Sketch of theatrical scenery. Theater decorator

In order for the production to be successful, it is important not only to choose the right actors. The atmosphere on the stage is also created by the scenery. We can say that the scenery is as old as theatrical art, because even at the first production they used different props.

Hard and soft scenery

Decorations are of two types:

  • tough.

Rigid structures are conditionally divided into flat and voluminous, but in fact there are much more varieties. The scenery can be played and used by the actors during the performance. For example, various stairs, fences, tables can be used during staging. Unplayed decorations simply serve as a static background and create an atmosphere, an entourage.

Rigid decorations are made mainly from wood and duralumin. For wooden structures, inexpensive but durable softwood is chosen. In some cases, it is appropriate to use light metals in the production of decorations.

Soft decorations are produced from fabrics, they can be smooth, draped, picturesque or contain applications. Velvet, canvas and tulle are the most popular materials on stage. Also today, synthetics and non-woven materials are used for the production of products. They are practical and create the desired effect.

There are many ways to create theatrical scenery They have been developed over centuries. Today, nothing fundamentally new is being created in scenography - everything has already been thought out in advance. However, new materials and technologies appear in the art of decoration.

The scenery on the stage, as a rule, is multi-layered. This is not only the background behind the actors, but also all the necessary equipment. The scenery even includes the curtain and backstage.

inventory requirements

Quality decorations meet several important requirements. It is important that they can be easily assembled and disassembled without losing the properties of the materials. There are products that are difficult to make, but ideally, decorations should be easy to manufacture. Then, in the event of a breakdown, the product can be quickly restored.

Decorations need to be stored, and it is desirable that they do not take up too much space. Therefore, among important qualities designs - portability and mobility. Also, the decorations should be light and durable. This is not always possible in the production of hard props. However soft scenery meet these requirements 100%. To make them even lighter, modern materials were used for decorations.

Decorations have been used on stage for many years. In addition, they can be temporarily placed in a warehouse and even transported to other cities. Therefore, such strict requirements are imposed on products.

If the design is not practical, then its operation will require regular expenses. The scenery will have to be repaired, disassembled, and transportation ordered under special conditions. It is possible that such equipment is used in theaters, but in rare cases when there is no alternative.

Practical decorations do not require extra costs and do not lose their properties for many years. In some cases, when manufacturing a product, it is worth overpaying and ordering a structure from more expensive materials if this will extend its service life. However, with the advent of synthetics and non-woven materials, theaters can no longer overpay for the production of scenery.

How the scenery is made

Decorations are created according to a preliminary sketch. Sketches are made by working through each of the scenes in detail. All the details are taken into account. The main scenery in the scenes is the background, after which there are objects for the entourage surrounding the participants in the action. The scenographer begins to work with ready-made sketches, he creates a preliminary layout. A model is not yet a decoration, it is only a model.

By creating a layout, you can determine how accurately the size of the product is determined. In some cases, adjustments have to be made. That is why the scenery is created only after the production of a trial layout. The design is applied by the artist, whose actions are monitored by the director.

After preparing the layout, the product is sent to a specialized workshop where decorations are produced. Here they create the final product - a product that will decorate the stage. The model that is sent for production is usually a smaller copy of the scenery. The masters are faced with the task of reproducing the design in an enlarged size. Soft theatrical scenery is sometimes no easier to create than hard ones - it all depends on the features of the product. Some decorations have many complex elements.

All children are waiting for the holidays. Some dream of gifts, others rejoice at the approach of fun and joyful emotions. This expectation is especially felt in kindergarten and primary school schools. It is impossible to imagine holidays in children's institutions without matinees. And the very preparation for them is an exciting process, during which all the children get roles in the upcoming production. To make the performance look “real”, it needs to be designed accordingly. Decorations for matinees are created precisely for the purpose of organizing the appropriate entourage of the festive production. In their environment, children will feel the importance of what is happening and their role. The Interdesign company is engaged in the production of scenery for children's performances, and offers to purchase finished products or order its production according to your own project.

Outdoor decorations. Specifications

Each children's institution should have a set of items to decorate the stage. It most often includes hanging and floor decorations. The former can be made of thin plywood or even paper, and are attached to a wall or curtain fabric. Floor decorations have a stable base. It is around them that the action of the play unfolds. Therefore, the main requirement that is put forward for products of this group is the safety of children who are on stage.

Floor decorations are made of MDF boards, 6 - 8 millimeters thick. The stability of the base is ensured by its sufficient area and the presence of supports (if necessary). The image is applied by gluing a full-color print. At the request of the customer, it can be applied to one side of the decoration or both. In the first case, the scenery must be installed facing the viewer. In the second - you can distribute the scenery around the stage in a free order. Double-sided floor decorations can be used in productions that are held in the hall. Children, being both active participants and spectators of the performance, can go behind such scenery without risking seeing their reverse (unformed) side. The surface of the floor decorations is laminated with a protective film. This allows them to be used for many years. The edges of decorative objects are smoothly polished so that even by accident the child cannot get hurt.

Decorations for the holidays. Varieties

With the help of scenery, you can turn an ordinary event into a unique action. You can buy ready-made decorations or order their production according to your own sketch. The company "Interdesign" offers decorative items different size and with images:
- houses, huts and towers;
- Vehicle;
- cartoon and fairy-tale characters.

With the help of floor decorations, you can create a feeling of different seasons in which the action takes place. For autumn matinees, decorations depicting yellow leaves and mushrooms, a withered forest and fruit-bearing trees are suitable. To put winter fairy tale, you will need scenery of snow-covered huts and trees. Spring mood will be created by images of wildflowers and lush grass. The lightness of the floor decorations makes it possible to change them quickly. By closing the curtain, 2 adults will be able to replace one scenery with another in 5 seconds, completely changing the stage picture.

Double-sided floor decorations can be used not only for performances and matinees, but also for everyday children's games and competitions. They can be taken out to open areas during a walk for children or installed in a playroom.

How to buy theatrical scenery for children's matinees?

On the Interdesign website you will find a catalog of scenery, in which they are divided into categories. This greatly facilitates the search for the desired item. Acquainted with technical specifications and the price of each decoration you can on its product page. You will go to it by clicking on the image of the item you like. You can send the selected product to the virtual basket in 1 click.

After filling it, you can place an order in in electronic format or use the phone number listed on the site. The manager of the company will explain to you the rules of payment for goods and their delivery.

It was on their first stages in childhood that many outstanding artists felt the magic of the stage and decided on future profession. Even if this does not happen, every child, participating in the play, will be able to reveal their potential and learn how to communicate with their peers. It is in such an environment that the child will first try to present himself. Without exaggeration, we can say that his future largely depends on how much he likes it.

Everyone has visited the theater at least once. Such events fill with emotions, give spiritual satisfaction. Surely everyone knows what the scenery is, but few can imagine how theatrical performances would look without them. But this element is mandatory to create the desired effect.

What is scenery

Each performance requires a long preparation. The scenery in the theater can be different, for example:

  • small fragments that create the right atmosphere;
  • large-scale compositions that give a sense of the reality of what is happening on stage;
  • lighting effects created by spotlights and similar equipment.

In any case, it is not difficult to understand what scenery is. Thoughtful compositions can consist of different parts and elements, which generally gives the opportunity to create the picture that is needed for a full perception of the action transmitted by the actors.

Why decorate the stage

Knowing what decorations are, you can understand how necessary they are in any performance. Without certain props, the picture will be incomplete. Yes, and it is easier for actors to convey emotions when the necessary atmosphere is created on the stage. Even a child knows what the scenery is in the theater, nevertheless, it is worth considering in detail the question of for what purpose and why they were invented.

Of course, professionally performing actors can convey the necessary emotions to the audience even without additional compositions on stage. But the scenery in the theater will help:

  • fully immerse the viewer in the story;
  • give the actors the opportunity to fully and completely convey the essence of the production;
  • set the mood for the performance and open up the horizons of creativity for those involved in the design of the stage for performances.

Having learned what the scenery is, a person will pay more attention to them when visiting the theater. And also understand how important stage decoration is. After all, we all want the actors to reveal their talents to the maximum and inspire those who came to see their performance.

EcoDecor company is a manufacturer of custom-made decorations. We produce different types of scenery: studio, theater, concert, exhibition stands, interactive canvases and interactive scenery.

We are able to work with various materials: metal structures, wood and plywood structures, plastic decorations. We also make dynamic scenery, work with electronics, make special effects. We have extensive experience in production: from mechanics to electronics.

Decorations for the store. Store opening? The original window dressing will attract attention. New collection? Decorations will help to focus the attention of visitors on exactly what you want.

Decorations in the room. We can produce original decorations for a room, for example, an office, an apartment or a hotel. Styling a room as a cave, fairy-tale motifs or space theme? All of this is feasible and affordable. I use technologies from simple interior printing to the production of three-dimensional figures.

Decorations for outdoor areas. If you are holding a corporate training, presentation or birthday outdoors, then here we can also help you: outdoor stages, podiums, decorations and additional decorations for them.

Scenery in the park. Scenery for park performances or outdoor events. Maybe there is a specialized art exhibition in your park? We can make unique and unusual decorations according to your order.

Scenery in the theater. Classical theatrical scenery does not require additional comments.

Decorations for exhibitions(exhibition stands). Does your company want to make its booth stand out from the same gray mass? We can help you with this. Decorate your booth with various figures, light, sound and video effects.

Decorations for concerts, presentations, holidays, parties and corporate events . Each event is a unique event that simply needs to be highlighted. You can follow a simple path - to make banner decorations (large-format printing on the banner), in addition to this, you can add three-dimensional letters to the stage: the name of the group, company, seminar. Going even further, we can add three-dimensional figures: hearts for Valentine's Day, an Oscar figurine for awards, or a 3D company logo. Here the limit is your imagination.

Scenery for photo shoots. Absolutely any ideas can be realized here. We can make props, both in natural size, and enlarged or reduced copies. We make enlarged copies of objects, both with the help of foam and plastic, and with the help of silicone.

Decorations for shopping centers (TC). AT modern world without original themed decorations shopping center not attract visitors, so we offer a variety of holiday decorations: Christmas decorations, Halloween decorations, winter / spring / summer and autumn decorations, as well as decorations dedicated to various sports events. Singing fountains, interior and exterior lighting, lighting control - all these are components of the scenery work.

Scenery for cinema. We make various props and props to order. We work with special effects, dynamic scenery. Any props, copies of elements (according to the description or photograph). Dynamic objects, electronics, moving effects and scenery.

We focus on creating original and sophisticated solutions!

Work on the decoration begins with a sketch. First, general sketches of the main scenes are prepared, where the set designer determines the appearance of the performance. Then a sequence of individual paintings is worked out. Finally, on the basis of a general sketch, the artist builds a three-dimensional layout of the stage design, and also develops sketches of individual parts of the design - a backdrop, a three-dimensional part, backstage scenery. On the layout, the arrangement of individual elements and their future sizes and volumetric ratios are worked out.

Usually, the artist works on the layout together with the director of the performance. Only after the director's image of the production is determined, the development of individual parts of the scenery begins. Simultaneously with the layout, a sketch of the backdrop and backstage canvases is being worked out. Large-scale copies are made with exact observance of all ratios.

On their basis, real decorations are made in the decoration workshop. First, three-dimensional structures and a backdrop are built. As a rule, the artist arranges several viewings, parts of the scenery are mounted on the stage in order to check the volumetric ratios and the choice of sizes. As a result of preliminary mounts, changes are made. Sometimes you have to enlarge the backdrop pattern or introduce certain color details on it.

When the process of creating the main volumetric details is completed, the scene design begins. According to the sketches of the decorator, carpets, curtains, chandeliers, and pieces of furniture are made. On the this stage The set designer works with the costume designer. During pre-editing, the ratio of the color solution of all design elements is checked, on final stage preparation, the lighting designer also begins to participate in the work.

He arranges stationary and mobile light, highlighting some elements of the scenery and shading others.

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