Daria Stavrovich group. Who is Daria Stavrovich? Some new interesting acquaintances appeared

Daria Stavrovich

Daria Stavrovich made an indelible impression on all the audience and the jury of the show "Voice". The rock singer impressed the mentors of the project with her unusual vocals, each of whom dreamed of seeing the singer in their team. Despite the fact that the artist is already known to the audience for her work in the alternative rock group Slot and in the Nuki project, she decided to take part in the popular show. In an interview with StarHit, Daria told why she doesn’t care about audience criticism, how she is going to surprise fans, and also about terrible tragedy in which miraculously survived.

How did you get the idea to take part in the show "Voice"?

It so happened that so many people gathered around me who constantly said that I should try myself in the Voice. My friends, the team with which I work in the Slot group, literally took me by the hand to the casting and made sure that I did not run away. The selection was long and dreary, but overall good. Initially, I wanted to sing a neutral song, but I sang it for exactly three seconds. At the casting, apparently, they recognized me and asked me not to pretend, but to show everything that I was capable of. After that, I sang a powerful song and then they told me that I was moving on. And when she realized that she was in a strange place for herself, then she had to have fun and misbehave. -
How ready are you to experiment in the show?

I went to Grigory Leps, because he does not impose anything. On the this stage I feel free - I myself choose what to sing, what to go on stage. I don’t have any restrictions, and if you look through the photos, you can’t always recognize me in them. At this stage, I want to be myself. I didn't come here to entertain people, although I want to cheer up the audience a little. However, I'm not going to wear a ball gown, as Leps said at the "blind audition."
Were you surprised when all the jury members turned to you?

I had sole purpose- so that Leps turns around, I didn’t think about the rest. All day the mentors listened to vanilla, sugary songs, they were afraid that even I would not wake them up with my song! Daria conquered all the members of the jury
What would you have done if Grigory Leps had not chosen you?

I thought about it. We laughed with my group that in this case I would carefully put the microphone on the floor and run away! Of course, I respect the members of the jury. I like Leonid Agutin, he is very cool, but I don’t know what I would do in his team.-
Have you watched the previous seasons of the project?

I haven't watched so I don't know what will happen. Now I already understand that I got stuck, so I decided to familiarize myself with the rules that were sent, I read what awaits me in general.-
How did your fans react to the fact that you are now part of a popular project?

All the comments I have read have been positive. I'm not going to become part of this absurdity, I'm not going to harmonize with everyone. I remain myself, so no one should worry about this.-
How do you feel about negative comments addressed to you? There are heated discussions about your performance on the Web right now ...

I don't read, but I have a rough idea of ​​what's going on. I don’t want to waste time and emotions on this, people will figure it out themselves, they are probably interested in arguing. That's their problem.-
You are a successful rock singer, so why do you need this project?

I will not be modest, there is an educational goal in my participation. All over the world, rock music is mainstream, but in our country it is still not understood and feared. I would like a wide audience to look at it with different eyes. The actress admitted that she had not watched a single episode of the show "Voice"
Why did you decide to sing alternative rock music in particular?

Rock music is something you are born with, it comes from nature. In general, my voice, timbre, manner of speaking, how to sing - this is something innate. And alternative rock - it just happened, it carried me away, it is possible that there could be something else, but also from this direction. At the age of 15, I suspected that it was probably mine. Mom reconciled with my decision and supports. -
You have an alias Nuki. Why did you choose to call yourself that?

It was a long time ago and no one remembers exactly - just a proper name. It so happened in Slot that everyone in the group had nicknames, this was due to forums on the Internet. When I joined the group, I alone did not have a pseudonym, and “Nuki” somehow stuck. -
Why did you decide to sing solo?

I don't talk about it. That's what her personal life is for. -
Don't you think that because of your secrecy there will be even more gossip?

To be honest, so far this problem has not arisen, and then we'll see. I do not have a goal for people to imbue me and recognize themselves in me, this is even impossible. The singer does not seek to reveal her soul to the public
A couple of years ago, an unknown person slashed your throat with a knife. You ended up in the hospital, and soon returned to the stage. How did this incident end for the attacker?

He was diagnosed with schizophrenia, he is now in a psychiatric hospital. There was an investigation, we managed to find some emails that he sent me. When these letters began to come to me, I did not attach any importance to them, I sent them to spam. Before the incident, a fan sent a screenshot where he tried to warn that someone was preparing an assassination attempt on me. Some of the guys in the group saw it, but everyone laughed and did not take it seriously. As it turned out later, the unknown wrote 10-20 letters a day. And in some there were such words: "we will meet in another life." -
How did this situation affect you?

Oddly enough, I did not hire bodyguards. My self-preservation instinct has decreased, I have ceased to be afraid of many things. I can talk to people now cruel truth, for example. After the incident, I wrote a second solo album which I am proud of. So this situation had a rather positive effect on me. But close people began to try to make sure that one of them was always there. I even began to get tired, I began to sharply miss the feeling of loneliness.

» on Channel One, vocalist of the group Slot».

Daria Stavrovich. Biography

Daria Stavrovich was born in the city of Velsk, Arkhangelsk region on February 1, 1986. After school, which Daria graduated from in Arzamas, the girl entered the Nizhny Novgorod Musical College.

Daria Stavrovich got into the Slot group thanks to an acquaintance Igor Lobanov with the ex-vocalist of the group " Epidemic» Maxim Samosvat. Combined work in a group and studies at the faculty of academic and pop-jazz singing of the Institute contemporary art. Nickname Dasha - Nokia(Nuki).

In 2014, Dariya Stavrovich received the Golden Note award from Igor Sandler's production center for the best rock vocal. In 2015, she voiced the singer Aria, a character in the online game ArcheAge.

In 2016, Daria decided to participate in the casting for the Voice project on Channel One. Before performing at blind auditions, Daria said: “For the past 10 years, I have been defending the honor of the Russian rock underground. I have never been a decent girl - my favorite characters were Pippi Longstocking and Little Baba Yaga. During my performance, several hundred grandmothers will definitely recoil from the screen, but some desperate grandchildren will come running.

At blind auditions, rock singer Daria Stavrovich performed the group's song The Cranberries"Zombie" and simply "stamped" the mentors with the power of her voice. Bilan was delighted: “It was disgusting! Terrible, disgusting, just "fu", a nightmare ... AMAZING! I'm in shock, friends, it was just cool!

Daria decided to go to the team of Grigory Leps: “I went to Leps, because he is the most driving and unrefined”

December 11, 2016, 19:50

I confess honestly that I learned about the existence of this girl only from the show "Voice". Earlier I heard about the Slot group, but that was a long time ago and I only listened to a couple of their songs. In these songs, Teona Dolnikova was the soloist. She had no complaints. She's great and sings great. There was a clear division of labor. The guy growled, yelled and read, and Theona sang beautifully.

Here is a song that I once listened to the holes.

Then I tried to find something else interesting for myself, but I didn’t see Teona from them anymore. there was some other girl, I didn't like what I heard and I forgot about them for many years.

Then somehow at work I have one girl. who went all in tattoos and with dreadlocks and seemed to sing in some local spill group, told me that her idol is the lead singer of the Slot group. I also asked her: “Theon Dolnikov?”, But she replied that Theon was a hundred years ago, and now there is another one and now she is an idol.

When I saw Daria's performance on the Voice show and heard that she sings in the Slot group, I immediately understood where my colleague's dreadlocks grow from))))

It was interesting for me to listen to her precisely in order to understand why she is so good that she is even an idol for someone. She sang the song "Zombit", I always really liked the song in the original. I didn’t like Daria’s performance, I don’t like it when they yell like that. But I liked Daria unusual appearance, his press))) and his drive. It needs to be watched in conjunction with sound, and not just listened to. Otherwise, the effect is much weaker (for me personally).

Daria chose Leps and I was wondering what he could offer her in the next stages. Or let her be herself. or will remake it into a "girl".

Her second performance in the show "Voice" seemed to me just no. It seemed to me that the choice of a song is banal for Daria, like they are yelling, Jareth Leto is yelling, Dasha is yelling - they are made for each other)))) And on the other hand, it is unfair to the second participant, because this is clearly not his story and putting them together in this song means initially giving it a head start. Leps simply merged the second participant, Oleg Kondrakov, in this way. Usually if I like the number. then I watch it several times. I didn't even finish watching this one.

I am very glad that Oleg was saved by Dima Bilan, because further Oleg showed what he really is worth. He sang a very difficult song very well. Touched me with his number.

At the next stage, Daria sang the song "Circles on the Water", I unexpectedly liked the song and I even listened to it several times, but what do I hear during discussions? It was a song written by Daria herself ... i.e. again a handicap, again dishonest... Naturally, if her song, then the song was written specifically for her voice, for her capabilities. Naturally, Daria will look organically, because she performed this song a hundred times. And again the question: "Why such injustice?" After all, there are no random people in this show. Here everyone is creative, with experience, with education. here half of 100% have some songs of their own. But for some reason, everyone else sings world hits, and Daria is allowed to sing her song. Why doesn't Panayotov sing his own songs? It's kind of forbidden from what I've heard. but for some reason they made an exception for Daria ... It seems that mentors should teach something new here? Either Leps simply does not know what to do with her and what to offer her, so he left her to herself ... But I liked the song and Daria looked organic ...

And this week, I just fell apart. She was given the song Björk. I love Björk and I love this song, the music is cool there and Björk's vocals, as always, are unusual and somehow cosmic. Although I read a lot in the comments to Daria's speech positive feedback, but in my opinion she just screwed up the song... She couldn't show anything at all... She just shook her head... I think that after this performance, she should have been, objectively, kicked out... She is charismatic and she is good at in her image and in her work, but it's not about the show "Voice" ... I was just shocked that she made it to the final ... Or maybe I don't understand something. I have no music education, I rely only on my feelings and emotions from what I hear ... Maybe I don’t understand something? What do you think?

A girl whose images amaze with extravagance. She is never the same. Its always unique and attract attention. This is not only part of her image on stage - this is her life. Daria personifies everything that the soloist of "Slot" should have.

Biography of the singer

Not much is known about her life before the group. She was born in 1986 on February 1 in the Arkhangelsk region, in the small town of Velsk. She graduated from high school in Arzamas and went to Nizhny Novgorod School learn music.

Now the soloist of "Slot" Daria Stavrovich lives in Moscow and combines her career as a rock singer with her studies in Moscow There, she studies at the faculty of pop-jazz and academic singing. Her curator is one of the best teachers in Russia vocal singing Ekaterina Belobrova.

On April 18, 2014, at the group's autograph session, the girl was attacked by a crazy fan. He hit the girl a few knife wounds in the neck, as a result of which the artery and trachea were affected. Daria was hospitalized in the intensive care unit in a critical condition. The girl spent almost a month in the hospital. Due to a wound in the trachea, the soloist of "Slot" was forced to undergo a long rehabilitation.

It turned out that this secret "Romeo" has been stalking Nuki for a long time on the net. At first they were romantic letters, which eventually changed to threats if she was not with him.

After the doctors said that her health was not in danger, but some time was needed for rehabilitation, the Slot group confirmed that they would take part in all summer festivals, a solo concert in St. Petersburg will be postponed until autumn.

Useful acquaintance

From childhood, Daria was distinguished by her eccentricity and uniqueness. But not only this influenced the fact that she became a member of the group. Daria is very hardworking and diligent, striving for everything she does to be perfect. She got into the group through her friend Maxim Samosvatov, former vocalist Epidemic group. He was familiar with the vocalist and creator of the Slot group Igor Lobanov.

Group "Slot"

This one was formed not so long ago, in 2002 on the initiative of Igor Lobanov. He is the ideological inspirer of the group, and songwriter and vocalist. But with the vocalists, the group did not develop very well, in a few years they managed to change two girls, until after long auditions they chose Stavrovich. And from 2006 to this day, she has been officially the vocalist of the Slot group.

Igor Lobanov created a group together with Sergei Bogolyubsky. Already a year after the creation, their first album was released, but it did not produce the expected furor. Opinions on it were divided, but still many noticed the huge potential of the young rock band.

The group now has seven studio albums, several soundtracks, 15 singles, an EP and a remix album. There are two vocalists in the group at once, which is their distinctive feature. In each song, their roles are distributed equally. The band mainly plays hard rock and nu metal, but some screaming and recitative content makes their music similar to rapcore and metalcore.


You can find it on the forums a large number of questions about the name of the soloist "Slot"? This question worries both fans of the group and fans of the solo projects of the singer. AT musical circles Daria Stavrovich is known under the pseudonym "Nookie", which she came up with ID (Sergey Bogomolsky), the founder of the Slot group.

By the way, there is a lot of controversy around her nickname, what does it mean. If translated from English, then it means sex without obligations, but according to another version, it stage name came under the impression of listening to the song Limp Bizkit.

And the soloist of "Slot" herself constantly confuses reporters and fans. More recently, in an interview, she said that nookie in Chinese means her name. In other sources, you can find a definition that her nickname is a name, in fact, and has no translation. What caused the creation of the pseudonym is really up to you.

Creative activity

It's amazing, but in addition to participating in the group and studying at the institute, Daria Stavrovich still takes part in a lot of things.

So since 2014, the soloist of the Slot group has been actively involved in the Forces United project, known throughout the world. Stavrovich took part in this competition together with Yarkko Ahol, Konstantin Seleznev and Maxim Samosvatov.

From time to time, Nookie is invited to sing in various rock bands to increase their rating. She voices games, starred in music videos and movies, participates in all kinds of music competitions. So in 2014, the shooting of the film "School Shooter" with the participation of Daria ended. In this film, she got episodic role. In the same year, the video "Reality" was shot with her participation.

The soloist of "Slot" is very famous in musical circles. She received the Golden Note prize at a competition organized by the Nuki production center and won the Best Rock Vocalist of 2014 nomination, in the same year she was awarded the title the best performer 2014. The singer was voted for on the NewsMuz portal. True, in this competition she won silver.

Already in 2015, she voiced the singer Aria from the online game ArcheAge. As mentioned earlier, she strives to participate in all kinds of projects. This year, Nuki was spotted on the show The Voice, performing a song by the Irish rock band The Crandberries Zombie, she made a splash on the show.

solo project

Four years ago, the soloist of "Slot" actively pursued a solo career. At the end of 2012, she launched her own project called Nuki. In addition to her, her colleagues in the group "Dudu", "ID", "Slot" take part in it. A year later, her first album, Alive, was released. Video clips were shot for three songs from this album. Three years later, the album “Moon Butterfly Pollen” saw the light, which became the second in her solo career. A video was shot for the song "Illusion" from this album.

At the beginning of this year, the world heard her single "Dance, clown, dance." In it, in addition to the song with the name of the single, two more from the previous albums, “Alive” and “Ashes”, were recorded, but in new versions.

The music she performs in her solo project is of a completely different style and does not look like the one played by Slot.

An extremely bright appearance distinguishes the girl from the main crowd of music performers in this direction. Clothing style and stage costumes fully comply life priorities, which the soloist of the Slot group adheres to. Photos depicting Nuki illustrate only her inherent style. It intertwines rock, punk echoes and slight gothic notes. That is why she is so unique.


To date, the Slot group has recorded six studio albums with Nuka's vocal performance. Including the album "Two Wars", previously recorded with Ulyana Elina. In addition to these albums, there is another "KISLOTA. First Blood", which consists entirely of remixes.

On account of the solo project "Nuki" on this moment two albums: "Alive" and "Moon Butterfly Pollen".

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