Characteristics of the heroes of the Oblomov novel (description of the main and secondary characters). "Oblomov" main characters

Characteristics of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov very ambiguous. Goncharov created it complex and mysterious. Oblomov separates himself from the outside world, fences himself off from it. Even his dwelling bears little resemblance to habitation.

FROM early childhood he saw a similar example among his relatives, who also fenced themselves off from the outside world and protected it. In his home was not allowed to work. When he was still a child, he played snowballs with peasant children, then he was then warmed up for several days. In Oblomovka, they were wary of everything new - even a letter that came from a neighbor in which he asked for a beer recipe was afraid to open for three days.

But Ilya Ilyich happily recalls his childhood. He idolizes the nature of Oblomovka, although this is an ordinary village, nothing particularly remarkable. He was brought up by rural nature. This nature instilled in him poetry and a love of beauty.

Ilya Ilyich does nothing, only complains about something all the time and engages in verbiage. He is lazy, does nothing himself and does not expect anything from others. He accepts life as it is and does not try to change anything in it.

When people come to him and talk about their lives, he feels that in the hustle and bustle of life they forget that they are wasting their lives in vain ... And he does not need to fuss, act, do not need to prove anything to anyone. Ilya Ilyich simply lives and enjoys life.

It's hard to imagine him in motion, he looks funny. At rest, lying on the couch, he is natural. It looks at ease - this is his element, his nature.

Let's summarize what we've read:

  1. Appearance of Ilya Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich is a young man, 33 years old, of good appearance, of medium height, overweight. The softness of his expression betrayed in him a weak and lazy person.
  2. Family status. At the beginning of the novel, Oblomov is unmarried, lives with his servant Zakhar. At the end of the novel, he marries and is happily married.
  3. Description of the dwelling. Ilya lives in St. Petersburg in an apartment on Gorokhovaya Street. The apartment is neglected, the servant Zakhar rarely sneaks into it, who is as lazy as the owner. The sofa occupies a special place in the apartment, on which Oblomov lies around the clock.
  4. Behavior, actions of the hero. Ilya Ilyich is difficult to name active person. Only his friend Stolz manages to bring Oblomov out of his slumber. Main character lies on the couch and only dreams that he will soon get up from it and go about his business. He cannot solve even the most pressing problems. His estate has fallen into disrepair and does not bring money, so Oblomov even has nothing to pay for the apartment.
  5. The attitude of the author to the hero. Goncharov sympathizes with Oblomov, he considers him kind, sincere person. At the same time, he sympathizes with him: it is a pity that a young, capable, not stupid person has lost all interest in life.
  6. My attitude to Ilya Oblomov. In my opinion, he is too lazy and weak-willed, so he cannot command respect. Sometimes he just infuriates me, I want to come up and shake him. I don't like people who live their lives like that. Perhaps I react so strongly to this character because I feel the same shortcomings in myself.

Already in "Ordinary History", the first major work of I.A. Goncharov, he became interested in the type that subsequently immortalized his name. Already there we see indications of the enormous social danger posed by the very special conditions of life of the intelligent Russian society at the beginning and under the influence of serfdom. mid-nineteenth century.

This danger lies in "Oblomovism", and dreamy romanticism, familiar to us from its bearer Aduev, is only one of the elements of this latter. An exhaustive image of Oblomovism was given by Goncharov in the form of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, whose characterization we now turn to.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov belongs to the number of people who cannot but be recognized as attractive.

From the first pages of the novel, he appears before us as an intelligent person and at the same time with good heart. His mind is reflected in the insight with which he understands people. For example, he excellently guessed the numerous visitors who visited him on the morning of the day on which the novel begins. How correctly does he assess the frivolous pastime of the secular veil Volkov, who flits from one salon to another, and the troublesome life of the careerist official Sudbinsky, who only thinks about how to enlist the favor of his superiors, without which it is unthinkable to receive any increase in salary, or to achieve a profitable business trips, let alone promotion. And in this Sudbinsky just sees sole purpose his official activities.

He also correctly assesses Oblomov and people close to him. He bows before Stolz and idolizes Olga Ilyinskaya. But, fully understanding their virtues, he does not turn a blind eye to their shortcomings.

But Oblomov's mind is purely natural: neither in childhood, nor subsequently, no one did anything for his development and education. On the contrary, the lack of a systematically received education in childhood, the lack of living spiritual food in adulthood, plunges him into a more and more drowsy state.

At the same time, complete ignorance of practical life is revealed in Oblomov. As a result, he is more than afraid of what can bring any change in his once established way of life. The requirement of the manager to clean the apartment plunges him into horror, he cannot calmly think about the upcoming chores. This circumstance is much more difficult for Oblomov than receiving a letter from the headman, in which he informs that the income will be "like two thousand in change." And this is only because the headman's letter does not require immediate action.

Oblomov is characterized by rare kindness and humanism. These qualities are fully manifested in Oblomov's conversation with the writer Penkin, who sees the main advantage of literature in "seething anger - bilious persecution of vice", in laughter of contempt for a fallen man. Ilya Ilyich objects to him and speaks of humanity, of the need to create not only with the head, but with the whole heart.

These properties of Oblomov, combined with his amazing spiritual purity, which makes him incapable of any pretense, any cunning, combined with his indulgence towards others, for example, Tarantiev, and, at the same time, with a conscious attitude towards his own shortcomings , inspire love for him in almost everyone with whom his fate confronts. Simple people, like Zakhar and Agafya Matveevna, are attached to him with all their being. And people of his circle, such as, for example, Olga Ilyinskaya and Stolz, cannot speak of him except with a feeling of deep sympathy, and sometimes even spiritual tenderness.

And despite their high moral qualities, this man was completely useless for the case. Already from the first chapter we learn that lying down was the “normal state” of Ilya Ilyich, who, dressed in his Persian robe, putting on soft and wide shoes, spends whole days in lazy doing nothing. From the most cursory description of Oblomov's pastime, it can be seen that one of the main features of his psychological make-up is weakness of will and laziness, apathy and panic fear of life.

What made of Oblomov a man who, with unconscious but surprising persistence, avoided everything that could require labor, and, with no less persistence, gravitated towards what he pictured as carefree lying on his side?

The answer to this question is the description of Oblomov's childhood and the environment from which he came out - a chapter called "Oblomov's Dream".

First of all, there are some reasons to consider Oblomov as one of the typical representatives 40s of the XIX century. Idealism brings him closer to this era, with a complete inability to move on to practical activities, a pronounced tendency to reflection and introspection, a passionate desire for personal happiness.

However, there are features in Oblomov that distinguish him from the best, for example, Turgenev's heroes. These include the inertia of thought and the apathy of the mind of Ilya Ilyich, which prevented him from becoming completely an educated person and develop a coherent philosophical outlook.

Another understanding of the Oblomov type is that he is predominantly a representative of the Russian pre-reform nobility. And for himself, and for the surrounding Oblomov, first of all, "master". Considering Oblomov from this point of view alone, one must not lose sight of the fact that his lordship is inextricably linked with "Oblomovism". Moreover, lordship is the immediate cause of the latter. In Oblomov and in his psychology, in his fate, the process of spontaneous extinction of feudal Russia, the process of its “natural death” is presented.

Finally, it is possible to consider Oblomov as a national type, to which Goncharov himself was inclined.

But, speaking about the presence of negative features of Oblomov in the character of a Russian person, it should be remembered that such features are not the only ones inherent in Russians. An example of this is the heroes of others literary works- Lisa Kalitina from " noble nest”, Possessing a selfless character, Elena from “On the Eve”, striving to do active good, Solomin from “Novi - these people, also being Russians, are absolutely not similar to Oblomov.

Oblomov's characteristics plan


Main part. Characteristics of Oblomov
1) Mind
a) Relationships with friends
b) Evaluation of loved ones
c) Lack of education
d) Ignorance of practical life
e) Lack of perspective

2) Heart
a) kindness
b) Humanity
c) mental purity
d) Sincerity
e) "Honest, faithful heart"

3) Will
a) apathy
b) Willlessness

The moral death of Oblomov. "Oblomov's Dream", as her explanation.

Conclusion. Oblomov as a social and national type.
a) Oblomov as a representative of the 40s of the 19th century
- Similarities.
— Traits of difference.
b) Oblomov, as a representative of the pre-reform nobility.
c) Oblomov as a national type.

Getting to know the hero Oblomov and his domestic environment. The most famous Goncharov novel begins with the words: “In Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the large houses, the population of which would be a whole county town, lying in bed in the morning, in his apartment, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

Goncharov uses here the stepwise narrowing of images. First we get to St. Petersburg, one of the main aristocratic streets of the capital, then to a large populated house, and finally to the apartment and bedroom of the protagonist, Oblomov. Before us is one of the many thousands of the population of a huge city already then. The tone of the narration is set - unhurried, epic-smooth. It partly resembles the beginning of a Russian fairy tale: “In a certain kingdom ... once upon a time...” sick<...>, not by chance, like one who is tired, nor by pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state. When he was at home - and he was almost always at home - he was still lying ... ".

The room fully corresponds to its owner: “a cobweb was molded in the form of festoons”, “the carpets were stained”. But the robe enjoys the tender love of the owner: "a real oriental robe<…>, without a waist, very roomy, so that Oblomov could wrap himself in it twice. Subsequently, we will witness the metamorphosis of the dressing gown, which will go along with the owner through the whole story. "It<…>details-symbols, gravitating towards singularities, replacing a number of details, usually repeated in the narrative, marking milestones in the plot or a change in the minds of the characters ... "

Oblomov periodically calls out: "Zakhar!" There is a “grunt”, “the sound of feet jumping down from somewhere”, and a second character appears before the reader, a servant, “in a gray frock coat, with a hole under his arm.”<…>, With<…>sideburns, each of which would become three beards. Zakhar for Oblomov is both a “devoted servant” at home, a keeper of family memories, and a friend, and a nanny. The communication between the lackey and the master turns into a string of funny everyday scenes:

Did you call?

Called? Why did I call - I do not remember! he replied ( Oblomov) stretching. - Go to yourself for now, and I will remember.

- <…>Look for the letter I received yesterday from the headman. Where are you doing it?

Which letter? I didn’t see any letter,” said Zakhar.

You took it from the postman: so dirty!

Handkerchief, quick! You yourself could guess: you do not see! Ilya Ilyich remarked sternly<…>.

And who knows where the handkerchief is? - he grumbled ( Zakhar) <…>feeling each chair, although even so it was possible to see that nothing lay on the chairs.

- <…>Yes, there he is, he suddenly croaked angrily, - under you!<…>Lie on it yourself, and ask for a handkerchief!

Servant Zakhar in a more frank, rude, undisguised form reveals to us negative traits Oblomov - and hatred of work, and a thirst for peace and idleness, and a tendency to exaggerate the severity of their worries. Just as Oblomov works tirelessly on a plan, Zakhar intends to general cleaning. However, Zakhar should not be considered a double of Ilya Ilyich, a simple lazy simpleton. This means to become like a “superficially observant” person who “having looked<…>on Oblomov, he would say: “The kind man must be, simplicity!” The author warns that "a deeper person", having observed Oblomov, "gazing at his face for a long time, would have walked away in pleasant thought, with a smile." And the hero’s face is really remarkable in its childish clear simplicity: “... Neither fatigue nor boredom could<…>drive from the face the softness that was dominant<…>expression not only of the face, but of the whole soul; and the soul shone so openly and clearly in the eyes, in the smile, in every movement ... "

It seems that Ilya Ilyich lives in his own special little world, but outsiders continually invade this world; many have a thing for him. The secular varmint Volkov, the zealous official Sudbinsky, the fashionable writer Penkin, the businessman Tarantyev and simply "a man of indefinite years, with an indefinite physiognomy" are knocking on the door. What attracts Petersburgers to this neglected apartment? The very softness and warmth of the owner's soul. Even the scoundrel Tarantiev knows that he will find "a warm, quiet shelter" in this house. How in short supply among the capital's residents are simple human feelings, can be seen from the same dialogue with the guests. It is worth Oblomov to hint about own affairs, to complain about “two misfortunes” - visitors seem to be blown away by the wind: “Pardon, once<…>, next time!"; “No, no, I'd better call again one of these days”; “However, it’s time for me to go to the printing house!” Advice, prompted by worldly dexterity, is given by one Tarantiev. And even then not out of the kindness of his soul, but from his own species, which we will soon learn about.

In turn, the owner is ready to listen to everyone; each visitor dedicates him to his most cherished dreams: who is successfully dragging, who has made a career and is going to get married, who has published a fresh newspaper. However, Oblomov is not only kind, but smart and insightful. At the end of the visit, Ilya Ilyich sums up the vital aspirations of each guest. So, Sudbinsky - the head of the department - is concerned about the issues of “erecting<…>dog kennels to save state property from plunder. And Oblomov bitterly reflects on the Sudbinsky-man: “Stuck, dear friend, stuck up to his ears.<...>And blind, and deaf, and mute to everything else in the world.<…>And he will live his life, and much, much will not move in it. Ilya Ilyich's reflections are also sad because they are full of generalizations. The country is ruled by the Sudbinskys: “But he will become a people, in time he will turn things over and pick up ranks.”

Ilya Ilyich accepts everyone equally gently and outwardly apathetically, except for the character with speaking surname Penkin. This is a dexterous scribbler, ready to "remove foam" from any topic of interest to the public - from "beautiful April days" to "composition against fires." (So ​​M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin called the fashionable newspaper “The Newest Foam Skimmer” in his satire). His last opus comes out under the piquant title "The love of a bribe-taker for a fallen woman" and is an illustration of the lowest grade of fiction: "Everything<…>the ranks of the fallen women are dismantled<…>with amazing, vital fidelity…” Penkin examines the stumbled members of society like insects through a microscope. He sees it as a task to pronounce a harsh sentence. Unexpectedly for himself (and for us), the cynical journalist meets with a sharp rebuff from Oblomov. The hero utters a penetrating speech full of mercy and wisdom. “Spew out of the civilian environment! Oblomov suddenly spoke with inspiration, standing in front of Penkin<…>. He is a corrupted man, but he is still a man, that is, you yourself.<…>And how will you spew out of the circle of humanity, out of the bosom of nature, out of the mercy of God? he almost shouted with blazing eyes. Let's pay attention to the author's remarks - "suddenly ignited", "he spoke with inspiration, standing in front of Penkin." Ilya Ilyich got up from the sofa! True, the author stipulates that within a minute, ashamed of his vehemence, Oblomov "yawned and slowly lay down." But the reader has already understood: the hero can get up from the couch, he has something to offer people. The same practical newspaperman remarks: “You have a lot of tact, Ilya Ilyich, you should write!”

In fact, the exposition already gives a preliminary answer to the question why Oblomov did not become a successful official, like Sudbinsky, or a secular gambler, like Volkov, or, finally, a clever businessman, following the example of Tarantiev. Goncharov confronts his hero with the typical figures of the educated class of St. Petersburg. “The environment did not “stuck”, the environment rejected” people like Oblomov. Ilya Ilyich turns out to be unquestionably superior to any of them in spiritually, how human.

In conversations with the servant Zakhar Oblomov, he tries to defend his right to live like this: “I have never pulled a stocking over my legs, how I live, thank God! .. I was brought up tenderly,<...>I never endured cold or hunger, I didn’t know the need, I didn’t earn bread for myself ... ”In Oblomov’s definition of“ nobility ”, two different meanings. The first is the opportunity to live without labor, while "the other ... will not work, so he will not eat." The second, paradoxical as it may seem, is the concept of noble honor, which has taken on such a bizarre form: “Another” bows, “another” asks, humiliates himself ... And I?”

Convincing others of the reasonableness and correctness of his existence, Oblomov cannot always believe in it himself: “He had to admit that another would have had time to write all the letters<...>, another and would move to new apartment, and the plan would be fulfilled, and I would go to the village. "After all, I could do all this<…>, he thought<…>. You just have to want it!"

At the end of the first part of the novel, Ilya Ilyich awakens from his spiritual sleep. “One of the clear conscious moments in Oblomov's life has come. How scared he got<…>when in my head<…>randomly, timidly rushed about, like birds awakened by a sudden ray of sun in a dormant ruin, various life questions. The author dives into the very depths of the character's soul. AT normal time they are hidden from themselves, muffled by laziness, lulled by reasoning: “He felt sad and hurt for his underdevelopment, a stop in the growth of moral forces<…>; and envy gnawed at him that others lived so fully and broadly, while for him it was as if a heavy stone had been thrown on the narrow and miserable path of his existence. "Now or Never!" he concluded…”

In St. Petersburg, on Gorokhovaya Street, on the same morning as always, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lies in bed - a young man of about thirty-two, who does not burden himself with special occupations. His lying down is a certain way of life, a kind of protest against the prevailing conventions, which is why Ilya Ilyich so ardently, philosophically meaningfully objects to all attempts to lift him off the couch. His servant, Zakhar, is the same, showing neither surprise nor displeasure - he is used to living the same way as his master: how he lives ...

This morning, visitors come to Oblomov one after another: on the first of May, all the St. But neither Volkov, nor Sudbinsky, nor Penkin succeed in this. With each of them, Oblomov tries to discuss his worries - a letter from the headman from Oblomovka and a threatening move to another apartment; but no one cares about Ilya Ilyich's anxieties.

But he is ready to deal with the problems of the lazy master Mikhey Andreevich Tarantyev, Oblomov's fellow countryman, "a man of smart and cunning mind." Knowing that after the death of his parents, Oblomov remained the only heir to three hundred and fifty souls, Tarantiev is not at all opposed to joining a very tasty morsel, especially since he quite rightly suspects that Oblomov's headman steals and lies much more than is required within reasonable limits. And Oblomov is waiting for his childhood friend, Andrei Stolz, who, in his opinion, is the only one who can help him figure out economic difficulties.

At first, having arrived in St. Petersburg, Oblomov somehow tried to join the metropolitan life, but gradually realized the futility of efforts: no one needed him, no one was close to him. And so Ilya Ilyich lay down on his sofa ... And so the unusually devoted servant Zakhar, who did not lag behind his master, lay down on his couch. He intuitively feels who can really help his master, and who, like Mikhei Andreevich, only pretends to be a friend to Oblomov. But only a dream can save from a detailed showdown with mutual grievances, in which the master plunges, while Zakhar goes to gossip and take his soul away from the neighboring servants.

Oblomov sees in a sweet dream his past, long gone life in his native Oblomovka, where there is nothing wild, grandiose, where everything breathes calm and serene sleep. Here they only eat, sleep, discuss news that come to this region with a great delay; life flows smoothly, flowing from autumn to winter, from spring to summer, to complete its eternal circles again. Here, fairy tales are almost indistinguishable from real life, and dreams are a continuation of reality. Everything is peaceful, quiet, calm in this blessed land - no passions, no worries disturb the inhabitants of sleepy Oblomovka, among whom Ilya Ilyich spent his childhood. This dream could last, it seems, for an eternity, had it not been interrupted by the appearance of Oblomov's long-awaited friend, Andrei Ivanovich Stolz, whose arrival Zakhar happily announces to his master ...

Part two

Andrei Stoltz grew up in the village of Verkhlev, which was once part of Oblomovka; here now his father serves as a steward. Stolz developed into a personality, in many respects unusual, thanks to a double upbringing received from a strong-willed, strong, cold-blooded German father and a Russian mother, a sensitive woman who forgot herself from life's storms at the piano. The same age as Oblomov, he is the complete opposite of his friend: “he is constantly on the move: if society needs to send an agent to Belgium or England, they send him; need to write some project or adapt new idea to the point - choose it. In the meantime, he travels to the world and reads; when he has time - God knows.

The first thing Stolz starts with is pulling Oblomov out of bed and taking him to visit different houses. This is how it starts new life Ilya Ilyich.

Stolz seems to pour some of his seething energy into Oblomov, now Oblomov gets up in the morning and begins to write, read, take an interest in what is happening around him, and his acquaintances cannot be surprised: “Imagine Oblomov has moved!” But Oblomov did not just move - his whole soul was shaken to the ground: Ilya Ilyich fell in love. Stolz brought him into the house of the Ilyinskys, and a man wakes up in Oblomov, endowed by nature with an unusual strong feelings, - listening to Olga sing, Ilya Ilyich is truly shocked, he finally finally woke up. But for Olga and Stolz, who planned a kind of experiment on the eternally dormant Ilya Ilyich, this is not enough - it is necessary to awaken him to rational activity.

In the meantime, Zakhar also found his happiness - having married Anisya, a simple and kind woman, he suddenly realized that he should fight with dust, dirt, and cockroaches, and not put up with it. In a short time, Anisya puts Ilya Ilyich's house in order, extending her power not only to the kitchen, as was supposed at first, but throughout the house.

But this general awakening did not last long: the very first obstacle, moving from the dacha to the city, gradually turned into that swamp that slowly but steadily sucks in Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who is not adapted to decision-making, to initiative. Long life in a dream can not end immediately ...

Olga, feeling her power over Oblomov, cannot understand too much in him.

Part three

Yielding to the intrigues of Tarantiev at the moment when Stolz again left St. Petersburg, Oblomov moved to the apartment rented to him by Mikhei Andreevich, on the Vyborg side.

Not knowing how to deal with life, not knowing how to get rid of debts, not knowing how to manage the estate and expose the crooks surrounding him, Oblomov ends up in the house of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, whose brother, Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov, is friends with Mikhei Andreevich, not inferior to him, but rather surpassing the latter by cunning and cunning. In the house of Agafya Matveevna in front of Oblomov, imperceptibly at first, and then more and more clearly, the atmosphere of his native Oblomovka unfolds, something that Ilya Ilyich cherishes most of all in his soul.

Gradually, the entire economy of Oblomov passes into the hands of Pshenitsyna. A simple, ingenuous woman, she begins to manage Oblomov's house, preparing him delicious food, establishing life, and again the soul of Ilya Ilyich plunges into a sweet dream. Although occasionally the peace and serenity of this dream is exploded by meetings with Olga Ilyinskaya, who is gradually disappointed in her chosen one. Rumors about the wedding of Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya are already scurrying between the servants of two houses - having learned about this, Ilya Ilyich is horrified: nothing else, in his opinion, has been decided, and people are already moving from house to house talking about what, most likely , it won't happen. “This is all Andrei: he instilled love, like smallpox, in both of us. And what kind of life is this, all the worries and anxieties! When will there be peaceful happiness, peace? - Oblomov thinks, realizing that everything that happens to him is nothing more than the last convulsions of a living soul, ready for the final, already uninterrupted sleep.

Days flow after days, and now Olga, unable to stand it, herself comes to Ilya Ilyich on the Vyborg side. He comes to make sure: nothing will awaken Oblomov from a slow immersion in the final sleep. Meanwhile, Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov takes over the affairs of Oblomov on the estate, so thoroughly and deeply entangling Ilya Ilyich in his clever machinations that the owner of blessed Oblomovka is unlikely to be able to get out of them. And at that moment, Agafya Matveevna was also repairing Oblomov's dressing gown, which, it seemed, could no longer be repaired by anyone. This becomes the last straw in the throes of Ilya Ilyich's resistance - he falls ill with a fever.

Part Four

A year after Oblomov’s illness, life flowed along its measured course: the seasons changed, Agafya Matveevna prepared delicious meals for the holidays, baked pies for Oblomov, brewed coffee for him with her own hands, celebrated Ilyin’s Day with enthusiasm ... And suddenly Agafya Matveevna realized that she had fallen in love master. She became so devoted to him that at the moment when Andrey Stoltz, who came to St. Petersburg on the Vyborg side, exposes the dark deeds of Mukhoyarov, Pshenitsyna renounces her brother, whom she so revered and even feared until recently.

Having experienced disappointment in her first love, Olga Ilyinskaya gradually gets used to Stolz, realizing that her attitude towards him is much more than just friendship. And Olga agrees to Stolz's proposal ...

A few years later, Stolz reappears on the Vyborg side. He finds Ilya Ilyich, who has become “a complete and natural reflection and expression‹…› of peace, contentment and serene silence. Peering, pondering his life and more and more settling in it, he finally decided that he had nowhere else to go, nothing to look for ... ". Oblomov found his quiet happiness with Agafya Matveevna, who gave birth to his son Andryusha. The arrival of Stolz does not disturb Oblomov: he only asks his old friend not to leave Andryusha...

And five years later, when Oblomov was no more, the house of Agafya Matveevna fell into disrepair, and the wife of the ruined Mukhoyarov, Irina Panteleevna, began to play the first role in it. Andryusha was asked to be brought up by Stoltsy. Living in the memory of the late Oblomov, Agafya Matveevna focused all her feelings on her son: “she realized that she had lost and shone her life, that God put her soul into her life and took it out again; that the sun shone in her and faded forever ... ”And a high memory forever connected her with Andrei and Olga Stolts -“ the memory of the soul of the deceased, pure as crystal.

And the faithful Zakhar, in the same place, on the Vyborg side, where he lived with his master, now asks for alms ...

There are a lot of bright and memorable characters involved in the work.

Oblomov Ilya Ilyich- one of the main central characters novel. He is a nobleman, a landowner, has his own estate in the countryside. He is 32-33 years old.

"... It was a man of about thirty-two or three years old...,"

Oblomov lives in St. Petersburg and his whole life takes place on his favorite sofa.

"... Lying down with Ilya Ilyich was neither a necessity, like a sick person or a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person: this was his normal state ... "

Only crucial moment comes after meeting the charming Olga Ilyinskaya. He falls in love with a girl and completely changes his usual life.

Olga Ilinskaya- the same girl who tried to change Oblomov, but all her attempts were unsuccessful. She was very beautiful both in appearance and soul.

"... You are beautiful in general, and especially today..."

"... read a book, and in the book there were certainly lines with sparks of her mind ..."

Andrey Stoltz - best friend Ilya Oblomov. He was over thirty years old.

"... Stolz is the same age as Oblomov: and he is already over thirty years old ..."

He was the complete opposite of his friend, active, hardworking and always unselfishly helped his comrade.

“Someday you will stop working,” Oblomov remarked. “I will never stop ...” “... Labor is the image, content, element and purpose of life, at least mine ...”

Agafya Pshenitsyna- the mistress of the house, where Oblomov later moved. She is a widow and has two children. A hardworking woman, she cooks deliciously and in the future it is she who becomes the wife of the Oblomovs and the mother of their joint son Andryusha.

"...two children with me, from my late husband: a boy in the eighth year and a girl in the sixth..."
"... it used to move all day long, like a well-arranged machine, harmoniously, correctly..."

Zakhar- Oblomov's servant. The same lazy way of life, but devoted to his master. After Oblomov's death, he adopted a vagabond lifestyle.

"... Yes, where will I go to eat seven miles of jelly? .." (this meant that why go so far for nothing)

Anisya- cook Oblomov, a woman over the age of 45 years. Pretty smart and hardworking. She married Zakhar, but soon died of cholera.

Mukhoyarov Ivan Matveevich - brother Agafya Pshenitsyna. He is a swindler and a swindler, got into the trust of Oblomov and, having allegedly promised to help with the affairs of the estate, slowly ruined him, but he was stopped in time by the smart and quick-witted Andrei Stolz.

Volkov- Ilya's guest, who often comes to him, a secular fashionista, always at the parade. They have common acquaintances in the so-called "high society".

Sudbinsky- the second guest of Oblomov, a former colleague in the office. He continues to work, receives a good salary, but at the same time he works a lot.

"... You have to work if you take money ..."

Penkin- a guest, a local writer who writes articles about secular news and incidents.

Alekseev- the fourth guest, a petty official, comes to Oblomov's house in order to eat deliciously.

"... You should never indulge in despair: it will grind - there will be flour ..."

Terantyev- a mean man, together with Mukhoyarov they agreed and tried to ruin Oblomov.

"... The shooter has ripened everywhere! .."

Dr. Oblomova- attentive person who treats wealthy people. He advises Oblomov to lie less and move more, but he does not want to listen to such advice.

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