Pechorin's attitude to love is brief. Relations between Pechorin and Vera in the novel “A Hero of Our Time”: love and relationships

When Pechorin first saw the beautiful Circassian Bela, he thought that love for her would bring him healing from longing and disappointment. Bela was endowed not only with beauty. She was an ardent and tender girl, capable of deep feelings. Proud and bashful Bela is not devoid of consciousness of her dignity. When Pechorin lost interest in her, Bela, in a fit of indignation, says to Maxim Maksimych: “If he doesn’t love me, who’s stopping him from sending me home? .. If this continues, then I myself will leave: I’m not a slave, I’m a prince’s daughter!” .
The story with Bela showed Pechorin that in woman's love he was looking for happiness in vain. “I was mistaken again,” says Pechorin, “the love of a savage woman is little better than the love of a noble lady; the ignorance and simple-heartedness of one is just as annoying as the coquetry of another.”
Princess Mary, like Bela, is a victim of the restless Pechorin. This proud and restrained aristocrat was deeply carried away by the “army ensign” and decided not to reckon with the prejudices of her noble relatives. She was the first to confess to Pechorin her feelings. But at the moment of a decisive explanation with Princess Pechorin, he felt incapable of giving away his freedom to anyone. Marriage would be a "quiet haven". And he himself rejects Mary's love. Offended in her feelings, the sincere and noble Mary withdraws into herself and suffers.
Love for Vera was Pechorin's deepest and most lasting affection. Among his wanderings and adventures, he left faith, but returned to it again. Pechorin caused her a lot of suffering. “Since we have known each other,” Vera said, “you have given me nothing but suffering.” And yet she loved him. Ready to sacrifice to a loved one both self-esteem and the opinion of the world, Vera becomes a slave to her feelings, a martyr of love. Parting with her, Pechorin realized that faith was the only woman who understood him and continued to love him, despite his shortcomings. Pechorin experiences the final separation from Vera as a catastrophe: he indulges in despair and tears. Nowhere is Pechorin's hopeless loneliness and the suffering he engendered, which he hid from others under his usual firmness and composure, so clearly revealed.
Relations with the undine were just an exotic adventure for Pechorin. She is an undine, a mermaid, a girl from a forgotten fairy tale. This is what attracts Pechorin. Undoubtedly, his interest was influenced by the mysterious environment. For him, this is one of the coils of fate; for her, this is life, where everyone fights for their place, for their work.
Thus, Pechorin did not know how to truly love. He could only make those who treated him so devotedly and reverently suffer.

Grigory Pechorin is the main character of M. Yu. Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time". To fully reveal the image of the “extra person”, love lines are introduced into the work. Love is one of the central themes in the novel. Women in the life of the protagonist play a special role. In total, during the story, Pechorin had four women: Bela, Princess Mary, Vera, Ondine. Each love line has its own personality.

Most of Pechorin's lovers are secular women. Among them, the Circassian Bela stands out. This is a resident of the Caucasus, we can say that she is a savage. For Pechorin, she was just a passing fad. Although from the very beginning he thought that he had finally met the love of his life. The heroine attracted him with her purity and sincerity. When Bela can no longer imagine life without a hero, Pechorin completely loses interest in her. The simplicity that he liked before, now he is simply tired. Bela soon dies at the hands of a Circassian who is in love with her. And Pechorin comes to the conclusion: the love of a savage is no different from the love of a noble lady. He was wrong again.

The second hobby of the protagonist was Princess Mary. Pechorin falls in love with the proud and proud beauty. The history of their relationship was pure and sincere. The princess confesses her deep feelings to the hero, but Pechorin honestly answers her that she does not love her and never did. He understands that he is not ready to give someone his freedom. For the honor of the heroine, this is a big blow. Offended, Mary closes in on herself.

The third woman was Vera. Only Pechorin could truly love her. It was a long-term attachment between the two heroes. Each time they returned to each other again and again. And it brought a lot of suffering to both heroes. Vera is married, but she is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her beloved. However, Pechorin does not want to do anything for their love. Therefore, Vera, although she continued to love the hero, decides to part with him. This decision brought great pain to Pechorin. For him, it's a disaster. And the parting scene itself shows that the egoist Pechorin still knows how to love.

Pechorin's next relationship was meeting with an undine. For him it was an adventure again. He was attracted by the exoticism and unusualness of the girl. The situation in which he was, demanded such a mysterious relationship from the soul of the hero. After a dangerous date, Pechorin cannot believe that a date with a girl could end in his death. For her, this is life itself, in which she is used to fighting for her cause.

After analyzing all Pechorin's relationships, we can say that the hero knows how to love, but he does not want to do this. He is indifferent to everything in his life, and he admits it. To all the women with whom he had some kind of relationship, he brings only pain and disappointment. With his indifference, he broke not a single fate. He is an egoist, and beautiful girls suffer from his egoism. The images of Bela, Princess Mary, Vera and Undine are so different, but the result was the same for everyone. No one managed to tie himself to a strong relationship with Pechorin. He hurt the feelings of each of them to the point of pain.

Option 2

The real "hero" of our time, Grigory Pechorin, is a favorite of secular ladies, a conqueror of women's hearts and a seducer. He is spoiled by female attention, does not tolerate women with character and is not going to tie his life in marriage.

He is a young officer with an attractive appearance - this is enough for society ladies to be crazy about him. Pechorin himself is well versed in women, knows how to attract attention and make him fall in love quickly. He skillfully uses this either out of boredom, or out of a desire to be loved. Egocentric personality traits haunt him. That is why it is so difficult for Pechorin to imagine that he should offer his hand and heart to one of his beautiful persons. He needs universal admiration. This amuses his pride, does not let him get bored and creates the illusion that he is successful. But, alas, a happy life never shines.

Does Grigory Pechorin love or only enjoy attention? Yes, he loves, falls in love, but these feelings are fleeting. He does not allow them to take root, because this will mean the development of deep affection and will require certain efforts, responsibility before choosing.

Among the beloved of a young officer there are not only secular ladies. Bela is a resident of the Caucasus, a "wild" girl, not trained in the manners of high society. It seems that Pechorin is crazy about her, that he decides to kidnap her. But only 4 months of their life together pass, and Gregory is bored again, his soul longs for a glimpse of a new passion. His credo is to get passionate about it and cool off quickly.

The young officer realizes that he is depraved and corrupted. He seeks love, but finds only passion. He needs a constant feeling of some kind of movement, the atmosphere of a storm, outbursts of emotions. Thoughts of everyday family life as a safe haven depress his young mind. The hero is not ready for family life, he honestly tells his beloved about this, which finally breaks girls' hearts, and dooms himself to loneliness.

He needs to do deep introspection to understand why he is so unhappy, despite his success among females. His superficial attitude to life and in particular to relationships leads to a series of losses and troubles. He thinks only about himself, about his well-being and comfort, but the feelings of his beloved women worry him to a lesser extent, hence all the problems of an egoist.

Women and love Pechorin (Grade 9)

Pechorin is a non-standard and original personality. He may seem capricious, like a lady, and after a while - demonstrate heroism during the battle with the enemy. The inconsistency of his image is expressed both in the appearance of the hero and in his actions. His smile is like that of a child, his face is young, but traces of wrinkles are visible on it. When he laughs, his eyes are serious. He looks like a melancholic, disappointed in life. But is it really so? At that time it was fashionable to put on a kind of "bored" mask. Perhaps this is how he attracted women who fell in love with him selflessly and devotedly. In the work, the hero meets many girls who captivate his passionate nature. It is difficult to say whether this is true love or a whim of a bored officer. Completely different women, different fates, different upbringing. This is a smuggler girl ("Taman"), Nastya in "The Fatalist", and a Circassian princess ("Bela"), and two women at once in "Princess Mary".

Pechorin quickly got carried away and quickly cooled down. The object of his love became fun. And he made all these women unhappy, for some, relations with Gregory ended tragically. The Circassian Bela died because Pechorin was indifferent to her. Seeing this girl once, Grigory, like a capricious child, certainly wanted to have a beautiful “doll” with him. The Caucasian princess did not reciprocate at first, and he was interested in making her feel passion. Bela was in a Russian fortress, she was very homesick and did not respond to Pechorin's advances. He gave her gifts, spent evenings at her feet. And when Bela's heart thawed, and she fell in love with him, he had already begun to cool. The aristocrat Mary Lithuanian became seriously ill. Vera died of consumption, most likely, not having survived the betrayals and periodic indifference of Pechorin. But it is important to replace that his relationship with Vera was different from his relationship with other girls. It can be assumed that he loved only her. The image of Vera is somewhat vague. Lack of self-esteem, slavish worship of the object of love. But at the same time, the sincerity of her feelings is questionable. Vera loves Pechorin, but she marries twice by design in order to cheat on her husbands with Pechorin again and again. What's this? Love? Or maybe she is simply attracted by the mystery of relationships and romanticism?

Pechorin, passionately wants to be the master of the soul of a loving woman, demanding that she sacrifice herself, but he himself is not capable of long-term, sincere love. But at the same time, the hero is a self-tormenting egoist, breaking the hearts of others, experiencing genuine pain. Causing torment to the heroines in love with him, he himself suffers painfully. He was already ready to make an offer to Princess Mary, because he feels compassion for her. When he received the last letter from Vera, but could not catch up with her, he sobs from hopelessness, and at that moment she becomes for him "more than anything in the world - more expensive than life, honor, happiness!" Pechorin sincerely mourned and tormented when Bela died in his arms.

In all love stories, not only the courageous character of the hero emerges, but also the inferiority of his life position. He tries to hide and disguise his fear of the realities of life. Pechorin did not find happiness in love, despite his many novels.

Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was born in Moscow in 1814 from the marriage of a noblewoman and a military man from an impoverished family. Having lost his mother early, he was brought up by his grandmother. Having received his primary education from home teachers, he entered a boarding school at the university, then graduated from Moscow University, spent two years at the school of guards officers.

He wrote his first psychological novel in Russian literature, A Hero of Our Time, in 1838-1840. The novel includes several stories that describe Pechorin's love affairs (except "Maxim Maksimovich"). The main character, Grigory Pechorin, is an interesting young officer. Lermontov describes the character of the hero in order to reveal his weak and strong features, to make the reader think, the negative or positive hero Pechorin.

Composition 4 (Love in the life of Pechorin)

The novel by M. Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time" is a subtle and deep psychological study of the character of the main character, Grigory Pechorin. Passing through different life situations, it is revealed from different sides. The facets of character are characterized, first of all, by the relationships of people who meet on his way.

In all the stories (except for "The Fatalist" and "Maxim Maksimych") that make up the novel, there are female images. The young hero, in the past a secular lion, cannot remain indifferent to female beauty. But his attitude to the heroines of the novel cannot be called love, it is a short-term hobby, the desire to win a new heart. And when it is conquered, interest immediately fades away.

So it was with Bela, the heroine of the story of the same name. Pechorin is ready to risk his life, destroying the fate of others only for the sake of achieving one goal - the love of a Caucasian beauty. His whim leads to the death of the girl. Fed up with connections with secular women, for whom love is often just a game, fun, he, like them, does not attach much importance to love relationships. But for an inexperienced, pure, almost wild mountain girl, love is the main thing in life, so deceit and disappointment deeply hurt her. Lermontov decides the fate of Bela mercilessly: she dies. Apparently, this was a more humane finale of the girl's fate than staying alive and being abandoned by Pechorin. For a young Georgian woman, this would be an indelible shame among her fellow tribesmen and an inglorious end in loneliness.

Pechorin is bored, he is looking for thrills, and love, which is not easy for him, attracts him like a victim of a hunter.

The subdued, proud Princess Mary immediately meets Pechorin's cooling and indifference. Lermontov gradually leads his hero through overcoming obstacles on the way to the conquest of Mary. He is sincerely fond of wrestling, the more difficult the situation, the more interesting. Pechorin acts as a smart psychologist, prudent businessman, talented actor. As a result, the girl's heart is broken, the love tragedy that she experienced will leave a deep sad mark on her life.

Pechorin also thoughtlessly, without thinking about the consequences, destroys the life of a poor family in the story "Taman". The undine girl becomes a toy for Pechorin, there is not even a hint of love here. It is simply amusing for a bored young man to peep into an unfamiliar life, to intervene in it. He enjoys the risky adventure that love is for him. And the fact that his intervention breaks the usual way of life of smugglers.

In the novel, perhaps, there is one woman whom Grigory Alexandrovich loves. This is Vera in the story "Princess Mary". It is after her that he rushes, driving the horse, sobbing in despair, having lost.

But the image of Vera passes in the background, it is not revealed. Obviously, Lermontov understood that Pechorin would quickly fall out of love with Vera, if she were next to him.

Thus, love in Pechorin's life is a kaleidoscope of fleeting hobbies that do not enter deep into the heart of the hero. Pechorin shows his selfishness, inability to empathize, indifference. The innermost, deepest human feeling in the hands of Lermontov becomes a tool for revealing the character of the hero of the 40s of the 19th century, devastated, indifferent, not seeing a goal in life.

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  • The theme of love in "A Hero of Our Time" is one of the central themes that the author explores. There are a lot of love conflicts in the novel. Even the main character, outwardly cold and selfish Pechorin, is looking for love, he finds it in the hearts of three women of Vera, Mary Ligovskaya and Bela, but the love of these beautiful women does not bring happiness to Pechorin.

    In this novel, love generally does not bring joy to anyone, it is a test for each of the characters, and often their love experiences end tragically.

    Let's try to consider the main love lines of this work.

    Pechorin - Bela - Kazbich

    One of the literary critics, analyzing the content of this work, rightly noted that the compositional structure of the novel is based on endless love triangles.
    Indeed, there are a lot of love triangles here.

    In the first part of the novel "Bela" we learn that Pechorin kidnaps a young Circassian Bela from his own father and makes her his mistress. Proud Bela is smart, beautiful and kind. She fell in love with the Russian officer with all her heart, but she realized that in his soul there was no reciprocal feeling for her. Pechorin kidnapped her for fun and soon lost all interest in his captive.
    As a result, Bela is unhappy, her love has brought her nothing but deep sorrow.

    In one of the walks near the fortress in which she lives with Pechorin, she is kidnapped by the Circassian Kazbich, who is in love with her. Seeing the chase, Kazbich mortally wounds Bela, and she dies two days later in the fortress in the arms of Pechorin.

    As a result, this love triangle does not bring satisfaction and joy to any of the heroes. Kazbich, who has killed his beloved, is tormented by remorse, Pechorin understands that Bela's love could not awaken him to life and realizes that he killed the young girl in vain, driven by a sense of pride and selfishness. In his diary, he later wrote: “I was mistaken again, the love of a savage woman is little better than the love of a noble lady; the ignorance and simple-heartedness of one is just as annoying as the coquetry of another.”

    Pechorin - Mary - Grushnitsky

    The theme of love in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" is represented by another love triangle, in which Pechorin, Princess Mary Ligovskaya and Grushnitsky, who is in love with her, are in love, whom Pechorin, unwittingly, kills in a duel.

    This love triangle is also tragic. It leads all its participants either to endless grief, or to death, or to the realization of their spiritual worthlessness.

    We can say that the main character of this triangle is Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin. It is he who constantly laughs at the young man Grushnitsky, who is in love with Mary, which ultimately leads the latter to jealousy and to a fatal challenge for him to a duel. It is Pechorin, who, having become interested in Princess Ligovskaya, brings this proud girl to the point that she herself confesses her love to him. And he rejects her proposal, which causes on her part a feeling of longing and deceived hopes.

    Pechorin is dissatisfied with himself, but he, trying to explain the motives of his behavior, only says that freedom is dearer to him than love, he simply does not want to change his life for the sake of another person, even a girl like Princess Mary.

    Pechorin - Vera - Vera's husband

    Love in Lermontov's work "The Hero of Our Time" finds its expression in yet another passionate love triangle.
    It includes Pechorin, a secular married lady Vera and her husband, about whom the novel is only mentioned. He met Vera Pechorin back in St. Petersburg, he was passionately in love with her, but her marriage and fear of the world prevented the further development of their romance.

    In Kislovodsk, Vera and Pechorin meet by chance, and the old relationship flares up again with its former strength.

    Pechorin shows tenderness to Vera when she suddenly leaves Kislovodsk, he drives his horse to death to keep up with her, which, however, he fails. However, these love relationships do not bring happiness to either Vera or Pechorin. This is confirmed by the words of the heroine: “Since we know each other,” she said, “you have given me nothing but suffering.”

    In fact, this love triangle anticipates the love conflict described in the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina". There, too, a secular married lady meets a young officer, falls in love with him and understands that her husband has become unpleasant to her. Unlike Vera, Anna Karenina breaks up with her husband, goes to her lover, but finds only misfortunes, which leads her to suicide.

    Pechorin - Ondine - Janko

    And, finally, the last love triangle of the novel is the story that happened to Pechorin on Taman. There, he accidentally uncovered a gang of smugglers who almost killed him for this.

    This time, the participants in the love triangle were Pechorin, a girl whom he nicknamed "undine", that is, a mermaid, and her beloved smuggler Yanko.

    However, this love conflict was more of a gamble in which Pechorin decided to distract himself from his experiences. Undine was not in love with him, but lured him only in order to drown him as an unwanted witness. The girl took such a dangerous step, obeying the feeling of falling in love with Yanko.

    Pechorin realized the danger of his position and came to the conclusion that he had put himself in vain at such a risk.

    As we can see, the love theme in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" is presented quite vividly. At the same time, there are no examples of happy love in the work. And this is not surprising, because love and friendship in the work of Lermontov are always tragic themes. According to the writer and poet, on earth a person can never find true love, because he himself bears the seal of imperfection. Therefore, people will love and suffer because their love cannot bring them happiness, joy, or peace.

    It will be useful for students of grade 9 to familiarize themselves with a description of the main love lines of the novel before writing an essay on the topic “The theme of love in the novel“ A Hero of Our Time ””.

    Artwork test

    In the lyric-psychological novel "A Hero of Our Time" M. Yu. Lermontov aims to fully convey the character of the protagonist and the reasons for his failures. Grigory Alexandrovich Pechorin finds himself in the Caucasus because of some regular "story" that happened to him in St. Petersburg. His life confronts a variety of people from different walks of life and fields of activity. Throughout the work, the character of the hero is tested in love, friendship and emergency situations.

    We see that his relationship does not add up, and his personal life makes him sad. Pechorin is characterized by the inconsistency of character, and the author also attributes to him a considerable share of egoism and skepticism. But its main enemy is still boredom. Everything he does is just to somehow fill his spiritual emptiness. Despite the fact that the hero is endowed with courage, willpower, high intelligence, insight, vivid imagination, a special form of morality that is peculiar only to him, he lacks spiritual warmth.

    He treats friends either coldly or indifferently, giving nothing in return. Women are all the same for him and make him bored. Pechorin has rich experience in communicating with the opposite sex, and only one woman managed to keep his attention for many years. This is Vera, with whom fate again pushed him in Pyatigorsk near the Ligovskys. Despite the fact that she is married, seriously ill, she still devotedly loves Gregory with all his shortcomings. She alone manages to look into his vicious soul and not be afraid.

    However, the hero did not appreciate this devotion either, so at the end of the story, Vera leaves him, and with it, faith in life, faith in a bright future. We see that the hero of Lermontov is deeply unhappy. This is a person who does not know how to love. He would like to, but nothing. In parting, Vera tells him that "no one can be as truly unhappy as he is," and in this she, alas, is right. In the Caucasus, he made other attempts to get close to women, but they all ended tragically.

    Article menu:

    The relationship between Vera and Pechorin from Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" looks very tragic and somewhat paradoxical. In cases where the relationship of the characters becomes impossible due to a number of social or historical reasons (for example, Erasmus and Lisa, Romeo and Juliet), tragedy acquires large-scale features - it is difficult to resist the era or social order, but when the tragedy of relations lies in individual traits ( unrequited love), the tragedy is felt especially sharply.

    Dear readers! We offer which was written by M.Yu. Lermontov.

    At such moments, the notion comes that sometimes a person’s happiness did not materialize due to the fact that a person close to him was not ready to take drastic measures.

    Relations between Pechorin and Vera before meeting in the Caucasus

    Vera and Pechorin were old acquaintances. Lermontov does not detail the description of these relations, which were formed before the described events in the Caucasus. Minor phrases suggest that these people were connected by a long-standing love, which, for some unknown reason, did not develop into something more, for example, into marriage. Despite the fact that Pechorin and Vera did not communicate for a long time, warm, friendly relations remained between them. It is likely that the former sympathy did not allow the development of a feeling of anger or resentment against each other.

    Development of relations in Kislovodsk

    A new round in the relationship between Vera and Pechorin falls at the time of their stay in Pyatigorsk and Kislovodsk.

    During this period, Vera is in a state of physical and moral exhaustion - she is seriously ill, it is likely that this disease, which resembles an incurable fever, will become fatal in a woman's life, since the treatment produced does not bring significant results. In addition, Vera is unhappy in marriage - she married an unloved person and is now tormented by the lack of romantic feelings towards her husband.

    Pechorin, at the time of the meeting, is on the verge of depression - he does not find his place in life, allowing him to feel moral satisfaction.

    After a long separation, young people meet again, and a former feeling flares up between them.
    Vera's marriage does not become an obstacle to the development of relations - in order to avoid publicity, young people meet secretly.

    However, the idyll in their relationship did not last long - Pechorin, driven by the desire to cause Vera to have an attack of jealousy, begins to court Princess Mary in a demonstrative manner, thus causing considerable mental anguish to Vera.

    Dear readers! We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

    Despite such a selfish attitude towards herself, Vera does not stop loving Pechorin - she sincerely worries about the outcome of the duel. Haunted by fear of loss and mental anguish, Vera confesses to her husband about her relationship with Pechorin. A quarrel arises between the spouses, which, however, Vera practically does not remember - her internal state and moral turmoil do not allow her to sensibly assess everything that is happening. As a result, the woman, having written a farewell letter to Pechorin, leaves with her husband.

    The vainness of the sacrifice of Faith

    The subtle spiritual organization of Vera, in combination with an outstanding mind, becomes a key factor supporting Pechorin's interest in a woman.

    However, this does not allow Vera to avoid mistakes in relationships. On the one hand, she is aware of the harmfulness of these relationships and their doom. Vera understands that Pechorin acts towards her like any man - he just enjoys her favor and love, but on the other hand, she hopes that she will become the woman who will heal Pechorin from his eternal dissatisfaction and blues.

    For this purpose, a woman is ready to sacrifice herself, in return hoping to get the same thing - a certain sacrifice on the part of Pechorin, which would allow her to become happy and know the joy of a harmonious life, but Pechorin does not make a reciprocal move. On the one hand, such an act of his looks extremely selfish, on the other hand, it is natural. Whatever the good intentions of Vera, Pechorin did not ask her for this sacrifice.

    Faith, however sad it may be, was guided solely by its own initiative, and, as is known from the proverb, it is punishable. The general tragedy of the situation is further enhanced by the fact that Pechorin did not promise Vera any retaliatory actions on his part. As a result, Vera, being truly in love with Pechorin, experiences mental anguish due to an unfair unrequited attitude towards her person, while Pechorin, who did not make any promises and only accepts the victim, is calm - by his standards, he does not owe Vera anything.

    Did Pechorin love Vera?

    The relationship between Vera and Pechorin seems more than prosaic. Straightforward statements about passionate attraction to each other and about the emergence of romantic feelings allow us to say that Vera became the only woman in Pechorin's life that he really loved.

    While in other cases the arisen passion faded as quickly as it appeared, the relationship with Vera is devoid of such transience. After a while, the woman still remains desired by Pechorin.

    Having received Vera's farewell letter, Pechorin is tormented by doubts - what should he do, whether it is worth catching up with Vera on the way, which also suggests the presence of deeper feelings than just a temporary hobby.

    However, this story has another side to the coin. Pechorin is courting Princess Mary in order to cause an attack of jealousy in Vera - he likes to realize that he is becoming the cause of mental anguish and anguish. Is that what they do with their loved ones?

    To some extent, Pechorin acts selfishly towards a woman - he is little concerned about the possible consequences of such relationships outside of marriage, as well as the further fate of Vera.

    After reading the letter, Pechorin does not feel tormented by conscience for his ignoble act - emptiness and chaos still reign in his soul.

    As a result, we can say that Vera in the life of Pechorin was, of course, an important and significant person. Definitely, he had strong, deep feelings for Vera, but it is likely that Pechorin, who himself was in disharmony with the whole world, was not able to realize the full significance of this person in his life. Vera's sincere love became an occasion for Pechorin to assert himself, to amuse his pride and selfishness.

    Vera, in turn, being unhappy in marriage, hoped to find peace of mind and happiness with the help of relations with Pechorin. She is so captivated by the young man that she is ready to sacrifice everything she has, just for the sake of the hope of an illusory happiness.

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