Name and motto of military clubs. Scenario of a sea holiday - games-competitions on a sea theme

Sea holiday.

Description of the event.

A soundtrack sounds: the sound of the sea, the cry of seagulls.

Voice behind the scene: Attention! Attention! To all ships of square "C"! received a storm warning. Ship captains and crews to take precautionary measures.

I repeat… Attention! To everyone who hears! Signal receivedSOS».

Leading: Dear friends! Today we have a game. We are in an emergency situation. Our ship received a storm warning. The rescue of the crew and the ship depends on how well the team will act. Introducing the Navy Commission ... (jury members).

Leading: Crews ready? Forward!

Team presentation competition.


The first captain occupies the captain's bridge. The crew is lined up. Crew members (10 people):






    radio operator




    cabin boy

Warm-up (representation of teams).

Crew building. Submission of a report to the chairman of the maritime commission. Crew name, motto, song.

Leading: Thank you. We got to know the teams. And now the jung contest.

Jung competition.

Leading: to the finish line you need to walk along the goose, holding your hands on your belt.

Cook competition.

Leading: The next competition involves coca - sea cooks. The task of the blindfolded cook of the first team is to take out only vegetables from the basket. And the cook of the second team takes out only fruit. Whoever does it faster and correctly wins.

Leading: teams continue on their way and overcome difficulties. What's stopping us? Pumps? Nonsense! Sailors are the strongest. Shall we work for the pumps?

Sailor competition.

Who will do more squats in a minute.

Leading: Oh, we have an accident! Mechanics - your task is to fix the mechanism while this candle is burning.Both mechanics, on a signal, must collect the picture from the groove.

Leading: Urgent radiogram! Send it to the shore! How does the radio not work?! This is not allowed! Need it urgently! Pass it on as you like, but so that everyone on the shore understands everything!

Radio Contest.

The radio operator must explain the phrase to the team with movements and facial expressions. The team that guesses the phrase of the radio operator wins the competition.

Phrase options:

I raise the flag in honor of the king of this country!

Bananas gone bad, load apples!

Leading: doctors competition.

Doctors competition.

It is necessary to apply a bandage on the elbow joint quickly and correctly. Fans act as patients.

Pilot competition.

Leading: And now I invite pilots. Imagine: fog, reefs, an unfamiliar bay. The task of the pilots is to lay routes without bumping into reefs (skittles). Blindfolded pilots must go around the pins without knocking them down. Whoever has fewer violations wins.

Navigator competition.

Leading: Navigator competition. Let's test your visual memory. For 30 seconds you look at these guys, remember the details of their clothes, their place in the group of players. After that, you turn away, we change something for some guys, and you take turns naming the changes you noticed. Clear?

5 people are invited to the "paintings" group. Elements are changed by the leader.

Boatswain competition.

Leading: The ships picked up speed. They took the course. It's time to show yourself to the boatswains. Everything was messed up after the storm: vests, shoes, caps. Bosuns, you have to unravel things on the whistle and dress your assistant. Ready? Started!

Leading: So, soon the pier.

End of the road. You have to swim, because there is a little bit left. And we have a competition of captains.

Captains competition.

Leading: The captains take turns calling words related to the sea. Stumbling - lost.

Leading: The competition has come to an end. Coast! We have arrived! Hooray!!! The final song plays.

The jury sums up. Rewarding.


Command names:Sailors. Dolphins.


1. I can swim in the sea

On a rubber band.

I lie down on a circle with my stomach,

I am easy on the water.

2. Waves splash, freeze -

pebbles are sorted out.

Hey surf, sea surf

Let's play pebbles with you!

Song about the captain.

There lived a brave captain.

He traveled to many countries.

And more than once he plowed the ocean.

He drowned fifteen times.

Died among the sharks

But he never even blinked an eye.

And in trouble and in battle

He sang his song everywhere.

Chorus: Captain, captain, smile.

After all, a smile is the flag of a ship.

Captain, captain, pull up

Only the brave conquer the seas.

Fanfare sounds, a military march. The eldest (A) group enters in the form of border guards, then the eldest in the form of sailors, and the last one enters preparatory group in the form of pilots and is rebuilt around the perimeter (shoulder straps: green, black, blue).
Today is the day of our army, and it is already many years old.
Greetings to the defenders of the people, the Russian army ...

February 23 is a special day, it is celebrated by all our warriors - soldiers who defend our Motherland. This day is called the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland! Today we have gathered to show that even though you are preschool children, you want to be like soldiers, and to prove to everyone that you are strong, dexterous and brave guys.

Today, guests came to our holiday, the cadets are the future military, who, together with our boys, will show their sports and combat skills. I grant the right of the main commander of our competitions to our jury: ... ..

Teams, report your readiness!!!

Team "Border Guards" :
Motto "Not a step back, and only forward.
We, the border guards, are a brave people!"

Ved.: Well done, border guards - fighters!
The team of border guards answers: "We serve the Fatherland!"

Team - Sailors :
Motto "We are brave sailors, skilled sailors.
Do not rock us with a wave, we must protect the sea! "

Ved.: Well done, sailors - fighters!
A team of sailors answers - "Serve the Fatherland"

Team - "Pilots":
Motto "We are brave pilots, we fly planes.

We fly high in the sky, we vigilantly guard the sky! "

Ved.: Well done, pilots - fighters!
The pilot's team answers "We serve the Fatherland!"
Vedas: So, we begin our competition!

1. Relay "Training alarm" (caps, pistols according to the number of participants)

Vedas: Hard to learn, easy to fight! To carry the hardships of service, with honor to fulfill military duty, regular training and tactical exercises help the fighters. The training alarm sounds. Soldiers must dress in uniform, take weapons and line up. The commanders run to the landmark, put on hats (caps), take pistols (anthem sticks), return to the starting point and pass the baton to the next.

2.Relay race"Snipers" (plastic balls for each, 3 baskets)

Vedas: It seems to me that we should visit the shooting range with you. This is the place where soldiers learn to shoot in peacetime. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that white fungus is good, and a skilled soldier. And one of the main soldier's skills is marksmanship.

3. Relay "Mine clearance" (3 mops or gymnastic sticks,

rings according to the number of team members, 3 arcs, 6 pins). Participants move the ring with a stick, circling the skittles with a snake and bring the ring to an arc, get the ring into the goal and return back to the team by running, a mop (hymn stick) in their hands. They broadcast the anthem. stick to the next participant.

Vedas: “One, two, three! You must find a mine, and then outline it and, of course, neutralize it!

4.Relay "Tug". (3 hoops, each team member in turn picks up and pulls everyone at once).
Vedas: Our boats do not have oars, and the boat hurts a walker. The ship sails ahead, it carries with it.

5.Relay "Nurses" (3 sleds)

Vedas.: Deliver the wounded with a leg injury to the hospital.

6.Relay race"Pull the Rope" (rope)

Vedas: Pull, pull, you, be strong. But don't forget about your hands! Move more dexterously than them, grab onto the rope, drag and don't be lazy!

Vedas: While the jury is summing up, I invite you to solve puzzles.

1) Takes off without acceleration,

looks like a dragonfly

our Russian takes off. (helicopter)

2) There are no clouds on the horizon,

but an umbrella opened in the sky,

after a few minutes it sank ... (parachute)

3) I walk in an iron shell,

All lined with armor.

I shoot projectiles

I am very formidable in appearance ... (tank).

4) A bird is flying - a fiction,

and inside the people sit,

speaks among themselves. (airplane)

5) Under water, an iron whale,

The whale does not sleep day and night.

Day and night underwater

Keeps my peace. (Submarine.)

6) Miracle bird, scarlet tail,

Arrived in a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).

7) Thunder struck, cheerful thunder.

It sparkled all around.

Rushing into the sky relentlessly

colorful fountains.

Splashes of light pour everywhere.

This is a festive ... (Salute).

Game for children "Continue the sentence"

"The tank is controlled by ..."

"The gun shoots..."

"He sits at the helm of the plane ..."

"Scribbling from a machine gun ..."

"He goes to reconnaissance ..."

"Guarding the border..."

"Serving on a submarine..."

"He jumps with a parachute ..."

"They serve on ships ..."

Competition results. Team awards. ………..

Vedas: We want the birds to sing,

So that spring streams ring,

For the sun to warm the earth

So that the birch turns green!

So that all dreams come true

To make everyone around laugh

For children to dream

Let there be no war!

Let's greet with a loud "Hurrah!" all participants in our competitions.

Children solemnly leave to the music of the march.

Pilot team - Hurrah!
Team of border guards - Hurrah!
Sailors team - Hurrah!

The holiday is over.

MDOU "Tavrichesky Kindergarten No. 2"

Senior teacher Gudim V.Yu.


"We are the defenders of the fatherland"

Educator: There are many important words in the world: mother, motherland, happiness, peace.

The world is the earth, the world is the sun, the world is children, the world is a calm, joyful life. Peace is the main word in the world, everyone needs peace.

Child. - Peace is needed for you and me,

Clean air on earth

bird noise, children's laughter,

Sun, rain, white snow.

Only war, only war

Not needed on the planet! (M. Djumaeva)

Educator: Guys, today on the eve of the holiday "Defender of the Fatherland Day" - we will hold a quiz with you, in which two teams will take part:sailors and tankers.

A team of sailors represent their team, motto.

Team captain:



We are a mountain for each other!`-
This is our maritime custom.
Greet every morning with a smile
If a friend is in trouble - help out!

Team - "Tankers" A team of tankers represent their team, the motto.


Tankers are the strongest, tankers are the most powerful

Tankers will overcome all obstacles!

competition "Warm-up".

(each team is asked questions)

2- Name the capital of Russia (Moscow)

Name the capital of Germany (Berlin)

3-What are the tanks?(Heavy, light, medium, floating).

What is the name of the person who steers the ship? (Captain).

4- What is the name of the caterpillar war machine? (Tank).

What is the most common clothing among sailors. (Vest).

5- What is the name of the show military equipment and troops? (parade)

St. George's ribbon - what do its colors symbolize? (Black is smoke, orange is fire)

6- What military ranks do you know? (Private, sergeant, foreman, ensign, lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, general, marshal.)

- What types of troops are included in armed forces Russia? (Land, missile, air defense troops- air defense, Military navy, Air Force).

riddle contest

Military Riddles.

1. I will grow up and follow my brother

I will also be a soldier.

I will help him

Protect your ... (country)

You can be a sailor

To protect the border.

And serve not on earth

And on a military ... (ship)

2. The plane soars like a bird,

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is a military man ... (pilot)

Any military profession

You must definitely learn

To be the backbone of the country

So that there is no ... (war) in the world

3. Who are the guys on the border
Protects our land
To work and study
Could our people calmly? ... (border guard)

The car rushes into battle again,
Caterpillars cut the ground
That car in a clean field
Managed ... (tanker)

The yes-no game

1. Is our army strong? (Yes)

Does she protect us? (Yes)

2. Will the boys go to the Army? (Yes)

Will they take the girls with them? (No)

3. Ilya Muromets is a hero? (Yes)

Did he go to the front at a young age? (No)

4. Did he defeat the Nightingale? (Yes)

Shot from a machine gun? (No)

5. At Pinocchio a long nose? (Yes)

Was he a sailor on the ship? (No)

6. Did he swim in the pond in mud? (Yes)

Enemies sink Pinocchio? (No)

7. Are we celebrating a holiday today? (Yes)

Congratulations moms and girls! (No)

8Peace is the most important thing in the world? (Yes)

Even kids know this? (Yes)

Answer the questions

1. What is the name of a pilot who flies into space? (astronaut)

What is the name of a soldier's summer hat? (cap)

2. What is the name of the sailor's summer headdress? (capless)

What is the name of the place where the command is located? (headquarters)

3. What is the name of the hospital in the army? (hospital)

Who is driving the tank? (tankman)

4. Who is scribbling from a machine gun? (machine gunner)

Who guards the border? (border guard)

The jury counts the points and announces the winners. Gives certificates and gifts to team members.

Teacher: The quiz is over. All participants showed what they are capable of! And we were convinced: You are great! To be a defender of the Fatherland means to be strong, courageous, dexterous. Prepare yourself, go in for sports, develop courage, resilience, study well. Success and good luck!

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