Nagovitsyn biography personal life cause of death. Working with professional musicians

Sergei Nagovitsyn, a famous performer of “thieves” songs in Russia, passed away early, leaving a bright mark on history. Today we will find out what was the cause of the singer's death and why his biography turned out to be so tragically short - Sergey Nagovitsyn lived only 31 years.


The future chansonnier was born in 1968 in the working area of ​​Perm. The energetic boy needed to spend his energy somewhere, and he began to box, because for those years the ability to fight was vital. However, this skill did not save him from death - the biography of Sergei Nagovitsyn was cut short very early, a lot more could wait ahead of him. musical masterpieces, but fate has its own reasons for taking such interesting people away.

Childhood and youth

The popular singer was born in 1968 in ordinary family. His ancestors were not only Russians, but also Udmurts. Sergei's mother and father worked at the plant named after S.M. Kirov. These were simple people, a simple working district, where the children played volleyball in the yard or, with a simple fight, the "six" tried to play the songs famous in those years.

At school, Nagovitsyn studied poorly, mostly in triples. But in boxing he had no equal - he even became a candidate for master of sports. Other sports were just as easy for the trained boy, especially volleyball, which his father taught him.

Sergei Nagovitsyn in childhood

The “gangster 90s” already in those years firmly reigned on the territory of the working district of Zakamsk, where the singer lived. And the laws there were cruel, taught to survive, to be strong. Among the gray Khrushchev, drunken neighbors or tough showdowns, children grew up and comprehended worldly wisdom. The proximity of the colony, which was very close, had a great influence on the atmosphere of those places.

After graduating from school, Nagovitsyn planned to study at the Perm Medical Institute. However, after studying for only a year, he received a summons to the army and went to defend Batumi, a hot spot of those years.

The constant threat of death hardened Sergei Nagovitsyn and greatly influenced his further biography- Over the years of service in the army, he finally matured.

Sergei Nagovitsyn in his youth


Just starting to serve in the army, Nagovitsyn became seriously interested in the guitar and even recorded his first songs. According to critics, early work the artist is reminiscent of the songs of the famous Viktor Tsoi.

Returning from Batumi, the singer got a job at the Permian "Gorgaz" - after all, the choice of work for him small homeland was extremely scarce. However, it was thanks to this place that Nagovitsyn began to consciously engage in creativity: he played in a rock band, whose members were other employees of Gorgaz. Taking into account the specifics of the area where these people lived and worked, their songs reflected the surrounding reality, and Nagovitsyn's thieves' folklore was a hit - the group helped Sergey with song arrangements.

Sergey Nagovitsyn

The band's first album was recorded in 1991 and, despite the fact that it was sold in a small circulation (only a thousand copies) in Perm alone, it helped the band get closer to success. The next year, the production center " Russian show"offers Nagovitsyn to record his songs. Sergei agreed and left to conquer Moscow, where he lived for only six months: life in the capital disappointed the novice singer, he preferred to break the contract and return to his native Perm.

This step had great importance in an artist's career. Once in his native land, the singer managed to develop his own unique style, combining urban romance, thieves' lyrics and disco rhythms in his songs. As a result, by 1994, Sergei was already the author of many songs that made him popular not only in his hometown.

All-Russian fame came to Nagovitsyn in 1996, when his song "Dori-dori" was aired by the radio station "Radio Russian Chanson". After that, the biography of Sergei Nagovitsyn has changed a lot - and now many know him as the author of thieves, "prison" songs, although in fact the famous singer has never been in prison.

Singer Sergei Nagovitsyn

Over the course of his life, Nagovitsyn released 6 albums:

  • "Full moon";
  • "City meetings";
  • "Dori-dori";
  • "Stage";
  • "Sentence";
  • « broken destiny».

After his death, other albums with his previously unreleased songs were released.

Album by Sergei Nagovitsyn "Dori - Dori"


Although Nagovitsyn had never been to the zone, he nevertheless became the unwitting culprit in the death of a person - as a result car accident The driver of one of the vehicles involved in the accident died. In the pre-New Year's turmoil, Sergei raced along a seemingly empty road, he was drunk and therefore did not notice a sudden obstacle.

As a result of a collision with a car that had already been involved in this accident, Sergey rammed the unmarked car and crushed its driver. To the surprise of the investigation, he was not given a term, although Nagovitsyn could have been in prison for 5 years because of such a tragic “oversight”.

Sergey Nagovitsyn

In order to somehow make amends with the relatives of the deceased, Sergei took upon himself the cost of the funeral. After such a cruel lesson of fate, Nagovitsyn went into a binge for a long time - he could not forgive himself for causing the death of another person.

Personal life

In the medical institute, where Sergei Nagovitsyn entered before the army, in the first month of his studies he met a wonderful student Inna. Later, while serving in Batumi, the future singer looked with pleasure at the photos that the girl sent him and read the letters of her lover, where she wrote to him about her love and how she was waiting for his return.

Returning from the army, Sergei married Inna, and shortly before his death, the couple had a daughter, Eugene.

After the death of the singer, his wife began to perform songs that had not yet been published by the musician, and now she wants to record music video in memory of my beloved husband.

Inna Nagovitsyna and her daughter

Fighting is undoubtedly bad, but in the case of Nagovitsyn, one of the fights did him good. After hard hit on the back of his head, he lost consciousness, and when he woke up in the hospital he realized that he had become a poet. Poems and music began to appear easily and freely in his head, which had recovered from the blow.

Another interesting fact from creative biography Sergei lies in the fact that he was not spared the fate of many famous performers- being a sensitive, receptive person, he began to drink a lot. And, of course, he justified his "weakness", saying that he could not refuse a good person (Nagovitsyn was often called to drink by his acquaintances, who spent twenty years behind bars). Unfortunately, alcohol greatly changed the character of the singer - by nature, kind and gentle, after drinking, he became uncontrollable.

Performer and songwriter Sergey Nagovitsyn

Death of Sergei Nagovitsyn

Sergei Nagovitsyn did not live long enough to see the 21st century: according to various sources, the date of his death is different: the night of December 20, or earlier in the morning of December 21, 1999. He was returning from a concert in the city of Kurgan, but he never made it to the hotel, remaining lying in the snow near a roadside cafe.

Regarding the cause of death of Sergei Nagovitsyn, as well as the dates of death, they put forward different versions: some are sure that it was heart attack, others - that a stroke.

The talented singer, whose songs are still loved by thousands of fans, was buried in his native Perm at the Zakamskoye cemetery on December 22.

Sergei Nagovitsyn was buried in his native Perm at the Zakamskoe cemetery on December 22

Nagovitsyn's wife, Inna, was very worried after the death of her husband: such a young, strong and healthy man - and left this world so early! Of course, he had health problems - constant smoking and taking alcoholic beverages did their job.

Sergey himself, shortly before his death, said that he needed to quit bad habits and be treated. But he didn't. Now Inna Nagovitsyna had to raise her six-month-old daughter to her feet alone. Fortunately, the state appointed the artist's wife a pension for the loss of a breadwinner. Surprisingly, Irina received practically nothing for her husband's albums and songs.

In spite of early death, Sergey Nagovitsyn is still alive in his songs and in the hearts of his fans.

Sergey Borisovich Nagovitsyn - Russian songwriter, chansonnier, performer musical compositions"Broken Fate" lost edge", "White snow". Sergey was born on July 22, 1968 in the Perm region of Zakamsk in the family of workers of the plant named after Boris Nikolaevich and Tatyana Alexandrovna. In his free time, the boy's father taught the yard children to play volleyball. Mother at pre-retirement age has mastered the profession of a janitor.

Sergey's ancestors were Russians and Udmurts. The boy's great-uncle Iosif Alekseevich Nagovitsyn served from 1926 to 1937 People's Commissar social security of the RSFSR.

At school, Sergei did not attach importance to learning and therefore brought home only triples. But in physical education classes, the boy was distinguished by endurance, strength and dexterity, from the first grade he began to attend sport sections basketball, volleyball, football and boxing. Participating in team sports, Sergey showed good results in jumping. With a height of 174 cm, the young man easily threw the ball into the basketball hoop. At the city competition, Nagovitsyn's class once even received the champion title. In high school, he received the title of Candidate Master of Sports in boxing.

Despite the shortcomings in training, Sergei Nagovitsyn received a certificate with good marks, which allowed the young man to enter the Perm Medical Institute in the orthopedic department. Having not studied even a year, in 1986 the young man was drafted into the army and left to serve in the city of Batumi. In those years, Georgia was just going through a series of national conflicts, and Sergey in a short time received life experience adult person. While in the army, Sergei thought about what to do next: music or sports. Having written a thick notebook of verses, the young man burned it in haste, which he later regretted.


Sergei Nagovitsyn became interested in music with youthful years. The teenager's favorite singers were, and. At school, Nagovitsyn picked up the guitar for the first time and learned several chord progressions. In the army, the soldier began to compose songs based on previously written poems. The first songs of Sergei sounded like the work of Viktor Tsoi.

Returning to his homeland, Sergei Nagovitsyn got a job as an employee of the Gorgaz service. Together with his workmates, the young man created an amateur group that performed rock songs. The newly-minted artists did not forget the thieves' folklore, chanson, as well as the author's songs of the group leader. In 1991, Nagovitsyn's first album "Full Moon" was released, which was sold out among fans in the amount of 1000 copies. When creating the cover design, the singer also used the style of the Kino group.

The work of the Perm team was heard by producers from the Moscow center "Russian Show". Soon Sergei Nagovitsyn received an invitation to sign a contract to create a solo disc. The musician went to Moscow, but soon, due to disagreements with the leadership of the recording company, the singer returned to Perm. For two years, Sergei worked on creating an individual performing style. The musician found the optimal combination of thug romance and dance rhythm for himself. A special timbre of the singer's voice played a big role in the sound of the songs.

By the end of 1993, Sergei collected material for the second album, City Meetings, which included the songs Prankster Girl, Evening for the Stars, Fountains, and Golden Days. It took Sergei only 15 minutes to create the hit album of the same name, which became an all-Russian hit. The singer-songwriter recorded the disc in a professional studio in early 1994.

In 1996, Nagovitsyn's next disc, Dori-Dori, was released, the main hit of the same name being included in the rotation of the Radio Russian Chanson radio station. The all-Russian broadcast made the Perm singer popular throughout the country. New fans became interested in the artist's work and biography. Nagovitsyn's songs turned out to be close in spirit to people who had previously faced imprisonment. Many fans could not believe that Sergei never served time and was not brought to trial.

On the wave of success, the artist creates the fourth collection "Stage" a year later. Sergey worked on music and lyrics, depending on inspiration, from several minutes to several days. AT new album the songs "Prokhor Mitrich", "Zone", "Will", "Mother told me ..." were included. In 1998, the next album of the chansonnier "Sentence" appeared with the hits "Gray", "There, on the Christmas trees ...", "Youngster", "Near the house", "Walk, lads!".

In the last collection of the singer "Broken Fate" in 1999, the songs "Lost Land", "Goodbye, Sidekick", "White Snow", "Capital" gained popularity. The three final albums "Stage", "Sentence" and "On a date", which was renamed upon release into the disc "Broken Fate", were conceived by Nagovitsyn as a trilogy dedicated to the difficult and controversial fate of the prisoner.

During the life of the artist, only six solo discs were released. In addition to author's collections, sold a large number of pirated cassettes that contained already known material. After the death of the chansonnier, relatives and friends in the early 2000s released three more albums with Sergey's songs - "Free Wind", "Dzin-dzara" and "To the Guitar".

Clips were created for the songs “Broken Fate”, “There are Cones on the Trees”, “White Snow” in the 2000s. There are many videos on the internet today. solo concerts artist. Based on the songs of Sergei in 2009, directed by Alexander Debalyuk, the film "Broken Fate" was shot. In the crime drama, the main roles were played by Kirill Zakharov, Evgenia Zhukovich, Sergey Shirochin.

Personal life

Enrolling in a medical institute, in the first month, Sergei Nagovitsyn got to the potato harvest. On the field, the young man met a student, Inna, who studied at a parallel course. Romantic relationship between young people began during fights between students and local village guys. Sergey Nagovitsyn always found himself in the thick of things, and future wife did him later dressings.

The friendship continued during Sergei's military service. The soldier constantly wrote letters to Inna, in which he shared creative success and plans for the future. Demobilized, Nagovitsyn married Inna. At the end of June 1999, Sergei and Inna had a daughter, Evgenia. As a teenager, the girl became interested in music and playing the guitar. Zhenya also likes to draw; she chose tennis as a sport. After his death, Sergei's wife began to perform songs not previously published by the musician. Inna gives concerts, dreams of releasing a video in memory of her husband.

A few years before his own death, Sergei Nagovitsyn became the culprit of a tragic accident that led to the death of a person. Coming back under New Year from one of the speeches, Sergey did not notice a car on the road that was unmarked, and accidentally knocked it down. The car at that time was examined by participants in a small collision that occurred earlier at this place. A sharp push provoked the movement of the car, which carried one of the drivers under the wheels.

After the tragedy, a trial took place at which Sergei was acquitted. Nagovitsyn before last days I felt a huge burden of guilt. The singer fully paid for the funeral of the man he shot down, although this act did not reduce the moral suffering of the musician. Sergei began to drink a lot. The wife held back the singer as best she could, but alcohol increasingly appeared in the life of the artist.


The singer had a premonition of his death, about which he often spoke with Inna. Nagovitsyn warned his wife that they would only live together for 10 years, which was later confirmed. The musician came to the cemetery more than once to the buried friends and relatives and raised his glass, saying: "I'll see you soon." A year before his death, Sergei painted a monument for his own grave.

After one of the New Year's Eve concerts, which took place in Kurgan on December 20, 1999, Sergei died suddenly. The cause of death of the musician was sudden cardiac arrest, provoked by a stroke. The funeral of the artist took place on December 23 at the Zakamsky cemetery. After Sergei's death, his father was ill for a long time and passed away in 2006, never coming to terms with the loss of his son. The grave of Boris Nikolaevich is located near the burial place of the musician.


  • "Full Moon" - 1991
  • "City meetings" - 1993
  • "Dori-dori" - 1996
  • "Stage" - 1997
  • "Sentence" - 1998
  • "Broken Destiny" - 1999
  • "Free Wind" - 2003
  • "Dzin-dzara" - 2004
  • "To the guitar" - 2006

After school, Sergei entered the Perm Medical Institute, but did not finish it. In 1986, Sergei Nagovitsyn was drafted into the army. According to the distribution, he ends up in Batumi, where the situation was then close to the military one. Service in a hot spot left its mark and turned a simple Perm boy into a mature man with a sober outlook on life. In the army, a colleague of Sergei taught the first chords on the guitar. The first songs were written in the army, reminiscent of the songs of Viktor Tsoi. The similarity with Viktor Tsoi can be traced not only in the work of Sergei Nagovitsyn, but also in his fate (on the cover of the album "Broken Fate" Sergei is photographed in the "Tsoi" style and is very reminiscent of the "legendary Korean").

Demobilized from the Armed Forces, Sergei Nagovitsyn gets a job at the Perm "GorGaz". In the bowels of this organization there was an amateur rock group that did not shy away from thieves' folklore, which was destined to make the first arrangements of Sergei Nagovitsyn's songs (the album "Full Moon".

The moon played its part. In 1992, the Moscow production center "Russian Show" offered Nagovitsyn to sign a recording contract. Nagovitsyn signed, but did not move to Moscow.

However crazy metropolitan life so shocked the provincial novice chansonnier that six months later Sergey returned to his hometown to rest his soul.

After the capital, he returned to Perm already mature composer, who has tested the soil, ready for creative searches, and not a novice chansonnier. The result of all this was the birth of the unique Nagovitsyn style - an alloy of urban romance, thieves' lyrics and disco rhythm. And here, the peculiar timbre of Sergei Nagovitsyn's voice came in handy: "cool", but at the same time, soulful.

By 1993, the style was formed and by the beginning of 1994, 16 songs had already been written. Half of them were included in the first album "City Meetings", recorded in a professional studio. Then the album "Dori - Dori" was recorded from the songs of 1995 - 1996, from which the all-Russian fame of the musician began. Then there were "Etap" in 1997, recorded in the production - radio studio "Europe Plus - Perm" and "Sentence" in 1998, recorded in the studio of the Perm group "Chocolate".

Sergey Nagovitsyn called his favorite performers: Arkady Severny, Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Rosenbaum, Alexander Novikov.

Sergei Nagovitsyn was not in prison and was not prosecuted.

On the night of December 20-21, 1999, while on his way to Kurgan, Sergei Nagovitsyn died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage. On December 22, Sergei was buried in Perm.

Sergei Borisovich Nagovitsyn became famous as a musician performing author's songs in the genre of urban romance and Russian chanson. Throughout his life, the singer has released nine full albums, which include very popular hits that have not stopped listening in Russia for decades.

Many compositions have been used in various films and series. This article will talk about what kind of person Sergei Nagovitsyn was, his biography and the cause of death.

Childhood and youth

There is a district in Perm called Zakamsk, and it was there that Sergei was born on July 22, 1968. At school, he did not make much effort to get excellent grades and studied mostly with Cs.

At the same time, Nagovitsyn was constantly engaged in various types sports and, in particular, loved boxing, according to which school time managed to get a candidate for the master. The love for various sports disciplines in young Sergey was most likely brought up by his father, who worked as a volleyball coach.

At the same time, Sergei grew up in a rather poor working-class quarter, which was completely dotted with Khrushchevs, and a local prison was located next to the area. Of course, the picture was depressing, because a large number of adults simply got drunk, while the schoolchildren liked to organize fights between districts and were engaged in other cruel games.

Sergey Nagovitsyn with friends

Studying the life and work of Sergei Nagovitsin, as well as his biography, one can understand that there were reasons for death before, because the singer managed to serve in a hot spot in his youth. Sergei was sent to keep order in Batumi immediately after being drafted into the army, where he ended up without finishing his studies at the Perm Medical Institute.

Despite the fact that there was practically a military regime in Batumi at that time, Nagovitsyn managed to learn his first guitar chords there and even compose a few songs. It is worth noting here that the Kino group and the personality of Viktor Tsoi directly influenced the work of the early Nagovitsyn.

Sergey Nagovitsyn


Real creative process began after demobilization, when Sergei got a job at Gorgaz in his hometown. Here he was able to find like-minded people, with whom they quickly organized their own rock band, having the opportunity to rehearse on the territory of Gorgaz itself.

At the same time, when composing new songs, the musicians were not afraid to use the common thug jargon in the lyrics. The first album was recorded in Perm in 1991, and the musicians were able to sell about 1000 records.

Singer Sergei Nagovitsyn

The first songs recorded by Nagovitsyn quickly found a response from the listeners, probably because they really resonated with their time. In 1992, the Moscow company "Russian Show", engaged in the promotion of young musicians, signed a contract with the singer, after which Sergey decided to move to live in the capital.

He did not stay there for long, only six months, after which, disappointed with life and customs in Moscow, he returned back to his homeland in Perm. Here he continued to hone his musical skills and unique style, which was an interesting combination of urban romance and thug lyrics along with dance rhythms.

We know a lot about Sergei Nagovitsyn himself and his biography, but no one can establish the exact cause of death.

In memory of Sergei Nagovitsyn

In any case, compositions famous singer still remain cult, and in many respects this is the merit of the unique timbre of Sergey's voice, which at the same time can be called quite courageous and "cool", but at the same time poetic and soulful.

In 1994, Sergei recorded 14 new compositions and released his second album, which has a better and more professional sound. The title song of the third album, released in 1996, called "Dori-dori", played on the radio "Russian Chanson", thanks to which Nagovitsyn gained fame throughout Russia.

Sergey Nagovitsyn


Sergey Nagovitsyn, having practically an impeccable biography, has never been in prison, even despite the thieves' motives in the lyrics of his songs. But one day an unpleasant incident happened to him, which caused the death of another person. One of the nights, right on New Year's Eve, Sergey became a participant in an accident.

Despite the fact that Nagovitsyn that night drove a car to drunk, he was found not guilty in court, because the victim of the accident herself left her car in the middle of the night road without turning on any signal signs.

Despite the acquittal, the singer paid all the expenses associated with organizing the funeral of the victim, and later on nervous ground went to drink.

Sergey Nagovitsyn

Personal life

Sergey was brought up in a rather simple, but at the same time in an exemplary Soviet family: his mom and dad both worked for a long time at the same factory, and his grandfather was statesman USSR.

He met his wife Inna Nagovitsyn while picking potatoes while he was a student. They managed to live together for about ten years and gave birth to a daughter, Eugene, who is now 18 years old. Most likely, Sergey was quite firm and family man, in any case, he was not seen in any affair or in other scandals that usually haunt stars of his size.

Sergey Borisovich Nagovitsyn with his daughter

Inna continues to live in Perm and sometimes arranges concerts with the performance of her husband's songs in honor of his memory.

The main creative activity of the singer came precisely in the 90s. Despite the fact that “thieves” topics are very often raised in his songs, Sergei himself has never been in prison and has not been prosecuted in criminal cases at all.

The musician experienced such an interest in the genre of Russian chanson, probably because he considered it a rather poetic means that reflected the spirit of that time. That is why Nagovitsyn includes Vysotsky, Rosenbaum and Arkady Severny among his favorite performers.

Singer Sergei Nagovitsyn

Death of Sergei Nagovitsyn

The musician died at the very end of 1999, on the night of December 20-21. Before his death, the singer managed to give a concert in Kurgan, despite the fact that the doctors dissuaded him, recommending that he take a rest.

The deterioration of Sergei's health was caused by the abuse of alcohol and tobacco. Despite the fact that Sergei Nagovitsyn knows the date of death, the cause of death remains unclear: it could have been either a stroke or a heart attack.

Inna Nagovitsyna

At the same time, according to Sergei's wife, the musician at the end of his life constantly said that he would not have time to live to see the new year 2000. A week before his death, Nagovitsyn was at the cemetery, where he drank a glass of vodka for the dead and said that he would soon come to them. He drew a monument to his wife on a piece of paper and the words that he asked to write on it:

“If I go into darkness when my hour has not struck, I will leave my song, without which I would not live.”

In loving memory Sergey Nagovitsyn

Sergei Nagovitsyn's father, Boris, after the date of his son's death, felt a significant deterioration in his own health and died in 2006, and he was buried next to his son. Sergei left a daughter who was born just six months before the death of her dad. She was able to find out how he looked only from photos and videos from concerts.

In 2009, the film "Broken Fate" was released, which Alexander Debalyuk shot based on best songs musician. At the place where Sergey died, a monument was erected, and in Zakamsk a memorial plate was erected in his honor in 2007.

Sergei Nagovitsyn - biography

In Russia, performers of "criminal" songs gather stadiums. And although the heyday of this genre is already over, many chansonniers will be in demand for a long time to come. One of them is Sergey Nagovitsyn, who lived a short, but such an eventful life.

Sergei Borisovich Nagovitsyn is a Russian songwriter, chansonnier, performer of musical compositions "Broken Fate", "Lost Land", "White Snow". Sergey was born on July 22, 1968 in the Perm region of Zakamsk in the family of workers of the plant named after S.M. Kirov Boris Nikolaevich and Tatyana Aleksandrovna. In his free time, the boy's father taught the yard children to play volleyball. Mother at pre-retirement age has mastered the profession of a janitor.

Sergei Nagovitsin in childhood

Sergey's ancestors were Russians and Udmurts. The boy's great-uncle Iosif Alekseevich Nagovitsyn served as People's Commissar of Social Security of the RSFSR from 1926 to 1937.

Singer Sergey Nagovitsin

At school, Sergei did not attach importance to learning and therefore brought home only triples. But in physical education classes, the boy was distinguished by endurance, strength and dexterity, from the first grade he began to attend sports sections of basketball, volleyball, football and boxing. Participating in team sports, Sergey showed good results in jumping. With a height of 174 cm, the young man easily threw the ball into the basketball hoop. At the city competition, Nagovitsyn's class once even received the champion title. In high school, he received the title of Candidate Master of Sports in boxing.

What could an ordinary kid do in a working-class area of ​​Perm? It was in this city that his biography began. There was no particular choice: either the gateway, or sports. Sergey chose the second and signed up for the boxing section. Where he grew up, fists could solve many problems.

Childhood and youth of Nagovitsyn

Thousands of teenagers, ineptly pressing the strings on the frets, learned the chords of popular songs. After all, a guy with a guitar is the soul of any company! Sergei was no exception. The older guys patted him on the shoulder and said that in the army a guitar would help him get up. He waved it off: “Boys, I entered the institute, so the army will wait.”

Sergei Nagovitsyn in his youth

Despite the shortcomings in training, Sergei Nagovitsyn received a certificate with good marks, which allowed the young man to enter the Perm Medical Institute in the orthopedic department. Having not studied even for a year, in 1986 the young man was drafted into the army and left to serve in the city of Batumi.

After studying for a year in medical, Nagovitsyn received a summons. He, a candidate for master of sports, was ashamed to run away from the military commissar, so at the indicated time Sergey appeared at the military commissariat. He happened to serve in hot Batumi, when the blooming capital of Adjara was a hot spot - sometimes he had to sleep in an embrace with a machine gun.

. In those years, Georgia was just going through a series of national conflicts, and in a short time Sergey gained the life experience of an adult. While in the army, Sergei thought about what to do next: music or sports. Having written a thick notebook of verses, the young man burned it in haste, which he later regretted.

However, there was room for rest. In part, Sergei was in the army group "Experiment". They played what they liked. And letters from a beloved girl helped to distract from difficult everyday life. Inna wrote how she loves him, how she looks forward to his return. After the end of the service, they got married.

Inna and Sergey


Sergei Nagovitsyn has been interested in music since his youth. The favorite singers of the teenager were Vladimir Vysotsky, Alexander Rosenbaum, Arkady Severny, Alexander Novikov and Viktor Tsoi. At school, Nagovitsyn picked up the guitar for the first time and learned several chord progressions. In the army, the soldier began to compose songs based on previously written poems. The first songs of Sergei sounded like the work of Viktor Tsoi.

To provide for his family, Sergey got a job at the Perm Gorgaz. The work is boring and monotonous, and the soul asked for a holiday. Fortunately, a vocal and instrumental ensemble was organized at the enterprise, and Nagovitsyn became a member of it. Played mostly hyped hits "Cinema", "Gorky Park", "Agatha Christie".

One had to live at that time to know how yesterday's "basement" musicians suddenly became stars. Then all that was needed was good songs that would please people. And then the folk "craftsmen" themselves distributed them on cassettes. The most popular were pop music and chanson. The latter, however, people capaciously called "blatnyak". “And if you combine disco rhythms with camp lyrics?” Sergei thought to himself.

He had already written several songs for a long time that only friends heard. A rollicking motive, hoarse vocals - that's what you need! The song "A golden star fell from the sky" immediately "went to the people." Everyone thought that it was performed by a new talent from the zone, but Nagovitsyn was never in prison.

Music, songs

The gift of a poet and composer at Nagovitsyn was discovered by accident. One evening he was returning home. In the gateway, someone asked for a cigarette. Word for word, a fight ensued. Sergei was hit on the back of the head - and everything, as if the light had been turned off. I woke up in the hospital. At first, my head hurt terribly, then everything began to return to normal. Although no! Poems and notes now floated to the surface on their own, and all he had to do was write them down.

Genre Sergei did not particularly choose. Where he grew up, many listened to harsh songs about thieves, the zone, the camps. Yes, and there was such a time: crime was gaining strength, so many people were dragged into its abyss ... Nagovitsyn recorded his first album in 1991. The circulation is small, only 1000 copies. Sergei thought that the cassettes would be distributed only to acquaintances and friends, and they would not know about him beyond the Urals. But he was heard in Moscow and in 1992 he was invited to the capital to sign a contract with the Russian Show production company. When creating the cover design, the singer also used the style of the Kino group.

Album cover of Sergey Nagovitsyn "Full Moon"

Moscow quickly disappointed Nagovitsyn. The morals that reigned in the capital's show business, unpleasantly struck him: deceit, divorce, "scam". The time was restless, crime ruled the ball in all spheres of life. Speaking in restaurants to the "authorities", Nagovitsyn knew that they would not let him offend, and therefore broke the contract without fear. Although he had his listener not only at thieves' gatherings, but also in the working environment, in the countryside, in the army. Sergey returned to his native Perm and continued to work in the usual rhythm. For two years, Sergei worked on creating an individual performing style. The musician found the optimal combination of thug romance and dance rhythm for himself. A special timbre of the singer's voice played a big role in the sound of the songs.

The life of a chansonnier could not but leave an imprint on the character of Sergei. He began to drink frequently. Explained "hobby" simply: "Here sits good man. Twenty years in the camps trumpeted, invites me to a table, wants a drink. How can I refuse him? The worst thing is that Nagovitsyn is sober and Nagovitsyn is drunk - this is completely different people. By nature, Sergei was kind, humble person, but after drinking, he became excited and now and then got into stories. However, he was in no hurry to change his habits.

By the end of 1993, Sergei collected material for the second album, City Meetings, which included the songs Prankster Girl, Evening for the Stars, Fountains, and Golden Days. It took Sergei only 15 minutes to create the hit album of the same name, which became an all-Russian hit. The singer-songwriter recorded the disc in a professional studio in early 1994.

In 1996, Nagovitsyn's next disc, "Dori-dori", was released, the main hit of the same name was included in the rotation of the Radio Russian Chanson radio station. The all-Russian broadcast made the Perm singer popular throughout the country. New fans became interested in the artist's work and biography. Nagovitsyn's songs turned out to be close in spirit to people who had previously faced imprisonment. Many fans could not believe that Sergei never served time and was not brought to trial. signs of fate Sergei Nagovitsyn

On the wave of success, the artist creates the fourth collection "Stage" a year later. Sergey worked on music and lyrics, depending on inspiration, from several minutes to several days. The songs "Prokhor Mitrich", "Zone", "Will", "My mother told me ..." were included in the new album. In 1998, the next album of the chansonnier "Sentence" appeared with the hits "Gray", "There, on the Christmas trees ...", "Youngster", "Near the house", "Walk, lads!".

In the last collection of the singer "Broken Fate" in 1999, the songs "Lost Land", "Goodbye, Sidekick", "White Snow", "Capital" gained popularity. The three final albums "Stage", "Sentence" and "On a date", which was renamed upon release into the disc "Broken Fate", were conceived by Nagovitsyn as a trilogy dedicated to the difficult and controversial fate of the prisoner.

During the life of the artist, only six solo discs were released. In addition to author's collections, a large number of pirated cassettes were sold, which contained already known material. After the death of the chansonnier, relatives and friends in the early 2000s released three more albums with Sergey's songs - "Free Wind", "Dzin-dzara" and "To the Guitar".

Clips were created for the songs “Broken Fate”, “There are Cones on the Trees”, “White Snow” in the 2000s. Now on the Internet you can find many videos of the artist's solo concerts. Based on the songs of Sergei in 2009, directed by Alexander Debalyuk, the film "Broken Fate" was shot. In the crime drama, the main roles were played by Kirill Zakharov, Evgenia Zhukovich, Sergey Shirochin.

Personal life

Enrolling in a medical institute, in the first month, Sergei Nagovitsyn got to the potato harvest. On the field, the young man met a student, Inna, who studied at a parallel course. Romantic relationships between young people began during fights between students and local village guys. Sergei Nagovitsyn always found himself in the thick of things, and his future wife would subsequently dress him up.

Sergey Nagovitsyn with his wife

The friendship continued during Sergei's military service. The soldier constantly wrote letters to Inna, in which he shared his creative successes and plans for the future. Demobilized, Nagovitsyn married Inna. At the end of June 1999, Sergei and Inna had a daughter, Evgenia. As a teenager, the girl became interested in music and playing the guitar. Zhenya also likes to draw; she chose tennis as a sport. After his death, Sergei's wife began to perform songs not previously published by the musician. Inna gives concerts, dreams of releasing a video in memory of her husband.

Widow of Sergei Nagovitsyn Inna

First call

The first "bell" rang in the mid-1990s. On New Year's Eve, Nagovitsyn went to a restaurant by car. Suddenly, the headlights snatched out a car parked on the road. Sergei hit the brakes, but too late - his car crashed hard into the rear bumper of the Zhiguli. ..

A few minutes earlier, there was a collision between two cars. Drivers began to find out who is to blame. No dimensions, no warning triangle - they just stood there, shouting accusations at each other. And then a new blow! Unfortunately, the car pushed by Nagovitsyn ran into its owner. The man could not be saved.

Sergey Nagovitsyn

The examination showed that at the time of the accident, Sergey had alcohol in his blood. He was terribly worried because he unwittingly took a life from a person. Nagovitsyn paid for the funeral of the deceased, voluntarily paid compensation to his relatives, and then ... went on a drinking binge. The moral burden was too heavy.

The judge took into account the fact that it was impossible to avoid a collision, as well as a voluntary admission of guilt and assistance to the victims, and acquitted Nagovitsyn.

The singer gradually came to his senses, almost stopped drinking and began to devote more time to Inna. They have been married for several years, but it was not possible to become parents. Finally, his wife stunned him with the news: “There will be three of us soon!” In June 1999, a daughter, Zhenya, was born to the Nagovitsyns.

Sergei Nagovitsyn with his daughter

With daughter

Departure, cause of death

Everything seemed to work out. But the chansonnier, as if anticipating something, often began to talk about death. “I will not live to see the New Year, I will die, I will be a bird,” he once said to his wife. - Here a dove will fly to you, you do not drive it out, it was I who flew to you. I know that you and I will live 10 years.” “Indeed, we didn’t have enough for a month and 7 days until the age of 11,” the widow sighs. “A week before everything happened, he arrived at the cemetery, raised a glass of vodka and said: “I will come to you soon.” A year before Sergei's death, he drew a monument to his wife on a piece of paper and the words that he asked to write on it:

“If I go into darkness when my hour has not struck, I will leave my song, without which I would not live.”

... On the night of December 21, 1999, after a concert in Kurgan, Sergei felt unwell. He left the restaurant for a breath of air and lost consciousness. The doctors who arrived were unable to help. According to one version, Nagovitsyn's cause of death was a heart attack, according to another, a brain hemorrhage. He was only 31 years old.

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