What is the rarest profession in the world. The most interesting professions and ways to make money

America is in the lead. In the United States, there is even a ranking that allows you to find out which of the professions became the most interesting on the planet last year.

It is much more profitable for companies to hire people to collect balls lost during the game than to buy these balls again. Such workers must have excellent eyesight, as they must find all the balls lost on the golf courses.

penguin flipper

People of this interesting profession usually work in the vicinity of airports near which penguins live. The fact is that penguins love to follow the planes during their takeoffs. As a result, they raise their heads so high that they simply fall on their backs.

And while it may look funny from the outside, in reality the situation has serious consequences. The fact is that when a penguin falls on its back, it is no longer able to get up on its own.

At this moment, a representative of an unusual profession comes to the aid of poor birds - a penguin flipper. The "rescuers" themselves say that the penguins thank them with a peculiar gesture. It is expressed by a slight pinching of the hands or feet of workers.

The most unusual professions

And here are some other very unusual and extremely interesting professions that you most likely have not heard of:

  • Striptease dancer researcher. The goal of such workers is to visit different striptease bars for several months. During this time, they must record the parameters of the various dancers;
  • Condom tester (an interesting fact is that these products should be used both for their intended purpose and for other purposes);
  • Paint dry monitor. The work includes carefully observing the changing colors and particles of paint as it dries, both on the walls and under a microscope;
  • Ant catcher. The ant catcher must catch the best individuals in the anthill, which later will serve to procreate on artificial ant farms;
  • Professional sleeper. We are talking about participants in scientific research on the process of sleep;
  • Brain extractor. There is a man in the slaughterhouse whose job it is to place the head of a slaughtered animal on the table, split the skull and take out the brain. This mass is then sent to restaurants, where delicacies are prepared from it.

What interesting and unusual professions do you know? Write about it in the comments.

The world of professions does not stand still, so periodically there is a need for certain specialists. Among them are not only the monotonous habitual occupations by which people earn a living, but also unusual and even strange duties. Although, if you think about it, someone has to do it. So what are the amazing professions in the world?

Unusual professions around the world

Among the many existing professional duties, some we encounter in everyday life, others we simply hear about often. But in different countries of the world there are the most amazing professions, the existence of which sometimes even few people know.

Special employees are required to look for the largest and healthiest individuals in anthills in order to send them to the ant farm. The latter are engaged in breeding insects for medical purposes - ant venom is used as the main component of various infusions and ointments.

brain extractor

The place of work of such a specialist is a slaughterhouse, and his duties include splitting the skull of slaughtered animals and carefully removing the brain from it. The customers of such an unusual service are usually the most exotic restaurants, whose menus include original delicacies, including brain dishes.

One of the most amazing professions in the world is to get venom from snakes without harming their health. For this, there are specially trained people whose main duty is to force a hungry snake to bite a thin membrane put on a glass. To do this, they can press on the poisonous glands or act on them with a weak electric current. The liquid released in this way is used in the development of antidotes for victims of bites, as well as in the treatment of malignant tumors.

Dream merchant

Using the services of the Chicago company, each person will be able to realize any dreams and fantasies. Live one day in the life of a world celebrity, drive a train, perform on stage or organize a meeting with an idol - the company's employees are ready to fulfill any desire within the limits of human capabilities. To do this, you need to come to the office, voice your desires and be ready to pay for their fulfillment. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the minimum order value is 150 thousand dollars.

This surprising, at first glance, profession is quite familiar to Asian countries (Japan, China, Taiwan). Its representatives are engaged in crying, screaming and even crawling on the ground during the funeral to show the grief of the loss of the relatives of the deceased, who are used to holding back their emotions. To get such a position, you need to demonstrate knowledge of ritual traditions, the ability to cry dramatically at the right time and instantly calm down.

Some Italian parmesan factories employ specialists with a good ear for music. They have to hit the cheese heads with a silver mallet and analyze the resulting sounds, checking the ripeness of the cheese. The whole process of ripening parmesan takes 3 years, but as time goes on, the “sound” changes: the more sonorous the sound, the closer the readiness of the product, and the listener of the cheese will have to determine the most opportune moment.

Representatives of this amazing profession do not work anywhere in the world except Antarctica. The need for such a position is due to the fact that a penguin that has fallen on its back is not able to get up on its own. This often happens to penguins who like to walk near airfields. Helicopters constantly flying in the sky attract the attention of animals, and they look up in curiosity to see the source of the sound, and lose their balance. After each landing and takeoff, the penguin flipper should go around the area and put the “victims” on their feet.

Golf ball diver

As you know, golf is mainly practiced by wealthy people who are unlikely to get balls that have rolled away from the water. For this, there are divers who are ready to dive into the pond to get the ball. Additionally, these people often earn extra money by selling used golf equipment, so their annual income can reach $100,000.

Unique vacancies

In the labor market, sometimes there are very rare professions, the duties of which will seem rather strange, boring and even repulsive to the majority. Their representatives are the only people in the whole world who do this work.

ape man

Indian Achkan Mian is engaged in another unusual business and receives $ 7 daily for it. His duties include daily runs in a monkey costume through Lucknow Station in India. Mian does this with one goal - to scare away her "relatives" who interfere with the movement of trains.

Fortune cookie writer

Donald Lau, vice president of American fortune cookie company Wonton Food, is the author of all the messages for his products. He is constantly in search of new wishes, which can be both joyful and warning. For example, the result of his trip in a subway car saturated with unpleasant odors may be the phrase "Beware of aromas of unknown origin."

Drying paint watcher

Thomas Carwin's work is one of the rarest, and perhaps the most boring, in the world. During the working day, he must sit in a chair and continuously watch for changes in the color and texture of the surface with the paint applied to it. Based on Thomas' observations, the manufacturer changes the formulations of the paints to provide a durable finish.

ski slope painter

A passion for drawing has landed James Niehus an amazing job as a ski illustrator. After receiving the order, James flies out in a helicopter to take pictures of the area and then uses topographic maps to recreate an impressive infographic.

The duties of the American Simon Elysson include assessing the aroma, taste, absence of foreign elements (bone fragments, cartilage) in pet food. He chews food slowly, but never swallows it, and always keeps a glass of water and chewing gum nearby to rinse his mouth and get rid of "dog" breath.

Elite nomads

The Muller family has signed one of the most unique leases in the industry, whereby they live in luxury homes for sale for a nominal fee. According to real estate companies, houses in which someone lives sell much better. They are sure that the residents are able to create a unique energy that is absent in an uninhabited house. At the same time, the Muellers need to fulfill certain conditions: maintain perfect cleanliness and leave the house on demand if it is sold.

Barking detective

Stockholm tax officer Elfrida Carlson is required to walk the streets of the city and bark in different ways to determine which townspeople are hiding a dog in an attempt to avoid paying tax. And most dogs always respond by betraying their unscrupulous owners. A woman is able to bark in 20 different voices and easily determine the breed of a dog by barking.

Perhaps in Russia you will not be able to meet an ant catcher or a listener of cheese, but here, too, there is a special world of amazing professions. After all, it is in Russia that there are such vacancies:

  • A holyav breeder is an unusual job, without which not a single glass plant or factory can do. His duty is to lay special raw materials (holyavy) in the furnace for melting glass and monitor the melting process, constantly mix the glass mass, that is, dilute it.
  • A forest pathologist is a specialist who, on duty, is supposed to monitor the condition of the forest. He is obliged to find damage to trees and find out their causes, as well as to assess the sanitary condition of the forest and, if necessary, prescribe a "complex of treatment".
  • The operator on the grate is a person who needs to monitor the process of filtering a large amount of water through the grate. Vacancies exist at wastewater treatment plants and other enterprises whose activities are associated with large volumes of water.
  • A waxer is a machine operator at a match factory who controls the process of applying sulfur heads to matches by a robot. This is a rather rare profession, which, in view of the growing popularity of lighters, runs the risk of completely disappearing from the labor market.
  • A niello procurer is a specialist who prepares the material necessary for engraving on metal - niello. It is a matte black alloy of silver, sulfur and copper.

Rare and amazing professions are not limited to this list. It is safe to say that there are other representatives of unusual activities in the world who receive not only money, but also pleasure from their work.

There are many rare professions that you have never even heard of.

List of rare professions in the world

The rarest profession in the world is a penguin flipper. It is common in Antarctica. The penguin's flipper helps them stand up if they fall on their backs, since the penguin cannot do this on its own. Penguins rarely fall on their backs, but there are times when they lift their heads strongly at the sound of an airplane or helicopter and cannot resist.

In addition, it is rare to find specialists in the following professions:

  • Perfumer.
    This is a specialist in smells, aromas, which is engaged in the preparation of perfume compositions.
  • Titester.
    This is a tea taster, a specialist in determining the variety, place of cultivation, quality of tea, method of its storage. Titester is also involved in the preparation of tea blends.
  • Arborist.
    A specialist in this profession is engaged in the treatment of trees from various diseases.
  • Torcedoros.
    This is a cigar rolling specialist.
  • Fumelier.
    A specialist in this profession is engaged in an individual selection of a combination of alcoholic beverages and cigars for each client.
  • Cavist.
    Cavist is engaged in the selection of wine and dishes for the client.

Rare professions in Russia

The rarest professions in Russia are:
  • Sign language interpreter.
    This is a person with knowledge of professional sign language who assists deaf people in many activities.
  • Greenkeeper.
    He maintains the golf course (sports turf) in working order.
  • Oenologist.
    This is a wine specialist. He is engaged in the selection of grape varieties for planting, the selection of fertilizers, and the improvement of equipment for the production of wine.
  • Speechwriter.
    This is a specialist in writing texts for public speeches for representatives of elite groups: politicians, big businessmen, etc.

And for what only people are not paid in this world! Smell other people's armpits? No problem. Cry at your funeral? Easy! In this post, I collected 25 of the strangest professions that you should know and be afraid of. Or maybe, on the contrary, someone in this original list will find their calling! Everyone chooses for themselves - for these professions, these beautiful lines fit just fine!

1. Gum remover

There are those among us who prefer not to see gum stuck on or under tables, spit out on the street, or worse, in a decent place like a theater, then you need it, a gum remover. After all, this is his job - to make this world a little better, to make this world chewless!

2. Breath odor assessor

A person of this profession can be found in companies engaged in the production of chewing gums or oral care products. What is the essence of their work - they evaluate the smell from the mouth, starting from the worst and making sure that the chewing gum or, say, toothpaste does its job, and the smell disappears!

3. Manufacturers of underwear that reduces odor in case of flatulence

What are these lucky people doing? They are trying to create underwear that would absorb and hide the smell in that unpleasant case when a person is suddenly seized by an attack of flatulence.

4. Duck Master

Some hotels and other public establishments employ such craftsmen to look after and care for the ducks in the nearby ponds, as well as to honorably take them for a walk to the delight of satisfied guests and visitors.

5. Dog breath sniffer

Apparently, those who lack the qualifications to assess human breath odor have to work with dogs. Hmm...

Source 6The artist who creates portraits from the ashes of the dead

In the United States, in the state of Virginia, there is a company that creates portraits from the ashes of dead people. Can you imagine what the artists in this company do!?

7. Professional apologist (Japan)

In the Land of the Rising Sun, there is a special apology service. People working in the undersea services are ready to apologize to anyone on your behalf. They get paid for it, and it's not a joke!

8 Bed Warmer (UK)

Some hotels hire specially trained people to lie in the beds of their guests and warm them up before guests arrive in the rooms.

9. Living Scarecrow (UK)

Some students actually work part-time dressing up as scarecrows!)

10 Professional Hitchhiker (Indonesia)

In Indonesia, due to an overabundance of cars on the roads, the government has introduced a restriction on the passage of certain lanes on the road, which are now provided for the movement of cars with 3 or more people. Poor residents of the city outskirts offer to get into the cars of those who do not have enough passengers to move along the "fast" lanes and, thereby, earn money.

11. Paint drying watcher

Some companies do hire people to do this kind of work. Why is this being done? Great question! The task of such observers is to make sure that the paint is firmly laid down and keeps when it dries.

12. Professional iceberg mover

Nobody wants a repeat of the tragedy that happened to the Titanic. So these brave guys just take and remove the icebergs away from the ships.

13. Professional dormouse (Finland)

Not so long ago, one of the Finnish companies made a real sensation in the labor market, starting a search for people for a similar position. Why did the company need a sleeper? Most likely, to assess the comfort of certain pieces of furniture.

14. Professional elephant valet (Sri Lanka)

It is not an easy task to dress up an elephant for the ceremony. So you have to hire specially trained people for this.

15. Professional ear cleaner (India)

Give me a Q-tip and I'll be a millionaire!

16. Gender Equality Consultant

17. Ostrich nanny (South Africa)

It's like a nanny for children, only in our case - for ostriches!

18. Sex determinant in chickens

And that's all they do all day long: they determine the male or female sex of a chicken.

19. Bicycle catcher (Amsterdam)

There are a lot of bicycles and a lot of water channels in this city, the burning need for such professionals is obvious!

20. Car keeper (Brazil)

What are these keepers doing? They watch your car while you're away and beat anyone who tries to steal it.

21. Professional mourner (Asia, Africa)

These people are actually paid to cry at funerals.

22. Professional hug (Japan)

In Japan today there are cafes where a person can come if he wants someone to hug him, he wants to curl up in a ball and snuggle up to someone. Yes, there are such establishments. So, those huggers are paid for the fact that you cuddle up to them and hug them.

23. Pusher in the subway (Japan)

And again Japan slaves us with an unusual profession. In the "rush hour" in the subway in this country, it is not so easy to fit in: there are too many people. And right there our pushers - they will push, push and help the doors of the car close and take you where you need to go!

The world is full of unusual, strange and even frightening professions. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

Where do unusual professions come from?

There are quite a few sources of origin of strange professions. These are huge rich enterprises that recruit employees who will perform one specific action all their working day. These are the consequences of any external factors due to which a person has to do not the most ordinary work. But it happens that the so-called unusual profession does not exist at all, and all the information about it is just someone's joke or lack of awareness. And yet, what exist in Russia? It should be said right away that in our country there are enough various crafts, and some of them may indeed seem unusual and strange.

The first group of unusual professions in production

There are many different jobs in the manufacturing industry. Among them there are indeed strange and outstanding. However, there are not so many of them, and they all boil down mainly to the fact that a person has to perform some kind of unusual, but still very monotonous work.

It is worth remembering at least the work on the conveyor: workers are engaged in twisting some elements, filtering, sticking, etc. For some, this type of activity will really seem unusual and even wild. However, it is necessary to take into account how many people who have not been able to get an education or find a normal, comfortable job go to the factory and work there at the assembly line. Nevertheless, there are professions in production with very interesting names. These include, for example:

  • The breeder is cool. And no, this specialist has nothing to do with what most Russians love so much. Kholyava in this case is various glass ingots and blanks that a representative of the profession in question must stack in the furnace.
  • Foreman of the mold yard. Probably, many men, having heard only one name of this profession, would agree to deal with it. But they will have to be upset: any associations with the concubines of some eastern sultan have absolutely nothing to do with it. Working in the mold yard is by no means a heavenly place. Acrid smoke, the smell of metal, an evil boss in a padded jacket - this is what a person who wants to work in this industry will expect. By the way, molds are special molds for liquid metal.
  • Black picker. It is worth agreeing that the name of this profession sounds very threatening. The times of Ivan the Terrible immediately come to mind. However, representatives of the profession in question have nothing to do with serfs and other lower social strata. What do niello purveyors do? The special material used in jewelry for many centuries in a row is the main concern of these specialists. By the way, niello purveyors have existed for a very long time and, as artisan jewelers, they have always been highly valued.

Thus, not so unusual professions were named above. In Russia, and in many other countries, unfortunately, it is customary to judge by the cover. And just the name of this or that work can lead to a stupor.

The second group of unusual professions in production

So, what other unusual job titles are there in Russia, and specifically in production?

There is a job that has a very interesting name - "caretaker of lights." The name of this work sounds, it is worth noting, rather pathetic and romantic. However, there is practically no romance in this profession. Everything a specialist does is with light equipment on the water. Luminous buoys, light-optical lights - if any of these fail, the fault lies only with the caretaker of the lights. Here, another profession is close in meaning - the lighthouse keeper. The main difference is that the latter works most of the time on land.

The next profession is a forestry engineer.

Despite the strange and unusual name, specialists in this industry are engaged in a very important matter. Briefly describe the work - it is "healing the forest." A forest pathologist walks around and inspects the condition of the trees, checking if they have any disease. In case something bad is revealed, the "forest doctor" prescribes a set of measures. After all, high-quality and healthy trees are needed in production.

And the last profession, which has a very interesting name, is the face cleaner. It should be noted right away that specialists of this type do not belong to bouncers. The main occupation of these workers is the processing of leather and skins in production.

Unusual professions in the field of agriculture

Unusual and interesting professions in Russia can also be found in the field of agriculture. It is worth noting that it is this area that contains the most strange crafts. So, what can be noted here?

Unusual professions in the field of technology

Rare and unusual professions in Russia are also present in the innovation sphere. What can be highlighted here?

Unusual professions in the service sector

Unusual professions in Russia are also found in the service sector. Moreover, this particular area contains just a huge amount of the most strange, interesting and even meaningless works. Here are just a few of them:

Thus, the most unusual professions in Russia are in the service sector. It is here that you can meet the strangest and rarest specialists in their field.

The most unusual profession in the world

It's time to talk about a really interesting and unusual profession in Russia. These are penguin lifters.

It should be noted that this is a real work. Its representatives are few. However, this profession is really important, thanks to it, hundreds and thousands of penguins stay alive.

Man himself is to blame for the emergence of such a craft. After all, a century ago, planes did not fly over the northern regions of the country, and interested penguins did not fall on their backs. By the way, if the penguin falls, then he will no longer be able to get up without outside help. And the only thing left to wait for the poor fellow - his own death.

Not everyone can become a penguin lifter. You need to have good physical shape and resistance to frost. After all, representatives of the profession in question, of which there are not so many, have to be in the cold for days on end.

Thus, the list of the most unusual professions in Russia is headed by the work of a penguin lifter.

Is it easy to get an unusual position?

In Russia, the so-called unusual professions are becoming less and less. Business leaders, wanting to save money, assign several functions to one employee at once.

So, a pillow straightener turns into an ordinary manager with many additional functions, a pedicurist for cows - into an ordinary agricultural worker, combining many duties at once. Representatives of rare professions are much easier to find in the West - after all, large organizations there hire employees who have one very unusual function.

Thus, the question of whether there are unusual professions in Russia and whether it is easy to get a job in them cannot be answered unambiguously.

Pros and cons of unusual professions

Only one question remained unresolved: "Are these unusual professions so good?" In Russia, the list of this kind of work is not very large, and specialists dealing with some rare work can be very embarrassed about their activities. Or vice versa: some individuals will be very proud of their work, knowing and understanding its importance. Wages for very rare professions tend to be low. And this can be safely attributed to the main shortcomings of such positions.

And what about the pluses? For some, the advantage will be fascination, for someone - the unusualness of the work. Everyone can find advantages for himself: there is hardly at least one profession in the world in which there is absolutely nothing good.

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