Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart biography summary. Viennese Classical School: Amadeus Mozart

Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg into a musical family.

In the biography of Mozart musical talent was also found in early childhood. His father taught him to play the organ, violin, harpsichord. In 1762 the family travels to Vienna, Munich. There are concerts by Mozart, his sister Maria Anna. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Mozart's music amazes listeners with amazing beauty. For the first time the composer's works are published in Paris.

The next few years (1770-1774) Amadeus Mozart lived in Italy. There, for the first time, his operas (“Mithridates the King of Pontus”, “Lucius Sulla”, “The Dream of Scipio”) are staged, which receive great success from the public.

It should be noted that by the age of 17 the composer's wide repertoire included more than 40 major works.

The heyday of creativity

From 1775 to 1780, the seminal work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart added a number of outstanding compositions to his cohort. After taking the position of court organist in 1779, Mozart's symphonies, his operas contain more and more new techniques.

In a brief biography of Wolfgang Mozart, it is worth noting that his marriage to Constance Weber also affected his work. The opera The Abduction from the Seraglio is imbued with the romance of those times.

Some of Mozart's operas remained unfinished, because the difficult financial situation family forced the composer to devote a lot of time to various part-time jobs. held in aristocratic circles piano concertos Mozart, the musician himself was forced to write plays, waltzes to order, and teach.

glory peak

The work of Mozart in the following years is striking in its fruitfulness along with skill. The most famous operas"The Marriage of Figaro", "Don Juan" (both operas written jointly with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) by the composer Mozart are staged in several cities.

In 1789, he received a very lucrative offer to head the court chapel in Berlin. However, the composer's refusal further exacerbated the material shortage.

For Mozart, the works of that time were extremely successful. "Magic Flute", "Mercy of Titus" - these operas were written quickly, but very high quality, expressive, with beautiful shades. The famous mass "Requiem" was never completed by Mozart. The work was completed by the composer's student, Süssmeier.


Since November 1791, Mozart was ill a lot and did not get out of bed at all. The famous composer died on December 5, 1791 from acute fever. Mozart was buried in the cemetery of St. Mark in Vienna.

Biography test

Do you remember Mozart's short biography well? Find out right now.

Wolfgang Amadeus John Chrysostom Theophilus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Austria, in the city of Salzburg on the banks of the Salzach River. In the XVIII century the city was considered the center musical life. Little Mozart got acquainted early with the music that sounded in the residence of the archbishop, with home concerts of well-to-do citizens and with the world of folk music.

Wolfgang's father, Leopold Mozart, was one of the most educated and prominent teachers of his era and became his son's first teacher. At the age of 4, the boy already plays the piano perfectly and begins to compose music. According to one record of that time, he mastered the violin in just a few days and soon amazed his family and friends of his father with the manuscript of the “piano concerto”.
At the age of six, he first appeared before the general public, and after a short time, together with his sister Anna, also an outstanding performer, he went on a concert tour to Munich, Augsburg, Mannheim, Brussels, Vienna, Paris, and then his family went to London, where at that time time were the largest masters opera stage.
In 1763 Mozart's works (sonatas for piano and violin) were first published in Paris.
The history of music testifies to a number of wonderful performances with which Mozart plunged his listeners into amazement. The boy was only 10 years old when he took part in composing a collective oratorio. He was kept in real captivity for a whole week, opening the locked door only to give him food or music paper. Mozart brilliantly passed the test, and soon after the oratorio, performed with great success, amazes the audience with the opera Apolloni Hyacinth, and then with two more operas, The Imaginary Simple Girl and Bastien and Bastienne.
In 1769 Mozart went on a tour of Italy. Great Italian musicians are at first distrustful and even suspicious of the Clegends surrounding the name of Mozart. But his genius talent conquers them too. Vitaliy Mozart studies with the famous composer and teacher J.B. Martini, gives concerts, writes the opera "Mithridates - King of Pontus", which is a great success.
At the age of 14, he became a member of the renowned Academy of Bologna and the Philharmonic Academy in Verona. Mozart reaches the pinnacle of fame in Rome. Having listened only once in the Cathedral of St. Peter "Miserere" Allegri, he writes it down on paper from memory. The opera Mithridates, King of Pontus (1770), Lucio Silla (1772), and the theatrical serenade Ascanio in Alba are memories of a trip to Italy.
After a trip to Italy, Mozart creates quartets for string instruments, symphonic works, sonatas for piano and works for the most different combinations instruments, the opera The Imaginary Gardener (1775), The Shepherd King.
The young composer, who until now knew only the brilliant side of life, now knows its underside. The new Prince-Archbishop Jerome Coloredo does not like music, does not like Mozart, and more and more often makes him understand that Mozart is only a servant who is entitled to no more respect than any cook or lackey. Leaving Salzburg and court service, he settled in Mannheim. Here he meets the Weber family and acquires several loyal and reliable friends among art lovers.
But heavy material worries, humiliation and expectations in the hallways, begging and seeking protection forced the young composer to return to Salzburg. At the request of Leopold Mozart, the archbishop takes back his former musician, but gives strict instructions: to his servants and lackeys (of course, to Mozart) public performance prohibited. However, in 1781, Mozart managed to get a vacation to stage a new opera, Idomeneo, in Munich. After a successful premiere, having decided not to return to Salzburg anymore, Mozart submits a letter of resignation and receives a stream of curses and insults in response. The cup of patience is overflowing; the composer finally broke with the dependent position of the court musician and settled in Vienna, where he lived for the last 10 years of his life.
However, Mozart faced new difficulties. Aristocratic circles are turning away from the former child prodigy, and those who until recently paid him gold and applause now consider the musician's creations excessively heavy, confused and abstract. And Mozart, meanwhile, creates masterpieces. In 1782, his first mature opera, The Abduction from the Seraglio, is performed; in the summer of the same year he marries Constance Weber.
New creative stage Mozart's life is associated with his friendship with Joseph Haydn (1732-1809). Under the influence of Haydn, Mozart's music takes on new wings. The first wonderful Mozart quartets are born. But besides the brilliance, which has already become a proverb, in his writings a more tragic, more serious beginning, characteristic of a person who sees life in its entirety, is increasingly manifested.
The composer moves farther and farther away from the requirements of general taste, which are placed before the obedient composers of music by the salons of nobles and patrons of the rich. During this period, the opera The Marriage of Figaro (1786) appeared. Mozart is beginning to be forced out of the opera stage. Compared to the light works of Salieri and Paesiello, the works of Mozart seem heavy and problematic.
Disasters and hardships are increasingly peeking into the composer's house, young spouses do not know how to economically manage the household. In these difficult conditions, the opera Don Giovanni (1787) was born, which brought the author a worldwide success. While writing the last pages of the score, Mozart receives news of his father's death. Now the composer was indeed left alone; he can no longer hope that his father's advice, a clever letter, and perhaps direct intervention will help him in difficult times.
After the premiere of Don Juan in Prague, the imperial court was forced to make some concessions. Mozart is offered to take the place of the court musician, which belonged to the recently deceased Gluck (1714-1787). However, this honorary appointment brings the composer a little joy. The Viennese court treats Mozart as an ordinary writer dance music and orders him minuets, landlers, country dances for court balls.
To recent years Mozart's life includes 3 symphonies (E-flat major, G minor and C major), the operas Everyone Does It So (1790), The Mercy of Titus (1791), The Magic Flute (1791).
Death caught Mozart on December 5, 1791 in Vienna while working on the Requiem. The history of the creation of this work is told by all biographers of the composer. A middle-aged stranger came to Mozart, decently dressed and pleasant. He ordered a Requiem for his friend and paid a generous advance. The gloomy tone and mystery with which the order was made gave rise to the suspicious composer's idea that he was writing this "Requiem" for himself.
"Requiem" was completed by a student and friend of the composer F. Süssmeier.
Mozart was buried in common grave for the poor. His wife was sick at home on the day of the funeral; the composer's friends, who went out to see him off on his last journey, were forced to return home halfway due to terrible bad weather. It so happened that no one knows exactly where he found eternal rest great composer...
creative heritage Mozart consists of more than 600 works

Biography and episodes of life Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. When born and died Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, memorable places and dates important events his life. composer quotes, images and videos.

Life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:

born January 27, 1756, died December 5, 1791


"Mozart lives here,
He believed in something
What has no name
And there are no words to explain it.
He was able to express this through music.
When he died,
Only his bodily form was taken away.
They said they didn't recognize him.
And the body was buried in a common grave.
But we choose to believe
That he was never buried
Because he never died.
Take heed."
Stymin Karpen, epitaph to Mozart, translated by D. Samoilov


One day Mozart's father came home accompanied by his friend, the court trumpeter AI Shakhtner. Entering the house, the men saw how little Wolfgang, sitting at the table, diligently displays inscriptions on a sheet of music. When asked by his father about what he was doing, young Mozart replied that he was writing a musical composition for the harpsichord. Such a serious answer amused both the father and Mr. Shachtner, but their laughter continued only until the moment when they looked at the sheet of music covered in uneven children's handwriting. Father read the notes, and tears flowed from his eyes: “How everything here is correct and meaningful!” he exclaimed. But the genius at that time was only four years old.

The first years of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's life were spent in Salzburg, the then capital of a small Austrian principality. Mozart's musical talent manifested itself very early: already at the age of three, he could build chords, improvise and play melodies by ear. Under the guidance of Father Leopold Mozart - an outstanding musician of that time - Wolfgang Amadeus learned to play the harpsichord, violin and organ. By the way, his older sister Maria Anna was no less gifted.

Concert activity in the biography of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart began at the age of six. True, then the young master toured in the company of his father and sister, nevertheless leaving behind him cheering crowds of spectators and a train of glory growing every day. Thus, while still a child, Mozart visited almost all cultural centers Europe, which, in fact, provided him with the foundation for further solo career. During his life, Wolfgang Amadeus wrote more than 600 pieces of music.

Mozart's personal life was not only stormy, but not without scandals. The composer had only one chosen one - Constance Weber - a girl from a famous Munich family, in whose house he rented a room. The love of young people was strong and mutual, but Mozart's father prevented the wedding for a long time, caring more about his career and material well-being son. However, the wedding nevertheless took place, and Constance became a faithful companion of Mozart, remaining his muse and benefactor until the very last days.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart died at the age of 36. It seemed that the composer felt the proximity of his own death. AT last days of his life, he tirelessly worked on the "Requiem" and tearfully admitted to his wife that he was writing a memorial work for himself. Constance tried to entertain her lover with more cheerful topics, but, alas, you can’t get away from fate: in the end, the genius fell ill from a serious illness. For two weeks he did not get out of bed, but he was still conscious. And on December 5, 1791, the great composer died. Modern researchers claim that the cause of Mozart's death was a staphylococcal infection.

The news of Mozart's death instantly spread throughout the world, shocking the public. However, the funeral of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - the greatest musical genius humanity - passed through the so-called third category: in a simple coffin to a common grave. And in this, by the way, there was nothing unusual, because monuments and personal graves could only afford richest people that time, to which Mozart, alas, did not belong. But time compares the scores: Mozart's grave is currently the most visited place in St. Mark's cemetery in Vienna.

life line

January 27, 1756 Date of birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
1761 The appearance of the first musical compositions young genius: Andante in C major and Allegro in C major.
1762 Start concert activity Wolfgang and his sisters.
1770 Young Mozart moves to Italy, where he meets outstanding masters working in the musical field.
1779 Wolfgang Amadeus returns to Salzburg and receives a position as court organist.
1781 The composer moves to Vienna, where he reaches the peak of fame.
August 4, 1782 Wedding date of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Constance Weber.
1787 Mozart receives the position of imperial and royal chamber musician.
November 20, 1791 Beginning of Mozart's illness.
December 5, 1791 Date of Mozart's death.
December 6, 1791 Mozart's funeral at St. Mark's Cemetery in Vienna.

Memorable places

1. Mozart's home in Salzburg (now the Mozart House Museum) at Getreidegasse 9, 5020 Salzburg.
2. Cathedral of St. Rupert in Salzburg, where Mozart was baptized.
3. The city of Munich, where the first concert of the young composer took place.
4. St. Stephen's Cathedral, where the betrothal of Wolfgang Amadeus and Constance took place.
5. The Prater Park in Vienna is the composer's favorite place for walking.
6. Cemetery of St. Mark, where Mozart is buried. Mozart's grave is marked with a commemorative cenotaph.

Episodes of life

In the process of learning to play the violin, young Mozart used the instrument of a family friend, Mr. Schachtner. Later, playing his own violin, the boy noticed that the previous violin was tuned one-eighth of a tone higher than the previous one. Schachtner did not take the remarks seriously, but Leopold Mozart, knowing about his son's exceptional hearing, asked his friend to bring his violin for comparison. It turned out that Shachtner's violin was indeed tuned with an error of one eighth of a tone.

When Mozart's relationship with his future bride was only gaining momentum, the guardian of Constance Weber, Johann Thorowart, rudely interfered in them. He forced the young man to sign a written agreement that if Mozart did not marry Constance within three years, he would be forced to pay financial compensation in her favor for life. In order to prove the seriousness of his intentions, Wolfgang agreed. However, later Constance broke this obligation, arguing that she completely trusts the words of Mozart and does not need any written confirmation. With this event, Mozart's love for Constance grew stronger many times over.

Documentary about Mozart


“Music, even in the most terrible dramatic situations, must always captivate the ear, always remain music.”


“It is my deep conviction that Mozart is the highest, culminating point, to which beauty has reached in the field of music.”
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, composer

“Mozart is the youth of music, an eternally young spring, bringing humanity the joy of spring renewal and spiritual harmony.
Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich, composer


Mozart managed to conquer all the musical heights that were available at that time, but this did not bring him success during his lifetime. Unfortunately, only a few of his contemporaries could appreciate the full depth of his talent, and he was worthy of the highest degree of glory.

Perhaps the genius was unlucky with the era in which he lived, but who knows if we would enjoy his works now if he had been born in another time or place.

Little gift

The future musical prodigy was born in the family of assistant conductor Leopold Mozart and his wife Anna-Maria in 1756 in Salzburg. The mother could not recover for a long time after childbirth, the birth of her son almost cost her her life. The next day the boy was baptized and named Johann Chrysostomos Wolfgang Theophilus. The Mozarts had seven children, but five died in early childhood, leaving their older sister Maria Anna and wolfgang.

Father Mozart was a talented musician and an excellent teacher, whose works have been teaching aids. Extraordinary musical ability began to show and his daughter. The lessons of the father and sister on the clavier were incredibly interesting for the three-year-old Wolfgang- he could sit for hours and pick up thirds on the instrument, enjoying the search for the right harmonies. A year later, Leopold began to learn small pieces with his son, and then he himself began to compose short melodies, only to write down his efforts in music book the child could not.

First wolfgang asked his father to write down his creations, and once he himself tried to convey the composed music with notes that were interspersed with blots. These pen tests were discovered by the father and asked what the child depicted. The boy confidently declared that this was a clavier concerto. Leopold was surprised to find notes among the ink stains and was delighted when he realized that his son correctly and according to all the rules wrote down the invented music. The father praised his child, but said that it was almost impossible to perform such a difficult work. The boy objected, noting that you need to exercise well, then everything will work out. After some time, he managed to play this concerto.

The first tour of Wolfgang Mozart

The children of Mozart's father were extraordinarily talented, so Leopold tried to demonstrate this to the world. He organized at the beginning of 1762 a real European tour, during which the family visited the capitals and largest cities, where children played even in front of the highest audience - emperors and dukes. Small wolfgang as if he was in a fairy tale - he attended receptions in palaces and secular salons, talked with prominent people of his era, won praise and invariably heard a storm of applause addressed to him. But this required daily work from the child, not every adult could withstand such a busy schedule.

The miracle boy, according to the reviews of those to whom he played, flawlessly performed the most complex pieces and improvised for hours, while observing the strict rules of art. His knowledge was higher than that of many experienced musicians.

Despite the rotation in the circles of nobles, Wolfgang Mozart retained the childish spontaneity, openness and lightness. He didn't write moody music, and he wasn't an introverted genius. A lot of funny stories and funny cases are connected with it.

18th century miracle

The Mozarts lived in London for more than a year, where wolfgang met his son, Johann Christian, with whom he improvised and played in four hands. Then the family spent almost a year in different cities Holland. During this period, the musical treasury Mozart replenished with a symphony, six sonatas and a collection of capriccios.

The program of his performances has always amazed the listeners with its complexity and diversity. His virtuoso playing on the violin, harpsichord and organ captivated the audience, who nicknamed the boy the "Miracle of the Century". Then he really conquered Europe. After a long and exhausting journey, the family returned to their native Salzburg in 1766.

father did not give Wolfgang relax and began to intensively engage in composition and rehearsals with him concert programs to new appearances consolidate success. He wanted to make his son not only famous, but also wealthy, so that he would not depend on the whims of powerful people.

Mozart began to receive orders for works. For the Vienna theater, he wrote "Imaginary simpleton", having successfully mastered the new complex genre. But for some reason on stage comic opera did not put. This failure wolfgang suffered very hard.

These were the first manifestations of hostility of rivals towards their 12-year-old colleague, because now he was not just a miracle child, but a serious and famous composer. In the rays of his glory, it was easy to fade.

Young Academician Wolfgang Mozart

Then Leopold decided to take his son to the homeland of operas - to Italy. Three years young Mozart Milan, Florence, Rome, Venice and Naples applauded. His performances attracted huge crowds of fans, he played the organ in cathedrals and churches, was a conductor and a singer.

And here is the long-awaited order from Milansky opera house. In six months, he wrote the opera "Mithridates, King of Pontus", which collected full houses 26 times in a row. He was ordered several more works, including the opera Lucius Sulla.

Brilliant memory and fantastic hearing Mozart amazed sophisticated connoisseurs of music - Italians. One day he heard Sistine Chapel many-voiced choral work, came home and wrote it down in full. It turned out that only the church owned the notes, it was strictly forbidden to take them out or rewrite them, and Mozart I did it just from memory.

Even more public discussion was caused by the election Wolfgang member of the Bologna Academy in such young age. This happened for the first time in the history of the eminent institution.

Such successes Mozart in Italy gave hope for the realization of his father's dream. He was sure that now his son would not be an ordinary provincial musician, but to find a job in Italy for a young Mozart failed. Important people did not recognize the genius in him in time, and he returned to his homeland.

In disgrace at the count

Salzburg met the famous family quite unfriendly. The new earl appointed Wolfgang Mozart conductor of his court orchestra, demanded full submission and tried his best to humiliate him. Servant Position Mozart did not suit him, he did not want to write exclusively church music and short entertaining pieces. wolfgang dreamed of serious work - composing operas.

With great difficulty he managed to get a vacation, along with his mother Mozart went to Paris to try his luck where he had been admired as a child. To a talented musician, who already had almost three hundred works of various genres behind him, there was no place in the capital of France - no orders, no concerts followed. I had to earn a living with music lessons, but this was barely enough to pay for a modest hotel room. With Mother Wolfgang She had a seizure in Paris and she died. A series of failures and this tragedy forced him to return to Salzburg.

There, the count, with new enthusiasm, began to humiliate Mozart- did not allow him to organize concerts, forced him to dine with the servants at a time when his opera "Idomeneo, King of Crete" was successfully staged at the Munich Theater.

Escape from slavery

Mozart made a firm decision to end this service and submitted a letter of resignation. Neither the first nor the second time it was signed, moreover, a stream of insults poured on the composer. wolfgang almost lost his mind from such injustice. But he gathered his strength and left forever native city, settling in Vienna in 1781.

At 26 wolfgang married Constance Weber against the will of the father and mother of the bride, but the newlyweds were happy. At the same time Mozart ordered to write a comic opera "Abduction from the Seraglio". He dreamed of composing an opera mother tongue, especially since the work was excellently received by the audience, only the emperor considered it too complicated.

The success of this opera helped the composer to get acquainted with famous patrons and musicians, including with, to whom he dedicated six quartets. Only Haydn was able to understand and appreciate the depth of talent Wolfgang.

Enthusiastically met by the public in 1786 and new opera Mozart- The Marriage of Figaro. However, the success did not last long. The emperor and the whole court constantly showed their dissatisfaction with the composer's innovations, this also affected the attitude of the public towards his works. But Figaro's aria sounded in all the restaurants, parks and streets of Vienna, it was popular recognition. In his own words, he wrote music for ears of various lengths.


In the life of the composer, difficult times of lack of money again came. Funding came only from Prague, where his Le nozze di Figaro was included in the theatre's repertoire. Creativity was loved and appreciated in this city Mozart, and he worked there with pleasure on Don Juan, which premiered in the autumn of 1787.

Returning to Vienna again brought disappointment and financial need, but there wolfgang wrote the last three symphonies - E-flat major, G minor and C major, which are considered the greatest. In addition, shortly before his death Mozart premiere of his opera The Magic Flute.

In parallel with the work on this opera, he was in a hurry to complete the order of the Requiem. Shortly before this came to him Unknown person dressed in black and ordered a mass for the dead. Mozart was depressed and depressed after this visit. Perhaps his long-standing ill health simply coincided with this event, but he himself wolfgang took the Requiem as a prediction of his own death. Finish Mass Mozart did not have time (this was later done by his student Franz Xaver Süssmeier), he died on the night of 1791. There are still rumors about the reasons for his premature departure from life, as about any famous person. Most famous myth says that he was poisoned by the composer Salieri. This has never been confirmed.

Because the family has money Mozart was not, he was buried without any honors, and even in a common grave, so no one knows the exact place of his burial.


strange visitor Mozart who ordered him a Requiem, was a servant of Count Walsegg-Stuppach, who often bought works for next to nothing from poor composers and passed them off as his creations.

Younger son Mozart Franz Xaver in early XIX century lived and worked in Lvov for twenty years. He taught music to children of noble Galician families and was one of the founders of the first musical society Lvov called "Cecilia". It was on its basis that the Lviv Philharmonic was subsequently organized. And in 1826, the violinist Lipinski and the choir under the direction of Franz Xaver even gave a concert in memory of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Updated: July 29, 2017 by: Elena

On January 27, 1756, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born. He was born in beautiful city Salzburg. The boy had a talent for music when he was still small. Then my father taught me to play the violin and organ.

By the age of seventeen, he had already traveled enough cities in Europe and had more than 17 works to his credit.

Musical creativity

From 1775 to 1780 Mozart worked fruitfully. His works are beginning to be in great demand.

Having married Constance, he slightly changed the sound of his compositions. This is evidenced by the opera "The Abduction from the Seraglio". She is completely and completely blown by the spirit of romance.

Some of the works remained unfinished, as the heavy financial position forced him to earn extra money, and not to write works. He gave private performances in narrow aristocratic circles.

At the peak of his popularity, Mozart wrote his most famous operas.

Mozart is offered to head a chapel in Vienna in 1789, but he refuses, which in turn exacerbates his financial disadvantage.

Last days

Mozart in November 1791 became very ill, so much so that he could not get out of bed. He passed away on December 5, 1791. The exact cause of death remains a mystery, even today. He was buried in Austria - the city of Vienna.

Biography by dates and Interesting Facts. The most important.

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