Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone movie

Death Eaters Yaxley and Severus Snape go to Lucius Malfoy's mansion, where Voldemort, other Death Eaters, and a former teacher of Muggle studies at Hogwarts are staying. Snape states that the Order of the Phoenix does not trust the Ministry of Magic and the Aurors, and Potter will be moved to the home of one of the members of the Order of the Phoenix on Saturday. Yaxley says that according to his information, Potter will be moved later, the day before he comes of age. Snape claims that the message Yaxley received is disinformation from the Order. Voldemort trusts Snape more.

Yaxley also reports that he was able to cast the Imperius Curse on Pius the Fat, who works for the Ministry of Magic.

Voldemort kills a captive who turns out to be Hogwarts Muggle Studies professor Charity Burbidge for teaching Hogwarts students to be nice to Muggles. He also takes away the wand from Lucius Malfoy, intending to use it against Harry Potter (the use of his own wand is prevented by its relationship with Harry's wand). Draco Malfoy is scared and depressed.

Meanwhile, Harry Potter is getting ready for the road (on the day Snape announced) and reading Dumbledore's obituary by Elphias Doge, as well as an interview with Rita Skeeter promoting her book - a biography of Dumbledore.

According to the obituary, a year before Dumbledore entered Hogwarts, his father, Percival, was imprisoned in Azkaban (where he later died) for viciously and publicly attacking three Muggles who abused Ariana. Albus Dumbledore admitted that his father was guilty, but refused to talk about it.

Already in his freshman year, Dumbledore became famous as the most brilliant student ever to study at Hogwarts. The author also notes the nobility of the young Albus.

Dumbledore planned to travel after graduation, but was unable to because his mother, Kendra, had died. After some time, Dumbledore suffered another misfortune: his sister Ariana died. Ariana's death led to a rift between Albus and his brother Aberforth, his only remaining relative.

The obituary lists Dumbledore's further accomplishments, chief among which was the victory over Grindelwald in 1945.

Rita Skeeter, on the other hand, is trying to denigrate Dumbledore. Among other things, she hints that he may have been responsible for his sister's death. Harry does not believe Rita Skeeter and throws the newspaper with the article about her into the trash.

The time comes for the last time to leave the Dursleys' home, while Harry loses the protection of their home. Harry convinces the Dursleys to also leave the house under the protection of the mages of the Order of the Phoenix, fearing that they will be captured by the Death Eaters. The Dursleys are taken by Hestia Jones and Dedalus Dingle to a well-protected location. Dudley, to Harry's surprise, says goodbye to him kindly. In parting, Dudley and Harry shake hands. Just before leaving, Aunt Petunia wants to say something to Harry, but does not dare (later J.K. Rowling said in one of her interviews that Petunia wanted to say: “I know what you are up to. I wish you good luck”).

Soon, members of the Order of the Phoenix and Potter's friends arrive to help him get to his new hideout. The six of them drink the Polyjuice Potion, disguising themselves as Harry to confuse possible pursuers, and head to the hideout called The Burrow, accompanied by the defenders. They fly on brooms or thestrals. The real Harry is flying with Hagrid on Sirius' motorcycle. Already at departure, they are attacked by about three dozen Death Eaters, the pursuit of each pair begins. Seeing Stan Shunpike among the enemies, Harry attacks him with the Expelliarmus spell, and the Death Eaters understand that this is the real Potter - apparently, by their characteristic reluctance to kill the enemy. The real Potter is chased by Voldemort flying across the sky and attacks him, Harry's magic wand independently performs witchcraft unknown to him, and Lucius Malfoy's wand is destroyed.

Hagrid and Harry reach Nymphadora's parents' house, which is magically protected from the Death Eaters. From there, Harry and Hagrid go through the portal to the Burrow, where Molly Weasley and Ginny are waiting for them. Other participants in the evacuation also arrive there, among them there are dead and wounded: the Terrible Eye Moody is killed by Voldemort, the Hedwig owl is accidentally hit by Avada Kedavra, George Weasley loses his ear, falling under the spell of Severus Snape's Sectumsempra, Harry loses his broom " Lightning." It becomes clear that the Death Eaters knew about the time of the evacuation, apparently due to the presence of a traitor in the ranks of the Order. From that moment on, members of the Order begin to practice suspicion in every associate of Voldemort's henchman under a false guise - for which, at key meetings, each newcomer is held at gunpoint until he answers a question, the answer to which is known only to the real suspect.

Later, Harry senses that Voldemort is interrogating Ollivander about why Lucius' wand broke.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione decide to stay at the Burrow until Bill and Fleur's wedding, then go looking for Horcruxes. They take steps to maintain secrecy and protect their loved ones. The Weasleys disguise the attic ghoul as seriously ill Ron. Hermione sends her parents to Australia, giving them false memories that they don't have a daughter.

Minister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour arrives at the Burrow to give Harry, Ron and Hermione the things Dumbledore bequeathed. Ron gets the Deluminator, Hermione gets Beedle the Bard's storybook, and Harry gets the first Snitch he caught. Harry also bequeathed the sword of Godric Gryffindor, but Scrimgeour refuses to give the artifact under the pretext that it did not belong to Dumbledore. Hermione also guesses that the gifts were delayed by the Ministry for a month in order to search for possible secret messages or artifacts from Dumbledore, after which Harry accuses Scrimgeour and the Ministry of Magic of wasting their efforts on civil strife with the Order instead of open actions against Voldemort. Scridgemer gives Harry the Snitch, hoping that it will open, since Snitches have bodily memory. But Harry caught it not with his hand, but with his mouth, so it didn't open. With Scrimgeour gone, the three of them are unable to decipher the meaning of the gifts.

At Bill Weasley's wedding, Harry drinks a Polyjuice Potion to avoid being recognized and assumes the guise of a neighbor's Muggle. At the wedding, Viktor Krum quarrels with Xenophilius Lovegood, Luna's father, mistaking (as it turns out later, erroneously) a strange sign on Lovegood's clothes - a triangular eye in a circle - for the sign of the dark wizard Grindelwald, well known in Durmstrang.

Harry meets the author of Dumbledore's obituary and Ron's aunt Muriel, a fan of Rita Skeeter. Auntie recounts further details from Skeeter's book, including claiming that Ariana Dumbledore never went to Hogwarts. The Dumbledores declared her sick, but Cousin Muriel, who worked at St. Mungo's, told her that Ariana had never been treated at the clinic, so she was apparently hidden from outsiders. At Ariana's funeral, Aberforth blamed Albus for her death and broke his nose. Muriel explains it this way: Ariana was a squib. Instead of helping her settle into Muggle society, as is customary, she was hidden and kept locked up. Harry Potter doesn't know what to believe. In addition, it turns out that the Dumbledores lived in Godric's Hollow, the same place where the Potters and Bathilda Bagshot, who served as a source of information for Rita Skeeter. This news further strengthens Harry's opinion that Dumbledore was hiding too much from him.

At the end of the wedding, a message arrives: Scrimgeour has been killed, Voldemort has gained control of the Ministry. Death Eaters appear. Hermione grabs Harry and Ron and transgresses them to Tottenham Court Road, but they also encounter Death Eaters there. As a result, Harry, Ron and Hermione go to Sirius' house, which is now the safest place for them.

Harry explores the house. In Sirius' room, he finds Lily's letter to Sirius. In it, he learns that his mother learned something from Bathilda Bagshade about Dumbledore's past. But Harry does not find the end of the letter. He also finds a fragment of a photograph.

After exploring the house, they realize that R.A.B. is Regulus Arcturus Black, brother of Sirius, a former Death Eater. They manage to get a detailed story from Domovik Kikimer about the fate of the stolen Horcrux.

It turned out that Kreacher was helping Voldemort test the protection of the locket. Voldemort ordered Kreacher to drink the potion from the chalice and left him to die. But Kreacher has transgressed towards his master (elves can transgress even when humans can't). When Regulus decided to destroy the Horcrux, he went with Kreacher to the cave, drank the potion from the bowl himself and died, but before that he replaced the medallion and ordered Kreacher to destroy the real one. Kreacher was never able to destroy it, and in the end the medallion was taken by Mundungus Fletcher. Harry gives the fake locket to Kreacher, for which he recognizes Potter as the real owner.

On Harry's orders, Kreacher finds Fletcher and takes him to Sirius' house. Mundungus reveals that he gave the medallion as a bribe to Ministry employee Dolores Umbridge.

Harry, Ron and Hermione continue to live in Sirius' house. The Death Eaters cannot enter it, but are on duty at the entrance. Coming September 1st. The affairs of Hogwarts are bad: Severus Snape is appointed headmaster, the teacher of defense against the dark arts (which actually turned into the study of the dark arts themselves) - the Death Eater Amicus Carrow, and the teacher of Muggle studies - his sister, Alecto. Muggle-borns are expelled from school, taking away magic wands. Harry, Ron and Hermione decide to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic in order to take possession of the Horcrux. After preparation, they take a revolving potion and, under the guise of three employees of the ministry, get inside. They retrieve the locket and rescue the Muggle-borns who were in the Ministry of Magic, but accidentally reveal the location of Sirius' house to the Death Eaters. Now they are forced to hide, live in a tent, transgressing to a new place every day and counting on protective spells. At the same time, having transgressed from the house of Sirius, Ron is seriously injured.

After a few months of living like this, Ron, who is affected by the Horcrux, becomes moody and irritable. Harry, Ron and Hermione overhear a conversation between goblins and people hiding from Voldemort in the same forest. Among these people are Harry, Ron and Hermione's classmate Dean Thomas. Friends learn that the sword of Godric Gryffindor, stored in the Gringotts Bank, is a fake. In addition, they find a way to communicate with Phineas Black's portrait at Hogwarts, learning from him some news about the life of the school, in particular that Ginny, Neville and Luna tried to steal a fake sword from Snape's office, but were caught, as well as that the real With the sword of Gryffindor, Dumbledore destroyed Marvolo Gaunt's ring. Harry and Hermione rejoice: now they know how to destroy Horcruxes. Ron makes a scandal, declares that their wanderings are practically ineffectual, and Harry led his friends along, having no plan of action. They fight and Ron leaves.

Harry and Hermione decide to visit Godric's Hollow, hoping to find a sword or information about Horcruxes. They go to the graveyard where Harry's parents and Dumbledore's relatives are buried. In the cemetery, on the grave of a certain Ignotus Peverell, they meet the mark of Grindelwald, already familiar to them. Then they meet Bathilda Bagshot, follow her, but fall into a trap: Bagshot's body turns out to be just a shell left from the deceased Bathilda and now only serves as a container for Voldemort's snake. The snake tries to hold Harry by force until Voldemort arrives, but Harry and Hermione manage to escape, and Harry's wand breaks in the fight with the snake.

One night, while guarding the tent, Harry sees a doe-shaped Patronus. The Patronus leads Harry to a frozen lake, at the bottom of which lies the sword of Gryffindor. Harry dives in after him, but the Horcrux medallion begins to choke him. Suddenly, Ron appears, rescues Harry, and pulls the sword out of the pond. Ron shatters the Horcrux with his sword, with the Horcrux's magic attempting to prevent this by subduing Ron's will with illusions. Ron then reveals that he went to Bill and Fleur's house, but then felt remorse for his departure and soon after discovered that the Deluminator was able to tell him Harry and Hermione's whereabouts.

Hermione notices Grindelwald's mark in the book of fairy tales left by Dumbledore. She decides to talk about the mark with Xenophilius Lovegood.

Parallel to their journey, Voldemort is looking for the Elder Wand. To this end, he visits the house of Gregorovich, the master of magic wands, and also comes to Nurmengard to Grindelwald, after which he realizes that Dumbledore owned the wand.

Deathly Hallows

At the Lovegood house, Xenophilius gives information to Harry, Ron and Hermione about the Deathly Hallows, the symbol of which is displayed on his pendant. After that, Hermione tells the tale of three brothers who met with Death and received as a gift three powerful items - an invincible magic wand (Elder Wand), a stone that resurrects the dead, and an ideal invisibility cloak. The description of the invisibility cloak matches Harry's cloak. The sign from the book symbolizes the Deathly Hallows: the triangle is the mantle, the circle inscribed in it is the stone, and the vertical line is the Elder Wand. Most magicians do not believe in the tale of the three brothers. After the story, Harry realized that Luna had not been home for a long time. Xenophilius confesses that Luna was arrested for his statements in support of Harry Potter. Xenophilius decided that if he betrayed Harry, then his daughter would be released. But friends managed to escape before the arrival of the Death Eaters.

Ron talks about a special radio station, the only one that tells the truth about what is happening. He manages to tune in to her, and he, along with Harry and Hermione, receive news of their former acquaintances. After that, friends are captured by the Death Eaters: as it turned out, the name of Voldemort, accidentally pronounced by Harry, is cursed, allowing anyone who pronounces it to be detected. They are taken to the Malfoy mansion, where Draco is asked to identify the captives. After learning about the sword of Gryffindor, Bellatrix Lestrange is horrified and tortures Hermione with the Crucius spell to find out where they got the sword from. Bellatrix is ​​sure they stole the sword from her safe at Gringotts Bank. Harry and Ron are in the basement with Dean Thomas, the goblin Griphook, Ollivander, and Luna Lovegood. Brought in for questioning, Griphook, at Harry's request, lies that the sword is fake. Dobby suddenly appears and transgresses with Dean, Luna and Ollivander to Bill and Fleur's house. Peter Pettigrew enters the basement at the noise. Harry reminds Pettigrew of his duty to save his life, and Pettigrew's silver hand begins to choke him (for his weakness). Pettigrew is dead. Harry, Ron and Dobby save Hermione, Bellatrix manages to mortally wound Dobby with a dagger. Harry grabs Draco's wand.

At Bill and Fleur's, Harry asks Ollivander about the Elder Wand. It turns out that Grindelwald stole it from Gregorovich, and Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald, that is, the Elder Wand is Dumbledore's wand, and he is buried with it. Harry enters Voldemort's mind and sees him take the wand from Dumbledore's tomb. Harry decides not to try to collect the Deathly Hallows, but to focus on Horcruxes, as Dumbledore told him to.

From how terrified Bellatrix Lestrange was by outsiders breaking into her safe at Gringotts, Harry deduces that there may be a Horcrux there. Together with the goblin Griphook, they plot a bank robbery. The goblin demands the sword of Gryffindor for this. With the help of Polyjuice Potion, Invisibility Cloak, and the Imperius Curse, they break into Bellatrix's safe and steal Penelope Hufflepuff's chalice, Griphook escapes with a sword, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione escape the guards by flying off on a dragon that was guarding the bank's treasures. Voldemort realizes that his Horcruxes are in danger, and immediately goes to check if the rest are intact. From his mind, Harry learns that one of the Horcruxes is in Hogwarts.

Battle for Hogwarts

Friends get to Hogwarts with the help of Aberforth Dumbledore, who was the owner of the Boar's Head bar in Hogsmeade. It turns out that a move has been made from the Help-Room to the bar. From Aberforth, Harry learns the details of Dumbledore's biography: a year before he entered Hogwarts, his six-year-old sister Ariana was attacked by Muggle boys who saw her conjure. They "taught" her, after which she lost her mind: she refused to learn how to conjure, but magic periodically escaped from her. Sometimes she had uncontrollable bouts of aggression. Kendra and Aberforth looked after her, hiding her illness. Percival attacked these boys, for which he was sent to Azkaban. He chose not to reveal the reason for the attack. With another release of aggression magic, Ariana killed Kendra. After leaving school, Albus became friends with Grindelwald, and together they made plans to subdue the Muggles and create a new order "for the common good." They were going to go in search of the Deathly Hallows. Aberforth tried to dissuade Albus and Grindelwald from their plans to conquer the world by convincing them that Albus could not take his sick sister with him. At some point, Grindelwald got angry at Aberforth and cast the Cruciatus Curse on him. Albus, Aberforth and Grindelwald began to fight, a sister ran up to the noise, and one of the fighting accidentally killed her. Grindelwald disappeared from Godric's Hollow.

Harry also learns that Hogwarts has gone into a state of siege. Severus Snape and the Death Eaters are in full control of the school, and any manifestation of dissent was punished to the fullest extent. Meanwhile, the school is fighting against Snape's regime, in which the members of Dumbledore's Army take part, they hide in the Rescue Room.

Harry realizes that he needs to look for something that belonged to Candida Ravenclaw, probably a diadem. Students invite him to go to the living room of Ravenclaw. Harry meets with Alecto Carrow, but Luna paralyzes her. Alecto managed to summon Voldemort. Enter Amicus and Minerva McGonagall. They argue, Amycus spits in McGonagall's face. Harry loses his temper, tortures Amycus, paralyzes him and binds him to Alecto. He explains to McGonagall that, on the instructions of Dumbledore, he must find a certain object in Hogwarts that Voldemort is hunting for. McGonagall promises to delay Voldemort for a few hours. She and several other teachers (Treed, Flitwick, Slughorn) fight Snape, who flees the school.

Death Eaters are drawn to Hogwarts, led by Voldemort. They demand to give them Harry Potter, promising that in this case no one will suffer.

Teachers organize the evacuation of students. Adults can stay if they want to participate in the defense of Hogwarts. Members of the Order of the Phoenix arrive. The battle for Hogwarts begins. On the side of the Eaters are spiders from the Forbidden Forest, giants and dementors. The school is defended by students, teachers, the Order of the Phoenix, enchanted school statues, several other wizards, and the giant Grawp. Harry addresses the Gray Lady, the ghost of Ravenclaw, asking about the diadem. The Gray Lady tells that Tom Marvolo Riddle, being a student at Hogwarts, found and stole the diadem. Harry remembers seeing the diadem in the help room.

Ron and Hermione get into the Chamber of Secrets, find the basilisk's fang, with the help of its poison Hermione destroys Penelope Hufflepuff's cup. They run to the Room of Rescue, but meet up with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. Crabbe casts a Hellfire spell. Crabbe himself burns down, but Harry and Ron manage to save Malfoy and Goyle. Magic fire destroys the diadem.

After another vision, Harry leads Ron and Hermione to the Shrieking Shack. There they see how Voldemort orders Nagini to kill Snape, as he believes that this will make Voldemort the true owner of the Elder Wand (Dumbledore was killed by Snape, which means the wand belongs to Snape). Voldemort leaves before Snape is dead. Before he dies, Snape manages to give Harry some of his memories. Voldemort announces a stoppage of the fight for an hour and again demands that Potter come to him. Harry watches Snape's memories in the Pensieve. It turns out that Severus was faithful to Dumbledore to the end, because from childhood he loved Harry's mother, Lily Evans. Voldemort killed her, and Severus went over to Dumbledore's side. The Marvolo ring stone is one of the three Deathly Hallows. Finding it, Dumbledore put on the ring. The Horcrux struck Dumbledore with an incurable spell, so that he was doomed to die within a year. At the request of Dumbledore, Snape kills him to save him from torment, as well as save Draco's soul. It was Severus Snape who placed the sword of Gryffindor in the pond and pointed it out to Harry with his patronus. In addition, Harry learns that he himself is the seventh Horcrux, created by accident, and as long as Harry is alive, Voldemort cannot be killed. In one of the flashbacks, Dumbledore tells Snape that Harry must sacrifice himself.

Remus Lupine, Nymphadora Tonks, Fred Weasley, and Colin Creevy are killed in action. Harry is ready to sacrifice himself in order to destroy the part of Voldemort's soul that is in him. He asks Neville to destroy Voldemort's snake - Nagini, if Neville is given the opportunity. Harry doesn't tell him that the snake is a Horcrux. Then Harry goes to the Forbidden Forest, where Voldemort is located. Harry opens the Snitch that Dumbledore bequeathed to him, which contains the Resurrection Stone, which Harry uses to speak with deceased loved ones before his own death. Harry allows Voldemort to cast his killing spell in front of all the Death Eaters.

He finds himself in a strange place, reminiscent of King's Cross Station. Dumbledore appears. He explains that Harry didn't die because Voldemort used Harry's blood to recreate his body. And the part of Voldemort's soul enclosed in Harry had just been destroyed by the Dark Lord himself.

Harry wakes up in the forest, but pretends to be dead. Voldemort tells Narcissa Malfoy to check if Harry is dead. Narcissa sees that he is alive and asks him in a whisper about Draco. When Harry replies that Draco is alive, Narcissa lies to Voldemort that Harry is dead. Voldemort and Death Eaters go to Hogwarts, Hagrid carries Harry. Neville attacks Voldemort. Voldemort puts the Sorting Hat on Neville's head and sets it on fire. At this moment, reinforcements arrive in the form of centaurs and Hogwarts houses, and the battle continues. Neville pulls the sword of Gryffindor out of his hat and kills Nagini. Now all of Voldemort's Horcruxes have been destroyed.

Gradually, the Death Eaters are losing the battle. Molly Weasley engages Bellatrix in a one-on-one fight and kills her. Harry and Voldemort meet face to face. Harry explains that the true owner of the Elder Wand was not Snape (who did not defeat Dumbledore because he killed him at his own request), but Draco Malfoy, since he disarmed Dumbledore. Since Harry later took possession of Draco's wand, he is the true master of the Elder Wand. Voldemort tries to kill Harry. The Elder Wand refuses to kill its master, the spell is deflected and kills Voldemort.

Harry decides to leave the Elder Wand in Dumbledore's tomb and not look for the resurrection stone he threw in the Forbidden Forest. He renounces the Deathly Hallows, leaving only his invisibility cloak (belonging to his ancestors). Everyone rejoices, Voldemort is killed, the Death Eaters lost the Second War. Kingsley Brewwork becomes the new Minister for Magic.


Nineteen years later, parents see their children off at Hogwarts. Ginny and Harry have three children - James Sirius (in honor of Harry's father and godfather), Albus Severus (in honor of the two directors of Hogwarts) and Lily Luna (in honor of Harry's mother and girlfriend). Ron and Hermione have two children, Rose and Hugo. The two families meet at King's Cross station. Lily is still too young to go to Hogwarts, Albus is going there for the first time, and James is already studying at the Gryffindor faculty. James sees Teddy Lupine, the son of the dead Lupine and Tonks, kissing a girl named Marie-Victoire, James's cousin (daughter of Bill Weasley and Fleur Delacour). Albus is afraid to enter the Slytherin House, and Harry tells him that Severus Snape, after whom Albus received his middle name, was perhaps the most courageous person Harry has ever known, despite the fact that Snape studied in Slytherin. Neville became a professor of herbology (in the first editions, Neville was erroneously named professor of potions. Then the mistake was corrected) at Hogwarts. At platform nine and three quarters, they spot Draco Malfoy with his wife Astoria and son Scorpius. Draco notices Harry and nods and turns away.

The last sentence in the book

The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well.

The scar had not hurt in nineteen years. All was good.

Artists Stuart Craig , Andrew Ackland-Snow , Peter Francis , more

Do you know that

  • The film is based on the novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone by J. K. Rowling (1997).
  • Steven Spielberg was originally supposed to direct the film, but he declined, citing a lack of creative interest in the project. In his opinion, the film will be a huge commercial success, no matter how good the director's work is.
  • Rowling set the condition that only British actors should star in the film.
  • Three different owls starred as Buckley - Oak, Gizmo and Sprout.
  • Anton Yelchin auditioned for the role of Harry Potter.
  • In Old English, "dumbledore" means "bumblebee".
  • JK Rowling herself chose Alan Rickman to play Professor Snape. She also personally gave him important details about his character that are not in the book.
  • Hogwarts motto: "Don't tease a sleeping dragon."
  • The first actor approved for the role was Robbie Coltrane, who played Hagrid.
  • To make the Dursleys' house as unpleasant as possible, the artists deliberately chose the ugliest furnishings.
  • Rosie O'Donnell and Robin Williams wanted to take part in the film, even without payment, but they never got the part.
  • Hagrid's height is 2.62 meters.
  • Over the entire franchise, Daniel Radcliffe has racked up over 160 pairs of points.
  • Liam Aiken was originally cast as Harry, but the offer was withdrawn when it turned out he was not British.
  • Crabbe and Goyle do not speak a single line in the film.
  • Filming began in September 2000 and ended on March 21, 2001.
  • Initially, Daniel Radcliffe was supposed to wear colored contact lenses, and Emma Watson was supposed to wear false teeth. It was later decided to abandon this idea. But there is one scene in the film that was filmed before the change of opinion, and that is the scene of the return home by train. It was the first one that was filmed.
  • Anna Popplewell auditioned for the role of Hermione.
  • The film's directors were considered: Steven Spielberg, Chris Columbus, Terry Gilliam, Alan Parker and Tim Robbins.

More facts (+16)

Mistakes in the movie

  • Harry's scar changes position throughout the film.
  • Dudley eats Harry's birthday cake with his hands, but when Hagrid conjures a pig tail for him, the cake is gone, as is the icing on the boy's hands and face.
  • On the train, the same hill and lake can be seen many times in the frame.
  • When Hermione runs across the field, her bag is in the other hand.
  • The note Hagrid gives to the bank teller, first crumpled, then neat and clean, then crumpled again.
  • During the train journey, Ron's hairstyle changes several times.
  • When Harry is at the zoo, the snake blinks. Actually, snakes don't have eyelids.
  • There are only four cars on the Hogwarts Express, so it's not surprising that Ron couldn't find an empty compartment. The strange thing is that in a compartment that can accommodate six people, they sit four.
  • When Harry receives his first letter, Uncle Vernon says to him, “You? Why would someone write to you?" Dudley is standing next to him, and he can be seen repeating Uncle Vernon's lines.
  • When the troll is holding Harry's leg, you can see that there is no scar on his forehead.
  • When the heroes run to Hagrid's hut, Harry says: "How did I not understand this before?". You can read her lips that Hermione repeats his phrase.
  • Harry's glasses sometimes have lenses and sometimes they don't, just like Dumbledore's.
  • In the scene with the flying keys, a string can be seen holding the broom, which Harry then grabs.

More bugs (+10)


Beware, the text may contain spoilers!

Harry Potter is left an orphan when his parents are killed by Lord Voldemort, the most powerful and sinister magician of all time. The child is given into the care of the family of his own aunt and her husband, Petunia and Vernon Dursley, who do not accept the foundling well, are afraid and hate magic and hide from Harry that he is endowed with supernatural powers.

However, soon the child himself discovers that he can understand the language of animals and make various objects disappear simply by the power of his imagination. And a week before his eleventh birthday, owls fly to Harry with a letter in which the boy is invited to study at Hogwarts, a school for young wizards where they teach witchcraft. Despite the protests of his adoptive family, with the help of friends of his deceased parents, Harry manages to convince Petunia to let him go to school.

Going to school, Harry receives an inheritance and learns that his parents were famous magicians, and their magical power was transferred to him, and he is also told about their killer, the villain Voldemort, who, although defeated, still remains the most a dangerous evil wizard who trembles the entire magical world.

On the way to Hogwarts on the train, Harry meets the girl Hermione, with whom they then find themselves in the same faculty at the new school.

At school, Harry learns how to control his gift, how to fly on a broomstick, how to make objects move, spells that can defeat evil spirits.

One day, Harry and his friends notice that in one of the corridors of Hogwarts, where students were forbidden to enter, an ominous three-headed dog guards a hatch. Deciding that behind this hatch there is a philosopher's stone with which to prepare the elixir of life, the heroes guess that someone wants to steal this stone and help Voldemort regain his former strength. Then the young magicians decide to thwart the insidious plans of the dark forces and take the stone themselves. After overcoming the difficult traps set by the teachers and reaching the philosopher's stone, Harry reveals that Professor Quirrell, one of the Hogwarts teachers and, as it turned out, Volan's assistant, wanted to steal the stone.

A showdown ensues between Harry, Volan, and Quirrell, resulting in the latter being killed by Harry's scalding touch, while Volan manages to escape.

Harry leaves Hogwarts, finding friends there for life and becoming a real wizard.

Reviews of the movie "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

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Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone movie reviews

  • Alina Fedorova February 3, 2019 Film rating 10 out of 10

    The film "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", filmed in 2001 based on the book by the English writer Joanne (Joanna) Rowling, written in 1997, is the most popular film among people of different ages, still evokes a lot of positive emotions in the audience and provides an opportunity plunge into the world of magic and magic ... No comments yet 1
  • flakon1 December 30, 2018 Film score 10 out of 10

    real childhood

    I watched this film with my students - once upon a time, at the cinema. I recently reviewed it with my son and thought: how good it is that there are things that unite children and adults that will always bring you back to childhood. Harry Potter managed to become a classic of both cinema and literature, and there will not be a child in the world who would not hear this name ... No comments yet 1
  • Jake Green September 24, 2017 Film rating 10 out of 10

    Harry Potter has long been recognized as a phenomenon in world culture. J. K. Rowling's books about The Boy Who Lived were so popular that the film was not long in coming... No comments yet -1

  • misha.naumoff2012 September 8, 2016 Film score 10 out of 10 Fantasy. How much in this sound, for the heart of a child, merged when books were born in agony, when the movie was then shot. This little prose verse talks about how hard it is to make movies for teenagers. J. K. Rowling wrote a truly good work for children of all ages, taking a special focus on teenagers towards the very end of the epic ... No comments yet -1

The parents of one-year-old Harry Potter are killed by Voldemort, after which he disappears while trying to kill Harry himself. Late in the evening, the headmaster of Hogwarts School of Wizardry Albus Dumbledore and his deputy Minerva McGonagall appear outside the house of Vernon and Petunia Dursley, Harry's only relatives. Forester Rubeus Hagrid brings a child, who is left with his uncle and aunt, so that fame does not go to his head ahead of time. Ten years pass. The Dursleys treat him with dislike. Strange things sometimes happen to Harry, such as hair growing back, glass disappearing, and he himself talking to a snake. On the eve of his eleventh birthday, the boy receives a letter that Uncle Vernon takes away. The Dursleys and Harry leave for a cabin on the island. The night Harry turns eleven, Hagrid appears and tells him that he is a wizard and will attend Hogwarts. Harry also learns about his parents for the first time. Together with Hagrid, they buy everything necessary for the school, and at this time, Hagrid, on behalf of Dumbledore, takes something secret from the vault in the bank.

On the first of September, from platform nine and three quarters of King's Cross, Harry leaves for Hogwarts. On the way, he meets Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger looks in the compartment. Ron tells Harry about the world of magicians, the sport of magicians Quidditch and Hogwarts, in which there are four faculties: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin. The Sorting Hat sends Harry, Ron and Hermione to Gryffindor. Harry notices a hostile attitude from Potions teacher Severus Snape. After his first broomstick lesson, Potter becomes the Seeker for the House Quidditch team. From a note in the newspaper, he learns that someone tried to steal from the bank what Hagrid had taken a little earlier. A huge three-headed dog is found in the castle, which guards a hatch. After Harry and Ron save Hermione from a troll, they finally become friends. Once in a conversation, Hagrid blurts out about Nicholas Flamel, and after a while the guys find out that the dog guards the philosopher's stone, which gives immortality. Harry also finds a Mirror of Erised, showing what a person wants most. Hagrid lets slip that the stone is guarded by several teachers, including Sprout, Flitwick, McGonagall, Quirrell, Snape, and Dumbledore himself. Harry increasingly suspects that Snape is trying to steal the stone. While serving his sentence in the Forbidden Forest, Harry encounters an unknown who drinks the blood of a unicorn to maintain life, and from the words of the centaur he understands that Snape is trying to steal the philosopher's stone for Voldemort.

After the exams, Harry's scar constantly hurts. It turns out that Hagrid told the stranger how to get past the three-headed dog Fluffy, which he put on the hatch. At this time, Dumbledore leaves for London, and Harry understands that Snape will try to get to the stone. Therefore, Potter decides to get ahead of him. Harry, Ron, and Hermione face Professor Sprout's devil snares, Professor Flitwick's flying keys, Professor McGonagall's magic chess, Professor Quirrell's troll, and Professor Snape's potions. Ron stays in the chess room while Hermione is forced to return after the potions. Harry moves on, but instead of Snape, he finds Quirrell, who cannot get the stone from the Mirror of Erised. It turns out that Quirrell serves Voldemort, and Snape, on the contrary, tried to save Potter, although he hated his father. On the back of Quirrell's head, the face of Voldemort is revealed, who tries to persuade Harry to his side, and then orders him to be killed. But Potter's touch burns Quirrell. Harry loses consciousness, and waking up already in the infirmary, he learns that Dumbledore managed to prevent Quirrell. Harry was protected by the love of his dead mother. For actions to protect the stone, the guys receive points that bring Gryffindor to first place in the competition of faculties. After the announcement of successful exam results, the students leave for the summer holidays.

Very briefly, the Brave boy wizard confronts the dark magician, the murderer of his parents, and makes every effort so that the villain does not get the philosopher's stone: the death of parents should not be in vain.

The Dursleys hate anything unusual. But one fine day, strange people in bright clothes begin to walk the streets and discuss the Dursley's nephew, one-year-old Harry Potter. At night, wizards appear near the Dursleys' house: Professor Dumbledore, director of the Hogwarts School of Magic, and a teacher from the same school. From their conversation, it becomes clear that Harry's wizard parents were killed by the dark magician Voldemort, whose name everyone except Dumbledore is afraid to even pronounce. For some reason, the villain failed to kill the boy, Voldemort could only leave a lightning-like scar on the child's forehead. The director decides to put Harry at the threshold of the Dursleys' house: here the child will be safe.

The boy lives ten years with his aunt and uncle. He is deprived of warmth, all the attention goes to his cousin, a fat, spoiled boy who, according to Harry, looks like a pig in a wig. Potter suffers beatings from his cousin, wears old clothes for him.

It's my cousin's birthday. The Dursleys have to take Harry with them to the zoo along with their son and his friend. Something incredible happens there: Harry speaks to the snake, and she seems to understand him. Then the glass in the terrarium disappears, and the boa crawls out. Aunt and uncle consider Harry guilty of this and punish him.

After some time, Harry receives a lot of identical letters, but his uncle does not let his nephew read them. He takes the family to a cabin on a rock in the middle of the sea, hoping they won't be found there. But at midnight, on Harry's eleventh birthday, the giant Hagrid appears in the hut and brings the boy a letter: Potter is invited to study at Hogwarts.

Hagrid gives Harry an owl for his birthday - they carry mail in the wizarding world. Also, the giant and the boy buy everything necessary for the school of magic, take some kind of bundle from the bank and money for Potter, left by his parents.

Harry is on the train with Ron Weasley. The boys immediately become friends, and the arrogant Malfoy Draco becomes their enemy. Already at school, clashes constantly occur between Ron and Harry and the Malfoy gang, the guys regularly violate school rules, losing points for their Gryffindor faculty. Know-it-all and nerd Gryffindor Hermione Granger one day accidentally becomes a member of their nightly walk around the school. They barely manage to go unnoticed. Hermione is outraged

In his first broomstick lesson, Harry rises into the air, violating the teacher's prohibition. All because the nasty Malfoy threw the Gryffindor student's magic ball high up. Potter brilliantly manages to catch the ball. One of the professors notices his antics. Harry is already thinking about expulsion, but instead the professor appoints him as a catcher for the Gryffindor Quidditch team - the catcher during the match must catch a flying ball, which is very difficult to notice.

Hermione again chastises Harry and Ron for their infractions. Ron inadvertently offends the girl, saying that her lack of friends is not surprising. Hermione goes to the bathroom to cry for a long time. At this time, a giant troll appears at the school. The students are ordered to go to their dorms, but worried about Hermione, Ron and Harry go to her. In that wing, they notice Professor Snape, a gloomy and unpleasant teacher who especially dislikes Harry. The guys manage to save Hermione from the troll, for which they receive points for the faculty. Hermione Granger becomes their friend.

Harry learns that on the day of his appearance at the bank before the start of the school year, there was an attempt to steal something very valuable, but the safe was empty. The boy remembers that Hagrid took some kind of package from there. Friends discover a room in the school with a ferocious three-headed dog guarding the hatch: apparently, the bundle is stored there. The children suspect that Snape wants to kidnap him.

In the first Quidditch match, someone tries to throw Harry off his broom, but manages to catch the ball and bring victory to Gryffindor. The guys think that the hated Snape wants to kill Potter.

Hagrid, in a conversation about the bundle, makes a reservation and pronounces the name of a magician unknown to the children. After a long search, they find out that he is the creator of the Philosopher's Stone. So Snape's target is stone.

Malfoy learns that Hagrid is keeping a baby dragon even though it's forbidden. Ron's hand is bitten by a dragon, and the boy ends up in the hospital wing. Harry and Hermione decide to transfer the baby to Romania through brother Ron's friends at midnight on the roof of the school. There they make their way under the invisibility cloak given to Harry by unknown people for Christmas. But the children forget her on the roof, and an angry professor catches them in the corridor: she has already caught Malfoy. She believes Harry made up the dragon story to provoke Malfoy into breaking the rules. All violators receive punishment: they will spend the night in the Forbidden Forest, and huge points are removed from their faculties. Now Gryffindor can not become the leader of the year. All the students stop talking to Harry despite his popularity.

In the forest, Harry sees a strange creature drinking the blood of a unicorn. The boy's scar starts to hurt terribly on his forehead. Saves Harry from a terrible creature centaur. He explains that only those who have nothing human left in them drink the blood of a unicorn. The boy thinks that Voldemort is involved in this.

Harry repeatedly overhears Snape threatening Professor Quirrell, a stuttering klutz. Friends believe that Quirrell has learned about Snape's intention to steal the stone, but cannot resist him.

Headmaster Dumbledore is leaving on urgent business. Harry, Ron and Hermione feel trouble and decide to get into the hatch where the philosopher's stone is kept. Learning from Hagrid that music puts the dog to sleep. Harry and Hermione take turns awkwardly making sounds from the flute, and the guys jump into the hatch. They cope with the spells of wizards, but only one can reach the end. In the dungeon, Harry meets Quirrell. All this time, the professor was pretending, but Snape guessed about his plans. It was Quirrell who tried to kill Harry during the match, released the troll and drank the blood of the unicorn. Quirrell has Voldemort's face on the back of his head, which the professor covered with a turban.

With the help of Potter, he wants to get the stone, but he cannot touch the boy: Quirrell gets terrible burns. During the battle, Harry loses consciousness.

Waking up in the school hospital, the boy sees Dumbledore in front of him: the director managed to save him. The professor explains that Potter was helped by the love of his mother, who now lives in Harry himself. It is love that is unbearable for Quirrell and Voldemort, she burned Quirrell at the touch of a child.

From the director, Harry learns that his father and Snape were at enmity, but Potter once saved his life. That is why Snape tried with all his might to save Harry from Quirrell, wanting to return the debt to Potter in this way.

The Philosopher's Stone will be destroyed by its six hundred year old creator. The boy is upset by this news, because the creator of the stone will die. Dumbledore reassures:

At the last school banquet, friends are awarded big points for their exploits, and Gryffindor becomes the leader of the year.

Harry Potter is about fighting fear, finding inner strength, and doing the right thing in the face of adversity. [Stephen King]
Harry Potter: characters, summary of parts and ... plagiarism in the books of JK Rowling?

Harry Potter…

How much lies behind this name. And it's not just about ten books, eight films and a dozen computer games. It was a truly exciting time: it was that happy hour when children began to read fiction books again. And they did it without any coercion. Yes, and the author of this article began to actively read fiction precisely when he accidentally stumbled upon the first book in the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone series.

What is "Harry Potter"? It all started back in 1990, on a crowded train, when a completely unknown at that time JK Rowling, a philologist by education, came to mind a rather strange story about a thin brunette with glasses who does not even suspect that he is a wizard. Who would have thought that out of boredom you can come up with a story that will bring billions in profits and interest people of completely different ages around the world? After all, the rule has long been known that the age of the target audience of a book (film, TV series) is approximately equal to the age of the protagonist. In the case of Harry Potter, this is “about” ten years. Yes, Philosopher's Stone is almost as interesting at twenty as it was at eleven. Unbelievable, but it is a fact. After all, it is written vividly, without excessive naivety, characteristic of children's books.

In addition, the main character, like the rest of the characters, grows up. And this is expressed not only in numbers. The one who should behave like a child behaves like that. But a couple of years pass - and they are already teenagers with all the ensuing consequences, with their own problems and joys. The seventh book begins - and Harry Potter and his comrades have to grow up very quickly. It remains to admire the carefully traced characters. Well, and a little jealous of them ...

Judge for yourself: Harry Potter manages to study well, play sports, arrange his personal life, serve sentences for violations of discipline, and also keep track of everything suspicious that happens at school. Unless, like most of us, he does not always have time to sleep.

What can we find in this series? Surprisingly, in the children's book raised, albeit adjusted for the magical world, many very relevant topics. And if at the beginning of the story only hints of narrow-minded bone thinking and the problems of spoiled children are clearly visible (here the Dursley family with whom Harry Potter lived excelled), then with each book the problems are getting more serious.

Next, we encounter discrimination (the ratio of “purebred” wizards, that is, those who had only wizards in their family, to “mudbloods” - that is, those who have the ability to magic, but are deprived of magical parents). Real racism, which manifests itself in the hatred of some magicians for "muggles", that is, for simple, non-magical people. Slavery (house elf Doby).

an active search for a serial killer who escaped from the most secure prison;

animal protection;

people's attitudes towards contagious patients(lycanthropy patients (werewolves) - an allusion to AIDS patients) ;

all the wonders of sports - with sweepstakes, dishonest tricks and other delights of big sport;

protecting the rights of minorities;

manipulation by the authorities of popular opinion through control over the media;

sadistic teachers;

underground struggle;


hostilities involving minors.

But everything will end well, I guarantee it. True, not for everyone. There will be deaths. Yes, JK Rowling does not hide from children the fact that people are mortal. And even "suddenly mortal." Both positive and negative characters die. Fortunately, child mortality is low. But I would not recommend reading the last two books to impressionable children.

Harry Potter. Magic in books

Now let's move on to the magical component of books. Of course, in terms of thoughtfulness and logic, it is approximately at the average level. Due to the large volume of Harry Potter, confusions sometimes arise in the magical system, but they are clearly visible only with a very careful reading.

You can also notice a very interesting plagiarism: if specifically, then this magic chess. The figures themselves move on the orders of the player and have the rudiments of intelligence. They can even give advice to the player. Woland played very similar chess with the cat Behemoth in Mikhail Bulgakov's immortal novel The Master and Margarita. The Nazgûl from The Lord of the Rings were also stolen. That's just the horses were not given to them, and so - a copy.

In general, the magical games in Harry Potter deserve special mention. There are “Explosive Cards”, the only difference from the usual ones is that the entire deck can burn out at any time. Agree, it adds adrenaline to the game. There are “Spit-stones” that need to be thrown into the center of the circle. On unsuccessful rolls, there is a chance to get a spit in the face from a thrown stone. Well, the main sport of magicians is “Quidditch”: you probably won’t find a more dangerous sport. After all, when fourteen people fly on broomsticks at a speed of up to one hundred kilometers per hour, this can end in failure. If it wasn't for the huge advances in magical medicine, it would be impossible to play.

Harry Potter. Summary of all parts

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

The first book in the series. Briefly, understandable. Very easy to read. It is recommended for children from nine years old, and adults can read. It can be scary at times, but in moderation. Professor Quirel's death is easily ignored.

Harry Potter And The Chamber of secrets

Everything is the same as in the previous book, except that the life of the protagonist becomes harder. Still no one dies, except for one teacher who lost his memory. It's also a pleasure to read.

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban

The heroes have grown up. A little more seriously written, but children can easily master reading. There are several heavy scenes and time travel. JK Rowling is still holding her own and doesn't kill anyone.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Everything starts to change dramatically. Children under the age of 14 are not recommended to read. The volume of the book has grown significantly, the mysterious murders are already in the first chapter. In the program: dark secrets of politicians, international relations and kidnappings of children. In fact, a good detective, because until the very end it is not clear who framed Harry.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

The largest book in the series (approximately 800 pages), which was made into the shortest film. All the charms of dishonest games of the authorities and a “fair” trial close-up. A little less interesting than previous books, but not bad. Is that the graphomaniac volume is a little tiring. Another death of a good hero is also in the program.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Despite the outbreak of open war with Voldemort and the accompanying troubles, the book is even more positive than the previous one. The first half of the book is very pleasant and funny, but then the horror detective begins. Of course, not all heroes will live to the last page.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The final. Harry turns into a "twitchy paranoid", which is not surprising with his way of life. It will be very difficult for children to read, until the age of sixteen I would not recommend doing this. There will be deaths in almost every second chapter. The martial law and the underground struggle against infiltrating the Ministry of Magic and the most heavily guarded bank is particularly impressive. All in all, quite good, but the ending is a little crumpled.

In conclusion of the description of the books, I would like to recommend that you read Harry Potter in the original if possible. If this is not possible, then it is better to read in the Ukrainian translation, since it is much better than any of the Russian versions (if only because most Russian publications shamelessly mocked the names). And what are the covers of Vladislav Yerko for Ukrainian books worth! They are recognized as the best in the world.

Harry Potter. Characters

Harry James Potter

Main character. All seven books, with the exception of the first chapters of The Philosopher's Stone and The Deathly Hallows, we see through his eyes, even though the book is written in the third person. Harry Potter himself is a lean brunette with green eyes and wears round glasses. His parents, James and Lily, were killed by Lord Voldemort, the main antagonist of the saga, ten years before the events of the first book. Because of this, the future savior had to live with his aunt and uncle, who, although they knew that Harry Potter was a wizard, did not tell him about it. Moreover, they diligently tried to eradicate any manifestations of “strangeness” from him using the “carrot-and-stick” method. They made up a very plausible story about the origin of the scar in the form of a lightning bolt on Harry Potter's forehead: he allegedly received it as a result of a car accident in which his parents died.

Ronald Bilius Weasley

Harry Potter's best friend. The representative of the large Weasley family, in which for some reason everyone is red. The happy owner of five older brothers, each of whom has achieved great success in many ways (twins Fred and George are excellent athletes and the most fun characters in the entire Harry Potter series, Percy is a school head and an excellent student, Bill is an athlete, an excellent student, a head boy and a handsome man well, and Charlie the dragon tamer). As a result of this, he has a slightly low self-esteem and is very dependent on the opinions of others. Also, deep down, he suffers from being in the shadow of Harry Potter and envies his fame. Potter himself is jealous that Ron has a family, although over time, Harry becomes almost family to the Weasley family.

Hermione Jean Granger

In the main trinity, only she has logical thinking, which does not always benefit her. Comes from a completely ordinary, non-magical family. But, despite this, she was able to become one of the best students of the school, which earned her a special dislike of the representatives of the “purebred” families. With each book, Hermione has less and less flaws, she can do everything and knows how to do everything. It probably has something to do with the fact that JK Rowling thinks she looks like herself.

Luna Lovegood

Perhaps one of the most interesting girls in the entire series. The moon believes in the existence of a variety of dubious creatures, the reality of which is very difficult to prove, walks in a dream and constantly has a slightly absent appearance. Everyone thinks she's a little crazy, but her many talents are undeniable. Observant enough to recognize Harry Potter when he was in someone else's guise, only by facial expression.

Neville Longbottom

Russian translators like to call him “Longbottom”, although this is not their worst sin.

Neville is a complete failure: inattentive, distracted, weak. The only thing he succeeds in the beginning is herbology. Around the fifth book, Neville matured, and in the seventh - he is already a real soldier. Showed real heroism in the last battle.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

The name alone very transparently hints at the fact that the character is not simple.

He is the director of Hogworths, the most prominent magician of our time and a man who has had so many dubious and gloomy events in his life that any politician will take envy.

At first, he appears before us as an old eccentric and wise wizard from a children's fairy tale, but over time it becomes clear that this is a very cunning intriguer. In the entire series, he did the most not entirely clear deeds. The controversy about his sexual orientation was very curious, although at his age it no longer matters much.

Severus Snape

With this uncle, nothing is clear until the very end. At first, he looks like an evil sadist who is kept in school for no reason. It seems like his favorite pastime is bullying Harry Potter. At the same time, Harry Potter is the main tool in Dumbledore's intrigues against Voldemort. Everything is turned upside down in the last book.

Draco Malfoy

The representative of the repeatedly mentioned "purebred" wizards. Arrogant, selfish, rich. The main school antagonist. His hatred of Harry Potter often got both of them in trouble. Improved a bit towards the end of the book.

Vincent Crab and Gregory Goyle

It makes no sense to describe these two guys separately, because even after watching the films repeatedly, it is very difficult, and not necessary, to distinguish them. Crab and Goyle are the "muscles" of Draco Malfoy, since they themselves are not capable of thinking in principle. Over time, they turn into complete thugs.

Lord Voldemort

He is Tom Riddle. Scares most of the characters in the book to the point that they refer to him as "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" or, in the case of his followers, "Dark Lord".

There is little left of the man he once was: his nose has fallen off, his eyes are snake-like. Tom Riddle is such an evil genius. He is obsessed with the idea of ​​immortality (and almost reached it), loves torturing people for the slightest reason (and often for no reason), at his leisure he looks for antiques and turns them into receptacles for parts of his soul, thanks to which he became almost immortal. The character is so negative that there is nowhere else (although Dolores Umbridge and Bellatrix Lestrange can argue with him).

photo from the site: foto.mail.ru

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