British writers. Notable British writers

McEwan masterfully combines a laconic narrative style with an unpredictable ending. At the center of his story are two friends, the editor of a popular newspaper, and the composer composing the Millennium Symphony. True, almost nothing remained of their friendship, only hidden anger and resentment. It is worth reading to find out how the confrontation of the old comrades ended.

In this selection, we have included the writer's most English novel, in which he tries to explain what good old England is. Events unfold on the attraction island of Wight, where all sorts of stereotypes about the country are collected: the monarchy, Robin Hood, The Beatles, beer ... Indeed, why do tourists need modern England, if there is a miniature copy that combines all the most interesting?

Victorian love story poets of the 19th century, which is intertwined with the history of modern scientists. A book for the intellectual reader who will enjoy the rich language, classic plots and numerous allusions to cultural and historical phenomena.

Kou has been composing for a long time jazz music which affected his literary creativity. "What a swindle!" akin to improvisation, this is a bold and unexpected novel.

Michael, writer middle class, gets the opportunity to tell the story of the wealthy and very influential Winshaw family. The problem is that these greedy relatives who have taken possession of all spheres public life, poison the lives of other people and do not cause sympathy.

If you've watched Cloud Atlas, then you should know that David Mitchell came up with this incredible convoluted story. But today we recommend that you start reading another, no less interesting novel.

Dream #9 is often compared to the best works. Eiji, a young boy, comes to Tokyo in search of his father, whom he has never seen. For eight weeks in the metropolis, he managed to find love, fall into the clutches of the yakuza, make peace with his alcoholic mother, find friends ... You have to figure out for yourself what happened in reality and what happened in a dream.

"Tennis balls of heaven" - modern version"The Count of Monte Cristo", supplemented with new details and meanings. Although the plot is known to us, it is simply impossible to stop reading.

Main character- student Ned Maddstone, whose life is going nowhere better. He is handsome, smart, rich, educated, from a good family. But because of the stupid joke of envious comrades, his whole life changes dramatically. Ned finds himself locked in a psychiatric hospital, where he lives with only one goal - to get out in order to take revenge.

A novel about the life of 30-year-old Bridget Jones is popular all over the world. Thanks in part to a Hollywood film adaptation starring Renee Zellweger and Colin Firth. But by and large because of the eccentric and so charming Bridget. She counts calories, tries to quit smoking and drink less, experiences setbacks in her personal life, but still looks to the future with optimism and believes in love.

There are books to which you forgive the simplicity of the plot, and the banality of the scenes, and stupid coincidences, simply because they have soulfulness. "Bridget Jones's Diary" is that rare case.

The story of the boy with the scar is real cultural phenomenon. The first book "Harry Potter and philosopher's Stone” was rejected by 12 publishers, and only a small Bloomsbury decided to publish it at its own peril and risk. And it didn't fail. "" was a resounding success, and Rowling herself was the love of readers around the world.

Against the backdrop of magic and sorcery, we are talking about familiar and important things - friendship, honesty, courage, readiness to help and resist evil. Therefore, the fictional world of Rowling captivates readers of any age.

The Collector is John Fowles' most frightening yet gripping novel. The protagonist Frederick Clegg loves to collect butterflies, but at some point he decides to add the cute girl Miranda to his collection. We learn this story from the words of the kidnapper and from the diary of his victim.

Everyone knows the plot of the novel by Daniel Defoe. However, the book contains many other interesting details about the organization of Robinson's life on the island, his biography, inner experiences. If you ask a person who has not read the book to describe the character of Robinson, he is unlikely to cope with this task.

AT mass consciousness Crusoe is a smart character without character, feelings and history. In the novel, the image of the protagonist is revealed, which allows you to look at the plot from a different angle.

Why you need to read

To get to know one of the most famous adventure novels and find out who Robinson Crusoe really was.

Swift does not openly challenge society. Like a true Englishman, he does it correctly and witty. His satire is so subtle that Gulliver's Travels can be read like a normal fairy tale.

Why you need to read

For children, Swift's novel is a fun and unusual adventure story. Adults need to read it to get acquainted with one of the most famous artistic satires.

This novel, let artistically and not the most outstanding, definitely iconic in the history of literature. After all, in many respects he predetermined the development of the scientific genre.

But it's not just an entertaining read. It raises the problems of relations between the creator and creation, God and man. Who is responsible for creating a being that is destined to suffer?

Why you need to read

To get acquainted with one of the main works science fiction, as well as to feel the difficult problems that are often lost in film adaptations.

Difficult to single out best play Shakespeare. There are at least five of them: Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth. The unique style and deep understanding of life's contradictions made Shakespeare's works an immortal classic, relevant at all times.

Why you need to read

To begin to understand poetry, literature and life. And also to find the answer to the question, what is still better: to be or not to be?

main theme English Literature early 19th century was social criticism. Thackeray in his novel denounces his contemporary society with the ideals of success and material enrichment. To be in society means to be sinful - this is approximately Thackeray's conclusion regarding his social environment.

After all, the successes and joys of yesterday lose their meaning when a well-known (albeit unknown) tomorrow dawns ahead, which we all will have to think about sooner or later.

Why you need to read

To learn to relate more easily to the life and opinions of others. After all, everyone in society is infected with "fair ambitions" that have no real value.

The language of the novel is beautiful, and the dialogues are the epitome of English wit. Oscar Wilde is a subtle psychologist, which is why his characters turned out to be so complex and multifaceted.

This book is about human vice, cynicism, the difference between the beauty of the soul and the body. If you think about it, to some extent each of us is Dorian Gray. Only we do not have a mirror on which sins would be imprinted.

Why you need to read

To enjoy the amazing language of the UK's wittiest writer, to see how much the moral image can not match the external, and also to become a little better. Wilde's work is a spiritual portrait not only of his era, but of all mankind.

The ancient Greek myth about a sculptor who fell in love with his creation acquires a new, socially significant sound in the play by Bernard Shaw. What should a work feel for its author if this work is a person? How can it refer to the creator - the one who made it in accordance with his ideals?

Why you need to read

This is the most famous play Bernard Shaw. It is often staged in theaters. According to many critics, "Pygmalion" is a landmark work of English drama.

A universally recognized masterpiece of English literature, familiar to many from cartoons. Who, at the mention of Mowgli, does not hear Kaa's long hissing in his head: "Man-cub ..."?

Why you need to read

In adulthood, hardly anyone will take up The Jungle Book. A person has only one childhood to enjoy the creation of Kipling and appreciate it. So be sure to introduce your children to the classics! They will be grateful to you.

And again comes to mind soviet cartoon. It's really good, and the dialogue in it is almost entirely taken from the book. However, the images of the characters and the general mood of the narrative in the original source are different.

Stevenson's novel is realistic and rather harsh in places. But this is a good adventure work that every child and adult will read with pleasure. boardings, sea ​​wolves, wooden legs - marine theme beckons and attracts.

Why you need to read

Because it's fun and exciting. In addition, the novel is disassembled into quotes, which everyone must know.

Interest in the deductive abilities of the great detective is still great thanks to a huge number screen adaptations. A lot of people are only from films and are familiar with the classic detective story. But there are many screen adaptations, and there is only one collection of stories, but what a one!

Why you need to read

H. G. Wells was in many ways a pioneer in the science fiction genre. Before him, people were not at enmity with, he was the first to write about time travel. Without The Time Machine, we would not have seen either the movie Back to the Future or the cult TV series Doctor Who.

They say that all life is a dream, and also a nasty, pitiful one, nap, although the other still does not dream.

Why you need to read

To look at the origins of many of the sci-fi ideas that have become popular in modern culture.

England's greatest writer William Shakespeare is the world's most famous playwright. He is the author of a dozen plays and hundreds of sonnets, and he also owns the most famous poems and epitaphs.

Shakespeare's works have been translated into virtually all languages ​​of the world, and William became truly famous only in the 19th century.

It is he who owns such works as "King Lear", "Romeo and Juliet", "Macbeth", "Othello" and "Hamlet". Today there is no person who does not know famous expression: "To be or not to be? - that is the question!"

Arthur Conan Doyle

The well-known and beloved writer Arthur Conan Doyle was actually a doctor by training.

It is thanks to him that we know today about the brilliant Sherlock Holmes and the popular Professor Challenger, as well as the brave officer Gerard. Sir Arthur wrote a huge number of adventure, historical and humorous stories. All his life he was fond of playing cricket, politics and medicine.

In 2004, documents and personal letters from politicians and the US president were found, valued at more than £2 million.

Agatha Christie

Her real name is Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller. She is the second most popular author in the world after William Shakespeare.

Her work has been translated into almost all languages ​​​​of the world and today the reader enjoys such masterpieces as "The Mysterious Affair at Styles", "The Mysterious Adversary", "Murder on the Golf Course", "Poirot Investigates" and much more.

Charles Dickens

Even during his lifetime, this great writer achieved popularity and became world famous. Charles John Huffham Dickens - a classic of the world fiction. Dickens was born in 1812, lived for almost 60 years, but managed to write as many well-known works as almost no one could.

Charles received the Grand Fellowship of the Royal Society of Arts. They say about him that he became a darling of fate and a universal favorite, especially among women. He wrote such works as "Oliver Twist", "Our Mutual Friend", " Great expectations», « cold house”, “Copperfield” and much more.

Dickens came from a poor family, but thanks to his decent fees, he was able to provide himself and his loved ones with a good life.

Rudyard Kipling

In 1865, the famous novelist, poet and writer Joseph Rudyard Kipling was born in India. When the boy was 5 years old, his family safely moved to England.

He became the author of many poems, prose and poems, for which he received Nobel Prize in 1907, and also received awards from Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh Universities. Kipling owns such notable works like "Kim", "Jungle Book", "Courageous Captains", "Ganga Din".

Rudyard was fond of journalism, thanks to which he perfectly understands the life of the country. And the travels that he regularly made as a writer helped him convey the whole flavor of Asia and the United States.

Oscar Wilde

The great and talented Oscar Wilde was born in Dublin in 1854. The writer's father was a good doctor, for which he was knighted. The family was proud of the breadwinner, but Oscar decided to go his own way and began writing books about archeology and folklore.

Oscar studied at the Royal School and spoke French and German. At an older age, the guy began to get involved in antiquity and showed interest in ancient languages. Oscar Wilde traveled extensively and pursued knowledge all his life. He dedicated his works to his family and friends, as well as to the events that left a mark on his life.

The most popular works are "Sonnet to Liberty", "To Milton", "Phaedra", "Shelley's Grave" and much more.

Joanne Rowling

One of the most famous contemporary writers considered JK Rowling. Due to the frequent relocations of the family, the girl did not have permanent friends, except that she was inseparable from her sister.

One day the girl meets interesting personality with the surname Potter, after which Joan comes up with the idea of ​​a brilliant work. So after some time, his studies at Hogwarts were born. Of course, the world did not see the book right away, however, it is thanks to her that today every schoolchild and student knows this brilliant English writer.

In the 90s, Joan moved to Portugal, where she taught English and continued to work on the Potter books. There she meets her soulmate and gets married.

John Tolkien

Probably, today there is no person who would not watch or read The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, or There and Back Again. But the author of these famous creations is a professor at Oxford University, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien. In 2008, the writer was in the top five the best authors Great Britain.

The family moved several times when the boy was still a child and then he lost his father. Nevertheless, the guy was very smart, well-read thanks to the efforts of his mother.

As a young man, he was inquisitive and read a lot, he already liked girls, and at the age of 21 Tolkien wrote a letter to his beloved with a marriage proposal. Their union turned out to be strong: they lived a long and happy life.

H. G. Wells

His family was poor, his father tried to trade, however, the business did not bring income. The writer's family lived due to the fact that his father often played cricket. However, the boy was able to get an education and become a doctor of biology.

George taught and actively participated in political life. Many memorials were erected after his death, and it is also said that George Wells brought light to many lives by selflessly educating the poor.

Robert Louis Stevenson

Stevenson Robert Lewis is a famous Scottish writer and author of many adventure stories and short stories. The boy was born in poor family, graduated from the Edinburgh Academy and entered the university.

The child suffered several serious diseases in childhood, and in his youth, under family pressure, he married. The first edition of Stevenson was issued with the money of his father, then the guy became interested in the history of his native Scotland. His stories have been published in local newspapers and magazines.

The writer traveled a lot, but did not stop creating his masterpieces until last day. The great author died in Samoa of a stroke.

Daniel Defoe

In 1660, the great writer Daniel Defoe was born in London. Everyone's favorite work "The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe" glorified the author throughout the world and was translated into many languages.

By the way, it was Defoe who was recognized as the founder English novel. Throughout his life, Daniel published about 500 books, the plot of which was made into films.

The Defoe family hoped that their son would become a shepherd, but the boy made a choice in favor of art and the first works were written on religious themes. Defoe received a good education, met with influential people and even went to jail. Daniel Defoe met his death far from his relatives in 1731 in London.

Jonathan Swift

In 1667 a poet was born and public figure Jonathan Swift. The Anglican priest dreamed of making the world a better place, changing people, so he got the idea to write about human vices. So the work "Gulliver's Travels" appeared.

The writer was born in a poor Protestant family, his father died very early, so the child grew up in the family of a wealthy relative. I hardly saw my mother.

Nevertheless, the boy was able to get a good education, found a decent job and, in memory of his childhood and family history, wrote an “Autobiographical Fragment”. He wrote such works as "The Battle of the Books", "The Diary for Stella", "The Butterfly's Tale" and many poems and poems.

George Byron

George Gordon Byron, more commonly known as Lord Byron, is a writer who captured the imagination not only of Europe, but of the whole world. A boy was born into a poor family: his father lost his fortune, and his mother returned from Europe with what little was left.

The boy studied at private school, then in the gymnasium, however, according to him, his nannies taught him more than all the teachers at school. In addition, his mother did not feel great love for her son and often threw things at him.

The title of lord came to him from his late grandfather along with the family estate. In his youth, the writer loved to read and travel, which he was very proud of later. Byron wrote throughout his life.

He owns such famous works as "Abydos Bride", " Jewish melodies”, “Parisina”, “Tasso’s Complaint”, “Darkness”, “A Christian and His Comrades”. In memory of the great writer, a city in Greece was named, and his portrait is depicted on postage stamps.

Lewis Carroll

One of the most versatile personalities in England is Lewis Carroll. He was a writer, interested in photography, mathematics and philosophy. His most famous works were Alice in Wonderland, Alice Through the Looking-Glass, and The Hunt for the Snark.

The boy was born in large family. There was not much money, so his father was engaged in his education. Lewis was a smart and quick-witted child, he was left-handed, which made his relatives very unhappy.

After some time, the boy went to school, and then in college began his writing career. He sent his work to local newspapers and magazines. In 1867, Lewis went on his first and only journey, visiting Moscow and other European cities.

Somerset Maugham

William Somerset Maugham one of the most successful English writers of the 20th century. Was born future author in a successful French family. Parents hoped that the child would choose a career as a lawyer in the future, but the boy was not attracted to jurisprudence. Until the age of 10, the child spoke only French therefore, his father sent him to live with relatives in England.

There he became interested in medicine, went to school at the hospital and wrote his first work, Lisa of Lambeth, about this experience. During the war, William even worked as a scout and was sent to Russia for a specific purpose.

After the war, the writer traveled extensively in Asia, about which he spoke in his work. He also owns The Hero, The Creation of a Saint, The Conqueror of Africa, Carousel, and many other novels.

Warm greetings to my readers!

Both small and big. Although today's lesson will be more about the first. We are waiting English writers for children and their works. We will also touch on the "old men" from the 19th century. And consider the "youth" of the 20th century. And I'll give you a list of where they are famous books and the famous are arranged in the order of my sincere love :).

Let `s start?

  • Lewis Carroll

Many people know this writer for his restless heroine Alice and her endless travels either to Wonderland or through the Looking Glass. The writer's biography itself is no less interesting than his books. He grew up in a large family - with 3 brothers and 7 sisters. He loved to draw and dreamed of becoming an artist.

The story itself tells us about a girl who finds herself in a wonderful Magic world. Where he meets many interesting characters: and Cheshire cat, and the mad hatter, and the queen of cards.

  • Roald Dahl

Roald was born in Wales to a Norwegian family. Most spent his childhood in boarding houses. One of the latter was located next to the famous chocolate factory Cadbury. It is believed that it was then that the idea came to him to write his best children's story- "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory".

This story is about a boy, Charlie, who gets one of the five tickets. This ticket will let him into the closed chocolate factory. Together with 4 other participants, he completes all tasks in the factory and remains the winner.

  • Rudyard Kipling

This author is known to us for his story "The Jungle Book", which tells about a boy named Mowgli, who grew up among wild forests along with a variety of animals. Most likely, this story was inspired by his own childhood. The fact is that Rudyard was born and spent the first 5 years of his life in India.

  • Joanne Rowling

The most famous "storyteller" of our time gave us that very one. Joan wrote this story for her children. And at that time their family lived very poorly.

And the books themselves give us the opportunity to plunge into the world of magic and magic. The boy Harry finds out that he is a wizard and goes to Hogwarts school. Amusing adventures await him there.

This is where you can buy books!

  • Joan Aiken

This woman simply had to become a writer, because everyone in her family wrote: from father to sister. But Joan was engaged in children's literature. So her most famous work became the story "A piece of heaven in a pie." And it was her filmed by our domestic TV channels. True to the Russian people, this story is known under the name "Apple Pie".

  • Robert Louis Stevenson

Not a man - a pirate! It makes you want to scream “Hey-gay!”, because this man invented the pirate Captain Flint in his story “Treasure Island”. Hundreds of boys did not sleep at night to follow the adventures of this hero.

The author himself was born in cold Scotland. Trained as an engineer and lawyer. At the same time, his first book came out when Robert was only 16 years old on the money borrowed from his father. But he came up with the story about the treasure island much later. And what is interesting - while playing with my son. Together they drew a treasure map and came up with stories.

  • John Tolkien

The creator of modern from another world - "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings" - stories so fantastic and exciting that it takes your breath away.

The author of the books, John, worked as a teacher. As a child, he learned to read early, so he did it often. He admitted that he hated the story "Treasure Island" with a fierce hatred, but madly loved "Alice in Wonderland". The author himself wrote stories for which he was called the "father of fantasy".

  • Pamela Travers

This woman's real name is Helen. She was born in far, far away Australia. But at the age of 8 she moved with her mother to Wales. As a child, Pamela was very fond of animals. She fiddled in the yard, and she represented herself as a bird. When she grew up, she traveled a lot, but still then returned to England.

Once she was asked to sit with two small and restless children. So, during the game, she began to invent a story about a nanny who carried things with her in a suitcase, and who had an umbrella with a handle in the shape of a parrot. Then the plot develops on paper and so the world got the famous nanny Mary Poppins. The first book was followed by others - continuations of the story about the nanny.

On this, I think, we will end. Read interesting books, learn the language and develop. And do not miss the opportunity to receive new blog articles instantly in your mail - subscribe to the newsletter.

See you soon!

In the video below, there are some more great writers and their works that are worth reading!

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