-abidingness, and the severity of such qualities as creativity, the desire for self-realization, independence, is very low for this type of personality.

Idealists, on the contrary, have a strong critical attitude towards traditional norms, independence and disdain for authorities, and attitudes towards self-development at all costs.

The frustrated type of personality is characterized by low self-esteem, oppressed, depressed well-being, a feeling of being thrown out of the stream of life.

Realists combine the desire for self-realization with a developed sense of duty and responsibility, healthy skepticism with self-discipline and self-control.

Hedonistic materialists are focused primarily on obtaining pleasure, and this pursuit of the pleasures of life takes, first of all, the form of satisfying consumer desires.

In sociology, it is also customary to single out modal, ideal and basic types of personality. The modal personality type is the one that really prevails in society. The ideal personality type is not tied to specific conditions. This type of personality is like a wish for the future. The basic personality type is the one that best meets the needs of the current stage of social development. In other words, social personality type is a reflection of how the social system affects the value orientations of a person and through them - on his real behavior.

Marginal personality (from lat. margo - edge) - a person who has not formed a strong, unambiguous, coordinated system of social identities and value orientations, due to which, as expected, M. l. experiences cognitive and emotional problems, difficulties, internal discord. The concept "M. l." introduced by R. Park (Park, 1932); later developed by E. Stonequist (Stonequist, 1960), who considered "cultural" and "racial" marginality. A. V. Sukharev proposed the concept of ethnic marginality (disagreement in the system of human relations to elements of culture, natural environment, “nature” of a person that has ethnic significance), applied not only to individuals, but also to social. groups. Widespread t. sp., Depicting M. l. exclusively as flawed and in need of the help of a psychotherapist (or psychiatrist), a large number of facts from the biographies of prominent people can be contrasted, showing that marginality serves as a powerful stimulus for personality development and can be. conscious principle of the creative personality.

Society is a stable system of relationships between people. Society as a system of relationships between people has an impact on individuals as its elements. Sociologists point to two ways in which society influences the individual:

Specially organized influence on the individual through education, propaganda, etc.;

Impact on a person through the restructuring of its microenvironment, living conditions.

Man is a product of the times and circumstances in which he lives. Views, ideas are generally determined by society; a person thinks as the “spirit of the times” forces him to think. With a change in the social system, the position of the individual, his interests and needs change.

The relationship between the individual and society is, first of all, the relationship of interests. The public interest expresses what society as a whole is interested in (development of the economy, means of communication, environmental protection, etc.). The public interest also includes the interests of social groups in a given society.

Personal interests express the needs of an individual related to the provision of his material needs and spiritual needs.

Social environment - a set of social factors that influence the formation and behavior of the individual. The macroenvironment (the nature of the social division of labor, the social structure of society arising from it, the system of education, upbringing, etc.) and the microenvironment (work collective, family, school) are singled out. The social environment of the individual is determined by relations at the level of society as a whole.

The interaction of the individual and society is an interconnected process of active actions of the individual, capable of changing the social environment and habitat and the impact on the individual of the environment itself and the social system.

Social relations are relations between people or groups carried out in accordance with the laws of the social organization of society. The structure of social relations: 1) Subjects - the parties between which relations arise 2 Objects - something about which relations arise 3) Needs - relations between subjects and objects 4) Interests - relations subject-subject 5) Values ​​- relations between the ideals of interacting subjects.

The subject of social relations is only a social unit organized in a certain way. Social relations are determined by the nature of society itself, reproduce it, maintain social order. Social relationships are formed between groups of people. The individual cannot be viewed outside of society. Social community - a really existing group of people, which is characterized by the unity of signs: 1) Similarity of living conditions 2) Common needs 3) The presence of joint activities 4) Formation of one's own culture 5) Creation of a system for managing and self-governing the activity of the group

Social identification of members of the community, their self-assignment to this community. This is a certain stable system of connections of individuals that has developed in the process of their interaction with each other in the conditions of a given society

Considered in the previous chapter, civil initiatives and movements in the cultural and leisure sphere can now be assessed from the standpoint of their pedagogical significance.

Systemic civil cultural and leisure activity. We, as you know, include civil initiatives, movements born in the bowels of state cultural institutions. The most widespread systemic civil cultural and leisure activity is in state club institutions. Unlike other types of cultural institutions, clubs are potentially targeted at the widest possible population groups, offering a wide variety of mass cultural activities. In terms of mass visits and the breadth of services offered in the field of culture and leisure, the club chain has no competitors in the system of cultural services for the population. Already in this feature of the activities of these institutions, there are prerequisites for the implementation of cultural and leisure activities of club visitors in various forms.

For these movements, initiatives, as an analysis of the trends in their activities in the field of culture shows, the following ratio is most organic: “development of social values ​​- production of cultural values”. In club institutions, this ratio manifests itself as the dominance of such activities as the organization of amateur performances and mass theatrical and recreational programs. Participation in amateur art groups of the population is based on mastering the technologies and social norms of collectivity, group interaction, set by the leaders of the amateur group as representatives of the "systemic world" ("mastering social values"), but at the same time, an intensive practice of rehearsal and concert work ("production of cultural values"). An objection may arise here, connected with the obvious fact of teaching participants in amateur performances "cultural values" in the field of performing arts. But in this case, we are talking about the pedagogical potential of amateur creativity, and not about the widespread practice of authoritarian leadership of amateur groups by their leaders. team amateur creativity, by and large, can be called those in which the development of cultural values ​​is still of an auxiliary nature for creative self-realization ("production of cultural values") of participants in amateur performances in accordance with certain accepted guidelines, technologies that reflect the nature in the social environment of these participants , their image and lifestyle. Examples: the nature of the performing activity, the cultural values ​​being mastered will be different in the amateur song club, folklore and student groups. Moreover, this development itself is subordinated to the task of creative interpretation, the creation of new cultural products (amateur activities) within the framework of the mastered corporate image of its “official” (systemic) role in the performance process: “bard”, “peasant”, “student”, etc.

The situation is similar when organizing mass theatrical and recreational programs in club institutions. The participants of these programs master the norms and technologies of the social behavior offered to them (“rules” of theatrical, festive, playful, recreational behavior) - “the development of social values” and create new cultural products in the form of new models of demonstration of gaming, festive, performing activity (improvisational performance, for example, in dance) in the process of participating in the proposed programs - “creating cultural values”. Ultimately, this type of cultural and leisure activity can contribute to the development of one's own sociocultural identity and the realization of the rights to this identity of certain individuals, as well as the demonstration of one's social position in a predominantly aesthetic form (civil behavior "according to the laws of beauty").

The legitimacy of classifying this type of cultural and leisure activity as an independent social activity can be justified by the absence of strict restrictions on joining club groups and communities (holiday, gaming, recreational) on a socio-demographic and cultural basis. This demonstrates the high level of democracy in state institutions of the club type, which are potentially focused on working with a wide variety of population groups, regardless of their cultural and educational level, social status, standard of living, and age.

To participate in a particular club activity, it is often enough to have joint cultural and leisure interests in the process of interaction between participants. At the same time, there are no unambiguously interpreted criteria for a unified assessment of cultural activity from the standpoint of the contribution of this activity to professional creativity, but on the other hand, its unambiguous social assessments are possible, related to the impact on the lifestyle of participants in amateur formations (for example, it is possible to participate in classes of an amateur club group mainly with the aim of expanding circle of acquaintances, but not to improve their performing skills). Let's make a disclaimer right now. In those club institutions where the main goal is to achieve a high level of performance of club teams, and in the name of this goal all others are sacrificed (for example, social, educational, animation, recreational, general pedagogical goals), we are dealing with an imitation of club activities, and in fact - with professional performing activities borrowed from cultural institutions and organizations of other types (for example, professional musical and theater groups). A typical example is the transformation of many amateur club groups into professional performing groups with strict participation rules and authoritarian methods of management. Without belittling the importance of creating collectives and communities of this kind for the cultural life of society, we nevertheless note that in fact these collectives as a whole, even if often forcedly, occupy someone else's niche of amateur amateur performances, “squeezing out” the most diverse groups of the population from the latter, which is a serious brake. for the development of mass systemic cultural and leisure activities through participation in club activities.

The social and pedagogical significance of club groups and communities is manifested, first of all, in the form of fixing the feeling of “We” as a special social community that distinguishes it from other groups, associations. This is often expressed both at the informational and symbolic level (coats of arms, emblems, badges, membership cards, branded clothing, club costumes, the ritual of accepting new members, etc.), and at the normative level (for example, admission rules, the existence of a club charter, programs). In this case, their activity reflects the corresponding type of social behavior.

Participation in club activities also leads to the formation of a common semantic field of culturally significant activities, which, along with the general rules of social behavior, is an important integration factor in the club community, one of the main conditions for the stability of its functioning. Intersubjectivity itself arises as a result of cultural consensus achieved in the process of interaction between members of the club community. Accordingly, any imposition of a club community of cultural semantics “from above”, from certain professionals, leaders or administrators from the sphere of professional creativity, is unacceptable here.

An important feature of club communities as "schools of democracy" is their polycentrism. The latter is expressed in the absence of a rigid vertical hierarchy of management of these communities both within them and between them. No less important for the development of pedagogically significant cultural and leisure activity of club communities is the possibility of self-realization as a leader of any member of the community, depending on a particular social, leisure situation (for example, a leader in organizing club activities, a leader in solving creative problems, a leader in advertising).

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the fact of a significant divergence of sociocultural orientations between spontaneous club communities and the activities of many state club institutions, which significantly reduces the pedagogical potential of these institutions. The latter in their activities are not yet able to adequately rely on the cultural and leisure initiatives of the population, which have not received their approval from the "official" society. It is the club institutions that are closest to the daily cultural needs of various groups of the population and have great opportunities for the development of a variety of cultural and leisure activities of people.

In club institutions, this activity is manifested primarily as amateur creativity. At the same time, club activities are also in demand, aimed at a variety of educational work among the population, initiating its cultural and leisure activities. Unlike the mass media, which have a one-sided influence on their audience, club institutions are able to organize lively, dialogic forms of the full participation of visitors in the discussion of various burning problems of social and cultural life.

Let us now consider the pedagogical potential of the following type of civic engagement - systemic civic engagement gravitating toward culture "life world".

This activity, as noted above, is most fully manifested in the activities of non-profit organizations (NPOs). In the field of leisure, these are mainly officially registered amateur associations with a stable legal status and equated to voluntary public organizations. In the practice of the amateur movement, the following most common associations have developed in which, one way or another, the state could be interested: collection and collecting amateur associations, socially oriented amateur associations (voluntary public organizations, associations that solve various social problems: first of all, assistance to socially unprotected and socially disadvantaged groups of the population); various interest clubs created on the basis of cultural institutions or as an addition to the latter (for example, clubs for lovers of the arts, science, and various types of recreation). Ultimately, amateur associations contribute to the expansion of the cultural horizons of their members, the development of a variety of cultural and educational activities of the population, the development of civic activity that supports the constructive initiatives of the "official" society in various areas of sociocultural activity. It is in this capacity that amateur associations can be claimed by the state cultural policy.

The main pedagogical potential of these associations is related to their ability to participate in the preservation of social and cultural values ​​with the participation of various groups of the population. Acting as a kind of accumulators of the social and cultural experience of society, officially registered amateur associations gravitate towards the “mastering of social and cultural values” and, to a lesser extent, towards their creation. These associations also contribute to the development of these values ​​by people who are not lovers of this type of socio-cultural activity (through exhibitions, educational, informational and festive events, etc.). Amateur associations are especially in demand as subjects that contribute to the preservation of social and cultural heritage and its development by various groups of the population through various educational programs, the popularization of "hobbies" (especially collecting and collecting and local history). In the case when amateur associations participate in certain social programs (for example, work with "difficult" teenagers), they also do not so much claim to create new social and cultural values, but rather preserve the traditions of social charity, help their wards master the existing ones. social and cultural values ​​of society.

In amateur associations, their own specific pedagogy is also manifested. The composition of their participants is determined mainly by the presence of a common amateur interest, but not by cultural or socio-demographic differences. In this regard, these associations are even more democratic in comparison with the type of cultural and leisure associations considered above (leisure communities of club institutions), since they are formed on the basis of not only the most diverse institutions, but also outside of any institutions, and therefore are independent. in the recruitment of its members, their composition depends on the requirements of a particular department, cultural institution. Suffice it to give an example of the famous citywide family club (Pushchino), which at one time did not even have its own permanent premises.

Since the basis of the interaction of officially registered amateurs is, first of all, a common subject of interest, the presence or absence of unambiguous value criteria for the interaction of their members becomes insignificant. People of various beliefs, social positions, values, united by a socially significant goal, can take part in various initiatives, activities of amateurs.

The boundaries of participation in officially registered amateurism are clearly fixed in the legal field, which makes them full-fledged subjects in expressing their civic activity. The official legal boundaries of the activities of amateur associations testify to a single value-normative requirement for them, regardless of the subject of amateurism - the desire to implement their initiatives beyond personal gain, mercantilism, the desire to satisfy their interests at the expense of others. In this regard, the sphere of officially registered amateurism is potentially a school of civic altruism and healthy collectivism for many members of society. Some exceptions to this rule (for example, the hidden commercialization of a number of amateur associations) do not cancel this requirement for amateurism in general.

Polycentrism in these associations manifests itself in the form of various schemes of self-government, self-organization, eliminating the very possibility of authoritarian centralized leadership and stimulating the presence of various informal leaders, groups already within the amateur association itself. This ensures the stability, dynamism and vitality of most amateur associations.

It should be noted that the sphere of officially registered amateurism, with certain state support, can develop to the level of nationwide voluntary societies, becoming a full-fledged partner of cultural bodies and institutions in solving the problems of developing national culture (in the Soviet period, many associations were part of all-union organizations of amateurs of one profile or another).

Cultural and leisure activities of the "life world", gravitating towards the culture of the "systemic world". This type of activity, as noted in the previous chapter, includes mainly political parties, national-cultural movements and confessions. These associations are the most innovative in relation to state policy, creating their own, often not mastered by the state, social and cultural values. Political parties, one way or another, claim to create and implement programs for the social transformation of society and the corresponding subculture of such transformation. National-cultural associations defend their right to national-cultural autonomy (the creation of their own system of cultural values) and the production of their own value orientations in social life in order to win back their own social space in the "big" society (the "diaspora" principle). Confessional associations build their own system of social and cultural values, which are constantly developing in dialogue with official systemic, state structures (of course, where this dialogue is present, and where there is no sectarian isolation of one or another religious community).

This type of association also has its own characteristics of pedagogically significant initiatives.

In all these associations, as a rule, there is no homogeneous socio-demographic and socio-cultural composition. Even in the case when one or another of these associations claims to be selective in its composition (the predominance in it of a certain social stratum, nationality or people who share a certain creed), this formation is actually filled with people from different social strata, with a different understanding of national interests, and different ideas about the corresponding creed. Corresponding cultural and leisure communities are more often formed on the basis of common social and cultural problems than on the basis of a common sociocultural identity. These associations, as a rule, need to attract more and more new members, but at the same time they do not want a tough confrontation with the systemic world. This or that criticism of the “system”, opposition to it is more often carried out in legitimate, legal forms. The common socio-cultural meanings and meanings developed in these associations are a kind of indicator of the demand by society, its various social and cultural layers for new ideas about the world, innovations in various socio-cultural spheres. Thus, these associations are a kind of testing ground, experimental grounds for working out new ideas, concepts, socio-cultural technologies that have a pedagogical impact on the participants.

These associations are of particular importance in the development of the political and legal culture of society. These are: political and legal opposition to the state, the addition of its human rights functions, compensation for the underdevelopment of civil society institutions. These associations are most effective if they also show a tendency of polycentrism, which implies the maximum development of "horizontal" connections and public leadership based on the nomination of a wide variety of activists, enthusiasts, often acting on their own initiative, guided by the general political, social and moral and legal norms of this associations.

Cultural and leisure activity of the "life world". This type of activity can be attributed to those of its manifestations that are a reflection of the daily lifestyle of the population and the implementation of the norms and traditions of the "culture of everyday life". The latter is fixed in local cultural traditions, customs, common rituals and festivities supported by the population, customary norms of nature management, authentic folklore, crafts, crafts, mass cultural stereotypes in the sphere of everyday life and leisure. The cultural and leisure activity of the "life world" combines the assimilation of values ​​already established in the culture of everyday life by various groups of the population (local cultural traditions, everyday culture, leisure activities, etc.) and social experimentation ("the production of social values") - the formation of the most diverse informal communities, primarily in the field of leisure. It is in the life world of informal leisure communities (from spontaneous leisure groups for children and adolescents to situational leisure communities based on common hobbies) that the basic models of leisure behavior of many socio-demographic groups of the population are formed, which are not yet fully taken into account in the activities of cultural institutions, in the state cultural politics.

When assessing the pedagogical potential of spontaneous cultural and leisure orientations of the “life world”, it is necessary to base not only on the already established types of activities in the system of cultural institutions, but also on the real patterns of everyday leisure behavior of the population, including the most extravagant groups and communities (“Goths”, “ami”, "flash mob", etc.).


1. The problem of employment

Use of network technologies

Access to information resources

Electronic government

Health care and social protection of the population


1. The problem of employment

In the context of the global financial and economic crisis, which today has engulfed almost all countries of the world, the social significance of the development of information culture is increasing significantly. The crisis has exacerbated the problems of employment and retraining of specialists to obtain new professions that are more in demand on the labor market. Therefore, many countries, such as Australia, Ireland, Singapore, France, South Korea and Japan, are increasing their investments in the development of broadband Internet access. They see it as an important anti-crisis measure in the national economy.

In Russia, with its colossal territory, these problems can only be solved through a wider use of open education and distance learning based on modern information and communication technologies (ICT).

Unfortunately, both require the intensification of the development of computer training tools, as well as their legal and financial support at the federal and regional levels. The State Program for the Development of the Information Society in Russia is designed to help solve these problems.

The economic crisis has significantly increased the number of unemployed. For many countries, this is a big social problem, which government authorities are working to solve. However, the possibilities of ICT are used poorly, although they can have a significant socio-economic effect. First of all, it is necessary to increase employment in the information sphere, the development of which is an urgent problem for many countries. Therefore, the training of specialists for this area is the most important task of the education system, which must be restructured accordingly.

Also relevant today is the problem of employment of the disabled, pensioners and women with children. According to the first official World Report on Disability (WHO/World Bank, 2011), the number of people with some form of disability in the world is increasing and now stands at 1 billion people or 15% of the total population. According to the Ministry of Social Development , in Russia there are more than 11 million people with disabilities, and their number is increasing by almost 1 million every year. Every tenth citizen of Russia receives a disability pension, which already poses a threat to national security.

At the same time, many people with disabilities, although they have limited mobility, could well work from home. Modern ICT provides the necessary opportunities for this, which are still little used. A personal computer with Internet access, a laser printer and a scanner - this is the minimum set of computer science tools that can give work to several tens of millions of disabled people. For many of them, this is the only opportunity to feel useful to society and earn the necessary means for their existence. However, the social services of Russia do not properly use this opportunity and do not take effective steps in this direction.

For our country, the problem of disabled children has a special social significance. According to the Ministry of Social Development of Russia, the number of such children under the age of 18 has increased by 40% over the past decade and is more than 500 thousand people. In recent years, the number of children with chronic diseases has increased by 15-20%. This category of Russian citizens requires special attention and care from the authorities and civil society.

In 2009, within the framework of the National Project "Education", the implementation of the federal project on distance learning for children with disabilities began. It is assumed that about 20,000 children will be covered by such training from grades 1 to 11. The cost of the project is 8.5 billion rubles. for four years.

Telework is a new solution to the problem of employment. The development of the system of "information homework" (telework) could give work not only to the disabled, but also to pensioners, who, to the extent of their ability, can also participate in labor activities. For many of them, this is not only additional income, but also an important moral and psychological factor. It is obvious that many pensioners with extensive industrial, scientific and pedagogical experience could pass it on to the younger generation, raising the intellectual level of society.

Telework using modern information technologies is also a promising occupation for women who are forced to interrupt their work activities due to pregnancy or the need to raise small children at home. Their qualifications, knowledge and experience can also be used more effectively.

2. Use of network technologies

employment population social information

The use of the Internet, which today is both a global system of information communications and a fairly powerful information system, occupies a special place in the development of the information society. According to sociological research, the number of subscribers of this network in the world currently exceeds 3 billion people and continues to grow. However, it is important to note that the proportion of Internet users among the low-income population is also increasing. Although the overall level of network usage in this population group is still low, mainly due to high network service charges.

According to sociological research, the number of subscribers of this network in Russia by the beginning of the 4th quarter of 2014 reached 76.3 million people among the adult population (60%) and continues to grow.

At the same time, in small towns, among young people aged 18-24, there is an increased growth in mobile Internet users, which exceeds the national average. Among the low-income population, the share of Internet users also increased by more than 60%. However, overall network usage in this population is still low (around 20%).

According to experts, this is due to high tariffs for Internet services in the regions. It is expected that with the development of technologies for wireless connection of users to the network, the situation may change significantly for the better.

Broadband Internet access as a critical technology for the development of the information society. Subscribers' capabilities to use Internet information resources are determined mainly by the data transfer rate at the final section of the information exchange path, at the user's access point. The minimum speed that allows you to search for text and graphic information is about 1-2 Mbps. Working at a lower speed creates significant psychological discomfort, and at speeds less than 128 Kbps it becomes practically useless. Therefore, in order to use the new opportunities of the information society, it is necessary to solve the problem of broadband access for users to the Internet throughout Russia. Today, broadband access is provided only in large cities of Russia, but even there its cost is still too high for the mass user.

A cardinal solution to this problem is possible on the path of developing a space communication system and broadband access technologies using existing wired radio broadcasting networks and power supply networks for industrial and residential premises. The latter requires the use of so-called PLC technologies. Industrial developments of these technologies are used in a number of European countries, for example, in Switzerland. At the same time, the socio-economic effect of their use is very significant. Recently, there have been reports on the Internet that such technologies are beginning to be used in Russia. Moreover, these are means and technologies of domestic production.

PLC technologies. At present, the vast majority of end connections users to the Internet is carried out by laying a cable from a high-speed line to the user's apartment or office. This is the cheapest and most reliable solution. But if cable laying is not possible, then you can use the system of power electrical communications available in each building. At the same time, any electrical outlet in the building can become an exit point in

Internet. The user is only required to have a special PowerLine modem to communicate with a similar device, usually installed in the electrical control room of the building and connected to a high-speed channel.

Practice has shown that the use of PLC technologies is an effective solution to the problem of the "last mile" in cottage settlements and low-rise buildings due to the fact that the use of traditional wires for these purposes is 4 or more times more expensive than the use of PLC- technologies. These technologies can also be used to implement the idea of ​​a "smart home", where all consumer electronics are connected into a single information network with the possibility of centralized control.

Russian socio-technological project "Social socket". The modern understanding of the quality of life implies free access of a person to the information he needs. In many countries, there are programs of state support for technologies for accessing the population to national and world information resources. For example, in the United States, for more than 10 years, government support measures have been in place to connect users to the Internet. To provide these services, tax incentives have been established, and the connection of users from low-income segments of the population is subsidized by the state.

In the period 2010-2015, it was planned to implement a new social and technological project "Social socket" in Russia. Its essence is that in each apartment of 39 cities of Russia there will be a device that will provide the following information capabilities: free connection to the Internet, 8 main TV channels, 9 wired radio broadcasting channels (with the ability to alert the population about emergencies), as well as direct contact with emergency services

-the so-called "panic button".

The technological feature of this project is that for its implementation it was supposed to use the means of an already existing urban radio broadcasting network, which was created in the USSR taking into account wartime requirements and therefore is non-volatile and has multiple equipment redundancy. Therefore, it can function even during emergency power outages.

It was assumed that the installation of "social outlets" in apartments would be carried out at the expense of the city budget, and the use of such an outlet would cost the same as residents pay for a regular radio point. The Moscow government planned to install social outlets in all apartments of newly built residential buildings, as well as in houses that have undergone major repairs. As for other apartments, they must also be equipped with “social sockets” free of charge at the request of residents.

As a result of this project, the problem of "social access" to the Internet could be solved in Moscow and St. Petersburg within two years, and in the period 2013-2015. this project was planned to be implemented in 37 other cities of Russia. However, due to the financial and economic crisis, the implementation of this project was postponed indefinitely.

3. Access to information resources

In the modern world, there is a significant inequality in the access of various groups of the population to socially significant information resources. It slows down the processes of socio-economic development of society and improving the quality of life of the population. Studies show that the formation of a single information space in the world is too slow and does not compensate for the "digital divide" between different population groups. This strengthens the social stratification of society and is one of the threats to national and global security.

To solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to achieve a significant reduction in the cost of broadband access to the Internet for low-income strata of the population. It seems to us that for certain groups of the population, for example, for the disabled and pensioners, it should become free in the information society.

4. Electronic government

The implementation of the concept of "electronic government" is one of the priority areas for the development of the information society in Russia. This implementation should have a significant socio-economic effect and create a basis for the development of civil society. In the State Program "Information Society (2011-2020)", the creation of "electronic government" is considered as an integral part of the problem of the formation of an electronic state in Russia.

At the same time, the task is to improve the efficiency of management at all levels of state, regional and municipal authorities. This is the first time a task of this magnitude has been set in our country. Therefore, its solution is associated with great difficulties, mainly of a psychological and regulatory nature.

The psychological problem seems to be the most difficult, since a large number of officials will have to be trained in the use of modern information technologies, to convince them of the need to switch to new methods of work. The discussion of this problem showed that in many regions it is not yet considered as a strategically important and priority issue. Nevertheless, the main standard solutions for the architecture of "electronic government" have been developed and tested in some regions of Russia: in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Murmansk and Nizhny Novgorod regions, in Karelia and Tatarstan.

The creation of an electronic state involves the comprehensive use of information technology, which will lead to a new quality of human interaction through electronic communications and the Internet. This interaction opens up new opportunities for individual development and the development of all forms of business entities and public authorities and, as a result, should increase labor productivity, efficiency and competitiveness of the economy.

The greatest economic and social effect in this case should be expected, first of all, from significant savings in social time spent by the population on obtaining the necessary public services. According to available estimates, the amount of time resources that Russian citizens spend on receiving public services is about 25 million hours. At the same time, more than 10 percent of the goods and services produced by small businesses are the costs associated with administrative barriers. For the domestic economy, these costs turn into lost opportunities.

It is assumed that as a result of the implementation of the activities of the Program, any citizen of Russia will be provided with the following opportunities:

get a government service. To do this, it will be enough to remotely fill out the request form once, and after a certain time receive the necessary document in your mailbox or check for changes about your person in the corresponding database;

submit tax returns. To do this, you will not need to visit the tax office;

start performing certain types of professional activity. To do this, it will be enough to turn on the computer, enter the corporate network and not waste time on the road;

conclude an agreement with a partner from another region. To do this, you will not need to send your representative - it is enough to certify the documents with your electronic digital signature;

buy a train ticket. To do this, you will not need to go to the ticket office, it will be enough to select and pay for a ticket remotely, and when boarding, tell the controller your last name - this possibility is already available in a number of regions of Russia;

get expert advice. To do this, the patient does not need to go to the medical center - it is enough to leave his documents on the appropriate portal and get in touch with the relevant doctor at the appointed time;

get help in an emergency. To do this, it will be enough to use a single number of emergency services via a payphone located within walking distance;

find literature on the topic of interest. To do this, it is enough to use the electronic catalog of any library in the country;

get the student to school. To do this, it will be enough to download a set of textbooks and related materials from the regional educational portal and save them in an e-book;

express their opinion on a particular issue or form a group of like-minded people to implement any initiative. To do this, it will be enough to go to the appropriate site on the Internet.

It is assumed that the practical implementation of the above new opportunities for the population of the country can be carried out with the help of home computers connected to the Internet, or with the help of shared network access.

Such facilities are available or installed in all post offices. Since 2010, a new type of collective terminals has been installed in Russia - the so-called "infophones", which are designed to connect the population with municipal authorities to receive reference information and state information services in places accessible to the population. It should be noted that this practice has been used in the United States for more than 15 years and has shown its high efficiency.

5. Health care and social protection of the population

A project is being discussed to create a unified electronic medical record, which should accompany a person throughout his life and contain data not only about his illnesses, but also other information, including data from preventive examinations. And this is a fundamentally new approach to ensuring the health of the nation.

In the coming years, in the field of health care and social assistance to the population of Russia, it is planned to expand the use of information technologies, which will improve the quality of diagnostics and rehabilitation and, as a result, will reduce mortality and disability. This measure should contribute to an increase in the share of the working-age population and life expectancy throughout the country.

Telecommunication facilities make it possible to organize the provision of high-tech medical care to people living far from scientific and medical centers. In the Russian Federation, new software and hardware systems are being created that provide, on the basis of electronic technology, an appointment for treatment, booking appointments for patients by specialists, determining the treatment budget, maintaining electronic medical records, automatically calculating the remuneration of specialists and the financial costs of medical institutions, depending on a comprehensive assessment of the results. their activities.

Electronic social cards. For 15 years, certain categories of Moscow residents have been using electronic cards called the Muscovite Social Card. With their help, pensioners and the disabled are provided with free travel on public transport, suburban electric trains and buses, as well as discounts when buying certain medicines and food products in Moscow stores. At present, a decision has been made to extend this practice to other cities of Russia, which seems to be highly desirable and expedient, since this is one of the effective forms of targeted support for low-income strata of the population.

At the same time, the project planned by the Russian government to create and mass-produce the so-called Universal Electronic Card (UEC) for all citizens of our country receives a mixed assessment from its public. In March 2015, this project was specially discussed at the Round Table in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia. In the speeches of the participants of this event, it was shown that the concentration and storage of detailed information about the personal data of its owner in the UEC is very dangerous, as it creates opportunities for unauthorized use of this data.


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FSBEI HPE "Perm State Academy of Arts and Culture"

Faculty of Cultural Studies

Department of social and cultural activities

Essence and social significance of leisure

Course work

Artist: Pikulev M.N.

student group MK / 12 - 1b

Scientific adviser:

candidate ped. Sciences, Associate Professor

Melnikova N.S.


  1. Leisure as an object of scientific research……………………………….7

1.1. Formation and development of leisure as a sphere of human life activity……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

1.2. Axiology of Leisure……………………………………………………………12

  1. The current state and prospects for the development of the leisure sector....................................................................................................................17

2.1. Analysis of the world experience in the development of leisure forms……………………..17

2.2. Leisure in Modern Russian Society: Realities and Development Trends………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.3. Forms and content of leisure in the region……………………………………..34


List of sources used…………………………………………45



The relevance of research due to the fact that in the modern world little attention is paid to leisure, and even more so its essence and social significance. Most people do not question the meaning of leisure, what it is in itself, for them it is just time free from work, time for "doing nothing". The importance of leisure is also not appreciated in the modern world, people simply lose their precious time, instead of developing and joining culture, art and sports. We believe that leisure is becoming an ever wider sphere of life, where the self-realization of the creative and spiritual potential of society takes place, which is why it is necessary to involve a person in leisure activities.

Social significance of the problem lies in the fact that the population cannot fully master leisure values ​​due to ignorance of the cultural and leisure situation in the world, country, region. People do not value leisure and do not consider it meaningful, because they do not know the history and useful experience that leisure brings to a person's life.

The degree of development of the problem The study was specified on the basis of generalization of the experience of studying the problem of the essence and significance of leisure. The historical aspects of the formation of leisure were studied by I.M. Asanova, S.O. Deryabina, T.G. Kiseleva, Yu.D. Krasilnikov.

The system of leisure values ​​was mainly reflected in the works of A.F. Volovik, V.A. Volovik, as well as in the works of V.P. Krestyanova.

The world experience of cultural and leisure activities is studied in the works of V.Z. Dulikova

Problems and the current state of the leisure situation in Russia were studied by M.K. Gorshkova, R. Krumm, N.E. Tikhomirova and others.

Object of study - leisure

Subject of study - the essence and social significance of leisure

Purpose of the study - to reveal the essence of leisure and determine its role and place in the system of human life, to study the features and technologies of organizing leisure forms in foreign countries, Russia and the Perm Territory.

Research objectives:

  1. To analyze the literature on the problem of the essence and social significance of leisure.
  2. To study the history of formation and value system of leisure.
  3. Describe leisure activities abroad.
  4. Consider the features of the organization of leisure in modern Russia.
  5. To analyze the state of leisure in the Perm region today

Research methods:

- theoretical (theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical, sociological, cultural, scientific and methodological literature on the research problem; study of programs and creative works of participants in amateur cultural and leisure associations; systematization of the empirical data obtained)

Empirical (active visits to leisure sites in our city, included observation of people - participants in cultural and leisure programs).

Practical significance of the study is that the data obtained in the course of the study substantiate the effective development of the socio-cultural activity of people in the process of cultural and leisure activities. The research materials can be used in the practice of social and cultural activities to study the leisure situation in the Perm region by city residents.

The structure of the course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, five paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of sources and applications used.

The first chapter of the work considers the historical roots of leisure and the path of its formation, and also considers the concept of "axiology of leisure".

The second chapter examines the world experience in the development of leisure, as well as forms of leisure activities in foreign countries. The author explores the importance of leisure in the Russian Federation and its development trends, and much attention is paid to the analysis of the leisure situation in the Perm region.

At the end of the work, conclusions are drawn on the essence and social significance of leisure.

The appendices present the results of Russians' assessment of the importance of free time (see Appendix 1) and their assessment of their leisure opportunities (see Appendix 2).


The first chapter is devoted to the theoretical understanding of such a socio-historical phenomenon as leisure. To this end, the chapter is divided into two sections. The first examines the historical roots of the emergence of leisure, its formation and development, the second studies the value system of leisure and the factors that influence the value orientation.

Each paragraph has its own introduction and conclusions based on the studied material, basic concepts and categories: “leisure”, “free time”, “axiology”.


Leisure, as a social phenomenon, has deep historical roots, it goes back to the Stone Age, but leisure in the sense of “time free from labor” was not characteristic of primitive culture, since at that time life was not divided into working time and non-working time. It is in primitive society that the conditions for the emergence of leisure are formed.

The origin of outdoor activities in primitive society is associated with games, competitions in dexterity and strength, which included both adults and children. Such forms have become the primary forms of future leisure activities. They were given special importance, since magical and gaming activities allowed people to free themselves from negative emotions and states (passivity, fatigue, fear) and infected them with new energy.

Further prerequisites and conditions for the emergence of leisure activities arose in the great cultures of the Ancient World - in Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Ancient India, Ancient China, in the ancient culture of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. At that time, leisure was not a common phenomenon, because most of the population of the states of the Ancient World either had almost no free time or had an extremely small amount of it for recreation, or the population was so poor that they constantly worked for survival. Despite this, some free citizens already had personal leisure, which was similar to modern forms of recreation and recreation. Leisure activities were divided into domestic, and those that took place in a public place, such as on the street or town square. Women spent their free time most often at home and used it for amateur activities: needlework or communication with relatives or children. The male part of the population could spend their free time both within the walls of the house and outside them - hunting, in public places, etc. Many home and out-of-home activities were accompanied by traditional games and sports competitions. In the ancient world, during the development of private property, society was subject to social and economic stratification, so leisure was class-based, and if the lower strata of society most often spent their free time at home, then the leisure of representatives of the upper classes was more individualized. It was among the privileged classes that long-term leisure first appeared, which a person could use depending on personal preferences. Collecting valuables, spending the summer in country villas, walking in nature, doing creative work, reading and listening to author's works, visiting people have become common forms of leisure. Leisure acquires its own forms, is filled with new content, acquires value.

For the first time, such great scientists and thinkers as Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus spoke about the value of leisure in Ancient Greece. It was Plato who first identified the social significance of leisure, and his follower Aristotle believed that “leisure is a divine principle for communicating with God; a means of unlocking one's potential."

In the Middle Ages, leisure activities continue to develop, but due to the fact that the public and private life of the people acquires a spiritual content and is strictly regulated by religion and controlled by the church, leisure should have been spent meaningfully. In his free time, the believer strove to read canonical texts, to reflect on the vital problems of Christian dogma. There were many amateurs who mastered playing musical instruments and singing in their free time.

However, the life of society is not limited to religion and church frameworks; in the Middle Ages, folklore forms (myths, legends, fairy tales, parables, folk humor) and folk art in general received a powerful development. The leisure of wealthy citizens stood out noticeably, it was mainly reduced to hunting, feasts, military training and tournaments. The entertainment of the inhabitants of medieval cities was much simpler. Among them, home forms of leisure were widespread: holidays, various games, playing music, needlework, dancing. In the Middle Ages, such a form of leisure appeared as a mass holiday, which united entire estates, large groups of people, such holidays acquired general cultural significance.

During the XIV century. in the Russian state, conditions were created for the expansion of forms of cultural activity in the field of leisure. Strengthening the power of the Russian state contributed to the development of the spiritual culture of society. In the Russian state, the origin of leisure is associated with the transition of the tribes to a settled way of life and farming, since under these conditions a system of holidays is born. Despite the fact that the holidays were organically woven into the fabric of people's daily lives and had, first of all, cultural significance for them, it is the holidays, according to many scientists, that can be attributed to the original forms of leisure activities. During the holidays, members of the peasant community arranged feasts at a common table, called "brothers", like holidays in general, not only helped people restore their mental and physical strength, but replenished the function of unity to resist enemies.

With the spread of Christianity in Russia, which began in the 9th century and was officially introduced in Kievan Rus in 988, a huge impact on life, life and culture, and therefore on the leisure of the people, is associated. Struggling with the pagan faith, the guardians of the Christian church attacked the national holidays with particular severity. Christianity divided the people and the priesthood. Paganism, as a cult, was undermined, but pagan ritualism continued to exist on the basis of dual faith, it was on this basis that buffoonery was born in Russia, it is an essential component in the development of leisure. Not without reason, throughout their historical life, buffoons have been known as sorcerers and healers, people who “humble” with evil spirits, capable of causing “damage” and causing any harm. The main sphere of their initial activity is rituals associated with ritual laughter.

During the XIV century. in the Russian state, conditions were created for the expansion of forms of cultural activity in the field of leisure, important components of leisure were: buffoonery, musical creativity, old folk songs, holidays, etc. Strengthening the power of the Russian state contributed to the development of the spiritual culture of society.

The word "leisure" with the meaning of free time or convenient time began to be used in the Russian state as early as the middle of the 15th century, so we can conclude that by the beginning of the 15th century in Russia there was a system of values ​​for leisure, and the basis for cultural and leisure activities was laid. For a long time, both foreign and domestic researchers and specialists connected and almost identified the concepts of "free time" and "leisure". Until now, researchers have not chosen a single concept and meaningful boundaries of the social and free time of society and the individual. Research approaches can be divided into several groups, we will focus on the approach where the concepts of "free time" and "leisure" are not identical. Representatives of this group are mostly philosophers, they believe that leisure is part of the free time that a person has and which he uses for his spiritual and physical development. Marx defined leisure as "the successive process of the restoration of human strength and their development", and free time as time "which is leisure, as well as a time for more elevated activity".

From these definitions, we can highlight the main methodological principles of leisure:

  1. The conceptual meaning of the term "leisure" is based on the concept of "free time" as a space of leisure.
  2. Introduction of levels of leisure - from entertainment to the play of "creative forces".

Thus, we can sum up, firstly, leisure as a social phenomenon has deep historical roots that go far into the past, to primitive society, despite such a long development, the history of leisure has not stopped, but continues to develop and improve with each afternoon.

Secondly, we realized that the concept of "free time" is much broader than the concept of "leisure", and it is the scope of its implementation. During the development of leisure acquired such characteristics as volume, content and structure.

Thirdly, leisure is an important component of socio-cultural activity, and for its further development it is necessary to pay more attention, costs and time to its formation as a sphere of human life.


Axiology is a philosophical doctrine of value, which determines the property of an object or phenomenon. Value is a phenomenon that reflects the spiritual nature of a person, it is an expression of the spiritual values ​​and moral norms of mankind, it is a daily guideline by which a person adjusts his thoughts and actions to social reality. This is what motivates him and what he is guided by in his life. Naturally, a person has value orientations in relation to free time.

The axiological layer of leisure arises in the process of active development of traditional and relevant universal and group values ​​by children and youth and is closely related to this process. In the field of leisure, the axiological approach to the essence of the culture of free time becomes fundamental, since it opens the way to expanding the functions of leisure activities and enriching it forms and content. The starting point of the axiological approach in the socio-cultural sphere is the values ​​of ancient leisure, the study of which is fruitful and, of course, significant for modern culture. There is a need to study the leisure traditions of antiquity, implying their understanding as one of the sides of the dialogue of cultures, during which the values ​​of ancient leisure had a significant impact on the formation of the socio-cultural sphere and the content of cultural and leisure activities of subsequent eras.

Since Antiquity, free activity has been regarded as the highest manifestation of the human spirit, and leisure as the highest good. All human life, - wrote Aristotle, - breaks up into occupations and leisure .., and all human activity is directed partly to the necessary and useful, partly to the beautiful. Leisure, according to Aristotle, includes both pleasure, and happiness, and bliss, and all this falls to the lot of unemployed people, and in a state that wants to have a beautiful system, citizens should be free from worries about basic necessities.

The relevance of addressing the cultural experience of antiquity is proved by the effectiveness of the functioning of the Olympic Games revived in 1896. Such initiatives are observed at the present time in the renewal of the Pythian (Delphic) games and in the creation of the Delphic Movement. The above facts testify to the expediency of studying the values ​​of ancient leisure and determining the ways of their rational use in the context of modern socio-cultural processes.

However, with all the obvious importance of this problem, there is a clear underestimation of its significance by specialists. There is a lack of axiological concepts of ancient leisure, revealing the need to include historical experience in the development of modern cultural and leisure programs. Leisure problems of antiquity, in fact, remained outside the scientific interest of scientists. This greatly impoverishes the social and cultural sphere, deprives it of invaluable historical experience, which is indispensable for understanding the global essence of leisure.

Thus, there is a clear contradiction between the objective interaction of ancient and modern cultures of leisure and the lack of conceptual scientific research on the axiology of ancient leisure, opening up the possibility of fully mobilizing the historical and cultural experience of the era of antiquity to enrich the content, forms of leisure and modern methods of organizing socio-cultural activities, as well as to improve the quality of training of specialists - culturologists. The actual problem of establishing the degree of significance of the values ​​of ancient leisure in the structure of general humanistic values ​​at the present stage of social progress is revealed.

At present, in the axiology of leisure, a concept has developed according to which free time is intended to meet the needs of a person in culture, social aspirations, the needs for regeneration of the body and soul, which is carried out in recreation and entertainment. Today, the basis of the axiology of leisure is the universally recognized concept of the World Association for spending free time under the name "More important than survival", according to which free time is intended to meet the needs of a person in culture, social aspirations, needs, in the regeneration of the body and soul, which is carried out in the field of leisure. It emphasizes that it is free time that determines the quality of life. Therefore, the goal of a person is not the desire to give everything to the end at work, but the desire to feel a taste for life, to live a full life based on the leisure hobby that he himself has chosen. It should also be noted that it is hardly legitimate to understand leisure as idleness. If “idleness is the mother of all vices,” then leisure carries a special way of organized communication with a deep social, often pedagogical meaning, and fulfills a cultural, educational, developmental purpose.

To choose one or another form of leisure, one should have an idea of ​​the values ​​that a person is oriented towards in his free time, and of the factors that determine this orientation.

Among these factors, the most significant are:

  1. Age

This factor begins to manifest itself from the moment the child goes to school, because it is then that the division of time into free and busy begins. It should be remembered that, depending on the age, certain values ​​are formed in a person, for example, in adolescence, some values, in the elderly, completely different.

  1. Social status

Depending on which social group a person belongs to, the nature of his leisure needs depends, and also determines the level of their satisfaction. We can say for sure that a person with great financial resources can afford any form of leisure, including expensive ones, and can also spend his leisure time most often.

  1. National traditions

Each nationality has its own leisure values. There are forms of leisure that they value more and which are in 1st place, there may also be differences in time, place of leisure. If you want to relax in another country, then you need to study the customs, traditions of this people, as well as their leisure values.

Since leisure is an activity, this means that it is not an empty pastime, not just idleness, and at the same time not according to the principle “I do what I want”. This is a developmental activity carried out in line with certain interests and goals that a person sets for himself. Assimilation of cultural values, knowledge of new things, amateur labor, creativity, physical education and sports, tourism, travel - this is what and many other things he can do in his spare time. All these activities will indicate the level of leisure culture achieved. Leisure is a central element of culture, with deep and complex connections to the general problems of work, family, politics.

Thus, we can draw several conclusions:

  1. First, the values ​​of leisure are one of the important components of leisure activities.
  2. Secondly, they began to talk about the values ​​of leisure since antiquity, and to this day this conversation is relevant.
  3. Thirdly, the choice of leisure values ​​cannot be imposed, this choice depends only on the person, on his age, social status and national traditions.

The second chapter is devoted to the current state and prospects for the development of the leisure sector at the global level, federal and regional. We will analyze foreign experience, determine the state of leisure in modern Russia, and study the leisure of the Perm Territory in more detail.


In foreign countries, leisure is taken very seriously. It is one of the key dominants of cultural policy. The problem of leisure abroad is considered both in theoretical and practical terms, this is due to the fact that the role of leisure in the foreseeable future will continue to grow. The problems of leisure in the advanced countries of the West began to come to the fore at the end of the 20th century, when the level of industrial production increased sharply and there was a clear separation of working and non-working time. The question of what free time will be spent on has become a pronounced social and socio-pedagogical aspect.

In foreign leisure studies, two basic concepts are used: “leisure” and “recreation”. More often these concepts are combined into a single one: leisure - recreational sphere. At the same time, the concept of "leisure" has more commercial and entertainment meaning, and the concept of "recreation" - social, i.e. I mean its non-commercial nature and focus on socially significant goals.

As already noted, much attention in the West is paid to the theoretical and practical aspects of the problem of leisure. To date, the concept of leisure of Western civilization has been developed, its main models have been tested.

In accordance with the modern concept of leisure, in the West, leisure is a set of activities that a person can be given of his own free will in order to relax, have fun, develop his informativeness or education, his voluntary participation in socio-cultural creativity, being free from the performance of his direct duties. .

All Western models of leisure perform functions: physiological, psychological, cognitive, aesthetic, communicative, compensatory and creative. In this case, three most important functions are usually distinguished: recreation, entertainment, physical and spiritual development of the individual.

The leisure model of each country has its own characteristics. We are talking about the real value of a particular function, or their relationship. The geographical position of the country, the historical and cultural traditions of the people, the availability of material and financial opportunities are also important here. In this regard, we can talk about the presence of several basic leisure models: American, European, former Soviet, etc.

Thus, in the American model, attention is drawn to the bias towards the entertainment function. In the European model, the ratio of functions is more balanced and much attention is paid to the function of spiritual education and personality development. It was in European countries that such a phenomenon as social and cultural animatorship was born and developed, the essence of which is to give a pedagogical orientation to leisure activities. The Soviet model of leisure had undeniable advantages. It was characterized by such qualities as the desire for the spiritual development of the individual, a pronounced educational aspect. The shortcomings of the Soviet model can be considered an underestimation of the recreational and entertainment elements of leisure and its excessive ideologization.

The presence of differences and shortcomings in foreign models of leisure does not negate the positive that they have. Positive in the theory and practice of foreign leisure should be considered the development and analysis of such concepts as "pedagogy of leisure", "socio-cultural animation", "leisure qualification" (development of a system of attitudes, skills and abilities of rational spending time) and such phenomena as leisure qualification, leisure career. Noteworthy is the attempt of Western leisure studies to give a certain gradation to leisure phenomena: serious and ordinary leisure (serious is a substitute for work), the quality of free time, the optimal style of leisure, etc.

In most European countries, the main support for culture, and therefore the main cultural activity, takes place at the local level. Let us briefly consider the specific features of foreign cultural and leisure institutions. This specificity largely affects the nature of the organization of leisure and recreational activities at all levels.

Of the specific features, the main one is: the absence of a rigid functional differentiation of cultural and leisure institutions and the increasing unification of leisure functions in the activities of each institution (the desire for multifunctionality: a museum, a library is at the same time a club, i.e. a leisure center). In many cultural and leisure institutions (primarily museums), much attention is paid to solving recreational problems (special recreation areas are created, including those in the open air, food points, children's playrooms, etc.).

The recreational function permeates the activities of most foreign cultural and leisure institutions. At the same time, it does not cancel the main function of this or that institution. In the presence of a powerful recreational background, foreign museums (England) are paying more and more attention to the development of the intellectual and cognitive abilities of student youth. Libraries that actively use club forms consider the expansion of users' access to information (books, audio, video, computer tools) as the main task. In recent years, in a number of countries (France), a new type of library has appeared - media libraries, specializing in information about works of art.

The search for new forms of organization of cultural and leisure activities is carried out in all areas: in purely recreational (the most diverse types of parks, artificial recreation areas), cultural and educational (museums, libraries), creative and compensatory (various studios and amateur associations). In foreign countries, one of the common types of leisure activities are urban or suburban leisure parks. In a number of countries, recreational and park work is brought to the level of national (state) policy. There are a wide variety of types of parks. National parks (USA, Canada), the main purpose of which is to provide citizens with the opportunity to relax in living, "untouched" nature.

In recent years, the so-called artificial recreation areas have become widespread in the West. These zones can be created both in the open air, in which case they become a kind of theme parks, for example, an amusement park, and under a roof - an imitation, for example, of some exotic corner of the globe. Mixed options are also possible: part of the artificial zone is open-air, the other is under a roof, etc.

New forms of cultural life are emerging in other areas as well. In a number of foreign countries, many banks are becoming collectors, custodians and popularizers of works of contemporary art. In this case, the bank acts both as an art gallery and, no less important, as a sponsor and patron of new art forms.

Noteworthy is the foreign experience of tourism activities, work with children, organization of leisure activities with the least protected groups of the population (the poor, the disabled, representatives of risk groups), etc.

As already noted, a solid financial basis and significant independence of local authorities make it possible to take into account the cultural needs of the main categories of the population to the greatest extent. It is work at the place of residence that constitutes the main part of leisure and recreational activities in the West. And there is much in common between different countries, including Russia. This applies both to the functioning of various kinds of cultural and leisure centers in the field, and to the holding of various kinds of cultural events.

Almost every resident of Europe, the USA and Canada has the opportunity to use the services of local cultural institutions, to take part in ongoing events. Most of the services are provided free of charge. The main part of local cultural and leisure institutions and their events are financed from funds allocated by local budgets.

The free provision of services in the service sector at the local level is one of the achievements of the social policy of Western countries. In fact, every citizen today has equal opportunities to use the main means of culture. Especially this wine when holding various kinds of holidays at the regional or municipal level, when almost all residents of the city or district, whether they are adults or children, healthy or people with disabilities, can appear on the street and take part in the celebrations.

According to the established stereotype, Europeans competently and thoroughly approach all aspects of their lives, including leisure. It is believed that after work, everyone is occupied by fitness clubs and paths of parks, on weekends they definitely go to nature, and vacations are spent in endless travels or other active activities for the benefit of health. As it turns out now, all this is just a beautiful story. The first study, conducted by Brussels-based GfK Ad Hoc Research Worldwide, commissioned by The Wall Street Journal Europe, polled 22,000 people from 21 European countries.

The subject of interest was how often do residents of these countries go to restaurants and how much do they spend there? Are they ready to go on a more or less distant journey to get, say, to some festival or other interesting event? And how do they generally prefer to spend their free time?

The results obtained revealed common preferences for all Europeans, as well as several interesting differences. As it turned out, most Europeans like to stay at home. Going out, by which the researchers meant going to a restaurant, pub, dance hall or other places of mass pastime, consistently held the second place in the ranking. However, in which places - representatives of different countries differ in opinion.

Consider some of the features of the leisure of large European states: England, France, Germany, and also turn to the leisure of the United States.

In 2010, for the fifth time in a row, International Living's analysts recognized France as the "best country to live in". The study was conducted in 194 countries according to nine criteria: cost of living, culture and leisure, state of the economy and environment, degree of freedom, level of development of health care and infrastructure, security and climate. One of the priority areas of leisure in France is sports. France has an impressive number of venues for competitions in various sports. One of the most famous competitions held in France is the prestigious Tour de France, which has a history of more than a hundred years.

France played an important role in the renewal of the tradition of holding the Olympic Games: in the 19th century, it was the French baron Pierre de Coubertin (Fr. Pierre de Frédy, baron de Coubertin) who took this initiative.

Sport is an important part of leisure in the UK as well. Today, a variety of sports are popular in the UK, which involve a huge number of participants and spectators. Some sports appeal to a minority or only certain classes of society, while others appeal to the vast majority of Britons. The number of people involved in sports has increased in recent years, as have sports centers in both the private and public sectors. This coincided with a greater concern for their own health and the need for physical activity in most Britons. About a third of the adult population in the UK regularly participates in outdoor sports, and a quarter in gyms. Spending on sports, attending sports and buying sports equipment occupy a significant part of the budget of British families.

You should also keep in mind the extensive system of holidays and the traditions of holidays in Great Britain, but once you get to England, you will be surprised how differently the attitude of the British themselves, especially young people, towards such regional studies is seen. In England, perhaps the only holiday that is really widely celebrated and unites everyone is Christmas. Here, indeed, religious and family traditions are fully respected. Monarchical ceremonies and events inspire and unite the subjects of the British crown. Otherwise, the business and strict Protestant ethic favors work over endless weekends.

Residents of Germany also lead an active sports life. In Germany, there are voluntary, as well as commercial sports clubs for almost any kind of sport. Information about this can be obtained from the sports union at the place of residence. Inexpensive fitness classes after work are also popular here. You can also sign up for a private sports section or a fitness studio, where all equipment, courses or facilities, for example, a sauna, are at your disposal.

Football is widespread, because. football is the German national sport and, in the words of one Bundesliga television commentator, "the only truly living popular culture".

In Germany, cultural life is very diverse, and both state and commercial structures take part in it. Almost all drama and opera theatres, museums and libraries are subsidized by the state, and therefore ticket prices, as a rule, remain affordable. Announcements about cultural events are regularly published in daily newspapers. Libraries are often called "Stadtbibliothek", "Stadtische Leihbucherei" (city library) or "Staatsbibliothek" (state library). Often in them you can take not only literature in German, specialized literature, newspapers or magazines, but also books in foreign languages. Many libraries also lend out movies, music, and educational computer programs.

Much attention is paid to cinema, the Germans are considered lovers of going to the cinema. The film program changes, as a rule, on Thursdays. You can find out about what is going to the cinema today from local newspapers. In many cinemas there is a so-called "movie day" when ticket prices are much lower than on other days of the week. Some towns have special cinemas with a special program, showing mostly themed screenings, sometimes in the original language with German subtitles.
A widespread custom in Germany is to meet on weekends with relatives and friends, for example, at home in the afternoon for coffee with a cake or in the evening in a pub or restaurant. If you have come to a new job, you can invite colleagues to a kind of acquaintance evening - “Einstand”. Usually it is arranged in the company at the end of the working day. You can also treat colleagues on your birthday. There are also so-called meetings of regulars. A meeting of regulars is a regular meeting with friends or acquaintances in the same restaurant or pub. Invitations of various organizations, such as parties or trade unions, to meet at a certain time to discuss political topics in a wide range are called "political round table".

In a country like the United States, leisure is so developed that it can only be limited by your imagination and wallet. The United States is distinguished by a high level of organization of one form or another of leisure. It doesn't matter where you decide to go: bar, club, cinema, golf, etc., you can be sure that you will receive excellent service. You will never experience difficulties in buying tickets for this or that event, the prices for which are almost always more reasonable than in Russia. In the US, you can buy almost everything online. Sports in America is also one of the priority areas of leisure activities. In principle, Americans are very fond of sports, so everywhere and always there are championships in American football and baseball, where you can become a spectator. It is also not a problem to go and do yoga, kickboxing, jiu-jitsu or something like that. Gyms are very popular among locals, some of them are gigantic complexes with jogging tracks, swimming pools and cinemas.

Leisure in America for extreme sportsmen it will be just a holiday. Here you have real rock climbing, and mountain bikes, and off-road safari in jeeps and a whole lot more. Flying in a wind tunnel deserves special attention - you are 2 meters off the floor, and you are floating in the air, while being in one place. Feels like skydiving, which is also available everywhere. To whom it seems a little, they can jump from a bungee jump (you are thrown off a tower with a rubber rope tied to your legs).

Active recreation is common in the United States, especially recreation in amusement parks. Water parks and roller coasters are a separate issue. There are several giant networks of this type of entertainment throughout the United States. One of the most famous is Six Flags. In general, these types of recreation are traditional for Americans, and as a result are found in every state and in every major city. You can also go out of town with a tent to a special camp and spend the day or night in the fresh air. It is fashionable now to ride bicycles and rollerblades. Again, in New York, a special path has been allocated for this along the entire Broadway for fans of such types of movement. In many states, real mountains are within walking distance, where you can do all kinds of skiing.

Almost all significant settlements have zoos, aquariums, theaters and museums. However, American museums are not so interesting. the country is still very young, the only exception is the "Natural History Museum" in New York, where you can see more than 100 real dinosaur skeletons, also in New York there is a Madame Tusso wax museum, an exhibition of ancient statues from China, etc. . Megacities of the USA are interesting in themselves and you can always just go to the embankment, at least in the same New York and forget about everything in the world - it's so beautiful there.

Thus, we can conclude:

  1. Leisure in foreign countries is one step higher than in Russia.
  2. Abroad, leisure is developing at a faster pace and financed to a much greater extent.
  3. In foreign countries, traditional forms of leisure are being developed and maintained, as well as new ones are emerging and improving.
  4. Leisure time abroad is more affordable, leisure time can be spend millions of different ways, and the best part is that no matter which one you choose, you will always feel amazing service and comfort.

Leisure as the most important sphere of human life is one of the popular subjects of modern sciences. In Russia, the study of free time as a “space” of leisure in the context of a survey of free time budgets has more than a century of history, which originated in the 1870s and 1880s.

For a long time, Soviet science was dominated by a purely objective approach to the study of free time, which interpreted the latter as part of non-working time and studied it through a circle of activities aimed at developing the personality. Within the framework of this concept, the view of leisure existed almost unchanged, retaining the continuity of the definition given by W. Dahl, who described leisure as “free, unoccupied time, partying, walking time, space for work” .

The modern Russian socio-cultural situation is characterized by complexity and inconsistency, because, on the one hand, we see positive changes in its development, which consist in the activation of the socio-cultural creativity of various population groups, the expansion of genre and species composition artistic activity, the creation of public organizations and movements, amateur associations and clubs of interest, aimed at the development of cultural and educational space. Today we see especially close attention to Russian folk culture, which is explained by the loss of part of the national traditions in a society that lived according to ideological guidelines that were introduced into the life and consciousness of the masses through the artificial creation of new traditions, rituals and holidays.
On the other hand, the level of spirituality of society is decreasing, there is a stratification of the population in the way and style of life, the process of socio-cultural adaptation of young people is extremely complicated, and negative trends in the functioning of educational and leisure institutions are growing.

Thus, global socio-cultural changes in the modern world, filled with contradictions and tensions, raise the question of the place and significance of education and culture in the life of society more and more sharply. But, nevertheless, the processes of democratization and spiritual and moral renewal of society make us take a fresh approach to the problem of developing the socio-cultural sphere and organizing leisure for people of all ages.

Changes in theoretical, empirical research and realities in the field of free time are due to a number of general civilizational factors: de-ideologization and humanization of interstate relations; recognition of the priorities of universal interests; free communication of youth from different countries; the development of forms of political and cultural cooperation, international tourism, as well as indirect forms through the Internet, audiovisual and television and radio channels.

The leisure situation in our country was largely determined by the social shifts and upheavals experienced by society - the processes of urbanization and industrialization, collectivization, war, post-war trends, during which there was a significant rupture of traditional ties. The subject of leisure, leisure activities in the person of a particular community (society), and above all the family, has also changed significantly. Social institutions today have largely lost their capabilities in such an important matter as the preservation and development of culture and art, the enhancement of national and local socio-cultural, including leisure traditions.

Today, the traditional concept of leisure remains dominant in Russia, considering it as free time and a set of activities focused on meeting the various (physical, spiritual, social) needs of people in their free time. The traditional understanding of leisure must be constantly correlated with the characteristics of the lifestyle and orientations of various social groups. There are enough reasons for this, if only because, firstly, a significant part of people (for example, pensioners) do not work at all, secondly, for some, leisure seems to be a more important and essential matter than work, and thirdly, there are types of leisure that are closely intertwined with work.

The choice of leisure activities is significantly influenced by the social affiliation of a person, hence the large differences in this choice among different socio-demographic groups. Some prefer active sports, excursions, trips out of town, cultural events, while others prefer TV, visiting sports shows, caring for a garden or vegetable garden, etc. Factors influencing the choice of leisure forms. They are material security, cultural differences, historically established national characteristics of layers and groups, local conditions.

We will study the leisure activity of Russians, while relying on the main types of activities to which people's free time is devoted, and their typology, as well as the role of leisure in human life.

And although work and rest are two necessary and quite equivalent components of a healthy and happy human life, personal free time today is clearly sacrificed to work. Scientists conducted a study, on the basis of which we can conclude that free time for our fellow citizens is almost half as valuable an area of ​​their life as work: if work is considered very important for themselves by the majority of respondents (55%), then the share free time answers “very important” account for much less (30%). Much more (46%) are those who put free time in the background, giving it an assessment of “rather important”. Moreover, one in four does not at all consider free time as a significant area of ​​their own life - it is “rather not important” for them, or “not important at all” (24%).

The "second-rate" nature of free time and leisure in relation to work is a stable stereotype of Russian public consciousness. Unlike developed countries, Russia has not taken root in the tendency to indulge in leisure. When in other countries, the increase in the amount of free time has always been accompanied not only by the growth of its importance, but also by the formation of leisure as the main value of human existence. .

Almost all social groups of the Russian population currently underestimate the essence and importance of free time. To a greater extent, the importance of free time is underestimated by young people under 21, of which only 47% consider free time “very important” for themselves, i.e. less than half of those surveyed (see Appendix 1 for full details). The older people are, the less they pay attention to personal free time, which is increasingly being pushed aside by work, family care, and so on. At the retirement age, the significance of free time is "washed out" by its excess, along with a sense of one's own uselessness and lack of demand. As a result, the assessment of the importance of free time falls even more, it is increasingly characterized as a “rather unimportant” area of ​​life (34%) .

So, the value of free time for Russians as a whole is quite high, although this is far from being an unconditional priority. But even such a fairly moderate need for free time is not fully satisfied. Real life conditions significantly adjust the needs of people, forcing them to spend more time than they would like to perform mandatory tasks. It is the availability of free time that is of great importance when Russians evaluate their leisure opportunities, which are given in Appendix 2.

From the above data, we see that only 16% of Russians can claim that the line “free time” occupies a worthy place in their real life schedule. Approximately the same number (19%) still cannot boast of having enough free time, but they believe that they will provide it for themselves in the future. On the other side of the scale - more than a third of Russians, for whom the availability of free time is an important, but practically unattainable life goal.

Thus, the total number of optimistic and pessimistic assessments by Russians of their leisure opportunities is approximately the same - the needs of Russians for free time are satisfied or can only be met today by half.

The research company Romir conducted an all-Russian public opinion poll on how Russians spend their leisure time.

As the results of the study showed, among the Russians there were not too many lovers of recreation outside the home. So out of 1,500 survey participants, only a quarter (24%) turned out to be lovers of cultural pastime and at least once visited a theater, a concert, a museum or an exhibition over the past three months. Even fewer among the survey participants were fans of nightclubs, casinos, bowling alleys and karaoke bars. Only 20% of respondents answered that they visited the listed establishments in the last three months. The most popular way of cultural leisure among Russians is still going to the cinema. But even moviegoers are losing ground under the onslaught of economic problems. Less than a third (31%) of study participants had watched movies in theaters in the past three months, compared to twice as many in 2008 at 66%. If we compare the results of the study with data from a similar survey conducted in 2008, it can be seen that during this time the attendance of all designated leisure places by Russians has noticeably decreased, the number of visitors to cinemas, theaters, museums, concerts, nightclubs, and so on has fallen on average by third.

Obviously, both among the visitors of the so-called "highly cultured" places of recreation (theaters, museums, exhibitions, and so on), and among the lovers of club life, the vast majority are young people under the age of 34. In general, the older the respondent, the less often he visits places of rest outside the home. The type of locality also influences the frequency of visits: the larger it is, the more often its inhabitants visit the aforementioned leisure places. As far as gender preferences are concerned, the picture is generally even here, with the exception, perhaps, of attending entertainment venues. A quarter of men (24%) versus 16% of women - this is the percentage among the regulars and fans of these establishments.

Despite the fact that the majority of Russians spend their leisure time at home, there are at least 160,000 organizations in Russia that help to spend their free time. 100 thousand of them are for DIY enthusiasts, those who are fond of crafts, dance and music activities, modeling or photography, etc. Most of these organizations are located in Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk and Khabarovsk (see Annex 3). About 60 thousand more are places associated with sports or active leisure activities: gyms and equipment stores, campsites, tourist centers, active entertainment clubs, etc. Most of these organizations are in the Novosibirsk Region, followed by the Khabarovsk Territory. The Krasnodar Territory and the Irkutsk Region are the worst affected (see Annex 4).

"Highly cultured" holiday destinations are now becoming more popular, people are trying to join the culture and art. There are about 940 theaters in Russia, they differ in the type of art (puppet theater, drama theater, pantomime theater, etc.), and in the audience. Information about Russian theaters can be found in the Theatrical Russia reference book. Despite the age of information technology, museum and exhibition activities remain one of the promising forms of pastime. There are about 3,000 museums in Russia, and this is not the limit, old museums are being developed and improved, new ones are being opened, for example, the Museums of Modern Art, etc. Art and culture still remain integral components of leisure activities.

After analyzing the state of leisure in Russia, we can summarize the following:

  1. Free time and leisure, despite their undeniable medical and social significance, remain “secondary” in relation to work in the Russian mass consciousness.
  2. A trend is developing towards the "domestication" of leisure, the displacement of its active type due to the growth in the share of traditional and especially simple leisure.
  3. The process of “simplification”, “banalization” of leisure is in Russia, therefore today the formation of a new attitude to leisure, awareness of the opportunities that it gives to a modern person is of particular importance - as a source of a wide variety of skills and abilities, as an opportunity to make a career outside the “world work", as a channel for inclusion in social interactions and networks, as a reason to search for a new identity.

The Perm Territory in many of its manifestations has every right to claim uniqueness, and this uniqueness is represented in almost all areas of culture and leisure. The Perm Territory is a territory rich in cultural traditions and talents. In recent years, not only in Russia, but also abroad, the Perm Territory has acquired a well-deserved reputation as a region of innovative initiatives in the field of governance and self-government.

Today, in the Perm region, we can identify the prerequisites for a post-industrial society, despite the fact that there are no post-industrial innovative features in the structure of the economic activity of the region, we can see significant advances in the field of culture of education and leisure.

Perm is known as a unique center of civil activity in Russia (Perm Civil Chamber, Perm "Memorial", the Institute of Civil Engagement, the Museum of the History of Political Repressions "Perm - 36", the annual forum "Sawmill", etc.), and also as the largest in Russian center of youth and social volunteer movement (National Association of Volunteer Associations (NADO); Center for the Promotion of Culture, Art, Science, Education; Center for Support of Youth Political Initiatives; organization "Vector of Friendship", etc.). All these are the most important resources not only for cultural renewal, but also for the sphere of leisure.

The sphere of leisure and free time in the Perm region is increasingly coming to the fore, as people began to think about their pastime. Despite the fact that the leisure sector is not heavily funded in the Perm Territory, there is a huge range of services and activities for Perm residents where they can spend their free time.

In the Perm Territory, there are a huge number of forms of leisure activities, as well as a large number of cultural and leisure institutions. For many years, Perm has continued to develop such forms of leisure to which we are already accustomed, such as going to the theater, cinema, museum, cinema, etc.

Perm is famous for its theatrical activities, and new theater seasons will start again in autumn in Perm theaters. Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre. P.I. Tchaikovsky is waiting for you for the 142nd season, during the season the audience will have a few more pleasant surprises. In total, four premieres are planned for the 142nd season. Two of them are the restoration of performances that have already been staged in Perm. So, by the New Year holidays, the children's opera "Twelve Months" by composer Banevich will be restored. Children will be able to see the performance during the winter holidays. In addition, there will be a series of "Nutcrackers" - traditional New Year's performances. The ballet troupe will work on the restoration of two one-act ballets that will make up the Evening of Choreography by Jerome Robbins - "The Four Seasons" and "Concert". Another joint project - a performance to the music of Adam "The Blue Bird and Princess Florina" - is being prepared by the ballet troupe of the theater and the Perm Choreographic College. Major global projects are scheduled for the end of the season. In April, there will be a competition for young ballet dancers "Arabesque", which takes place in Perm every two years. The Diaghilev Festival, which has become a brand of the Kama region over the ten years of its existence, will be held in June. The program is currently under development. As before, much attention is paid to working with the audience - the theater organizes backstage tours, meetings with artists. Also, new seasons began in the theater "At the Bridge", in the Theater - theatre, in the theater "Scena Molot" and other theaters, many of them prepared new performances and prepared surprises for theater visitors.

Museum activity does not stand still; the Perm Art Gallery, the Museum of Local Lore, and the exhibition hall continue to work actively in Perm. They invite to various exhibitions, and are also engaged in the introduction of new forms of leisure: meetings with writers, artists, conduct various master classes, events such as "Night of Museums", etc. In connection with the project "Perm Territory - the Territory of Culture", the Museum of Contemporary Art PERMM was opened in Perm, which positions itself as a producer providing Perm with the latest art product. It hosts world-class exhibitions, an extensive research and educational program, which has become a model for all regions of Russia.

Going to the cinema, as a form of leisure, originated in Perm a long time ago. For the first time, cinema in Perm was shown in the private house of V. Kovalsky on Sibirskaya Street in 1896, at the same time that it premiered in the capitals and other cities of Russia. Movie screenings attracted a small select audience interested in the technical novelty. However, the bourgeoisie soon became disillusioned with an imperfect technical trifle, and the cinema was saved by the owners of mobile booths and panopticon museums, who regarded the “invention of the century” as a “curiosity” and began to demonstrate it to the amusement of the people. Currently, the network of cinemas in Perm is at a decent level. In Perm cinemas, you can watch the latest world and domestic cinema, as well as cinemas also specialize in new forms of leisure: film discussions, meetings with actors and directors.

Also, to this day, the Perm Zoo actively continues its leisure activities - one of the favorite places for children and their parents to relax. Here you can not only get acquainted with representatives of the animal world. The zoo has a free playground throughout the summer. And in the children's petting zoo, children can communicate with rabbits, lambs, Cameroon goats, and chickens. Every year the zoo holds interesting holidays, competitions and festivals for visitors.

Going to the circus, planetarium, parks of culture and recreation, where new forms of leisure are also being introduced: various theme days, festivals and forums, just holidays, etc. have remained unchanged forms of leisure for Perm residents for many years.

In our city, there is a widespread network of restaurants and cafes where Permians like to spend their free time. People choose this particular way of spending their leisure time, because this vacation does not require physical and mental costs, family or friends can chat in a relaxed atmosphere. Increasingly, we meet in our region in the concept of "anti-cafe", anti-cafe is a public institution of a social orientation, which has recently gained popularity in Russia and the CIS countries. "Antikafe" is a place for meetings, pastime, designed in the format of a cafe or club, "rented" by visitors for a while. This is an establishment for socializing, not for eating, where, however, you can also drink hot tea or coffee. The anti-cafe guarantees drinks and desserts, games with friends and strangers, co-working, watching movies. For all the services provided, no fee is charged, only the minutes spent inside are paid. In almost all establishments of this format, you can bring food with you.

The main specificity of leisure in the Perm Territory is that a certain age is characterized by its own forms of leisure.

Leisure facilities for young people are more popular - these are nightclubs, billiards, bowling alleys, karaoke clubs, they have recently become widespread in Perm, but have already conquered the public. Rest in these leisure institutions allows young people to take a break from family worries and studies, throw out their emotions and experiences, as well as make new acquaintances, and it is this kind of leisure that is more accessible to young people.

Leisure and recreation of the elderly are mainly aimed at rehabilitation by achieving vital goals for them. Cultural institutions of the Perm Territory conduct multifaceted work with veterans. The work is being built in close contact with regional and city councils of veterans and is aimed at involving older people in active cultural and creative activities, at further improving the organization of leisure and meeting the spiritual needs of older people, and maximizing coverage of people of retirement age with cultural events. Over the past 20 years, cultural work among the elderly has noticeably intensified. The organization of leisure time for veterans and the elderly is one of the important areas in the activities of cultural institutions.

The main forms of mass cultural work with veterans are: the organization of festivals, competitions, exhibitions, creative meetings and evenings, the work of clubs, amateur associations and amateur art groups. Every year cultural and leisure, cultural and entertainment centers, houses of culture, libraries, museums, etc. The Perm Territory organizes events dedicated to the Day of the Elderly. Many cultural institutions hold evenings of rest for veterans every month. On the territory of rural settlements, visits of honor, which are organized by cultural workers, are very popular among veterans and the disabled. Congratulations, concert performances, souvenirs create a festive mood for people who, due to some circumstances, cannot attend events held in cultural institutions. It is worth noting that visiting elderly people at home is not a one-time action.

Children's leisure also does not stand still, but develops every day, forms that have existed for a long time are developing - these are various circles, studios, sports sections, etc. They are needed not only for early career guidance, but also for the child to be creative, make his dreams come true, meet like-minded friends, communicate with wise and talented teachers. In the leisure of little Permians, we can also meet innovations - for example, the Primary Business School, Sunday Computer School, Children's Federation of Oriental Arts, Shakuntala Indian Dance Studio, Children's Pantomime School, Capoeira - Brazilian martial art, etc.

Leisure is usually divided into active and passive, so we can divide the leisure of Permians into active and passive. Passive recreation is not an interesting subject to study and is mostly about “doing nothing”, watching TV and using the Internet. And in the active recreation of the Perm Territory, we can meet a lot of new things that were not there before - these are skiing and snowboarding, horseback riding, paintball, a wind tunnel, parachuting, river rafting, darving and much more.

Ski centers of the Perm Territory are intensively preparing for the opening of the season. Artificial snowing of the slopes begins, new tracks are being prepared for the opening, snow parks are being built. Cozy and comfortable rest among the snows in the bosom of nature... Someone only has to dream about it, and the residents of Perm can make this dream a reality on any weekend, leaving the metropolis for only a couple of tens of kilometers. Permians can go to numerous camp sites in the Perm region. The tourist centers of the Perm Territory offer their guests entertainment for the most diverse tastes. For those who prefer active recreation, skiing and horseback riding, ice skating and paintball battles await here. Well, for lovers of snow and speed - a snowmobile. Almost all recreation centers offer to rent this vehicle and drive around the snowy expanses to your heart's content. At the service of vacationers - cozy rooms, billiard rooms, as well as hot Finnish saunas or traditional Russian baths - whoever likes it more! Whatever type of winter active recreation you are fond of - at modern camp sites and ski resorts you will find everything for a good rest with a family or a friendly company.

Paintball is becoming more and more popular in Perm, this is due to the fact that this type of leisure opens up many prospects and promotes an adrenaline rush. Residents of Perm are not only offered paintball grounds, Perm has been hosting a large scenario paintball game "Resident Evil" for three years now. The game "Resident Evil" has already become a popular and expected event in our city, and not only ours. Players from Moscow, Kirov, Tyumen, Chusovoy and Berezniki took part in past games. All participants are waiting for the atmosphere of a real holiday. "Resident Evil" is a grand event, which will be the opportunity to chat with brothers in arms after the game, discuss the current success and future victories. To do this, the organizers urge everyone to plan the day in such a way as to stay after the game until late in the evening. All participants will take photos, a hot and tasty lunch, a performance by a musical group, as well as a drawing of valuable prizes, including paintballs, sets of paintball grenades and smoke bombs, camouflage and paintball masks. After the game, all participants will be able to organize their own picnic: fry a barbecue, have a good rest and chat with friends.

Not so long ago, such a type of leisure as a wind tunnel settled in Perm. The wind tunnel is a new, fashionable and modern entertainment for all residents and guests of our city. Experience one of the most unusual sensations in life! Everyone can fly in the tube, even children from 7 years old in the presence of their parents. Flying in a wind tunnel will be an original way to hold a corporate party or celebrate a birthday with friends.

Leisure in the Perm Territory performs not only an entertaining and hedonistic function, but also a developing one, and also contributes to the level of cultural development. To do this, evenings of instrumental music, music salons, evenings dedicated to memorable dates are held in the region.

Information about events, activities, leisure activities is open to every resident of the city, it is posted on websites, on poster websites, there are also many magazines, such as "Leisure", "Useful", "Beauty Formula", "Smart", etc.

Having studied and analyzed leisure in the Perm region, we can draw several conclusions:

  1. Leisure in the region is at a fairly high level, as evidenced by the numerous and varied forms of leisure.
  2. Leisure in the Perm Territory is considered quite affordable, which allows all segments of the population to usefully spend their free time.
  3. The good news is that in addition to the entertainment and hedonistic function, Perm leisure remains educational and informative, and leisure in the region will flourish the most if the state allocates funds for the development and improvement of such a sphere of society as leisure.


In conclusion, I would like to say that leisure is still not yet a priority area of ​​social and cultural activity both in foreign countries and in Russia. But every day more and more attention is paid to it, since leisure is simply necessary for normal life. New types of leisure appear: for example, extreme leisure, in addition, the number of new forms of leisure activities is growing every day. A modern person should also pay great attention to the use of his free time, because usefully spent leisure time is the key to success in work and study activities. As a conclusion to this work, we can draw several conclusions:

  1. A modern person needs to remember the importance of leisure in modern life, since leisure allows you to reveal the physical, spiritual, moral, aesthetic potential of a person. This is also the way of its active promotion to culture, the development of socio-cultural heritage.
  2. In the modern socio-cultural situation, leisure is a socially recognized necessity, society is interested in the effective use of its free time, for this it is necessary to be able to combine work and leisure in one's life, in harmonizing these two poles.
  3. The modern Russian socio-cultural situation is characterized by complexity and inconsistency, since on the one hand, we see positive changes in its development, which consist in the activation of the socio-cultural creativity of various groups of the population, on the other hand, the level of spirituality of society, there is a stratification of the population in the way and style of life.
  4. The leisure situation in the region is characterized by a variety of forms of leisure activities in the city of Perm, as well as their availability. Leisure in the Perm Territory performs not only an entertaining and hedonistic function, but also a developing one, and also contributes to the level of cultural development.

Thus, the system of people's leisure in our country is currently still in the process of modernization, slowly but steadily turning into a qualitatively new independent, diversified branch of the national economy, gradually approaching the standards of European and other economically developed countries in terms of quality and efficiency.


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Attachment 1

Population group

Very important

Rather important

Rather it doesn't matter

It doesn't matter at all

Under 21

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