Pleasant communication with the girl. questions to a girl: to ask or not

Communication often begins precisely through VK, but over time it develops into telephone conversations, and here it’s not far from goodbye in real life. But in order to reach this positive result, you should be able to ask the right and timely questions.

If there are difficulties in talking to a girl simply because there are no topics for conversation, then for this it is enough to use the advice of more experienced owners of social media accounts.

First of all, you should focus on the interlocutor, and if it is not clear what to talk about, then it is better to remember everything that is known about her. Suppose that by the time the dialogue begins, there is even personal communication on the network: a casual acquaintance, the presence of mutual friends, or just study at the same university.

If so, then acquaintance is greatly facilitated, because there is already something to talk about. Simple enough ask the right questions regarding changes since past experiences with this girl. If you see it for the first time, then I recommend reading the article in order to understand the very methodology of communication.

Important! If you want to start a conversation with a previously unfamiliar lady on a social network, then there is an excellent tool for this - her page, from which you can learn about hobbies and interests by viewing uploaded music files, videos and view photos, which often show how a girl likes to spend time.

If you devote a little time to this, then in the end you can get a lot of topics that are interesting for the interlocutor.

If a topic was found that unites with this interlocutor, then you can continue it. These may be common hobbies or interests that coincide with the interlocutors. As an interesting start, we can say a little part of his own "biography".

This may be interesting information that directly relates to the topic of conversation, or a case from ordinary life who will set the tone and pace for this conversation.

Worth avoiding any communication on personal topics at the very beginning of dating, because this can cause unpleasant emotions in a girl and she will simply lose interest in this communication.

For some people it doesn't seem like much big mistake, but this is really something that can stop communication at the first stages.

So what can you talk about with the girl you like? ? It is worth focusing on the situation and for this you may need to carefully explore her profile. Maybe something in the photo will lead to thoughts about the topic for further communication.

You can ask, for example, about the name of the cat with which the girl is in the photo, or ask if she can swim if the picture is visible by the sea or river. Finding a question is not difficult at all, because it requires only a little attention to the girl herself and her personality.

Common topics for talking with a girl in VK

The main task of everyone who decides to start communicating with a girl on the network is first such a correspondence that will be of interest to both. That's what it takes to find the right topics.

Naturally, if a lady is not football or a car, then she will definitely not be pleased with conversations on these topics that drag on for several hours.

Not worth it choose options for talking about what you don't understand, because there is a big risk of seeming incompetent or just stupid.

If at the same time you start arguing, it will be a complete fiasco.

What questions can be preferred when choosing topics for communication with a lady? If there are no ready-made solutions, then you should use universal options, which have been tested by time, are interesting and at the same time neutral.

8 popular topics for communicating with a girl in VK

1. Relationships. You can ask about what kind of men a girl likes and what she expects from meeting them, but you should not insist, because it may well be that the conversation is too frank for the girl and she will not be mentally ready for this.

2. Hobbies. It's also a great topic to start and keep a conversation going. This may be a hobby or sports that the girl practices. It will be especially good to start the topic of hobbies that you have the same. You can also ask how the girl used to spend her free time.

3. Movies and music. This topic also relevant at all times. You can add films to the works of cinema by asking about those that the girl likes. You can also get information about which girl an actor or musician likes. These questions very easily lead to further live communication, because it is enough to smoothly translate them into a proposal to meet live.

5. Favorite places. It's also a worthy topic to start a conversation. If in the same city with a girl, then you can use the most different variants for questions about her favorite places. You can recall a few of your favorite places in the city where you can have a good time away from home. Further, it will be very easy to invite the lady to get out for a cup of coffee, having previously learned which establishments in the city she prefers and not to forget about them when it comes to a real meeting.

6. Vacation or travel. It is also a very important, simple yet versatile topic of conversation. You can not start with a global one, but simply ask about her plans for the weekend or how she usually used to spend her free time in terms of relaxation. Very often it is in this that you can find many points of contact. There are many vacation options to help you get to know her better and have a good time, so you can invite her to spend free time together in the style that she likes. Very often it can be active recreation options or others. interesting options have a good time.

7. Work or study. Also one of eternal themes. You can ask if she likes studying or her job, and also ask many questions that will follow from her answers. It also follows from this that it will be possible to ask in the future about her affairs and how the day went with great details that will not be available to the person who is not familiar with her daily routine so closely.

8. Animals. Usually this is the most pleasant topic that rarely any girl can avoid, because almost everyone loves animals. And if you ask about her pets, then you can get a reciprocal interest from her, because the guy who is interested in her pets will be interesting to her too. At a minimum, she will want to know what animals the interlocutor has. Usually animals are present in the photo in the girl's profile, but if they are not, then it is better to find out what animals she loves and keeps at home, and starting from this information, start a further conversation.

Naturally, all these topics will immediately look like a bad interview, so you should avoid too much search with questions and use all the topics separately, moving very smoothly from one to another. In this case, it will be just a pleasant and relaxed conversation. If , then operates in a different way.

Important! When communicating, you can share your hobbies and skills, but you should do it as delicately as possible, so that from the outside it didn't seem like a boast.

If we are talking about what kind of books a girl likes, then you can safely offer books that you liked yourself, if they correspond to the topic that the girl likes.

You can also show your imagination and offer something interesting to read on the topic that the girl likes, and first figure it out yourself.

Telephone conversations

If was interesting conversation through social networks, then you can translate the conversation into telephone mode exchanging numbers with the girls.

At the very beginning, it is worth mentioning the moment of transition from VKontakte communication to telephone conversation, because it's easier to translate the conversation already into a new plane and pick it up from where it left off on social media.

If the communication was yesterday, and the call is today, then you can ask how her day went, etc.

Important! It is important to actively participate in the conversation and add your comments to what the girl says, but not to make it look emotionless. You can also compliment her voice, but you should avoid vulgarity.

And, what topics can you suggest for a conversation with a girl in VK?

AT last time when you were talking to a girl, you mumbled something incoherent about your homework in math, then mention going to the dentist, and then snapping their fingers in awkward silence while the girl stares at the floor? Don't worry, it's happened to all the guys. It's okay, if you prepare and make an effort, then the next time you talk, the girl will be extremely passionate.


Where to begin

    Start with a casual theme. In the first conversation with the girl, choose light theme, to which you both can chat quite naturally, without feeling embarrassed. Don't talk to her about the weird rash you have on your back and don't ask her to tell you about the most embarrassing situation in her life; you can talk about it when you get to know each other better. Choose neutral topics to start a conversation she feels comfortable with. Don't swear. She wants to be treated like a lady! Here are some safe but funny topics to start with:

    • your favorite bands;
    • the latest movies you have watched;
    • your pets;
    • your brothers and sisters;
    • What did you do during the weekend or what do you plan to do next?
    • your vacation plans.
  1. Avoid personal topics. it rule goes hand in hand with starting a conversation on a light topic. You'll be able to have deeper conversations once the girl gets to know you better, but for now, it's best to avoid talking about family deaths, your first loves, strange illnesses, or fear of death. If you feel like you have an instant connection with a girl, then you can quickly move on from chatting to more important topics, but it is worth avoiding too personal topics when you first begin to communicate with a girl, otherwise she may retreat.

    • Well, if she started a conversation on a personal topic and wants to continue it, then you can support him and see where it leads, but still be on the lookout.
    • Pay attention to the girl's facial expression and body language. If she backs off or looks upset when you ask her about something simple, then it may be a sensitive topic for her.
  2. Keep smiling. If you smile and act positive, then you can keep the girl interested and make her want to continue the conversation. While you shouldn't smile until your cheeks are numb, it's worth taking advantage of every opportunity. This will show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and leave a positive impression of you. You may be so nervous that you forget to smile, so remind yourself of that.

    • Smiling is especially important when you first start talking to a girl, and also at the end of a conversation. It is important to start and end on a good note.
  3. Look into her eyes. Eye contact is the key to making a girl feel important and see that what she says really matters to you. You may feel uncomfortable talking to her and start looking around just because you are afraid to look at her, but try to break this habit. You don't need to look into her eyes with tension and love, because this can scare her - just look into her eyes during a conversation to make her feel important. If you find it difficult to make eye contact with a person or prefer to avoid eye contact, look at her nose - look, but don't stare. Not everyone is able to maintain eye contact during a conversation; tell her about it - if she is worthy of your attention, she will understand.

  4. Ask her questions. This is the key to making the girl feel special as quickly as possible. You can show that you care by asking questions about her or what she does in recent times. The questions don't have to be very personal - they don't have to - but you should show your interest in her and her life. If she doesn’t ask you anything, then you should stop asking questions for a while - perhaps she feels like she is being interrogated. Here are some topics for questions:

    • her hobbies and interests;
    • her favorite music bands, books and TV shows;
    • her favorite subjects at school;
    • her dream job;
    • her best friends;
    • her plans.
  5. Give her a compliment. After talking for a while, you can give her a little compliment to make her feel appreciated. Make sincere compliments, do not dissemble. You can compliment her sweater, her new haircut, jewelry, or even a personality trait. Don't be too specific ("You have great legs") because it will make her uncomfortable. Don't overdo it, choose something neutral and show her you care.

    • One compliment per conversation will be enough. Do not bombard her with compliments or act like you are not sincere in your words.

    How to keep her interested

    1. Find common themes. Once you've started a conversation, look for common ground to make it easier for you to find topics for conversation. It is not necessary to have common interests, however, if you find them, the conversation will be easier. When you talk to a girl, try to determine if you have something in common - maybe you grew up in the same city, maybe you like the same sport, or you have a mutual friend or teacher.

      • If you talk about something in common, you can open up, enjoy the conversation, and talk about new topics. For example, you can talk about how much you love football, and then go on to the craziest stories that have happened to you at the stadium, and then discuss your favorite places in the city.
      • Let things take their course - don't try to find out if she likes the same thing as you. Try to keep the conversation open, otherwise it will stop if she does not share your interests. For example, instead of saying, “Have you seen Frozen? It's my new favorite movie" - better say: "Have you watched anything interesting lately?"
    2. Ask her opinion. This is another way to keep the conversation going and show the girl that you really enjoy talking to her and that she means something to you. If you ask her for her opinion, she will see that you see her as an individual and that you really value her opinion. You can ask about the political situation in the country or even if she likes your new shoes. She will understand that you are not just trying to hit on her, but respect her as a person.

      • Don't ask her questions that can only be answered with "yes" or "no"; ask questions that can be answered in detail so that she has something to talk about. Use "What do you think about..." instead of "Do you think that...".
    3. Use your environment. If you're nervous and feel like the conversation is waning, look around to see what you can use to your advantage. Maybe behind you is hanging concert poster, then you can ask if the girl likes this group. Maybe you are standing outside a coffee shop, then ask her if she goes there to read. This does not mean that you need to immediately look around as soon as the conversation begins; look for clues in your surroundings when awkward pauses begin to arise between you.

      • This is a creative way to keep a girl interested and continue the conversation. She will be impressed by how observant you are.
    4. Make her laugh. If you want to keep the girl's interest, it would be nice to make her laugh. If you make a girl laugh, she will want to continue the conversation with you, so look for situations where you can dilute humor. You can gently laugh at yourself, make a kind joke about a mutual friend, or tell her a joke if you think she won't laugh. if you have a funny story which can really make you laugh, you can tell it, as long as it's not too long and confusing. Do not overdo it, but look for ways to make the girl laugh.

      • If you don't have a natural sense of humor, then don't try to be something you're not. The girl will see that you are trying, and will begin to feel sorry for you. Instead, you can just be yourself, and if you can make the girl laugh in the process, great!
      • If you don't know the girl well, then don't tease her, unless you're already flirting and teasing each other. She may misunderstand and be offended, and this is definitely not what you wanted.
    5. Don't turn the conversation into a one-sided monologue. Some guys are so worried about not seeming boring that in the end the girl can't get a word into the conversation. Maintaining interest does not mean talking incessantly. Speak, but let her speak too. Stop from time to time - she probably has something to say too. You should not pull everything on yourself. Of all the time you spend talking, you should only talk half, no more (or a little more if you're shy).

      • If you constantly talk about yourself, then you will look narcissistic, and she will not want to continue this conversation.
    6. Ask about her interests. Almost all girls like to talk about what is especially important to them, so be sure to ask her about what she does in her free time, how often she does it, and why she likes it, and find out why for her so important. You will not have to persuade her for a long time - you will notice how her face lights up when she starts talking about what is really important to her.

      • If she doesn't go into details when discussing her interests, share yours.

    How to end a conversation

    1. Show her what makes you stand out from the crowd. You don't have to be able to do back flips to impress her. However, it's worth ending the conversation in such a way that she thinks she knows you a little and realizes that she makes you stand out from the crowd. Maybe it's your sense of humor, your charm, or your love of playing the guitar. Whatever it is, open up to her, show her who you really are. So, when she meets you again, she will have something to talk about with you and she will have pleasant memories from the previous conversation.

      • This does not mean at all that you need to tell her everything about yourself in the first 10-15 minutes of the conversation. Tell me a few interesting facts about your life - that will be enough. If you only talk about “weather” all the time, you will never really get to know each other.
    2. Be positive. When you feel like the conversation is coming to an end, end it on a positive note, no matter what you are talking about. If you've been complaining about your parents, teachers, the weather, or anything else that upset you for the last five minutes, then the girl is unlikely to have good impression from talking to you. Your goal is to make the girl feel positive vibes and remember that it was fun to communicate with you, and not boring or even painful.
      • You can complain only when there is something that annoys both of you. But even in this case - in moderation. Save your complaints for someone who knows you a little better.
    3. Don't forget about self-confidence. Remember to remain confident while speaking. Show the girl that you believe in what you are talking about and that you are happy with yourself. If she feels this, then she will understand that you are in harmony with yourself, that you are fun and easy to communicate with. If you get nervous, put yourself down, or talk about how you can't find a topic to talk to, then she will feel uncomfortable and is unlikely to want to talk to you again.

      • You don't have to act like you're the best interesting person in the world or like you're so sexy you could be a movie star; just show that you are happy to be yourself(Is that true?), and everything else will follow.
      • There is a fine line between boasting and self-confidence. If you brag too much, it will push the girl away.
    4. Leave before the conversation ends. This is a great way to leave a positive impression. If you think the conversation is going really well and you're having a great time, then tell the girl that you would like to continue the conversation, but it's time for you to go. The idea of ​​leaving in the middle of a great conversation may seem silly, but by doing so, you will make an unforgettable impression on the girl - she will definitely want to meet you again. Conversely, if you delay the end of the conversation, there will be nothing to talk about, awkward pauses will begin ... and, in the end, she is unlikely to want to communicate with you again. If you wait too long, you can see that the conversation dragged on, or you have nothing more to talk about, but why should she communicate with you again after that? Wait until you find mutual language, and then, as politely as possible, say that you have to go.

      • If you are full of courage and the conversation went really well, you can muster up the courage and invite her to meet again.

Want to know what to talk about with the girl you like? Then read on for 30 tips to help you keep a conversation going with your girlfriend.

Most guys know what it's like to have a crush on a girl. When she is nearby, the presence of butterflies in the stomach is guaranteed.

You feel excited every time a girl appears in your area of ​​attention, and when it comes to communication, everything becomes even more difficult.

Why is it so hard to talk to her when you like a girl? Your palms sweat, your mouth becomes dry, and for some inexplicable reason, although you are a completely normal and adequate person, you are not able to express even a single trivial thought, let alone transform it into something articulate.

While you are usually the center of the universe and the soul of the company and can talk to anyone on any topic, if the conversation partner becomes the one you cannot stop thinking about, suddenly everything changes.

If you have a problem with the beginning and development of a conversation with a girl due to internal depression, you are not alone in your trouble.

The best way to deal with such a situation is to prepare for it in advance. While you may not be able to behave in a completely natural way during a conversation, you can’t look stupid when the conversation suddenly stops and there is a long and uncomfortable silence.

An additional stone in your garden will be the inability to find a way out of the trap of your own silence. That's why great idea will be adopted interesting topics to carry on a conversation.

It doesn’t matter if you want to start communicating with a girl for the first time, having an insidious plan to capture her phone number, or you already, but want to make sure that communication will proceed without a hitch, having prepared interesting topics and questions for the girl, you can guarantee that you will have a great time with her.

What to talk about with a girl

Starting a conversation with a girl you like is really easy, and the suggested conversation topics will help you along the right path.

Once the conversation starts, you will find yourself relaxing and things become much easier.

But the presence of cheat sheets prepared, just in case, will give you peace of mind and, because now you will know exactly what to talk about with a girl.

1. Did you see it was shown on TV yesterday ..?

Popular culture and mass media are unlikely to bypass your girlfriend. This is a very easy way to start a casual conversation.

If you, thanks to television or the Internet, have witnessed a particularly interesting information, talk about it.

2. Do you have brothers, sisters?

By the way, it's quite useful information. What if her brother is Roman Abramovich?

3. You have a good relationship with relatives?

This is a rather personal but important question.

If you choose to build long term relationship, a girl from a close-knit family will be the right choice.

Moreover, talking about relationships with your family brings you closer.

4. Where do you work, study?

Ask where the girl works or studies, and if she likes this type of activity or chosen specialty.

Showing interest in professional activity girls will be a good way to start communication, since most people can talk for hours about their work or school: how they love it or hate it.

5. What did you dream of becoming as a child?

This question will help you move on to the topic of childhood and develop your dialogue with children's stories.

6. What your favorite dish?

pay attention to favorite dish your girlfriend, because if everything goes well, you can cook her a wonderful dinner later, adding invaluable points to your appearance as a male knight.

7. What do you usually do in your free time?

Find out about her hobbies and interests. This question will show your compatibility, and give you a hint about choosing a location for the .

8. What kind of music do you listen to?

If you don't know what to talk about with a girl you like, start a conversation about music.

Music is a completely neutral topic, because everyone has favorite musical preferences, as well as musical genres that they hate.

Tell us about the concerts and festivals you have attended. Perhaps you have a lot more in common than you expected.

9. What is the best day of your life associated with?

Who knows. Maybe she will answer that with you ...

10. What was the most memorable night in your life?

Information about the nightly adventures of your girlfriend will be able to give you another batch of ideas,.

Moreover, what if this girl is not your destiny? Then you are really handsome. Use the idea you got for free to set up a date night with another girl.

11. If you could invite anyone to dinner, who would it be?

This is a funny and moderately stupid question, which still can tell a lot about a girl.

12. What would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?

Dreaming together about what you would do if you became super rich is interesting way spend time.

13. What would you do if you had a week left to live?

It is unlikely that such a question will become painful. Rather, it will start a fun and light-hearted conversation about many crazy activities and things.

14. Do you have an idol?

A role model is an important characteristic of a person.

15. Why did you agree to a date?

Stupid question showing your weakness.

24. What is your hobby?

The richer your life and the life of your girlfriend, the more interesting the conversation will turn out.

25. Topics for conversation with a girl:
  • Childhood, both hers and yours.
  • Current interests and hobbies.
  • Future plans.
  • Personal preferences and outlook on life.
  • A family.
  • Relations with the opposite sex without specifics and memories of their ex.
  • Psychology and esoterics.
  • Topical issues of your generation.
  • Own life stories.
26. Thinking out loud

Practice talking about whatever you want to say, i.e. about everything that comes to your mind, and do not turn a conversation with a girl into an interrogation. Do not act as an investigator, so dilute communication with your stories.

27. Be confident

You don't have to agree with everything the girl says, but you shouldn't argue either.

28. Be emotional

You may well talk about what interests you, however, doing it expressively and emotionally, the girl will enjoy communication.

29. Practice on other girls

Go on a few dates with girls you don't have exciting feelings about.

It will be much easier for you when you finally get the courage to talk to the girl of your dreams.

30. Smile and make eye contact

This is a costless way of positioning yourself correctly that works wonders.

31. Remember the end goal

Don't forget to take the girl's phone number. Or did you just want to kill your time?

32. Look attractive

If you are a silent person by nature, then your appearance can at least rehabilitate you a little.


You will never get a 100% guarantee that a date or conversation will go smoothly, because external factors successful conversations are countless. However, the more you interact with people, the more confident and natural you become.

Therefore, practice more often, and in the end you will understand what to talk about with a girl.

How to arrange a woman when meeting, what to talk about?

If you are new to a girl and she is reluctant to answer personal questions, start a conversation carefully, and only then, having positioned yourself, try to get closer.

What can you talk about in general?

  1. About pets. Ask if she has a favorite pet, if so, discuss it. If not, ask who you would like to have. You can watch funny videos on the Internet with the participation of cats and dogs;
  2. Find out if he's watching series and what. If so, talk about the characters and events, share your impressions. If she has not yet looked at any, offer the most interesting options, invite her to watch together;
  3. childhood memories- a great way to arrange and relax the interlocutor. If a new acquaintance avoids personal topics for now, talk to her about her childhood, how and where she spent it, remember how you grew up. Tell her what toys and games were, where you went for a walk with your parents, and how you played pranks. This theme is the most neutral, gives a nostalgic mood and relieves tension in a conversation.

At the first meeting, try to stick to general conversations and observe how ready the interlocutor is to communicate. Then proceed according to circumstances.

In this video, psychologist Yegor Sheremetyev will tell you what you can talk about with a girl you recently met:

What to talk about with a girl on a date?

The main rule is a girl shouldn't be bored. You can come on a date without a bouquet of flowers, but if she starts to yawn, being nearby - “write it down”. There are many areas to talk about:

  1. what are you interested in? I do boxing - this is my hobby, but what do you do in your free time?
  2. What were you like as a child?
  3. What cheers you up?
  4. Do you like to travel in comfort or do you prefer to relax like a savage, away from people?
  5. What kind of music do you listen to, why, who is your favorite singer/singer?
  6. Do you like to watch movies, in what genre?
  7. Tell us about the most unforgettable experience in your life;
  8. You have a great figure, what sports do you do?
  9. If you could move to another place, where would you like to move?
  10. What character do you think you have? I know that I can be short-tempered, but I quickly calm down, and you?
  11. What do you like in men? After all, all the girls appreciate different qualities, I wonder what you like?
  12. Does she know how to cook, which dish she considers the most delicious and successful;
  13. What are her favorite perfumes, what fragrances from which brands do you like?
  14. Have you ever done stupid things that you still feel ashamed of?
  15. What do you like more - mountains and nature or noisy, crazy parties?
  16. If you had to choose, which of your five senses would you lose?
  17. Does she believe in fate, that it is predetermined?
  18. Can there be friendship between opposite sexes? (with a small age difference, of course)
  19. What in life is she most embarrassed about, what does she have complexes about?
  20. If she won 10 million rubles in the lottery, how would she manage the money?
  21. What kind of sports did you do and what would you like to do, and is she generally attracted to sports?
  22. What courses would you like to go to (for the soul, not for earnings);
  23. What kind bad habits irritate her in others?
  24. Does she like night walks through the sleeping summer city until the morning?
  25. Which favorite time year, what exactly attracts you the most?
  26. Which of the stars or YouTube bloggers would you like to chat with and about what?
  27. Does she like cycling or rollerblading?
  28. What extreme event would you like to experience? (parachute jump, bungee jump, wind tunnel jump, etc.)
  29. What animal did she have, what would she like to have, who do you like more - cats or dogs?
  30. Who does he consider to be the greatest musician of all time?

Such questions and suggestions are endless. But they must be asked tactfully, you can not get into the topic, but fall out of favor.

Sometimes you get lost when talking with a friend, girlfriend, neighbor, colleague or in line to the doctor. This is the very moment when a person wants to communicate, but an uncomfortable pause hangs in the air. How can you smooth it out?

  • Talk about politics. It is believed that it is better to avoid such destinations, but often they are the most beloved. Political issues are of concern to many, it is not necessary to discuss specific individuals or the current situation. You can intelligently talk about what should be ideal state, about the role of certain historical events in modern world. The main thing is that your interlocutor be adequate and patient;
  • Discuss various trifles: cooking, technology, favorite writers and problems in the housing and communal services sector;
  • Ask whether a person believes in life after death, discuss composers and poets who dealt with this topic in their works: Alexei Zaev, Nick Drake, etc. Discuss in what form each of you would like to end your existence.

And one more interesting conversation - about dreams and goals, everyone can talk about it. Starting a conversation with the words: “What do you dream about?” - you can be calm that you will not miss.

5 topics to talk to a man

It can be difficult to interest a guy, often they have a prejudiced attitude towards female “chirping”. Many of them believe that women can only collect and dissolve gossip.

You need to be able to dispel this belief:

  • Find out everything about his hobby and show your awareness in this matter. You may not be interested in football, but if you care about this guy, try to sincerely share your favorite hobby with him. Or say: “Oh, I don’t understand anything about this yet, tell me, I’m interested” - and prepare your ears. But listen carefully, an indifferent nod will be quickly recognized;
  • Gadgets - laptops, tablets, phones and other devices. You can ask a question about the intricacies of the operation of a particular equipment and listen to an authoritative opinion, supporting it or denying it. And it doesn’t matter that you yourself know and can do everything, you don’t have to admit it;
  • Art - surprise him with your knowledge in this area. Today, girls, unfortunately, have little interest in painting or music, but you are not like that. From childhood, your mother instilled in you the necessary knowledge about composers and poets, and now you listen and read famous classics both modern and not so modern.

And of course, be a grateful listener, men do not like to be ignored.

What not to talk about with a guy

Men have their weak points, which do not need to be pressed. They are often more touchy than girls, so try to avoid the following topics:

  • Past partners and your betrayals. If in a previous relationship there were betrayals on your part, do not tell the person who is now opposite about it. Of course, you can tell a friend about your misadventures, but you shouldn’t tell a guy;
  • Don't criticize his body. They love to be praised, even if you already have a beer belly and a crow's nest on your head, never talk about it. It is better to silently correct the shortcomings, offer to visit a familiar hairdresser and go together to gym so that you are not bored;
  • Don't say you doubt him. He claims that he will soon fly to the moon - so it will be so. The uncertainty of a close woman unsettles and irritates men;
  • Do not tell that you would like to spend time with that handsome man at the next table - this is a heavy blow to pride. Even if you really liked the guy passing by, the one next to you is always better.

Yes, one must talk to them about the sublime, avoiding many directions. But if you manage to interest, pick up the right topics, you will become a precious find for him.

A few secrets on how to keep the conversation going

Finding the right theme is important, but you also need to be able to apply it. in the right place and at the right time so as not to offend anyone, and save yourself.

Here's how to do it:

  1. The main rule is to let your opponent talk. Ask his opinion, be interested in his life;
  2. Communicate with the first people you meet and old acquaintances in different ways. Do not discuss “slippery” topics with strangers: religion, family relationships, money, health. With those whom you know, but have not seen for a long time, talk about work and children, is there an addition to the family, what position is the person in;
  3. Pay attention to how the interlocutor reacts to certain phrases. It is always clear if some words are unpleasant for a person, then leave this conversation;
  4. Give compliments in response to success stories. For example: “I am very interested in how you learned to play the piano like that”, “You have a great physical shape, how did you manage to achieve such a result?”

The main thing is natural attention, do not put on a mask of friendliness on your face, sincerely rejoice at your opponent.

We have described a variety of interesting topics for conversation, about travel, animals and hobbies, for every taste. Remember a few in reserve, as it often happens that at the right moment they fly out of your head.

Video: how to avoid awkward pauses in conversations?

In this video, psychologist Timur Khazanov will tell you about a few tricks that will help you avoid awkward silence in any conversation:

And in this video, psychologist Maria Nosova will tell you how to find interesting topics for conversation:

Everyone experienced that awkward feeling when, being in a relationship with a girl, topics for conversation ended and there was complete silence. For couples who have just entered into a relationship and are starting to develop it, this is a blow below the belt. Below you will find out what to talk about with a girl when the topics for conversation are over?

You began to notice that conversations on the phone or at a meeting are getting shorter every day. Instead of pleasure and pleasant communication, conversations turn into short fights and arguments. It's time to do something, or such communication promises you failure and a break in relations.

Then, what to talk about with a girl when the topics for conversation are over? Let's figure it out.

Option number 1. This method, when used correctly, can help you have endless conversations not only with your VK girlfriend, but with just about anyone on a dating site.


The girl says: "I'm looking forward to the new Superman movie to go to the cinema. I've watched the trailer for it 10 times already. The music is so beautiful and the actors are so cool!".If you want to make this conversation boring and fast, then simply answering: "I think the film should be good" is enough.

  • how cool it would be to go and see this movie on the big screen in the cinema, and if it was also in 3D, it would be more exciting;
  • remember when you were last at the cinema and what you saw there, maybe it happened to you funny stories while;
  • share other interesting movie trailers with her;
  • ask what genres of films she likes the most (horror, comedy, melodrama, thrillers, etc.);
  • ask what famous actors play in the movie she told you about, and what she knows about them... and so on.

Every new word in your conversation you can use to new topic. Now you know what to talk aboutgirl when all topics are over.


Option number 2. The second method can be used when asking a girl what she did today and how her day went. Listen carefully and ask additional and clarifying questions for each lesson. So you will start a long conversation and the girl will be glad that you are interested in her life. You can use it for a walk or in VK, if there is nothing to ask about.


The girl says: "I read today interesting book. I also listened to cool music, did some fitness exercises and made a delicious salad."

Take each of her classes individually and start asking questions: "What book did she read?" or "What did she find so interesting about her?" When you exhaust the topic of reading, you can safely move on to music, and then to fitness and salad. The more your curiosity and desire to know more details, the more interesting and long your conversation will be.

Option number 3. The third method is to write down on a piece of paper a few things you wanted to say or talk about before calling her on Skype or on the phone.

Believe me, after that you will never worry about what to say next. In some cases, you may even forget about the things you wrote down on paper. Because, you will have a lot of spontaneous topics that need to be discussed. But, this little cheat sheet gives you a lot of relief, and helps you focus on the conversation itself (instead of thinking about what to say next) and make it more natural.

Option number 4. Don't forget that relationships are team game Therefore, both partners should keep the conversation going.

Push your partner to connect, you don't have to be sole member conversation. Moreover, not all women love talkers. There are times when a girl Bad mood or she has other problems, so she is closed to communication. Try to find out what the matter is or just end the conversation for a while.

Option number 5. The next method is fantasy in your conversation. Can be used on a first date (examples).

For example, in We saw a couple walking their dog. Great topic for conversation! Ask if she has a pet, dreamed of having someone, or fantasize together about, if you had the opportunity, who exactly you would like to have.

Option number 6. When you are doing routine everyday life, no wonder you have nothing to talk about with a girl. You urgently need to diversify your own life.

This way you will have new stories and topics to discuss. To do this, you need to do something new. For example, go to the cinema with a girl and discuss a movie, read news, books every day, go on a trip somewhere, discover some the new kind sports, meet new people and so on.

Option number 7. And of course, the simplest and sometimes the most effective method avoiding silence and finding topics for conversation is a little break from each other.

Take a break in the relationship and some new conversational topics will start to take shape on their own. Each new thing What you do during those few hours or days when you don't communicate can be a great subject for further conversation together. Well, now you know exactly what you can talk about with a girl when all topics are over.

The most common topics for conversations with a girl:

  • Pets.
  • Travels.
  • Movie.
  • Food.
  • Passion (Hobby).
  • Dreams.
  • The craziest thing she's ever done.
  • A family.
  • Music.
  • Her favorite celebrity.
  • Memories of childhood.

You can talk about these topics even at the age of 14.

Topics you shouldn't talk about with a girl:

  • Religion.
  • Your car, your house, your boat.
  • Politics.
  • Ex-Girlfriends.

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