Former Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin. Kudrin Alexey Leonidovich

Kudrin Alexey Leonidovich was born on October 12, 1960 in the city of Dobele, Latvian SSR, USSR.

Russian statesman, Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation (since May 2000), Chairman of the Collegium of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation (since September 2007), formerly Russia's representative in the Executive Committee of the Union of Russia and Belarus.
Aleksey Kudrin Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor, one of the authors of the draft budget-2007, which is not based on income from oil and gas exports.

Family, childhood and youth

Alexei Kudrin's mother was an accountant, and his father was a military man, so the family often had to move from place to place. Alexei Kudrin went to school in Arkhangelsk. In high school, he played in a rock band, was a drummer. In his youth, he dreamed of becoming a pilot.

After school, Kudrin entered the evening department of the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University (1978-1983). During his studies, he worked as an auto mechanic and instructor of practical training in the engine laboratory at the Leningrad Academy of Logistics and Transport, then left his job and transferred to the full-time faculty. After graduating from the university, he entered the graduate school of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and on October 25, 1988 he defended his thesis on "The objective mechanism of comparability in relations of economic competition."

While studying in graduate school, Kudrin worked part-time by coaching hockey players of school teams - participants in tournaments for the Golden Puck prize.
In 1989, Alexei Kudrin joined the Institute for Social and Economic Problems (ISEP).

Service career

At ISEP, Alexei Kudrin was chairman of the Council of Young Scientists. During a period of pluralistic politics, he led the fight for the election of a new, forward-thinking rector of the institute. His candidates for this post were first Yegor Gaidar and then Alexander Shokhin. But neither one nor the other accepted the offer to become the director of ISEP. The next candidate, Associate Professor of the Institute Anatoly Chubais, decided to take part in the elections, but they were postponed.

In 1990, Alexei Kudrin joined the Leningrad Committee for Economic Reform, which was headed by Anatoly Chubais. Then Chubais headed the Committee for the Management of the Leningrad Free Enterprise Zone and Kudrin moved there.

After that, Alexei Kudrin served as head of the Main Financial Department of the St. Petersburg City Hall, was First Deputy Mayor Anatoly Sobchak (1994), a member of the city government, chairman of the Committee for Economics and Finance of the St. Petersburg City Hall.
Alexei Kudrin was responsible for coordinating the joint work of St. Petersburg economists and financiers with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank.
Under his leadership, large partnership programs were developed: a new investment and financial strategy for St. Petersburg, the city's policy of external borrowing. One of the most important was the program for the preservation and development of the historical center of St. Petersburg, which in May 1996 was approved by the government of the Russian Federation. With the active participation of Kudrin, the famous historical and cultural monument of St. Petersburg, the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, was revived.
The work of Alexei Kudrin was appreciated - he received the medal "For the Development of the Russian Stock Market".

In December 1993, Alexei Kudrin ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation on the list of the Russia's Choice bloc, but did not get into the Duma.

Soon Kudrin was appointed Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation and Head of the Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation (1996). In May 1997, he was appointed deputy governor from Russia at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), became deputy governor from Russia at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and was elected a member of the board for managing federally owned RAO Gazprom shares.

Then Kudrin accepted the appointment of the First Deputy Minister of Finance of Russia (1997). At the same time, he became a member of the Supervisory Board of Vneshtorgbank, was appointed a member of the Russian Government Commission on Economic Reform, introduced to the Russian Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, and also became a member of the government commission on reforming the housing and communal services.

In the same year, Alexei Kudrin was included in the State Commission for the Protection of Investors' Rights in the Financial and Stock Markets of Russia and in the Coordinating Interdepartmental Council for Military-Technical Cooperation of the Russian Federation with Foreign States, was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council on Economic Security.

In 1997, Alexei Kudrin became a member of the Board of State Representatives at CJSC Public Russian Television (ORTV). He was appointed chairman of the Russian part of the intergovernmental Russian-Cypriot commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation and chairman of the Russian part of the intergovernmental Russian-Albanian commission on trade, economic, scientific and technical cooperation. He also joined the Council under the Russian government for social development.

From 1997 to 1998 Kudrin was a member of the Board of Directors of Sberbank of Russia.
In 1998, he became a member of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Center for Industrial Restructuring (RTsRP), was appointed Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of Russia in the Council of the Interstate Bank and approved as Russia's representative in the Executive Committee of the Union of Belarus and Russia.

In 1999, he was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lenenergo, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OAO Nizhnovenergo. Then he became First Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO UES of Russia and First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.
In May 2000, Alexei Kudrin assumed the position of Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation and took the post of Minister of Finance of Russia.
In the summer of the same year, he became a member of the Supervisory Board of Sberbank of Russia, chairman of the government commission for the regulation of the alcohol market, elected chairman of the Board of Directors of the Agency for the Restructuring of Credit Organizations (ARCO).
Since September 2007, he has been appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

Alexei Kudrin is a supporter of liberal economic reforms. During his leadership of the Ministry of Finance, the Stabilization Fund was created, the state's external debt to other countries was actively paid, a "flat scale" of income tax was introduced, and the federal budget of Russia was reduced to a surplus.

The British magazine The Banker (2004) named Alexei Kudrin the Minister of Finance of the Year, and the British newspaper Emerging markets (2006) - the best Minister of Finance among developing European countries.
Kudrin refers to his professional interests: theoretical problems of the development of the Soviet economy; issues of investment policy; problems of creation of zones of free enterprise.


Alexei Kudrin was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2005), the Certificate of Merit from the Government of Russia (2000), and has two commendations from the President of the Russian Federation (2004 and 2005).
The Minister of Finance is a laureate of the "Russian Diamond" award in the nomination "Dignity" (2007) and an Honorary Citizen of the Tomsk Region.

Alexei Kudrin is the author of many scientific works on the Soviet economy in transition.
They have written books:
"How to accelerate economic growth in Russia? Conditions, factors, indicators: a visual aid. Statistical and factual material for the lecture." Moscow, Academy of Budget and Treasury, 2006.
"Effective Financial Policy", Moscow, Academy of Budget and Treasury, 2006.
"The role of the stabilization fund in ensuring macroeconomic stability and the calculation of the oil budget". Moscow, Academy of Budget and Treasury, 2006.

At the Higher School of Economics, at the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration, Alexei Kudrin teaches a master class "The financial policy of the state at the present stage."

Personal life

First wife - Veronika Sharova. In this marriage, Kudrin had a daughter, Polina.
The second wife is Irina Kudrina (before Tintyakova's marriage), a journalist by profession, now the president of the Russian charitable foundation "Northern Crown". They have a son, Artyom (born in 1998).


Alexei Kudrin loves classical music and jazz. Among the books he calls the works of Leo Tolstoy his favorite.
The Minister of Finance enjoys playing sports - swimming, playing hockey, basketball, football and tennis.
He prefers to spend his winter holidays with his family in the ski resorts of Austria.
From strong drinks prefers good cognac.

Feeding and swaddling younger sisters

Alexei Kudrin was born in 1960 in the city of Dobele, Latvian SSR. Mom is a purebred Latvian, worked as an accountant. Father is a military man. “We were friends with the father of Alexei Kudrin, we were comrades, we talked often. Leonid served in the 8th department, and I was the head of the financial service department of the 24th training tank division, - recalled in 2012 a resident of Dobele, 86-year-old Nikolai Stepanovich. - Leonid didn’t communicate with anyone at all, the department was labeled “Top Secret”, you won’t talk much there. He didn’t even have the right to let anyone into his office ... In general, Leonid is a very polite, cultured, intelligent person.

It is said that he later liked to tell his subordinates about it.

While his parents were at work, little Alexei fed and swaddled his younger sisters. It is said that he later liked to tell his subordinates about it. In 1967, the family moved to the Latvian city of Tukums, where Kudrin went to first grade. But just a year later, my father was sent to serve in Mongolia. In 1971-1974, the Kudrins ended up in the Chita region, in 1974-1977 - in Arkhangelsk, where Alexei graduated from high school.

Construction teams and the Golden Puck

They remember that Alexey played drums in a school ensemble and dreamed of becoming a pilot. However, he chose a profession - perhaps under the influence of his mother - related to finance: he decided to enter the Faculty of Economics of Leningrad State University.

He entered in 1978, but got only to the evening department - he did not get points. For two years he worked as an auto mechanic at the Leningrad Academy of Logistics and Transport of the Ministry of Defense, then he was able to transfer to the full-time department. They say that he, as expected, went to construction teams and even led them. Even then, Alexei Kudrin showed market skills - they say that under his leadership, students earned very decent money at that time.

At the same time, he was able to write a dissertation. They say that at first it was devoted to social competition

After university, he stayed in Leningrad, having been assigned to the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems (ISEP), where he met his first wife, Veronika Sharova. Two years later he left for Moscow to study at the USSR Academy of Sciences as a postgraduate student. The family that remained in Leningrad had to be fed, and Kudrin earned a completely atypical occupation for an economist - he trained hockey players of school teams for competitions for the Golden Puck prize. At the same time, he was able to write a dissertation. They say that at first it was devoted to socialist competition - but the Soviet economy suddenly began to change. And by the time of defense of the dissertation was called "The objective mechanism of comparability in relations of economic competition."

Meeting with Chubais

After defending his dissertation, Alexei Kudrin returned to Leningrad at ISEP, and found himself among progressive economists. He talked with Anatoly Chubais, Yegor Gaidar, Sergei Glazyev (then quite a progressive economist). Anatoly Chubais, who at that time was an assistant professor at the Palmiro Togliatti Engineering and Economic Institute, organized the Perestroika club, where Kudrin also visited. Chubais actively promoted the ideas of the market, and the future Minister of Finance, under their impression, offered him to head the ISEP - then for the first time they chose the rector on an alternative basis. Chubais even participated in these elections, but did not manage to win: in 1990 he became the first deputy chairman of the Leningrad City Executive Committee and invited Kudrin to be his first deputy: to oversee the economy and finances.

Chubais and Kudrin actively lobbied for the idea of ​​creating a free economic zone in Leningrad. But then Chubais moved to Moscow, and Georgy Khizha became Kudrin's boss. In turn, he, leaving for a promotion to the capital (in May 1992, Khizha was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation), “handed over” Alexei to the first elected mayor of the city, Anatoly Sobchak. They say that Kudrin was also offered to try his hand at the elections, but he refused.

Petersburg bonds

The project was presented in London in 1995, and Kudrin was awarded the medal "For the Development of the Russian Stock Market"

Perhaps the most famous project of Alexei Kudrin as vice-mayor of St. Petersburg was the placement of short-term bonds of the city on the European market. The project was presented in London in 1995, and Kudrin was awarded the medal "For the Development of the Russian Stock Market".

However, this did not solve Peter's financial problems. In 1996, Anatoly Sobchak lost the election, Vladimir Yakovlev became governor, who immediately after his victory created a commission to check the activities of the former administration. Accusations poured in of unjustified loans and incentives to companies, even of driving the city into bankruptcy. However, the scandal was soon overshadowed by rumors about the abuses of Yakovlev himself and rampant crime in the city.

It was high time for Alexei Kudrin to move to Moscow - which happened. Anatoly Chubais, after some fuss, agreed on the appointment of Kudrin as head of the Main Control Directorate under the President of Russia. And Alexey Leonidovich urgently flew to the capital to take care of business. His wife did not want to leave Peter, the family broke up. Kudrin left a three-room apartment and a Zhiguli car to his wife and daughter.

New love and the path to the ministerial chair

Kudrin did not have his own apartment in Moscow. They say that he lived for a long time in the "President Hotel". In the capital, he met a new love - Irina Tintyakova, who at that time was the assistant secretary of Chubais' press secretary Andrei Trapeznikov. They got married two years later. In 1998, their son was born.

On the way to the chair of the head of the Ministry of Finance, Kudrin managed to work in various positions

On the way to the chair of the head of the Ministry of Finance, Kudrin managed to work in various positions. In 1997, he became the first deputy finance minister under Anatoly Chubais, and his former post, head of the control department, was taken by Vladimir Putin, who at about the same time moved to the capital from St. Petersburg. For two years, Kudrin served as Russia's deputy governor at the IMF. In the same years, he was Deputy Governor from Russia at the EBRD and represented Russia in the executive committee of the Union of Belarus and Russia.

In January 1999, Prime Minister Yevgeny Primakov removed Kudrin from the post of First Deputy Minister of Finance - and he immediately moved to RAO UES of Russia to the position of First Deputy Chairman of the Board, under the leadership of Chubais. However, he did not stay there for long: Vladimir Putin, having become prime minister in August 1999, returned Kudrin to his former position in the Ministry of Finance. And after Finance Minister Mikhail Kasyanov became the first vice-premier and the first candidate for the post of prime minister under Putin as president, Kudrin was again talked about as a future minister.

After the 2000 presidential election, the forecasts regarding Kudrin came true - he not only received the post of finance minister, but also became deputy prime minister, in fact repeating the career version of Anatoly Chubais of the 1997 model.

The best finance minister in the world

Kudrin was called the most "long-playing" minister in the Russian government (although the absolute record holder was Sergei Shoigu): he worked in this post for 11 years. In 2010, Euromoney magazine named Kudrin the world's best finance minister. Over such a long period of time, Kudrin carried out a number of reforms that are almost always and unambiguously associated with his name.

The Stabilization Fund ("Kudrin's egg-pod") is one of his high-profile and most famous innovations

The Stabilization Fund (“Kudrin's pod”) is one of his most famous and high-profile innovations. Under Kudrin, it was decided to divide the Stabilization Fund into the Reserve Fund and the National Welfare Fund. The idea of ​​the Stabilization Fund caused a lot of discussion. The main argument of the opponents is that it would be better to spend the money to boost the country's economy, but Kudrin sat on the "oil and gas" money like a dog in the manger. Two crises - 2008-2009 and the current one, which began in 2014, showed him to be right.

Tax reform is a no less famous "act" of the head of the Ministry of Finance. Under Kudrin, the total number of taxes was reduced by about three times (for example, the sales tax and turnover taxes were abolished). The VAT rate was reduced from 20% to 18%. The unified social tax was replaced by insurance payments. A single income tax of 13% was introduced, one of the lowest in the world.

Russian legislation was amended to remove loopholes for legal tax evasion. Kudrin achieved a reduction in the country's external debt and created the first "non-oil and gas budget", which was adopted by the State Duma without corrections.

"Mr. No" - that's how Kudrin was called when he was the head of the Ministry of Finance for his desire not to spend, but to save money, for tough resistance to an increase in budget spending. "The liberal author of totalitarian reforms" is another nickname for the head of the Ministry of Finance for quickly adapting to the Kremlin's rules of the game.

"Helpful and helpful person"

In September 2011, thunder struck: in a conversation with journalists in Washington at a meeting of the IMF, Alexei Kudrin announced significant disagreements with then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. And he refused to work in the future government of Prime Minister Medvedev, which could arise after the elections in 2012. The essence of the disagreement is the growth of military and social spending and dependence on the "oil needle", which Kudrin opposed.

Medvedev reacted sharply to criticism - he scolded Kudrin in front of television cameras and invited him to resign

Medvedev reacted sharply to the criticism - he scolded Kudrin in front of television cameras and suggested that he resign. The resignation took place literally on the same day, and he was also removed from the Security Council.

At the same time, Kudrin left the National Banking Council, the Deposit Insurance Agency and the Council for Financial Markets under the President of Russia. Presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich announced his resignation from these organizations, where Kudrin served as leader. "These posts should be filled by current civil servants," he stressed.

Less than a month later, Vladimir Putin, who was prime minister at the time, said that Kudrin was a useful and necessary person who remained on the team. A month later, he again said that "Kudrin did not leave my team anywhere." Putin called the former head of the Ministry of Finance his old good comrade, close friend, and the existing disagreements are not of a fundamental nature.

"No, all of me will not leave"

In 2012, the former head of the Ministry of Finance made a proposal to create a Committee of Civil Initiatives and headed it. The activities of the committee are supported by the “Civil Initiatives Support Fund” specially created for this purpose, registered by the Ministry of Justice on April 24, 2012. Since 2013, Kudrin has been included in the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, which indicates the continuation of his career as a statesman. In 2016, Kudrin told reporters that following the results of the last elections to senior positions in the organization, he was elected head of the board of the Center for Strategic Research (CSR) and holds this post at the moment.

In May 2017, Kudrin presented a new economic program to Vladimir Putin

In May 2017, Kudrin presented to Vladimir Putin a new economic program written on behalf of the head of state. As Kudrin himself said, the new plan will make it possible to determine the strategy for the development of the economy for many years, accelerating growth rates.

According to Alexei Kudrin, the plans of the Ministry of Finance to cut spending will have a detrimental effect on the economy, as there is a gradual decline in the purchasing power of citizens. He also commented on the statements of representatives of the Russian financial system, who have repeatedly said that by the end of 2017 the country is expected to grow economically. At the economic forum in St. Petersburg, Kudrin noted that the lack of skills and abilities of representatives of the state apparatus is the main problem affecting the economic breakthrough.


From his first marriage with Veronika Sharova, the economist has a daughter, Polina, who, after her parents divorced, stayed with her mother in St. Petersburg. She is engaged in business, is the founder of the Art Center Grand Prix LLC.

Kudrin's second wife gave birth to his son Artem. After the marriage, the wife of the former head of the Ministry of Finance left her journalistic activities and headed the Northern Crown Charitable Foundation, which provides assistance to orphanages and boarding schools.

With subordinates - exclusively on "you"

Aleksey Kudrin is an extremely closed person in personal terms. To such an extent that journalists called him a "boring official." He was not involved in high-profile corruption scandals. Sensational "revelations" are not associated with his name. Never got into the press and data about his wealth or life in luxury.

They say that Kudrin does not like publicity, prefers to relax in the family circle. He is fond of hockey and tennis, likes to take a steam bath in the sauna and swim. Does not smoke, with subordinates exclusively on "you", emphatically ascetic. In winter, he prefers to relax and ski in Austria with his wife and son.

During a football match, he bet with Andrey Kostin for a bottle of champagne on the result of the match Russia

Once Alexei Kudrin allowed himself a public dispute over alcohol. During a Euro 2008 football match, he bet with VTB President Andrei Kostin for a bottle of champagne on the result of the Russia-Netherlands match. Kudrin bet on the victory of the Russians, and Kostin - on the victory of the Dutch. The Russian team won that quarter-final match 3-1, and the finance minister won the bet. True, it is not known whether Kostin sent him the bottle that had been disputed.

Used publications of Kommersant, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Izvestia, Profile, the official website of Alexei Kudrin, Boris Vishnevsky's book "From Democracy and Back", an Internet

TASS-DOSIER. On May 22, 2018, the State Duma voted in favor of appointing the former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Alexei Kudrin as Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (264 people were in favor, 43 were against, and 43 abstained). Kudrin's candidacy was submitted to the deputies by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tatyana Golikova, who has headed the Accounts Chamber since 2013, was appointed Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in May 2018.

Aleksey Leonidovich Kudrin was born on October 12, 1960 in the city of Dobele, Latvian SSR (now Latvia) in the family of a military man. In 1968-1971 he lived with his family in Mongolia, then in the Chita region, since 1974 - in Arkhangelsk.

In 1983 he graduated from the Department of Political Economy of the Faculty of Economics of the A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University (now St. Petersburg State University) with a degree in economics, teacher of political economy. He entered the evening department, from the third year he transferred to the day. In 1988 he completed postgraduate studies at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Candidate of Economic Sciences. In 1988, at the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, he defended his thesis on the topic "Comparability in the mechanism for implementing relations of economic competition."

From 1978 to 1980 he worked as an auto mechanic, and then as an instructor of practical training in the engine laboratory at the Academy of Logistics and Transport of the USSR Ministry of Defense (Leningrad; now St. Petersburg).

In 1983-1985 he was a trainee researcher, in 1988-1990 he was a researcher at the Institute of Socio-Economic Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

From October 1990 to September 1991, he worked in the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council of People's Deputies (Lensoviet) as deputy chairman of the Committee on Economic Reform (committee chairman Anatoly Chubais).

From 1991 to 1996 - in the mayor's office of St. Petersburg. He held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Management of the Leningrad Free Enterprise Zone, then the Committee for Economic Development. Since August 1992, he was the chairman of the main financial department of the mayor's office. Since 1993, he served as deputy, since 1994 - first deputy mayor and head of the government of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak (two other first deputy mayors - Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Yakovlev). At the same time, Alexei Kudrin headed the Committee for Economics and Finance of the City Hall.

On December 12, 1993, he ran for the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the 1st convocation on the federal list of the Russia's Choice bloc (he took 31st place on the list). As a result of the distribution of mandates, he did not pass to parliament.

In the spring of 1996, together with Vladimir Putin, he led the campaign for the election of Anatoly Sobchak to the post of governor of St. Petersburg. After the defeat, Sobchak resigned as first deputy mayor of St. Petersburg and moved to Moscow.

From August 1, 1996 to March 26, 1997, he held the position of Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation - Head of the Main Control Directorate of the President of the Russian Federation. The post of head of the Administration of the head of state during this period was held by Anatoly Chubais (until March 7, 1997), and then by Valentin Yumashev.

From March 26, 1997 to January 14, 1999 - First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. The department was first led by Anatoly Chubais, then by Mikhail Zadornov.

In January - May 1999, he worked in the Russian joint-stock company UES of Russia, where he was the first deputy chairman of the board of directors of Anatoly Chubais. He was a member of the board of directors of the company in 1997-1998 and in 1999-2003.

From May 31, 1999 to May 18, 2000 - First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Mikhail Kasyanov, from July 6, 1999 - Acting Secretary of State - First Deputy Minister of Finance.

From May 18, 2000 to September 26, 2011 he headed the Ministry of Finance of Russia. At the same time, from May 18, 2000 to March 9, 2004 and from September 24, 2007 to September 26, 2011, he served as Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in the offices of Mikhail Kasyanov, Mikhail Fradkov, Viktor Zubkov and Vladimir Putin.

In June 2011, he was elected Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Saint Petersburg State University. He has held this position up to the present.

During his speech on December 24, 2011 at the opposition rally "For Fair Elections!", Held on Sakharov Avenue in Moscow, he called for early parliamentary elections in Russia.

On April 5, 2012, he created and headed the public organization "Committee of Civil Initiatives", which, in his words, was called upon to "openly oppose the actions of the authorities" and "offer for public discussion alternative solutions to political, economic and social problems." The committee included the head of the Institute of Contemporary Development Igor Yurgens, economists Yevgeny Yasin, Yevgeny Gontmakher, TV presenters Vladimir Pozner and Nikolai Svanidze, politician Nikita Belykh and others.

In 2015-2018, Alexei Kudrin headed the Supervisory Board of the public joint-stock company Moscow Exchange.

Since March 5, 2015, he has been leading the board of directors of the non-state pension fund Future, owned by O1 Group Boris Mints.

On April 26, 2016, he was appointed chairman of the board of the Center for Strategic Research, a non-profit organization that prepares social and economic development projects for the Russian government.

Since October 31, 2013 - Member of the Presidium of the Economic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, since April 30, 2016 - Deputy Chairman of the Council.

Member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (since 2017).

He was a Governor from the Russian Federation at the International Monetary Fund (2000-2011), at the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (2004-2011). He served as Chairman of the National Banking Council of the Bank of Russia (2002-2011), Chairman of the Board of Directors of the State Corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency" (2004-2011).

He headed the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Financial Market (2010-2011), was a member of the Military Industrial Commission under the Government of the Russian Federation (2006-2011; now - the Military Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation).

Reserve lieutenant colonel (2004).

Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, Class I (1996).

Awarded with the Order of Friendship (2012), "For Merit to the Fatherland" III and IV degrees (2010, 2005), P. A. Stolypin Medal of the I degree (2010), as well as the Order "For Merit to the Italian Republic" (Italy; 2011) . Awarded with a Certificate of Honor (2008) and two commendations (1997, 2004) from the President of the Russian Federation, a Certificate of Honor (2000) and gratitude (2005) from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Honorary Professor of a number of Russian and foreign universities.

Named Treasurer of the Year by British magazines The Banker (2004) and Euromoney (2010).

Married with a second marriage (since 1998). Wife - Irina Tintyakova (born 1973), entrepreneur, co-founder of the Northern Crown Charitable Foundation. Alexei Kudrin's first wife was Veronika Sharova (born 1967), entrepreneur, co-owner and director of the Brothers Karamazov hotel and restaurant in St. Petersburg. Children: daughter Polina (born 1986) and son Artem (born 1998).

Alexey Kudrin- Head of the Civil Initiatives Committee. Former Minister of Finance Russia . He held this position from 2000 to 2011, which is the longest term in this position.

Biography of Alexei Kudrin

Born in 1960, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the Leningrad State University. Later he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.


Since 1990, he worked as deputy chairman of the Committee for Economic Reform of the Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council, and after the liquidation of the organization - in the Committee for the Management of the Leningrad Free Enterprise Zone, the Committee for Economic Development.

In 1992-1993, he chaired the Main Financial Department of the St. Petersburg City Hall. Since 1993 - Deputy Mayor of the northern capital Anatoly Sobchak, member of the government of St. Petersburg, chairman of the Committee for Economics and Finance of the City Hall.

Alexei Kudrin's Moscow career begins in 1996. In August of this year, he was appointed deputy head, head of the President's Main Control Department.

Since March 1997 - First Deputy Minister of Finance, since 1999 - First Deputy Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES" of Russia.

In April 2012, he headed the "Civil Initiatives Committee", created by him and a number of other figures as a non-partisan association of professionals in key areas - economics, science, healthcare, education and culture.

He has a number of awards, including the Order of Merit for the Fatherland III degree.


Website of Alexei Kudrin:

"Kudrin Alexey Leonidovich" in publications site

  • Yekaterinburg
  • Chelyabinsk
  • Rostov-on-Don
  • Krasnoyarsk
  • Nizhny Novgorod
  • Novosibirsk
  • Kazan

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Kudrin urged the authorities to focus on internal problems - or the fate of the USSR will be repeated

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"The slowdown will be sharper than expected." Kudrin gave Russia a gloomy forecast

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Kudrin - to the Accounts Chamber, Bastrykin - to the court. The most unexpected post-election reshuffles

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"A little unexpected." Kudrin was offered the Accounts Chamber, not a high post in the Kremlin

Remember how Kudrin lectured Putin recently? How should the economy be organized?

But if you look at how Kudrin himself and his family live? In order to understand: what drives this person, is it really pain for the ruined state of the country? Maybe an even greater liberalization of Russia, according to Kudrin, will really make its citizens rich?

On the one hand, Kudrin is credited with the sharp reduction in Russia's external debt after 2000, just when Putin became President of Russia. And it is not easy to say whose merit is greater here, the minister who implements the strategy of the President, or the minister who shows his own initiative - it is not easy to say.

But everything flows and changes, so the second side appeared: Kudrin's rejection of Putin's policy. Otherwise, it is difficult to explain why Kudrin supported Bolotnaya Square, whose activity was aimed at preventing Putin's re-election.

And even if the actions of individual sympathizers of Bolotnaya could then be somehow explained lofty motives(truth, specifically unsubstantiated: there was no specific program among the swamp Protestants), then it is impossible to understand why the former deputy chairman of the government of the Russian Federation, who wants the good of Russia, kindled with democratic liberal love for his new comrades in the Committee of Civil Initiatives - it is impossible to say.

For reference: among others, the founders of the Committee are the following persons.

  • Kudrin A.L.

  • Gozman L. Ya.

  • Gusman Yu. S.

  • Pozner V.V.

  • Svanidze N.K.

  • Yurgens I. Yu.

  • Yasin E. G.

Here... the company is... More precisely, the team of a person who publicly teaches Putin how to further liberalize the country.

More odious figures in the rf-shnoy top is difficult to find. The only thing missing is Pivovarov and Roizman. So say, the members of this team may desire Russia, her people anything good?

The answer to this question determines the attitude towards Kudrin and his ideas of managing the economy. But for some reason it seems to us that people like Gusman or Svanidze cannot intersect with the interests of the Russian people basically. As well as their real interests accomplice Alexei Kudrin.


Former Minister of Finance of the Government of the Russian Federation, publicly supported the slogans of a non-systemic opposition rally on Bolotnaya Square (2011).

After his resignation, he headed the non-partisan Committee of Civic Initiatives (2012). Chief Research Fellow at the Institute for Economic Policy. E. Gaidara, Dean of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, St. Petersburg State University.

Married twice, has a daughter (from his first marriage) and a son.

The main financial mystery is what funds Alexei Kudrin's Committee for Civil Initiatives conducts its vigorous activity.

Irina Tintyakova, wife (b. 1973)

"Northern Crown Charitable Foundation has branches in London and New York"

Irina Igorevna Tintyakova, President of the Northern Crown Charitable Foundation. The foundation has branches in London and New York. The founders of this organization are also Elena Voitsekhovich, a former employee of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Her husband, Konstantin Voitsekhovich, was an assistant and press secretary to Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov. Fundraising, which is carried out by the "Northern Crown", takes place mainly at parties and VIP events.

It is known that in 2003 Alexander Lebedev's "National Reserve Bank" transferred money to this organization, and in 2006 Philip Morris donated $52,000. Severnaya Korona owns LLC Center for Analysis and Forecasting.

In 2001, Tinyakova, together with Murtazali Rabadanov (now the rector of the Dagestan State University), established Ambi XXII LLC for the production of artificial sapphires. Since 2002, Tintyakova has been registered as a co-founder of Valentin Yudashkin Group (13.5% of shares).

She owns two land plots, two residential buildings (one of which was not in the 2009 declaration) and two apartments, one of them with an area of ​​327.9 square meters. m. Kudrin's wife has an Audi A5 Coupe and an MV Augusta motorcycle at her disposal.

It turns out that as a major shareholder of the Valentin Yudashkin Group, Alexei Kudrin's wife ended up in a dangerous company. It has recently become known that “Moscow law enforcement officers discovered a gambling club in an apartment in Bryusov Lane, owned by the wife of fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin. During the inspection, eight slot machines, two gaming poker tables, one roulette table, as well as cards and gaming chips were found.

Polina Kudrina, daughter (b. 1986)

Kudrin's daughter from her first marriage is a co-founder of the Grand Prix Art Center LLC, which offers vocal, acting and music theory training services. In April 2010, she got into a resonant accident in St. Petersburg: the Range Rover car she was in drove into the window of a lingerie store on Nevsky Prospekt.

Behind the wheel was Mikhail Matvienko, stepson of Vadim Novinsky, a Russian-Ukrainian billionaire, president of the Smart Holding group of companies.

Artem Kudrin, son from his second marriage (b. 1998)
In the declaration of Alexei Kudrin for 2009, it is indicated that Artyom is the sole owner of an apartment of 120 sq. m, and in 2010 - the only owner, apparently, of another apartment - 127.6 sq. m.

For information:

Veronika Sharova, ex-wife of Alexei Kudrin (b. 1967)

Ex-wife of Alexei Kudrin, Veronika Olegovna Sharova, owner of the Brothers Karamazov mini-hotel in St. Petersburg.

Shares in the same hotel are owned by Anna Astanina, the ex-wife of the former first deputy president of VTB Bank Vadim Levin. Founder of LLC "Leader", the owner of the St. Petersburg socio-political newspaper "Delo" (the co-founder of the newspaper was the chairman of the Property Committee of St. Petersburg, Mikhail Manevich, who was killed in 1997).

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