What you do not know about the features of our face and their relationship with our character. The beauty of a person depends on the shape of his forehead

The forehead represents on the face:

  • career
  • intelligence
  • older generation
  • age from 15 to 30 years
  • good luck
  • inheritance
  • inner views
  • thoughts

The hairline also matters. If you divide the forehead into three equal parts, then you can see the level of development of logic, memory and calculation.

forehead width

narrow forehead speaks of a quick reaction, but such a person is easy to anger and, it is easy for him to get confused in love problems.

Broad forehead speaks of a polite, quick-witted, intelligent person who first thinks and then acts.

If forehead not smooth, it means career difficulties, hard work, difficult childhood, poor health. It is easy for the owner of such a forehead to get into an accident situation, it is easy to get confused in business matters and, most likely, he will experience difficulties between the ages of 15 and 30 years.

If forehead smooth, he says he has a good childhood, good health, great social life, high chances of promotion. Such a person will easily achieve his goals up to 30 years.

forehead shape

high forehead- good chances for development, excellent logic, support of the older generation and ancestors, intelligence, anxiety and, alas, loneliness. Low forehead - respectively, poor chances for development, weak logic, stupidity and disappointment.

square edge hairline speaks of good abilities, realism, honesty and good fighting spirit.
edge of hair in the shape of the letter M- betrays a pioneer with good intuition and self-control. Such a person is doomed to fame, especially if the forehead is also convex.

round edge hair speaks of a good memory, but an unstable (female) character. High bald patches on the forehead belong to travelers, people who love change and movement. They are distinguished by intelligence, logic, strong self-motivation. Sometimes the hairline is not even, it speaks of insufficient parental care.

forehead profile

If you look at the forehead in profile, you can see convex(aggressive) forehead, telling us about the mind, good communication skills and good chances for promotion. Flat the forehead belongs to a wise man with good self-control and foresight. negative, or concave forehead, indicates an unsuccessful career and problems with money.

I think it's time to offer you a small express analysis of the face of a famous person.

Valentin Kataev

What can you tell about this man by the shape of his face?
Wise, understanding, has a sharp memory, intuition, quick reaction, good fighting spirit, luck. Subtly feels other people, self-confident, a bright leader.

The most beautiful and largest part of the face is the forehead. He tells us about a good childhood, the ability to communicate well with older people, love for parents. This is the forehead of a pioneer and experimenter who loves change and movement. Congenital intuition (6th sense), support of ancestors. Pronounced intellectual mindset. This is a thinker, inclined to analyze everything. Think first, then do. Bibliographic memory, excellent erudition.

As for COMMUNICATION, ( , ) - he was a man with an excellent sense of humor, healthy, one might say. Attention to detail is what characterizes these eyes. I liked order in everything. He liked to show himself, he easily learned everything new. He had a special relationship with women. He was more forgiving towards them. And in general, there was a lot of feminine in his character, hence, I think, the softness and beauty of presentation.

There has long been a judgment among the people that a high clean forehead is a sign of intelligence and nobility, a low or bumpy forehead indicates a person’s narrow-mindedness, his bad inclinations. These views are in complete agreement with the conclusions of physiognomists. By the structure of the forehead, the size and shape, the presence of wrinkles on it, experts judge the mental abilities and characteristics of a person’s character. Thus, the eastern schools of physiognomy are of the opinion that “favorable” in men is a high and wide forehead, slightly protruding forward and occupying more than a third of the face. Well, "unfavorable" - low, as well as narrow or sunken.

In women, a smooth forehead is considered “favorable”, well-defined, even, slightly rounded, moderately protruding forward. Well, "unfavorable" - the forehead is bony, too high or low, too wide or narrow.

Forehead rounded and convex

Usually the owners of such a forehead are enterprising and temperamental people. They are not afraid of changes in life and surprises, they do not give in to obstacles, they know how to achieve their own. They have a developed sense of self-worth. Their weakness is some haste in action, indifference to gossip.

Triangular forehead

Indicates insincere, selfish nature. People with such a forehead are enterprising, they know how to make money out of nothing, they often resort to lies, they can be petty and cunning. They are sexy and amorous, but not able to be faithful.

A triangular forehead with a rich "relief" characterizes a capricious and bizarre imagination. Its owner has many ideas, most often without practical application.

Quadrangular forehead

People with this forehead are generous, complaisant, neat, love order in everything. They are prudent, first they think, then they act. They are characterized by common sense, a sense of responsibility for the task assigned. They are good workers and good conversationalists.

A quadrangular forehead with deep wrinkles and bumps indicates that its owner or owner has a despotic nature, seeks to impose his will, does not tolerate objections. Well, a flat forehead of this shape indicates a paucity of imagination, conservatism. People with such a forehead are afraid to make decisions themselves, they can only be executors.

Forehead with "musical bumps"

There may be one or two bumps located on the left side of the forehead, they are clearly visible, protruding forward. The greatest composers had such bumps - Glinka, Mussorgsky. They indicate giftedness, musical, artistic, literary abilities. Their owners have a well-developed intuition, they are sensitive, friendly, try to help people. But in their personal lives they are more likely to fail.

Broad forehead

This forehead indicates intelligence and good abilities. Women with such a forehead have an excellent memory, a highly developed intellect. The owners of a wide forehead are open, purposeful people, true to their ideas, good friends. In extreme situations, they rely only on themselves.

Crescent-shaped forehead

It is believed that people with this forehead are endowed with a limited mind, slow, uncollected, not punctual. They do not really like to work, but at the same time they create the appearance of eternal employment, they know how to skillfully hide their shortcomings.

oblong forehead

Those who have it are dreamers, idealists with a fervent imagination. They have a well-developed intuition, they are insightful, capable of science. They have a love for changing places. Usually behind them are unfinished and unfulfilled cases, easily forgotten promises. They do not like to lead or obey.

low forehead

Such a forehead is considered to be a sign of a practical nature, devoid of noble instincts. As a rule, such a forehead indicates a weak intellect. However, its owners are distinguished by an unusually developed opportunism and due to this they achieve some success in their careers. A low triangular forehead betrays a roguish person, inclined to lie. People with such a forehead are cunning, ambitious and quite cynical.

If everything is "too"...

A forehead that is too wide belongs to strong-willed, energetic people who can stand up for themselves. They are willing to take risks, to conflict, if it can bring them benefits.

A forehead that is too flat is usually found in people with morbid self-esteem. It is difficult for them to perceive new information, but they are executive, obligatory. Women with this forehead shape are usually faithful wives.

An excessively large forehead is considered to be a sign of a person's laziness. People with such a forehead are inactive, inert, conservative. And the owners of a too small forehead do not have the ability for mental activity, but they are physically hardy and hardworking.

What do wrinkles say?

One distinct wrinkle across the forehead - luck, good luck in business.

Horizontal wrinkles close to the eyebrows - mind.

Horizontal wrinkles close to the hair - cruelty, pride.

Wrinkles diverging in all directions of the forehead - eccentricity, originality.

Perpendicular wrinkles on the forehead - mind, energy, pride, ambition.

Deep and intermittent wrinkles in all directions - pugnaciousness, rudeness, harshness.

The forehead is smooth, without wrinkles - carelessness, cheerful character.

Horizontal, parallel and subtle wrinkles on the forehead - honesty, decency, kindness.

Deep zigzag wrinkles - failures in business.

The forehead is low, with deep zigzag wrinkles - shamelessness and vices.

Now it is fashionable to talk about physiognomy, but did you know that the roots of this science go back to the ancient world? So, in Asia, it was an integral part of Confucianism, and the ancient Greeks heard about it. Let's take a look at the general aspects.

Physiognomy - the shape and color of the eyes, eyelids in men and women: examples with descriptions, photos

big-eyed people, as a rule, have all the makings of a leader. There is a lot for this - courage, will, spiritual sensitivity.

IMPORTANT: However, keep in mind that such people are more prone to making short-term decisions. Far-reaching plans do not always work out for them.

Small eyes they often say that you have a personality closed, from time to time sullen, not without stubbornness and complacency. However, these people are different. constancy.

elongated eyes, the upper corners of which look up - refinement nature. Wherein men can boast of decisiveness, and women characterized by unreasonable behavior.

Men with narrow eyes, the upper corners of which are raised up - nature, according to physiognomy, decisive

Narrow eyes, according to physiognomy, are a sign of a refined nature.

If the eyes are located on one line- this is a good sign.

Eyes located on the same line - a good sign in physiognomy

close set eyes - a signal that a person gravitates towards something narrowly focused.

IMPORTANT: Such a person gives all his strength to the chosen direction.

Close-set eyes in physiognomy - a sign of narrow focus

Eyelids also play an important role in physiognomy. For example, pronounced upper talk about maturity or fatigue, and lower- about a stormy life.

Let's talk about eye color:

Light brown eyes in physiognomy - prudence

Gray eyes, according to physiognomy, are inquisitive people

Physiognomy: the shape of the nose, nostrils in men and women

So-called "Roman nose" is a business card leader with an analytical mind. Moreover, the more such a feature is expressed, the more often its owner “sticks price tags” on the surrounding things.

Owners direct nose can boast firmness of character, clear mind, enviable organizational abilities. Aesthetic perception is on top.

IMPORTANT: Such a person copes equally well with both the duties of a leader and the work of a subordinate.

Jude Law is a good example of the fact that people with a straight nose, according to physiognomy, gravitate toward art.

Hooked nose is characteristic skeptics for whom it is perfectly natural to ask a hundred questions and criticize everything in the world. However, this quality hides vulnerable nature.

Snub nose inherent gullible and responsive personalities. Them naivety often childish, Vera in people does not dry out, despite various troubles. Emotions have a huge impact on behavior.

"Potato Nose" very curious of people. Moreover, the larger it is, the more a person shows curiosity.

A little about nostrils:

Physiognomy: the shape of the mouth, upper and lower lips in men and women

It is believed that the mouth women should ideally be characterized by soft lines and small size, and men- rigidity of outlines.

IMPORTANT: If the opposite is true, then the owner of the mouth has character traits of the opposite sex.

If, when compressed, the lips are thin straight line, then this is a sure sign of the predominance thoughtfulness, systematic in actions and scrupulousness. Pettiness should also not be ruled out.

Thoughtfulness - according to physiognomy, a character trait in people with a straight line of the mouth

Upper lip thickness shows us how a person likes to talk- and the thicker it is, the more pleasure a person does it. At the same time, the story is often replete with a mass of colorful details.

Lower the lip shows to what extent its owner generous. People with a full lower lip in every sense are ready to give more than they are sometimes required. They willingly are making concessions.

IMPORTANT: True, there is a certain danger - often such individuals take on their shoulders more than they are able to bear.

Certainly plays a role corner direction mouth: lowered signal pessimism, and raised- about optimism.

Raised corners of the mouth in physiognomy - a characteristic feature of optimists

The lowered corners of the mouth are interpreted by physiognomy as a predisposition to pessimism.

Physiognomy: the shape of the head in men and women

ovoid the head is a feature intellectuals. At the same time, the intellectual may well be windy.

The head in the shape of an egg is a physiognomic sign of a high development of intelligence

Square form is a calling card respectable nature who loves to indulge reflections and to which can rely.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that the wider the head, the more friendly a person can be.

A square head in physiognomy is an indicator of a person's reliability

Pay attention to the width of the head - physiognomy correlates the level of friendliness with this indicator

Roundheads people soft, kind, peaceful and completely devoid of ambition. They are constant in your own interests and love comfort.

A person with a head shape resembling rhombus, always resolute and assertive On him can rely, although sometimes you have to consider with stubbornness, rigidity.

high crown characteristic of people who know how to go to success. They are active and purposeful.

Not so pronounced crown will tell others that a person happens at times indecisive.

Physiognomy: face shape in men and women

square face is unshakable confidence in their actions and thoughts. A big plus is that a person is not only confident in something, but also has the power for the implementation of the goals. Not the shy ones.

IMPORTANT: It is extremely difficult to negotiate with such individuals.

Round - soft gentle nature. Usually the real ones gourmets, who not only love delicious food, but also know how to cook.

oval the form - incredulity, propensity to do work by oneself. However, this man can boast industriousness the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

An oval face is inherent, according to physiognomy, to hardworking people

Rhomboid- enough explosive nature. They say about such people that they have one step from love to hate. Fast, smart. However, they do not like to be pushed themselves.

Owners triangular persons also intellectually developed, however, they cannot be called fighters. Are artistic receptive in kind.

IMPORTANT: Mostly optimists, especially women.

Physiognomy: the shape of the forehead in men and women

In order to analyze the personality on the forehead, visually divide the forehead into 3 parts. Then see which one stands out the most:

  • 1 - located near the hairline. Man is philosopher, idealist
  • 2 - middle. Humanist. His beliefs are directly related to society
  • 3 - the area above the eyebrows. These personalities are most valued logic, practicality. Their mind is rational

But the emphasis on the middle part of the forehead physiognomy interprets as an increased humanity of a person

Round the forehead is characteristic of people who successfully cope with the task of inventing original ideas. Any field of activity related to creativity is extremely suitable for them.

Square the forehead belongs innovators. For the sake of interest, they can change a lot of professions in their life, try a lot of hobbies.

IMPORTANT: However, there is also a significant minus - many undertakings rush halfway through.

Oval forehead peculiar conservatives. They will never throw away old things. However, the house will always be not a warehouse, but a cozy nest. With relatives, friends and colleagues, such people manage to support warm relations almost always.

Physiognomy: the shape of the bridge of the nose in men and women

As previously thought, the bridge of the nose can characterize health status man and his predisposition to career growth. To be successful in this regard, you need to have smooth nose bridge.

A smooth nose bridge in physiognomy is a sign of good luck

uneven or rough leather, transverse folds point to Problems health or career.

Slightly flattened the bridge of the nose says that a person will have to make very a lot of effort during work.

High bridge of the nose is often found in people of high social status. And this is understandable: such individuals are inherent efficiency and ambition.

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that you can always contact such individuals - they are extremely friendly.

Low the bridge of the nose is often inherent pessimists. These people noticeably lack vitality.

Physiognomy: the shape of the eyebrows in men and women

Low eyebrows are usually found in people who can promptly and unbiased react to something. They have strong character, enviable willpower. At the same time, quite expressive and easily accepted for any business.

Owners high located eyebrows biased. However, it is easy to communicate with them because friendliness, openness, cheerful disposition. it subtle gentle nature who are very easy to impress.

IMPORTANT: Such individuals are used to completing all undertakings, despite their impulsiveness.

Kosovointernal eyebrows - in other words, those that diverge from the bridge of the nose upwards. Their owners anxious, tense, extremely concerned about the quality of their work.

oblique- and such eyebrows diverge from the bridge of the nose down and mean gentleness, care. Moreover, these qualities are observed since childhood. In the future with these people very comfortable to make friends and cooperate.

broken lines people have eyebrows dynamic, who often take on too many worries, but almost always manage. They are impatient and tend to get angry.

arcuate- characteristic of sentimental soft nature. Creativity is their native element.

IMPORTANT: It is best to explain something to such people with examples.

Physiognomy: the shape of the chin in men and women

rounded personalities have a form generous, hospitable, responsive. They will always take an interest in the problems and achievements of others.

Angularity is a signal that the person believes in high goals and motivated by them. He will be until the end defend one's views even if it means getting into a serious argument.

People with pointed chin are their own masters and terribly dislike orders addressed to them. To achieve goals, use only own ways.

beveled chin is characteristic of slightly lazy personalities. They do not have an inner core, so sometimes they can cheat, cheat.Conflicts are avoided by all means.

IMPORTANT: However, a compromise with them can always be found.

speaker has a chin purposeful of people. Everything they have has come from painstaking efforts. To intimidate them is not easy, as well as to force them to surrender.

Double the chin is a signal not only of too many calories in the diet, but also a sign power, strength of character.

People with a double chin, according to physiognomists, are imperious natures.

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheeks in men and women

are full e cheeks - very emotional people who are not able to constantly control the manifestations of their character. At the same time, they are like good interlocutors, and great listeners. We can safely say that such a person will be true friend and great organiser.

sunken cheeks - their owners are enough serious, thoughtful, attentive. Feeling responsibility well developed. However, they are often guided not only by the mind, but also intuition.

IMPORTANT: Such people should carefully take care of their physical condition.

Cheeks dimpled have balanced and gullible personality. They are like to take risks and often are excited, but masterfully disguise it.

Physiognomy: the shape of the ears in men and women

oval or round- often found in gifted personalities, including those showing talent in the musical field. They are impressionable, imaginative and inclined with enthusiasm share results its activities. At the same time, such people tend to show delicacy.

Physiognomists often observed oval or round ears in musicians.

Rectangular- index firmness of character and decency. Definitely available sanity and approach to problem solving realistic. To put it simply, there is probably a practitioner in front of you.

triangular form is typical for those who like to show their individuality. Surely you will see such ears in representatives of creative professions.

IMPORTANT: The downside of this nature is impatience.

It is also worth paying attention to lobe ear. So, small- sign scrupulousness and the ability to organize your life. At the same time, a person likes fast results.

big lobe testifies to excellent health owner. In addition, we can conclude about the character - he persistent. For such a person can rely.

Physiognomy: the shape of the cheekbones, jaws in men and women

Wide cheekbones - indicators of an impressive stock energy and enviable endurance. Such a person may act slowly, but this slowness is deceptive. Any tasks in the end are on the shoulder.

Narrow cheekbones - they say that a person is enough actively releases energy to the surrounding world. This means that the achievement of the goal is carried out by "short dashes", during which the spent energy is replenished.

IMPORTANT: Breaks for a few minutes are what you need for such a person.

Failed cheekbones - meet at introverts. A person turns out to be indifferent to many moments and does not always seek to show participation.

Concerning mandible, then it is considered that the wider she, the more authoritarian the person is in front of you. He has a well-trained voice, likes to lead.

People with narrow jaw cannot boast of perseverance. If they manage to break through, it is more likely due to their aggressive nature or luck. Such individuals definitely need to develop a confident voice, you need to learn how to insist on your point of view.

Physiognomy: the form of language in men and women

Physiognomy allows you to determine nature of the problems with the body even by language:

  • Thickened- most likely wrong digestive system, liver
  • Thin- prone to problems with circulatory system. Violation metabolism also not excluded

IMPORTANT: If the tongue is also long, then it is worth checking the state of the cardiac system.

A long tongue is regarded by physiognomists as a signal that there are problems with the heart.

Pay attention to grooves. They may testify to disturbances in the work of the heart. However, if such marks are excessively deep, it is worth checking kidneys.

The grooves in the tongue physiognomists interpret as problems with the work of the heart

Physiognomy: the shape of the teeth in men and women

White even teeth are considered in physiognomy as a sign good fortune. They are also called "horse", predicting a person health and good luck. Many friends are also foreshadowed, because the owner of such teeth sociable, friendly and always friendly.

If a slightly larger front teeth others, this is a good omen for marriage. AT financial well-being should also be expected.

IMPORTANT: It is desirable that the teeth taper downwards, not upwards.

Sticking forward teeth meet in nature extraordinary, accustomed to getting everything on their own. Often such people moving away from home- and already in a new place of residence they are building life from scratch.

Diastema is a happy omen. Such people long live, are able make good money. However, we are talking only about the distance between the front teeth - in other cases, the gap should be small.

As you can see, quite a lot can be said about a person without even having time to get to know him properly. If you remember the main aspects of physiognomy, information from the face of the interlocutor will be read without much difficulty.

A high forehead in men in physiognomy has a meaning comparable in importance only to the shape of the nose and eyes (the main triangle).
The value of the forehead is difficult to overestimate in physiognomy, as mentioned above. The legendary phrase, meaning a developed and progressive personality, is known to everyone: a high forehead. But is this how some experts interpret high-shaped foreheads? So, a high forehead and its meanings depending on the details. High forehead: standards

A high forehead is rare. In the full, anthropometric sense. The fact is that one way or another, the forehead is considered high, narrow, medium, their mixed forms. Growth, physical development are almost not taken into account, and most importantly: it is not specified on the basis of which the forehead can be considered high.
High forehead in men with small eyes

This is one of the cases when even professional physiognomy can be cruelly and unforgivably wrong. A very high forehead, an ordinary high forehead, but small eyes indicate that you have a mediocrely developed (if not completely backward) person in front of you. Intelligence is not to be found here. There is a strategy, there is aggression, there are imperative notes in the conversation and a clear hint of dominance. But there is definitely no special mind here, you can check it in practice. But what spoils this high forehead so terribly? Just small eyes? The answer will turn everything upside down if the owner of such a “bundle” on his face is below average height, thin. This is just a phenomenon of genius, when a real scientist can grow out of nondescriptness. And what does it say about stupidity and aggression with such eyes and forehead? Height above average, or average with a figure of an athletic type. Here you can safely make a note for yourself: a person may well be unreliable, dangerous and predictable in an aggressive way. As you can see, even when stating an obvious fact in physiognomy, “if” or “with” is of decisive importance. Remember this always.

High narrow forehead
Such a forehead is most often found in men with a domed skull (this is already phrenology). This form says that a person may well be tough, prudent, and subject to emotional impulses. These are both radical decisions and protests with raised voices. In a word, impulsive type. In other cases, we also noted secrecy and a penchant for technical sciences. Materialists, but they can create the impression of a temperamental and affectionate boyfriend, for which they invariably use dishonest tricks: falsehood, simulated (well, by the way) feelings, intrigues. The downside here is obvious, this is the complete lack of nobility of a real man.

Medium low forehead
This can also be mistaken for a high forehead, but pay attention to the geometry of the face: it is rounded. Such an average low forehead speaks of a tendency to vices, in the first place. A huge number of males with such features is a typical example of a bachelor, but not by conviction. Due to vices and constant imaginary perfectionism. He likes to set fantastic goals for himself, and over and over again confidently fail to achieve them. This is hindered by poor development, inconsistency, misanthropy and poor communication skills. If at times such a man is attacked by an attack of goodwill, then a significant part of his self-expression is still a negative assessment of everything and everyone, with or without reason. In general, inflated self-esteem, a tendency to vices, patronizing coloring in communication - a typical portrait of the owner of an average low forehead on a rounded face, even with sufficient width.

Friends and like-minded people, I greet you!

Well, if you have already dealt with the question, well, we will take a closer look at such an interesting question: what connection can there be between such things as facial physiognomy and character?


The head is the most important part of the body, where the main organs are concentrated through which we receive information about the outside world: sight, hearing, smell...

Thinkers of all times and peoples have tried to correlate the shape of the head and facial features with psychological characteristics. Friends, have you ever met people with an "evil face", but with "smart" or "stupid"?

After all, a person's face keeps traces of the most frequent and typical thoughts and experiences for him.

What can be said about a character by looking at a person's hair?

Let's start with such a noticeable detail as hair. A person has the ability to change them at will natural characteristics: color, curly, length, quantity. it one of the brightest means of self-expression.

Meeting people with thin delicate hair we can see that such people are more , fragile and vulnerable. It is clear that such hair is more common in women. Isn't this the basis of sympathy for blondes, who seem to be sensitive and soft?

But very light hair speaks of indifference and coldness. But golden issue willfulness and cunning(chanterelle-sister!).

Coarse hair corresponds to the rude nature of their owner., but such people endure the pain and hardships of life more easily, they are straightforward and indelicate.

Coarse hair is more common in brunettes: black curly hair usually belong to people hot and ardent.

Brown hair talking about justice and nobility their owners.

And now, a trick question: How often do you color your hair? And weakly painted in a radical color?» When answering: « Yes!”, we understand that we have before us an impulsive, conceited, self-centered person who is not able to see himself from the outside.

Only hair, or also hairstyles give us away?

Men, for example, who love to wear long hair- it's usually artistic nature or.

But short hair prefer athletes, military, conservatives.

Girls if you see well-groomed man: haircut, styling, expensive clothes, shoes, accessories, then remember - this conceited and a man who demands admiration from others!

But women's hairstyle is not a very indicative sign- it all depends on fashion and social class. Young and sexy women wear long hair, but short, fashionably and immaculately cut hair indicates an artistic nature and testifies to the financial well-being of their owners.

Less stylish haircut reveals practicality, and ultra-short haircut - extravagance.

Features of the human face

Conventionally, all people are divided into two groups:

Three parts of the face

Looking at a person's face, divide it into three parts:

  • top part starts at the roots of the hair and ends at the eyebrows.
    It reflects the legacy intellectual ability, it shows the history of the development of human life from 15 to 30 years.
  • middle part starts from the eyebrows and goes down to the tip of the nose.
    She governs the heyday of 31 to 50 years.
  • the part of the face from the tip of the nose to the chin is called bottom.
    It corresponds to the period from 51 to 77 years and is associated with instincts.

If the upper part is longer and wider than the other two, then the person probably had a happy childhood. If the middle part is more harmonious and longer than the other two, then the person has achieved the greatest success in the middle of life, and if the lower part of the face is the most developed, then most likely the person will live a happy life.

An ideal face is one in which all three parts are approximately the same length.

Good signs are: a wide, high and smooth forehead, clear and penetrating eyes, a straight and slightly elongated nose, a well-defined mouth, full cheeks, a strong chin.

What are the types of faces?

And now we will learn to distinguish between different types of faces. First you need to define it form.

pear face- the widest in the jaw, tapering to the temples. Such people are very different activity desire to do something all the time. They are determined, stubborn, but can be rude, heartless and harsh.

elongated face- the same width in the forehead, cheekbones and jaws. This is an aristocratic type of face, is considered a standard and is rare. People with this face shape have , have refined manners, very emotional, persistent, diligent, hardworking and prudent. Much effort is spent on self-affirmation.

triangular face- the widest in the forehead. This is the type of people well-developed intuition, sensitive, impressionable and. Among them there are very cunning and quarrelsome natures. In general, people of this type strive for peace, a state of relaxation, but they are often unsure of themselves.

Round face- the widest in the cheeks. These people are associated with kindness, kindness, gentleness. Such people are distinguished by activity, flexibility, sociability, the desire for new experiences, the search for new friends. They are attracted to easy money and gambling.

Square face characteristic of people energetic, disciplined and executive, but such people are often difficult to communicate, and sometimes straightforward to the point of cruelty.

Eyes, mirror of the soul

The eyes have long been considered the mirror of the soul. After all, over 80% of the information about the world around us, a person perceives through the eyes. They always determine the inner experiences of people. It has long been noted that a person with beautiful and attractive eyes has good health, mind, will, balance. Beautiful, expressive eyes have a number of characteristics - they seem to emit light, well protected by eyelids. Deviations testify to character traits that create difficulties in life not only for the owner, but also for others.

First, pay attention to the size of the eyes. Owners big eyes different emotionality, artistry, masculinity,. Large dreamy eyes indicate a loving, musical nature, though with a penchant for distorting the truth.

Small eyes are a sign of caution. When making decisions, the owners of such eyes think about the situation for a long time, carefully weigh all the pros and cons. Such eyes often belong to closed, sometimes self-satisfied people. The smaller the size of the eyes, the worse the susceptibility.

Features of the look

The manner of looking over the head speaks of pride, arrogance, neglect.

With his head bowed, a modest person usually looks, overly cautious and restless.

The one who does not look straight in the face, but only throws quick glances - a person "of his own mind." But if a person diligently looks away, then he is either plotting something or feeling guilty. You have to be very careful with this.

A courageous person with a clear conscience usually looks into the eyes of the interlocutor, withstands someone else's gaze.

Sometimes people during a conversation lower eyelids. This unconscious gesture may mean that the interlocutor is unpleasant or uninteresting.

Momentary eye closure means agreement or approval if accompanied by a nod of the head.

Wide-open eyes for a long time indicate focused attention, a desire to make contact.

If the interlocutor squints eyes, then this can be considered as an unfriendly signal - they do not want to see you, and sometimes the interlocutor can show that he wants to take a closer look at you. Well, and, of course, myopic people can also squint.

A lot depends on other signals - on gestures, posture, head rotation, etc.

Focusing the gaze

Often uncertain, a person who has not achieved anything in life, does not focus his gaze on the interlocutor, but constantly flickering from object to object, on other people.

And the man focusing gaze on the interlocutor, looking long and attentively, as a rule, turns out to be smart, understanding, knowing their goals and ways to achieve them. He is a good analyst, determined, far-sighted and persistent. He is slow, but achieves a lot.

eye color

dark pupils, bordered by silvery whites, testify to great mind, nobility, power.

What if whites that are yellowish, reddish or pure white, then this indicates malice, shyness, stupidity.

Large iris- a sign of mercy small- Difficulties in relationships with other people.

Grey eyes found in people plastic responding quickly to changing situations. They are distinguished by patience, realism, observation, the ability to subjugate other people.

Blue eyes point to people persistent who achieve their goals, possessing intuition. Dark blue eyes in people with soft manners, idealists, but not always sincere.

Blue eyes characteristic of active people, insightful, able to subordinate people to their desires.

Brown eyes indicate people who know how to work hard and hard, who have energy and will but sometimes impulsive.

Green eyes testify to high sensitivity, tendencies to deep feelings. Such people need love and care, they are very devoted and gentle. They strive for pleasure, but they are very envious.

Black eyes- sign independence and desire for dominance. Encountering obstacles on their way, they are aggressive. And don't forget that "evil eye is a black eye".

And you also need to take into account the distance between the eyes and their fit.

The distance between the eyes and their fit

Widely spaced eyes reflect breadth of soul, a shifted to the bridge of the nose, the eyes give out a person pragmatic, purposeful, striving to penetrate into the essence of what is happening.

Bulging eyes- nature willful, self-imposed not accustomed to denying herself anything.

And people with deep-set eyes and with a forehead, as it were, hanging over them somewhat, there is a secretive, cautious, not cowardly character, but capable of unexpected aggression. And these people are sensitive, temperamental, suspicious. In short, it is better not to anger such people in vain.

Eye Shape

The shape of the eyes is of great importance in determining the character. For better memorization, since ancient times, Chinese physiognomists have associated types of eye shapes with certain animals.

dragon eyes: large with a lively sheen. The upper eyelid slightly covers the eye. Point to desire for power, the desire to have respect.

phoenix eyes: long eyes with double eyelids, the outer corners of the eyes resemble "fish tails". It's a sign refinement of nature with business and artistic abilities.

Eyes of the Tiger: almost round eyes with brilliance, with numerous folds on the eyelids. testify to impulsiveness, cruelty and thirst for leadership.

elephant eyes: narrow and elongated eyes with double or triple eyelids. They are more common in overweight people, calm, friendly, unhurried.

sheep eyes: narrow, small eyes with a black and yellow iris, with three layers of skin on the upper eyelids. It's a sign passionate nature, but are often prone to self-destructive moods.

horse eyes: the shape of the eyes resembles a trapezoid (the lower base is smaller than the upper one), they come with sagging eyelids. These eyes indicate gaiety of disposition, talkativeness, and inconstancy.

wolf eyes: The irises are usually small and the protein surrounds the iris from the sides and from above. People with such eyes usually have evil character, cruel, vindictive and ruthless.

monkey eyes: small eyes with double lower eyelids and black iris. They belong very restless people with unstable temperament.

snake eyes: The iris is small with a reddish tint. Points to explosive temper, resentment, aggressiveness.

fish eyes: upper eyelid falls to the outer corner of the eye. Behind the external calmness of such people is hidden instability and impulsiveness.

Cancer eyes: eyeballs protrude noticeably forward. sign stubborn, brave and ambitious personality.

Rooster eyes: more often blue and light brown. The irises are lined with lines emanating from the pupil, like the spokes of a wheel. Such people are subject to all sorts of misadventures.

cat eyes: eyes with double eyelids and dark yellow iris. Sometimes they look sick and cause compassion in other people, but attract the opposite sex.

lion eyes: large eyes with folds on the upper and lower eyelids. Such people tend to justice, as well as organizational skills.

After the eyes, let's pay attention to the eyebrows.

By the shape and color of the eyebrows, one can judge the mental abilities of a person, artistry, talents and other personal qualities. Eyebrows vary in width, length, shape and position.

Wide eyebrows point to courage, honesty, directness and sexuality. But often they are intolerant, have a desire subdue others.

People with thin eyebrows are shy, modest, conservative.

long eyebrows belong gifted people with artistic inclinations.

short eyebrows belong timid and lonely people silent and distrustful.

But short and very thick eyebrows talking about courage and ability to lead others.

Eyebrow position

The lower they are located the more impatient and intolerant their owner. Extremely touchy people have eyebrows hanging over their eyes, they do not forgive insults and are very vengeful.

People with high up eyebrows generous, easy to deal with make friends easily.

asymmetrical set eyebrows are found in people who are thoughtful, easily changing moods and desires.

Eyebrow shape

If a person has eyebrows symmetrical, neat, beautiful and slightly curved, he is by nature friendly. If eyebrows grow chaotic and uneven, then relations with other people will bad. There are the following eyebrow shapes:

  • Horizontal- the owners of such eyebrows have a lively mind, easy attitude to life, love for honors, comfort, prosperity.
  • selfish eyebrows- they resemble arcs in shape, grow in width from the outer edge of the face to the bridge of the nose. These people are selfish, narcissistic, vicious and vengeful.
  • Short and very thick eyebrows- neat, shiny and slightly curved at the edges. They belong to the people with artistic talent good taste, impatient and hot, but bold.
  • devilish eyebrows- bushy, chaotic, sticking out in all directions. Their owners are people extremely proud, cruel, vicious, suspicious.
  • Crescent shaped- such eyebrows speak of tenderness, softness, sensitivity, openness in communication.
  • unibrow- such eyebrows indicate restless character and difficulties in life.
  • "Willow" eyebrows- slightly curved and attractive. Belong to the people romantic, smart, friendly, pleasant in communication.

Bottom line: wide, long, smooth, even and raised eyebrows above the eyes are considered an auspicious sign.


For those who do not know, the forehead is located in the upper zone of the face and is responsible for the intellectual sphere of a person. The forehead should be wide, high and not protruding much. Studying the forehead, examine it in profile.

The options are:

  • sloping forehead- belongs to a person with good intellectual abilities, but often impulsive and pragmatic. These people act quickly without thinking. Very often they are deceitful and cunning.
  • Straight or slightly convex forehead- in front of us typical intellectual, with good logical thinking, but a lot of time is spent on reflection and there is a lack of intuition.
  • Too prominent forehead- in front of us nature is not far off, evil but very practical.
  • Straight and narrow forehead - honesty, kindness, but weak development of intelligence.
  • Too big forehead- it does not harmonize with other facial features, this is an indicator laziness and tendencies to a sedentary lifestyle.

Wrinkles on the forehead

Forehead with horizontal wrinkles close to the hair - pride, lack of kindness to others.

And if the wrinkles are located closer to the eyebrows, the person clearly has analytical abilities.


The nose is located in the very center of the face and is of particular importance in determining the character of a person. And it also serves as a fulcrum for assessing the balance of facial features, the harmony of their combination.

Ideally, the nose straight with a well-rounded tip and beautiful wing shape, the openings of the nostrils must be hidden. In addition, the ideal nose has a streamlined shape from the bridge of the nose to the tip, but, as practice shows, the nose has the most deviations from the ideal shape, which is reflected in the character.

A long nose- points to independence the ability to solve various problems.

short nose- this is "the soul wide open", inexhaustible optimism.

Bony long nose - pride, arrogance, arrogance.

Bony nose with a pronounced hump gives us.

Drop nose tip- cheerfulness, optimism .

The tip of the nose resembles an eagle's beak - insight, cunning, and sometimes vindictiveness.

full, big bulbous tip of the nose - human cordial and warm.

Elevated, with protruding wings of the nostrils, the nose - willfulness, incontinence, promiscuity.

Forked tip of the nose - timidity.

Small nostrils - excessive compliance.

Wide wings of the nose - conceit.

hanging nose covering part of the upper lip - a sign perfidy.

The wings at the tip of the nose diverge widely - sensitivity, and sometimes aggressiveness.

Mouth and lips

The mouth is at the bottom of the face. After the eyes, they pay the most attention to it. First, evaluate the size of the mouth.

Big mouth indicates a person striving as much as possible keep near you: information, people, things. Such people rarely miss anything in life.

In people with small mouth much less appetite. To possess something, they need to show great skill and cunning. There is more than enough perseverance and diligence, but the strength is often not enough.

Large mouth with falling corners lip points to strong will, it is difficult to put pressure on such a person.

small mouth in the form of an arc - sensitive nature.

Sometimes one gets the impression that the lower half of the mouth is slightly lowered is a sign stubbornness.

Men tend to have hard lips, while women tend to have soft lips.

Pursed, somewhat retracted lips give out in a person passion for hoarding, and communication with other people is built strictly for profit.

But if you met thin or thick lips, but tightly compressed- in front of you self-confident and courageous person.

Slightly parted lips point to compliance, the openness of a person, his desire to communicate, but such a person is often proud and easily caught in flattery.

Some people, if you look at them in profile, lower lip protrudes forward, which indicates capricious and a self-willed person, accustomed to getting his own way.

"Full-lipped" when upper lip resembles in shape horizontal line, born gossipers with imaginative thinking, with good intuition, with a premonition of the future, perfectly oriented in unclear situations.

People who have a line the upper lip resembles a wave, more resolute and assertive, specific. In conversation, they are overly categorical and straightforward, somewhat talkative, like to joke and are positive about life.

Dropped corners lips speak of frequent lesions and other sorrows.

Several raised corners lips - a sense of superiority, triumph, optimism, success in life.

Chin and jaws

The chin and jaws are located in the "instinctive", lower zone of the face and govern the later years of a person's life.

With a round face well developed jaws indicate affection, generosity, self-control.

With a square face, they speak of determination and firmness of character.

Generally speaking, a wide jaw or chin is a sign of a strong character, if not spoiled by bad features.

Usually, wide chin indicates the presence great strength and agility, such people always go to the intended goal.

If developed jaws are reinforced protruding sharp chin, then this means determination and the speed of the onslaught, but aggressiveness and ambition increase.

Acute triangular chin- an indication of ambition and ambition at . If in profile chin is weak and noticeably sloping, in front of us weak-willed person, but quirky, suspicious, vindictive and selfish.

And the owners of chins with vertical slot in the middle in character will prevail cordiality, tenderness, passion.


They judge the first 14 years of a person's life. In its shape, the ear resembles a human embryo, it is determined by condition of almost all internal organs. The ear is also an active erotic zone. When evaluating the character, attention is paid to the position of the ears relative to the eyebrows, the flatness to the head, the color and size of the ear canal.

Thin translucent ears - irritability and impulsivity.

small ears- striving for order.

Long and narrow ears - stinginess.

Hard ears - internal energy.

Soft ears - underdeveloped thinking.

If the upper edge of the ears is above the brow line, this indicates mind and ambition.

What if the ears pressed to the head, then a person lack of independence.

protruding ears point to decision making.

Small ears pressed to the head - vindictiveness.

ear canal- a hole inside the ear. If it big, then its owner kind, generous person able to learn.

But small hole in the ears speaks of narrowness of interests, envy, vindictiveness.

Secretive people usually have large and deep auricles.

White and red colors are considered favorable, but the dark color indicates a weak mind and poor health.


big lobe usually happens to obstinate and stubborn people It is also an indicator of longevity.

But small lobe portends cardiovascular diseases.


This is a kind of outgrowth that covers the ear holes.

If a tragus turned out, then such a person needs information from outside.

But if the tragus is bent inside, then we see secretive person unable to use their abilities.

Well, friends, we have come to the end of the study of physiognomy. Remember, appearances are not deceiving! Just not everyone can read faces and between the lines! Of course, keep in mind that this is not an absolute truth and that you should not take it 100%. To be honest, in many cases this information is very true, but there is always room for exceptions. I advise you to watch several criteria than one or two before drawing conclusions.

I wish you success! And may the Force be with you!

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