Yuri loza biography. Famous singer Loza Yuri: biography, creativity and family

Yuri Eduardovich Loza. Born February 1, 1954 in Sverdlovsk. Soviet and Russian singer, composer, songwriter.

Father - Eduard Bronislavovich Loza, a design engineer, played the button accordion.

Mother - Lyudmila Maksimovna Veselovskaya, accountant.

Has Polish roots. Grandfather - Bronislav Pavlovich Loza (emphasis on the first syllable).

Yuri spent his childhood in Verkhny Tagil. When he was seven years old, the family moved to Alma-Ata.

From the age of 12 he was actively involved in football, playing in the place of a central defender.

At the age of 13, he learned to play the guitar.

After school he entered the Kazakh State University(geofak), but dropped out for the sake of a music school. From there he was drafted into the army.

After serving in the army, he entered the Alma-Ata Music College.

In 1975-1976 he attended classes at the department percussion instruments but did not complete his studies.

In 1983 he moved to Moscow and applied to GITIS, but did not enter the institute.

Sang in restaurants different languages. He played in the ensemble "Kaleidoscope".

Since 1977 he began to work in the ensemble "Integral". The ensemble was led by Bari Alibasov, who at that time worked artistic director in the Ust-Kamenogorsk Palace of Culture of Metallurgists (DKM). Later, the ensemble was registered with the Saratov Philharmonic.

As part of the ensemble, Loza participated in the Spring Rhythms rock festival (Tbilisi, 1980), which became a landmark event in the history of Soviet rock music.

For five years of work in Integral, Yuri has accumulated more than a hundred of his own songs, which could not be realized within the group. the only popular song at that time, the song "Reserved Places", later performed by VIA Ariel, became.

By chance, in 1983, Yuriy met the musicians of the Primus group Alexander Bodnar (guitar) and Igor Plekhanov (keyboards) and with their help recorded his first album on the technical base of Primus "Rock and Roll Journey" (1983).

After the completion of work on the album, Loza takes his copy of the recording, but the version of the recording spreads throughout the country, where at the very beginning it says in the voice of Bodnar: “The Primus group sings its songs for you.”

“When I heard that, my hair stood on end. Why all of a sudden "Primus"? I did not give any permission for this, these are my songs, my lyrics, my music, I sang and played everything. After all, I was not a member of the Primus group.” Vine breaks off all relations with the band members and comes up with a version that "Primus" is not the name of the project, but, translated from Latin, the album number, that is, "first", - Vine was indignant even after many years.

Later, Yuri Loza becomes a member of the group "Architects", in which Valery Syutkin and Yuri Davydov played with him. In the mid-1980s, Loza's songs formed the basis of the Architects' repertoire.

my own famous song "Raft" he wrote in 1982, recorded in 1983. However, she got on the album and to a wide audience only in 1988.

Yuri Loza. Raft

"This is one of my longest-written songs. It was written whole year. I came up with it in 1982, and completed it only in 1983. It was very difficult to choose words: one to one. It took a long time to get going. Maybe that's why the song lives so long, because it was written so diligently?- said the musician.

Since 1987, he began the official solo career. His songs were especially popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Yuri Loza. Beer

The singer's performance style can be described as a synthesis of the author's song, traditional pop music and rock music.

From 1990 to 1991 he worked as an administrator at the Ryazan Philharmonic.

In 1993, Loza created his own recording studio "Yuri Loza Studio".

In adulthood - in 2003 - he graduated from the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI). This surprised many. In fact, the artist explained, "the rector of MESI decided at one time to take the initiative - the university is paid - to attract applicants. He turned to several artists with a proposal to receive a higher economic education at his university on preferential terms. Considering our employment, it is for us even made a study schedule. graduate work, by the way, was devoted to the tax system in Russia. "That is, he studied and was a kind of PR specialist at the university.

He supported Vladimir Putin's policy towards Ukraine. He often criticized the policy of the Ukrainian authorities regarding the Donbass. Also paid attention to double standarts West.

“The fact that Crimea joined Russia is great! My parents are in Crimea, in the cemetery, my brother lives in Crimea, my wife is from Crimea, and therefore I monitored the situation very well all the time, what happened there and what is happening there now .. "Over time, Crimea will only bring benefits! But the fact that it was supposed to be Russian is unequivocal, because it had nothing to do with Ukraine. And I can say this. Ukraine hated Crimea. This is the only way to explain its behavior towards to Crimea. And the Crimeans felt it," he said in an interview.

Yuriy Loza: Ukraine hated Crimea

On top of that, the singer accused that.

The growth of Yuri Loza: 185 centimeters.

Personal life of Yuri Loza:

Married to Svetlana Merezhkovskaya (married Loza).

Svetlana Valentinovna Loza - singer, performed under the pseudonym Suzanna, later - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya. She released several records, won a prize at the All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky in 2001. She is also a poet, a member of the Writers' Union, she published a book of poems. She writes songs and performs them (a video was released with her song "Lipa", in which she starred famous artist Nikas Safronov), is the chief editor of her husband's texts.

The couple has a son, Oleg (born April 28, 1986). Oleg graduated from the Gnessin School (2001-2005), conductor and choir department - Opera singer, baritone. He worked in the modeling agency Vyacheslav Zaitsev as an assistant director (2003-2007). Then he entered the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky and LI im. Gorky.

Yuri Loza with his wife Svetlana and son

Discography of Yuri Loza:

Magnetic albums:

1983 - Journey to rock and roll
1984 - Concert for friends

Studio albums:

1984 - Variety lights (with the group "Architects")
1985 - Longing
1986 - Love, love ...
1988 - What is said is said
1990 - All life is a road
2000 - Reserved places

Live album:

2004 - I can dream ... (2 CDs) ( Anniversary Concert)


1994 - For the soul
1994 - Archive
1995 - For the mind ...
1995 - What is said is said (2 CDs)
2001 - Favorite songs
2002 - For the soul, for the mind
2002 - Raft. The best songs
2002 - Compilation in the series "Boulevard of Stars"
2002 - Compilation in the "Grand Collection" series
2002 - Compilation in the series "Star Series"
2004 - Forbidden songs

Filmography of Yuri Loza:

1982 - "The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta" - Joaquin's enemy
1991 - A woman for everyone (vocals - song "Raft")
1993 - Picky groom (composer)
2005 - Multiplying sadness (11th series) - guest of Serebrovsky
2006 - Who is the boss in the house? ("False Dasha", 77th series) - cameo
2007 - Kings of the game (10th series) - cameo
2007 - Cargo 200 (composer - song "Raft")

September 23, 2016, 08:02

Let's dilute the drama-mmm-mmm of the pathos of Brangelina's suffering with the good old Vine ..)) The Vine has never failed. For example, did you know that his son is an opera singer?

Yuri Loza. Married an unloved just for the sake of an apartment

The author of the hit "Raft" Yuri Loza blew up the Soviet stage in 1988. Seemed like a road to glory popular artist and the composer is open. But Yuri Loza could not stay on the crest of success. Perhaps the musical Olympus will be conquered by his son Oleg, who already sings on the stage of the opera house in Vienna.
- Yuri Eduardovich, you were born in the Urals, how did you end up in Kazakhstan?

– My father Eduard Bronislavovich, a design engineer, was in Kazakhstan one autumn. And in Alma-Ata in September - October it is beautiful. Warm, sunny, plums and apples on the trees along the roads. Eat for health. And when he returned to the slushy, rainy autumn Sverdlovsk, he decided to leave and take us - my mother, me, and I was seven then, and my two-year-old brother Maxim - to paradise. They left, but did not take into account that the Kazakh winter is the Ural autumn. And the summer is hot, who will endure 40 degrees of a two-month heat? So then we moved to Kerch. Mom and dad died, and brother Maxim still lives there. He has a wife, children, and works as a refrigeration engineer. We communicate on Skype every day. And he always teaches me how to live! The singer smiled cheerfully. “Well, the younger ones always teach the older ones. By the way, my wife is also from Kerch.

- Svetlana is much younger than you, where did you meet?

- Everything in this life happens by chance, although, as Voltaire said, "accident does not exist - everything in this world is either a test, or a punishment, or a reward, or a harbinger." So my acquaintance with my wife took place quite by accident. In 1983, I left Integral, and I did not have a Moscow residence permit. Therefore, an official reason was needed for being in the capital. I decided to enter some university and study, since I already rented an apartment, I didn’t need housing, but I needed student status, because it gave me the right to play the fool for five years, walk around Moscow, as if studying. But I did not enter GITIS for the first or second time. But he easily passed the exams at the Institute of Culture in Khimki. He came, looked with whom I would have to study and who would teach me, shrugged his shoulders and did not appear there again. For example, one of my old friends from popular group"Ex-BB" Gia Gagua is the dean of some faculty. Well, it's funny. Well, what can Gia Gagua teach me if he comes and asks me how it's all done. Gia invited me to give seminars, but I don't need it yet. I didn’t enter GITIS, but that’s another story. The teacher, who was gaining a course, abandoned this idea two days before the exams. It was decided to shorten the course of correspondence directors. But the exam is scheduled, those who want to become students have arrived, so selection committee got to work. The members of the commission laughed: they knew that all 75 applicants would receive deuces, so they asked the applicants to stand on their heads, read some incredible obscene rhymes so that they would have fun. And then we waited a long time for the results, talked, and I met pretty girls. I liked Sveta, who herself did not enter, but came to support her friend. We exchanged contacts. And then they came out to announce grades, they began to read out the names in alphabetical order: a total of 75 applicants - and 75 twos. Weak course, unsuccessful set! Well, we went home. What else to do?

- And how did Svetlana Valentinovna strike you?

- Didn't hit anything. I don't believe in love at first sight. Complicated feeling love. You know how many things have to happen for a person to decide whether he loves or not! There is love. Or outwardly you like it, it happens that a person looks at him - he doesn’t look. The fact that I liked Sveta is unambiguous. But then I liked a lot. What love? It just so happened. We exchanged coordinates and fled. The second time we were again brought together by chance. I had to go on tour with the group "Architects" for a month and a half, and there was no one to look after the apartment located on the ground floor. It was necessary to leave housing for someone. And I remembered that Sveta said that she had a problem with housing. She is not a Muscovite, she came from Kerch. I called her and explained the situation. She agreed. Before leaving, he warned: “Do not drive the Cavaliers strongly, do not arrange brawls! Be quiet so that later the owners do not pull out my hair!” I left, Svetlana stayed in the apartment. He returned, as expected, a month and a half later. The houses are clean, comfortable, everything is cleaned, washed, a good dinner is on the table. And I'm on tour, tongue on my shoulder, tired, a little sick. I ate, got drunk, accepted a report on the state of the apartment. And Sveta tells me: you can live a couple more days - well, I did not refuse the girl. She was late for a couple of days ... My son is 29 years old.

- So this couple of days led you to the wedding?

- I got married late, I was 30, although even then I did not want to start a family, it was early. I even tried to avoid such long-term relationships, because I was not ready for the role of husband and father. But it all happens by accident. Married, Oleg was born.

- You are from the Urals, Svetlana Valentinovna is from Kerch, and Oleg is a Muscovite. How did you manage to Soviet time get an apartment in Moscow?

– This is a different story. We decided to join the cooperative. And for this it was necessary fictitiously, naturally for money, to marry or marry a person who has a capital residence permit. I had to resort to this method. Sveta and I lived together, and according to the documents we had other marriages. Then, when the cooperative apartment was built, we moved in. But then it surfaced new problem: a man who was in a fictitious marriage did not want to check out of our apartment. We offered money, but he insisted: I need housing. And that's it! I needed to find a room, which at that time was almost impossible to buy. But we found. A man who was very fond of drinking needed to urgently sell the room. I got up in the morning and rushed to him at one end of Moscow, gave him money, but so that he would not drink himself, but did not leave either. Then through the whole city for documents and references! And then back to checking if he is alive and well, if everything is fine. This went on for over a month. Finally I settled everything. My wife and I went into our apartment and silently sat on the floor. We could not believe that all the problems were over and this is our home. Now only ours.

- And you, creative parents Did you immediately notice that your child is fond of music?

- Like all children, he was fond of many things. There was everything - a laser pointer, roller skates, football. When the son found out that money exists, he decided that he would become an entrepreneur, would sell something or play on the stock exchange. There were many small hobbies, but nothing serious. True, he attended Sunday school, we wanted Oleg to know the basics of church regulations, to understand how to pray, what to do when entering the temple. For example, when I came to my own wedding, I experienced nothing but panic. Sveta and I got married after seven years of marriage, and I panicked because I didn’t know the rituals, I didn’t understand what they were singing about. And my son Sunday School helped a lot. He feels at ease in the church, because at one time he himself was a chorister in the service, he came to Bulgaria, sang with them. The language is one. Another son learned to play the piano and after graduation music school entered the department of choral conductors at the Gnessin School, and then he did not have an exact direction in life. My wife and I thought: let him get a humanitarian education, and then he will choose what he wants. Oleg liked being a conductor, and he was offered to continue his studies, but he suddenly said: “I want to sing in the opera!” You understand, anyone can sing on the stage. There is no need to ask if you can sing or not. It does not matter. Mark Bernes had no hearing, no sense of rhythm, no voice. They played the theme for him, because he did not hit the notes. The man had nothing to do with music, but became a legend, a cult figure. You can become a cult personality on the stage without having either a voice or a hearing, like Borya Moiseev. Well, he probably has a sense of rhythm, because he was engaged in choreography. Well, there is no voice, what now, do not sing, or what? And when my son announced that he wanted to sing, I asked: “Are you sure that you have everything for this? I'm not an opera singer and I can't tell if you can. I can say for sure if a person knows how to play a musical instrument and whether he is musical. But opera! Oleg assured that he could. I could not help him in any way, except financially, because I opera world No one knows. They have different guidelines, and they treat the stage as our smaller brothers, maybe this is logical. Oleg himself entered the Moscow Conservatory, and when he graduated, it turned out that in Russia no one needs opera under any circumstances! Opera salaries are low, just tears, in the West no one works for that kind of money, and there are terrible fights for each place. Let's imagine that Netrebko and Kirkorov went out for a walk together. In Moscow, all fans will run to Philip for autographs and will not notice Anna. In Vienna, the opposite is true. There, Netrebko is a world-famous opera star, here - no one.

- And Oleg also decided to seek happiness abroad?

- The son found a casting on the Internet, where they were looking for young singer to the troupe for 20 performances in Vienna. He went and liked it. And what, he is a textured guy, it was not for nothing that Slava Zaitsev walked the catwalk for two years. Slava and I have been friends for a long time, and when I worked at the Philharmonic, the famous fashion designer even painted my portrait, he made me look so funny there, which I have never been in my life. Something airy, flying, blue-eyed. I have never had blue eyes in my life! I generally laughed, and Slava said: “I see it that way!” True, the girls from the accounting department stole the picture, so I never found it. Friendship was inherited and son. I recently sent a poster to Yegorka to hang in his agency: “Penguins are swallows that ate after seven o’clock in the evening.” As for my son, Oleg did not get into the main part of the theater, because artists from all over the world are recruited there. And he has a small problem, which over the years will grow into dignity. He is a baritone, but he looks like a kid. It turns out incompatible. Which one is Othello, Don Juan? He is still young for these characters, but in five or six years he will fit perfectly! After all, these are games for experienced men. But hopefully my son will be fine. After all, Oleg is ready for life, he knows four languages ​​- and of course, Russian, English perfectly. About seven years ago, while studying at the conservatory, for the first time he independently went to the competition in Karlovy Vary. He returned home and says that he thought he knew English, but there the language is not in SMS format, and he was in the position of a smart dog: he understands everything, but he cannot say. So urgently and tightly engaged in the study of English. Now it is very useful to him, the international group speaks this language. And the director also sets the task for the actors in English. Oleg knows Italian, because he sings in it, and to sing sincerely, without understanding the text ... And of course, pronunciation is important. That's when the Soviet singer Kola Beldy sang songs in Russian - it was clear: the Chukchi was singing. Opera shouldn't have that. Pure Italian high level. Well, I had to learn German, because Oleg has been living in Vienna for the second year. Now in "La Boheme" Puccini sings Clochard. And then, after twenty performances, again a free artist.

dad with son

Oleg Loza

Graduated from the Moscow Gnessin College of Music as choral conductor, then entered the Moscow Conservatory named after P.I. Tchaikovsky as an opera singer and vocal teacher. After graduation, he began working at the An der Wien Theater in Vienna, where he took part in productions of Rossini's The Marriage Promissory Note and Puccini's La bohème at the Vienna Chamber Opera. Also in August 2013, he sang the role of Schonar in G. Puccini's La bohème on the stage of Het Compagnientheater (Amsterdam). He gave concerts in various cities of Russia and Europe (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Vienna, Berlin, Barcelona, ​​etc.). Among professional achievements- Participation in master classes by Petr Dvorsky in Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), Grand Prix at the F. Chaliapin vocal competition in Yalta (Ukraine).

In the 2013/2014 and 2014/2015 seasons, Oleg Loza was a soloist with the Zurich Opera House (Switzerland).

In December 2015, Oleg performed the part of Belcore in Donizetti's L'Avoge d'Ivoire at the Opera House in Trieste, Italy.

Svetlana Valentinovna Loza

The singer, performed under the pseudonym Suzanne, later - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya. She released several records, won a prize at the All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. Graduated from the Literary Institute named after A. M. Gorky in 2001. She is also a poet, a member of the Writers' Union, she published a book of poems. She writes songs and performs them (a video was released with her song "Lipa", in which the famous artist Nikas Safronov starred with her), is the editor-in-chief of her husband's texts.

Yuri Eduardovich Loza - Soviet and Russian singer, composer, songwriter. He became famous for the super hit "The Raft". AT last years Yuri Loza gained popularity as a blogger and expert, his comments often appear in the news media, while often causing a mixed reaction.

Childhood and education of Yuri Loza

Yuri's father, Eduard Bronislavovich Loza K, was a design engineer, and his mother worked as an accountant. Yuri's ancestors lived in Poland. Grandfather - Bronislav Pavlovich Loza. By the way, Vine is not a pseudonym, but real name(accent on the first syllable). The childhood of Yuri Loza took place in the city of Verkhny Tagil. When Yura was seven years old, his family moved to the Kazakh village of Shelek in the Almaty region. Here Yuri Loza went to first grade, and in the fourth grade he began to sing in the school choir, began to learn to play the guitar on his own. Apparently, Yuri's love for music came from his father, since Eduard Loza loved to sing, played the button accordion. From childhood, young Yuri Loza showed musical ability- clear voice and ear for music.

Yuri Loza with his parents (Photo: from personal archive)

Yuri Loza liked the song Girl The Beatles. Yuri performed it on English language although I studied German at school. Vine became very popular at school, his guitar playing was admired by his comrades - Yura was invited to his company by friends, for whom he sang both lyrical songs and rock and roll.

After graduating from school, Yuri Loza entered the Faculty of Geography of the Kazakh State University in Alma-Ata. At this time, Yuri became interested in sports. The young man received the first category in football. Coaches praised his ability to make meaningful actions on the field, the ability, as the players say, to "read the game." At one time, Yuri Loza was even going to become a professional football player. And yet his love for music won so much that Loza left the university.

Soon Yuri Loza was drafted into the ranks Soviet army. He served in missile troops ah, and in parallel with military training, he was engaged in amateur performances - he led a soldier's brass band, and then became the organizer of an army ensemble.

After the army, Yuri Loza worked as a milling machine operator and a surveyor, but all this time he continued to study music - in parallel, Yuri studied in Alma-Ata music school named after Tchaikovsky. And at the same time, Yuri Eduardovich worked part-time, playing at weddings and in restaurants, singing songs in different languages. Talented Performances young vines were noted by the public and brought him popularity. Yuri was even given a nickname - "singer of the city slums."

In 1983, Yuri Loza moved to Moscow and applied to GITIS, but did not enter the institute. Only in 2003 he graduated from the Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI).

Musical career Yuri Loza

Singer Yuri Loza performs at the patrons' Christmas ball, Orel, 1994 (Photo: Andrey Suchkov / TASS)

Serious climbing musical Olympus Yuri Loza began in the Integral group, under the leadership of Bari Alibasov in 1977. This ensemble worked in the Ust-Kamenogorsk Palace of Culture of Metallurgists. Thanks to successful performances, the Saratov Philharmonic took Integral under its wing. In 1980, Yuri Loza became a member of the Spring Rhythms rock festival in Tbilisi. Yuri worked at Integral for five years. During this period, Loza became interested in composing his own songs. The musician has accumulated more than a hundred of them, but, unfortunately, they could not sing in the group. Only the song "Reserved Places" became popular performed by the ensemble "Ariel".

In 1983, Yuri Loza accidentally met the musicians of the Primus group. Alexander Bodnar (guitar) and Igor Plekhanov (keyboardist) helped Yuri to record the first album on the technical basis of Primus. But, as it turned out, the help of Primus was not disinterested. Although Yuri Loza took away a copy of the recording, a version of the recording was distributed throughout the country, where Alexander Bodnar announced: “The Primus group sings its songs for you. Yuri Loza was very dissatisfied, since he was not a member of the Primus group. The unpleasant story ended with Yuri breaking off all relations with the members of the crafty group. And then the singer came up with a version that "Primus" is not the name of the group, but translated from Latin, the album number is the first.

Yuri Loza (Photo: Anton Belitsky/Global Look Press)

Later, Yuri Loza became a member of the "Architects" group, in which Valery Syutkin and Yuri Davydov also played. In the mid-1980s, Loza's songs formed the basis of the Architects' repertoire.

famous song"The Raft" Yuri Loza wrote in 1982. But it was not included in the first album, and was recorded only in 1988. The success of the song "Raft" was incredible, it was she who brought Yuri Loza enormous popularity.

From 1990 to 1991, Yuri Eduardovich worked as an administrator at the Ryazan Philharmonic, and in 1993 Loza created his own recording studio, Yuri Loza Studio.

Singer Yury Loza and Oleg Nesterov, host of the On the Wave of My Memory program (from left to right) during the recording of a program on the Vremya digital TV channel. Channel One released a package of thematic channels "Digital TV Family", 2007 (Photo: Mikhail Fomichev / TASS)

Yuri was invited to TV shows: "White Parrot", "Enjoy Your Bath", etc. In 2009, he published the play "Culture-multur" on the Internet.

Now Yuri Loza continues musical activity. He tours with his songs in Russia and the CIS countries. But, according to connoisseurs of his work, Yuri Loza has few new compositions.

Singer Yuri Loza during a performance at holiday concert in honor of the anniversary of the all-Crimean referendum, Sevastopol, Russia, 2016 (Photo: Alexander Karpushkin / TASS)

Views and comments

Yuri Eduardovich Loza has his own opinion on current events, both political and professional. Since he has his own recording studio, Yuri has to record songs of all kinds of performers - professional singers, as well as those wishing to simply perpetuate their loved one as a keepsake. However, as Loza once told reporters in an interview, it can be difficult to compose the sounds made by a rich person who is deaf. For this you have to work hard.

In 2014, Yuri Loza commented on the situation in Ukraine, noting that his concerts were disrupted. Later, Loza was blacklisted by the Ukrainian extremist website Myrotvorets.

In the same year, Loza, apparently recalling football successes, commented on the performances of the Russian national team. Yuri Loza said he was ready to coach the Russian national team for a fifth of Fabio Capello's fee.

A friendly match between the team of Spartak veterans and the team of friends of G. Khusainov with a score of 5: 3 Vitaly Bondarchuk, Nikolai Abramov, Singer Yuri Loza (from left to right) during the game, 1997 (Photo: Igor Utkin / TASS)

In 2016, Yuri Loza shocked the public with a number of scandalous statements. In March, on the air of Zakhar Prilepin's author's program "Salt", he spoke negatively about Led groups Zeppelin and Rolling Stones: “80% of what is sung by Led Zeppelin is impossible to listen to because it is played and sung badly. At that time, everything was perceived, everything was liked. The Rolling Stones never tuned their guitar in their entire lives, Mick Jagger never hit a single note, so what can you do. Keith Richards couldn't play then, and he can't play now."

As a result, Yuri Loza received the unofficial status of "truth-reader". Russian show business”, At the same time, many laughed at Loza’s statements, many images of Yuri Eduardovich appeared on the Internet in the form of memes and parodies.

Musician Yuri Loza (Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/Global Look Press)

Later, Yuri Loza moved from the heroes of rock music to Yuri Gagarin. “You understand what it is. Gagarin was the first. Gagarin did nothing, he was lying. He is the first chief cosmonaut. The Beatles were the first to hit the right spot in right time" Loza said. This statement caused a storm of indignation among the Russian public. Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov even called Vine "an asshole and a scoundrel."

Loza himself put all the blame for the scandal on journalists. On Facebook, Yuri Loza quoted the Academy of Entertaining Sciences, which says that the astronaut lies in the rocket due to large overloads.

In 2016, Loza criticized the presentation to Bob Dylan Nobel Prize.

Musician Yuri Loza did not stay away from the scandal surrounding the participation Russian singer Yulia Samoilova in song contest Eurovision in Kyiv. “Thank God if Samoilova is not allowed to Eurovision!”, - said Loza. So in the end it happened.

Personal life of Yuri Loza

Yuri Loza is married to singer Svetlana Valentinovna Loza (Merezhkovskaya). She first performed under the pseudonym Suzanne, and later - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya. She released several records, won a prize at the All-Union Competition of Variety Artists. Svetlana Valentinovna Loza graduated from the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute in 2001. She is a poet, a member of the Writers' Union, she published a book of poems. Also, the wife of Yuri Loza writes songs and performs them (a video was released with her song "Lipa", in which the famous artist Nikas Safronov starred with her), is the editor-in-chief of her husband's texts.

Yuri and Svetlana Loza have a son, Oleg (b. 04/28/1986). Oleg Loza graduated from the Gnessin School (2001−2005), conductor and choir department. Vine's son is an opera singer, baritone. Oleg Loza also graduated from the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky and Literary Institute. Gorky. For some time, Oleg Loza worked in the modeling agency Vyacheslav Zaitsev as an assistant director (2003-2007). Now the son of Yuri Loza is doing singing career at the Zurich Opera.

Yuri Eduardovich Loza is a very famous and still beloved by many musicians. First Soviet, and later Russian author songs and music. At one time, he collaborated with such well-known groups as Integral, produced by Bari Alibasov, Primus (Yaroslav Angelyuk) or Architects.

In the eighties of the last century, he took up his own career, creating in the 93rd year a personal recording studio, which he called “Yuri Loza Studio”. He wrote such famous hits eighties, like "The Raft", "Winter" or "I Can Dream".

Height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Loza

Even fans from the eighties and nineties, who paid more attention to the artist's direct work than to himself, can still be interested in such amusing facts as height, weight, age. How old is Yuri Loza is easy to calculate.

The musician was born in 1954. Now he is already 63. Yuri is enough a tall man. His height is all 185 centimeters. And with this impressive growth, he weighs 90 kilograms. By the way, the presence of a small excess weight does not spoil his colorful appearance.

Biography and personal life of Yuri Loza

Yuri Loza was born in Sverdlovsk on February 1, 1954. The family of the future artist had no connections with the stage. Yura's mother worked as an accountant, her father was a design engineer who free time just like that, he played the motives of his favorite songs on the button accordion. But already from early childhood Yura showed a predisposition to the field of music - beautiful children's voice and subtle musical ear. When he was seven, his family moved to the village of Shelek in the Almaty region. In this village, all the childhood of the musician passed. While still in elementary school, he became a member of the school choir, and also began to independently learn to play the guitar. Much later, the singer with a nostalgic smile recalled that at his debut performance in this choir, he was worried and fainted.

AT further biography and the personal life of Yuri Loza developed successfully. His first song composition, which he learned was "Girl" by the Beatles. It is noteworthy that he sang it in the original, although he did not know the language, since he only studied German at school. Good guitar playing skills and a repertoire, which included not only rock, but also lyrics, created an excellent reputation for Yuri. After school, he became a student of the Kazakh State University, Faculty of Geography. As a student, Loza fell in love with sports, he even became the owner of the highest category as a football player. For some time, he could not even make a choice between the paths of a professional athlete and a musician, but the love of music still turned out to be stronger than the attraction to sports. Therefore, already at the end of the first year, he said goodbye to his university.

Later, Yuri became a soldier of the missile forces, he also became the leader of the soldier's orchestra there, and subsequently created a whole military ensemble. After demobilization, Yuri tried his hand at such the most common working specialties, but for the most part he performed music in restaurants or at celebrations, while studying at the school for them. Tchaikovsky in Alma-Ata. Thanks to his amateur performances, Vine gained fame in certain circles.

Very soon he became a member of the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Integral". It was then produced by Bari Alibasov. In this group, he performed for six years - 77-83 years. In the 1980s, the ensemble became a laureate of the All-Union Rock Music Festival in Tbilisi. They performed on a par with venerable stars.

Having received such recognition, the young talent decided that he was finally ready to continue his career on his own. He was never left by his own ambitions and over a hundred texts that Yuri composed, but could not release in the repertoire of the former ensemble.

Having completed his activities at Integral, Yuri moved to the capital. This period of life turned out to be the most difficult for the artist. It's not just that the Soviet rock scene was going through difficult times: former idols either fell apart, or could not perform due to all the same crises of creativity, and young performers still did not dare to fully enter the big stage. In Moscow, Loza was left without an apartment and money. The first attempt to enter GITIS was a failure. The artist lived on the remnants of earnings, which brought him "Integral", and, since permanent job was not there either, from time to time Yuri farted musical instruments.

Without a doubt, the real musical bestseller in the work of Loza was and remains the ballad "The Raft", which was written by Yuri in the 82nd year, but was presented to the audience only five years later. For the reason that colleagues in "Integral" did not appreciate this song. The ballad reached its peak of popularity in the 88th, being in the album "What is said is said." Even despite the fact that many years have passed, this composition is still considered a kind of "business card" of the musician. Although it has differences with the rest of his songs.

Family and children of Yuri Loza

Most of his life, Yuri Loza lived with one the only woman- Svetlana Merezhkovskaya, who was previously a singer and, like Yuri, performed on the Soviet stage. In 1986, Svetlana gave her husband a son, Oleg, who also showed musical inclinations throughout his childhood and eventually decided to follow in his father's footsteps, linking his life with music scene.

Yuri always speaks about his family with genuine warmth and love. The family and children of Yuri Loza were and remain significant support and support for him.

The son of Yuri Loza - Oleg Loza

Oleg was born, as mentioned above, in 1986. Now he is already 31 years old. Since childhood, having begun to show love for music, after school Oleg successfully graduated from the Gnessin College with a degree in choir conductor. And then the Moscow State Conservatory. Tchaikovsky, specializing in opera performer and vocal teacher.

The son of Yuri Loza, Oleg Loza, began his career in Zurich. He first worked at a local opera house assistant director, and currently acts as an opera performer, baritone.

Yuri Loza's wife - Svetlana Merezhkovskaya

The wife of Yuri Loza, Svetlana Merezhkovskaya, like her husband, once performed on the Soviet stage. Many knew her under the pseudonym Suzanne. Svetlana has several music records on her account, as well as an award received in the All-Union Artists Competition.

After serving in the army, he entered the Almaty ... Read all

Loza, Yuri Eduardovich - singer, poet and composer.

Born on February 1, 1954 in Sverdlovsk in a family of employees: father is a design engineer, mother is an accountant. When Yuri was seven years old, the family moved to Alma-Ata. At the age of 13 he began to play the guitar. After leaving school, Loza entered the Kazakh State University, but dropped out and joined the army.

After serving in the army, he entered the Almaty Music College. In 1975-1976 attended classes at the department of percussion instruments, did not finish his studies. Since 1977 he began to work in the ensemble "Integral". The ensemble was led by Bari Alibasov, who at that time worked as an artistic director in the Ust-Kamenogorsk House of Culture of Metallurgists. Later, the ensemble was registered with the Saratov Philharmonic. As part of the ensemble, Loza participated in the Spring Rhythms rock festival (Tbilisi, 1980), which became a landmark event in the history of Russian pop music.

In 1983, Loza moved to Moscow and applied to GITIS. Without entering the institute, he became a member of the "Architects" group, in which Valery Syutkin and Yuri Davydov also played. In the mid-80s, Loza's songs formed the basis of the repertoire of the "Architects".

Since 1987, he began his official solo career. Yuri Loza's songs became especially popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The singer's performance style can be described as a synthesis of the author's song, traditional pop music and rock music.

In 1995 Loza set up his own recording studio. Around the same time, he organized the Starko football team, which included figures domestic show business. In 2003 he graduated from the Moscow Economic Institute (MESI).

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