A short message about a feta. See what "Fet, Afanasy Afanasyevich" is in other dictionaries

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a Russian lyric poet and translator of German origin. Fet was born on November 23, 1820 in the village of Novoselki in the Oryol province, and died on November 21, 1892 in Moscow. Contemporaries have always been struck by the literary lyrics of the writer, successfully combined with the entrepreneurial spirit of a successful landowner.


The poet was born in the family of the Oryol landowner Afanasy Shenshin and Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker, who left her native Germany. The young writer received knowledge in the German private Krummer boarding house, where his love for poetry and philology first manifested itself. Fet's further education was already carried out by Moscow University.

In 1845, when Athanasius graduated from the university, military service awaited him. After 12 months, the hardworking lyricist received his first military rank. In 1853, on duty, he arrived in St. Petersburg, after being transferred to the local guards regiment. A year later, the young man served in the Baltic port, memories of this period formed the basis of further memoirs "My memories". Fet retired in 1858, settling after the end of his military service in Moscow. But he did not forget about the northern capital either - he often visited St. Petersburg, looking for inspiration and meeting friends of his youthful time.

In 1857, Afanasy Afanasyevich proposed to Maria Botkina, who is the sister of the famous literary critic. Later, Fet acquired an estate in the Mtsensk district, where he and his wife were engaged in the development of agriculture: they grew crops, kept a small horse farm, kept cattle, and bred bees and birds. The profit received from the family farm was the main source of family income.

In 1867, Fet was elected to the post of justice of the peace. The judicial practice of the writer lasted 11 years and ended in 1878.

The poet died of a heart attack, according to unverified information, before that he tried to commit suicide by committing an unsuccessful suicide trip. The lyric poet was buried in the village of Kleymenovo in the family estate.

creative path

Fet's works were published in newspapers and magazines during his studies at the university. The first full-fledged work of the young lyricist was published in 1840 - it was a collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon", written in collaboration with a university friend Apollon Grigoriev. In 1842, publications were published in the journals Otechestvennye Zapiski and Moskvityanin.

During the service, Afanasy Afanasyevich does not forget about the creative component of his life. The second collection appears in 1850, and in 1856 the third is already ready. These works receive positive reviews from critics and experienced journalists. A little later, Fet will get acquainted with the editors of Sovremennik and even start friendly relations with local writers. Good reviews about the works allow the poet to gain recognition from the common population.

From 1862 to 1871 short stories, short stories and essays were published, including the cycle of works “From the Village”, “Notes on Free Employment” and a two-volume collection of poems. Fet clearly shares literary activity, considering poetry a tool for expressing romantic feelings, and prose a reflection of the real state of affairs.

Later, issues of “Evening Lights” are released. In the 90s, the book “My Memoirs” appeared, describing Fet’s entire life path, and after his death, a second book with memoirs was published - “The Early Years of My Life”.

In addition to creating his own works, Fet spent his whole life translating foreign literature. It is he who owns the translation of "Faust", which came out from under the pen of Goethe. The poet also translated Schopenhauer and wanted to take on the works of Kant.

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, aka Shenshin, is a famous Russian poet, one of the best lyricists in Russian literature. Many fans of his work know when Fet was born and died. If you are not one of them, we offer to fill the gap in knowledge. This man has come a long way in life. And he happened to experience the first blow of fate already in his youth.

History of birth, or Who is the father?

The origin of Afanasy Fet is the darkest place in his biography. It is still not known exactly who his real father is. A brief account of his birth describes a complex and ambiguous story.

In September 1820, a respectable forty-four-year-old landowner, Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, returned to his estate after a year-long treatment at a German spa resort. In Germany, he stayed at the home of Karl Becker, where he met his married daughter, Charlotte Feth. After some time, the woman became pregnant ...

Controversial opinion about the origin

Of course, it is important to know when Fet was born and died, but it is no less interesting to understand this almost detective story of his birth. Opinions differ about what happened next. Some biographers believe that Charlotte hastily filed for divorce and soon married Afanasy Neofitovich in Germany.

Other experts who have studied the facts of the birth of the future poet are inclined to believe that Afanasy Neofitovich, without waiting for a divorce, simply took Charlotte to his estate. There, subsequently, little Athanasius, the future great poet, will be born. This is a short biography of Fet, which tells about his confused origin.

The first blow of fate

When Afanasy Afanasievich was fourteen years old, an official notification came from Germany, which concerned the rights of his birth. According to him, from that moment on he was the legitimate son of his German father. In this connection, he was automatically deprived of all noble titles, which he rightfully used, being Shenshin.

As a result of these circumstances, fourteen-year-old Afanasy Fet began to be considered the illegitimate child of Shenshin Afanasy Neofitovich. And this formed a huge stain on the whole future life of the poet. Now his main goal was to restore his noble dignity and regain his lost rights.

Studying at the university and making new acquaintances

In the same period, Fet Afanasy Afanasievich was sent to the Livonian city of Verro, where he was admitted to a German boarding school. Without a name, family and citizenship, the boy felt his special disadvantage. In the same years, the young man began to discover his poetic talent, with the help of which he distanced himself from reality and plunged into the world of creativity.

In 1837, Fet Afanasy Afanasievich - by decision of Shenshin - was transferred to a boarding school in the city of Moscow, owned by Mikhail Pogodin. And next year, the future poet enters the university to study laws and philology. There he meets his classmate and they become very close friends.

Soon Athanasius even moved to Apollo's house on Malaya Polyanka, where he settled in a small room on the top floor. In the future, many contemporaries will note that with his ideas he had an important influence on the work of the young Athanasius Fet.

A. Fet: a photo in military uniform, or why service is needed

Athanasius studied very poorly, he was not interested in science. Because of this, he had to stay at the university even two years longer. The young man is constantly tormented by longing, it chokes him, and he finds salvation only in poetry. Finally, Afanasy Afanasievich graduated from Moscow University, and the friendships that appeared during these years of Fet's life played a significant role in the fate of the Russian lyricist. During that period, he met German philosophers, matured and became a true poet.

In 1840, the first collection of Fet's poems, called "Lyrical Pantheon", was published. However, after graduating from the university, Afanasy Afanasyevich begins his career in the military. Why suddenly this man began to serve in the army? The fact is that certain ranks gave a person the right to personal nobility. Significant years of Fet's life were spent trying to regain the Shenshin surname.

This is the reason for his endless trips to different regions of Russia and the remoteness of Afanasy Afanasyevich from those places where real literary life was seething, magazines were published, poems were discussed. And it is not so important when Fet was born and died. Of great importance is what fate awaited the poet because of that incomprehensible story of his birth.

Poet or business executive. Man standing firmly on his feet

Even years later, Afanasy Afanasyevich was engaged in creativity as if episodically. In 1863, the final collection of his poems was published, which draws a line under the whole period of Fet's life. Then comes a decade during which he practically not only does not publish his works, but does not even write them. This is due to certain external reasons.

The 1960s are the time of reforms, and Afanasy Fet publishes articles on agriculture on many topical issues. And many begin to perceive the poet primarily as a business executive. It is enough to recall the appearance of this man - thick-set, strong, with a large black beard, to understand that he writes about the economy for a reason. He really was very skillful and very firmly on his feet.

Two trends in Russian literature

The 1960s are the years when literature, and poetry in particular, devotes itself to public service. So, for example, it was in the lyrics of Nikolai Nekrasov, the greatest poet of that time. The axis of confrontation between Nekrasov and Fet is that the former represented civil poetry, and Afanasy Afanasievich personified the poetry of pure art.

On the one hand, specific goals, relevance, topicality, and on the other, something very strange. Some streams, nightingales, dreams... Who needs it? So many readers of that era reasoned. During these years, Afanasy Afanasievich was subjected to endless attacks from journalists. They write numerous parodies of the poet. They do not like the excessive musicality and rhythm of his works. Indeed, Fet's poetry is distinguished by integrity and unity. From the very beginning, he showed himself as a lyricist, praising the beauty and harmony of the world.

Special motives of the lyrics of Afanasy Afanasievich

The main characteristics of Athanasius Fet's lyrics are associativity, obscurity and musicality. In his poems, not wild nature is presented, but the space of human life. For example, not the sea, but a pond, not the whistle of the wind, but the sounds of music, not a forest, but a garden. "Whisper, timid breathing, nightingale trills ...". Not everyone remembers when Fet was born and died, but many readers know by heart these textbook lines written by Afanasy Afanasievich.

The world of Fet's poetry consists of images of pure beauty. These poems do not need any external stimuli, any special reasons or social events. And it was this intimacy that allowed Fet to remain a poet for decades. And as if not to notice his aging. Afanasy Afanasievich was born in 1820, and Fet's life ended in 1892. And it should be noted that it was in the last decade, in the 1880s, that the absolute flowering of his work took place.

The great significance of Fet's lyrics

It was at the time when Afanasy Fet was the owner of his wonderful estate in the Kursk province that he wrote his most delightful poems. Then the poet found stability and happiness in family life. Fet, whose photo is familiar even to the smallest reader today, began to publish collections one after another under the same name "Evening Lights". Four were published, the fifth was prepared for publication.

Any person can see in these last verses all the same young soul of the poet, who is not so much immersed in everyday life, but is inclined to see its philosophical depth behind every detail. And it is no coincidence. Because the early, still university enthusiasm for philosophy in his mature years resulted in systematic studies.

Afanasy Afanasyevich occupies a special place in Russian poetry of the nineteenth century. Without Fet, there would be no Russian symbolists, the work of Alexander Blok, Konstantin Balmont and many other wonderful poets. It was on the basis of the lyrical discoveries of Athanasius Fet that entire trends in the poetry of the twentieth century arose. First of all, symbolism. The value of Fet's poetry is thus very great.

In memory of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet (1820-1892)

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a famous Russian poet with German roots,lyricist,translator, author of memoirs. Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg

In the Oryol province, not far from the city of Mtsensk, in the 19th century, the Novoselki estate was located, where on December 5, 1820, in the house of a wealthy landowner Shenshin, a young woman, Charlotte-Elizabeth Bekker Fet, gave birth to a boy, Athanasius.

Charlotte Elisabeth was a Lutheran, lived in Germany and was married to Johann-Peter-Karl-Wilhelm Feth, an assessor at the Darmstadt city court. They got married in 1818, the girl Caroline-Charlotte-Dahlia-Ernestine was born in the family. And in 1820, Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker Fet left her little daughter and husband and left for Russia with Afanasy Neofitovich Shenshin, being seven months pregnant.

In the pastures of the dumb I love in the crackling frost
In the light of the sun, the brilliance of the sun is prickly,
Forests under hats or in gray hoarfrost
Yes, the river is sonorous under dark blue ice.
How they like to find thoughtful eyes
Winded ditches, winded mountains,
Sleepy blades of grass among the bare fields,
Where the hill is bizarre, like some kind of mausoleum,
Sculpted at midnight - or clouds of distant whirlwinds
On white shores and mirror polynyas.

Afanasy Neofitovich was a retired captain. During a trip abroad, he fell in love with the Lutheran Charlotte Elizabeth and married her. But since the Orthodox wedding ceremony was not performed, this marriage was considered legal only in Germany, and in Russia it was declared invalid. In 1822, the woman converted to Orthodoxy, becoming known as Elizaveta Petrovna Fet, and soon they married the landowner Shenshin.

When the boy was 14 years old, the Oryol provincial authorities discovered that Athanasius was registered with the surname Shenshin earlier than his mother.
I got married to my stepfather. In this regard, the guy was deprived of his surname and title of nobility. This hurt the teenager so deeply, because in an instant he turned from a rich heir into a nameless person, and then he suffered all his life because of his dual position.

From that time on, he bore the surname Fet, as the son of a foreigner unknown to him. Athanasius took this as a shame, and he had an obsession,which became decisive in his life path - to return the lost surname.

Athanasius received an excellent education. A capable boy was easy to study. In 1837 he graduated from a private German boarding school in Verro, Estonia. Even then, Fet began to write poetry, showed interest in literature and classical philology. After school, in order to prepare for entering the university, he studied at the boarding house of Professor Pogodin, a writer, historian and journalist. In 1838, Afanasy Fet entered the law department, and then - the philosophical faculty of Moscow University, where he studied at the historical and philological (verbal) department.

wonderful picture,
How are you related to me?
white plain,
Full moon,

the light of the heavens above,
And shining snow
And distant sleigh
Lonely run.

At the university, Athanasius became close to the student Apollon Grigoriev, who was also fond of poetry. Together they began to attend a circle of students who were intensively engaged in philosophy and literature. With the participation of Grigoriev, Fet released his first collection of poems "Lyrical Pantheon". The creativity of the young student earned Belinsky's approval. And Gogol spoke of him as "an undoubted talent." This became a kind of "blessing" and inspired Afanasy Fet to further work. In 1842, his poems were published in many publications, including the popular journals Otechestvennye Zapiski and Moskvityanin. In 1844, Fet graduated from the university.

Spruce covered the path with my sleeve.
Wind. In the forest alone
Noisy, and creepy, and sad, and fun -
I do not understand anything.

Wind. All around is buzzing and swaying,
Leaves swirl at your feet.
Chu, there is suddenly heard in the distance
Subtly calling horn.

Sweet call to me herald copper!
Dead sheets to me!
It seems that the poor wanderer came from afar
You warmly greet.

After graduating from the university, Fet entered the army, he needed this in order to regain his title of nobility. He ended up in one of the southern regiments, from there he was sent to the Lancers Guards Regiment. And in 1854 he was transferred to the Baltic regiment (he later described this period of service in his memoirs "My Memoirs").

In 1858, Fet finished his service as a captain and settled in Moscow.

In 1850, the second book of poems was published.Feta, which was already positively criticized in the Sovremennik magazine, some even admired his work. After this collection, the author was received among famous Russian writers, which included Druzhinin, Nekrasov, Botkin, Turgenev. Literary earnings improved the financial situation of Fet, and he went to travel abroad.

In the poems of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet, three main lines were clearly traced - love, art, nature. The following collections of his poems were published in 1856 (under the editorship of I. S. Turgenev) and in 1863 (immediately a two-volume collected works).

Despite the fact that Fet was a refined lyricist, he managed to perfectly manage economic affairs, buy and sell estates, making a fortune.

In 1860, Afanasy Fet bought the Stepanovka farm, became the owner, lived there all the time, only briefly appearing in Moscow in winter.

In 1877, Fet bought the Vorobyovka estate in the Kursk province. At 18
8 1 he bought a house in Moscow, he came to Vorobyovka only for summer vacations. He again took up creativity, wrote memoirs, translated, released another lyrical collection of poems "Evening Lights".

Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet left a significant mark on Russian literature. In the first verses, Fet sang the beauty of nature, wrote a lot about love. Even then, a characteristic feature appeared in his work - Fet spoke about important and eternal concepts in hints, knew how to convey the subtlest shades of mood, awakening pure and bright emotions in readers.

After the tragic deathsweetheartMaria Lazich Fet dedicated the poem "Talisman" to her. It is assumed that all subsequent poems by Fet about love are dedicated to her. In 1850 a second collection of his poems was published. It aroused the interest of critics, who did not skimp on positive reviews. Then Fet was recognized as one of the best contemporary poets.

The night shone. The garden was full of moonlight. lay
Beams at our feet in a living room with no lights.
The piano was all open, and the strings in it were trembling,
Like our hearts for your song.
You sang until dawn, exhausted in tears,
That you are alone - love, that there is no other love,
And so I wanted to live, so that, without dropping a sound,
Love you, hug and cry over you.
And many years have passed, languid and boring,
And in the silence of the night I hear your voice again,
And blows, as then, in these sonorous sighs,
That you are alone - all life, that you are alone - love.
That there are no insults of fate and hearts of burning flour,
And life has no end, and there is no other goal,
As soon as you believe in sobbing sounds,
Love you, hug and cry over you!

Afanasy Fet remained a staunch conservative and monarchist until the end of his life. In 1856 he published a third collection of poems. Fet sang beauty, considering it the only goal of creativity.

In 1863the poet published a two-volume collection of poems, and then a twenty-year break came in his work.

Only after the surname of his stepfather and the privileges of a hereditary nobleman was returned to the poet, he took up creativity with renewed vigor.

Towards the end of his life, Afanasy Fet's poems became more philosophical. The poet wrote about the unity of man and the universe, about the highest reality, about eternity. In the period from 1883 to 1891 Fet wrote more than three hundred poems, they were included in the collection "Evening Lights". The poet published four editions of the collection, and the fifth came out after his death. With a thoughtful smile on his forehead.

The great Russian poet A.A. had a rather long and at the same time difficult life. Feta. It was his works that became the starting point for the poetry of the 20th century. With excellent lyrics and intriguing prose, Fet conquered his contemporaries. This man not only created works, but also wrote memoirs, and also engaged in translations.

1. For the first 14 and the last 19 years of his life, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet officially had the surname Shenshin.

2. In 1820, Athanasius was adopted by a famous nobleman.

3. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet is a lyric poet, translator, memoirist of German origin.

4. Fet was a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

5. In 1834, errors were discovered in the birth records of A.A. Feta, which led to the deprivation of his title.

6. The facts of Fet's biography indicate that in 1844 he graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University.

7. In 1835-1837, Fet studied at the private German boarding school Krimmer.

8. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet wrote his first poems at a young age.

9. At the end of the 19th century, Fet's poetry began to be published in the collection Lyrical Pantheon.

10. Fet spent military service in the Baltic port.

11. In order to regain his title, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was forced to serve as a non-commissioned officer.

12. In 1857, Fet married Maria Botkina.

13. The poet was afraid of mental illness.

14. The closest relatives of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet were patients in a psychiatric hospital.

15. Fet suffered from powerful depressive disorders.

16. Fet died in splendid isolation from a heart attack.

17. Some works of this poet formed the basis of many romances. This is evidenced by the biography of Fet. Interesting facts about this person provide a lot of new knowledge.

18. The poet was faced with a tragic love for Maria Lazich, who died without becoming his wife.

19. Some believe that before the heart attack, the poet tried to commit suicide.

20. Fet owns the famous phrase from "The Adventures of Pinocchio" - "and the rose fell on Azor's paw."

21. Fet's works are understandable even to small children.

22. In addition to the fact that Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet created compositions, he also translated texts.

23. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet opened a stud farm, as well as a hospital for poor peasants.

24. The legal wife of Fet had family ties with the famous doctor Botkin.

25. With age, Fet lost his sight, and also accumulated many diseases that were not treated at that time.

26. Interesting facts of Fet's biography suggest that he combined a sensual poet and a prudent landowner.

27. After a marriage of convenience, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet discovered the quality of a businessman in himself and got a little rich.

28. Fet's works had nothing to do with real events.

29. In the works of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet there was only a bright and positive side.

30. Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet was a close friend of Leo Tolstoy, so they were family friends and saw each other often.

31. Fet managed to translate completely "Faust".

32. Throughout his life, Fet adhered to conservative sentiments.

33. In old age, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet convinced his wife that she would never see him die. So Afanasy Fet took care of his wife. Interesting facts from the biography confirmed this.

34. On the 50th literary anniversary, the poet was granted the court title of chamberlain.

35. In the last days of his life, Afanasy Fet ordered champagne to be served to him.

36. The poet did not live 2 days before his 72nd birthday.

37. 3 days after the death of the poet, a funeral ceremony was held.

38. Fet was a soldier for 8 years.

39. It was Fet who was the representative of “pure art”. A brief biography, interesting facts - all this confirms the information that this person has always raised burning social issues in his works.

40. Fet's most important desire was to receive a title of nobility.

41. Afanasy Fet wrote a farewell note, after which he wanted to cut his throat with a knife.

42. A huge creative heritage left to contemporaries from Fet.

43. Fet married by calculation.

44. There were crazy people in the Fet family.

45. The poet had no children.

46. ​​Interesting facts from the life of A.A. Feta confirm that love, art and nature were the main themes for his work.

47. Fet was called the singer of Russian nature.

48. Throughout his life, Fet argued with Nekrasov about poetry.

49. In the poem "Whisper, timid breath ..." Fet did not use a single verb.

50. Facts from the life of Fet say that he was a sophisticated lyricist.

Only in beauty and harmony can one find the meaning of the concepts "divine" and "eternal". So thought the poet of the Silver Age Athanasius Fet - a nobleman who lost his name and devoted his life to restoring it. The chronological table of A. A. Fet will tell in detail about the stages of his life and work.

Origin and education

Fet's poems begin to appear in the publication "Moskvityanin".

Thanks to the assistance of influential acquaintances (Belinsky and Botkin), the young poet became a regular contributor to the publication Domestic Notes.

Graduation. Death of Caroline Charlotte Fet.

Start of military service

After Karolina Fet's death, Shenshin's support becomes less and less regular. Fet leaves Moscow and enters military service. He is still obsessed with the idea of ​​​​reclaiming his title of nobility, and is doing everything possible for this. At the same time, he does not stop writing poetry. Fet's chronological table shows that more than 5 years passed before Athanasius could boast of his small achievements:

First achievements

Fet completely devotes himself to military affairs and poetry. The results are not long in coming. 6 years after the start of his military career, he can already live near St. Petersburg and communicate with people involved in literature. The chronological table of Fet confirms what was said:

the date


Fet becomes a member of the guards regiment, at the same time gets the opportunity to live near St. Petersburg and establish contacts with literary figures (Goncharov, Nekrasov and others).

Starts to perform military duties in the Baltic port.

He meets L. Tolstoy, with whom he has been corresponding for a long time.

Under the direction of Turgenev, the third collection of the poet's works is published.

Goes on a trip to Europe. In Paris, he meets Maria Botkina and marries her.

Retirement and nobility

The work of Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet has always had many admirers, but times have changed. For a long time he moved away from literary activity and hit philosophy, supporting the ideas of Schopenhauer. It becomes unclear the answer to the question: "Did the poet manage to regain the title of a nobleman?" As the chronological table shows, Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet did achieve what he wanted:

the date


Having risen to the rank of staff captain, he retires from military affairs and settles in Moscow.

Breaks off all relations with the Sovremennik publishing house, where he published for many years. The reason for this was the article "Shakespeare in the translation of Fet", where the poet was deliberately insulted.

In the Mtsensk district, he acquires land and becomes a real landowner. Almost stops writing.

In the journals "Russian Bulletin" and "Notes on Volunteer Labor" he publishes a work on the protection of the rights of landowners, which causes indignation among many segments of the population.

Two volumes of Fet's poems are published.

Fet is elected to the post of justice of the peace, which he held for a long 10 years. During this time, he completely moves away from poetry and immerses himself in philosophy.

A royal decree is issued, according to which Fet can regain the name of Shenshin, and with it all the legal rights of a nobleman.

Sells the estate and buys another in the Kursk province. With new zeal, he begins to write poetry, publishes translations of Goethe and Schopenhauer.

last decade

Fet was able to regain the nobility, but did not stop there. At the age of 66, he became a member of the Academy of Sciences and published several collected works and translations. The publication order is presented by Fet's chronological table (briefly). His last works are presented in the form of prose. Poetry is extremely rare. These are the events of Fet's last years:

the date


After buying a new estate, he buys an apartment in Moscow to live there in the winter.

A book is published, on which the poet worked as a student - "Evening Lights". It contains translated works of Horace.

The second edition of "Evening Lights" has been printed.

Two volumes of the autobiographical work "My memories" are published.

The fourth and final edition of the Evening Lights essays.

Fet dies of a heart attack in Moscow.

Afanasy Fet is a great poet and thinker, translator and memoirist. His works reflect the feelings that the world around him evokes, and the author himself is constantly in search of harmony. Despite his subtle nature, he had a goal that he successfully achieved through hard work. Fet is a writer who can rightfully be called an example to follow, especially when it comes to perseverance in achieving what was conceived.

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