Who is Syutkin. Valery Syutkin: biography and personal life

Valery Miladovich Syutkin is a singer and musician, who is often called the main intellectual of the domestic show business. He - former soloist groups "Bravo" and "Syutkin and Co", as well as a number of less famous projects: "Telephone", "Architects", "Feng-o-Man". AT this moment performs with the jazz band Light Jazz.

Childhood and family

Valery Syutkin was born on March 22, 1958 in the center of Moscow, at 16/2 Podkolokolny Lane.

Already in adulthood, Valery, who was seriously interested in history and genealogy, established that his surname was of Ural origin. “In Perm, there lived such a peasant - Nikifor Syutkin. He found the largest bar of gold in this region. And my other ancestor was right hand Peter the Great in the Urals,” said the musician.

Valery's father, Milad Alexandrovich Syutkin, is an engineer from Perm, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy named after M.V. Kuibysheva, specialist in underground military construction. O rare name Father Valery told the following: “Family legend says that my dad was born very handsome, so my mother awarded him that name.”

The mother of the future musician, Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezidskaya, was a junior researcher at a closed military research institute where Milad Syutkin taught. The ancestors of Bronislava Andreevna are Polish Jews, who later settled in the city of Balta, Odessa region. But Bronislava was born already in Moscow.

Syutkin's parents met in the classroom at dance mug. When Valery was 13 years old, the couple divorced, which was a real tragedy for the boy. The next years of childhood the boy spent under his grandmother's care.

Valery Syutkin's interest in music manifested itself in 1969. The boy saw on TV political program"Seven days", but its content left him indifferent. But the opening song gave him goosebumps. He didn't know then what they were. The Beatles, but firmly decided to learn how to play the guitar in order to play this composition himself.

Interview with Valery Syutkin: about the first steps in music

He quickly mastered the basic chords, but the guys in the yard convinced him to transfer to the drums, promising a place as a drummer in the yard band. Having collected drum kit from improvised materials - tea cans and hat boxes - he learned to play.

In the eighth grade, he, breaking every conceivable labor standards, earned his first 270 rubles as a sales assistant and bought a real drum kit. He gained experience together with the school ensemble "Excited Reality". Over time, in addition to the drums, the musician mastered the bass guitar.


After graduating from school and a short period of work as an assistant cook at the restaurant "Ukraine", Syutkin joined the army. Serve Valery fell in part on Far East, where he got into the military ensemble "Flight". AT different time many subsequently famous musicians passed through this group in the process of serving in the army, for example, Alexey Glyzin.

At first, Syutkin was a musician, but once the soloist of the ensemble fell ill, and Valery was offered to replace him. It turned out that the drummer had a great voice, and he became the main soloist of Polet.

After demobilization, Valery got a job as a loader at the Belorussky railway station, and a little later he became a conductor on an international train, where he worked for a year and a half.

"Phone" - "Twist Cascade"

In parallel with the main work, Valery did not stop his musical activity. To questions about education, without which in those years it was impossible to get onto the professional stage, the singer answered that he had graduated from the Kirov School of Music. His diploma included the specialty "choir conductor".

In 1982, Syutkin met members of the then little-known Telefon group, who invited him to the team. With his assistance, "Telephone" became a professional touring ensemble. Together with the musicians of VIA "Telephone" Valery recorded the album "Ka-Ka", all the songs in which are connected by a single storylinefolk characters Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lev Abramovich Cascade.

In early 1985, VIA "Telephone" released the second album - "Twist Cascade". On the cover of the release, the name of Syutkin was mentioned for the first time. However, after a while the group broke up.

"Architects" and "Feng-O-Man"

After the collapse of the "Telephone" Syutkin instantly received an invitation to Yuri Davydov's rock group "Architects". I called him there a little earlier, who had transferred to the ensemble Yuri Loza, former musician VIA "Interval". The songs of Vine and Syutkin were previously brought to no one famous group all-Union popularity - Valery's hits "Bus 86", "Sleep, baby", "Time of love" were in rotation on radio and TV, and the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" included "Architects" in the top five popular bands Soviet Union.

In 1987, the "Architects" experienced a crisis. After a tour of the Ukrainian SSR, Yuri Loza left the group, as a result of which the group performed extremely unsuccessfully at Rock-Panorama-87. In 1988, the keyboard player left the band. Work on the new album "Garbage from the hut" was sluggish - it was released only in 1989 and was received coolly. Against the backdrop of all the troubles, Valery decided to end his cooperation with the "Architects".

After that, the group practically ceased to exist, putting an end to the sixth and last album "Pour" (1991), recorded with vocals by Alexander Martynov.

After parting with the "Architects", Syutkin founded his own musical project- the Feng-O-Man trio, which lasted the next two years and became part of the troupe of Mikhail Boyarsky.

The Feng-O-Man discography turned out to be meager - the only album, Grainy Caviar, was released in 1989. The trio won the Audience Choice Award at the international musical television competition "Step to Parnassus".

Bravo and Valery Syutkin

In August 1990, Valery Syutkin disbanded Feng-O-Man and moved to the Bravo rock and roll band to replace Zhanna Aguzarova at the invitation of the group leader, guitarist and composer Yevgeny Khavtan.

The first time of work in the team was marked by a debate about Syutkin's hairstyle. At that time, Valery had unbridled hair, which absolutely did not fit with the "stylish" image of the group. The controversy over Syutkin's hairstyle did not subside for quite some time, and, in the end, the frontman was forced to give in and bring his hair in line with "rock and roll standards."

Work began on recording the album "Dandies from Moscow", which was released in the same year and turned out to be quite motley. I must say that after the departure of Aguzarova, Bravo was waiting for a lull. Suddenly, the song “Vasya”, recorded jointly by Syutkin and Havtan, “shot out”. The video of the same name cost the group mere pennies, but blew up all the music charts of those years.

Group "Bravo" - "Vasya"

Some of the songs included in the new disc were recorded with Zhanna - these are the compositions “I am sad and light”, “King of the Orange Summer”, “Good evening, Moscow!”, “Fast train”, “Star Shake”. For these songs, Syutkin re-recorded the vocal parts, which were overdubbed on the finished material.

Other songs were new and were already written by Syutkin and Havtan - the iconic "Vasya", as well as "Hold on, dude" and "Girl of sixteen years old". In addition, Valery offered the team a song own composition- “I am what you need”, which later became one of the main hits of the band.

"Bravo" - "I'm what you need"

On August 25, 1990, the group successfully debuted with a new line-up on the Morning Post television project.

With the advent of Syutkin, Bravo gained unprecedented fame. The image of the group, built entirely on the attributes of the dudes subculture, suddenly provided the team with nationwide popularity. key symbol the Bravo group of that period became ties - following the release of the song "Stylish Orange Tie", which became a kind of anthem for Russian dudes.

The band's popularity peaked in 1993-1994. Bravo celebrated the decade on a grand scale with grandiose anniversary concerts, gathering crowded stadiums throughout the former USSR. With the participation of Syutkin, the team released two more albums: "Moscow Beat", "Road to the Clouds", as well as a recording of the concert "Live in Moscow". All records with the participation of Syutkin received multi-platinum status (in Russia, to achieve it, you need to sell 150 thousand copies of the album).

Valery Syutkin after Bravo

In 1995, Valery Syutkin left Bravo. The decision was affected by both the moral and physical exhaustion of the musician - the band gave a lot of concerts, maintaining the high standard of people's favorites.

But main reason became a different vision of the future of the group. Havtan realized that he no longer identifies himself with the lyrical dandy hero so beloved by the public. Syutkin also wanted to move in the same direction and further. Having met with rejection of such a position, he created his own jazz group Syutkin and Co.

Valery Syutkin - "7000 above the ground"

In the same year, the hit "7000 above the ground" from debut album new team "That's what you need" was recognized greatest hit of the year. Syutkin delighted the audience with both solo compositions and duets with Andrei Makarevich, Laima Vaikule, Muslim Magomayev.

Muslim Magomayev and Valery Syutkin - " Best city» (2002)

In 2005, the singer changed musical accompaniment. From now on, the team was called "Syutkin Rock and Roll Band".

In March 2008, Valery Syutkin was recognized as an Honored Artist of Russia.

Other projects

Syutkin is pretty frequent guest on TV. In 2001, the musical television game "Two Pianos" appeared on the RTR channel, the host of which was Valery.

In 2006, Valery, together with figure skater Irina Lobacheva, took part in the TV show "Stars on Ice", starred in one of the parts of the popular New Year's TV musical "Old Songs about the Essentials", and also made a cameo in the film "Election Day" by Quartet I.

It is worth noting that Syutkin took part in the cultural program Olympic Games 1988, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012.

Personal life of Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin, idol of millions Russian women, was married three times. Only in the third marriage did the singer find family happiness.

The second wife of Syutkin was his girlfriend good friend. The singer also prefers not to advertise her name. Alas, this relationship also did not stand the test of time. The reason for this is the musician's love for opposite sex. “I allowed myself a lot then, which I don’t want to allow now,” Syutkin said. Even the son Maxim, who was born in 1987, did not turn Valery into a respectable father of the family. The wife knew about the adventures of her husband, but closed her eyes for the sake of her son and financial well-being families.

In 1992, Valery became interested in an 18-year-old Bravo dresser named Violetta. And - unexpectedly for himself - fell head over heels in love. Over time, their relationship grew from friendly to intimate romantic, despite the fact that the girl was in full swing preparing for the wedding with another young man.

In 1994, Valery and Violetta got married. Two years later, their beloved baby Viola was born. “I’ll come back from the tour and rush to my daughter with hugs:“ My snow leopard, my bird, my sun, Violusya, ”the musician once shared touching memories.

Youngest daughter Syutkina graduated from college in Switzerland, and in 2014 she entered the American University in Paris.

In the same 2014, the singer's name was often mentioned in the press in connection with the scandal. Syutkin filed a claim against the Lurkmore portal, where his photograph was posted in the context of the joke “Beat the woman in the ... [face]”. Moreover, his mother told Syutkin about how his photograph is distributed on the Web. Why the intelligent and peaceful Syutkin became the occasion for jokes of this nature is unknown. Perhaps it is precisely his character that is diametrically opposed to this call that is to blame here.

Valery Syutkin now

Since 2015, Valery Syutkin has been performing with the Light Jazz team. As part of the cooperation, he released the albums Moskvich 2015 and Olimpiyka. The musician also collaborates with the Romario group - their joint clips "Moscow River" and "Without Mittens" became real hits in 2016.

2017: Valery Syutkin plays in the subway

In the spring of 2017, the musician took part in social project"Music in the subway". Passengers of the Moscow metro were shocked when they saw Syutkin speaking in the lobby of the Borovitskaya station. He played his hit 42 Minutes Underground.

Valery Syutkin, today's birthday (March 22), as you know, has been happily married for a quarter of a century. And he often talks about how lucky he is! But extremely interesting interview about how his first two marriages developed, he also gave, the site says.

What Syutkin himself says

That previous marriages are something that he even tries not to remember. Twenty-five years ago, he decided to marry one particular woman and live for her, period! And before that, there were situations when, after the first successful date, it was decent to ask for the girl’s hand. As soon as you kiss her, her parents are already asking about your intentions, Syutkin complains, explaining the reasons for his two marriages.

Photo: Pinterest

Children of Syutkin

He has two children from previous marriages. Elena is thirty-eight, Maxim is thirty, and they are friends with their father. In general, the children are doing well, and Valery stopped helping them with money as soon as they grew up. On the eighteenth birthday, says Syutkin, I make children good gift, the same car, and then let them go where they know! Lena is married to a businessman, Max lives in a civil marriage with his girlfriend Yulia, and Viola meets a German, and the Russian-German couple rents an apartment on their own, without the help of Syutkin. Valery never limited children, but at the same time he did not give too much.

He always makes a lot of gifts for his wife! Viola Sr. constantly receives expensive presents. Beloved woman must be pleased every day to be happy.

Photo: Pinterest

Valery's first marriages

Almost forty years ago, he met his first wife, but lived with her for only two years. But Elena was born! She is an economist, graduated from Moscow State University, and in 2014 she became the mother of little Vasilisa - now Syutkin has a granddaughter. And the second time he was married to ex girlfriend his friend ... The marriage broke up, because Syutkin was carried in all directions, including to the side ... Maxim was born in 1987, but Valery was not tied to the house. The marriage would have continued “for the sake of the son”, but Syutkin met Violetta! ..

Valery and Viola

It was 1992, Viola was eighteen years old, and she got a job as a costume designer at Bravo. It would seem that the romance of an accomplished musician with an eighteen-year-old should not have ended well, JoInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn smiles! And he took - and developed. Viola Jr. was born two years later. Now she has already graduated from a college in Switzerland and is studying at a university in Paris. In a word, love simply blooms and smells!

It is even strange that it was in the photographs of Syutkin that they once played on the Internet, making collages with his face and the call to "Beat the woman in ... let's say, conditionally, in the face." Probably the point is that he is a gentle person, with a very happy family, because the game is in contrast! ..

And a couple of years ago, Valery Syutkin for crazy money. We believe that the money was needed for a reason - of course, to please his beloved wife! So we can congratulate Viola on the fact that once, as an eighteen-year-old girl, she met Valery Syutkin, and in general the Bravo group.

Syutkin Valery Miladovich is very talented person. He succeeded in many ways talented singer and a musician, for a long time he was a soloist in the Bravo group.
He has a daughter from his first marriage, Elena Syutkina, born in 1980. From the second marriage was born named Maxim, born in 1987. At the moment he has a wife Viola, they are together in 1993. She bore him a daughter, Viola Syutkina, born in 1996, an art historian by education. Valery's height is 187 cm and weighs 76 kg. Today he performs with the jazz group Light Jazz.

Family and childhood

Valery was born in the city of Moscow, 1958 on March 22. As a young man, he was fond of such subjects as history and genealogy. And soon he proved that his surname comes from its roots in the Urals. Valery said that in Perm there was a man who found the largest piece of gold in the Urals, his name was Nikifor Syutkin. Another musician often said that his Ural ancestor was the main assistant to Peter the Great.

His father, Milad Syutkin, was a military engineer, worked in Perm as a teacher at the Kuibyshev Academy of Military Engineering. He was well versed in underground construction. What about him unusual name Valery said that at birth his father was very handsome, and therefore his mother gave him this unusual name.

And the mother of our musician was Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezidskaya. She worked as a junior employee at a military scientific institute, and Milad Syutkin worked at the same institute. His mother's parents are Polish Jews, they settled in the town of Balta, which is located in the Odessa region. And Valeria's mother was born in the city of Moscow.
Valery's father and mother met in a dance club. Unfortunately, when Valery was 13 years old, his parents divorced. And of course, this affected the psyche of Valery. After that, he decided to live with his grandmother.

Talent Development

Valery Syutkin became interested in music in 1969. When he saw the program on TV, he was not interested in the program itself, but in the music in the introductory video. And he stubbornly began to learn to play the guitar in order to play this melody. After Valery finally learned all the chords, the guys from the yard suggested that he learn to play the percussion instruments. Valery became a drummer in a yard team, he independently assembled a drum set from different boxes and cans. So he learned to play the drums.

Valery studied in the 8th grade and decided to save up money, he hardly earned his 270 rubles and bought a drum kit. He soon gained experience in music with the school band. Later, Valery figured out the bass guitar, and soon he was already playing it easily.

Valery, like everyone else, graduated from high school. And he went to work as an assistant cook at a local restaurant. And then he was taken into the army, and he stood out to serve in the Far East. And there he was not left without music, Valery was a drummer in a military ensemble. For a long time, Valery was just a musician in the ensemble, but it so happened that the soloist caught a cold and Valery was offered to replace him, since he was the most talented. And just found out that he has a beautiful voice.

After Valery served, he went to work as a loader at the station, later he worked as a train conductor. And how could he leave music, Valery often played the guitar or the drums, he was engaged not only in the main work. But he also began to perform with the TELEPHONE group, and thanks to Valery Syutkin, the group became famous and began to gain momentum. And he was even able to get a correspondence education, while without education it was impossible to get on stage. Valery's diploma says "choir conductor".

In 1990, Syutkin became the lead singer of the then-popular Bravo group. He replaced the departed Zhanna Aguzarova. Valery came to this team at the invitation of the head of the group, Yevgeny Khavtan. The time spent at the Bravo brought him maximum popularity.

  • instagram.com/syutkin_valeriy

Zodiac sign: Aries

Place of Birth: Moscow

Activity: singer

The weight: 76 kg

Growth: 187 cm

Biography of Valery Syutkin

Childhood. The beginning of Valery Syutkin's work

Valery Miladovich Syutkin was born in the center of Moscow, on the street that separates Yauzsky and Pokrovsky boulevards and is now called Vorontsovo Pole. In those years, the street was named after Dr. V. Obukh, who was in charge of Moscow healthcare institutions in the formative years. Soviet power. Valery's father, Milad Alexandrovich Syutkin, is an engineer from Perm, a teacher at the Military Engineering Academy named after M.V. Kuibysheva, specialist in underground military construction. The mother of the future musician - Bronislava Andreevna Brzhezidskaya - was a junior researcher at a closed military research institute. The ancestors of Bronislava Andreevna were Polish Jews who later moved from Poland to the city of Balta in the Odessa region. Valery's parents met in the classroom in a dance club.

Valery Syutkin in his youth

The surname Syutkin is quite widespread in Mordovia and the Urals. The origin of the surname is associated with a variant of the colloquial version of the name Xenia known in the Urals - Syuta, Syutka (a diminutive of Aksyuta). All the ancestors of Milad Alexandrovich were lawyers.

When Valery was 13 years old, his parents divorced. From about the same time, Syutkin began to seriously get involved musical art. Valery played in several amateur groups at once, school ensembles, amateur groups, usually bass or drums. From school time, Syutkin was imbued with the work of the rock bands "The Beatles", " Led Zeppelin», « deep purple”, “Smokie” and performed their songs in amateur bands.


After graduating from school and a short period of work as an assistant cook in the restaurant "Ukraine", Syutkin leaves for the army. Serve Valery fell in the Far East, where he falls into the military ensemble "Flight". At various times, many well-known musicians later passed through this group while serving in the army, for example, Alexei Glyzin. Participating in "Flight" as a musician, one day Valery replaced a sick vocalist. The replacement was successful, and Syutkin became the vocalist of Polet.

Valery Syutkin - 7 thousand above the ground

After returning from the army, Valery got a job as a loader, worked at the Belorussky railway station. Later, Syutkin became a conductor of international communications, where he worked for a year and a half. He admits that he carried guitars.
In parallel with the work, Valery does not stop his musical activity. In 1982, Syutkin met the members of the then little-known Telefon group, who soon invited him to the team. Later, "Telephone" becomes a professional touring ensemble. Together with the musicians of VIA "Telephone" Valery records the album "Ka-Ka", all the songs in which are connected by a single storyline - folk characters Suleiman Suleimanovich Kadyrov and Lev Abramovich Kaskad.

In early 1985, VIA "Telephone" released the second album - "Twist Cascade". On the cover of the release, Syutkin's name is mentioned for the first time. After a while the group broke up.

Architects" and "Feng-O-Man"

After the collapse of the "Telephone" Syutkin goes to Yuri Davydov's rock group "Architects", where he was invited by Yuri Loza, who had previously transferred from Interval. The songs of Vine and Syutkin brought the previously unknown group all-Union popularity - Valery's hits "Bus 86", "Sleep, baby", "Time of Love" got into radio and television rotation, and the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper named "Architects" in its top five the most popular groups of the Soviet Union.

In 1987, a crisis began in the "Architects". After a tour of the Ukrainian SSR, Yuri Loza leaves the group in the fall, and the group performs extremely unsuccessfully at Rock-Panorama-87. In 1988, the keyboard player leaves the band. The recording of the new album "Garbage from the hut" is sluggish, and it is released only in 1989, but remains almost unnoticed by the audience. Against the backdrop of all this, Valery decides to end his cooperation with the "Architects".
The group after that practically ceases to exist, releasing their sixth and last album "Pour" in 1991 with the vocals of Alexander Martynov.

Valery Syutkin started singing early

After leaving the "Architects", Syutkin founded his own musical project - the Feng-O-Man trio, which lasted two years and was part of the troupe of Mikhail Boyarsky. The Feng-O-Man discography turned out to be meager - the only album, Grainy Caviar, was released in 1989. The trio won the Audience Choice Award at the international musical television competition "Step to Parnassus".

Bravo and Valery Syutkin

In 1990, in August, Valery Syutkin stopped working on the Feng-O-Man project and moved to the Bravo team at the invitation of the group leader, Evgeny Khavtan. The new vocalist interrupted a disappointing long series of frontmen changes in Bravo after the departure of Zhanna Aguzarova.

Valery Syutkin moved to the Bravo group in 1990

The first time of work in the team was marked by a debate about Syutkin's hairstyle. At that time, Valery had a significant head of hair, which absolutely did not fit with the "stylish" image of the group. The controversy over Syutkin's hairstyle did not subside for quite some time, and in the end the frontman was forced to give in and bring his hair in line with rock and roll standards.

On August 25, 1990, the group debuted with a new line-up on the Morning Post television project. The debut was successful. Work began on recording the album "Dandies from Moscow".

The album turned out to be quite diverse. Some of the songs included in it were recorded earlier with other vocalists and were firmly included in the group's repertoire - "I'm sad and easy", "King of Orange Summer", "Good evening, Moscow!", "Fast train", "Star Shake" . For these songs, Syutkin only recorded vocal parts that were superimposed on the finished material. Other songs were new and were already written by Syutkin and Havtan - “Vasya”, “Hold on, dude”, “Girl of sixteen years old”. In addition, Valery offered the team a song of his own composition - “I am what you need”, which later became one of the hits of the team. The album was released in 1990 and instantly sold across the country.

Valery Syutkin is still popular

The band is starting to work on the next album and at the same time actively touring. With the arrival of Syutkin in the team, Bravo regains popularity. The image of the group, built entirely on the attributes of the dudes subculture, suddenly provides the team with nationwide popularity. The key fetish of the Bravo group of that period was ties, soon the song “Stylish Orange Tie” was released, which became a kind of anthem for Russian dudes.

The band's popularity peaked in 1993-1994. Bravo is celebrating its tenth anniversary on a grand scale with grandiose anniversary concerts. Throughout the former USSR, the team collects stadiums and crowded halls.
The period devoted to working with the Bravo group becomes the period of development for Syutkin of his own original style, which the performer adheres to to this day.

"Syutkin and Co"

In 1995, Valery Syutkin ends his collaboration with Bravo and creates his own group, Syutkin and Co, in which he continues to work. In the same year, the hit "7000 above the ground" from the band's debut album "What You Need" becomes the best hit of the year. In 2009 and 2012, the songs of the Minibus and Moscow-Neva collectives receive the Golden Gramophone.

Valery Syutkin What a pity, but you are not with me today.

In addition to musical activities, Syutkin begins work on television. In 2001, the musical television game "Two Pianos" appeared on the RTR channel, with Valery becoming the host. On Channel One, Syutkin took part in the TV show "Stars on Ice", starred in one of the parts of the popular New Year's TV musical "Old Songs about the Main" and in the project of the Quartet and "Election Day" in the role of himself.

In March 2008 he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Personal life of Valery Syutkin

Valery Syutkin was married three times. Valery's daughter from her first marriage, Elena, graduated from the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, son Maxim from the second - geographical. Now he works in the tourism business. Since 1994, Valery has been in a third marriage. Syutkin's third wife, Violetta, worked as a costume designer in the Bravo team. In 1996, their daughter Viola was born.

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Valery Syutkin - latest news of 2015

Lurkmore ordered to remove pictures with Syutkin

Valery Syutkin was born on March 22, 1958 in Moscow. He played in school ensembles, in the early 1970s he participated in several amateur groups, first as a bass player and drummer, later became a vocalist. Since 1980 - in the group "Telephone", in 1985-1988 - in the group "Architects".

In 1985, Valery Syutkin's solo magnetic album "Twist Cascade" was released. In 1989, he created the Feng-o-men trio, and in August 1990 he joined the Bravo group, after the soloist Zhanna Aguzarova left it.

But at your Moscow and its Neva
Something has become common, probably you.
You are bright, he is gloomy, in a dispute between two cultures
He is again behind the curb, and you are behind the curb.

Syutkin Valery Miladovich

In this group Valery Syutkin worked for almost six years, and thanks to the fruitful collaboration between Syutkin and Evgeny Khavtan, the group gained immense popularity, and the songs of this period are still loved by listeners. In "Bravo" Syutkin recorded the albums "Dandies from Moscow", "Moscow Beat", "Road to the Clouds", was also released live album 10 years of Bravo. The song "Seven thousand above the ground" was recognized as the best hit of 1995 according to the decision of the Academy of the national Russian award "Zvezda".

In May 1995, Valery Syutkin parted ways with Bravo and organized the Syutkin and Co. group, which soon released the album What You Need and Radio Night Roads. Now he is actively engaged solo career, he released several albums, including - "Far from everything", "2000 pleasures", "004". http://persona.rin.ru/view/f/0/15527/sjutkin-valerij-miladovich

On the one hand, the roots of Valery Syutkin are Ural and date back several centuries: one of the Demidovs, who ruled in the Urals in the last century, had Syutkin as his right hand. As for the father of the future Bravo soloist, he was born in Perm, at the age of 18 he came to Moscow and entered the military academy. A little later, he met a Muscovite named Brzhezinskaya (her grandfather was a purebred Pole), who in 1958 gave birth to his son Valery.

Valery Syutkin recalls: “I had a good relationship with my parents. At school, I studied for one five, so as not to upset them. And when rock 'n' roll began, my progress in school dropped sharply. My parents took it right, they did not put pressure on my freedom. I am grateful to my parents for not forcing me to study at institutions that I did not like, for not forcing their views on things on me. They didn’t take care of anything beyond measure and the like ... "

My job is built on reputation, not rotation. In my 50 years, I've built up a good reputation. And she allows me to be in demand. Under what we play, sitting in the hall is wrong. We give an artistic evening on a turnkey basis. I often act as a presenter. Entertaining people and doing it well...

Syutkin Valery Miladovich

It is worth noting that when Valera was in high school, his father left the family. The son took this departure as a betrayal and for ten years did not maintain any relationship with his father. And only having matured, Valery realized that he had no right to condemn anyone. Moreover, he himself managed to find happiness only in his third marriage.

professional musical activity Valeria Syutkina began in 1980, when he got into the group "Telephone". The singer recalls: “I graduated from a correspondence school of music. But the fact is that I did not finish it at the call of the soul. It just wasn't there before. prerequisite to work on the professional stage. And at first I worked, and then, when there were all sorts of commissions and they asked6 “Do you have an education?”, I gave them a certificate: “And here it is!” So I am a choir conductor… But I still have a lot of professions. I am a bartender, for example, I can pour drinks. I also completed cooking courses, although I hate cooking. Courses of toastmaster, driving a car, conductors of foreign communication ... "

In 1984, Valery Syutkin left the "Telephone" and moved to the group "Architects", which was gaining popularity, led by Yuri Loza. The group performed a lot of "cool" songs and acted funny on stage accordingly. V. Syutkin recalls:

“At the end of each tour, we arranged the so-called “green concerts”, where everyone, from technical staff to musicians and administrators, was kidding to the fullest. It was considered aerobatics when the viewer does not understand anything, although a colossal joke is being played out in front of his eyes in the hall. For example, you work for a whole stadium, and all the technical staff carries a huge rusty pipe back and forth. Moreover, the viewer thinks that this is how it should be, but you can no longer sing and only laugh. There were also sadistic methods. Somehow the technicians rubbed the microphone with garlic. It was impossible to approach him, I immediately began to sneeze and cry. What I've done? I called a technician and had him wipe this microphone with a damp, gasoline-soaked cloth. “Either,” I say, “replace it with a new one, or sing it yourself ...”

Rock 'n' roll is not dead, it feels great. Rock and roll is different. The one about which Boris Grebenshchikov sang (as a state of disagreement, protest) is also, of course, alive. But for me, rock and roll is music that immerses you in a state of fun, lightness, naturalness. And no "plastic" substrate - he took the guitar and played. We do not have any "device". We go out and play on any sound because we don't need mega subs, sequencers, etc. "Are you live?" - many are surprised. How else? It's like coming to the court to play tennis and putting in a stand-in instead of yourself. It means depriving yourself of this pleasure of carving a sound. Voices are heard: “Ban “plywood”, punish plywood workers! Oblige to write on posters! To the light, guys! The song requires a live performance, so that it can be played right now, or at a different pace, or maybe in general, in a different way. She needs movement. As long as there are musicians who play like this, rock and roll is alive.

Syutkin Valery Miladovich

Valery Syutkin about himself:

I was born on Friday, March 22, 1958 in Moscow, in a house on the corner of Yauzsky Boulevard and Podkolokolny Lane, and I do not regret it.

He began to study music in the early 70s, participating in several amateur bands at once as a bass player or drummer. He became a vocalist by accident, replacing a suddenly ill soloist. The creative task at that time was to perform songs as close as possible to the original, which were the works of the respected "Beatles", "C.C.R", "Deep Purple", "Grand Funk Railroad", "Led Zeppelin" and others. Since then, in the graph " Education" I write - listening to records and working on myself based on what I heard.

We wrote our first song with my school friend Oleg Dranitsky. It was called: "Today I will sleep in the cinema"

Among the pillows, oh Allah
The wife lies in one watch
And nods to me
And I want Bridget Bordeaux
Her and no one else
I won't sleep with my wife anymore
Bridget Bordeaux, Marilyn Monroe, Sophia Loren, -
This is what is needed
And there's nothing better to wish for
How to relax with them
I'm going to sleep at the cinema tonight...

The song did not cause an enthusiastic response from parents, but among 14-year-old peers it had some success, however, like everything that our school group "Excited Reality" did.

Focusing himself on music lessons, he selected all his professions in which he had to work on the principle of "as much free time from work as possible." Valery Syutkin worked as a cook's apprentice, a loader, a watchman, and a conductor for foreign carriages.

My job is to entertain people. And that is a rarity today. Because most of today's artists want to shine on stage, not to entertain. And I just like the process - people were in a sluggish state, and suddenly they cheered up. What is the most important thing in this profession? Quickly, accurately determine what song at what volume is needed at this moment in time, how to present it correctly, and if for some reason it failed, maybe roll it up altogether, which one to go to next and then build this chain. Therefore, a piece of paper with a repertoire never lies under my feet. I know the first song with which we will start, and then we sharply build the program ... The only thing we do not play is contemporary pop music. But they don't ask me for it.

Syutkin Valery Miladovich

Organized in 1979, the group "Telephone" after several years of work in the underground in 1982 became a professional team. Having released several successful magnetic albums, "Telephone" came under increased control of commissions and art. councils of the Ministry of Culture.

Since the songs Soviet composers we did not perform, we did not use keyboard instruments, and, in a line-up of 4 people, suspiciously compact for professional bands of that time, we selflessly sang our own songs. Ugliness!

After 3 years of uninterrupted battles with officials, I confused my tracks in the "Architects" group, whose leader Yuri Davydov skillfully bypassed bureaucratic reefs, even though scandalously hiding in the group besides me for some time famous Yuri Vine.

The changes of the mid-80s allowed us not only to legalize the repertoire, but also to appear on radio and TV with yesterday's criminal songs.

After a series of triumphant tours of stadiums and sports palaces. We parted in three solo directions: "Architects" (headed by Yu. Davydov), Yuri Loza and the trio "Fen-o-Man" of which I was the leader.

The large Russian POP-TRIO "Fen-o-men" as we called ourselves, had a significant contribution to the emerging domestic show business. My body subtraction was more than compensated by the physique of my colleagues Sergey Mirov and Evgeny Yakovlev. The weight of each of them went far beyond the 100 kilogram line.

As part of this trio, we traveled all over the country with the "Diapozon" orchestra as part of the troupe of Mikhail Boyarsky, worked under a contract in Holland and released the disc "Caviar Zenistaya" at the Melodiya company.

But in the summer of 1990, I received an invitation from E. Khavtan to become a partner and soloist of the Bravo group, and from 1990 to 1995 that shock five-year period took place, which allowed me to consider myself an artist not hopeless to this day. We made a whole galaxy of popular songs, but by mid-1995 we began to see the future of Bravo differently. And from that moment on, I took it upon myself to put my own name at the head of my new creative endeavors.

I don’t know who owns the words that I don’t attribute to myself, but I completely agree with them: “A genius is the person who knows that he is talented, but ... continues to work!

At the end of 1992, significant changes began to occur in the personal life of Valery Syutkin - he suddenly fell in love with the 18-year-old costume designer of the group, Violetta. The girl got into the Bravo group under the following circumstances. Once the group performed with concerts in Riga. And since at that time the musicians did without a dresser, one of the band members brought his Riga acquaintance backstage. She then successfully graduated from the Chemical Technology College and worked as a fashion model in the Riga House of Models. However, as soon as she was offered to leave the podium and go to work at Bravo, she immediately agreed. For six months, Syutkin and Viola communicated with each other as colleagues, until one day something happened.

Recalls Valery Syutkin: “We were returning from the tour. It was early in the morning, we were riding in the back seat of a taxi and, exhausted from the flight, slept while we were taken one by one to our homes. And in a dream there was a kiss! It happens! The most interesting thing is that there was no prelude to this kiss. And after that, when we woke up, we didn’t say anything to each other, we drove, got out of the car and parted ways. different sides. As if nothing had happened. A month has passed, and all this time the kiss haunted us ... "

It is worth noting that at that time Valery Syutkin was married for the second time, and in this marriage he had a son (he had a daughter from his first marriage). However family life his was far from ideal, otherwise he would not have rushed headlong into all new amorous hobbies. The singer once admitted: “I was a womanizer. I had some girls, I met here, there and somewhere else at the same time. I had to deceive, get out ... This is basically normal if a person leads the life of a womanizer and does not hide it. I then had the feeling that interesting life passes by me, and I tried to keep up with her - noisy companies, girls here and there. It was good...”

When Valery Syutkin began a relationship with Violetta, colleagues decided that this was another love affair at work their comrade. Moreover, many knew that Viola already had another young man, whom she almost married. A wedding dress was sewn, friends were invited, a restaurant was ordered, but Viola suddenly changed her mind. After that, the young man did not leave the courtship of Viola and hoped in his heart that sooner or later she would become his wife. But then suddenly the lead singer of Bravo appeared on the horizon.

Valery Syutkin recalls: “After the kiss, there was a pause ... I tried to explain to myself: is this a girl interested in me? Although she continued to behave the same way as before. Here I already took the initiative, and then everything was like in French cinema, with a flash: a crazy evening turning into a night when I realized what love is in an alloy of physiology, tenderness and charm, and could not understand with whom else I could be like this as close as with her. She just brought me, an adult, out of balance. After the epochal kiss, a week passed, and the romance began. For four months we managed to hide it...

Then we had a very serious conversation, because three or four times we tried to stop everything, and Viola said that, probably, everything goes very far and it makes no sense to ruin the knurled. I was torn into two fronts, I had to lie, but I could not, I suffered. I can’t imagine how people live in two families or when a man has a wife and a mistress all the time. I realized that I had to make a choice. Viola was right - my moral character was far from perfect, and she looked at me the way any woman looks in this situation at a man who spends time with her and then goes to the family. Disgusting! In general, plucking up courage and not leading up to the fact that everything is overgrown with rumors, I said everything myself. For the family, it was thunder, the earth parted - relations reached extremely hostile ... "

Despite the fact that Valery Syutkin left home in what he was, left a three-room apartment and a car, his wife never forgave him for betrayal. At first, she even forbade him to see the child, so Syutkin was forced to help him financially almost secretly. According to Viola, it was terribly hard for them for a couple of years ... It turned out that people are completely ill-mannered and don’t understand anything, they don’t want to be good, but they crave scandals, wanting to do bad things to a person full program. Since they did this to me, then you will receive ...

On March 12, 1993, Valery Syutkin and Viola rented a one-room apartment and started life from scratch. The only valuable thing in their household at that time was a small TV set, which they dragged around with them for three years in all rented apartments. And yet, despite the difficulties, their family continued to exist.

Valery Miladovich Syutkin - quotes

Living within your means is not a shame, it is a shame to overspend.

The crisis is the business of men.

Stronger than light, but lighter than darkness is the night at this early hour. How strange it is to dream without closing your eyes. How strange to hear in the middle of a dream a little louder than silence How the blue moon of the blue moon breathes evenly into the shadow of the window ... The stars and lanterns go out in the rays of dawn The night melts leaving me the whisper of leaves in the open window. And tomorrow it will be a long day again, but at this early hour I vaguely see only a shadow without closing my eyes. The night is leaving, it's already quite light, but dreams remain About how the leaves whisper the blues of the blue moon through the window.

My job is to entertain people. And that is a rarity today. Because most of today's artists want to shine on stage, not to entertain. And I just like the process - people were in a sluggish state, and suddenly they cheered up. What is the most important thing in this profession? Quickly, accurately determine what song at what volume is needed at this moment in time, how to present it correctly, and if for some reason it failed, maybe roll it up altogether, which one to go to next and then build this chain. Therefore, a piece of paper with a repertoire never lies under my feet. I know the first song we'll start with, and then we build up the program abruptly ... The only thing we don't play is modern pop music. But they don't ask me for it.

Rock 'n' roll is not dead, it feels great. Rock and roll is different. The one about which Boris Grebenshchikov sang (as a state of disagreement, protest) is also, of course, alive. But for me, rock and roll is music that immerses you in a state of fun, lightness, naturalness. And no "plastic" substrate - he took the guitar and played. We do not have any "device". We go out and play on any sound because we don't need mega subs, sequencers, etc. "Are you live?" - many are surprised. How else? It's like coming to the court to play tennis and putting in a stand-in instead of yourself. It means depriving yourself of this pleasure of carving a sound. Voices are heard: “Ban “plywood”, punish plywood workers! Oblige to write on posters! To the light, guys! The song requires a live performance, so that it can be played right now, or at a different pace, or maybe in general, in a different way. She needs movement. As long as there are musicians who play like this, rock and roll is alive.

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