A story about the creative profession of an artist. Profession artist

NOD "This wonderful profession is an artist."

Target: Formation of ideas about creative profession artist.Introduce children with the specifics of the artist's profession. Give an idea of ​​its diversity, creative nature. Fix the names of objects and pictorial materials used by artists. Encourage children to use a variety of means of expression in the process of creating a drawing.

Build a positive, emotional attitude towards visual activity. Raise in children respect for the work of the artist.

Material: Demo: slides with pictures famous artists I. I. Levitan " gold autumn”; F.P. Tolstoy “A bouquet of flowers, a butterfly and a bird”; I.I. Shishkin “Before the storm”; I.E. Repin “Self-portrait”. Illustrations depicting different professions people of art.

Handout: Sheets of paper, pencils and colored pencils, crayons, gouache paint, palettes.

Preliminary work: tour of the exhibition hall art gallery. A conversation about the genres of fine art, looking at illustrations by famous artists, looking at the album “The Work of People”

Vocabulary work: sketch, restorer, theater artist, sculptors, architects, graphic artists, landscape, portrait, still life.

Integration of educational areas: " Artistic creativity","Communication", "Knowledge", " Fiction”, “Socialization”, “Labor”, “Physical culture”.

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I have a pencilcolorful gouache,watercolor, palette, brushAnd a thick sheet of paperAnd also - an easel-tripod,Because I...

( Painter)

That's right, guys, this is a riddle about the artist, well done!

Who is an artist?

That's right, an artist is a person who deals with fine arts creates pictures, works of art. Fine art appeared in ancient times, even ancient people decorated the walls of their caves with paintings depicting animals and people.

The artist has the talent to depict a diverse world in his works. He can show the events of the distant past, depict the heroes of fairy tales and novels, convey in colors the image of a person, his facial features, his mood, character. To paint a picture, an artist needs to collect material, imagine a picture, make a lot of sketches. Only those who draw well can become an artist, because drawing is the basis of any image.

The profession of an artist has many varieties.

Guys, who is a painter, portrait painter, restorer, theater artist, costume designer, animator?

(Children's answers)

That's right, the painter loves to paint landscapes - these are his favorite corners of nature, different times of the year.

A portrait painter draws a person's face or full-length, conveys the person's facial features, his character.

A restorer is a person who updates old or damaged antiques, paintings. With the help of these people, we can see pictures that were painted several centuries ago.

theater artist. Without his work, not a single performance in the theater takes place. Only he can and knows how to arrange a scene. Having seen the scene, you and I understand at what time of the year, inside the building or on the street, the action takes place.

The costume designer comes up with new models of varied and beautiful costumes.

Animation artist draws to create new cartoons interesting story on the paper.

With the help of these people, we see a lot of fairy tales on TV screens.

( showing illustrations).

So, we have learned how for many centuries artists have depicted in their paintings the world around them, all its diverse nature, animals, objects, man and his life. Hence the division of paintings into genres.

Paintings depicting nature were called the landscape genre;

The image of beautiful things and objects - the genre of still life;

Drawing a person is a portrait genre; and the image of animals - the genre of the animalist.

Guys, where do artists keep their work?

That's right, some works of artists are kept in museums and art galleries.

Guys, what qualities do you think an artist should have in order to paint a picture?

That's right, the artist must be careful, assiduous, patient, observant, creative.

Let's look at the slides and callpaintings known to us and their artists: I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”; F.P. Tolstoy “A bouquet of flowers, a butterfly and a bird”; I.I. Shishkin “Before the storm”; I.E. Repin “Self-portrait”.


Guys, in order to be artists, we need to be healthy and our hands never get tired, the physical minute “Young Wizards” will help us with this.

One - get up, stretch.Two - bend, unbend.Three - in the hands of three claps,Three head nods.Four arms wider.Five - wave your hands.Six - sit quietly in place.Let's draw togetherAnd create pictures.

Guys, now listen to the riddles and if you guess correctly, we will find out what tools young artists use.

I love bathing in paint.Completely without fearI dip my headAnd then I don't wipeBy paper sheetOr woven canvasLeft, right, up and downI walk. Who am I?(Brush)

Here is a wooden helper for you.It must be sharp all the time.Outline, still life, portrait, landscapeDraw quickly...(Pencil)

To break down the notesMusicians have music standsAnd to dilute the colors,Artists need...(Palettes)

Well done!


To work took the ARTISTBrushes, paints and easel.Draws even the rain -Or do you want your portrait?

So, our pens are ready to draw, it remains to carry out a fun warm-up “Who is faster”.

Guys, we will be divided into two teams. Each team has an easel in front of you. Each has a large sheet of paper with drawn but not painted objects (items according to the number of participants). You need to take turns going to your easel and painting one of the items. The team that completes the task faster, more correctly, more accurately, and receives sheets of paper for the future drawing as a prize, wins.

And now you guys become artists yourself. You can draw a picture of a portrait, landscape, or still life. For Have a nice work I will turn on the music for you.

Working with paints and others art materials starts with the organization of the workplace.

Let's cook workplace real artist.

Independent work children.

The teacher provides, if necessary, practical assistance to children in the application of technical skills.

The result of the lesson: an exhibition of children's drawings.

Questions for children:

What mood do you want to convey in your painting? - How did you picture it? Reveal your secret, please. - Guys, what professions

Hi Aleksey!

I want to tell you, and everyone else who reads this, as a person from the future who was in your situation and ended up going the wrong way, then came to his senses 10 years later and nevertheless took the right course. No one, ever in this world, will be able to tell you what your direction is and what to do in life, because all these tips will be just from the bell tower of another person, from his prism of perception of this world. Only your soul can know what to do. If you don't know now, then just do what you want this stage interesting. To become a professional in something, it is not necessary to graduate from the institute (most often it only discourages the desire to do what you liked so much, because there are too many boundaries that you cannot go beyond .... teachers set tasks that can be uninteresting and also drink only juices)... Just do what is interesting and swim in that direction. If you don’t like something, then it’s okay, start doing something else, this is normal, this is a search ... It’s impossible to get anywhere else if you don’t try anything and focus only on one thing. If you succeed both here and there, then you are a creative person, and he, as you know, is talented in everything, because he approaches everything with a soul. In general, just be and get high from life, do only what you are interested in and do not waste time on what others say is important! etc! just be and develop and then you will go on the right path. And when you find your path, then everything around is unrealistically cool, it seems that you live in a fairy-tale world!
(At one time, 10 years ago, I wanted to become a fashion designer, and after school to go to study this ... But my parents insisted that the work was not profitable and it was generally difficult to break through and sent me to study as an architect. It never really happened to me I didn’t like it, but I graduated from college and institute.Already studying at the institute, I went to work as an architect and while working I understood that it was not my thing at all, but I had to pay for the institute.As a result, after graduating from the institute, I left my job and settled at home in search of myself, it took me 2 years for my passion for art, costume, drawing, etc. to come back... I became an artist, sculptor, sew clothes, exhibit in galleries and museums.Now I do everything that brought me real pleasure since childhood , and from which I was taken away by advice from all sides, about how to live correctly and what to do ... And only after that my parents noted that this was really my vocation. I will never exchange this knowledge for anything and the generation that only stands in the way of choice, I will always say that first of all you need to listen to the voice inside, even if, according to the whole world, this is Brad!)

Good luck to you, Alexey, and to everyone who is on this path of choice! You will succeed, believe in yourself!!!

Drawing is an art. Drawing, a person plunges into wonderful world creativity. There are a lot of professions related to the visual arts.

One of the most common professions that require drawing skills is called a designer. This profession, which can be combined with a hobby and passion. Useful with pleasant - so it can be called. Interior design is very much in demand nowadays. A person wants to live and work in a comfortable, beautiful environment. Color, light, interior details - this is where many of the most various solutions.

The most demanded specialties

The flight of fantasy is limitless. The list continues with the following specializations:

  • - a specialty that is in demand at all times, because with the expansion of the construction industry, new vacancies in this area appear;
  • Fashion designer can imagine herself as a fairy from the fairy tale "Cinderella". Of course, to work in the field of design, in addition to the ability to draw, you need knowledge of technology, the study of production and new modern materials;
  • Visagiste is a person who owns various techniques make-up, to create a certain image, by applying decorative cosmetics.

List of professions related to artistic activity

The list of professions related to the visual arts is very extensive:

  1. Visagiste.
  2. Gallery owner.
  3. Graphic Designer.
  4. Web Designer.
  5. Painter.
  6. Architect.
  7. Furniture or interior designer.
  8. Stylist.
  9. The hairdresser.
  10. Landscape designer.
  11. Jeweler.
  12. Decorator.
  13. Schedule.
  14. Cartoonist.
  15. Painter.
  16. copyist.
  17. Various artists ( miniature painting, painting on wood, on metal, on enamel, on fabrics).
  18. The artist is a costume designer.
  19. Illustrator.
  20. Artist - director.
  21. Multiplier.
  22. Sculptor.
  23. Ceramist.
  24. Aerography and cartography specialist.

And this is not the limit. This list can be continued. Where else can you work, having the skills to perform drawings and create artistic images?

Description of some specialties

Where can a creative person work.

Well, for example, at work engineer- a designer requires not only engineering knowledge, but also artistic skill, and sometimes a creative approach. Knowledge of computer graphics is a plus. Specialists with this knowledge are in demand in any field, whether it be mechanical engineering or construction.

An artist who paints scenery from sketches is called decorator. He designs art projects and decorates interiors. A person of this profession must have accuracy and attentiveness, as well as a rich imagination. Creative thinking allows you to come up with interesting embodiments of various ideas.

Interesting profession - restorer. Who, if not he, knows the methods of restoring damaged paintings or art objects of historical value? They should not only be able to draw, but also identify the style of an artist and be able to copy it, because if you make the wrong stroke, you can spoil valuable picture. And also you need the skill of assessing the degree of damage and selecting the right paints and materials for restoration.

landscape designer specializes in creating compositions of garden and park architecture. A person who knows the technique of drawing, the basics of composition, drawing, and also knowledgeable growing plants.

If you are interested in fashion and style, and also have a taste and ability to dress well, then perhaps you have a direct path to fashion designers. A person of this profession is a specialist in the manufacture of clothing. This is a very responsible job that requires a lot of patience. This is constant self-improvement and tracking of trending trends in fashion, studying demand, as well as knowing what materials it has. modern market.

The ability to draw will help you out when carrying out repairs in the apartment. Artistic vision and the ability to combine colors will be the best assistant in the selection of paints, wallpapers, furniture. Interior designer- very much in demand at the moment. This type of activity creates coziness and harmony in the home.

Who do you think draws the cards? After all, without them, humanity simply cannot exist. Of course it is cartographer. Previously, plans and maps were drawn by hand. Historians, collectors and simply connoisseurs of graphics admired these creations. Modern maps are created with the participation of the achievements of science and modern technologies. The use of remote methods helps: aerial photography and satellite scanning of the earth's surface. With these funds modern cards and the plans are more complete and accurate. Computer graphics allows you to create maps of any complexity.

If we combine pedagogical activity and knowledge of fine art skills, then you can test yourself as teacher. The teaching profession is always in demand. After all, someone has to share their experience younger generation.

Trend specialty - florist. This specialty is related to decoration with flowers. Florists make exclusive and original bouquets and participate in decorating the premises.

It should be noted that the history of floristry goes back to ancient times. In the fifth century BC e. people have already begun decorating their homes with flowers. It prove archaeological finds: vases, pots, remains of seeds and historical records are historical evidence.

Must be a bright and extraordinary personality. This is a person who knows how to convey the whole range of emotions in photographs, making people cry or laugh. The ability to see beauty in simple everyday things distinguishes people of this profession from other people.

The youngest art form is photography. The first picture was taken in 1822, but, unfortunately, it did not reach our time, the author was Joseph Niepce. A few years later he created another image: "View from the Window". Created in 1826, the picture is the first official photo. Of course, almost two centuries have passed since then, and photography has stepped far ahead. With the transition to the digital level appeared more possibilities. They are practically limitless. People who have devoted their lives to this art are called photographers and amaze us with amazing pictures.

There are many professions related to art in the world. And it does not matter whether a person creates beautiful costumes, draws maps, or makes a cozy house. The main thing in this work is the ability to feel the beautiful and always keep your finger on the pulse, always be aware of what others like now. The use of modern materials and technical advances will help in creating any image or masterpiece.

The profession of an artist is one of the most ancient and romantic. The first artists painted people and animals on cave walls using natural paints.

Today, the concept of "artist" has become collective. In a broad sense, it is called creative person, which transforms the world or reveals special qualities in it. In the professional sense, an artist is a person who is engaged in fine arts. The concept of "fine" refers to a very specific process: painting, graphics, sculpture as artistic actions- arts depicting the world. If desired, anyone can learn how to draw, mix paints technically correctly, select a color palette, brushes, and even paint a picture, but not everyone can see the beauty of the world around them. And only true artists not only see beauty, but are also able to reflect it in their creations. To become a real artist, a person must have talent.

How to become an artist?

In children, artistic abilities develop relatively early. Caring and attentive parents, noticing the child's penchant for drawing, can determine it in art circle or art school. In order to acquire the profession of an artist, one must pass the following stages of training: art school, college and university.

What qualities should an artist have?

He must be talented, it is important for him to have developed imagination and fantasy. He must be observant, able to grasp the essence for a certain artistic intent master various writing techniques. In addition, the artist must be able to distinguish between color shades and have patience.

Where are artists in demand?

The artist can work in the most different directions, due to the fact that in our time the sphere of human activity of this profession has greatly expanded.

Express your feelings, emotions and impressions through artistic images allows activities in the artistic and creative sphere.

In the field of restoration, the artist works on historical works. Restoration work conducted according to established rules.

The artist can also prove himself in the pedagogical field, working in educational institutions different levels: from school to university.

Educational activities will allow him to form the aesthetic taste of society.

Today, these specialists are in great demand in the salons where they make tattoos.

An artist can find work in museums, in periodicals, in fashion stores, in large companies, art schools.

In the professional environment of artists there are many various types specialists depending on the method and technique of drawing and responsibilities:

  • - painters;
  • - decorators;
  • - illustrators;
  • - multipliers;
  • - graphics;
  • - cartoonists;
  • - film artists;
  • - decorators;
  • - costume designers;
  • - photo artists;
  • - restorers.


The painter's creations are not only a cast of reality, but a symbiosis of the surrounding world and the master's fantasy. Thanks to painters, you can recreate the chain of events, look at familiar things with different eyes.

Graphic designer

Shop windows, buildings and almost everything that can be seen on the street is sometimes the embodiment of the imagination of the graphic designer. The designer in his work must take into account many factors: the choice of material, paint, analyze decorative possibilities. This is a profession for a person with skillful hands and a penchant for creating tangible beauty.


A person in this profession works on literary images various works, draws up publications. This includes the design of magazines, books, and the creation of a series of illustrations. An illustrator should be not only a good artist but also by the reader. He draws the author's intention and is practically a co-author. Nowadays, an illustrator must be able to use computer programs.


Many have tried to draw flowers and people in motion since childhood. This is called primitive phasing, which is the basis of any animation.

phase artist

A phaser is needed in the field of animation. It creates intermediate character phases before linking. Here it is important to take into account the nature of the movement of the heroes in key phases.

Graphic artist

Graphics differs from other art forms in special ways. visual means and is often compared to poetry.

Graphic works are very concise, modest in use artistic means. A graphic artist, as a rule, in his creation gives an assessment important events in society.

There are drawing graphics and printed graphics.


This person himself comes up with scripts for humorous works and draws them up. He works in the genre of satire, irony, humor. For creating comic effect cartoonist connects the real and the fantastic. Caricatures are usually accompanied by text, which should be precise, short, and figurative. Caricature is often done in black and white. The master performs work on the order of magazines or newspapers on a specific, relevant topic.

production designer

A production designer is a person with the skills of an artist and props, who can do everything in a short time, look behind the scenes and remember where what object lay and at what moment should appear in the frame. In a word, if the director is responsible for all living things, then the production designer is responsible for all non-living things.


This is a person who, in his work, brings to life the director's ideas from flat forms to voluminous scenery. In his submission are the workers of the decoration workshop, and he performs the most complex work himself, accepts sketches and models, and oversees the decoration of the theater stage.

He must know well the equipment and arrangement of the stage, the laws of the combination of light and perspective, be able to work correctly with the primer, in his work be guided by the rules of fire protection and safety.

costume designer

The costume designer must first study the script, make sketches, sketches for each image. It is known that all costumes work for a common artistic concept. Clothing expresses a person's belonging to a stratum of society, to a profession, reveals his individuality, betrays his age. Therefore, the costume is part of the creation of the image. With the help of a costume, the actor embodies the director's intention.

Photo artist

A photo artist must have all the knowledge that an artist has, masterfully master the ability to talk about things and understand the play of light. A specialist in artistic photography is called a photo artist. For photography to become an art, a photo artist needs to learn the basics of photography, show diligence and curiosity, master this art on high level to be able to "catch" the moment, the moment.

Restoration artist

A specialist in the preservation and restoration of objects of cultural and historical value is called a restorer. Its mission is to preserve the historical and artistic features subject.

Features of the profession

The artist is an interesting and public profession. The creator creates his paintings not according to a schedule, but according to his mood and inspiration. But it should be remembered that artists have an unstable income, which does not always depend on talent, but rather on the ability to promote their work.

At the beginning of his journey in the profession, the artist works for a name, and only after years does the name begin to work for him.

Artists work hard, learn to analyze their work. On the one hand, this amazing people who are in continuous creative search, hard workers, and on the other hand, eternal dreamers who simply cannot help but create. These are people of art who fill our gray life with beauty and passion.

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