How to slow down before a pedestrian crossing on the mechanics. How to brake correctly on a car with different gearboxes

I advise all inexperienced drivers or fans to drive to figure out not only how to pick up speed, but also how to safely reset it. Winter is ahead with slippery roads, so I strongly recommend that you figure it out and try engine braking before it's too late. Yes, and in the summer you periodically have to use this technique, since it is effective in some situations.

It's no secret that slowing down while pressing the clutch and brake pedals is possible and safe only when you are on dry pavement, because. the vehicle is temporarily out of control. And in the case of a slippery or wet surface, this option can lead to an emergency.

Simply put, engine braking is a natural deceleration by shifting from upshift to downshift. The effectiveness of such braking depends on many factors - the condition of the road, specifications vehicle, skills and abilities of the driver.

Simply put, engine stop is a natural process of slowing down a vehicle. Is it possible to brake with the engine on a dry road? Definitely yes. And, again, I recommend using this method of braking when driving on loose soil, when the wheels do not have very good grip.

I personally use it often even if I'm driving around the city, and there is a red traffic light ahead and it makes no sense for me to accelerate or apply the brake pedal. In addition, such braking should be used to avoid skidding when cornering. So, the most common cases of slow braking are:

  1. Slippery or wet road.
  2. Loose soil.
  3. Sufficient distance to the stopping point.
  4. Turns.

As you may have noticed, there is a point about sufficient distance here. Naturally, this method of stopping has a longer braking distance, since it is more difficult for the motor to reduce the dynamics of movement. vehicle. In the city, this method should only be used occasionally, for example, when there is no one in your lane from the traffic light to the next intersection.

Pros and cons of this maneuver

If you have never braked your car in this way, then you need to find out what it means to brake the engine under normal weather conditions and the condition of the road, so as not to panic in an emergency. As I said, this method helps to avoid skidding in case of braking in ice. In this case, the wheels are not blocked by the brake pads, as is the case with normal braking. The control system is not blocked, and the machine becomes more stable.

Decrease in speed occurs quite smoothly. But it is always worth considering that with this method the braking distance is much longer. It is difficult to say unequivocally whether it is harmful to brake the engine. We can say that a definite plus is safety. And the minus is the duration and smoothness. Those. deceleration by the engine will by no means be an emergency, and this must be taken into account.

Another important nuance- when you decided to carry out such a maneuver about your intentions is unknown to anyone except you. If the brake lights at the rear of the machine turn on when the brake pedal is pressed, this does not happen when the engine is braking. So, there is a possibility of an accident. Many say that this method allegedly increases the wear of the transmission and motor. It's really not that scary. After all, this method is not often used to damage a vehicle. The main thing is more practice and the ability to foresee the situation in which it is appropriate to apply a similar method of reducing speed.

Slow mechanical braking

My first car was simple. It had a 5 gear manual transmission. I learned how to brake the engine on the mechanics from my friend, who purely by chance got behind the wheel. In short, the scheme of movements should be like this:

  1. Release the gas pedal.
  2. Depress the clutch pedal.
  3. Disengage overdrive.
  4. Engage low gear.
  5. Release the clutch pedal and reduce the speed gradually.

Don't be in a hurry to quickly switch from increased speed to reduced. If now your tachometer is 2000 rpm, then, turning on the reduced speed, the engine will scream and this is really bad. Perfect option switching - 1200 - 1500 rpm. As soon as we shift to a lower gear, the tachometer needle will increase to 2 thousand revolutions, and this is already a more normal option. In general, you need to train. A lot also depends on the size of the engine.

This is more than a detailed sequence of movements. None negative impact it does not affect the car. Once again, I advise you to try this method on a dry and well-known road. It is very important to understand the stopping distance of the car and in general its behavior in this way. By the way, sometimes you can apply slight short presses on the brake pedal. Such movements imitate the actions of ABS and also helped me out more than once on slippery roads at short distances to the stop line.

What about automatic transmission?

A little later, I bought myself a car with automatic transmission. For a long time I could not understand how you can slow down the engine on the machine. We can say that the situation here is more complicated, but it is also possible. The automatic transmission does not respond to braking as well as the mechanics, and you have to use the service brake more often. It matters how old your machine is. On older versions there are restrictions on switching speeds. In newer versions, ideally use semi-automatic mode, this will allow you to slow down naturally and shift to a lower gear. You must understand that only a decrease in speed will allow you to switch to a lower gear. Otherwise, don't do it.

In order to get used to the machine and understand how to use this method on it, it takes more time and skill. I did not immediately manage to figure out at what speed I can start to slow down in order to avoid unnecessary skidding. But over time, the skill came and I realized that for the machine it is extremely important not to press the gas pedal at all when trying to slow down the engine speed.

As a result, I can say that it is not very difficult to figure out how to properly brake the engine in a slippery situation. It is necessary to remember the scheme of switching from high to low gear, in no case do not squeeze the brake sharply and keep in mind the long stopping distance of the car. And one more nuance - no matter how much you want to stop abruptly, it is strictly forbidden to switch immediately to first gear, because skidding is simply guaranteed. Plus, such a jump will be harmful for the engine. I mean shifting from 3rd gear to 1st or 4th to 2nd gear at high rpms.

Who doesn't love fast driving? Oh, and it's great to rush in your car with the breeze! But every acceleration sooner or later is followed by braking. Therefore, it is better to know how to do it correctly after such a rapid start. And, of course, it's better to practice before you "shoot" on the freeway.

Features of braking on manual transmission

The braking process on a vehicle equipped with mechanical box transmission is subject to a number of features. Take, for example, the presence of a clutch, the pedal of which will also need to be pressed. Here are some basic rules for proper braking on the "handle":

1. Release the gas completely.

2. Depress the clutch with your left foot.

3. Apply the brake with the right.

4. Move the gearshift lever to the neutral position.

When decelerating the car, you need to depress the clutch if you need to slow down a lot and switch the box to a lower gear. On icy or snowy road surfaces, it is better to brake intermittently or by stepwise braking. In the event of an emergency, it is necessary to use the engine and transmission additionally. We will discuss these methods next.

Emergency braking basics

This type of braking is used if an emergency occurs. It is clear that now we are talking about a sharp pressing on the brake pedal. But even such a simple, at first glance, action has a number of its fundamental rules. Everyone who even just got the rights must know them. Here are the rules for emergency braking on a car:

● If the brake pedal is pressed hard or pressed longer than usual, do not turn the steering wheel too hard, as this may cause the machine to skid and roll over.

● Do not lean forward with your whole torso, try to keep your shoulders and shoulder blades pressed against the back of the driver's seat. This way you will better feel the position of the car relative to the roadway, and you will protect yourself in the event of a possible collision.

● Do not depress the clutch when emergency braking on a manual transmission. The machine will further reduce the speed of movement due to a decrease in the speed of the power unit.

The basics of safe skiing on ice and wet roads

Modern cars are mainly equipped with ABS, but the principle of safe braking has not changed much from this. There are also motorists who deliberately turn off the ABS. These are, as a rule, those who have rolled their experience on Russian classics. Beginners, in turn, categorically should not do this. And if someone wants to prove something to himself or others, then this game is absolutely not worth the candle. There are several basic principles for proper braking by a car in icy or wet pavement. Let's take a look at each of them.

Engine and gearbox braking

In this case, the vehicle slows down as a result of reducing engine power and shifting the gearshift lever to a lower gear. As a result, a systematically decreasing torque is applied to the drive wheels, and they will no longer pick up their speed of rotation.

Engine braking with mechanics is somewhat different from similar braking with an automatic. When slowing down a car with a manual transmission, the driver has to switch gears directly, and with an automatic one, the electronic filling is responsible for this.

Depending on the model of the car, the speed of switching steps automatically may vary. Therefore, if your car is equipped with a box with several modes of operation, then when braking with the engine, it is better to use a manual one. To learn how to effectively brake the power unit and gearbox, you must do the following:

1) Reset the engine speed with the gas pedal.

2) Squeeze the clutch for a manual or manual mode of the machine.

3) Set the position of the gear lever to the next low gear.

4) Release the clutch and press the accelerator with your right foot.

If necessary, this pattern is repeated until the very first transmission. Such braking is well suited for slowing down a vehicle on a straight leg or downhill.

In this case, only the steering wheel and is used. Pressing the brake is done with sharp jerks. Because of this, the wheels simply do not have time to completely stop. It should only be understood that this method is available only with a certain driving experience. You need to press the brake pedal until the wheels completely stop. So you protect your car from skidding. You need to steer when the brake pedal is not engaged. Due to the alternation of sharp pressing and releasing the brake pedal, the pads do not stop the wheels completely, and the tires do not begin to slide on the road. Thus, intermittent braking of the car occurs. To understand how to use this method correctly in practice, you should study the procedure for intermittent braking:

1. Release the gas pedal.

2. Press the brake sharply.

3. Hold for a few seconds.

4. Let go.

The most important thing is to press and release the brake pedal sharply. This must be done with a certain frequency of movements. So that car tires do not go into a skid. The effectiveness of emergency braking depends not only on the driving skill of the car owner, but also on which seasonal tires are installed. Various all-season tire options are most suitable for all seasons except winter. In winter, it is better to shoe the car in studded or friction options, their tread is better suited for braking on icy sections of the road.

Step braking

This type of emergency braking is in many ways similar to the previous version. The driver also releases the gas by periodically pressing the brake pedal. But the difference from the previous method of braking in a stepped one is to keep the brake pedal slightly depressed and alternate with a sharp press. The pedal is not fully released throughout the entire process. In this way, the degree of clamping of the wheel drum by the brake shoe (shoe) alternates. This method is very similar to the principle of operation of the anti-lock braking system.

ABS and braking

This system has already penetrated tightly into the modern automotive industry. To stop a car equipped with an anti-lock braking system, you just need to hold down the brake pedal, and the system itself will distribute the necessary force to all the wheels of the car. In models of cars with a manual transmission, in order to slow them down, you should simultaneously depress the clutch while depressing the brake pedal so as not to brake the engine as well.

Braking with the participation of the power unit occurs due to a decrease in the torque transmitted to the drive wheels. When the ABS is activated, a characteristic crunch is heard, and the driver's foot feels a certain vibration from the brake pedal.

Remember that braking with ABS on corners is inefficient and quite dangerous. The system just can't handle redistribution heavy loads between the wheels, causing the vehicle to skid or roll over. When braking with ABS on uneven or non-uniform road surfaces, be aware of the reduced efficiency factor. This is displayed in a greatly increased braking distance.

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How to brake properly in a car? This question torments many novice drivers. Indeed, in driving a car, it is important not only but, but to brake correctly. So we are watching our fifth auto video lesson ...

First, let's define what braking is. I conditionally divided it into three types:

1) Normal

2) Extreme

3) Engine braking

Let's take a look at the topic first:

Normal braking

Every day we move in the stream of cars and each of us, drivers, makes more than a dozen braking. This is a very important process of any driving, so you need to learn how to do it correctly. Personally, I usually do this

When in the distance I saw a traffic light, for example, or a turn, I turn off the gear and roll in neutral, keeping my foot only on the brake pedal.

In this way, you can achieve a very smooth stop of the car.

To make it clearer, watch it all in the video.

Let's now analyze extreme braking, in our topic:

Extreme braking

It is mainly used in critical cases, for example, a child or a pedestrian ran out onto the road (maybe an animal - cats and dogs often run out surreptitiously) or the car in front suddenly stood up,

There is nothing complicated here, only your reaction is needed. It is necessary to strongly squeeze out the clutch and brake pedal, at the same time as much as there is enough strength. The car should stop abruptly, then turn off the gear. I want to add that sometimes cars stop abruptly or just extreme, so you (especially novice drivers) should be very careful while driving.

Video version

And last way stops, in our article:

We have it separately, it sounds like this: -

How to slow down? Or how to properly brake the engine?

I must say that this method is gradually dying, because now almost all cars with ABS system. But also quite a lot without this system. So let's look at this example. Engine braking is mainly used in winter, when the asphalt surface has a low coefficient of adhesion (simply covered with ice). Then if you sharply apply the brakes, your car will simply skid or skid. To avoid this, do the following.

I'll give you a complete example.

Accelerating (1,2,3,4)

My speed is decent, about 60 km/h

To slow down the engine - I switch from fourth to third, the speed increases - then you can go to the second (engine speed will also increase), but the movement will slow down sharply.

But you can slow down and more sharply - for example, from fourth it will switch to second gear. This will immediately cause the car to drop speed sharply. True, the revolutions will be blown out on high level— The engine will just "yell"!

After slowing down, you can completely stop the car with the brake pedal.

And of course the video version

That's all. We have analyzed the three basic principles of stopping, I hope my lessons help you in mastering driving a car, write your comments, it will be interesting to listen to you.

Braking is a process aimed at reducing the speed of a vehicle until it comes to a complete stop. Braking is an extremely important and at the same time rather difficult element of driving a car from the point of view of developing skills. The ability to competently and effectively brake is one of the conditions for ensuring safety when driving a car.

Every car has a braking system. The driver must remember that in the event of a malfunction of the brake system, operation, as well as further movement of the vehicle, is strictly prohibited, since this is fraught with catastrophic consequences.

Specialists distinguish two main types of braking: emergency braking and service braking. Emergency braking is also called "abnormal", and service - "regular".

Emergency braking is the most intense and is used when a complex and unforeseen traffic situation arises: to prevent a collision with a pedestrian, a collision with another vehicle or other suddenly appeared obstacle, etc. In many cases, accidents can be avoided with the help of emergency braking. That is why it is called “abnormal”: the driver does not intend to slow down or stop, but is forced to do this as quickly as possible to prevent an accident.

When performing emergency braking, you should never turn the steering wheel, since in the vast majority of cases this leads to the car spinning around its axis. You will not be able to change the trajectory of movement using this technique, as many mistakenly believe. Also, when performing emergency braking, try to maintain your normal driving position, do not lean forward (one of the most common mistakes made by drivers), but sit straight, leaning against the back of the seat so that you can feel it with your shoulder blades. This will allow you to "feel" your car, which is very important in a situation like this.

Another common and dangerous mistake, which is peculiar primarily to beginners, is disengaging the clutch when emergency braking. In no case should this be done, since the vehicle becomes completely uncontrollable.

Service braking is used to stop the vehicle at a predetermined place or to reduce the speed of movement where necessary. That is why service braking is called “regular”: you brake in normal operating mode, and the reason for braking is not a quick and unforeseen occurrence of a dangerous situation, but regular driving conditions.

In addition, there are currently four common braking methods.

  1. Most often, drivers use smooth braking. When driving on a dry surface, the driver gently presses the brake pedal, gradually slowing down the speed of the vehicle, and when driving on a slippery road, preventing the wheels from completely locking (as this can cause skidding). With smooth braking, the components and assemblies of the car are subjected to the least stress, which helps to prevent their premature wear and, as a result, increase the service life.
  2. Drivers use sudden braking to reduce the speed of the vehicle as much as possible until it comes to a complete stop. This method is often used for emergency braking. Essence hard braking is that the driver for a short period of time applies a significant effort to the brake pedal. At the same time, one should not forget that a braked, and at the same time, non-slip wheel perceives a greater braking force than when driving "skid", since in the latter case the coefficient of adhesion is significantly reduced.

ATTENTION Please note that the use of heavy braking to bring the vehicle to a complete stop in a difficult traffic situation may cause an accident. This often happens due to an increase in the stopping distance of the car due to the movement of the "skid" of the locked wheels, as well as due to the skidding of the car. Therefore, if the wheels are blocked, the pressure on the brake pedal should be reduced.

Many, not only novice, but even experienced drivers, when danger suddenly appears, instinctively press the brake pedal sharply and strongly - a dangerous and common mistake, since the first result of such actions is a complete or partial loss of control and stability of the vehicle. Often in such a situation, a person, due to the feeling of fear that has gripped him, falls into a stupor, and the only thing he is able to do is to press the brake pedal even harder, thereby only aggravating an already difficult and dangerous situation. The wheels of the car are completely blocked, and it continues to move in a straight line, eventually running into an obstacle or colliding with another vehicle if there is not enough stopping distance.

Therefore, in such situations, it is important not to lose control of yourself. Most effective way braking will be stepped or intermittent braking.

  1. The essence of stepped braking is as follows: the driver of the car makes a significant effort on the brake pedal, up to a short-term blocking of the wheels, but immediately after the onset of blocking, without stopping braking, slightly reduces the pressure on the brake pedal, after which it again increases it - again until the wheels are temporarily blocked etc. In this case, each release stage should be used to correct the stability of the vehicle in order to prevent it from skidding.
  2. The difference between intermittent braking and stepped braking is that repeated pressing the brake pedal (again - until the wheels lock briefly) alternates with a complete cessation of braking (and not with a decrease in pressure on the brake pedal). The complete cessation of pressure on the brake pedal reduces the braking efficiency, and to reduce the braking distance, it is necessary to cyclically move the brake pedal relative to its position, which leads to blocking of the wheels (by the way, they work according to a similar principle anti-lock systems abbreviated as ABS). As soon as the wheels are locked, the driver immediately stops working on the brake pedal, but at the same time does not lose contact with it.

NOTE You can feel the moment when the wheels of the vehicle are blocked by the following signs: firstly, the car stops slowing down even with an increase in braking force; secondly, there is a feeling of lateral withdrawal of the car; thirdly, the sounds of sliding wheel rubber are heard (a characteristic screech).

Intermittent braking is advisable to use on bumpy and uneven roads, on sections of roads with different road surface conditions (for example, ice gives way to asphalt, then asphalt to snow), on slippery roads, etc. However, this method of braking requires a certain level of professionalism and skill from the driver due to complexity of execution, so it can be recommended only to experienced motorists.

To assess the condition of the road surface, in particular its slipperiness, the first press on the brake pedal should be sharp and short. But keep in mind that with a strong braking effect, the occurrence of “yaw” of the car is not excluded, the cause of which is usually the unevenness of the road surface and the different reaction of the brake mechanisms of each wheel. Ultimately, this is fraught with skidding. That is why when you stop pressing the brake pedal, that is, when the wheels rotate freely, you must have time to correct the position of the car on the roadway using the steering wheel. All subsequent efforts applied to the brake pedal, you can increase both the duration of the impact and the strength (of course, both should be within reason) - the lower the speed, the later the complete blocking of the wheels occurs.

The vast majority of modern cars use ABS in the braking system. Thanks to it, you can perform intermittent braking without completely locking the wheels, even when you press the brake pedal hard and sharply. ABS can significantly reduce tire wear, as well as significantly increase the lateral stability of the vehicle. In addition, you can change the trajectory of the car using the steering wheel even when the brake pedal is depressed.

Separately, consider engine braking. characteristic feature this method is that you can use it at all without using the car's brake system, or use it only auxiliaryly. This method can be used when you only need to reduce the speed of the car. For a complete stop, you still have to use braking system(although you can keep your speed to a minimum by using engine braking).

The essence of this method is the transition from high to low gears. But even if you just let go of the "gas" pedal in the same gear, the speed of the car will decrease immediately, because the engine will go to idle very quickly. Then you can shift to a lower gear, and after releasing the clutch pedal, you can not press the “gas” pedal at all to enhance the effect.

During engine braking, the torque is transferred to the vehicle's drive wheels with a deceleration effect, so they reduce the rotation speed and slow down the movement of the car. The appearance of this effect on the driving wheels of the vehicle leads to a temporary redistribution of the mass of the vehicle: the main load falls on the front axle, as a result of which the traction force of the steered wheels with the road surface reaches its maximum value.

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