How to open a creative circle from scratch. Business on children: how to make money on educational circles and private schools

The idea to open my own kids club came to me while I was sitting at home with my two-year-old son. I was very bored. Almost all mothers with small children know what I am talking about: you are spinning all day, there is no time to sit down, and nothing meaningful happens in life. The brain turns off, you begin to live on autopilot and, of course, slowly degrade.

For some reason, it was especially depressing in this situation that I had nothing to tell my husband when he came home from work in the evening and asked how I was doing, what was new.

I also tried to combine work and raising a small child. Six months after the birth of my son, I found a nanny and went to work. I don’t really remember the next year of my life, but I can partially restore it from photographs. Wrinkled face, forced smile. You need to pay attention to the child, you need to work, you need to give the nanny almost the entire salary. The first and second turned out badly, the third - well, but without pleasure.

That's when I got the idea that I need to open my own business, namely a small children's center - a beautiful, cozy and well-equipped place where friendly and very professional teachers will conduct educational classes with children from one year old to school age. In addition, in my future job, I will be able to spend time with my own child and I will not have such a rigid schedule as in a hired job.

At the family council, I raised the question of using the money intended for the purchase of a new car to be used in my business. I solemnly took out from the pocket of my dressing gown the document drawn up by a sleepless night - a "business plan" written on half of a notebook sheet. It worked - I got the "go-ahead" and started to act.

The preparatory stage dragged on for a year and a half - I studied in detail the laws, regulations and methods of early development of children; looking for premises, engaged in industrial espionage in other clubs.

Then there was the first year of work, when I, like many aspiring entrepreneurs, worked in my company "everyone": CEO, administrator, sales manager, cleaner, driver, poster and distributor of leaflets, English teacher, site administrator - and returned home at ten o'clock in the evening.

Then there was a conflict with partners, after which I had to start the business again from scratch. There were mistakes in accounting, in pricing, in marketing - all this cost me more than two million rubles, two nervous breakdowns and a big box of antidepressants.

Opening a kids club and bringing it to life was not easy. Now I understand that this happened due to the lack of a small amount of knowledge. I can say with confidence that the kids club is not Newton's binomial at all. I think it is much easier to open it than a beauty salon, a flower studio, a holiday agency or a gift shop.

Indeed, in order to organize a children's club, you do not need to buy expensive equipment: refrigerators for flowers, as in a flower studio, laser devices, as in a beauty salon. It is not at all necessary to be a professor of economics - it is enough to have common sense, organization, and the ability to learn. And the most attractive thing is that you don’t need a lot of money: to open a small children’s studio, it’s enough to invest a few thousand dollars (this applies to those who, unlike me, are not going to “mow” at every step).

By the way, now is a very good time to open a children's club. There are at least four reasons for this.

Reason #1.

More and more parents understand that investing in the development and education of a child is a win-win investment. At the same time, they realize that a good education costs money, it should not be free or cheap.

Reason number 2.

Education is getting earlier. Parents no longer need to explain that it is necessary to start developing the attention, memory, logic of the child as early as possible, to work on his socialization and creative abilities. Educational activities for children aged one year and even younger no longer seem exotic, as it was a few years ago. Many take their children to classes even after kindergarten. They understand that in an ordinary kindergarten, where there are 15 to 30 people in a group, their child will not receive such attention and such quality of pedagogical work as in a good children's club.

Reason number 3.

There is a real baby boom in many Russian cities. Walk around the playgrounds on a sunny day and you don't need any statistics. Everyone you see there is your future clients.

Reason number 4.

There are more and more kids clubs every day. But they are still few, and besides, most of them are completely handicraft. Many parents like the idea of ​​early development, but they are not satisfied with the quality of classes in clubs. They will gladly agree to prepare for school, and languages, and creativity - if only the level is worthy.

I am sure that in a few years the number of children's clubs will be comparable to the number of beauty salons. If now in the sleeping areas of Moscow, according to my observations, beauty salons are located in every fifth house, then very soon there will be one children's club for every 10-15 houses.

The children's club will become a familiar part of the life of young families. Parents will almost automatically send their children to developmental classes at 1-2 years of age. The question of whether to take the child to classes after kindergarten will become meaningless - of course, to drive! Moms and dads will lose the habit of celebrating their children's birthdays in apartments - why give your own home to be torn to pieces when you can entrust the celebration to professionals in a special room?

Much says that the children's club is a promising direction for business. But for me, it's not just about money. It's also just plain fun.

I really like that the work of my company is connected with children. Efforts invested in their development always bring great, pleasant, and often simply amazing results. A three-year-old child who spends the entire English class sitting with his nose to the wall, after the lesson, rushes to his father in the car and begins to enthusiastically retell the entire lesson to him. A two-year-old girl, yelling with a good obscenity almost always and for no apparent reason, after several ordinary developmental classes (of course, individual ones) becomes a calm, balanced child. A boy who recently turned two years old reads two-syllable words from Zaitsev's cubes. The squeezed "wolf cub", who was afraid to cross the threshold of the club, becomes the star of the group in a month. Cases like this are always amazing and encouraging.

In addition, the "profession" of the head of the children's club does not interfere, but helps to be good mom. I constantly "cook" in the topic of children's education and psychology, which is useful for any parent.

I have my own source of income - the club brings not huge, but stable profits. I have free time to take care of myself and my own children.

And, finally, the most important thing (for which everything was started, as you understand) - now I always have something to say to my husband when he asks in the evening: "What's new?" By the way, in my opinion, he asks this question less and less. Maybe because the answer is too long?


I want to open a kids club in my small town because I am a teacher. I have two diplomas: kindergarten teacher and music teacher. Higher education. Such clubs already exist, but I would like to create my own where both development and games take place with the help of music.

02.11.2018 19:18:53, Yarullina Landysh Afraimovna

ATTENTION! Children's Center Owners!
“Why do 80% of Children's Centers barely make ends meet?
Or how to increase the profits of your Children's Center.
Free online conference on MARCH 10 from 12.00-16.00 (time. Moscow time)
Read more: [link-1]
P.S. There is no need to go to this conference! It takes place online. To participate, you need to follow the link and register.

great real life example!

Comment on the article "Children's club: how to open and make it profitable"

Club. Photo albums. There is an Orthodox school on Odoevsky, a children's (more precisely, a family) center occupies 1 room there. Look at the website for the exact address, other classes are scheduled there.

Do you want to learn how to make such hedgehogs from dough and natural material?

Bioexperimentanium invites the smartest boys and girls to the New Year's BIOtree. Time stop, cryo tangerines, colorful bio-ice cream and a fabulous show! You have to show ingenuity, resourcefulness, erudition and find the real Santa Claus. Unexpected surprises and gifts are provided. Dates of the BIOYolok: December 19, the program starts at 10:00 December 20, the program starts at 10:00 December 26, the program starts at 10:00 December 27, the program starts at 10:00 New Year's Eve...

Introducing a magical New Year's collection for your holiday! Orders are accepted together with orders under catalog No. 16 :)

I am very worried that my child and all children in kindergarten # 1041, which is located at: Moscow, YuZAO, st. Ivan Babushkina, 13, building 2, is deprived of the opportunity to breathe fresh air in the premises. When parents ask, "Why don't you open the windows?" They say it's forbidden. You can open windows only when there are no children in the group. It would seem that a humane approach, the desire to keep children warm ... In fact, this is cruel to children. Children usually...


Does your child complain about the heat in the group?
Mine never complained. Rather, they complained if the clothes were too inappropriate, for example, we had a knitted sarafan, I don’t know from what (either wool with synthetics, or acrylic), so I stopped wearing it. Of course, the sarafan was bought by the mother-in-law :)) And it was not hot at the matinees, but I dress easily - only a thin viscose or cotton blouse, no wool or acrylic. And none of the parents puffed or sweated. My husband was hot always and everywhere ... while he had an extra 20 kg.

Maybe you just need to draw the attention of the educator to more careful observance of the ventilation regime, in accordance with the norms - and this will be enough for fresh air? Maybe you are raising your child to be very hardened, but not all children are like that.

Well, we do not have such insanity. Previously, according to sannorms, it was impossible to split (I remember well when the elder went to the garden), now it is possible, but many parents do not mind because of this. And if you don’t open the windows yet, there will be a gas chamber. Although, of course, sometimes it annoys me that the kids are in their shorts and there is a draft in the group. It would be better to ventilate while they are gone

Children's club: how to open and make profitable. I think it is much easier to open it than a beauty salon, a flower studio, a holiday agency, or Many take children to classes even after kindergarten.


At this age, we went with a bang: pizza, french fries, children's chicken skewers, lots and lots of liquid. They almost didn’t touch the fruit (but it depends on the children), the cake - they just blew out the candles and that’s it, I had to drag it entirely home !!! Pizza and shish kebab were still re-ordered, but children's sandwiches remained almost untouched. The menu was made at the signing of the contract.
Parents ordered for themselves. The celebration began at 11 am, and ended at 8 pm (even though it was planned at 3 pm).

If there are a lot of games, then you need to be able to run up, quickly grab a drink - eat and run on.

And of course CAKE!

Summer is on the doorstep - and how much pleasant trouble! Yes, it is not always easy to agree on where to go if the husband wants to raft down the rivers, the wife wants to relax from household chores in a cozy hotel, and the baby wants to crawl along the beach and fill his mouth with pebbles. But we are sure - you will have a wonderful holiday. Tell about it! The top 10 stories will be awarded prizes from sponsors! Competition dates: April 28, 2012 - October 1, 2012. You can send a story to the competition at [email protected] or through the form...


The results of the second stage of the short story competition "Rest 2012" have been summed up!
Congratulations to the winners:
- Svetlany Tortunova, for the story "Across Italy by car - from Turin to Trieste";
- leleshka, for the story "Baikal Holidays";
- Larisa Zorin, for the story "Birthday in the underground city of Derinkuyu";
- Solnyshko14, for the story "Turkey: vacation with a one-year-old child";

The results of the first stage of the short story contest "Rest 2012" have been summed up!
Congratulations to the winners:
- Miya, for the story "VeloKrym";
- Aksuha, for the story "Ukrainian Carpathians - a fabulous place";
- Olga, for the story "Turkish coast: the sea, the sun and us".

Help. Club. Photo albums. the child is cutting teeth than to anesthetize. View topics in other conferences: Kindergartens and preschool education Computers.


That's wonderful. 104, frankly, is not close to 1534. 4 is even closer. It is necessary to go to the beginning in one building, and in the middle / senior to another. Poor 1534, last year experienced a merger with 1715, there was also a battle, now the classes are in the beginning once, and now also 104.
But in the 5th grade, you will probably still have to take exams, this is only the beginning of the registration.

Why is everyone so against it?
There is also a positive example of joining 40 schools to 57.
As a result, the school became one, 57th. Both formally and informally. Only the 57th had two buildings and it was able to receive more children. What's bad?

I was told here about wonderful books about Moscow for children. I share :) "Moscow Rally" publishing house "Scooter" [link-1] . This is not a book, but a set of maps of walking routes around Moscow. Large-scale hand-drawn cards, drawn right at home. That is, the child will be able to search for the path on this map! The second book is Fedor Dyadichev "Moscow" An Illustrated Guide for Children and Parents "[link-2] This book is made in the now popular style - a bunch of footnotes, pictures and notes with interesting ...

I am a children and family photographer! I have been doing my favorite thing for 7 years already) I have a beloved family: a daughter and a husband))

This is not a report being asked. Here, apparently, the leader of the circle has not quite the right concepts. If this is at the local recreation center, then the head is officially engaged in additional education at the expense of the budget. It used to be called a circle. In order for money from the budget to be allocated for the salary of the head, all relevant documents must be available. And this is at least the program of this very additional education. This is not gathered, invented and tied. It should be exactly a program with goals, objectives, final works, etc. If the leadership of the DC allowed everything to take its course, then this does not honor such leadership. I would even think about it. If everything is so neglected in such a matter, then it is not surprising if the same thing happens in financial matters and material support. Most likely, the leader of this circle for adults with no experience chose the type of activity that she herself is passionate about. But she didn't think of the program at all. Most likely I thought I would come to work and knit something there. Those. there was no training system. There was no progress in learning. The ability to knit is progress only in skills. And apparently new people did not receive knowledge, and those who knit for a long time. Perhaps, having familiarized herself with a program that can be drawn up for just a year, she would have a completely different numerical strength, with different skills. In this situation, for starters, the leader needs to REALIZE what she is doing. Those. understand that it is necessary to set goals and objectives for the year, think over topics, know the results after graduation. Then convey it all to female students. So tell, in January you will be able to do this, and then we will tie it up, in February you will learn this, and this, etc. People will have a clear idea of ​​what they go to the circle for, what they will get there. The leader, of course, must work in this direction himself, and not just come during working hours and engage in his own hobby for a salary. Of course, with such "non-work" people will leave. It's not just heart-to-heart gatherings. Every success comes with hard work. Well, it would probably be worth dividing people into groups, with separate programs for each group. What is interesting for beginners is not interesting for experienced craftswomen. And to get them interested, you also need to try. But of course, the first thing you need to do is draw up a program. This is an incentive for both the leader and those attending classes. Now there are many ready-made programs on the Internet. You can see what to take as a basis and adapt already for your women. Start with the main one. Goals and objectives, and then break everything into topics, adjusting to the "needs" of attending classes.

The work of the circle is carried out systematically, we always start with the selection of a fairy tale. A fairy tale for a child is not just fiction, fantasy, it is a special reality, the reality of the world of feelings. A fairy tale pushes the boundaries of ordinary life for a child. Only in a fairy tale form do children encounter such complex phenomena and feelings as life and death, love and hate, anger and compassion, betrayal and deceit, etc. Listening to or reading fairy tales, children deeply sympathize with the characters, they develop an inner impulse to assistance, assistance, protection.

In the classroom, it is important to create conditions, a field of vigorous activity, in which the feelings of the child, experienced by him while reading fiction, would find their application, so that he could contribute, sympathize really.

So, first we choose a fairy tale with the children and I write a script based on it. The difficulty lies in the fact that there are a lot of children in the circle, but few heroes. So we have to add new characters. Then I read the script to the guys, and we analyze what we read. It is very important that every child can express their point of view. At the end of the discussion, we find the main idea of ​​the text and the main idea that the author wanted to convey to us. After discussion, we assign roles. I try to take into account the desires of children, their capabilities. In the next lesson, read expressively. If there are incomprehensible words in the text, we explain their meaning, select synonyms so that it is easier for children to memorize the text.

To convey to the audience the idea of ​​the work, the actors must speak their lines clearly and expressively. Expressiveness is based on a thoughtful analysis of the text and the application of the basic principles of the art of reading, contributes to the mental and aesthetic development of students, and also contributes to the development of their artistic abilities. Expressive reading is an integral part of any lesson in elementary school. It has a huge impact on the overall development of children. It helps to improve the culture of oral speech, the formation of poetic taste, helps to perceive a work of art as a work of art! If there is such an opportunity, then in the classroom I use the living word of the actor (recording). A great reward for me is a correctly read line.

In the classroom, we get acquainted with the technique of speech - breathing, voice, diction. Breathing for oral speech is of great importance. Proper breathing is also health.

Here are a few exercises that I use in my work.

1) I. n. stand up, straighten your shoulders, keep your head straight. Take a deep breath, hold your breath, exhale completely.

2) Deep breath. Exhaling, tap on the nose.

3) Inhale through one nostril, exhale through the other. Then vice versa.

4) I. n. too. On the exhale, we pronounce a proverb, saying or tongue twister.

Expressive reading depends on the reader's ability to control his voice, its properties. The voice should be well developed, flexible, obedient, ringing and loud enough. The voice, like breathing, must be developed.

In class, I use the following exercises to develop my voice.

1) I. n. Sit down, straighten your shoulders, keep your head straight. Taking a deep breath, pronounce the consonant sounds (m), (l), (n), or others smoothly and lingering in turn.

2) The same as in exercise 1, but with the addition of vowels.

Such exercises help teach children how to use the “6 levers”: loud-quiet, fast-slow, up-down.

Good diction is very important. Diction facilitates breathing, the work of the vocal cords

1) Inhale. Pause. With energetic articulation, we pronounce vowel sounds at a different pace.

2) We pronounce the consonants together with the vowels bi-be-ba-bo-bu-bu-by.

Work is being done, working with them with tongue twisters, I develop the purity of sound, and then the intonation with the help of the task: “Read the tongue twister in order to surprise, please, outrage, warn, inform.”

There are many different exercises that contribute to the development of the purity of sound, the necessary diction. Good material for developing diction are short stories and poems that I give in the first classes and in reading lessons. In the work on the expressiveness of speech, I pay great attention to the means of speech expressiveness. These are intonation, logical stress, various pauses, tempo, strength and pitch of the voice. All means of speech expressiveness are closely interconnected and complement each other.

The main means of speech expressiveness is intonation. In everyday life, intonation is born involuntarily. When reading a work of art, intonation arises after comprehending the text, understanding the intention and intention of the author, a conscious attitude towards the characters, their actions and events. Therefore, it is necessary to teach children the right intonation. Here are some examples of tasks:

1. Reread the text, conveying joy (outrage, pride, sadness, hatred).

2. Read the passage, conveying an interrogative intonation (intonation of fear, joy).

3. Read the sentence with different interrogative intonation (narrative, exclamation).

We use all of this in our classes. Work on expressiveness is carried out during all the rehearsals of the fairy tale. After several lessons dedicated to working out intonation and memorizing roles, we move on to rehearsals with movements. It is very important that children can move correctly around the stage, depict with facial expressions, gestures, what they want to convey to the audience. Then rehearsals are held on stage with all the scenery and with microphones. Using microphones also needs to be taught. How to hold the microphone correctly, where and how to put it, to whom to pass it, you cannot learn this at one rehearsal.

All the scenery, costumes we prepare with our own hands. Of course not without the help of parents.

The theater club is a lot of time-consuming work, but it brings great satisfaction to me and the children. Our viewers are parents, children from kindergartens, students of our lyceum, kids from the orphanage. We brought not only a performance to the orphanage, but also gifts for kids: toys, clothes, books. A visit to the orphanage left an indelible impression in the souls of the children.

Over the 30 years of my work at the school, many performances have been staged: “A Bag of Apples” and “Yolka” by Suteev, a performance based on the work of V. Kataev “Flower-seven-flower”. Thanks to this performance, students were able to get acquainted with the culture of several countries. The guys learned a lot about England, France, Italy, Ukraine and, of course, about Russia, heard their songs, saw their dances. The red thread running throughout the performance is the idea of ​​friendship between peoples and peace on earth.

All our fairy tales are musical. They also have songs and dances. And in the literary and musical composition "Osenins" all the characters sing and dance, it turns out a real opera.

Sometimes the children bring the scripts themselves, I change them, adjusting them to my team. So, at the request of the children, we staged the fairy tale “About Pim, Seryozhka and their journey to the aquarium” and Marshak’s fairy tale “Laughter and Tears”. The first tale teaches children to love nature and take care of pets. The main idea of ​​this fairy tale is “We are responsible for those whom we have tamed.” The second tale is about friendship, mutual assistance and that if you want to achieve something, then you need to go towards your goal without being afraid of any difficulties. The script for the last tale was very large and difficult, but the children liked it very much, so it was easy to put on the play.

Children like to transform into different fairy tale characters: either become a fox cub, or a fish, or turn into a powerful wizard. They like to perform on stage, sing, dance, using the power of words, facial expressions and gestures, to reveal the character of their hero.

Of course, staging a performance requires a lot of work, effort and time, but it's worth it.

Looking at the children attending the circle, I see how they change. The stage helps them discover their talents, opportunities, gain self-confidence and find new friends. They become more open and friendly, learn to clearly express their thoughts and feelings. In addition to classes in the circle, the guys study well, attend sports sections and other circles. All this diversifies the children. And most importantly, they become active, independent and self-confident individuals.

All children are talented, you just need to find and reveal this talent in them.

Okay, then, frankly: I’m deeply “violet” - whether you get promoted or not. Whether you can organize or not.
I answered you as a mother-consumer.
My mom experience: two kids. The son has music, dancing and preparation for school, the daughter has a sports school. in addition to kindergarten, both have a kindergarten program and additional classes.
So, it is for “private” lessons or kindergartens, extended day groups ...
1. I care where to go and where to change my child.
2. I care where to expect my child, especially during the cold period.
3. As a mother, I want to see what my child is taught, especially if it is not professional sports (the same dance ensembles or a sports school where mothers distract from the result, and children go to a diploma from the same dance school or categories).
4. I care about my child's safety in relation to other children.
5. conditions - cleanliness, coziness, comfort (reasonable), safety (sharp and breaking objects), lighting.
6. how many children are in the group. More than 10 - in figs it is necessary, excuse me, "kindergarten". Or then this kindergarten and there is.
7. provision of drinking water, food. What is provided. If food is included, then under what conditions (but, it’s better for you not to get involved in this). But the availability of drinking water for my child will not be the last item, since I may simply not have time to buy, take it with me, or the child will drink, especially in the heat.
8. At home - the presence of a medical book from the educator is mandatory. In institutions, this question is put on stream there.
9. Permission from the health station to work in this room with children.
10. Teaching material. Presence both in a group and the need to buy something with you. If I have to buy, then the availability of improvised material (the same clay for modeling is not always available for sale, especially “blue”. And even “German” - plasticine-putty is not suitable for everyone in terms of fat content, viscosity, etc. Sometimes it’s easier for a child give the usual "Soviet", albeit oily, but easy to sculpt).
11. Study time, break time. Sorry, but at the school for preparation no more than 30 minutes for 5-6 year olds per lesson is given. And yes, 3 hours is 4-5 lessons with breaks. And yes, I do not care if my child will constantly sit, switching his attention, or there will be “jumping ropes”.
12. A sports complex, a playground and a modeling and drawing studio are three completely different rooms according to their purpose. Drawing and sculpting is getting dirty, “scattering” leaves and boards on the whole table. Play is a place to run, play, make some noise. The Swedish wall is the presence of mats and a more thorough cleaning even than in the first two rooms, since it is a “half-mat-wall-ceiling”.
13. How many people will take care of children at the same time? Since not everyone wants to string beads on a string for 10 minutes and change the same monotonous activities all this time. I have experience of going to a Montessori group. Shilopopty children are bored there. And modeling and games at the same time are incompatible.
14. Your statement that my 6-year-old, and even more so 3-4-year-old child is hyperactive and it is not normal to be so at his age, would be your last statement to me personally. After that, I would try to create anti-advertising for you among our microdistrict, and I would also set not only the sanitation station for you to have all the permits. Since this is rudeness to the mother in relation to the child. At 6 years old, this is normal. You are not a doctor in order to give out diagnoses in absentia (and even when you see a child for the first time) and in general, not every calm child will sit out for 3 hours with the same task of the same type. If my child has certain gaps, then I, as a mother, know this. And your remark will be, at best, an unforgivable faux pas. It is one thing to listen about my “mind,” but another thing about my child.
Therefore, my advice to you is to watch your attitude towards children and what you will say to mothers, even if their child is “not like that”, and even more so if the child is different from the rest.

In general, a bunch of everything that “at first glance” decides a lot right off the bat.
And, mind you, I did not at all tie your circle to any definition of this activity.

And so, in the tax office you get the code of the type of activity (here you can consult how exactly to designate the type of activity - they have a list for diverse groups), choose the method of tax reporting, get permission from the relevant authorities. When working with children - a special conversation with firefighters and especially with SANSTATION. Further, the equipment of the premises and advertising. And then, in fact, the work itself.
And the fact that you like to mess around with children;) ... In general, good luck. Just remember that when working with other people's children, mothers look not only at how you communicate and what you teach their offspring, but also at many other factors. Including your appearance, your manner of speaking, what you say to your parents and especially about their children ...

In general, I advise you to work for at least a month as a nanny in a kindergarten;). Then you will immediately decide whether you can morally work with children of about the same age and in an amount of more than two or three;).

In general, good luck to you;).

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