What time does Russian lotto start? What channel is Stoloto on at what time?

On what goes to the channel a game " Russian lotto"?

    You can watch the Russian Lotto lottery drawing on the NTV channel, the program is shown every Sunday at 8:15 am, and you can also check the lottery results on the Russian Lotto website http://www.ruslotto.ru.

    Russian Lotto is shown on NTV, but if you suddenly didn’t have time and missed the program. You can type Russian Lotto in the search engine and their official website will open to you, where you can check the tickets. And buy new ones.

    If you are the owner lottery ticket, or just a person interested in playing Russian Lotto can turn on the TV on Sunday morning on the NTV channel Russian television, and in live watch the progress of the draw.

    If earlier the Russian Lotto was on the RTR channel, now it has migrated to NTV, and every Sunday at 8-15 in the morning you can watch the next drawing on TV, or on the channel’s website. For example, on January 3, 2016, the 1108th draw will take place.

    The Russian Lotto lottery draw is broadcast weekly on the NTV channel.

    There is a draw in a program called Happy Morning. In addition to the Russian Lotto, in this TV program you can immediately see the drawing of other popular lotteries, namely: Housing Lottery, 6 of 36 and the Golden Horseshoe.

    The TV show starts at 8:20 am on Sunday, Moscow time.

    If you decide to become a participant in a lottery such as the Russian Lotto, then you are probably interested in the question of which channel to watch the draws on. So the lottery is broadcast on the NTV channel. To be more specific, the circulation can be viewed on Sunday morning, namely at eight o’clock and fifteen minutes Moscow time.

    Nationwide TV Broadcast, which has been on the country’s screens for countless years now. This is a program in which you can try your luck and, having bought a ticket for one hundred rubles, win 10-100 times large amounts.

    Game drawings now Russian Lotto you can look at NTV every Sunday at 8:15 am.

    The Russian Lotto lottery circulation is shown on NTV.

    One of the favorite television lotteries among Russians for many, many years, called Russian Lotto, lives on the NTV channel. This was the case before, and in 2017 the registration address did not change.

    If you play the Russian Lotto lottery, then you probably keep track of all the draws.

    If you want to watch a live broadcast of the lottery, then you need to watch the NTV channel every Sunday at 8:15 am.

    And if you missed any episode, then on the lottery website there are recordings of some draws http://www.ruslotto.ru., and you can also find broadcasts on the NTV channel.

    The Russian Lotto program airs on the NTV channel on Sundays at 8:20 am Moscow time. Every week, many valuable prizes are awarded in the television lottery, including:

    country houses;



    and much more.

    The lottery goes live in this form federal TV channel more than 20 years. To participate, you just need to buy a lottery ticket and follow the program's releases. The winner is the one who, based on the results of the games, manages to cover all the numbers on the ticket.

    Beloved by many interesting game with big draws, usually takes place on the NTV channel.

    To view it, you need to get up early on Sunday morning (which is difficult on a weekend) and at 8.15 watch the next drawing of the Russian Lotto lottery

What time is Russian Lotto time Penza: draw 1202 Russian Lotto, drawing on NTV Drawing of “Russian Lotto” with today will be held at a new time and in new program. However, the channel remains the same - NTV. The drawing starts at 14.00 Moscow time. On Sunday, October 22, the 1202nd draw of the Russian Lotto will be drawn. Even more prizes, delicious gifts and a lot of impressive cash prizes. A fairly large amount will be drawn today. Thirty participants will be lucky - they will win 300 thousand rubles. The 1202nd edition will be culinary. At the end of the game, only three barrels will remain in the box. Today the draw will take place at 14.00, and not at 8.20 in the morning, as was previously the case. You can check your ticket live – as part of the program “They are winning from us!” Previously it was called “Happy Morning”.

Live circulation

Russian Lotto is shown on NTV, but if you suddenly didn’t have time and missed the program.

You can type Russian Lotto in the search engine and their official website will open to you, where you can check the tickets.
And buy new ones. One of the favorite television lotteries among Russians for many, many years, called “Russian Lotto,” “lives” on the NTV channel.

This was the case before, and in 2017 the “registration address” did not change.

The Russian Lotto program airs on the NTV channel on Sundays at 8:20 am Moscow time.

Every week, many valuable prizes are awarded in the television lottery, including: country houses; apartments; cars; and much more.

The lottery in this form has been broadcast on the federal television channel for more than 20 years.

To participate, you just need to buy a lottery ticket and follow the program's releases.

What channel is the Russian Lotto game on?

There is no word yet on which celebrities will wish the gambling public a Happy New Year.


At what time on which channel will the 1212 Russian Lotto draw begin? New Year is a time of miracles and everyone wants something fabulous and magical, and the lottery is no exception.

I saw a man at our post office buy tickets for a large amount of money. Of course, I would like to meet him again to ask whether he won something or not.


On NTV, the New Year's Eve program was not interesting, but many were waiting for the first day, when the New Year's Billion drawing was shown live.

It was at 8 pm. This holiday and New Year's circulation was already 1212.

We also watched the program, the lucky ones had the winnings.

If you missed the broadcast, you can watch it online in the recording on YouTube.

Attention! changes in Russian lotto and other lotteries from October 22, 2017

In addition, from the 128th draw (October 23, Monday), participants will experience another change related to the simplification of the list of winning categories.
In fact, the number of categories will remain the same, but the calculation of winnings for similar categories (for example, 2x3 and 3x2; 4x0 and 0x4) will be combined, leaving 12 different prize amounts.

Nearby you will find a picture with an updated list of prize categories.

403 forbidden

Do you know the answer? 0 need help? See also: Why is the game “Russian Lotto” not played in Russian, but it’s not clear how? How to play the Russian Lotto lottery? What are the winning conditions? What are your rules for playing Russian Lotto? "Russian Lotto".

In what edition did the most play? big number tickets? How many? At what time on which channel will the 1212 Russian Lotto draw begin? What tax will you have to pay on winnings of 250 million?

rubles in Russian Lotto? “Russian Lotto” 1213 circulation. Stoloto. 01/07/2018.
You can watch the Russian Lotto lottery drawing on the NTV channel, the program is shown every Sunday at 8:15 am, and you can also check the lottery results on the Russian Lotto website http://www.ruslotto.ru. the moderator selected this answer as the best. The Russian Lotto lottery drawing is broadcast weekly on the NTV channel.

There is a drawing in a program called “Happy Morning”.

In addition to the “Russian Lotto”, in this television program you can immediately see the drawing of other popular lotteries, namely: “Housing Lottery”, “6 out of 36” and “Golden Horseshoe”.

The TV show starts at 8:20 am on Sunday, Moscow time.

If you are the owner of a lottery ticket, or simply a person interested in the Russian Lotto game, you can turn on the TV on Sunday morning on the NTV Russian Television channel and watch the progress of the drawing live.

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery draws, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the second sphere of the lottery machine).

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for the Gosloto 6 out of 45 lottery draws, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards. Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for the Gosloto 7 out of 49 lottery draws, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards.

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for the “6 out of 36” lottery draws, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards.

Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for drawings of the "Sportloto Matchball" lottery, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the first sphere of the lottery machine).


Self-charging lottery machines were developed especially for the Russian project. “Standards and Qualifications” is a document confirming the compliance of Smartplay products with ISO standards, its membership in the World Lottery Association and The North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. “Standards and Qualifications” is a document confirming the compliance of Smartplay products with ISO standards, its membership in the World Lottery Association and The North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. ISO 9001:2008 is a certificate from ISO, an independent non-governmental international organization for standardization, confirming high quality Smartplay products.
This change was made because the Sunday afternoon broadcast is much more convenient, and more viewers will be able to watch the game. Tickets for sale are printed in advance, so some of them may indicate the old time - but still, broadcasts of the 1203rd draw of the Russian Lotto and the 257th draw of the Housing Lottery will take place according to the new rules. Golden Horseshoe and Football lottery drawings 6 out of 36 New format TV show “They are winning!” will become much more eventful - there will be quizzes for guests in the studio and for ordinary television viewers, the program will become more colorful - invited film and television stars are expected.

Of course, there will be new stories of bright lottery wins narrated by the winners themselves.

Probably for these reasons, the management of Stoloto decided to remove the broadcasts of the Golden Horseshoe and the Football Lottery 6 out of 36 from the air.

What channel is Stoloto on at what time?

Watch live broadcasts of the draws state lotteries! Winning combinations will be determined right before your eyes! Camera Loading…

ZZZ Online broadcast will resume at 10:00 Moscow time Super prize 10,000,000 ₽ Buy a ticket Ticket from 100 ₽ Super prize 3,000,000 ₽ Prize 8,703,980 ₽ Buy a ticket Ticket from 80 ₽ Super prize 152,453,913 ₽ Buy a ticket Ticket from 100 ₽ Super prize 18 704,071 ₽ Buy a ticket Ticket from 100 ₽ Super prize 6,247,000 ₽ Buy a ticket Tickets for 100 ₽ Watch the “Russian Lotto” and “Housing Lottery” drawings in the TV show “They Win with Us!” on Sundays at 14:00 on the NTV channel. Broadcasts of the Golden Horseshoe drawings and fast lotteries look at the pages of these lotteries on stoloto.ru.

Certificate of Randomness - a manufacturer's certificate guaranteeing that the equipment and balls produced by it meet the randomness requirements for lotteries. Certification of Membership in Good Standing - a certificate confirming the impeccable reputation of Smartplay and its membership in the World Lottery Association. Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery draws, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the first sphere of the lottery machine). Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for the Gosloto 4 out of 20 lottery draws, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the second sphere of the lottery machine). Manufacturer's certificate for a set of balls for the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery draws, confirming their compliance with the necessary standards (for the first sphere of the lottery machine).

What time is Stoloto on TV?

The winner is the one who, based on the results of the games, manages to cover all the numbers on the ticket.

If you play the Russian Lotto lottery, then you probably keep track of all the draws.

If you want to watch a live broadcast of the lottery, then you need to watch the NTV channel every Sunday at 8:15 am.

And if you missed any episode, then on the lottery website there are recordings of some draws http://www.ruslotto.ru., and you can also find broadcasts on the NTV channel.

A nationwide television program that has been on the country’s screens for countless years. This is a program in which you can try your luck and, having bought a ticket for one hundred rubles, win 10-100 times larger amounts. Now Russian Lotto draws can be watched on NTV every Sunday at 8:15 am.

If you decide to become a participant in such a lottery as “Russian Lotto”, then you are probably interested in the question of which channel to watch the draws on.

“Russian Lotto” is the permanent presenter Mikhail Borisov, the legendary “Stop, game!” and drawings every weekend since 1994. What other arguments are needed?

Where can I buy?

    Website website

    Select tickets on the lottery page and pay with any in a convenient way.

    Please note: tickets selected on the site are saved for you for 5 minutes. During this time, you must move them to the “Cart” or pay for the order.

    Mobile application "Stoloto"

    Install and buy tickets whenever it is convenient for you.

    Mobile version of the site

    Go to the page and select any tickets for the upcoming circulation.

    Via SMS

    Send a message with text RL to number 9999.

    If you want to take part in the lottery via SMS, follow.

    Retail outlets and networks

    You can buy tickets in branches, bookmaker's office, lottery network, offices
    " " , supermarkets " " and stores " " .

    Lottery kiosks

    Chances are there are tickets available at a store near you.
    . Check with sellers for their availability.

    Lottery machines

    Use self-service machines. Bank cards are accepted for payment, banknotes and coins. Terminal addresses
    on this page .

    Lottery center"Stoloto"

    You can buy tickets, learn everything about lotteries and see with your own eyes the lottery machines used to draw six lotteries! Read more about live broadcasts on a special page.

    How to choose?

    Any Russian Lotto ticket has two playing fields, each with 15 numbers ranging from 1 to 90.

    The combinations of numbers in the tickets have already been generated.

    Please note: in some cases you will be asked to provide a phone number when purchasing a ticket, in others you will not. What is the difference? Let's explain.

    Tickets for which you provide your mobile phone number

    Sample tickets:

    On the site you can choose a ticket with your favorite numbers or tickets with all numbers from 1 to 90

    At a retail outlet, select a coupon and give it to the seller. Then give your phone number and pay. When the ticket is registered, you will receive a notification with all the necessary information about the registered electronic lottery ticket. If you win, you will receive an SMS with a winning code.

    Important! You issue such tickets only for the next lottery draw.


    To receive your winnings, tell the seller the phone number to which the ticket was issued via SMS and (indicated on the notification).

    For sale:

    On the site, including;
    . in the application for iPhone and ;
    . ;
    . in communication shops;
    . in the networks "" and "";
    . offices "";
    . stores "";
    . branches;
    . others retail outlets sales

    Tickets for which you do not provide a mobile phone number when purchasing

    Sample ticket:


    When purchasing such tickets, you do not receive additional notifications (SMS, receipts) - the basis for paying out your winnings is the ticket itself.

    Important! You can buy tickets for different editions.

    For sale:

    Branches ;
    . at Stoloto retail outlets.

    How to increase your chances?

    The rule is simple: the more tickets you purchase per circulation, the higher your chances will be.

    Stoloto Council. If you decide to buy multiple tickets for the same draw, if possible, avoid repeating numbers on the tickets you purchase. Diversity is among the main criteria for success.

    If you buy tickets online, you can select many tickets at once; tickets with all numbers from 1 to 90; tickets with your favorite numbers.

    . « 3 barrels left“- the phrase means that the game will be played one more move, that is, up to the 87th move inclusive. This increases the likelihood that the participant's ticket will match more numbers, and increases your chances of winning. In such draws there are always more winners than usual.

    . « 2 barrels left" - the phrase means; that the game will be played two more moves than usual, that is, up to and including the 88th move. This increases the likelihood that a participant's ticket will match more numbers and increases the chances of winning. There are even more winners in such draws than usual.

    . « Kubyshka" - the name of an additional draw when tickets are won in which all the numbers not drawn in the draw are either in the upper or lower playing field

    The pot with coins depicted on the ticket is the sign “Eggs”

    Additional drawing by ticket number - the winners are tickets whose last digits match (from left to right) with the winning combination formed from the last digits of the last barrel numbers drawn in the last three rounds.

    What is closing a sale?

    How are the draws done?


    Drawings are held on weekends after the size is calculated prize fund.


    The broadcast of the drawing begins on Sunday, at 8:20, in the program “They are winning!” on the NTV channel.

    You can find a video of each draw in “” on the website

    The start time of the broadcast in your region may differ from the specified one. Follow the TV program.


    The drawing takes place in a television studio, in the presence of spectators and a circulation commission. The circulation commission checks the availability of a complete set of barrels. After completing all rounds circulation commission confirms that the drawing was carried out according to all the rules and signs the protocol.


    Barrels numbered from 1 to 90 are loaded into the bag. The presenter takes out the barrels one at a time and calls out their numbers. You cross out these numbers on your tickets. Each draw is held in several rounds.

    In the 1st round, the winning tickets are those in which 5 numbers in any of the six horizontal lines matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others.
    The phrase “before others” means that in this ticket winning combination formed earlier than in other tickets participating in the draw.

    In the 2nd round, the winners are the tickets in which all 15 numbers in any of the fields matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others. If on the fifteenth move, all fifteen numbers of one of the two playing fields of the ticket (top or bottom) match the numbers of the kegs taken from the bag, you have won the Jackpot.

    In the 3rd and subsequent rounds, the winners are the tickets in which all 30 numbers matched the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag before others.

    Tickets that win in the 1st and 2nd rounds are eligible to participate in the subsequent drawing. Tickets that win in the 3rd round do not participate in the further drawing.

    Sometimes, after the main draw is completed, additional draw called "Kubishka". In this case, the winning tickets are those in which all the numbers not drawn in the draw are either in the upper or lower playing field.

    What can you win?

    The winnings of the first few rounds are the largest and can range from several tens and hundreds of thousands to several million rubles. In addition to cash prizes, the lottery often awards in-kind prizes: cars, country houses, travel and much more.

    You can choose in what form to receive such winnings - in kind or in cash.

    The prize fund is 50% of each ticket sold.

    Attention, Jackpot! It accumulates from circulation to circulation and reaches tens of millions of rubles. The winning tickets are those in which, on the fifteenth move, all fifteen numbers of one of the two playing fields of the ticket (top or bottom) match the numbers of the barrels taken from the bag.

    Where can I find out the results?

    • The results of the draw are published on the websites stoloto.ru and lotonews.ru within 10 days after the draw. Check the data in

If you look at the number last edition, you can understand that this game has been going on for quite a long time. Many people have remained loyal fans of the lottery for years, and do not regret it one bit. Surveys of players conducted by lottery organizers yielded surprising results. They showed that in many families it has long been a tradition to spend weekends with this lottery. Sometimes it is quite difficult to gather all family members at one table. After all modern life forces you to work constantly. But it is “ ” that is a kind of symbol of unity.

For this reason, the “Announcement of future circulations” section was created, in which you can find out everything about the upcoming circulations.

Upcoming Russian Lotto draws

1262 edition of Russian Lotto

  • Jackpot 350,000,000 RUR
  • 20 country houses
  • Distribution circulation!

1263 edition of Russian Lotto

The drawing will include:

  • 10 cottages
  • There will be 3 balls left - there will be more winnings!

1264 edition of Russian Lotto

The drawing will include:

  • 1000 000 000 ₽

Quite often the whole family gathers around the TV to watch the broadcast of the circulation. Since everyone has similar interests, they are sure to find interesting topics for conversations. In some families, each person buys the required number of tickets for himself in order to “fight” with his family for a big win during the draw.

Many of today's participants remember how their parents bought game tickets ““. Today they themselves teach their children and grandchildren to play this game. Of course, in fact such a lottery is gambling. But you need to understand, unlike various casinos, slot machines And card games, here the participant cannot lose his entire fortune. The player makes a bet in advance, the size of which he chooses independently. No matter how gambling the participant is, during the game he will no longer be able to raise the bet. Thus, a person spends as much on tickets in advance as he can afford to lose. This is the main difference between this game. That is why even children can be involved in this game. Practice shows that they take great pleasure in helping adults choose numbers and monitor the drawing, eagerly awaiting the coincidence of the numbers.

We can safely say that every next draw of this lottery is a grandiose event that millions of people across the country are looking forward to. Thousands of them will become winners of cash prizes of various sizes. Also, there will be real lucky ones who will be able to win millions. Don’t forget that the “Russian Lotto” lottery often pleases players not only cash winnings, but also other valuable gifts. Which many people dream about all their lives.

Everyone expects to win the lottery, even those who don't buy lottery tickets.

For Lady Luck to smile on you in the upcoming draw, you must sincerely believe in her. This is the only way you can win a decent win with minimal investment. The ticket price is only one hundred rubles, so anyone can take part in the “Russian Lotto” drawing. For such a small amount, anyone can radically change their life for the better. In order not to miss your chance, it is recommended to purchase a gaming receipt for the upcoming draw. If you are unable to watch the game broadcast, you can always visit our specialized portal.

The next New Year's Lotto lottery draw with draw number 1264 will take place live on January 1, 2019, in the evening, 20:00, so the time is very convenient.

A billion rubles in the New Year's lottery "Russian Lotto"

From year to year it is already becoming a tradition to give away huge cash prizes. For example, in the last New Year's draw, as many as 2 billion rubles were drawn, although at first they planned to draw only 1 billion.

This year the situation will most likely repeat. But today the following prizes have been officially announced in the New Year’s lottery “Russian Lotto – Billion” 1264 draws:

  1. The main prize is 1 billion rubles. It will go to the one who hits the jackpot - who wins the lottery jackpot. If this does not happen, then the billion “Russian Lotto” will go to the winner of the next 2 round.
  2. 100 prizes of 1 million rubles each. As part of the draw New Year's edition More than 100 prizes of 1 million rubles each will be drawn. That is, there will be a lot of winnings.
  3. Other cash and in-kind prizes.

If we count in general, then it is planned to raffle more than 1 billion rubles among everyone who buys tickets for the New Year's Russian Lotto draw. Also in the New Year's edition - from 100 prizes of 1,000,000 rubles each. Absolutely any participant has a chance to win. Buy tickets for yourself or as a gift and watch the results live!

Tickets are sold at lottery kiosks, communication shops, Russian Post offices and on the website stoloto.ru.

Last year, the New Year's edition of the Russian Lotto caused an unprecedented stir. 42,500,003 tickets took part in it, the total amount of winnings was 2,286,454,048 rubles. The participant from Kazan was the luckiest of all - he won the Jackpot of 250,000,000 rubles. He became a multimillionaire, and you can become a billionaire.

In draw No. 1264 of the Russian Lotto, the minimum guaranteed amount of the prize fund in the category The “jackpot” will be 1 billion rubles. If there are multiple winners in a Jackpot category, the prize fund for that category will be divided equally between them. If there is not a single winner in the “Jackpot” category of Draw No. 1264, then 1 billion rubles will be raffled off within the “Second Round” category of Draw No. 1264. Moreover, if there are several winners in the “Second Round” category, the prize fund for this the categories will be divided equally between them.

How to win the New Year's lottery?

The rules of the Russian Lotto game are very simple. Before the drawing, barrels numbered from 1 to 90 will be placed in a bag. And in your ticket there are 2 playing fields 30 numbers from 1 to 90 are indicated. The circulation of 1264 is notable for the fact that only 2 barrels will remain in the bag, as many as one hundred prizes will be awarded in the amount of 1 million rubles, and, of course, many smaller prizes.

During the game, the leader takes out one barrel at a time from the bag. It is necessary to check the numbers on the tickets and cross them out as soon as the presenter pulls them out. The faster you cross out the numbers on the ticket, the bigger your winnings.

The drawing takes place in several rounds. In the first, it is necessary that the numbers drawn by the presenter match, and they are located on the same line of your ticket. In the 2nd round, it is necessary that the drawn numbers be in one of the 2 playing fields of your ticket faster than others (15 numbers). Further, the essence of the drawing is that all the drawn numbers end up on your ticket. That is, you should not have any numbers left uncrossed out on your ticket.

How to play?

The coupon has 2 fields, each of which has 15 numbers. If you purchase a ticket at ground-based points of sale, then in this case the numbers will already be stamped. When purchasing a coupon online, you can choose the numbers yourself.

Are there any chances of winning?

There are several options:

  • in 2018, 42,500,003 tickets were sold, and Grand Prize only one player took it, this indicates a chance of winning of 0.000002%;
  • the chances of 62 players receiving 161,000 rubles each were 0.00012%;
  • winners that won Vacation home there were 40 players, so the chance of winning is 0.00009%;
  • 55 people received 181,000 rubles each, the chance is 0.0001%;
  • the chances of winning other prizes in the game are 40%, but in this case the winnings will be small, in the region of 101-131 rubles. If you subtract the cost of the ticket, then net profit will be a very small amount.

It is worth noting that in the draw on January 1, 2019, the chances of winning will be different - more or less, since in this case the coupons will be purchased by a different number of players.

How and where is it better to buy a ticket for the New Year's Russian Lotto draw?

Today, purchasing a lottery ticket is not difficult. Thanks to computer and Internet technologies, the process of purchasing tickets is very simple and fast.

It is important to note that tickets for the New Year's edition of Russian Lotto can be purchased until 11 a.m. (Moscow time) on January 1, 2019. Residents of Russia wait for this event all year - the New Year's edition of the Russian Lotto. The most generous draw in lottery history. On this day, January 1, 2019, the country's first lottery billionaire may appear! Yes Yes! We will give away 1 BILLION RUBLES. You can buy tickets online now on the STOLOTO website. Take action!

The ticket looks like this:

The main ways to buy a 1264 circulation ticket:

  • Online purchase of a ticket via the Internet on the STOLOTO website. This site is official lottery supermarket in Russia, thanks to which you can officially buy lottery tickets for all state and non-state lotteries in our country. Today this is the main and most safe way purchasing the coveted ticket. Having purchased a ticket, you can immediately print it out and keep the paper version with you.
  • Purchase at lotto kiosks. There are people who, out of old habit, still buy tickets at lotto kiosks. These are mainly pensioners who do not have access to the Internet.
  • Buying a ticket at post offices. Also buy New Year's ticket You can visit the nearest Russian Post Offices.
  • Other outlets lotto sales agents (Euroset, Svyaznoy, etc.).

  1. It is safe. The electronic version of the ticket is always linked to your profile on the website and your phone number. Unlike a paper ticket, an electronic ticket cannot be lost, damaged, stolen, etc. Only you can receive the winnings.
  2. Around the clock 24/7. There is no need to go anywhere, just go to the website and buy a ticket by paying in a convenient way (by bank card, from a mobile number account, Yandex electronic money, WebMoney, etc.).
  3. Huge selection of tickets on the website. At the time of buying electronic ticket Hundreds of thousands of tickets with various combinations are available to you. And at points of sale, when you buy a paper ticket, you are usually given a choice of only 5-10 pieces.
  4. Bonuses for purchasing tickets. When purchasing online, you receive special bonuses for your purchase, which you can use to pay for other lottery tickets in the future.
  5. Automatic check. Electronic versions After the draw, tickets are automatically checked and you receive a message about how much you have won. But in any case, you can print out the ticket and check it yourself when broadcasting the circulation.

How much does a Stoloto “Win ​​a Billion” lottery ticket cost?

The cost of a Billion lottery ticket from Russian Lotto 2019 will cost 150 rubles. A ticket can be purchased as a real one at the post office or at kiosks, as well as a virtual one via the Internet. The ticket price is relatively small compared to what you can win.

Have you already bought a billion-dollar ticket from Russian Lotto?

Where and when will the 1264 draw be broadcast - how to check the ticket?

According to the tradition that has developed for several years, a special New Year's edition of the Russian Lotto lottery will take place - “Billion on New Year" Advertising will begin on TV soon. The broadcast of the festive New Year's “billionth” 1264th draw of “Russian Lotto” will take place as usual on the NTV channel on January 1, 2019 at 20:00 Moscow time.

In 2018, Russian Lotto was suspected of fraud; the broadcast was allegedly pre-recorded. I think this will not happen again in 2019 and everything will go fairly and smoothly. TV viewers will see their favorite presenters, celebrity guests and will receive a lot of festive New Year emotions.

If for some reason you still don’t watch the broadcast on NTV, you can easily check your tickets. Considering experience recent years, the results of the New Year's draw will be published on the STOLOTO website in the late afternoon of January 1, 2019, as well as at points of sale in 2-3 days.

How did the New Year's draw take place in 2018?

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