What to read to the 2nd younger group. Project on fiction (junior group) on the topic: Project in the second junior group “Favorite fairy tales”

Olga Evdokimova
Project “Favorite Tales” in the second younger group

Project« Favorite fairy tales» in second younger group

View project: group, cognitive-creative, artistic-speech.

Duration: 1 month

Explanatory note

Project« Favorite fairy tale» is carried out as an exciting, playful, creative activity aimed at enhancing verbal communication.

Jr preschool age is the most favorable period comprehensive development child. At 3-4 years old, children actively develop all mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking, imagination and speech. During this same period, the formation of basic personality qualities occurs. Therefore, none of the children's ages requires such a variety of means and methods of development and education as junior preschool.

The problem of moral education and social health of the younger generation has always aroused increased interest of society. Beginning with preschool age, it is necessary to form spirituality and culture in the younger generation, which are based on universal moral principles. Fiction serves as a powerful and effective means of moral and spiritual education of children. Numerous studies by A. N. Vinogradova and R. S. Bure confirm that children vividly, emotionally and trustingly perceive what they read fairy tales, poetry, stories. Folk fairy tales carry within themselves folk wisdom, produced in children negative attitude to evil, intolerance of injustice, teaches them to be kind, brave, and sympathetic. Fairy tale often lives on in children's games. They happily turn into little hares and a cunning fox. With the help of a dramatized plot, children accumulate bright and clear visual impressions, judgments and emotions arise, vocabulary is activated, and creative activity is formed. Through fairy tale and stories children master the language of their people, get acquainted with native nature, customs, way of life, learn to overcome difficulties.

A variety of children's activities help children enrich creative imagination(ability to think out the end to fairy tale, write short stories, when staging works, bring in imagination and ingenuity, which has great importance For further education children at school.

Project« Favorite fairy tales» is implemented in all types of activities (playing, productive, cognitive-research, communicative and reading fiction) and includes integration educational areas "Reading fiction", "Cognition", "Artistic creativity", "Socialization".

3. Relevance

One of the modern innovative methods learning is design activity is a technology that teaches children to express their individuality in creativity, makes it possible to interest children, and make the learning process personally meaningful.

Relevance the project is that it combines means and methods for developing the child’s creative and speech abilities. It can be argued that theatrical activity is a source of development of feelings, deep experiences and discoveries of a child, and introduces him to spiritual values. In the game, the child’s vocabulary is imperceptibly activated, the sound culture of speech, its intonation structure, dialogical speech, and its grammatical structure are improved.

4. Statement of the problem

IN last years there is a sharp decrease in the level speech development preschoolers. Such deviations, one way or another, affect on the subsequent development and education of the child.

incentive for creative activity the child is served by a theatrical game, accessible from the very early age. The need to systematize it in a single pedagogical process obvious. Children's enthusiasm for theatrical play, their inner comfort, relaxedness, easy authoritarian communication between an adult and a child, the complex disappears almost immediately "I can't"- all this surprises and attracts.

5. Purpose: development of interest in oral folk art (fairy tales) .

Create conditions for the development of children’s creative activity and phased development children of various types of creativity.

6. Objectives:

Encourage interest in the proposed activity;

Involve children in joint theatrical activities;

To form an idea of ​​different types of theater;

Develop speech, imagination and thinking;

Help timid and shy children engage in theatrical play.

work on sound pronunciation, develop the sound culture of children’s speech;

develop skills retell fairy tales.

instill in children respect for themselves and other children;

arouse interest in fairy tales.

7. Expected result:

Gaining more knowledge about fairy tales;

Development of cognitive activity in children, creativity, communication skills;

Development of children's artistic creativity.

Implementation project.

1. "Turnip", with illustrations shown.

2. Telling a tale children with imitation of actions.

3. Didactic game "My favorite fairy tales»

4. Dramatization fairy tales"Turnip".

5. Unlearning finger game "Turnip".

6. Using coloring pages fairy tale"Turnip".

2 week 1. Telling a Russian folk tale"Kolobok" with illustrations shown.

2. Modeling "Kolobok"

3. Dramatization fairy tales"Kolobok"

3. game exercises:

“Walk along the kolobok path”- practice walking in a limited area, develop a sense of balance, dexterity, and eye.

"Kolobok"- strengthen in children the ability to stand in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it.

"Catch up with the bun"- teach to run in different directions, do not touch each other, catch the ball, develop attention and endurance

4. Learning the kolobok song.

5. Using coloring pages fairy tale"Kolobok"

3 week 1. Telling a Russian folk tale"Ryaba Chicken" with illustrations shown.

2. tabletop theater performance "Ryaba Chicken";

3. Lotto "My favorite fairy tales» .

4. outdoor game "The Hen and the Chicks";

5. introduction to the nursery rhyme “A beautiful hen lived with me”;

6. Using coloring pages fairy tale"Chicken Ryaba"

1. reading fairy tales"Teremok" with illustrations shown.

2. Game "Who's the odd one out"

3. Dramatization fairy tales"Teremok"

4. educational game “Whose house?”

5. Teremok applique

6. Using coloring pages fairy tale"Teremok"

Implementation result project:

1. Children were created creative works according to the works read.

2. Increased creativity, playfulness and social activity when organizing independent activities.

3. Organized role-playing, moving, didactic games, dramatization games.

4. A consultation was arranged in the parent corner on topic: "Meaning fairy tales for child development".


WE PLANTED A TURNIP (with our fingers it’s like we’re digging a hole in our palm) THE TURNIP WAS WATERED. (2 palms together, imitate water pouring from a watering can) THE TURNIP HAS GROWN (straighten all fingers) GOOD AND STRONG! (palm open, fingers bent into hooks. With these hooks of your fingers, grab the child’s hooks and pull. Each pulls in his own direction.) BUT WE CAN’T PULL IT OUT! WHO WILL HELP US? Pull-pull, pull-pull! Hooray! (unclasp hands, shake hands).

Nursery rhyme “A beautiful chicken lived with me”

The chicken is a beauty

She lived with me.

Oh, what a smart girl

There was chicken.

She sewed caftans for me,

I sewed boots

Delicious, rosy

She baked pies for me.

Outdoor game "The Hen and the Chicks"

Target: perform imitation movements at the teacher’s signal, onomatopoeia to the voice of birds.

Adult instructions:

I will be a mother chicken. And you are my chickens. Listen to me carefully and do everything I say.

The chicken went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass.

And behind her are the boys

(follow the teacher in a crowd)

Yellow chickens.

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko!

Don't go far.

Row your paws,

Look for grains.

(imitate all movements in the text)

Ate a fat beetle


We drank some water

A complete mess.

You run and look.

Only the rain will suddenly fall -

The comb will get wet for us.

Mother chicken is calling

He takes everyone under his wing.

Drip-drip-drip (children run to the teacher).


POEMS, STORIES, FAIRY TALES for reading to children in summer period in the second junior group

V. Berestov

Happy summer

Summer, summer has come to us!

It became dry and warm.

Barefoot feet walk straight along the path.

The bees are circling

Birds are flying.

And Marinka is having fun.

I saw a rooster:

What a miracle! Ha ha ha!

Amazing rooster:

Feathers on top, fluff below!

I saw a piglet

The girl smiles:

Who runs from a chicken?

The whole street is screaming

Instead of a tail there is a hook,

Instead of a nose there is a snout,



What about the Fidgety hook?

And Barbos,

Red irec,

Made her laugh until she cried.

He's not running after the cat,

And behind your own tail.

The cunning tail curls,

Can't be punched in the teeth.

The dog waddles sadly,

Because he's tired.

The tail wags merrily:

“I didn’t get it! I didn’t get it!”

Summer, summer has come to us!

It became dry and warm.

Barefoot feet walk straight along the path!

B. Zhitkov

Brave Duckling

Every morning the housewife brought out the ducklings full plate chopped eggs. She put the plate near the bush and left.

As soon as the ducklings ran up to the plate, a large dragonfly flew out of the garden and began to circle above them.

She chirped so terribly that the frightened ducklings ran away and hid in the grass. They were afraid that the dragonfly would bite them all.

And the evil dragonfly sat on the plate, tasted the food and then flew away.

After this, the ducklings did not come to the plate for the whole day. They were afraid that the dragonfly would fly again.

In the evening, the hostess removed the plate and said: “Our ducklings must be sick, for some reason they are not eating anything.”

Little did she know that the ducklings went to bed hungry every night.

One day, their neighbor, the little duckling Alyosha, came to visit the ducklings.

When the ducklings told him about the dragonfly, he began to laugh.

What brave men! - he said. - I alone will drive away this dragonfly. You'll see tomorrow.

“You are bragging,” said the ducklings. “Tomorrow you will be the first to get scared and run.”

The next morning, the hostess, as always, put a plate of chopped eggs on the ground and left.

Well, look,” said the brave Alyosha, “now I will fight with your dragonfly.”

As soon as he said this, a dragonfly began to buzz.

It flew straight from above onto the plate.

The ducklings wanted to run away, but Alyosha was not afraid.

Before the dragonfly had time to sit on the plate, Alyosha grabbed its wing with his beak. She forcibly escaped and flew away with a broken wing.

Since then, she never flew into the garden and the ducklings ate their fill every day. They not only ate themselves, but also treated the brave Alyosha for saving them from the dragonfly.

N. Pavlova


The sun is shining. A strawberry berry has ripened in a clearing.

A mosquito saw her and squeaked: “The berry is ripe: red, fragrant!”

The bird heard the mosquito and flew into the clearing.

Wants to eat strawberries.

The mouse heard the mosquito and ran into the clearing.

Wants to eat strawberries.

The frog heard the mosquito and jumped into the clearing.

Wants to eat strawberries.

The snake heard a mosquito and crawled into the clearing.

Wants to eat strawberries.

A cloud came over the sun. A mosquito saw her and squeaked: “It’s going to rain: wet, cold!”

The bird heard the mosquito and ran to the tree.

The mouse heard the mosquito and quickly went into the hole.

The frog heard the mosquito, quickly - under the leaf.

I heard a mosquito snake, quickly - under the root.

And the strawberry bathes in the rain and is glad that no one touched it.

G. Snegirev


One boy, his name was Prosha, did not like going to kindergarten. His mother takes him to kindergarten in the morning, and Prosha asks:

Why are you leading me on?

Mom says:

Because you alone will get lost!

No, I won’t go astray!

No, you'll get lost!

Prosha argued with his mother every day. One morning his mother says to him:

Go to kindergarten alone!

Prosha was happy and went alone, without his mother. And my mother walked along the other side of the street and looked - where would he go? Prosha did not see his mother. He walked a little along the street, stopped and began to look out the window. He loved to look into other people's windows.

There was a dog sitting in this window. She saw Please and began to bark. And Prosha was not at all afraid of the dog. True, he was afraid, but only a little: he knew that the dog was behind the glass!

Prosha became more and more brave. First he stuck his tongue out at the dog, and then began throwing pebbles. The dog was angry with him. She wanted to bite him, but the glass wouldn’t let her in. Someone called the dog. She wagged her tail and jumped into the room.

Prosha still stood at the window and waited. And suddenly he sees the door open - this dog comes out and a girl with it. She took her out on a chain for a walk.

Prosha wanted to run, but his legs couldn’t move from fear. I wanted to scream, but I couldn’t either!

And the dog saw Please and how he growled, he bared his teeth!

The girl holds the dog with all her might and shouts to Proshe:

Run! Run!

Prosha covered his face with his hands and began to roar:

I won't do it again! Won't I tease?

Then Prosha’s mother came up, took him in her arms, and they quickly went to the nursery.

Grass tail

(Eskimo tale)

In the spring, when the sun warmed the tundra and green leaves appeared on the bushes, a little stoat went out on its first hunt. He sniffed the pebbles around the hole, chewed the moss - no, it was not tasty - and ran into the tundra.

Suddenly he sees a hole in the ground. And someone's tail is sticking out of the hole.

This mouse fell asleep in a hole and forgot to remove its tail.

The ermine grabbed the tail with his teeth and asked:

Ponytail, whose are you?

I am Grasstail.

And I'll eat you!

“But you can’t eat it,” said the tail, “stoats eat birds and ermines, but don’t eat grass.”

“Let them not eat,” said the ermine, “but I will eat!”

All the animals in the tundra will laugh at you, says the tail.

Well, let them laugh,” said the ermine, “but I’ll eat you anyway.” “If I don’t deceive this fool, I’ll die,” thought the mouse. “No, not

Let’s give in!” And she said:

Okay, eat me, little stoat, just tear your tail off the ground first, otherwise it will stick to you.

“Is my tail stuck?” the little ermine got scared. “It can’t be!”

“But look!” said Grasstail.

The ermine looked around and unclenched his teeth.

And the mouse quickly put its tail into the hole and sits there, laughing at the stupid ermine.

Grasstail, where are you? - called the ermine.

But the tail did not answer him.

A little ermine looked into a mouse hole - no tail! I looked behind the hummock - there was no tail! There is no tail anywhere! Only the sun is shining and the blades of grass are swaying in the wind.

And so ended the little ermine’s first hunt.

(Retelling by V. Glotser and G. Snegirev.)

3. Alexandrova


Rain is jumping towards us on a long wet leg along the path.

In a puddle - look, look! -

He's blowing bubbles...

This is the kind of watermelon we have -

Tastes wonderful!

Even the nose and cheeks are all covered in watermelon juice.

O. Vysotskaya


The sun dropped a golden ray.

The dandelion has grown

First, young.

It has a wonderful golden color.

He big sun Small portrait.

M. Poznanskaya


In the meadow by that path,

What runs straight into our house,

A flower grew on a long stem -

White with a yellow eye.

I wanted to pick a flower

She raised her hand to him,

And the bee flew off the flower and buzzed, buzzed - “Don’t touch it!”

Little raccoon and the one sitting in the pond

One day Mother Raccoon said:

Today the moon will be full and bright. Little Raccoon, can you go down to the fast stream alone and bring some crayfish for dinner?

Well, yes, of course,” answered Little Raccoon. “I’ll catch you such crayfish as you’ve never eaten before.”

Little Raccoon was small but brave.

At night the moon rose, large and bright.

It's time, Little Raccoon,” said Mom. “Go on until you reach the pond.” You will see a large tree that spans the pond. Follow it

To the other side. Exactly this the best place for catching crayfish.

By the light of the moon, Little Raccoon set off.

He was so happy! So proud!

This is what he is like -

I went into the forest all alone,

First time in life!

At first he walked slowly,

Soon Little Raccoon entered a dense, dense forest.

Not far from the pond he saw the Fat Rabbit.

Fat Rabbit was sleeping. He opened one eye and jumped up.

“Oh, you scared me!” he said. “Where are you going all alone, Little Raccoon?”

“I’m going to the fast stream!” said Little Raccoon proudly. “It’s on the other side of the pond.”

Oooh! - said the Fat Rabbit. - Aren’t you afraid of Him?

Who should I be afraid of? - asked Little Raccoon

“The one who sits in the pond,” said the Fat Rabbit. “I’m afraid of Him!”

Well, I’m not afraid!” said Little Raccoon and moved on.

And finally, Little Raccoon saw a large tree that was thrown across the pond.

“Here I need to cross,” Little Raccoon said to himself. “And there, on the other side, I will catch crayfish.”

Little Raccoon began to cross the tree to the other side of the pond.

He was brave, but why did he meet this Fat Rabbit! He didn't want to think about who was sitting in the pond, but he couldn't help himself.

He stopped and looked in.

Someone was sitting in the pond!

It was he! I sat there and looked at the Raccoon in the light of the moon.

He made a face.

The one in the pond also made a face. What kind of face was that!

Little Raccoon turned back and ran as fast as he could. He rushed past Fat Rabbit so quickly that he was scared again.

Little Raccoon wanted to bring home crayfish. So he took the stone and walked back to the pond.

Maybe He has already left! - Little Raccoon said to himself.

No, He didn't leave.

He was sitting in the pond.

Little Raccoon didn’t even show that he was scared.

He raised the stone high.

The one who was sitting in the pond also raised the stone high.

Oh, what a big stone it was!

Little Raccoon was brave, but he was small. He ran as fast as he could.

Little Raccoon wanted to bring home crayfish. And so he took the stick and went back to the pond.

“Maybe He managed to leave,” Little Raccoon said to himself.

No, He didn't leave!

Little Raccoon did not wait. He raised his big stick and threatened

But Togo, in the pond, also had a stick. Big, big stick! And he threatened Tiny Raccoon with this stick.

Little Raccoon dropped his stick and ran.

Without stopping, all the way to the house.

Little Raccoon told his mother all about the One who sits in the pond.

“Oh, mom,” he said, “I so wanted to go alone for crayfish!” I was so excited to bring them home for dinner!

And you will bring it! - said Mom Raccoon. “I’ll tell you what, Little Raccoon.” Go back, but this time...

Don't make a face

Don't take a stone with you

Don't take sticks with you!

“What should I do?” asked Little Raccoon.

Just smile!” said Raccoon’s Mom. “Go and smile at the One who sits in the pond.”

And nothing else?” asked Little Raccoon. “Are you sure?”

That’s all,” said my mother. “I’m sure.”

Little Raccoon was brave, and his mother was sure of it.

And he went back to the pond.

Maybe Op has finally left! - Little Raccoon said to himself.

No, he didn't leave.

He was still sitting in the pond.

Little Raccoon forced himself to stop.

Then he forced himself to look into the water.

Then he forced himself to smile at the One who was sitting in the pond.

And the One who was sitting in the pond smiled back!

Little Raccoon was so happy that he began to laugh. And it seemed to him that the One who was sitting in the pond was laughing, just like raccoons do when they are having fun.

He wants to be friends with me! - Little Raccoon said to himself. - And now I can go to the other side.

And he ran up the tree.

There, on the bank of a fast stream, Little Raccoon began to catch crayfish.

Soon he collected as many crayfish as he could carry.

He ran back up the tree and across the pond.

This time Little Raccoon waved his hand to the One who was sitting in the pond.

And He waved his hand in response.

Little Raccoon rushed home as fast as he could, holding his crayfish tightly.

Yes! Neither he nor his mother had ever eaten such delicious crayfish. That's what Mama Raccoon said.

Now I can go there all alone, whenever you want! - said Little Raccoon. - I am no longer afraid of the One who sits in the pond.

“I know,” said Raccoon’s Mom.

He’s not bad at all, the one who sits in the pond! - said Little Raccoon.

“I know,” said Raccoon’s Mom.

Little Raccoon looked at his mother.

Tell me,” he said. “Who is that sitting in the pond?”

Raccoon's mother laughed.

And then she told him.

(Translation from English by O. Obraztsova.)

Ch. Yancharsky

Adventures and travels of Mishka Ushastik


It was a toy store. In the store, teddy bears stood and sat on a shelf.

Among them there was one Mishka, who had been sitting on the shelf for a very long time. Other bears quickly fell into children's hands. Smiling, they left the store with the children. And no one asked Mishka about this. Maybe because he was standing in the corner.

Mishka was sad. He also wanted to play with the children. And out of chagrin, one of his ears even drooped.

It’s not a problem!” the little bear consoled himself. “Now, if a fairy tale flies into my ear, it won’t fly out of the other.”

And then one day Mishka found a red umbrella on the shelf. The bear took the umbrella and boldly jumped down. Then he left the store and went outside. At first Mishka was a little scared: there were both people and cars on the street. But soon he saw two children - Zoe and Jacek. And I immediately stopped being afraid. The children smiled at Mishka.

Who are you looking for, Mishka? - they asked.

I'm looking for children.

So come with us.

Good! - the bear cub was happy.

And they went together.


There was a courtyard in front of Zoya and Jacek's house. The dog Chernushka and the red-feathered Cockerel lived in the yard.

The bear went out for a walk. Chernushka immediately ran up to him. And after her comes the Cockerel.

Hello! - said the bear cub.

“Hello!” answered Chernushka and Cockerel, “We saw you come here with Zosia and Jacek.” Why do you have a drooping ear?

Mishka told why his ear drooped.

“Don’t worry,” the Cockerel consoled him, “otherwise you’ll lose other things.” We will call you Ushastik, Mishka Ushastik. OK?

Little Bear really liked this. He clapped his hands and shouted:

I am now Mishka Ushastik! I am now Mishka Ushastik!

And now, Ushastik, we will show you the Bunny.

The bunny was nibbling the grass.

First Mishka saw long ears. And then a funny moving muzzle. The bunny got scared of Mishka and... disappeared behind the fence.

Soon he returned. He was ashamed.

You were right to be afraid. Bunny,” said Chernushka. “We will introduce you to our new friend.” His name is Mishka Ushastik.

Ushastik looked at the fluffy bunny ears and sadly thought about his own drooping ears.

And then the Bunny said to Mishka:

What a beautiful drooping ear you have...

AND I WILL GROW UP TOO It rained at night.

Ushastik looked around and noticed that everything had grown after the rain. Radishes in the garden, grass and burdocks...

And Mishka began to jump and tumble on the lawn. He did not notice how a cloud appeared and blocked the sun. It gushed heavy rain. Ushastik jumped to his feet and was about to run home.

But suddenly it occurred to him: “ It's raining, and everything will begin to grow again. This means that I, too, will grow up after the rain. If only I could become like Big Bear...” The little bear stood in the middle of the lawn.

Kwok-kwok, kwok-kwok, he heard next to him.

“This is a frog,” thought Ushastik. “It also apparently wants to grow up...”

But the May rain ends quickly.

The sun smiled, the birds chirped, the droplets sparkled on the grass. Mishka stood on tiptoes and shouted:

Zo-o-xya! Zo-o-xya! And I've grown a little!

Kwa-kwa! - the frog laughed. - How funny you are, Mishka! You haven't grown up at all, you've only gotten wet.


The children are already sleeping, but Mishka Ushastik is not sleeping. “I’ll go to sleep now,” he thinks, “but first I’ll eat a nut.”

Suddenly the nut fell out of Mishka’s paw. Rolled under the closet.

The bear jumped off the bed. He wants to get the nut with his paw, but he can’t reach it. He lay down on the floor and called:

Come out from under the closet, little nut!

“I won’t go out,” the nut squeaked, “because I feel good and happy here.”

That’s the thing,” Ushastik was surprised. “Why is it funny under the closet?”

Because here is Jacek’s old pencil, a button from Zosya’s apron and a pink eraser. We tell each other different stories and laugh.

Mishka Ushastik would also be happy to fit under the closet, but he won’t squeeze through - he’s too thick.

Nut,” he asks, “let’s laugh together and tell different stories.” Everyone come out from under the closet.

Nut whispered to consult with a button, a pencil and an eraser. And then all four came out singing a song:

We are the button and the eraser

Walnut and pencil.

Ushastik found us all,

Our cheerful bear!

He and Mishka Ushastik talked until late at night. And when the children woke up early in the morning, they were very surprised:

Where did this pencil come from that we lost long ago? And here is the old button! And an eraser, an eraser!

(Retelling from Polish by V. Prikhodko)

Using fiction in the classroom kindergarten - most powerful tool development of a harmonious personality. Reading helps improve a child's mental, aesthetic, speech abilities and skills. In the second younger group, more and more attention needs to be paid to reading, to cultivate a love of books. The lesson process itself can be structured in completely different ways - it depends on the tasks set and the topic of the chosen work.

The benefits of reading fiction for children 3–4 years old

Children aged 3–4 years are actively developing their imagination, cognitive processes. The child is already able to emotionally evaluate and comprehend the texts of works: empathize with the characters, give an assessment, and draw conclusions.

Reading fiction develops imaginative thinking, fosters a love of reading, nature, and the world around us. Collective reading in a group helps the teacher to open up for children the world of relationships between people, the features of life in society.

Reading fiction develops imaginative thinking

Reading books is the path along which a skillful, intelligent, thinking teacher finds the way to a child’s heart.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

The following goals for reading classes in the second junior group are set:

  • developing a complete picture of the world;
  • development of speaking skills;
  • continued acquaintance with the artistic word;
  • developing the ability to construct answers to questions;
  • development of perception of artistic images;
  • introduction to the culture of reading, the formation of a love for books;
  • development of emotional reaction to events in works of art.

Books help children explore and understand the world around them

The objectives of a specific lesson may be:

  • introducing children to literary works, meeting new writers;
  • replenishment vocabulary, familiarization with new words;
  • skill formation expressive reading, intonation;
  • expanding knowledge about the world around us (for example, getting to know professions while studying S. Mikhalkov’s poem “What do you have?”).

How to read with children of the second youngest group

In the second junior group, it will be useful to use the following techniques in the classroom:

  • literary word - reading text;
  • teacher's story - here you can read the text or retell it, using various means to help: toys, puppet theater, pictures, filmstrips;
  • learning by heart;
  • individual reading and choral speaking;
  • a combination of two types of arts - viewing pictures, listening to music while reading;
  • staging (for example, acting out the fairy tale “Turnip” with the help finger toys or figurines);
  • didactic games.

Should be read to children daily. A book corner must be equipped, to which the kids will have access permanent access. There you need to place several books studied according to the program, as well as books recommended for study in free time. At the age of 3-4 years, daily reading before bed after lunch is mandatory.

It’s better when parents also support their child’s involvement in reading.

Before reading a work to children, the teacher should read it himself and analyze it. Here you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Determine what the child can understand on his own in the book, and what needs to be explained for better assimilation.
  2. Mark passages and words in the text that will help develop speech when they are repeated (for example, the teacher reads the passage: “Little goats, kids! Open up, open up! Your mother came and brought milk...” (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Kids”), then reads some more times the phrase and asks the guys to finish it).
  3. Intonation point: the teacher should highlight emotional moments intonation.
  4. Selection of illustrations for the book.

Conducting a more comfortable lesson without overloading children unnecessary information and fatigue will contribute to:

  • changing teaching techniques to game ones (for example, after reading S. Marshak’s poem “The Tale of stupid mouse"You can play the game “Find the Mouse”);
  • alternation of group and individual responses of children (both verbal and motorically expressed);
  • inclusion of demonstration materials (toys, figurines, drawings, etc.) into the lesson - this pleases the kids and helps focus their attention;
  • using actions that will require the children to change their position, move (for example, “Children, let’s look for where the cat hid” - and look under chairs and tables). This technique significantly enlivens the activity, enlivens the child’s imagination and prevents fatigue.

Organization of reading using the example of the Russian folk tale “Kolobok”

The objectives of the lesson are to introduce the children to the fairy tale “Kolobok” and teach them word formation.

It is easier for children of primary preschool age to perceive text accompanied by illustrations

The lesson can be structured as follows:

  1. Introductory part. The teacher conducts a conversation with the children, asks who Kolobok is, whether the children have heard of him before (from home reading, cartoons).
  2. Then reading an excerpt from a fairy tale: “I kneaded the dough with sour cream, rolled it into a bun...” (kids demonstrate with their hands how to make a bun).
  3. Expressive reading of a fairy tale (here it is worth emotionally highlighting the moments of joy when Kolobok manages to escape from the animals so that the children rejoice, and the moment of grief when the fox deceived him with her cunning).
  4. The teacher repeats with the children what different animals said to the kolobok (“Kolobok, kolobok, I’ll eat you!”).
  5. Word game (“Guys, now let’s play! I’ll tell you words that mean big item, and you pronounce words denoting the same objects, only smaller: table - table, cup - cup").
  6. Then the teacher shows the children drawings for the fairy tale “Kolobok”, saying that many famous artists depicted Kolobok.

The teacher must make full use of the necessary methodological techniques for mastering the material, developing listening skills, and reading comprehension. Expressive reading of a work helps children better remember the material and evaluate it. When discussing what you read, you can use a comparison of a situation in a book with a comparison of a real-life incident, and give hints when answering.

Expressive reading will help you remember the material better

When choosing a topic for a lesson, it will be very useful to associate it with some holiday or time of year for the children to better assimilate the material.

Table: long-term plan for fiction (fragment, author Natalya Aleksandrovna Artyukhova)

Month Subject What are the lessons aimed at?
September Poem “The Preacher” by Sasha Cherny
  • Introduce the work of Sasha Cherny;
  • Arouse children's sympathy for their peers with the help of the teacher's story.
Russian folk tale "Cat, Rooster and Fox"
  • Introduce children to Russian folk tales;
  • learn to answer questions about the content of a fairy tale;
  • develop auditory perception; cultivate interest in fiction.
Russian folk tale "Three Bears"
  • Continue to introduce children to Russian folk tales;
  • to cultivate obedience and a sense of empathy for a girl lost in the forest.
October Reading the Russian folk tale "Kolobok"
  • Introduce the fairy tale “Kolobok”;
  • learn to listen to a work of art;
  • answer questions about its content;
  • look at illustrations;
  • develop auditory perception.
Reading poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle
  • Introduce children to the poems of A. Barto;
  • cultivate good feelings, positive emotions;
  • teach listening;
  • learn to reproduce phrases from the text and the quatrains themselves.
Reading poems by A. Blok “Bunny” and A. Pleshcheev “Autumn”
  • Introduce poetry;
  • develop a poetic ear;
  • evoke sympathy for the hero of the poem;
  • teach memorizing poetry.
November Russian folk nursery rhymes “Kitsonka-murysenka”, “The cat went to market”
  • Introduce children to Russian folk nursery rhymes;
  • evoke an appropriate emotional attitude towards the characters.
Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”
  • Bring the idea of ​​the fairy tale to the consciousness of children;
  • help in character assessment;
  • instill in children good feelings towards loved ones.
Reading poems about mom
  • Introduce children to poetry;
  • develop poetic taste;
  • form good relations to your mother, the desire to please her.
Reading a fairy tale in verse by K.I. Chukovsky "Moidodyr"
  • Teach children to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to be aware of the theme and content;
  • evoke a desire to memorize and expressively reproduce quatrains.
December Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"
  • Introduce the Russian folk tale “Masha and the Bear”;
  • help children understand the hidden agenda of the girl Mashenka (how she tricked the bear into taking her to her grandparents).
S.Ya. Marshak "The Tale of a Stupid Mouse"
  • Introduce the fairy tale “About a Stupid Mouse”;
  • make you want to listen again;
  • show images of heroes;
  • cultivate interest in works of art.
Russian folk tale "The Fox and the Wolf"
  • Introduce the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Wolf”;
  • introduce the images of a fox and a wolf, the characters of fairy tale heroes;
  • cultivate a love for Russian folk art.
January L. Voronkova story “It’s snowing” Introduce a work of art, reviving in the children’s memory their own impressions of the snowfall.
Russian folk tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox"
  • Continue to introduce children to Russian folk art;
  • introduce the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”, with the image of a fox from other fairy tales;
  • learn to listen to works, answer questions.
E. Charushin story “Wolf”
  • Give children an idea of ​​the lifestyle of animals;
  • cultivate love for animals, sympathy for their cubs in trouble.
February Russian folk tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats"
  • Introduce a fairy tale, make you want to listen to the work again and remember the goat’s song;
  • cultivate a love for animals;
  • sympathy for cubs in trouble.
Z. Aleksandrova’s poem “My Teddy Bear”
  • Introduce the poem “My Bear” by Z. Alexandrova;
  • cultivate good feelings;
  • bring positive emotions.
Russian folk tale "Rukavichka"
  • Introduce children to the Russian folk tale “The Mitten”;
  • promote overall emotional development;
  • learn to speak out about the character of the heroes of the fairy tale.
Russian folktale
"The Cockerel and the Beanstalk"
  • Continue to get acquainted with Russian folk tales;
  • learn to understand the characters' personalities.
March E. Blaginina, poem “This is what a mother is like”
  • Introduce E. Blaginina’s poem “That’s what a mother is”;
  • to cultivate in children a good feeling, love for their mother.
Reading of A. Pleshcheev’s poem “Spring”
  • Introduce the poem;
  • learn to name the signs of spring;
  • develop a poetic ear;
  • cultivate interest in art.
Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes”
  • Introduce children to Russian folk tales and recall famous folk tales;
  • learn to retell a fairy tale;
  • train speech.
L. N. Tolstoy's story “Truth is more precious than anything else”
  • Bring the author’s thought to the consciousness of children (you must always tell the truth);
  • help remember the story;
  • develop memory and thinking.
April Reading the Russian folk tale "Geese and Swans"
  • Introduce the Russian folk tale “Geese and Swans”;
  • promote obedience education;
  • learn to answer questions about the content of the work.
K. Chukovsky reading the story “Chicken”
  • Introduce the story “Chicken” by K. Chukovsky;
  • expand children's knowledge about animal life;
  • teach understanding of illustrations.
Russian folk tale “Bull-black barrel, white hooves”
  • Introduce Russian folk tales;
  • cultivate a sense of empathy for the heroes of the fairy tale.
May Reading the story “Holiday” by Ya. Taits
  • Introduce the story “Holiday” by Y. Taits;
  • Maintain a joyful mood and interest in describing the festive event in children.
V.V. Mayakovsky “What is good - what is bad?”
  • Introduce Mayakovsky's poem;
  • learn to distinguish between good and bad deeds.
S. Marshak poem “Children in Cages”
  • Introduce vivid poetic images of animals in Marshak’s poem;
  • develop poetic hearing, memory, attention.

IN pedagogical practice exists great amount materials to help teachers conduct classes.

Project in the second junior group “Favorite Tales”

Project type : artistic and aesthetic

By the nature of contacts: within group

By number of participants: collective

By duration: short-term (2 weeks)

Relevance of the project:

Folk tales are the oldest common form of oral folk art, present to all peoples, such a fairy tale reflects beliefs, views, dominant features national character, exposes class relations, while simultaneously exposing ancient life, which is often reflected in individual works - everyday tales, fairy tales about animals, fairy tales.

Formulation of the problem:

Children know few Russians folk tales.


Create a positive emotional mood. To form children's ideas about Russian folk tales through different kinds activities.


  • consolidate knowledge of the content of fairy tales
  • create a desire to be like good heroes
  • develop the ability to convey an image fairy tale hero speech, movements, gestures, facial expressions.
  • develop interest in fairy tales
  • instill rules in children safe behavior using the example of fairy tales.

Expected result:

Children will get acquainted with many Russian folk tales and will know their content.

They will learn through games - dramatizations, puppet theaters, tabletop theaters convey your hero.

Involving parents in further participation in group activities (drawing competitions, crafts, replenishment of the development environment, etc.)

Game motivation:

While introducing children to fiction, through the arrival of Grandmother - a storyteller, introduce children to Russian folk tales (who writes the r.n.s., who passes them on from generation to generation) - names, content, discussion of the heroes of fairy tales, highlighting positive and negative traits.

Material and technical resources necessary to complete the project: literature, illustrations, soundtracks for dramatization.

Project stages:

Search - identifying the problem;

Analytical - selection and analysis of literature;

Practical - implementation of planned activities;

Presentation - dramatization of a fairy tale;

Control - summing up the results of the work.

Project implementation:

Educational area


Speech development


Conversation “Who writes fairy tales?”

"The wolf and the seven Young goats". Conversation “Who came to our house.”

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"

Conversation “Should you listen to adults”

Social and communicative development

Play activity

Game "Puppet theater".

Game - dramatization

Tabletop theaters

Physical development

Motor activity

P./Game “Hares and the Wolf”.

P./Game "Geese".

P./Game “Sparrows and the Cat”.

P./Game “At the Bear in the Forest.”

Round dance "Burn, burn clearly."

P./Game “Fox on the hunt”.

Motor activity

  • Logorhythmic exercise “Kitten is naughty.”
  • Walk like the heroes of fairy tales (ride like a frog, walk like a bear, etc.)

Cognitive development

Speech activity

Play activity

Storytelling by R.N.S. “A fox with a rolling pin.”

"Let's call a fairy tale."

D./Game “Find out a fairy tale by subject.”

Game "Guess the fairy tale hero."

Game “Find out the fairy tale from the illustration.”

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading activity

Fairy tales “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”, “Zhikharka”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Geese - swans”, “Fox - sister and Gray wolf", "Crane and Heron".




"Color the fairy tale hero"

"Carrots for Zayushka"

"Fairytale Fish"

"Bowl for the Three Bears"

Preliminary work applique “Teremok” (roof and window)

Scene “How the animals collected mushrooms”

Singing the words of the fairy tale “Teremok”

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Teremok"

Constructive activity

"A bed for Mishutka."

“Let’s build a little house for toys.” Exhibition of drawings “My favorite fairy tale”. (Together with parents).

Final event:

Game - dramatizationbased on the fairy tale "Teremok" and artistic creativity plasticineography - molding of the walls of the "Teremka", decoration with peas and buckwheat. (Preliminary work - applique roof and window of the mansion)

Target : To develop children's memory, the ability to guess the names of Russian folk tales, based on the riddle and visual picture of the fairy tale. To develop children’s ability to convey their character in the fairy tale “Teremok” through speech, facial expressions, gestures and actions. Develop skills in working with plasticine to create a tower: pinch off a small piece from the whole and, by smearing it with your finger, fill in the outline of the object without going beyond the outline. Develop finger motor skills by using peas and buckwheat to decorate the house. Cultivate interest in fairy tales and accuracy in working with plasticine.

Move : The arrival of the Grandmother - storyteller: “Hello children, do you recognize me? And I didn’t come alone, I brought you friends! Meet them! Children dressed as characters from the fairy tale “Teremok” enter. (Sit down with other children). “And with me I brought a chest of surprises. Here's the first surprise: I told you a lot of fairy tales, I showed you a lot. They ask for fairy tales, and now, you, friends, get to know us!” (I take out pictures - fragments of fairy tales and read the riddle, the children guess:

  1. Mesh with sour cream, stuzhon on the window,

A round side, a ruddy side, a bun rolled...

  1. Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little:

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window (“The cat, the rooster and the fox”)

  1. And the road is far,

And the basket is not light,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I would like to eat a pie (“Masha and the Bear”)

  1. In the fairy tale the sky is blue,

In the fairy tale, the birds are scary,

Rechenka, save me,

Save me and my brother (“Geese and Swans”)

  1. Near the forest at the edge,

Three of them live in a hut,

There are three chairs and three mugs,

Three beds, three pillows,

Guess without a hint

Who are the heroes of this fairy tale? ("Three Bears")

  1. Everyone knows in Rus',

We were waiting for mother with milk,

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who are these... little children (“The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”)

Grandmother is a storyteller:Well done, you guessed all my riddles, everyone learned the fairy tales.

Let's relax and build a house for the gnome:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (turns right, left, hands on the belt),

We will build and play (squats),

We are building a big, tall house (hands up, on tiptoes),

we install windows, cut the roof (we show the window with our hands, hands above our heads - imitation of the roof),

that's what it is beautiful house(hands in front of you, pointing to the house),

an old gnome will live in it (claps hands)

Grandmother is a storyteller: And now, dear viewers,

Would you like to see a fairy tale?

Every fairy tale has its uses

A lesson for girls and boys.

The game is a dramatization of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

Part 2:

Grandmother is a storyteller:Give as a gift"Teremki" for my fairy-tale heroes.You've already started work, I know, let's continue. Here are your little houses (I’m handing out the children’s work). I offer a sample of the work that should turn out. What are the walls of the tower painted with? Correctly with plasticine, pinch off a small piece and smear it on the walls, without going beyond the contour. When you paint the entire wall with plasticine, you can decorate it with peas or buckwheat, which are in your plates.

Independent activity of children. Grandmother, a storyteller, provides assistance as needed, a reminder, uses a sample display, etc.

Rating from Grandmother - a storyteller: Well done, they tried very hard. For this, here is my surprise from the chest - new books with fairy tales and treats (sweets).

Farewell and departure Grandmothers are storytellers.

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

Kindergarten No. 8 “Fairy Tale”


in the second junior group

"Favorite Tales"

Developed by: teacher

Kalinina T.P.

Children under 3 years old


Once upon a time there lived a grandfather with a grandmother and a granddaughter. And they had a dog, Zhuchka, a cat, Muska, and a little mouse.

Once my grandfather planted a turnip, and the turnip grew so big, so big that you couldn’t wrap your arms around it!

The grandfather began to pull the turnip out of the ground: he pulled and pulled, but could not pull it out.

The grandfather called the grandmother for help. Grandma for grandfather, grandfather for turnip: they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

The grandmother called her granddaughter. The granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull and pull, but they cannot pull it out.

The granddaughter called to Zhuchka. A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip: they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

Bug called the cat. The cat for the Bug, the Bug for the granddaughter, the granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip: they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.

Muska clicked the mouse. A mouse for a cat, a cat for a bug, a bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip: they pull and pull - they pulled out the turnip.

4-5 years

Fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" Once upon a time there were three little pigs who left their father and mother to wander around the world. All summer they ran through the forests and fields, playing and having fun. There was no one more fun than them, they easily made friends with everyone, they were gladly received everywhere. But then the summer came to an end, and everyone began to return to their business as usual, preparing for winter.

Autumn came, and the three little pigs sadly realized that the fun times had passed and that they needed to work like everyone else so as not to be left homeless in the cold winter. The piglets began to consult what kind of house they should build. The laziest of the pigs decided to build a hut out of straw.
“My house will be ready in one day,” he told his brothers.

- “It won’t be durable,” the brothers shook their heads, not approving of their brother’s decision.

The second pig, less lazy than the first, went to look for boards and - knock-knock-knock - built a house for himself in two days. But the third little pig didn’t like the wooden house. He said:

- That's not how houses are built. It is necessary to build a house so that it is not afraid of wind, rain, or snow and, most importantly, that it protects from the wolf.
Days passed, and the wise pig's house slowly grew, brick by brick. The brothers chuckled:
- Why are you working so hard? Don't you want to come play with us?

But the pig stubbornly refused and continued to build:
- First I’ll build a house, and only then I’ll go play.

It was this one, the smartest of the three little pigs, who noticed that a huge wolf had left his tracks nearby. The alarmed piglets hid in the houses. Soon a wolf appeared and glared at the laziest pig's thatched house.

- Come out, let's talk! - the wolf ordered, and his mouth was already watering in anticipation of dinner.

- “I prefer to stay here,” answered the piglet, trembling with fear.

- I'll make you come out! - the wolf shouted and blew on the house with all his might.

The straw house fell apart. Pleased with his success, the wolf did not notice how the piglet slipped out from under a pile of straw and ran to hide in his brother’s wooden house. When the evil wolf saw that the pig was running away, he shouted in a terrible voice:
- Well, come here!

He thought the pig would stop. And he was already running into his brother’s wooden house. His brother met him, trembling like a leaf:
- Let's hope that our house will hold up! Let's both prop up the door, then the wolf won't be able to break in!

And the hungry wolf, standing near the house, heard what the piglets were saying, and, anticipating double prey, began to drum on the door:
- Open, open, I need to talk to you! The two brothers cried in horror, but tried to hold the door. Then the enraged wolf tensed up, inflated his chest and... whew! The wooden house collapsed like a house of cards. Fortunately, their wise brother, who saw everything from the window of his brick house, quickly opened the door and let in the brothers fleeing from the wolf.

He barely had time to let them in when the wolf was already knocking on the door. This time the wolf was puzzled, because the house seemed to him more durable than the previous ones. And in fact, he blew once, blew again, blew a third - but all in vain. The house still stood, but the piglets were no longer as before, trembling with fear. The exhausted wolf decided to use a trick. There was a ladder nearby, and the wolf climbed onto the roof to inspect the chimney. However, everything he did was noticed by the wise pig and commanded: “Quickly make a fire!” At this time, the wolf, with his paws in the chimney, was wondering whether he should go down into such darkness.

It was not easy to get there, but the pig voices coming from below sounded very appetizing. “I'm dying of hunger! I’ll still try to get down!” - and he flopped down.

As soon as he came to his senses, the wolf saw that he had landed straight into a burning hearth. The fire engulfed the wolf's fur, the tail turned into a smoking torch. But it didn't end there. The wise pig shouted: “Beat him, and hit him harder!” The poor wolf was thoroughly beaten and then thrown out the door, groaning and howling in pain.

- Never! I will never climb pipes again! - the wolf shouted, trying to extinguish his flaming tail. In an instant he was far from this ill-fated house. And the happy piglets danced in their yard and sang a song:
- Tra-la-la! The wolf will never return!

From this terrible day The smart pig's brothers also got to work. Soon two others were added to the brick house. One day a wolf wandered into those places, but as soon as he saw three pipes, he again seemed to feel unbearable pain in his burnt tail, and he left those places forever.

Then, confident that nothing threatened them anymore, the smart pig said:
- Now stop working! Let's go play!

5-6 years Princess on the Pea

Once upon a time there was a prince, he wanted to marry a princess, but only a real princess. So he traveled all over the world, looking for one, but everywhere there was something wrong; There were plenty of princesses, but whether they were real, he could not fully recognize, there was always something wrong with them. So he returned home and was very sad: he really wanted a real princess.

One evening a terrible storm broke out; Lightning flashed, thunder roared, rain poured down like buckets, what a horror! And suddenly there was a knock on the city gates, and the old king went to open it.

The princess stood at the gate. My God, who did she look like in the rain and bad weather! The water flowed from her hair and dress, flowed straight into the toes of her shoes and flowed out of her heels, and she said that she was a real princess.

“Well, we’ll find out!” - thought the old queen, but didn’t say anything, but went to the bedchamber, took off all the mattresses and pillows from the bed and put a pea on the boards, and then took twenty mattresses and put them on the pea, and on the mattresses another twenty feather beds made of eider down.

It was on this bed that the princess lay down for the night.

In the morning they asked her how she slept.

- Oh, terribly bad! - answered the princess. - I didn’t sleep a wink all night. God knows what was in my bed! I was lying on something hard and now I have bruises all over my body! This is just terrible!

Then everyone realized that this was a real princess. Of course, she felt a pea through twenty mattresses and twenty feather beds made of eiderdown! Only a real princess can be so tender.

The prince took her as his wife, because now he knew that he was marrying a real princess, and the pea ended up in the cabinet of curiosities, where it can be seen to this day, unless someone stole it.

Over 6 years old

Hansel and Gretel

Lived on the edge deep forest a poor woodcutter with his wife and two children; The boy's name was Hansel, and the girl's name was Gretel. The woodcutter lived from hand to mouth; Then one day the cost of living in that land became so high that he had nothing to buy even bread for food.

And so, in the evening, lying in bed, he began to think, and he was constantly overcome by various thoughts and worries; he sighed and said to his wife:

- What will happen to us now? How can we feed poor children, since we ourselves have nothing to eat!

- “You know what,” the wife answered, “let’s take the children into the forest, into the deepest thicket, early in the morning, as soon as it starts to get light; Let's make a fire for them, give them each a piece of bread, and we ourselves will go to work and leave them alone. They won't find their way home, so we'll get rid of them.

- No, wife, says the woodcutter, I won’t do that; After all, my heart is not a stone, I can’t leave my children alone in the forest, wild animals will attack them there and tear them apart.

- Eh, you simpleton! - says the wife. “Otherwise, all four of us will perish from hunger, and there will only be one thing left to do—to knock together coffins.” - And she pestered him until he agreed with her.

- But I still feel sorry for my poor children! - said the woodcutter.

The children could not sleep from hunger and heard everything that the stepmother said to their father. Gretel burst into bitter tears and said to Hansel:

- It looks like we'll have to disappear now.

- Hush, Gretel,” said Hansel, “don’t worry, I’ll think of something.”

And so, when his parents fell asleep, he got up, put on his jacket, opened the door to the hallway and quietly climbed out into the street. At that time, the moon was shining brightly, and the white stones lying in front of the hut glittered like piles of silver coins.

Hansel bent down and filled his pocket full of them. Then he returned home and said to Gretel:

- Be comforted, dear sister, now sleep peacefully, God will not leave us. - And with these words he went back to bed.

It had just begun to get light, the sun had not yet risen, but the stepmother had already come up and began to wake up the children:

- Hey you lazybones, it’s time to get up, come with us to the forest to get some firewood!

She gave each of them a piece of bread and said:

- This will be for your lunch; Yes, look, don’t eat it ahead of time, you won’t get anything else.

Gretel hid the bread in her apron, because Hansel’s pocket was full of stones. And they got ready to go into the forest together. They walked a little, suddenly Hansel stopped, looked back, looked at the hut - so he kept looking back and stopping. And his father says to him:

- Hansel, why are you still looking around and falling behind? Don't yawn, go quickly.

- “Oh, father,” Hansel answered him, “I keep looking at my white cat, she’s sitting on the roof, as if she wants to say goodbye to me.”

And the stepmother says:

- Eh, you fool, this is not your cat at all, this is the morning sun shining on the chimney.

And Hansel didn’t look at the cat at all, but took shiny pebbles out of his pocket and threw them onto the road.

So they entered the very thicket of the forest, and the father said:

- Well, children, now gather firewood, and I’ll light a fire so you don’t get cold.

Hansel and Gretel collected a whole bunch of brushwood. They lit a fire. When the flame burns well, the stepmother says:

- Well, kids, now lie down by the fire and have a good rest, and we’ll go into the forest to chop wood. When we finish work, we'll come back and take you home.

Hansel and Gretel sat down by the fire, and when noon came, each of them ate a piece of bread. They kept hearing the sound of an ax and thought that their father was somewhere nearby. But it was not the sound of an ax at all, but of a block of wood that the woodcutter tied to a dry tree, and it, swinging in the wind, knocked on the trunk.

They sat like that by the fire for a long time, their eyes began to close from fatigue, and they fell soundly asleep. And when we woke up, it was already the dead of night. Gretel cried and said:

- How can we get out of the forest now?

Hansel began to console her.

- Wait a little, the moon will soon rise, and we will find our way.

When the moon rose, Hansel took his sister by the hand and walked from pebble to pebble, and they sparkled like new silver money and showed the children the way. They walked all night long and came to their father's hut at dawn.

They knocked, the stepmother opened the door for them; she sees that it is Hansel and Gretel, and says:

- Why are you bad children sleeping in the forest for so long? And we thought that you didn’t want to go back at all.

The father was delighted when he saw the children; his heart was heavy that he had left them alone.

And soon hunger and need came again, and the children heard their stepmother at night, lying in bed, saying to their father:

- We've already eaten everything again, only half a crust of bread remains, apparently we'll soon the end will come. We need to get rid of the children: let's take them further into the forest so that they don't have to find their way back - we have no other choice.

The children were still awake and heard the entire conversation. And as soon as the parents fell asleep, Hansel got up again and wanted to leave the house to collect pebbles, like the last time, but the stepmother locked the door, and Hansel could not get out of the hut. He began to console his sister and said:

- Don’t cry, Gretel, sleep well, God will help us somehow.

Early in the morning the stepmother came and got the children out of bed. She gave them a piece of bread, it was even smaller than the first time. On the way to the forest, Hansel crumbled bread in his pocket, kept stopping and throwing bread crumbs on the road.

- “Why are you, Hansel, you keep stopping and looking around,” said the father, “go on your way.”

- Yes, I’m looking at my little dove, he’s sitting on the roof of the house, as if he’s saying goodbye to me,” answered Hansel.

- You fool, said the stepmother, this is not your dove at all, this is the morning sun shining on the top of the chimney.

And Hansel threw everything and threw bread crumbs along the way. So the stepmother took the children even deeper into the forest, where they had never been before. They lit a big fire again, and the stepmother said:

- Children, sit down here, and if you get tired, sleep a little; and we will go into the forest to chop wood, and in the evening, when we finish work, we will return here and take you home.

When noon came, Gretel shared her piece of bread with Hansel, because he had crumbled all his bread along the way. Then they fell asleep. But now the evening passed, and no one came for the poor children. They woke up dark night, and Hansel began to console his sister:

- Wait, Gretel, soon the moon will rise, and the bread crumbs that I scattered along the road will become visible, they will show us the way home.

Then the moon rose, and the children set off on their journey, but they did not find any bread crumbs - the thousands of birds that fly in the forest and in the field all pecked them. Then Hansel says to Gretel:

- We'll find our way somehow.

But they didn't find her. They had to walk all night and all day, from morning until evening, but they could not get out of the forest. The children were very hungry, because they had eaten nothing except the berries they picked along the way. They were so tired that they could barely move their legs, and so they lay down under a tree and fell asleep.

It was already the third morning since they left their father’s hut. They moved on. They walked and walked, but the forest got deeper and darker, and if help hadn’t arrived soon, they would have been exhausted.

Then midday came, and they noticed a beautiful snow-white bird on a branch. She sang so well that they stopped and listened to her singing. But suddenly the bird fell silent and, flapping its wings, flew in front of them, and they followed it, and walked until they finally reached the hut, where the bird sat on the roof. They came closer and saw that the hut was made of bread, the roof on it was made of gingerbread, and the windows were all made of transparent candy.

- “So we’ll get to work on it,” said Hansel, “and then we’ll have a nice treat!” I'll take a piece of the roof, and you, Gretel, take the window - it must be very sweet.

Hansel climbed onto the hut and broke off a piece of the roof to try what it tasted like, and Gretel went to the window and began gnawing on it.

Suddenly a thin voice was heard from inside:

Everything crunches and crunches under the window,

Who is gnawing and gnawing at the house?

The children answered:

This is a wonderful guest

Wind from heaven!

And, not paying attention, they continued to eat the house.

Hansel, who really liked the roof, tore a large piece from it and threw it down, and Gretel broke out a whole round piece of glass from the candy and, sitting down near the hut, began to feast on it.

Suddenly the door opens and an old woman comes out, leaning on a crutch. Hansel and Gretel were so frightened of her that they dropped the treat from their hands. The old woman shook her head and said:

- Eh, dear children, who brought you here? Well, you are welcome, come into the hut, no harm will happen to you here.

She took them both by the hands and led them into her hut. I brought it to them tasty food- milk with pancakes sprinkled with sugar, apples and nuts. Then she made two beautiful beds and covered them with white blankets. Hansel and Gretel lay down and thought that they must have gone to heaven.

But the old woman only pretended to be so kind, but she was in fact an evil witch who was lying in wait for the children, and she built a hut out of bread as a bait. If anyone fell into her hands, she killed him, then boiled him and ate him, and this was a holiday for her. Witches always have red eyes, and they see poorly in the distance, but they have a sense of smell, like animals, and they sense the proximity of a person.

When Hansel and Gretel approached her hut, she laughed evilly and said with a grin:

- So they got caught! Well, now they can’t get away from me!

Early in the morning, when the children were still sleeping, she got up, looked at how they were sleeping peacefully and how plump and rosy their cheeks were, and muttered to herself: “I’ll prepare myself a delicious dish.”

She grabbed Hansel with her bony hand, carried him into the barn and locked him there behind the lattice door - let him scream to himself as much as he liked, nothing would help him. Then she went to Gretel, pushed her, woke her up and said:

- Get up, lazy one, and bring me some water, cook something tasty for your brother - he’s sitting there in the barn, let him fatten up well. And when he gets fat, I'll eat him.

Gretel burst into bitter tears, but what to do? - She had to fulfill the orders of the evil witch.

And so the very best were prepared for Hansel delicious dishes, and Gretel got only scraps.

Every morning the old woman made her way to the small stable and said:

- Hansel, give me your fingers, I want to see if you are fat enough.

But Hansel handed her the bone, and the old woman, who had weak eyes, could not see what it was, and thought that it was Hansel’s fingers, and wondered why he was not getting fatter.

So four weeks passed, but Hansel still remained thin - then the old woman lost all patience and did not want to wait any longer.

- “Hey, Gretel,” she shouted to the girl, “get moving quickly, bring some water: it doesn’t matter whether Hansel is fat or skinny, but tomorrow morning I will kill him and cook him.”

Oh, how the poor sister grieved when she had to carry water, how her tears flowed in streams down her cheeks!

- Lord, help us! - she exclaimed. “It would be better if we were torn to pieces by wild animals in the forest, then at least we would die together.”

- Well, no need to whine! - the old woman shouted. - Nothing will help you now.

Early in the morning, Gretel had to get up, go out into the yard, hang a pot of water and light a fire.

- “First we will bake bread,” said the old woman, “I have already lit the oven and kneaded the dough.” - She pushed poor Gretel to the very stove, from where a large flame was blazing.

- Well, climb into the oven,” said the witch, “and see if it’s well heated, isn’t it time to plant grains?”

Just as Gretel was about to climb into the oven, the old woman wanted to close it with the damper so that she could fry Gretel and then eat her. But Gretel guessed what the old woman was up to and said:

- Yes, I don’t know how to do this, how do I get through there?

- “Here’s a stupid goose,” said the old woman, “look how big the mouth is, I could even climb into it,” and she climbed onto the pole and stuck her head into the stove.

Then Gretel pushed the witch, so much so that she ended up right in the oven itself. Then Gretel covered the stove with an iron damper and locked it. Wow, how terribly the witch howled! And Gretel ran away; and the damned witch burned in terrible torment.

Gretel rushed quickly to Hansel, opened the barn and shouted:

- Hansel, we are saved: the old witch is dead!

Hansel jumped out of the barn, like a bird from a cage when the door is opened for her. How happy they were, how they threw themselves on each other’s necks, how they jumped for joy, how tightly they kissed! And since now they had nothing to fear, they entered the witch’s hut, and there stood caskets with pearls and precious stones everywhere in the corners.

- These, perhaps, will be better than our stones,” said Hansel and filled his pockets full with them. And Gretel says:

- “I also want to bring something home,” and she poured a full apron of them.

- Well, now let’s quickly run away from here,” said Hansel, “after all, we still need to get out of the witch’s forest.”

So they walked like this for two hours and finally came across a large lake.

- “We can’t get across it,” says Hansel, “there’s neither a path nor a bridge to be seen anywhere.”

- “And you can’t see the boat,” Gretel answered, “and there’s a white duck swimming over there; if I ask her, she will help us cross to the other side.

And Gretel called:

Ducky, my ducky,

Swim a little closer to us

No path, no bridge,

Take us across, don't leave us!

A duck swam up, Hansel sat on it and called his sister to sit with him.

- No,” Gretel answered, “it will be too hard for the duck; let her transport you first, and then me.

This is what the good duck did, and when they happily crossed to the other side and walked on, the forest became more and more familiar to them, and they finally noticed their father’s house from afar. Here, in joy, they started to run, jumped into the room and threw themselves on their father’s neck.

Since his father abandoned his children in the forest, he has not had a moment of joy, and his wife died. Gretel opened her apron, and pearls and gems, and Hansel took whole handfuls of them out of his pocket.

And the end came to their need and grief, and they all lived happily together.

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